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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Hey Moma,

I think we're both agreeing but I must not be communicating so well: I think you can definitely be born more alpha than others (ask my younger brother), but we can also develop it. There is both a learned component and a genetic component in my assessment of alpha tendencies.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-30-2015 08:19 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Hey Moma,

I think we're both agreeing but I must not be communicating so well: I think you can definitely be born more alpha than others (ask my younger brother), but we can also develop it. There is both a learned component and a genetic component in my assessment of alpha tendencies.

Elaborate more. Do you think men with low testosterone can 'learn' alpha?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Hey Moma,

I am probably not the best guy to ask that because I have Low -T, but I will say that my behaviors and attitude are much better than they were when I first joined (just check out my old posts from around this time last year.) I think I will only become more alpha as I deal with my endocrine problems and lead a better more virtuous life. SO I would give you a resounding "yes." [Image: smile.gif]

Now, to get a little deeper with it:

I suppose it depends on how you think of alpha. I don't think of alpha has a 0 or 1 binary. I see it more as different levels. Put me in a room with people I know and I will conquer and dominate the conversation, but throw me in a room with people I don't know and I'll be a little awkward. Are there dudes who can kill it in both scenarios? Yes, but they're more alpha than me most likely. Then you have guys who might not dominate and control the situation in either context, but you throw them in the wilderness and they're the guy making sure everyone eats and survives. I think it goes a lot deeper than we think it does. There is no man who is able to dominate in every scenario. It's more fluid than that to me.

Thoughts? This is really interesting. Might need its own thread, moma.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Fortis, you do have a point. I think there is a new alpha and an old alpha. I think with technology, there always a changing of the guard. It came with the different revolutions. Iron Age revolution, automotive revolution and now Information Age revolution. Different intelligence quotients thrive in different eras. Mark Zuckenberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the Sheiks that like to shit, those are our modern alphas, they thrive in our modern times and rose to the top.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Regardless, all Alphas have one thing in common : Purpose.

Zuckerberg, Heiseberg, Newton, Ford, Kobe, Messi

The "definition" of alpha may change, but any man who seeks to change essentially needs to recognize one thing - an alpha male is merely one for whom the sense of purpose is all consuming.

Know one's purpose, and be willing to sacrifice everything that one knows to be detrimental to the cause and everything falls into place.
This is especially difficult today given the ease of today's distractions - the internet, easy availability of sex etc. The man who is willing to burn all the distractions and work single mindedly in the direction of his purpose is the true alpha -- and its getting harder for the common man. While the overall quality of life is increasing for the common man, its becoming harder and harder to subsume oneself to a single cause.

I am of the opinion that there is an alpha buried deep inside every single man in the world, but as we progress more, as the potential distractions increase in options, quality and quantity and options, its becoming harder to just chuck everything and become a space monkey. Once one's will and desires are subsumed to a greater cause, it becomes easier to achieve what one needs to in life.

The initial sacrifice is the hardest. when one's ambition burns bright enough, all definitions, all conventions, all barriers fall to the roadside.

Purpose. Purpose. Purpose. All Alphas have a consuming purpose. Centuries, tools, the environment may change but purpose remains constant. We may try to quantify "alpha", give it different pseudonyms, but to be honest, the definition hasnt changed since the beginning of mankind.

Devotion to an all consuming purpose. That is what makes an alpha.

All other things are secondary and fleeting.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-30-2015 08:16 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Are we truly developing alpha or just coaxing it out? We are who we are from birth. Nature vs nurture.

With all those guys who claim that most men cannot become Alpha they are forgetting something or using different definitions of it. That does not mean that they most men are going to be sexual super-stars and will be able to attract the majority of hot girls.

It just means that they can become always the ones with a dominant Frame with female relations - either as stubborn Sigmas (the majority) or charismatic Alphas.

We are forgetting something: If it is natural for women to become submissive at least with her man, then it is natural for at least that man to become dominant. If it turns women on to be that way, then it is the NATURAL STATE FOR MEN TO BE ALPHA. His Alpha state may not reach beyond that one girl and he may have it only with her and his close family - unable to attract many more cute girl. But this will be his dominion and if you look at history this was often the case in the past.

That said - the plutocracy tried it's best to steer men away from that state and create the woman as the dominating force knowing full well that it would emasculate men as they tried to be "sensitive", "understanding", - even only provider. That is also a trap - only provider is not enough. Personally I don't find the 1950s as the ideal state, because even then you had already the seeds of hypergamous dissatisfaction sown through the media and the men were becoming more "boy-ish". The marriages were stable even in deep Beta-state due to strict laws and social constraints.

