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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-05-2017 01:02 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

random thoughts;

I don't buy this notion that rich guys are mostly beta's. Most wealthy men worked their way up from nothing, and have some of the thickest game imaginable, to get them where they are in life. And thats anyone making six figures or above. The sons of immigrants, or from humble beginnings, coming up from no money, no family or no support at home. Most of these guys could get rich again if they became broke. Choosing wrong most likely comes from hubris, an oversized ego, laziness, caring about appearances, or from generally not giving a fuck.

Hank - Thanks for sharing. I wouldn't sweat it. Fuck her.

I've played both sides of this debate. When I grew up, my friends and I ran "pimp" game. We grew up in a place(the hood), where this was big, and read a lot of Iceberg Slim, Donald Goines, etc. We had a crew of girls that bought us everything, drove us everywhere, we stayed at and partied at their houses, ate their food. The girls took care of us. I'm still friends with a lot of them. And that was my approach to women until I got married. I didnt spend anything. I was totally discrete and "mysterious" about who I was, never talked about myself, never went to my place, never disclosed my whereabouts, etc etc. That was the 90's and 2000's.

This is how I approached women, and my approach in general. It worked every time. I have steadily had a GF/LTR/Wife for the last 25 years. Except for one 6 month dry spell.

Being an older guy changes it. You want to show off. You want to get lazy, spending money is the lazy approach. In my opinion its more about who you know, than what you spend. Access at these parties/events/clubs for me is about seeing friends, etc, than dropping money just to go out for fun. I can turn women off easily by talking about myself. It's lazy and somewhere deep down, its your ego talking. Over time the women become bitchy, demanding, shit testing and fat.

In my last LTR, when it went south, I started spending. This was like throwing gasoline on it. Multiple trips, fancy dinners, gifts, flowers, etc. This happened last year. After all of my knowledge with game, this is what I defaulted to, to save it. It was lazy. And driven by my ego. It started off just with what I explained above; total mystery about who I was, didn't go to my place in 4 months of regularly banging, didn't tell her anything about me at all. Then when it went south, I opened up my mouth, and my wallet, and it went to shit.

Long story; all women want the mystery and the intrigue. Spending money and presenting yourself how your ego wants to be seen, absolutely kills that. And by killing her intrigue, you kill her attraction. I dont care how much money you have. From experience you can date 8's without spending money, but with game and a little mystery. I'd love to hear a story about or a blog post about a rich guy that doesn't need to spend a dime on a woman. To me thats aspirational, not obvious.

I agree, this notion that guys with money are beta chumps who can only get laid by spending money is just dumb and I think comes from a place of envy. Do you need money to get pussy? Of course not, lots of chicks will fuck broke ass dudes because they got tingled by them. Guys in college get laid all the time and they're mostly broke. I never had trouble meeting hot women when I was young and broke. Now, being an older guy with some money who likes and wants to date girls in their 20s, I will say that having money helps in leveraging your position with them better especially in the beginning when you're trying to secure their interest. That's probably due to the fact that I'm fighting against the stigma of older guys dating younger women. Having that additional lure of a nice lifestyle can help close the deal with these girls.

But, as Vaun has so explicitly pointed out, in any relationship, you have to control the frame of it. If you lose control of your frame and let her start dictating the terms of the relationship, then it doesn't matter how much money you blow, you're just on borrowed time, time your borrowing with money. So for me, I think the money is a good enticement and helps to cut through a lot of bs in the beginning but the rules of engagement still apply as time goes on. All the money you've spent on her in the past doesn't mean jack for how she will treat you today and tomorrow. Problem I have is that a lot of dudes want to hamster about how having money or having a jacked body have nothing to do with getting chicks when in reality the more you have going for you, the more success you're going to have with women.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I my case over 55 I am finding that with all the social media diversions for their natural attention whoring nature - that with young hot desirable women that I have to open with clear desire and intent to inseminate them - no intent to marry or provide - just inseminate them in a hardcore #trumpbabyboom way...

The following sets the tone the hotter they are ...

Best to never focus or go overboard on their looks or brains - only their fertility and then looks indirectly...

Deepdiver: 5 days ago
Ms. Real Redhead:

We should work on a plan to repopulate the world with more magnificent auburn beauties like you!

RealRedhead 4 days ago
Thanks? Haha.

Deepdiver about 3 hours ago (Note no thirst let several days go by).
Cell-text # to meet up?

RealRedhead replied about 2 hours ago (with her number)

Then I suggest a meet up by text at a museum for coffee, tea or drinks then bounce change venue and game on with the Priceline app pipelined in advance for hotel deals... Why a museum as meet up? - private - security and few if any thirsty orbiters like in clubs or martini cocktail bars - you walk around - get a bit lost with plenty of time to kino and then a coffee or drink and bounce... a few acted like what took me so long to go for it when we finally get to the hotel while I have them wait in the lobby - and I hand them a room Robe and suggest they go freshen up while I set the mood - a music channel or background movie... and go for the bang.

