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Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-23-2018 08:49 PM)Riquelme Wrote:  

3. A lot of Arab and South American fans doing shitty approaches. The ones the girls the girls are actually interested in (Europeans, Aussies) seem much more reserved.

Quote: (06-24-2018 04:23 AM)Bogart Wrote:  

^ can confirm - also in Moscow rn. The African/Latin/Arab approaches are really something to be enjoyed. As a tall Aussie it's fantastic to walk up and disrupt a faltering set being conducted through google translate, they initiate immediate mate guarding and you can just see the girls drying up and squirming to get away. I've also noticed most of the real competition at least from the Aussie contingents either has brought girlfriends or is so focused on getting drunk with their mates that they don't really put effort in. Basically the only guys who are having a blast with the women are guys who have the local contacts, language and cultural knowledge that they would have come here/killed it here anyway.

lol You guys are just rationalizing rubbing each others dick because of the superior competition. [Image: tard.gif]

Don't know about other countries, but everyone knows Brazilian guys have great game. We are conquering the place (visa free travel to Russia [Image: banana.gif]) and I have evidence to show, instead of just empty anedoctes.

The russian men are pissed and created communities called "buceta rosa" (pink pussy in portuguese, named after the infamous video) to confront foreign men and shame the local women: [Image: tIT6BiVgs5U.jpg]

[Image: kak-russkie-krasavicy-klejat-inostrancev...295863.jpg]

[Image: NKdFJji8of8.jpg]

[Image: 4QoYHapU2x0.jpg]

[Image: 16RSHItLn_w.jpg]

[Image: v99z478VZio.jpg]

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Good looking Brazilian men picking up very average Russian girls. Nothing to see here move on.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

This must be the most boring and gay sport I've ever witnessed. What is the appeal of it to so many people.? I've never been to the world cup but I've been to a few matches and was bored to tears. A Mesoamerican ballgame would at the least be more interesting if the human sacrifice element still existed. Then there would be a valid reason to wrap yourself in your homelands flag.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

So you are telling me that these girls are below russian average und the guys good looking? [Image: tard.gif]






Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Well Putin did give the "permission"...

The number of Russian girls getting banged this world cup will be high.

Nothing strange. This was anticipated.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-27-2018 05:18 AM)Belarus1212 Wrote:  

Good looking Brazilian men picking up very average Russian girls. Nothing to see here move on.
I'd say below average from the photos, definitely not what one can attain to whilst there. It would appear from a cursory glance that the above average to gorgeous aren't around, I know several who are currently in Finland, Italy and France and wouldn't surprise me if others were similar.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

The women in that site are average and some of them are above average.

Not all Russian women are 8s and 9s.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Yeah all those nerds paying money to learn Russian on skype so they can find their Russian princess someday. Are going to be in for a nasty shock when Tanya and Alina are only wanting to date Tyrone or Miguel and settle with some middle class Arab. Meanwhile Igor and Petr are going to be blue balled and depressed; we may see the creation of a Russian Rooshvf forum in a few years time.

With all seriousness, Russia is actually an open society despite what the media says. I believe that Russian women go for non Western men because. A) some of them look after themselves better than Russian men. B) They are generally not as soft and corrupted like Western men.

Overwhelming language will still be a massive barrier and then culture. The Russian girls who move to the U.K, tend to always go back to a Slavic man for marriage or long relationship, after experimenting with a British guy or a Spanish man. The second type who become fully Western are usually lost causes and just extinguish themselves in a sea of nihlism and chaotic post modernity.

I don't have much sympathy for Western men losing out on all of these opportunities, because they change these environments themselves. As someone said in another thread, Western men have a habit of seeking out a non western woman, and then they try to turn her into a Westerner, it is just pathetic.

As for options that Russian women have, they have a lot. A lot of them travel everywhere and have had at least one affair or one night stand with a foreigner. Personally I am used to London, so I cannot comment on whether Moscow is ruined, for me most places outside of the M25 are 'pussy paradises' just because competition is high here.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-27-2018 09:08 AM)Rangers1443 Wrote:  

Well Putin did give the "permission"...

