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Back to the USA for one month

Back to the USA for one month

Quote:Giovonny Wrote:  

I absolutely believe that our technology is becoming part of our human "experience". Our little machines are often more rewarding then human interaction.

Very true. I would say this is true for both sexes. I must admit, I'm at the point that I find the discussions on this forum(and other virtual communities) more mentally stimulating than making small talk with a random person.


I think girls don't need men as much any more because they can find attention, entertainment, validation, etc. online.

When I think of the girls that I know pretty well over long periods of time and are single, I'm convinced that they aren't having much sex if any outside of relationships. And when they do date someone it's almost always social network.

When I go out at night, which is becoming rare these days, I pay close attention to who is talking to who. I don't really see guys leaving the club with women they didn't already show up with.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 11:33 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Your online profile better be tight, and your text game better be smooth, and you better have a lot of leads. But some guys are crushing it on Tinder.

This guy is crushing it. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 02:10 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

So girls must be sleeping with less men than before, because I'm not convinced that the top 1% of guys (looks-wise) is satisfying the bulk of these girls. Most good looking guys I know tend to gravitate towards relationships while hardcore players with 100+ notch counts are more average looking.

The manosphere narrative is that girls are getting sluttier and the cock carousel is a huge problem, but like mentioned earlier, it's possible girls are being satisfied with attention from social networking and actually sleeping with fewer men. We may be in the middle of some type of shift.

You are totally correct about guys needing to be top 1% looks-wise (at least 6 feet, ripped, dark.) What this means is that girls standards are through the roof- after all is she can go on dates 5 nights in a row with okc and tinder then she can just get a free drink or two every night until she finds the guy. Decades ago attractive girls may get only a couple approaches per week- now they get a couple per hour with the internet.

A short anecdote to highlight this: I usually play marry, fuck, kill with a girl on the first date. It's a good bit of chick crack. And I usually will pick the same good looking celebrities for her to choose from (Leo Dicaprio, Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, etc.) The shocking part of this is that half the time or more the girls will tell me that most of the famous guys I picked are not very attractive to her! Imagine that- guys who get paid for their looks are not even attractive enough anymore for your typical American 7. Interestingly this is a good barometer of if I can bang her or not.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 02:15 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2014 12:41 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I opened a girl with "Is downstairs any good?" because I really wanted to know, and I swear to god she replied, "Is that your pickup line?" I scratched my head on that one for a while.

Use one of the Tuthmosis All-Purpose Slammer Lines™ at times like these. I rarely need to use them these days, since I hardly do night game anymore. The magic of these lines is that you can dial up or dial down the aggression with just minor tone adjustments. They don't read so brutal on the screen, but they land like a quick jab to the face:

1. "Don't flatter yourself." [Alternative: "Stop flattering yourself."]

2. "You're full of shit." [less appropriate in this particular case]

3. "Not everything revolves around you." [I often customize this one. In this case, I'm fairly certain I would have said "You think everything is pickup line at you?"]

[Image: ohshit2.gif]

Or: "I was trying to get a conversational response. But how can I know if I want to pick you up without determining first whether or not you're a smug, brain-dead narcissist with a delusional sense of self worth?"

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 05:08 AM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I am positive because I was a "have not" and through hard work, I became a "have". Other guys on this forum have done it also!

When I bang a 19 year old, it gives me hope. Hope that, if I can find a system that works for me, I know other guys can find a system that works for them.

Positive thoughts are nice, but they only get you so far. It's like trying to cure a disease through prayer instead of going to the doctor. At the end of the day, you still need someone to diagnose the problem so that you can treat it properly. In other words, you can't continue to come up with a "system that works" without thoroughly understanding the problem you're dealing with--and how it's evolving.

I'm just calling balls and strikes. I literally have an 18-year-old with a plump ass bringing over groceries to make me dinner, but I still know (like several other guys have confirmed) that--in aggregate--things have gotten rougher on the street for the average guy.

The disease has mutated and we need to come up with an aggressive treatment beyond prayers.

Quote: (04-21-2014 12:16 PM)OlderGuyGame Wrote:  

Or: "I was trying to get a conversational response. But how can I know if I want to pick you up without determining first whether or not you're a smug, brain-dead narcissist with a delusional sense of self worth?"