Here is another recent online approach:

Deepdiver 7 days ago
We should work on a plan to repopulate the world with more magnificent beauties like you!

HotSingleMILF 6 days ago
Thank you very much I am flattered ?

Deepdiver 6 days ago
Coffee, tea, or drinks?

Deepdiver 5 days ago
Cell-text # to meet up...

HotSingleMILF a day later...
Here is my # 123-456-7890

Point is I make my intentions clear that I want to meet up (really hook up) to inseminate them with no beating around the bush and then meet up in a high end venue with strong security - most modern adult museums versus kiddie museums - to see how they dress and respond (with class and grace or stripper ghetto sluts?)... the venue also lets me vett and suss them out to see if I even want to waste a random cum shot on them.

If no then most it costs me is coffee, tea or a drink or two and some time doing what I like to do anyways - and I only ever tell them I am into investments and never my job that I am a lead information security architect at a well known firm.

Learned the hard way - lead with provider vibe, nice dinners and get played - lead with mystery and intrigue as mentioned above - up front with I&I intent and get laid.

I also find that wine festivals are great as well - several days or a week long - typically at or near hotel venues and easy to bounce ... again leading with an in her face polite but direct Nuke Boats I&I - intercourse and insemination game.

In their face questions like are you married? Do you have Kids? Do you like kids? Want to go halves on a few?

It is so alien to them since most players go out of their way to avoid kids and commitment that it puts them off balance and triggers their lizard brain need to mate now primitive instincts.

I will say from 18 to 20 year olds they tend to freeze or ghost often but 21 and above out in the cold cruel world and they almost always act flattered - a few will shit test you a bit to make sure you are not a cut and paste net-bot - half the time done right I get the number and half of those will meet up... if you take your time to get back to them using abundance aloof give a fuck game helps then as well.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

The funny thing is the more money you spend on a girl, the less likely a chance you have to have sex with her. It puts you in the provider role. It's why those bottle service dudes NEVER get laid.

The vast majority of those dudes on Wall Street SUCK with women.

Why am I posting here during the Super Bowl?!

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-05-2017 07:12 PM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

The funny thing is the more money you spend on a girl, the less likely a chance you have to have sex with her.

Maybe with Anglo girls in the United States. Maybe. Everywhere else in the known universe, spending money can seriously help, but it's up to you to determine how much it helps.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Game isn't one single factor. It's a combination of attitude, looks, height, style, voice, money, status, education etc.

You'll find some outliers, but the rule is women like tall, rich, handsome, masculine men of high status. That 10 you see with a biker - I bet the biker is a leader in the gang. He has status. If it's an outlaw gang then he has money too. I bet he's not the scrawny gopher in the gang.

More money never hurts as long as you know how to play. Out of 10 girls, maybe two would prefer the starving artist over the successful businessman. After a couple of years those two will get sick of the losers and look for a provider.

Sure some hot girls like brokesters, just like you'll see some with midgets, fat guys, nerds etc. Those are the exception, not the rule. Stop hamstering.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Fuck the stupor bowl. Watching men in tights chasing a ball around while wearing a jersey with some dope's name on it is pathetic. The only reason to watch sports is if you bet on it.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-05-2017 07:12 PM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

The funny thing is the more money you spend on a girl, the less likely a chance you have to have sex with her. It puts you in the provider role. It's why those bottle service dudes NEVER get laid.

The vast majority of those dudes on Wall Street SUCK with women.

You're joking. Right?

Why would dudes on wall street learn game? They got the cash. Seriously, if you are really rich then it's impossible to learn game.

Reason 1) Your mind takes the laziest approach ie., flaunting your wealth. Gaming takes effort..right?

Reason 2) "Women are really bad. They say that they aren't attracted to my wealth but in the end, they seem to love it all the time. Maybe this is the woman's nature. In the end, the situation always turns out to be the same -- they love your money more than you. It's not due to the fact that I married a gold digger but it's because money corrupts women." --- from a rich friend of mine who knows game.

No matter how hard you game a woman, money always corrupts them in the end.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Lol @ "the more money you spend on a girl, the less likely a chance you have to have sex with her."

As with all things, it's about how you do it. If it's an afterthought for you to spend her whole month's income on one weekend then she's going to respond accordingly. If you're wasting your paycheck to buy her gifts in a desperate effort to get into her pants then she's going to respond accordingly to that, too.

It also depends on the girl. Some girls see money as a resource to be harvested. Others see it as the fruits of your hard work.

