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Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Brazilians are indeed very popular in Russia. My good friend from Sao Paolo goes to Russia every summer (visa-free travel) and it's always a great time.

Some of the fans really took to extreme (sometimes funny) measures to get the attention of Russian girls. There was a Mexican dude near Tverskaya street after Germany-Mexico game, walking upper body naked with a painted Mexican flag on his upper body, on his back written in Cyrillic: "Я ищу девушку!" caught quite a few eyes and was stopped a few times. There were a couple of Korean guys, looking standard k-pop, and younger Russian girls (18ish) were queuing up to take photos with them and talk...god knows if they could convert to tangible results after.

But more important than where you're from is knowledge of conversational Russian. That's a proper competitive advantage...I really felt the difference this time around. Not a single minute learning Russian is wasted time. [Image: banana.gif]

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Moscow newspaper columnist accuses young Russian women of acting like 'wh****' with foreign World Cup fans in shocking tirade over social media videos


Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?


Russian journalist stating that Russian women are acting like sluts with foreign tourists.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

The whole attack by the 'journalist', the 'warning' from the communists, the message of 'peace and love' from the Sports, Tourism and Youth chairman, Russia is a land of extremes!

Does anyone really care that girls are out there banging foreign dudes? Only those who can't get laid, maybe those Russians should visit us here and get some tips on how to appeal to their own ladies [Image: tongue.gif]

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Just girls looking to have a good time. Talk about scare mongering.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Russian women are definitely not easy for ONS compared to the western drivel. Anyone claiming otherwise is banging average Russian 5's, which still means decent cuties compared to the standard west.

Have had multiple girls saying im good looking but they wont go home with you. Probably most cunning women out there.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

When you're reading an article about girls behaving like whores you have to understand you're not reading journalism anymore.

You're reading soy.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

I just got back home from Russia after spending 22 days.

Overall, I've been to Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania so far and never been in Russia. My perception of Russia has been completely changed. Western media always downgraded Russia and everything in the country but when we went there, we didn't see anything odd at all. We actually went with 19 guys, mostly from New York and Argentina.

Out of 19 dudes, 14 got laid with hot Ruskies [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif] I find Russian people in general, very friendly and helpful. We did not have any problem in anywhere we went. Even cops were very respectful and kind. Due to long lines at the bars, it was impossible to get drink sometimes for 20-25 minutes. We figured that, we would go to supermarket, buy vodka and beer, drinking on the street like everyone does. So, we took out vodka bottles and mixing up with orange juice next to subway. Russian police came to us and said: "Please guys, it's illegal to drink on the streets in Russia. Make your drink quickly and hide the bottle at least in your backpack." And then we offered vodka shots to all police guys, they said: "I wish I wasn't on duty right now." [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

As for women, it was really easy due to World Cup. First of all, you didn't need to dress up. All I had was Argentina jersey on me. All we had to do was to spot a woman, go up and simply ask some bullshit questions like: "Do you support Argentina?" or "Who do you support?" and take it from there. Girls were no problem, problem was my friends really. Everytime I go to girl and talk, they would drag me back and say: "We came here for football, not for girls." as it wasn't possible for 19 dudes to meet with a girl at the same time.

I just got home now and I'll sleep at least 2 days straight now and I'll be back in Russia in the first opportunity again. Really liked the country a lot.

Don't believe to Fake News, even my American friends understood that how they've been brainwashed in United States about Russia.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Rossi why were you wearing an Argentinian shirt? I hope Latinos called you out for not being Argentinian . Really annoying seeing people pretending to be something they are not.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (07-01-2018 07:36 AM)Rossi Wrote:  

I just got back home from Russia after spending 22 days.

Overall, I've been to Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania so far and never been in Russia. My perception of Russia has been completely changed. Western media always downgraded Russia and everything in the country but when we went there, we didn't see anything odd at all. We actually went with 19 guys, mostly from New York and Argentina.

