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Latinas NYC

Latinas NYC

Hey guys. Like many of you, I caught the Latina bug during a two month trip to Colombia in the fall and I am now suffering from major withdrawals here in NYC.

I’m curious if anybody has any tips on how to go about netting some cute Latinas – specifically Colombians — in the Big Apple. I could troll Jackson Heights (which I have done a little bit). But I am hunting alone and it feels like any other night in New York City when you just walk in and out of bars and there are groups of people already assembled.

Thoughts on the following?

- Adding Random latin hotties on Facebook based on location, likes etc (eg if they like a bar or comment on a post about a NYC thing). This used to work years ago but guards are waaaay up these days...

- Physically combing through latin bars and restaurants in the hopes of striking a conversation.

- looking for Latin themed events on Facebook or eventbrite and just rolling in balls out.

- going to salsa classes in an all-Latin barrio

- offering to teach English in an all-Latin barrio

(I won’t even mention Latin Cupid because that shit doesn’t work here – all the girls are over on the other side of the border.)

So yeah, quite a pickle! It’s very different to hunt at home rather than in enemy territory. And it’s also a JOB to find Latin-themed stuff to do - there’s so many resources and it’s easy to get lost in a wormhole

Oh and keep in mind – I am fluent in Spanish and Italian so I look latin.

Thoughts hugely appreciated

Latinas NYC

Colombian independence day is on July 20th which falls on a Friday this year, I'm sure they'll be drinking guaro in the streets and throwing flour in each other's faces somewhere in Queens so look up some parties on FB, IG or whatever, shouldn't be too hard to find, the bars/clubs will be packed that night.

Latinas NYC

This post is interesting because I've been wondering the same for a couple years now. I'm in NYC and NJ every couple months and I'm getting to the point where I just want to find some Colombianas in NYC to hang out with every time I go back.

I'm really curious on the Jackson Heights thing as Jackson and Astoria are where they are, I believe. It's just kinda far for me from Manhattan and BK so I haven't gotten to go yet. Also, I haven't been super motivated because I feel like they'll be pretty ghetto. But maybe I'm wrong.

I will say that there are a ton of them around Newark/Elizabeth in NJ and they're just not the same as the ones actually in Colombia. But there has to be some decent ones.

I would start by setting my Tinder location to Jackson Heights or Astoria and limiting the radius maybe so you can try to get some online girls that way or at least get a sense of how that area might look. But other than moving there and spending lots of time in that area, I'm not sure what else to suggest. Maybe meeting one, even if shes not that hot, so you can then get in with her and hope she has other friends to intro you to.

I'd look for some nightlife too that's focused on salsa music or reggaeton as I'd imagine those girls would go to those types of parties too.

Really interested in seeing what you find.

Latinas NYC

Gonzalez y Gonzalez on W Houston & Mercer had a great salsa night every week, at least a couple years ago. I felt out of place without speaking Spanish and knowing salsa well.

Latinas NYC

Quote: (07-08-2018 09:26 AM)Jnx Wrote:  

Gonzalez y Gonzalez on W Houston & Mercer had a great salsa night every week, at least a couple years ago. I felt out of place without speaking Spanish and knowing salsa well.

Cool bar, can get jam packed though. Good margaritas if that's your thing. Went there last summer to meet up with a Russian girl I'd met off Tinder, within an hour she ended up getting so bombed we had to call the night early (I took her back to my place as she lived out near Brighton Beach and put her to bed, banged her in the AM after she sobered up but was pissed enough at her behavior that I didn't hang out with her again). I remember having to go through some sort of weird underground tunnel to get to a bathroom. Good spot though, probably a lot of potential there for Spanish speakers.

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!

Latinas NYC

None of the Latin neighborhoods are really known for their nightlife in the NYC area. Colombians specifically are in Jackson Heights and Elizabeth NJ, if you want to go and daygame.

Latinas are everywhere. Wouldn't really know how you can't find them. I think your idea of going to Latin themed bars though is a a solid idea.

Latinas NYC

For those that have been to both locations can NYC Latinas even hold a candle to Miami Latinas?

Latinas NYC

Washington Heights is loaded with Dominican girls.

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