You won't have time to get that soliloquy out. Plus, it sounds way-way too angry--like she got to you. If you wouldn't look cool saying it and then taking a puff from an imaginary cigarette, it won't work.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 01:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Positive thoughts are nice, but they only get you so far.

Of course, that why I also take Positive Action. That's why I approach college girls by the dozen!

Positive thinking often inspires positive action!

Positive action leads to change!

Everyone on this forum knows that I take massive action.

Quote: (04-21-2014 01:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

It's like trying to cure a disease through prayer instead of going to the doctor.

I'm not recommending prayer.

I'm recommending that each man focus on fixing his own unique situation. Rather than trying to fix all of society.

We must focus our minds specifically on our personal situation. Our weaknesses, our sticking points, our strategy for improvement.

Focusing on society's issue is interesting to take note of, but in the end making positive changes to our own life will bring the greatest satisfaction.

Quote: (04-21-2014 01:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

At the end of the day, you still need someone to diagnose the problem so that you can treat it properly.

Diagnosing your own problems are more important than diagnosing societies problems, in my opinion.

Quote: (04-21-2014 01:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

In other words, you can't continue to come up with a "system that works" without thoroughly understanding the problem you're dealing with--and how it's evolving.

Yes, each man must look at his life. Look at problems, study the problems, understand the problems, and then get busy working on a solution!

Quote: (04-21-2014 01:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

things have gotten rougher on the street for the average guy.


That is why I am recommend taking steps to avoid being average.

The average guy does not approach girls. The average guy does not cultivate his charisma and sense of humor. The average guy does not maintain his body. The average guy doesn't dress well.

The average guy must force himself to rise above the average.

5 years ago, I was very average. Then, I forced myself to talk to girls, I forced myself to workout, I forced myself to dress better, I forced myself to study game.

I got so busy improving myself that I didn't have time to complain about the problems of the average guy!

I forced myself to become above average.

I want other guys to do the same.

"Self"-Mastery through hard work is the answer!

Quote: (04-21-2014 01:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

we need to come up with an aggressive treatment beyond prayers.

Who suggested "prayer" as a treatment?

I certainly didn't..

I have already designed and implemented an aggressive treatment for myself.

Here it is:

1) Focus my mind on fixing my specific problems!

2) Approach dozens of college girls every week!

This strategy has allowed me to bang college girls.

I encourage other guys to focus on finding the solutions to their problems. Often times, this means focusing less on society at large and more on yourself.

"Aggressive Treatment" is actually my favorite topic! Since we are talking about "aggressive treatment"..


I want to ask you..

Were you ever average?

What did you do to become above average?

What was your "aggressive treatment"?

How did you solve your girl problems?

Back to the USA for one month


Who's recommending not continually improving yourself or focusing on yourself at all? No one on this forum, in this thread, and certainly not me. I'd hate to say it, but you're straw-manning us, Gio. What I'm saying is that merely focusing on "your own situation"--as if it exists in a vacuum--is naive at best, and foolhardy at worst. To put your head down and just plow through worsening conditions without understanding what's going on, is not a good strategy.

Your situation is directly connected to the broader environment. And that environment has changed significantly--as noted by guys who have been gone for a while (e.g., Roosh) and guys who have been around for a while (e.g., me). If we only exist as individuals--with perfectly individual situations--what's the point of even having a forum? Why do certain game principles work across the board? Couldn't your solution literally be the answer to every single thread on the forum?

I don't think general improve-your-game-and-approach-more advice is the solution to all problems, and especially the type of concerns raised in this thread. In fact, it could have the opposite effect: shutting down an important conversation with feel-good, but fundamentally generic, motivational statements. For a newbie who has no game skills, yes, improving his verbal skills, dressing well, and all that jazz still makes sense, obviously. But when a group of already advanced guys--who already do great approaches and have the skills to fix problems on an on-going basis (the majority of the guys in this thread)--the conversation is on a different plane. We're all still banging girls. But when the amount of energy, time, and blow-outs has increased as significantly as they have--when being well-above average is becoming not enough--it's going to take something different than the same exact thing we've been doing. We're talking about surgical adjustments, not general revamps that we all accepted as givens long ago.