Out of 19 dudes, 14 got laid with hot Ruskies [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif] I find Russian people in general, very friendly and helpful. We did not have any problem in anywhere we went. Even cops were very respectful and kind. Due to long lines at the bars, it was impossible to get drink sometimes for 20-25 minutes. We figured that, we would go to supermarket, buy vodka and beer, drinking on the street like everyone does. So, we took out vodka bottles and mixing up with orange juice next to subway. Russian police came to us and said: "Please guys, it's illegal to drink on the streets in Russia. Make your drink quickly and hide the bottle at least in your backpack." And then we offered vodka shots to all police guys, they said: "I wish I wasn't on duty right now." [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

As for women, it was really easy due to World Cup. First of all, you didn't need to dress up. All I had was Argentina jersey on me. All we had to do was to spot a woman, go up and simply ask some bullshit questions like: "Do you support Argentina?" or "Who do you support?" and take it from there. Girls were no problem, problem was my friends really. Everytime I go to girl and talk, they would drag me back and say: "We came here for football, not for girls." as it wasn't possible for 19 dudes to meet with a girl at the same time.

I just got home now and I'll sleep at least 2 days straight now and I'll be back in Russia in the first opportunity again. Really liked the country a lot.

Don't believe to Fake News, even my American friends understood that how they've been brainwashed in United States about Russia.

Did you smash one of these "hot Ruskies"?

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (07-01-2018 09:02 AM)Belarus1212 Wrote:  

Rossi why were you wearing an Argentinian shirt? I hope Latinos called you out for not being Argentinian . Really annoying seeing people pretending to be something they are not.

Because we have a saying in Italy, "Gli Argentini sono i nostri cugini." which means, "Argentinians are first our first cousins." due to the fact that %25-30 of Argentina have Italian roots. That's why, most of Argentinians have Italian last names.

If you go to Napoli, they support Argentina more than Italy because of Maradona [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

And read it well again. I didn't say I'm Argentinian, I said I support Argentina in the World Cup.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Argentinians don't feel that way, and I know I am Latino, maybe even Argentinian [Image: wink.gif] you are like an Arab that thinks that Europeans are his brothers. I hope Latinos called you out for wearing an Argentinian shirt when you are not Argentinian .

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Rossi fo you support morocco and Algeria also? Italians have a lot of Arabic blood and were under the rule of arabs for several hundred years

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Over a million Argentines are of Irish extraction and I have distant relatives in Argentina so the case could have been made for me to do a Rossi and go Argy Bargy for a couple of weeks to land some 6s.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

be honest with your roots and wear an Algerian shirt, not Argentinian

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Rossi, why are you cheating Russian girls like that???? Take off (our) shirt!!!!

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (07-01-2018 09:47 AM)Belarus1212 Wrote:  

Argentinians don't feel that way, and I know I am Latino, maybe even Argentinian [Image: wink.gif] you are like an Arab that thinks that Europeans are his brothers. I hope Latinos called you out for wearing an Argentinian shirt when you are not Argentinian .

I just spent 22 days with 16 Argentinians from Rosario, Cordoba and Buenos Aires pal [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

Are you telling me that Latino's don't feel that way? I'd rather believe to my eyes than you, sorry.

I'm with Russia t-shirt right now as I wanted Spain to lose. I guess I'm Russian right now [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif] Hola at me in 2 hours because I'll be supporting Croatia next match.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Rossi, not trying to offend you, but it is a bit hard to believe that most of your latino friends got laid and you even banged 6 russian girls in 20 days or so.... it sounds like all Russian girls are sluts waiting for foreign dick to come at them.

Also the group of Italians I have seen in London and Baltic countries were pretty short and dark and were confused for arabs ( no joking).

Even in Albania where I am now, the Italian students here are also of small frame and look like ''good guys'' that have no idea of game. Didn't see them gaming here, maybe they are afraid.

Most of them were in packs or groups of 5-6 guys acting like horny in front of these eastern European girls, thinking that this is still the 90s and they would get laid for just being from Italy or some latino speaking exotic but also developed country.

Maybe you are a special case, don't know.