A more fitting example would be the US Wild West where practically all men had to be at least tough and stubborn:

[Image: heroes-page-166.jpg?w=1000]

[Image: heroes-page-71.jpg?w=1000]

TL;DR Alpha is our natural male state just as Beta-submission is the natural state for females. That Alpha state may be limited to this one woman and family, but at least there he should be the Alpha of his castle. That turns women on and makes both partners happy.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Height is genetic. So is intelligence, athletic ability, shyness, extroversion, dick size, looks and other physical and personality traits. Not sure about sense of humour. And there is the sexy son hypothesis. If dad was a skirt chasing womanizer, odds are high son will also be a player.

Don't debate me.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (05-01-2015 01:40 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2015 08:16 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Are we truly developing alpha or just coaxing it out? We are who we are from birth. Nature vs nurture.

With all those guys who claim that most men cannot become Alpha they are forgetting something or using different definitions of it. That does not mean that they most men are going to be sexual super-stars and will be able to attract the majority of hot girls.

It just means that they can become always the ones with a dominant Frame with female relations - either as stubborn Sigmas (the majority) or charismatic Alphas.

We are forgetting something: If it is natural for women to become submissive at least with her man, then it is natural for at least that man to become dominant. If it turns women on to be that way, then it is the NATURAL STATE FOR MEN TO BE ALPHA. His Alpha state may not reach beyond that one girl and he may have it only with her and his close family - unable to attract many more cute girl. But this will be his dominion and if you look at history this was often the case in the past.

That said - the plutocracy tried it's best to steer men away from that state and create the woman as the dominating force knowing full well that it would emasculate men as they tried to be "sensitive", "understanding", - even only provider. That is also a trap - only provider is not enough. Personally I don't find the 1950s as the ideal state, because even then you had already the seeds of hypergamous dissatisfaction sown through the media and the men were becoming more "boy-ish". The marriages were stable even in deep Beta-state due to strict laws and social constraints.

A more fitting example would be the US Wild West where practically all men had to be at least tough and stubborn:

[Image: heroes-page-166.jpg?w=1000]

[Image: heroes-page-71.jpg?w=1000]

TL;DR Alpha is our natural male state just as Beta-submission is the natural state for females. That Alpha state may be limited to this one woman and family, but at least there he should be the Alpha of his castle. That turns women on and makes both partners happy.

Zel, this is juicy material. Let's start a thread on it! Fortis or Zel, lead the way and repeat this material!



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Nature is a powerful example of environment and behavior.

If you look at Honeybees there's the European Honey Bee which are generally peaceful
and social and then there's the African Honeybee which are extremely aggressive.

Both bees are products of their environments. In Africa, where there are more aggressive threats
to the colony, the bees are more aggressive and will attack anything as a survival instinct.

In less harsh environments however(like in America and Europe), the bees are more
chilled out, cooperative and social.

That would suggest that dominant behavior changes based on the demands
of the environment.

Without as many actual lions and tigers to kill and living in a highly social environment
you also have to adapt and be smarter (and more social) in order to succeed.

That's why polar terms like Alpha and Beta can get outdated fast...unless they also
reflect the current environment...and you talk about what's needed to succeed today
rather than how people might have behaved 50 years ago.

You can still be a strong man today and succeed wildly(i.e women, family, money,
lifestyle, achievement etc) you just have to be smarter about it and update your skillset.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (05-01-2015 06:28 AM)Apollo21 Wrote:  

That's why polar terms like Alpha and Beta don't really help you...unless you also include
the current cultural context...and talk about what's needed to succeed today
rather than how people behaved 50 years ago.

You can still be a strong man today and succeed(women, money, lifestyle)
you just have to be smarter about it and be more agile.

Apollo, these are great points. I would then go to say that having a high social IQ is paramount to everything here. The ability to recognise the social environment one is in and adapt enough to recognise the cultural/social values present and manipulate them in order to become leader of that particular pack.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (05-01-2015 06:32 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2015 06:28 AM)Apollo21 Wrote:  

That's why polar terms like Alpha and Beta don't really help you...unless you also include
the current cultural context...and talk about what's needed to succeed today
rather than how people behaved 50 years ago.

You can still be a strong man today and succeed(women, money, lifestyle)
you just have to be smarter about it and be more agile.

