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Hey guys,
I am planning a 7-day trip, from January 1st to January 8th, and was thinking about hitting Dubai.

First of all: I am an 25 yo Italian guy, quite good looking (typical mediterranean looks) and well-educated.
My English is good. Besides that, I can speak some broken Russian.
I will be travelling SOLO.
I have already travelled to numerous Eastern-European countries (Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia), amost all Western-European ones, USA (last trip to NYC and Vegas), etc.
Purpose of my trip will be visiting a new, fascinating country, chilling and picking up tourists [Image: wink.gif]
After going through the threads on here, I have come up with a brief list of pros and cons.

- the weather will be amazing, with temperatures hovering between +15 and +25C. Good for tanning, too;
- day-trips to the desert, plus a few exotic spots/venues;
- amazingly new architecture (I love skyscrapers and modern cities);
- loads of huge malls and fun activities;
- it's a meltin pot: I have read that more than 80% of the people are foreigners.

- bloody expensive (though not more than Vegas, I suppose);
- it's an Islamic country. All forms of PDAs are forbidden (even holding hands in public?!);
- alcohol is way too expensive;
- really bad ratio in bars/clubs (80/20?!).

As for the girls, I would avoid - for obvious reasons - the Arabic ones and stick to the loads of tourists.
I am quite concerned, however, as to the possibility of running night game like I would usually do in other Western countries (of course without make-outs in public). Any thoughts?

I have also heard that online dating works well there. Should this be the case, I could pipeline one week before going there (I have always had success on Tinder, so far [Image: banana.gif]). Any experience?

As for the accommodation, I would get a studio on my own (Airbnb). I hope there wouldn't be any problems in inviting some girl over (like there might be if I book a hotel room).

I would appreaciate all kinds of advice.
Thank you!


This thread can only end well.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.


I have been to Dubai 2x in the last year and I fucking hate the place. Every time I go, I swear it will be my last.

Sure, there's lots of palatial locations, and a few restaurants with incredible views, but beyond that the place is fucking boring and offers nothing that you can't get in Singapore or Bangkok. I can't imagine a place less interesting to a single guy - all of the women are covered up and any normal person will feel poor there.

Sure, there are a few beaches and nightclubs, but from what I saw, pretty much the only dimepieces in the place were at tables with Emiratis and other Arabsthat were dropping tens of thousands of dollars. The PDA laws are enough to keep things a little weird even in the places where that's not supposed to be a problem. (A lot of Emiratis and other Arabs for some reason seem to be in denial about this.)

The other thing that's incredibly annoying about Dubai is how really third world the place is despite the massive wealth. Once you leave the hotels and shopping malls for any reason, you really start to appreciate how incredibly fucking stupid and lazy the majority of the Emiratis are. (Despite having completely free education and massive wealth, the average IQ of the UAE is 85.) Until fairly recently, any Emirati pretty much was guaranteed employment making a very decent living (I think almost all civil service jobs start at $110k a year) and the consequences for screwing around at your job are non-existent. I pretty much always arrange for VIP immigration there because the normal waits are insanely long because the majority of the staff will just be hanging out and chatting instead of actually working.

You have to do business there a bit to truly appreciate how the veneer of order is only provided by the tireless efforts of foreign workers that run the place in spite of the locals. The service sucks compared to places like Vegas, Singapore, Bangkok. The hotels are pretty well run, but almost all other businesses seem to have very unhappy Filipinos, Yemenis, Jordanians, Thais and Indians who seem robotic and disengaged. (Maybe because many are basically indentured servants there.)

Unfortunately, only Emiratis are allowed to hold management positions in many sectors, so a trip to any government office, mobile phone shop, etc is a terribly frustrating affair as everything is incredibly disorganized - to the point of paralysis. There will be things like take a number lines that nobody actually respects or seemingly understands - you'll just need to assert yourself and demand service. (But don't do it too rudely, as if you get into a dispute with an Emirati - you will simply be ejected from the country.)

Honestly, the only reason to visit Dubai is because you're connecting through there when you're traveling between Europe and Asia. The other reason to go is because it will eventually collapse and you want to see if before it does. The whole region is starting to show the consequences of cheap oil, and the massive amounts of personal debt and corruption will soon come home to roost now that the UAE doesn't have endless petrodollars to paper over their flaws.

Go to Bangkok dude.


Dubai is very easy to game in. There are 20,000 odd Emirates cabin crew girls alone bouncing around the city, who're very easy pickings, nevermind other tourists or expats. I don't know where you were going Lance Blastoff that "all of the women are covered up" but in any expat pub or club the girls are going to be in high heels and dresses.

