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Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Russia for me was over when they started allowing their women to ride on the inside of the bus

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

talking about russians womens in world cup .. funny video


Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-19-2018 06:59 PM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

talking about russians womens in world cup .. funny video


Why do you need to circle the women in groups everywhere? It's the same in swimming pools in Germany and in clubs - also it's an identical behavior during Taharrush gamea procedure. Do you do it with good Muslim women too in your countries whenever 3 girls stand around somewhere?

Yeah - it's "friendly" seemingly, but not really as a multitude of men are suddenly encircling strange women.

I certainly would not feel comfortable having my girl or sister by encircled like that - knowing full well how those things escalate all across the world.

Even Game wise it's asinine as we know that you don't even approach one woman as two blokes - let alone a group of men.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

If anything it'll have a net positive impact, as nobody is more capable of "spoiling Russian women" than the Russian men who have been conditioned their entire lives to do so.

On the ground in Moscow I'm seeing more authenticity and laughter than ever, all thanks to "vast hordes of thirsty males."

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Was about to say, the only ones complaining are the people who aren't even around. World Cup kicks ass and everyone's loving it. Of course if you have nothing else in mind than the next "approach", you're not going to have a ton of fun.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

I think the 2018 FWC takes place in Russia exactly for that reason, to spoil even more the Russian women. However, some guys of middle Eastern or African origin might get lucky, as there is clearly a fetish.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

It will spoil them as long as the cup goes on with lots of foreign men. Shortly after it will be back to what it was before. Why wouldnt it?

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-19-2018 07:23 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2018 06:59 PM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

talking about russians womens in world cup .. funny video


Why do you need to circle the women in groups everywhere? It's the same in swimming pools in Germany and in clubs - also it's an identical behavior during Taharrush gamea procedure. Do you do it with good Muslim women too in your countries whenever 3 girls stand around somewhere?

Yeah - it's "friendly" seemingly, but not really as a multitude of men are suddenly encircling strange women.

I certainly would not feel comfortable having my girl or sister by encircled like that - knowing full well how those things escalate all across the world.

Even Game wise it's asinine as we know that you don't even approach one woman as two blokes - let alone a group of men.

Did you hear about Alcohol ? and I don't think those guys are into those womens , they are just having fun

I wont talk about relgion and muslim , Tunisia is known to be the least Muslim country between all Muslim. Everyone drinks , and Womens in Tunisia are open to sex.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Please stop this "apocalypse now!" thing.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Going to Russia in july for finals, so far from pipelining women on tinder the place seems okay, girls are engaging and fun to talk to.
Cannot pick out any red flags yet or gold digging traits.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-21-2018 09:22 AM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2018 07:23 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2018 06:59 PM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

talking about russians womens in world cup .. funny video


Why do you need to circle the women in groups everywhere? It's the same in swimming pools in Germany and in clubs - also it's an identical behavior during Taharrush gamea procedure. Do you do it with good Muslim women too in your countries whenever 3 girls stand around somewhere?

Yeah - it's "friendly" seemingly, but not really as a multitude of men are suddenly encircling strange women.

I certainly would not feel comfortable having my girl or sister by encircled like that - knowing full well how those things escalate all across the world.

Even Game wise it's asinine as we know that you don't even approach one woman as two blokes - let alone a group of men.

Did you hear about Alcohol ? and I don't think those guys are into those womens , they are just having fun

I wont talk about relgion and muslim , Tunisia is known to be the least Muslim country between all Muslim. Everyone drinks , and Womens in Tunisia are open to sex.

I think you are trolling here, seriously.

Isaiah 4:1

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

When someone makes a thread or post like "X country is ruined " etc, then look at his profile, if he has not been to that country then tell him to shut the fuck up

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Russia waz finished as soon as this thread waz started.

[Image: facepalm.png]

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

I've always got on best with the girls in Ukraine who have had some exposure to the West, be it working overseas, or holidaying. I can assimilate with them easier, they have something to talk about, unlike many Ukrainian girls

Many of them return to Ukraine depressed with the travel bug, and make plans to return to wherever they were, they will do anything to get back the life they had in Europe for example. They see me as a solution to their problems because I work remotely, and can move them to my country, take them on holidays around the world.

Also, after being chased by many Western men their standards for men are higher, the bar has been set and they can't go back to being with fat ugly Ukrainian guys, they know that the fat Ukrainian guy will not take her to another country to live, she will just be his domestic slave and they will both just get fat together in Ukraine

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Don't worry, even if it does the Russian men will beat it out of them afterwards [Image: tongue.gif] [Image: tongue.gif] [Image: tongue.gif]

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Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Russian women have been ruined ever since I made my first trip there in 2009.

Seriously, some people need to get a fucking perspective and a life. This is a country of 145 million people. Tens of thousands of male football fans descending on places like Moscow and St. Pete (mainly) will not change that. When the World Cup is over, life will go back to normal and the vast armies of cuties in the Golden Triangle (Volga-Urals) will be still be there waiting for any of us, with the courage and fortitude to make the trek east.