The number of Russian girls getting banged this world cup will be high.

Nothing strange. This was anticipated.

Howay the Lads! [Image: banana.gif]

We all knew that the Russian birds would get smashed silly and those who travelled with some game (pun intended) are cleaning up. Hopefully 9 months down the road we will see the results of these off the field endeavours. Maybe Russia will benefit by unearthing some gems 20 years down the road.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Yes and everybody knew it. I always laugh when other users from here says a forum like this will spoil girls, well we already have YouTube, Facebook and other social media and if you guys knew Spanish I bet every roosher will be mad.


Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

From the videos I am watching, it looks like the most desperate guys in Russia are Brazilians, Mexicans and South Americans in general. I haven't seen so far moronic behaviors from Europeans and Aussies, which is actually a relief: I am pretty sure they are the only ones with residual chances to get laid.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-27-2018 01:12 PM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

From the videos I am watching, it looks like the most desperate guys in Russia are Brazilians, Mexicans and South Americans in general. I haven't seen so far moronic behaviors from Europeans and Aussies, which is actually a relief: I am pretty sure they are the only ones with residual chances to get laid.

LOL Are you blind? Your white "princesses" are opening their legs. You just don't admit you're not getting any pussy. You say approaching is being "desperate" on a game forum, created by an Iranian nonetheless! European men are soyboys for the most part. They have to be drunk to talk to women. We don't.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Here's a good video from a Russian journalist. He did daygame for 2 hours as a "Russian" and managed to get one Brazilian girl in 2 hours while the rest were polite rejections.

Then he puts on a Brazil jersey and starts approaching Russian girls (or they approach him first)....9 numbers in 30 minutes. See below:


Video is in Russian but the bottom line is there are plenty of Latin American guys who are enjoying the "pussy paradise" right now. Videos like this speak for itself.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-27-2018 11:03 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

Here's a good video from a Russian journalist. He did daygame for 2 hours as a "Russian" and managed to get one Brazilian girl in 2 hours while the rest were polite rejections.

Then he puts on a Brazil jersey and starts approaching Russian girls (or they approach him first)....9 numbers in 30 minutes. See below:


Video is in Russian but the bottom line is there are plenty of Latin American guys who are enjoying the "pussy paradise" right now. Videos like this speak for itself.

I am just back from St Petersburg and I agreed the Russian girls enjoyed the Latin Americans especially the Brazilians. The Argentinians I found were not interested in hooking up with girls. They were mostly busy partying and singing their amazing songs.

But whats happening during the World Cup is that a lot of average Russian girls getting lots of attention. But please note with average I mean for Russian standards. So these girls are still cute and very attractive for the average Westerner or Latin American who has not been to Russia and Ukraine before. A Russian guy would not really look or ever approach most of these girls since there standards are way higher.

Overall that if someone would have gone only for gaming purposes would have done very well. Most guys were focused on drinking and football while Russian girls were extremely open and approachable.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Yeah, below russian average is way above the international average

So I am really jealous [Image: biggrin.gif] The only possibilty is that the BrasilIan Team will lose asap

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-27-2018 05:48 PM)El Pistolero Wrote:  

Quote: (06-27-2018 01:12 PM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

From the videos I am watching, it looks like the most desperate guys in Russia are Brazilians, Mexicans and South Americans in general. I haven't seen so far moronic behaviors from Europeans and Aussies, which is actually a relief: I am pretty sure they are the only ones with residual chances to get laid.

LOL Are you blind? Your white "princesses" are opening their legs. You just don't admit you're not getting any pussy. You say approaching is being "desperate" on a game forum, created by an Iranian nonetheless! European men are soyboys for the most part. They have to be drunk to talk to women. We don't.

They are definitely getting laid but guys are correct to point out it's not with the top talent.

I've seen the pictures in that vk group. Two of those girls I'd say are 7s and the rest were mostly 5s and 6s plus one or two fugly girls I WNB.

The russian guy dressed in a brazilian shirt was chatting to a few cute girls.