@julertop the PDA thing isn't really an issue, you'll often see couples kissing drunkenly in pubs/clubs. Just don't go having sex in any taxis... The ratios are fairly bad (maybe not as bad as 80/20, but I'd say 70/30 anyway) but bear in mind a huge majority of the men there are expats who're in awful shape. All they do is work 60 hours+ a week, drink excessively, and eat out. If you're young and fit you'll stand out a mile.

It is super expensive (approx 10eur a beer) and rather soulless though. Those concerns are valid. Still, going skiing in the mall, going to the top of the Burj Khalifa, going on a desert trip, going to the beach etc all add up to about 5 days or so worth of worthwhile daytime touristing. I'd definitely recommend it as somewhere worth visiting once in your life at least. Especially in January when there aren't many other places a medium-haul flight away from Europe that have both good weather and good nightlife.


Many thanks for the input, guys.

To be completely honest I had also checked other options in Asia (Bangkok, Hong Kong, etc.): they are all interesting, but too far away for a 7-day trip... I was thinking of sticking to a medium-haul flight - and avoid devastating jet lag.

From what I have read so far (soullessness, expensiveness, luxury, heat, etc.) Dubai kind of reminds me of Las Vegas.

@zatara: Any experience with Tinder game there? And any specific location you would recommend for renting a Studio? I've heard that the "strip" is quite long (20km or something).


Do you really consider temperatures of 15-25 to be amazing, are you Canadian?


Quote: (09-14-2016 11:46 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Do you really consider temperatures of 15-25 to be amazing, are you Canadian?
Lol it would be like springtime: perfect weather for a break from the humid Italian winter.
And for sure amazing temperatures by Dubai standards


This thread might be of interest to you.
It'll open your eyes and make your trip to Dubai that much more enjoyable.


Quote: (09-14-2016 11:40 AM)julertop Wrote:  

Many thanks for the input, guys.

To be completely honest I had also checked other options in Asia (Bangkok, Hong Kong, etc.): they are all interesting, but too far away for a 7-day trip... I was thinking of sticking to a medium-haul flight - and avoid devastating jet lag.

From what I have read so far (soullessness, expensiveness, luxury, heat, etc.) Dubai kind of reminds me of Las Vegas.

@zatara: Any experience with Tinder game there? And any specific location you would recommend for renting a Studio? I've heard that the "strip" is quite long (20km or something).

Other than a fair amount of excess, and the desert, the two have not much in common.

Las Vegas is much cheaper, and the women are much hotter, sluttier and wearing a lot less clothes. The atmosphere is much more permissive and fun. The ratios are also much better, depending on the time of year.

What about Miami?


Quote: (09-14-2016 11:40 AM)julertop Wrote:  

Many thanks for the input, guys.

To be completely honest I had also checked other options in Asia (Bangkok, Hong Kong, etc.): they are all interesting, but too far away for a 7-day trip... I was thinking of sticking to a medium-haul flight - and avoid devastating jet lag.

From what I have read so far (soullessness, expensiveness, luxury, heat, etc.) Dubai kind of reminds me of Las Vegas.

@zatara: Any experience with Tinder game there? And any specific location you would recommend for renting a Studio? I've heard that the "strip" is quite long (20km or something).


I made a map in that post that covers location a bit. Its a spread out main strip but taxis are very cheap and everywhere so its not too much of a problem as a tourist.

Tinder is full of prostitutes in DXB, and it'll be harder for you to stand out from the mass of thirsty dudes on it when matching with any normal girls. I think your best bet will be the expat bars (McGettigans, Doubledecker etc) where your style/youth/not being fat will fairly quickly visually differentiate you from the resident expats. On Tinder people tend to use old photos, flattering photos etc, so you won't stand out as much.

Dubai has got quite a different nightlife vibe to Vegas because of the resident expat dominated social scene. Its mostly an older, more settled scene than the weekend tourist dominated Vegas scene in my experience. Though obviously still rather transient compared to any normal city.

Vegas is definitely better for partying, but its also not a 5 hour direct flight from Europe. And won't have pool parties in January, which to me is the major party differentiator.

I think for a 7 day trip in January you'll enjoy Dubai, if only for the convenience. A direct 5hour flight from Europe is going to be pretty hard to beat for somewhere warm that you can party.

@scotian 15-25C is heaven for Dubai, you can actually be outdoors and find it pleasant. 40-50C for days on end at summer time is common (and awful). I'd take 20C over 40C any day of the week!


I'd go to Thailand and spend the difference on Business Class flights.

Flying from UK-Thailand-UK on Emirates BC makes the journey feel like 5 minutes long.