Dere's still plenty of gold in dem dar hills.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

[Image: attachment.jpg39321]   

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Some friends from L.A told me that the hottest Russian girls they saw with football fans, were with Middle Eastern and African guys and they were not prostitutes. I saw some hotties with my own eyes a few years ago, so there must be some kind of Muslim guys fetish in Russia? Maybe because they are family oriented and not players.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-23-2018 04:05 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Russian women have been ruined ever since I made my first trip there in 2009.

Seriously, some people need to get a fucking perspective and a life. This is a country of 145 million people. Tens of thousands of male football fans descending on places like Moscow and St. Pete (mainly) will not change that. When the World Cup is over, life will go back to normal and the vast armies of cuties in the Golden Triangle (Volga-Urals) will be still be there waiting for any of us, with the courage and fortitude to make the trek east.

Dere's still plenty of gold in dem dar hills.

Sound slike you were the catalyst for the Ruining of Russia

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Quote: (06-23-2018 07:18 AM)dr.feelgood Wrote:  

Some friends from L.A told me that the hottest Russian girls they saw with football fans, were with Middle Eastern and African guys and they were not prostitutes. I saw some hotties with my own eyes a few years ago, so there must be some kind of Muslim guys fetish in Russia? Maybe because they are family oriented and not players.

you dont know it yet? EE Sluts love dark skin, no matter if from poland, russia , ukraine.....

but i understand it because i prefer darker girls too.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

This thread will go left now

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

@Batka - life will go back to normal and the vast armies of cuties in the Golden Triangle (Volga-Urals)

I thought my friends and I were the only ones referring to the pussy paradise triangle you described. Found it quite funny that someone else would come up with the similar idea we had on it.

Even Maxim is catching on to the hysteria:


I don’t think it’s ruined, but I do hate the thought of what is happening in Moscow right now with Putin Letting these cucks in. I’m really jealous. It’s encouraging me to better my russian so I can freely go East of Urals beyond the triangle!

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

Was out in Moscow tonight. This month is probably the worst time in history to come to Moscow for game purposes. However, if you're coming for the football you'll have a fantastic time; there's a great atmosphere in the city.

Some random observations from boots on the ground:

1. I was watching the first England game in a bar. Astonishingly bad ratios for Moscow; I'd estimate 20:1.

2. Saw a lot of dudes swiping on Tinder. One Mexican was eagerly telling me about this girl he was going to meet in St Petersburg. She even knew the bar she was going to take him to! Had to alert the poor guy about the common St P scam - no doubt they're doing a roaring trade.

3. A lot of Arab and South American fans doing shitty approaches. The ones the girls the girls are actually interested in (Europeans, Aussies) seem much more reserved.

4. I've seen some presumably Tinder dates with terrible mismatches. Good looking foreign dudes with shocking and/or old Russian girls. Don't use Tinder!

5. Somebody earlier saying that dark skinned have a bonus here...that couldn't be further from the truth, in my experience. Russian girls have a strong aversion to people with a skin tone that looks like it comes from the Caucuses or Stans. Black dudes who are genuinely American could do OK, but they will do MUCH better in Budapest, Prague, Zagreb and Belgrade, where the have god status similar to white guys in SEA. Hispanic looking guys will do better in Poland than Russia.

6. Related to the last point, a lot of Arabs pretending to be Spanish, Africans pretending to French or American. Quite amusing, really.

7. Have seen some Russian girls with rich looking Arabs. These girls love money and will not pass up the chance to rinse wealthy foreigners. For a certain subset of Russian girls this will be all their Christmases come at once. I imagine iPhone sales will be through the roof.

8. I don't see this WC ruining Russia. Outside of the centre life is ticking over as usual. Plenty of cute girls to daygame whose experience of the World Cup might just be one trip to the Fan Zone. Also, visas, costs and the language barrier will keep the sex tourists away from Russia when there are easier options, such as Kiev. Give it a couple of months and we'll be back to normal.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

^ can confirm - also in Moscow rn. The African/Latin/Arab approaches are really something to be enjoyed. As a tall Aussie it's fantastic to walk up and disrupt a faltering set being conducted through google translate, they initiate immediate mate guarding and you can just see the girls drying up and squirming to get away. I've also noticed most of the real competition at least from the Aussie contingents either has brought girlfriends or is so focused on getting drunk with their mates that they don't really put effort in. Basically the only guys who are having a blast with the women are guys who have the local contacts, language and cultural knowledge that they would have come here/killed it here anyway.

I'd add though that Moscow seems much less influenced than Petersburg by the world cup. Decentralization kind of prevents the large groups of desperate men congregating en masse.

Will the 2018 FIFA World Cup spoil Russian women?

I am in St Petersburg and find it super easy. All the girls who are going out to places where are football supporters want to hook up. The "good" Russian girls will avoid the fan areas. So far I got one bang which is not that bad because I was drunk pretty much all the time and fully focused on football and beer.

As someone mentioned earlier I think it is unlikely to hook up with a Russian stunner but the average girls are very easy to approach and up for some good time. I also changed my opinion about picking up girls. Someone who would focus here on game will do very well because all guys here including myself just want to drink and watch the games.

Overall this is a fantastic event. St Petersburg people are welcoming and friendly. The beer is great and my mates and myself having an amazing time. Sometimes it is just better to enjoy life. If you do so the girls will come.

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