My guess is that some guys will be able to capitalize on the fun and carefree world cup vibe, then for a while the "exotic factor" will fade out a bit and some Russians will be weary and bitter at foreigners.

After a few months though it will be winter again. The guys will disappear, the visa and language barrier will stay the same and everything will be back to normal. [Image: banana.gif]

That being said, relying on being exotic is not a good long-term strategy:

Quote: (06-28-2018 03:04 AM)Gopnik Wrote:  

My guess is that with globalization, men won't be able to rely on having an exotic factor anymore.

At the same time though, if your "game" is showing off your passport then you never really had any game to begin with.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-27-2018 11:03 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

Here's a good video from a Russian journalist. He did daygame for 2 hours as a "Russian" and managed to get one Brazilian girl in 2 hours while the rest were polite rejections.

Then he puts on a Brazil jersey and starts approaching Russian girls (or they approach him first)....9 numbers in 30 minutes. See below:


Video is in Russian but the bottom line is there are plenty of Latin American guys who are enjoying the "pussy paradise" right now. Videos like this speak for itself.

Most of those vids shared above were of older Russian women - older by Russian standards - end 20s with botox already showing.

You gotta realize that in Russia the oligarch/millionaire cut-off age is around 22.

The last girl shared was a cute 18yo German girl repeating the sentences of that Brazilian bloke. Does not mean that she is going to suck his dick.

Girls that let themselves be fucked on a bench in the middle of the street - they are gutter level.

Does not surprise me that the girls want to get the Brazilian notch - this is akin to the female nature of wanting to bang a man who has been advertised as hot or exotic in their country - in Russia it's Brazilians.

[Image: WxtFQs8.jpg]
Left corner - "It's so different" being fucked by a French guy instead of American. In Brazil it's different being fucked by a blonde Swede.

It's how women are wired - and yes those women are mid-tier by Russian standards - not only in terms of looks, but age.

Though of course - we don't hate guys banging girls. This is what the forum has been founded on - the precepts of fuck and let fuck.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Will the World Cup spoil Russian women? My answer is clearly no. The ones who are spoiled are already spoiled before. The exotic foreigners will go home and not come again since they have decently hot girls back home, have an expensive flight to take and will require a visa to visit. 90% of the supporters who came to watch were on a too tight budget to spoil the girls and after the World Cup is over the big post World Cup depression will hit Russia.

I noticed this happening first hand in South Africa. After the World Cup nothing was happening, people were depressed and focused on work. Nightlife got slower and the political and social economic realities start to hit. I guess for Russia it will be the same. Best time to come back would be only in autumn in case it is not too cold by then.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Very proud of my fellow Brazilians doing great over there. Couldn´t go due to work and admit my envy of those who are honoring the green and yellow flag in the Tsar´s land!

Some inputs:

1)Some guys are saying “Ok, they´re banging some girls, BUT they´re not the top talent”… Seriously??? Come on, are you banging tons of top models to say that? Seems pure envy… And by the end of the day, it´s World Cup: The guys are partying hard, getting drunk, having lots of fun, watching football, visiting a new country AND banging Russians! No matter it´s not top talent, what can be better than that for life?

2)I think that one of the main causes of Brazilians doing so great is that we are experts in high energy / funny / direct game, which is perfect to wild party environment such as World Cup. It´s pretty much like what happens in Carnival here, so all this pics, videos and reports don´t surprise me at all.

3)As some guys here mention, guys from other nationalities are focused in getting too drunk or singing songs about their teams. That rises another thought: I think that Brazilians in average are among the most “game focused” guys in any situation. Of course, I´m not talking about this forum which is all about gaming, but thinking about all I observed when travelling abroad or regarding foreigners I met home. Even if a Brazilian do something or go somewhere with a different objective (such as going to the WC to watch football matches), the gaming radar is never turned off. Put a Brazilian in a funeral, and he´ll be thinking about banging the widow… lol

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-28-2018 01:12 PM)Titus Wrote:  

1)Some guys are saying “Ok, they´re banging some girls, BUT they´re not the top talent”… Seriously??? Come on, are you banging tons of top models to say that? Seems pure envy… And by the end of the day, it´s World Cup: The guys are partying hard, getting drunk, having lots of fun, watching football, visiting a new country AND banging Russians! No matter it´s not top talent, what can be better than that for life?