Apollo, these are great points. I would then go to say that having a high social IQ is paramount to everything here. The ability to recognise the social environment one is in and adapt enough to recognise the cultural/social values present and manipulate them in order to become leader of that particular pack. IQ is almost like a new kind of currency.
Those who have it in abundance can use it to influence
more people and rise the top.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I think social IQ has always been paramount, there is strength in numbers. Regardless of how strong one is or how smart one is, the power to totalled when one is able to rally up a group of individuals with a common objective and goal can never be parallelled.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 05:51 PM)frenchcorporation Wrote:  

WSP is the best blog on the internet. Apart from Big Ghost's blog (

Quote: (04-20-2015 08:11 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but the WSP is run (I believe partly) by a very reputable former member of the RVF.

If you go through their archives, there is a lot (and that's an understatement) of solid information and lessons to learn from. Though on this particular case I'm a bit at odds with their claims.

Gmanifesto? His tweets sound like the exact same stuff WSP are saying with regards to cost per notch

Just read BG's blog, hilarious as hell.

What's his point, objective, or angle? Why did he start the blog?

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (05-06-2015 10:37 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2015 05:51 PM)frenchcorporation Wrote:  

WSP is the best blog on the internet. Apart from Big Ghost's blog (

Quote: (04-20-2015 08:11 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but the WSP is run (I believe partly) by a very reputable former member of the RVF.

If you go through their archives, there is a lot (and that's an understatement) of solid information and lessons to learn from. Though on this particular case I'm a bit at odds with their claims.

Gmanifesto? His tweets sound like the exact same stuff WSP are saying with regards to cost per notch

Just read BG's blog, hilarious as hell.

What's his point, objective, or angle? Why did he start the blog?

Why would Wall Street Playboys sell tubs of bulk protein on their website through affiliate marketing w/ Amazon if they were killing it on Wall Street? I saw that on their website and was confused as to why they'd have to expend all the time to make a few bucks on that when I thought they were killing it on the stock markets. Unless they were already rich and were just bored? [Image: huh.gif]

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (05-06-2015 11:08 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Why would Wall Street Playboys sell tubs of bulk protein on their website through affiliate marketing w/ Amazon if they were killing it on Wall Street? I saw that on their website and was confused as to why they'd have to expend all the time to make a few bucks on that when I thought they were killing it on the stock markets. Unless they were already rich and were just bored? [Image: huh.gif]

WSP seem to have worked or still work at Wallstreet making good money, but it takes some time to reach a decent position. Prop traders who make millions are rare now and likely they are not one of them.

What they obviously show is information on online businesses - specifically catering to women. Actually the info is very good:

The manosphere is probably one of the worst markets to look into - the most profitable field being seminars that can be sold to newbies who start learning Game or some books. The men simply are way too frugal - even among average men they are.

Women buy crap - completely overpriced crap on a whim. So my bet is that they built some kind of businesses which offer beauty products, perfumes or something inane like that - likely making high 6 figures by now with some of them. The turnover is probably 7 figures, but they spend a lot on marketing as well.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (01-19-2013 04:37 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2012 12:10 AM)Excalibur Wrote:  

I know this board has more established guys with decent income. I am just wandering how you can best utilized your spare $$$ to help you get more and better tails.

So we gonna talk about using the money specifically to help you get laid, not like investing or paying off your student loans. I would like to get some ideas from you guys.


$100 - $1000
get a gym membership and work out
buy nicer clothes

$1000 - $10,000
take a pick-up bootcamp(not a good use of money)
get an apartment in a better part of town
throw some parties???
take 3 month off and travel around the world to bang chicks
buy fancy clothes?

$10,000 - $100,000
buy a nice car(doesn't help much)
buy a boat???
throw fancier parties
take a year off and learn to pick up chicks all over the world?
Get a fancy pad?

get a small yacht
get a Ferrari
throw regular parties on your little yacht

$1,000,000 - $10,000,000
I know a guy who bought a lingerie company [Image: smile.gif]
Invest and produce cheap movies [Image: smile.gif]

$10,000,000 - I think this is when it really makes a difference
$100,000,000 - buy a modeling agency

There are probably a lot of guys here who are in the $1000-$100,000 range where they can use up that $$$ without hurting their finances permanently. I think that's the toughest range. It's good money, but not the kind of money that give you exclusive access to top shelf girls.

Any ideas welcome...

People tend to miss the point with money. Its not about buying the cars and the boats all the time, its about the LIFESTYLE more than anything else. Women dont actually care about the car or the boat, they care about the LIFESTYLE and SOCIAL STATUS that comes with it.