Or, maybe, there isn't a solution. We might just be getting a grasp on a growing problem that may not have seen a bottom yet. But, either way, it's a conversation that has to happen. When you have a guy like Roosh--with his insights and experience--coming back after 18 months and making observations, it makes sense to compare notes and drill into his revelations. Innovative game (new shit that adjusts to new realities) comes from getting into these subtleties, not just blasting through with the same thing.

Gio, I respect your game, but let's set aside the heart-warming self-affirmation platitudes--which certainly have their place and value--and talk about how to adjust to these specific new realities.

We're not newbies, you don't need to talk to us like we are.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Back to the USA for one month

Gio needs to get a spot on 20 20 explaining to America the epidemic rise in hot young female
masturbation due to social media and lack of real sex.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Back to the USA for one month

Louis CK sums up the social problems that are beginning to become a part of American society pretty perfectly.

Smart phones are depriving people of their ability to become autonomous human beings.

Instead of people being forced to learn to cope with life and what it is to be a person, they can escape into their smart phones.

Even I have trouble with this myself. I will admit to coming onto this forum multiple times throughout the day in an attempt to escape life because I just don't want to deal with it.

Really, it comes down to this.

Instead of people holding the bible in their hands. They hold a smart phone.

Instead of going to church on Sundays. They go to the mall.

Corporations have subsisted Christianity as the religion loses its value in society. This loss of faith leads to a loss of community and people become more isolated.

I give businessmen credit for taking advantage of this, but it's sad seeing people become so isolated and alone. In order to fill the void that is left by loss of community, they buy things in an attempt to feel wholeness.

Back to the USA for one month

Sometimes I read things on this forum and think I must be crazy for being generally happy living in the Axis of Evil for pussy (DC).

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Gio, I respect your game, but let's set aside the heart-warming self-affirmation platitudes--which certainly have their place and value--and talk about how to adjust to these specific new realities.

We're not newbies, you don't need to talk to us like we are.

Gio does have a tendency to get patronizing/condescending and put words in ones mouths when engaged in head-to-heads.

This happened before almost word for word like above with Tuth.

You can do better than that Gio.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:59 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Gio, I respect your game, but let's set aside the heart-warming self-affirmation platitudes--which certainly have their place and value--and talk about how to adjust to these specific new realities.

We're not newbies, you don't need to talk to us like we are.

Gio does have a tendency to get patronizing/condescending and put words in ones mouths when engaged in head-to-heads.

This happened before almost word for word like above with Tuth.

You can do better than that Gio.

Respect both views and totally agree with what Tut is saying.

I think Gio was mainly addressing potential newbies that could've misinterpreted some of those negative observations as "mission impossible" regarding game in the US when all it takes are new adjustments (solutions) to those awful trends.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I'd hate to say it, but you're straw-manning us, Gio.

I'm not sure what that means but I will look it up..

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

What I'm saying is that merely focusing on "your own situation"--as if it exists in a vacuum--is naive at best, and foolhardy at worst.

A man focusing on his own situation is "naive" and "foolhardy"???

We can agree to disagree on that.

I think that a man should focus intensely and almost exclusively on his own situation. Specifically, how to improve it.

I think focusing on the larger societal issues often distracts a man from the real problems, his problems.

Maybe, it's just a matter of philosophy?

Some guys want to solve the world, I only want to solve myself.

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

To put your head down and just plow through worsening conditions without understanding what's going on, is not a good strategy.

A good strategy is one that works.

Putting your head down and plowing is another way to say Hard Work.

I have put my head down and approached thousands of college girls.

That is the single biggest reason for my success.

Because of that hard work and dedication, the conditions of my sex life improved. Conditions may get worse for the average guy, but again, I focus on improving my personal conditions not the conditions of the average man. By getting better, I actually raise the "average".

If everyone committed themselves to fixing their own problems, the national "average" would rise.

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I don't think general improve-your-game-and-approach-more advice is the solution to all problems

Of course, it's not the solution to all problems but "Improving Ones Game" is the the most fundamental solution to all of his girl problems.

I mean, if a man is not willing to improve his game, he doesn't deserve to see results.

Personal development and improving ones dating strategy is the answer, in my opinion.

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

We're talking about surgical adjustments


Surgical adjustments!

That's what I'm talking about.