As for money corrupting a woman....It's not like the only purity in life comes from being broke, you know?

There are plenty of solid men who make good money, and they often find quality women with high standards.

Food for thought....most dudes on Wall Street run game, in the general sense, for a living. There's so much lying, manipulation, politics, and sales involved in the business that it naturally attracts smart and/or charismatic people.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 01:57 AM)tapthatass Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2017 07:12 PM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

The funny thing is the more money you spend on a girl, the less likely a chance you have to have sex with her. It puts you in the provider role. It's why those bottle service dudes NEVER get laid.

The vast majority of those dudes on Wall Street SUCK with women.

You're joking. Right?

Why would dudes on wall street learn game? They got the cash. Seriously, if you are really rich then it's impossible to learn game.

Reason 1) Your mind takes the laziest approach ie., flaunting your wealth. Gaming takes effort..right?

Reason 2) "Women are really bad. They say that they aren't attracted to my wealth but in the end, they seem to love it all the time. Maybe this is the woman's nature. In the end, the situation always turns out to be the same -- they love your money more than you. It's not due to the fact that I married a gold digger but it's because money corrupts women." --- from a rich friend of mine who knows game.

No matter how hard you game a woman, money always corrupts them in the end.

LOL, dudes on Wall Street learn game because they realize their wealth isn't helping them land women. You just proved my point by asking that question.

Reason 2 involves marriage which is entirely different from dating (be it casual or long-term). Marriage has a heavy financial component and many women will marry a man just to pick up half his assets.

When I say money doesn't help one get girls, I'm talking about dating.

There's also the indisputable fact that it's impossible for a woman to know how much money a man is worth, unless she somehow hacked into his bank account, lol. I've seen rich guys dress poorly and poor guys dress well.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates


This is so on the money. Last year I hooked up with this cute Hungarian chic. We banged, and on her birthday she invited me and a few of her girlfriends to this dumpy dive bar just to chill. Me, being the idiot, suggested we go some place better and I bought them drinks. At one point in the night, she even told me to stop spending money - that back home, it was considered lame for a guy to be buying women drinks. I should've heeded the warning, but the damage had been done; in her eyes I was the beta who had to pay for her attention.

Needless to say, I never saw her again.

Actually that is less connected with money, but more with frame. Those guys were not well-off and wanted to chill and drink in a dive bar. You should have relaxed and blended in. Inviting the entire bunch over to a better place would only create hard feelings and unease. If you had bought a round or two at that place, then it would not be so bad.

Even if you were a billionaire then you should have stayed put. Or you should not never had went with your girl meeting other folk. Early on you want to keep a woman for yourself and not meet her friends and shit.

I personally enjoy it when women try to impress me and buy me a drink or a round.

Also - good points about mystery VAUN - never mention explicitly what you do, how you do it, never brag, be a mystery is always the better option.

It is as one comedian said - "My wife does not know what I do and we are 5 years married. That mystery keeps her interest sparking."

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I'm reading this thread at 8:40am when I've still got a low income and a tonne of productive work I am putting off.

Theory doesn't help unless it is tested, and I need to avoid time wasting until I earn enough to test the insights in this thread.

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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 01:57 AM)tapthatass Wrote:  

Why would dudes on wall street learn game? They got the cash. Seriously, if you are really rich then it's impossible to learn game.

If you have cash you don't need game? Wat?

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Americans are dreamers too

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-05-2017 07:12 PM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

The funny thing is the more money you spend on a girl, the less likely a chance you have to have sex with her. It puts you in the provider role. It's why those bottle service dudes NEVER get laid.

Bottle game does work sir... the bang per buck is questionable but to say that it DOES NOT is wrong.

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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 05:10 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2017 01:57 AM)tapthatass Wrote:  

Why would dudes on wall street learn game? They got the cash. Seriously, if you are really rich then it's impossible to learn game.

If you have cash you don't need game? Wat?

[Image: laugh6.gif]

I'm just guessing he means they rely on p2p instead of trying to date/hook up.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I think,for every man, one of the greatest feeling in life, is when you have a young, good looking,naked girl in your bed, and you didn't spent a single euro/dollar on her. That's highest level. When you get older this feeling is even better. All other stuff is the same as buying prostitute- it's nothing.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 02:35 AM)polymath Wrote:  

Food for thought....most dudes on Wall Street run game, in the general sense, for a living. There's so much lying, manipulation, politics, and sales involved in the business that it naturally attracts smart and/or charismatic people.

Wall Street is huge, and there are many, many kinds of work involved, not just the high-flying investment bankers and traders that you see in Hollywood flicks.

There's armies of quants, devs, operations staff, attorneys, etc many of whom make a very good living without having to engage in any of the behaviors you mentioned.