Thats all its about with them. This is why you will always see broke bitches hanging out in the swankiest clubs and bars. Its not that they are looking for a whale all the time (although they know they have better chances of finding them there), its that woman are fucking snobs and they love shiny shit and opulence.

Money opens up a LIFESTYLE to them that is on a different level to what they can afford, and even though the basics of game remain the same it makes things so much easier.

Take logistics. Everyone is always talking about finding a decent apartment that is close to nightlife and makes it easy to get women back. Location is key. Now if you are staying in a 5 star hotel suite instead of some average apartment in the city, it gives you a substantial advantage. By just being able to order up room service at 3 in the morning alone or have a laundry service, hell a breakfast in the morning prepared by some decent chef, these are things that fuck with their brain in a positive way for men.

Its not just the 5 star hotels. Its the hottest clubs, hottest restaurants, box tickets to major games, etc. All of this puts you in the face of women that are going to be way hotter than your average chud at a backpacker bar or college booze fest, and if you are taking a stupid bitch to these things it helps get the panties off faster too.

You dont need to buy a yacht, you just charter it. But when you have cash to burn, you could charter a monster in the Med for a week or two. You are not going to struggle to pull bitches out of a club in any southern European town if you and a few mates have a super yacht in the harbor.

You dont fly cattle class, you fly first class. When you get to the next level, you are charting flights. You get off the flight far fresher and with less frustration than the chumps in the back of the bus.

You dont throw a party at some suburban home, you throw a party in a house on an estate with massive views and endless booze and drugs. You dont have to worry about cops rocking up because you are disturbing the neighbors, the neighbor is so far away he wont give a fuck.

You get the idea.

This is why I dont even bother debating game and money anymore, too many guys miss the point completely. People make the mistake of thinking that a guy making X a year or driving X car is not seeing extra action, therefore money means shit. They dont understand that its not what you earn or own, its the lifestyle you lead with the money you have. This is what they are drawn to. Chicks dont give a fuck about the car, they care about the fact that a guy who drives a car like that might be the sort who stays in 5 star hotels and flies first class.

The guy investing in cheap movies is onto a winner though. Thats something I would love to do. Even TV series maybe. Sure its a great way to meet a lot of hot women ready to sell their souls for a bit of fame, but it would be a cool thing to do regardless of the outcome with women.

Source: thread-18787...#pid351402

Relevant to the discussion and essentially what I was saying earlier in this thread.

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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Word. Most Wall Street guys are not client facing.

Ironically, the best swordsman I've met we're the retail brokers....

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Lol mad people offended by the notion of making money, but didn't expect to find so many on this forum.

The point is to leverage your money to maximize dating options, so you get to the point where 8s & 9s come to you, instead of the other way around. Without money/status, no girl is going to be checking for you, which makes your job more difficult. Making money solves those problems, and he is simply giving a baseline as to the exact amounts. Everybody missed the point and thought he meant that you need XYZ amount to pull 8s. Nah. Make XYZ so 8s come to you, through high-end social circles, yacht parties, and entry into exclusive events. All about leverage.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (10-25-2015 02:26 PM)steezyy Wrote:  

Lol mad people offended by the notion of making money, but didn't expect to find so many on this forum.

The point is to leverage your money to maximize dating options, so you get to the point where 8s & 9s come to you, instead of the other way around. Without money/status, no girl is going to be checking for you, which makes your job more difficult. Making money solves those problems, and he is simply giving a baseline as to the exact amounts. Everybody missed the point and thought he meant that you need XYZ amount to pull 8s. Nah. Make XYZ so 8s come to you, through high-end social circles, yacht parties, and entry into exclusive events. All about leverage.

You don't need to be rich to pull this off...

However, you can instantly "get in" but it'll cost you an average of $10,000 a month just to go out 2x a week in the high end scene. If you split it with a wing you can go out 2x a week for $5,000. (What the guy doesn't know is I'm showing up spending $0)

Money doesn't automatically make you AWESOME. Which is why I always say money is for YOU and enhancing your life. My fav venue to "buy your way in" you have to spend $3,000 a night. That's $24,000 a month for 2x a week of going out...

Based on the traveling feedback I've got you can easily go to eastern euro for cheaper and find women on par with "high end" scene. (And can only imagine the high end scene in those cities having even more quality)

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (10-26-2015 06:36 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2015 02:26 PM)steezyy Wrote:  

Lol mad people offended by the notion of making money, but didn't expect to find so many on this forum.