The surgical adjustment I made was to start day gaming on a college campus. This allowed me to target the exact girls I want in a way that was fun and inspiring for me. It is not an energy drain or soul sucking.

I game on my terms. I encourage others to do the same.

Take responsibility for your life.

Look at the extreme action Roosh took. He moved to Europe. This is the best example we have for taking control of your own sex life!

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Or, maybe, there isn't a solution.

On a societal level, I don't think there is a solution.

The majority of people just don't have the work ethic and mental fortitude to make change.

Society will always be "average."

But, as individuals, we must always work towards a solution.

What other choice do we have?

Observing the problem is good, discussing the problem is better, but, taking action to solve the problem is best!

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

lets talk about how to adjust to these specific new realities.

I would love to talk adjustments and solutions!

For me, the biggest keys were:

-Detaching myself emotionally from the highs and lows of gaming.

-Finding a strategy that was a good fit for my lifestyle.

-Improving my fashion

- Studying charisma and comedy

- Only day gaming 18-21 year olds

Those adjustments allowed me to find success in this new reality.

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

We're not newbies, you don't need to talk to us like we are.

I actually think this is a very advanced topic.

I will explain..

For most of history, man was only aware of his own problems. He was only aware of a small part of the world. Now, we are aware of nearly everyone's problems throughout the world.

This can lead to information overload and over stimulation.

We often think too much and have too much to think about..

Where should a man direct his attention?

You know what I'm going to say..


Modern man must cultivate himself. He is getting pulled on from every direction. Everyone wants our time and money and energy. We must be very cautious and wise about where we direct our attention.

Society will not save us, we must save ourselves!

Sorry, I am just the kind of man who focuses on solutions and not problems.


I know Roosh was just doing anthropological research and reporting his findings.

He could have focused on the "foreign girls and light skinned black girls" that he mentioned earlier. If he would have done that.. And, gotten a bang. This report might have been much different.

We might be talking about the importance of targeting a specific demographic rather than talking about this stuff..?

But, that said, I do think it's important to be aware of the pitfalls in front of you.

I just wanted to make the point that in my opinion, the Micro-view (self) is more important then the Macro-view (society)



I want to ask you again.. For the sake of helping other guys...

What did you do to become above average?

Let's talk solutions.

Back to the USA for one month

Gio's advice applies to every man, society is made up of intentional distractions. We can't change the world but you can change yourself.
Too many guys I know are happy with the status quo or trivial crap.

Our New Blog:

Back to the USA for one month

Here is how you fix the problem and how it is getting worse.

Weak ass game and the proliferation of pick up lines is why the USA is worse.

Not smart phones.

Smartphones are not the problem. The problem is that you have dudes with no game copying and pasting openers. Line for line, rhyme for rhyme to every single tinder/okcupid/match/badoo contact that shows interest.

Over time, the girls realize it is the same cooked books so line for line they realize you're wasting her time.


Reason two. Your lines are going to get blown out because no one is living a life worth envying.

Meaning? You are seeing a move to authenticity. Why? It's harder to fake.

To be honest my entire game relies 100% on snap chat and real time photos. (Text game that is)

Not a joke. Any text interaction is going to start with some cool crap I am actually doing. Can be as weak as the gym to as cool as being front row at the NHL playoff matchup. Here is a major difference, you're selling an experience AND your game at the same time you're the real deal. These are the guys who are pulling top tier now. I put my face in every photo so hey know it is me. It's legit. They say wow he is doing all this cool chit Monday thru Sunday doesn't have time for a run of the mill boring day that I'm having right now (all girls ain't doing shit anyway!)

Average guy is now screwed and I could not be happier. If average guy gets screwed it means things flow to the top right? Get to the top. Whatever that means for your demographic get to the top of the food chain in their eyes (the group you target).


Alcohol consumption is humerous in the USA now. I'd say you're losing more bangs if you're getting fucked up on weekends. You can easily go in there dead sober or if you want to ease into it with 1-2 drinks.

Now the girls think you're "mature".

Again the issue is average guy running around with canne weak game and lines. He gets fucked up before he has the balls to holler and then gets piss drunk of course he is gonna falter.


I'm with menace on this one, some of the stuff on here really doesn't pertain anymore I changed to the environment quite a bit. My improvements year over year are still going up. I'd say if you're not getting better quality every year it's probably your own problem unless Age really became a factor.