So yes, the iBankers may be smooth talkers, but I've known quants who were aspy as fuck and could barely pull 1 girl a year.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 07:46 PM)just a human Wrote:  

I think,for every man, one of the greatest feeling in life, is when you have a young, good looking,naked girl in your bed, and you didn't spent a single euro/dollar on her. That's highest level. When you get older this feeling is even better. All other stuff is the same as buying prostitute- it's nothing.

Funny you mention this, because it was exactly what I was thinking about earlier today. Nothing in ordinary life comes remotely close to that feeling of having some hot naked chic stroking your chest hair after a great fuck session :-p

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 08:04 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2017 02:35 AM)polymath Wrote:  

Food for thought....most dudes on Wall Street run game, in the general sense, for a living. There's so much lying, manipulation, politics, and sales involved in the business that it naturally attracts smart and/or charismatic people.

Wall Street is huge, and there are many, many kinds of work involved, not just the high-flying investment bankers and traders that you see in Hollywood flicks.

There's armies of quants, devs, operations staff, attorneys, etc many of whom make a very good living without having to engage in any of the behaviors you mentioned.

So yes, the iBankers may be smooth talkers, but I've known quants who were aspy as fuck and could barely pull 1 girl a year.

I wouldn't count ops specialists and attorneys as Wall Street career people. Culture and compensation for these cost-center roles are a bit different from the profit-center jobs, and some of those folks work for third-party law firms and staffing agencies. Devs maybe I'd count, but keep in mind that at some firms (mainly where client relationships are the core business), devs are underpaid and habitually mistreated.

Quants still have to play politics and keep up appearances in the workplace in order to get paid during bonus season. It's not like they just show up, write code, punch a ticket, and get judged on P&L. They have to gain support from higher-ups, present strategies and other ideas to convince others to throw resources their way, guard their value-add/IP while also collaborating, etc.

Some people are superstars who print money and do whatever they want. Those guys still had to come up in the business, which means that, somewhere in the past, they convinced others that they are worthy of running risk or talking to clients or taking the reins of whatever their business unit may do. That part takes social skills for sure.

Not saying this is uniform and that nobody with social issues has succeeded in the business. Just sharing the views that I have formed as a result of my own experiences.

From what I've read and heard (IDK these people personally) I have the impression that among top hedge funds and quant shops the founders are usually socially savvy to a high degree, even if they went to MIT or Cal Tech or wherever. Shit I mean even Ray Dalio (weirdo IMO) has written thoughtfully and extensively on how companies and social groups can best function.

I'm using game in a general sense.... not specific only to women but rather applying all the "red pill" ideology to social settings, the workplace, the market, and so forth. Maybe that's where we differ. Lots of guys with game (in this sense) are monogomous, or are workaholics who don't go out, or are prude, etc. But they still know how to navigate a situation full of manipulative competitors, and how to use interpersonal skills to surmount challenges.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 05:10 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2017 01:57 AM)tapthatass Wrote:  

Why would dudes on wall street learn game? They got the cash. Seriously, if you are really rich then it's impossible to learn game.

If you have cash you don't need game? Wat?

[Image: laugh6.gif]

tapthatass is an Indian dude from India who has no concept of western women. He recently started a "game for Indian guys" thread he himself started eating on by dick size trolling. Then he proceeded to shit on a few other established threads like this one.

The membership should read all of his posts for amusement since his time here may be limited and I don't see him reaching 100 posts.

As for this comment, he's thinking he's in India and that money guarantees pussy.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (02-06-2017 01:57 AM)tapthatass Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2017 07:12 PM)Naughty By Nature Wrote:  

The funny thing is the more money you spend on a girl, the less likely a chance you have to have sex with her. It puts you in the provider role. It's why those bottle service dudes NEVER get laid.

The vast majority of those dudes on Wall Street SUCK with women.

You're joking. Right?

Why would dudes on wall street learn game? They got the cash. Seriously, if you are really rich then it's impossible to learn game.

Reason 1) Your mind takes the laziest approach ie., flaunting your wealth. Gaming takes effort..right?

Reason 2) "Women are really bad. They say that they aren't attracted to my wealth but in the end, they seem to love it all the time. Maybe this is the woman's nature. In the end, the situation always turns out to be the same -- they love your money more than you. It's not due to the fact that I married a gold digger but it's because money corrupts women." --- from a rich friend of mine who knows game.

No matter how hard you game a woman, money always corrupts them in the end.

Spoken like someone who hasn't been around real money.

Money is an investment to an upper level. If you can't survive up there with a measure of game you're no less than fresh meat.

Someone with a low level mindset like yours are stuck forever in middle management for that reason.

I've seen one of the most generous and kind people I know from a wealthy and very old conservative family turn into a complete shark when it involved women and his business.

That's all.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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