The point is to leverage your money to maximize dating options, so you get to the point where 8s & 9s come to you, instead of the other way around. Without money/status, no girl is going to be checking for you, which makes your job more difficult. Making money solves those problems, and he is simply giving a baseline as to the exact amounts. Everybody missed the point and thought he meant that you need XYZ amount to pull 8s. Nah. Make XYZ so 8s come to you, through high-end social circles, yacht parties, and entry into exclusive events. All about leverage.

You don't need to be rich to pull this off...

However, you can instantly "get in" but it'll cost you an average of $10,000 a month just to go out 2x a week in the high end scene. If you split it with a wing you can go out 2x a week for $5,000. (What the guy doesn't know is I'm showing up spending $0)

Money doesn't automatically make you AWESOME. Which is why I always say money is for YOU and enhancing your life. My fav venue to "buy your way in" you have to spend $3,000 a night. That's $24,000 a month for 2x a week of going out...

Based on the traveling feedback I've got you can easily go to eastern euro for cheaper and find women on par with "high end" scene. (And can only imagine the high end scene in those cities having even more quality)

Totally agree. Money + Game is very powerful. It's like an atom bomb that you can use to destroy just about any obstacle in your way.

However the biggest secret is using money to create value and enrich people's lives...if you do that you will naturally attract high quality people.

Work hard and then use your money to lead, organize or participate in activities that attract talented people. That way you can skip the day gaming,
the expensive club venues, etc and establish your own "kingdom" where you don't have to rely on middle men to meet women.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-30-2015 08:22 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2015 08:19 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Hey Moma,

I think we're both agreeing but I must not be communicating so well: I think you can definitely be born more alpha than others (ask my younger brother), but we can also develop it. There is both a learned component and a genetic component in my assessment of alpha tendencies.

Elaborate more. Do you think men with low testosterone can 'learn' alpha?

You can build it. There's a lot you can do to build up your masculinity without having to "learn" it in a study sense.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (10-21-2015 10:56 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

Quote: (01-19-2013 04:37 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2012 12:10 AM)Excalibur Wrote:  

I know this board has more established guys with decent income. I am just wandering how you can best utilized your spare $$$ to help you get more and better tails.

So we gonna talk about using the money specifically to help you get laid, not like investing or paying off your student loans. I would like to get some ideas from you guys.


$100 - $1000
get a gym membership and work out
buy nicer clothes

$1000 - $10,000
take a pick-up bootcamp(not a good use of money)
get an apartment in a better part of town
throw some parties???
take 3 month off and travel around the world to bang chicks
buy fancy clothes?

$10,000 - $100,000
buy a nice car(doesn't help much)
buy a boat???
throw fancier parties
take a year off and learn to pick up chicks all over the world?
Get a fancy pad?

get a small yacht
get a Ferrari
throw regular parties on your little yacht

$1,000,000 - $10,000,000
I know a guy who bought a lingerie company [Image: smile.gif]
Invest and produce cheap movies [Image: smile.gif]

$10,000,000 - I think this is when it really makes a difference
$100,000,000 - buy a modeling agency

There are probably a lot of guys here who are in the $1000-$100,000 range where they can use up that $$$ without hurting their finances permanently. I think that's the toughest range. It's good money, but not the kind of money that give you exclusive access to top shelf girls.

Any ideas welcome...

People tend to miss the point with money. Its not about buying the cars and the boats all the time, its about the LIFESTYLE more than anything else. Women dont actually care about the car or the boat, they care about the LIFESTYLE and SOCIAL STATUS that comes with it.

Thats all its about with them. This is why you will always see broke bitches hanging out in the swankiest clubs and bars. Its not that they are looking for a whale all the time (although they know they have better chances of finding them there), its that woman are fucking snobs and they love shiny shit and opulence.

Money opens up a LIFESTYLE to them that is on a different level to what they can afford, and even though the basics of game remain the same it makes things so much easier.

Take logistics. Everyone is always talking about finding a decent apartment that is close to nightlife and makes it easy to get women back. Location is key. Now if you are staying in a 5 star hotel suite instead of some average apartment in the city, it gives you a substantial advantage. By just being able to order up room service at 3 in the morning alone or have a laundry service, hell a breakfast in the morning prepared by some decent chef, these are things that fuck with their brain in a positive way for men.

Its not just the 5 star hotels. Its the hottest clubs, hottest restaurants, box tickets to major games, etc. All of this puts you in the face of women that are going to be way hotter than your average chud at a backpacker bar or college booze fest, and if you are taking a stupid bitch to these things it helps get the panties off faster too.