Lance Blastoff knows what he's talking about... Dubai sucks and it'll be a relief when it finally (hopefully soon) fades into the sand where it belongs. Everything is a thin layer of glitz and glamor over quasi-slave labor and terrible infrastructure. The locals that I've dealt with are the worst too - people who won the geological lottery but feel entitled to the wealth and that they somehow "earned" it. I was at a business dinner with an Emirati and he slapped one of the Pakistani waiters in the face for the food not coming out quickly enough for his liking... wtf is that?


7 days is enough to cover Dubai, check out Abu Dhabi and Hatta. Lots of good info in this thread and the other one. If you aim to expat, the smart ones aim to bankroll cash for a few years while using it as a hub for travel and contacts before they bounce.

As someone who's spent 2 decades there; gaming isn't hard whether it's daytime or night time. The thirst is real; guys won't actively cock-block but some will stare awestruck. Most women are open to it but you will have a reality check in terms of where you stand in the world.

While PDA is difficult (As it is in most Islamic countries); things were more permissive back in the day. There were areas with streetwalkers and the hotel zones were chill. You just had to learn discretion.

The Brits ruined many things in the 90's; they came thinking it was SE Asia. The got drunk like they do at stag/hen parties and went overboard with uncivil behavior.

The country didn't tolerate their bullshit so they played the victim back home for their 15 seconds of fame. You see more countries wising up; from the Caribbean and feminists to other examples on this forum.


Quote: (09-14-2016 03:35 PM)booshala Wrote:  

Lance Blastoff knows what he's talking about... Dubai sucks and it'll be a relief when it finally (hopefully soon) fades into the sand where it belongs. Everything is a thin layer of glitz and glamor over quasi-slave labor and terrible infrastructure. The locals that I've dealt with are the worst too - people who won the geological lottery but feel entitled to the wealth and that they somehow "earned" it. I was at a business dinner with an Emirati and he slapped one of the Pakistani waiters in the face for the food not coming out quickly enough for his liking... wtf is that?

I echo these sentiments.

If you want sun and tourists/girls, maybe do one more connection and go to Goa? Maldives?


Thank you again, guys, for the pieces of advice (keep them coming)!

I am still double-checking skyscanner and evaluating other options. I will take a decision in a few days.
I haven't ruled out SEA yet. The thing is: I am not sure 6 nights there would be enough to actually enjoy the experience, after such a long flight.
(There are no affordable flights to Goa/Maldives. And Miami is sure a cool city, but I have just been to the States and would like to go somewhere else).

The interesting options available (max 1 connection) are:
- Dubai
- Bangkok
- Hong Kong
- Shanghai
- Beijing
- Ho Chi Minh
- Singapore
- Manila.

Flights to SEA are surely more expensive, but I would save a lot on accommodation/food/clubs/dates in cities like Bangkok.
Though on the other hand I feel like Dubai is a city that I have to visit at least once in my lifetime.

Awww these first world problems [Image: biggrin.gif]


Beijing and Shanghai of those are going to be cold in January. Beijing is a bit of a pollution filled shithole, Shanghai is fun though and definitely worth visiting. But possibly at a different time of year if you want warmer weather.

Hong Kong is spectacular, but won't be much cheaper than Dubai nightlife wise. Singapore is also cool but pricey - but less intense nightlife than HK. Both definitely worth visiting at some stage if you haven't yet and they interest you.

Bangkok is good fun and cheap, but a lot harder to find non-backpacker quality level white girls in than Dubai (or either HK or Singapore)- so depends what you're looking for game-wise. And is a fair bit grimier than HK/Singapore/Dubai.

The Maldives is pretty much entirely couples, and no nightlife...its an odd suggestion. Goa you can be lucky and get Russians, but its also quite coupley and very hippy-ish. If you can speak passable Russian it might be worth the gamble but otherwise I'd skip it

I haven't done Manila or HCM so can't speak to them really. The Philippines has a great rep on here though, but seems to more of a place to go when you're older and can't game younger girls in other countries.

I feel like I'm defending Dubai a bit here but I'm sort of surprised by all the negative posts on it. I love the warm winter weather, the closeness to Europe, the easiness of banging cabin crew girls from all over the world.. I mean I wouldn't live there, but its definitely a fun place to visit. I usually stop over for a few nights every time I fly to Asia.

In saying that, if you time your flights well you'll only need to write off one night with jetlag going long-haul, so you'd still get 5 nights somewhere. Which is enough time for a quick city-break to any of the above really. Just depends on how much discomfort flying long-haul you're willing to put up with.


Quote: (09-15-2016 07:26 AM)zatara Wrote:  

Beijing and Shanghai of those are going to be cold in January. Beijing is a bit of a pollution filled shithole, Shanghai is fun though and definitely worth visiting. But possibly at a different time of year if you want warmer weather.