PS: Never hard of these special connections between Argentinians and Italians.... if we go by your way of thinking, maybe Calabrians should all be brothers with Albanians, because of the large Arberesh community in southern italy... or Maybe all mid west Americans should all be brothers with Germans since a large part of them are of German ancestry.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (07-01-2018 07:36 AM)Rossi Wrote:  

I just got back home from Russia after spending 22 days.

Overall, I've been to Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania so far and never been in Russia. My perception of Russia has been completely changed. Western media always downgraded Russia and everything in the country but when we went there, we didn't see anything odd at all. We actually went with 19 guys, mostly from New York and Argentina.

Out of 19 dudes, 14 got laid with hot Ruskies [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif] I find Russian people in general, very friendly and helpful. We did not have any problem in anywhere we went. Even cops were very respectful and kind. Due to long lines at the bars, it was impossible to get drink sometimes for 20-25 minutes. We figured that, we would go to supermarket, buy vodka and beer, drinking on the street like everyone does. So, we took out vodka bottles and mixing up with orange juice next to subway. Russian police came to us and said: "Please guys, it's illegal to drink on the streets in Russia. Make your drink quickly and hide the bottle at least in your backpack." And then we offered vodka shots to all police guys, they said: "I wish I wasn't on duty right now." [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

As for women, it was really easy due to World Cup. First of all, you didn't need to dress up. All I had was Argentina jersey on me. All we had to do was to spot a woman, go up and simply ask some bullshit questions like: "Do you support Argentina?" or "Who do you support?" and take it from there. Girls were no problem, problem was my friends really. Everytime I go to girl and talk, they would drag me back and say: "We came here for football, not for girls." as it wasn't possible for 19 dudes to meet with a girl at the same time.

I just got home now and I'll sleep at least 2 days straight now and I'll be back in Russia in the first opportunity again. Really liked the country a lot.

Don't believe to Fake News, even my American friends understood that how they've been brainwashed in United States about Russia.

It depends of what you mean when you state '' don't believe western media fake news''

If you have seen Hollywood movies, they l try to portray russian women as prostitutes and Russian guys as human traffickers, or whenever Russians are going to be mentioned it will always be something related to mafia.

Western media has never tried to upgrade the image of russian women as good wives and dedicated Christian orthodox women.

I do not have any connection to Russia by blood, but If i would be Russian, personally I would not be proud if my county's women would be known to bang foreign tourists, and especially in a world cup that lasts around 1 month.

And of course that Russian women are heavily influenced by western media and western way of life style

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Let's be honest....russian women have the worst reputation. Everywhere in the world they are known as whores or prostitutes

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (07-01-2018 12:50 PM)BUDDY Wrote:  

Let's be honest....russian women have the worst reputation. Everywhere in the world they are known as whores or prostitutes

They have their own fault for that for sure, but not entirely.

However if russian women are known as whores, than what the hell can we say about English women that get drunk and take drugs every weekend and some of them can't even count the number of guys they have banged???

It is better to be a prostitute than a western slut that tries even to play the good wives role after she has banged endless number of guys and can not even remember the amount of drugs and alcohol she has taken in her endless '' parties''

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

I challenge you to speak to some people who have actually grown up in Russia.

From what I've heard, Russian and Ukrainian women have a notch count that makes English and American girls look like virgins.

Just ask yourself ? Why are russian women stereotyped as prostitutes everywhere in the world ?

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (07-01-2018 12:50 PM)BUDDY Wrote:  

Let's be honest....russian women have the worst reputation. Everywhere in the world they are known as whores or prostitutes

Russian girls texted me on whatsapp and told me that, there's war on social media between Russian man and women. Russian guys attacked Russian girls saying that being foreign is enough to bang girls and then someone sent me this article in English:


[Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

East Slav girls are notoriously slutty even by Eastern European standards. Even here in Bulgaria we constantly joke just how promiscuous Russian woman are and the number one reason to be careful when visiting Moscow is not the crime but local Russian honeypots.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?


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