That's really the crux of it all. Go live a cool life and things fall into place in reverse. You really shouldn't need a girl to fuck or a girlfriend and suddenly you'll have one. One of the odd paradoxes of this whole thing.

Once you live a life where you say "well she turned me down and is missing out on the chance of a lifetime" (and truly believe it) all these issues melt away.

If every time you hang out with the girl you're doing some cool crap, dancing, going to a spoting event, partying on a boat, going to a rave, going sky diving, etc. How can she possibly NOT want to be around you. All the fun stuff that happens In her life is because of you. She's gonna tell her friends... Etc. Network builds. You'll be turning down dates instead of asking for them.

"I'll be here at x come at X time, if not no worries"

Blast to 6 girls 2 come through flake on the less attractive one.
Finally, if your money is location independent (leave) and if you're not making good money ... Leave as well since you can likely get a good income abroad with some online freelance work if you want.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 03:59 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Gio does have a tendency to get patronizing/condescending and put words in ones mouths when engaged in head-to-heads.

This happened before almost word for word like above with Tuth.

You can do better than that Gio.

Patronizing? Me?

If you an issue.. Why didn't you respond in that thread or pm me?

You waited almost a year to bring it up!

I went back and read that thread. We had a difference in perspective. We clarified things.

At the end of our exchange, I said this..

Quote: (06-27-2013 03:50 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Respect. Thanks for engaging me and stimulating my intellect.

I literally thanked you for expanding my perspective.

Now, a year later, you criticize me?

Let me know when you are in San Francisco and I will buy you a drink. Seriously. Sorry if I offended you, that was not my intention.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 12:41 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I opened a girl with "Is downstairs any good?" because I really wanted to know, and I swear to god she replied, "Is that your pickup line?" I scratched my head on that one for a while.

I've got a regular spot I used to pull from (it's still decent). It's probably the bar I've been to most in L.A. I know several of the bartenders and half the time I go there most of my drinks are comped. I also recognize and am friendly with other regulars.

So one night I approach a couple of Australian women who were cute, not hot. 7s at best but I admit they presented themselves well. Dresses, heels, makeup, they were pretty dolled up. They looked vaguely familiar. I can't remember the first thing I said, maybe, "Hey how's your night going?" Got a cold response, so I said, "Haven't I seen you two here before? You look familiar." Which was true. One of them says in the cuntiest, snarkiest, most sarcastic way possible: "Oh what is that, a PICKUP line?" And starts laughing to the bartender trying to get him involved as if to say, "Get a load of THIS guy" not realizing I'm a regular and that the bartender hooks me up regularly.

I was a little shocked, I'd never had such a harsh reaction. I reacted something like: [Image: lolwtf.gif]

Tuth's comments are solid. In that situation I think it's best to keep it short and sweet, but I do wish there was some way to convey the full revulsion I felt, some way to shorten: "You stupid, insignificant cunt. Do you really think I give a shit about you? At best, you'd be useful as a slimy hole to pummel, but aside from that you serve zero purpose and actually bring misery into this world with your entitled cuntiness. You'll be lucky to settle down with any man that lets your sorry ass stick around."

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Back to the USA for one month

I sat at a long shared table in a coffee shop. At the end was a 5.5 (maybe 6) and one guy sat quite close to her even though there was space. He started spitting his game within a couple minutes but it died down quick. Half an hour later, another guy sit right opposite her, even though there was plenty of space elsewhere. He started spitting game in the same way, but lasted even shorter than the first. It was comical to see this huge table with two guys right next to her. At night I'm seeing one pretty girl out with 2-4 guys who cling to her the entire night, as if it's her own personal entourage.

So yes, girls have tons of options online, but they are still getting approached in person as well.

Back to the USA for one month

I think a valid question for our generation is:

Why are men so thirsty current day, when women are sluttier than ever?

It's easier to get laid now then ever before (in theory), but yet 'men' are falling over themselves, backstabbing each other and doing everything in their power to get pussy, when women are literally giving their pussy away.

Back to the USA for one month

Before approaches here I really have to brace myself, because a few girls are trying to go for the jugular in their rejection. Example:

Two girls at the bar. I started with, "I don't mean to interrupt but...."