No need to get defensive when we are just pointing out the obvious.

I personally like Brazilians and they clearly know how to have a good time. Looks like they are enjoying themselves so good for them.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

What do we see in such photos or videos? A few Brazilian guys kissing girls on a street. We don't definitely know if they are eventually getting laid or coming back to their hotel shagless. I agree with Gopnik about some of them going to bed with mediocre girls. It is definitely the worst period to be in Russia for gaming purposes. Another question that comes to my mind is how could those South American guys travel in hordes to Russia long term, with a disaster of economy in their own countries? It looks like they are even in higher numbers than Polish or French...
I am not saying anything negative about Brazilians guys with whom I had a good time in the past and party, and I had also great experiences with Brazilian girls which maybe also like to look for exotic guys elsewhere...Wink
But from here to say their game is better than Spanish, Italians, French, Aussies and Europeans have to be drunk to approach...it is a joke.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-28-2018 03:16 PM)Gopnik Wrote:  

No need to get defensive when we are just pointing out the obvious.

Not getting defensive, it´s just that the way some guys put it was in a depreciating manner. But no big deal, I won't insist on that.

Quote: (06-28-2018 04:13 PM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

What do we see in such photos or videos? A few Another question that comes to my mind is how could those South American guys travel in hordes to Russia long term, with a disaster of economy in their own countries?

Some thoughts:
1) Despite the terrible economic crisis, middle to upper class in Brazil is considerably big in absolute numbers (after all, there´s 200 million people in the country). So, there´s still a bunch of people with enough money to travel.
2) The economic boom Brazil had a few years ago was accompanied by 2 digit inflation for several years. So domestic prices are pretty high for basically everything, including air tickets and accomodation. That makes that Brazilians are used to pay a lot to travel... Sometimes, visiting a foreign country is even cheaper than doing a domestic trip.
3) We´re a society very focused on consuming. That means that single 25-35 yo single guys will pay almost all it´s annual income to have a nice car, party and travel a lot. I´m sure that lots of those guys in Russia are taking credit lines to do this trip and will be paying it for several months to come (not judging, I´d do the same if I could! lol)

Quote: (06-28-2018 04:13 PM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

But from here to say their game is better than Spanish, Italians, French, Aussies and Europeans have to be drunk to approach...it is a joke.

I´m not saying that Brazilians game better than anyone. I´m just saying that probably our best "gaming skills" fits perfectly the WC environment: Being direct, aggressive, funny, creative and keeping energy high! We´re used to it since young kids, as gaming in wild parties and big public events is part of our social culture (Carnival, New Year´s Eve, street parades, public concerts, etc).

But of course, this kind of game is not applicable everytime and everywhere. I can´t imagine a Brazilian drunk as hell banging tons of girls in a fancy bar or daygaming in a mall. Probably, other nationalities (with more cold approach) would bang more Russians than Brazilians in another time of the year or in other situations.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-28-2018 07:06 PM)Titus Wrote:  

I´m not saying that Brazilians game better than anyone. I´m just saying that probably our best "gaming skills" fits perfectly the WC environment: Being direct, aggressive, funny, creative and keeping energy high! We´re used to it since young kids, as gaming in wild parties and big public events is part of our social culture (Carnival, New Year´s Eve, street parades, public concerts, etc).

This is all true. Brazillians as a group know how to party. At first I found it to be loud and obnoxious, but then I discovered Brazillian women and it suddenly seemed like a wonderful thing.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

ironically the fuss being made is probably making more girls wanna bang.

I’m sure there’s lots of sex going on but people are posting vids of every girl stopped on a street like she’s getting gangbanged by 50 guys.

Russian girls just wanna have fun like every other

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

If you think Brazilians are obnoxious, try meeting American frat groups.

It is widely acknowledged that Brazilians are one of the most friendliest people on earth.

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