Hong Kong is spectacular, but won't be much cheaper than Dubai nightlife wise. Singapore is also cool but pricey - but less intense nightlife than HK. Both definitely worth visiting at some stage if you haven't yet and they interest you.

Bangkok is good fun and cheap, but a lot harder to find non-backpacker quality level white girls in than Dubai (or either HK or Singapore)- so depends what you're looking for game-wise. And is a fair bit grimier than HK/Singapore/Dubai.

The Maldives is pretty much entirely couples, and no nightlife...its an odd suggestion. Goa you can be lucky and get Russians, but its also quite coupley and very hippy-ish. If you can speak passable Russian it might be worth the gamble but otherwise I'd skip it

I haven't done Manila or HCM so can't speak to them really. The Philippines has a great rep on here though, but seems to more of a place to go when you're older and can't game younger girls in other countries.

I feel like I'm defending Dubai a bit here but I'm sort of surprised by all the negative posts on it. I love the warm winter weather, the closeness to Europe, the easiness of banging cabin crew girls from all over the world.. I mean I wouldn't live there, but its definitely a fun place to visit. I usually stop over for a few nights every time I fly to Asia.

In saying that, if you time your flights well you'll only need to write off one night with jetlag going long-haul, so you'd still get 5 nights somewhere. Which is enough time for a quick city-break to any of the above really. Just depends on how much discomfort flying long-haul you're willing to put up with.

That's some useful content. Always interesting to read posts like yours. Keep it up, man!

So... I have booked my trip to Dubai. Couldn't miss a return flight for only € 295 [Image: banana.gif]
I have also found a cool (and cheap!) studio close to JLT metro Station. Waiting for the Airbnb host to reply.

To all the guys who live/will be in Dubai from January 1st to 7th: feel free to hit me up.


Quote: (09-15-2016 10:55 AM)julertop Wrote:  

That's some useful content. Always interesting to read posts like yours. Keep it up, man!

So... I have booked my trip to Dubai. Couldn't miss a return flight for only € 295 [Image: banana.gif]
I have also found a cool (and cheap!) studio close to JLT metro Station. Waiting for the Airbnb host to reply.

To all the guys who live/will be in Dubai from January 1st to 7th: feel free to hit me up.

For what it's worth, my UK friend banged an Irish chick at the hostel in Dubai. Seems like it's worth it to hit up that spot, befriend the mixed sets over some beers, and charm the ladies w/ your italian thing

The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
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BTC: 1MoAetVtsmM48mkRx66Z9gYkBZGzqepGb5


OP, I'll be in Dubai around that timeframe, on a long layover. Hopefully this thread is bumped by the last week of December, I'll be a wing if you need one there.


Quote: (09-17-2016 01:13 AM)bumborass Wrote:  

OP, I'll be in Dubai around that timeframe, on a long layover. Hopefully this thread is bumped by the last week of December, I'll be a wing if you need one there.

Sure, that would be cool. I've just sent you a PM.


Dubai resident here. However I will be travelling during the last week of DEC till the first week of JAN to Indonesia. Feel free to PM me closer to your travel date. I can get you on the GL of 2-3 clubs I usually party at.


Quote: (09-21-2016 02:52 AM)nabz Wrote:  

Dubai resident here. However I will be travelling during the last week of DEC till the first week of JAN to Indonesia. Feel free to PM me closer to your travel date. I can get you on the GL of 2-3 clubs I usually party at.

Sounds Awesome! I will pm you in December.


Hey Nabz,
I tried to send you a PM.
Which are your favorite clubs in Dubai?
I will be staying in the Barsha Heights area.
Many thanks.


I recommend the lebanese operated clubs:

White dubai, iris lounge, people, toyroom etc...

And the beach clubs: Nassimi, blue marlin etc...

Do approach single arab looking girls as they may well be lebanese there and those dont have the issues that local emirati ones have.

Disclaimer: its been a while for me, no interest in going back for a visit but thats where most of people i know hang out at.


Quote: (12-18-2016 08:36 AM)Beirut Wrote:  

I recommend the lebanese operated clubs:

White dubai, iris lounge, people, toyroom etc...

And the beach clubs: Nassimi, blue marlin etc...

Do approach single arab looking girls as they may well be lebanese there and those dont have the issues that local emirati ones have.

Disclaimer: its been a while for me, no interest in going back for a visit but thats where most of people i know hang out at.

I pretty much feel the same about Dubai. I hated the way the locals treated people working there.

I was with a Ukrainian girl I was banging last year but I rarely saw couples holding hands in public.
I have no desire to go back... way better places to see and explore.

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