Before I could even finish, one girl snapped at me and said, "Actually you are interrupting us, so...." I felt like she wanted to say "fuck off" but she didn't.

I'm asking myself how badly I want to get laid to deal with this. Honestly not that badly (I only have two weeks left), but I really want to gather a large sample size to understand what's going on here.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 05:48 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Why are men so thirsty current day, when women are sluttier than ever?

Because women are primarily giving their pussy out to the top 0.1% of men.

Note how most of the solutions here are to simply become better than 99.9% of men. If that's not possible, leave the country.

If you are not in the winner's circle, you are not getting anything.

The pussy market is becoming like the economic market in the U.S. The guys at the top are starting to horde all of the attractive women while all the men at the bottom are scrambling to get the scraps.

I'm cool with it because I was born with the raw talents necessary to reach the top 0.1%. All I need is some hard work and dedication. For most guys though, they were not born with either the brains or brawn necessary to reach the top due to lack of genetic luck. For them, achieving success with women is pretty much a hopeless endeavor.

U.S. is starting to transform into a winner takes all market on so many levels.

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 05:55 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Two girls at the bar. I started with, "I don't mean to interpret but...."

I'm assuming you mean "interrupt."

I can already see that being away has made you kinder and gentler. You're being way too polite. Think about it: were you this nice when you were grinding away in DC years ago? No. You were an angry doberman with a short fuse.

I'm also noticing that you're working a lot of night game. The typical night-game scene has gone to complete and utter shit--more so than even two years ago. Unless you're working a niche angle, like McQueen's high-end bottle service approach, you're going to be battling in the steel cage all night. Whereas before it was a once-in-a-while thing, you have to be prepared to get into a minimum of two or three incidents of verbal friction (even arguments) per night. I remember Dagonet telling us that even McQueen got literally punched in the face by some bitch one night (i.e., the black eye incident).

We're literally fighting for pussy out here.

Quote: (04-21-2014 05:45 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

So yes, girls have tons of options online, but they are still getting approached in person as well.

This is an anomalous situation, in my observation, but not entirely. Really low-end bitches (5s and 6s) are getting approached which, in a sick twist of irony, makes them have the biggest egos. 7s and 8s are barely getting approached outside of their robust social-networking universes. They're getting banged out, but through people who come with references.

It's that same phenomenon as before, but more pronounced. Uglier girls are getting approached more, and prettier girls are getting approached less. A blanket of thirst and phone addiction over the whole thing.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Back to the USA for one month

I am still a newbie in game but I want to get better at it during the summer when I have more free time.

After reading this thread, I felt somewhat discourage and depress about the current situation in the US. Nonetheless, I am still going to continue with my plan on improving my game.

I just want to know - how hard do I have it as a beginner in the States?

Trump is playing chess while Soros is playing checkers, and the other cucks are off playing Candyland at Jeb's house. - iop890

Back to the USA for one month

Quote: (04-21-2014 07:21 PM)quino_16 Wrote:  

I am still a newbie in game but I want to get better at it during the summer when I have more free time.

After reading this thread, I felt somewhat discourage and depress about the current situation in the US. Nonetheless, I am still going to continue with my plan on improving my game.

I just want to know - how hard do I have it as a beginner in the States?

Good luck. Try starting off being social with others. When you can hold conversation with random sheltered strangers then you can proceed to women. When you get to the women prepare for constant rejection.

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Quote: (04-21-2014 07:21 PM)quino_16 Wrote:  

I am still a newbie in game but I want to get better at it during the summer when I have more free time.

After reading this thread, I felt somewhat discourage and depress about the current situation in the US. Nonetheless, I am still going to continue with my plan on improving my game.

I just want to know - how hard do I have it as a beginner in the States?

Just because it's harder doesn't mean it's not possible.

Look at this way: Once you become good in the US, you'll crush overseas.

It is very possible to pull in the US still, it just takes effort. This past week in Vegas, I had back to back VHE trips and not only myself, but my clients pulled as well.

Were there thousands of other guys in the clubs and in Vegas? Yes.

Did we also get rejected? Of course.

Did we still 'win', overcome the odds and pull + have a helluva time? Yes.

It's possible, but the only way is to get out there and actually pay your dues.

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