You dont need to buy a yacht, you just charter it. But when you have cash to burn, you could charter a monster in the Med for a week or two. You are not going to struggle to pull bitches out of a club in any southern European town if you and a few mates have a super yacht in the harbor.

You dont fly cattle class, you fly first class. When you get to the next level, you are charting flights. You get off the flight far fresher and with less frustration than the chumps in the back of the bus.

You dont throw a party at some suburban home, you throw a party in a house on an estate with massive views and endless booze and drugs. You dont have to worry about cops rocking up because you are disturbing the neighbors, the neighbor is so far away he wont give a fuck.

You get the idea.

This is why I dont even bother debating game and money anymore, too many guys miss the point completely. People make the mistake of thinking that a guy making X a year or driving X car is not seeing extra action, therefore money means shit. They dont understand that its not what you earn or own, its the lifestyle you lead with the money you have. This is what they are drawn to. Chicks dont give a fuck about the car, they care about the fact that a guy who drives a car like that might be the sort who stays in 5 star hotels and flies first class.

The guy investing in cheap movies is onto a winner though. Thats something I would love to do. Even TV series maybe. Sure its a great way to meet a lot of hot women ready to sell their souls for a bit of fame, but it would be a cool thing to do regardless of the outcome with women.

Source: thread-18787...#pid351402

Relevant to the discussion and essentially what I was saying earlier in this thread.

This is so true. I'm about to reach one of your last goals on that list and I'm telling you, I was fucking hotter girls 3 years ago when I wasn't focussed on work and before my last LTR with an 8. I was just travelling the world in business class and staying in several different hotels. Hell, my ex told me she thought I was living on my dads money (before knowing that he works in construction, lol) or off borrowed credit card money, but obviously didn't care since she enjoyed being part of the lifestyle. On top of it all, success in business doesn't come without enemies and basically despising human greed and the human way of how money overrules any friendship, so I can't really say I'm a happier guy despite my net worth having increased 10 fold since, which I'm sure isn't really a huge turn on either. I just don't have as much time for bullshit as I had when I was in my mid 20's and early 20's.

However, I have gotten even more in shape and I can't wait till I hit that one goal I want to hit before I'm 30 and finally start banging consistent 8+ again.

I agree that money is great, but lifestyle is what ultimatively matters. Compare the average multimillionaire to a well off club promoter doing maybe 60k a year. Cool dinners, VIP tables and fashion parties vs 12hrs at the office every day and 1 1 week vacation per year. What do you think the hot chick is gonna take?

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

These money versus game debates can run forever BUT…

…At the end of the day status gets women. It opens up opportunities that they get to be a part of. Parties, events, privilege. Status can come from looks [Facial], looks [Physical], money, fame/social connections and game. You can pull a 9 with just one of these attributes. You can pull them more regularly with more of these attributes. Even more important still is that your life, not just women but your life, gets better with every 'status' box you begin to tick.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (10-26-2015 06:36 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2015 02:26 PM)steezyy Wrote:  

Lol mad people offended by the notion of making money, but didn't expect to find so many on this forum.

The point is to leverage your money to maximize dating options, so you get to the point where 8s & 9s come to you, instead of the other way around. Without money/status, no girl is going to be checking for you, which makes your job more difficult. Making money solves those problems, and he is simply giving a baseline as to the exact amounts. Everybody missed the point and thought he meant that you need XYZ amount to pull 8s. Nah. Make XYZ so 8s come to you, through high-end social circles, yacht parties, and entry into exclusive events. All about leverage.

You don't need to be rich to pull this off...

However, you can instantly "get in" but it'll cost you an average of $10,000 a month just to go out 2x a week in the high end scene. If you split it with a wing you can go out 2x a week for $5,000. (What the guy doesn't know is I'm showing up spending $0)

Money doesn't automatically make you AWESOME. Which is why I always say money is for YOU and enhancing your life. My fav venue to "buy your way in" you have to spend $3,000 a night. That's $24,000 a month for 2x a week of going out...

Based on the traveling feedback I've got you can easily go to eastern euro for cheaper and find women on par with "high end" scene. (And can only imagine the high end scene in those cities having even more quality)


All I was saying was money helps change the flow - from you going out and scouting the scene.. to the scene scouting you. Women like you for your lifestyle + status. The people that run these events like you for the women + status you bring. Increases status, reputation, etc. Circle of life.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Men with money are the ones who desperately need game more than anyone else. Otherwise you are going to get rinsed.

Don't debate me.

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