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Drama in the alt lite / new right

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 01:18 AM)weambulance Wrote:  

I'll grant your claims about web traffic for the sake of argument, since I'm not sure if you're right. Twitter followers are a shit metric.

There's a rather enormous difference between "doesn't (really) need (but would not be doing as well without)" and "can piss off with impunity". It would be monumentally stupid for Mike to piss off Vox Day to the point that VD felt the need to take action against him.

It quickly turns into a "my dad could beat up your dad" argument if I go beyond saying that. But it should be obvious to anyone who knows much about the two men, their histories, audiences, and business ventures, that Mike is not going to pick a fight with Vox Day if he can avoid it.

Feel free to look up Alexa rank web traffic statistics for Danger and Play vs. Vox's blog.

And how are twitter followers a shit metric? This is a common argument I hear from alt-righters, but I notice that the overwhelming majority of alt-right twitter accounts rarely have more than a few thousand followers (Vox Day being one of the noted exceptions.)

I highly doubt Mike will start anything with Vox unless Vox starts something first. And that's something I find highly unlikely.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 09:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The remaining problem for Mike is if one of his new right partners distances themselves from him. Vox Day didn't, but if PJW, Stefan Molyneaux, Bill Mitchell, Milo, or Lauren Southern do, then not only when it be a bad situation for Mike, but the entire new right will fracture and lose status points among the mob.

This is a lesson in when Keepin' it Real, goes wrong.

If you put on your political scientist hat and look at the situation, none of the folks you listed above actually need to continue pandering to the cattle on the radical right.

You have to treat the radical side of your base in politics with distance until it is time for primaries again.

The Democrat party has been very skilled at this in the last 10 years or so. Do they fraternize with all the Greenpeace, Summit protesting, Occupy Wall Street, PETA, extremely hard left nutjobs? No. They literally ignore the hell out of them as if they do not exist, until it is election time. Then it is time to pander to them (just a little bit), to make them interested enough to help you win in the primary.

Once the general election cycle is underway, you have to demonize the other side enough to stoke the fear of this coalition into voting for you. That is how you motivate them, because they will not feel loyal, because some of them are very intelligent enough to know when you are just using them.

In politics, knowing when to pander to which coalitions(bases), is always key. Trump has won. There is no need to fraternize with the Centipede Army, the WN, alt-right, the neo-nazis, etc. We will see these guys later in 4 years. Maybe 2 if they want to help out on local Congressional races.

Sounds cold and impersonal, but this is fucking politics. Not the prom. Politics is always ugly. It is the science of who gets what, and how much. Coalitions and factions are just a means to an end. Look at European Parliament governments. They have to ally with groups they hate all the time to pass certain stuff. They hold their noses and move on afterwards.

Social Contract preceded politics. I farm over here with my tribe, and you farm over there with yours, no fighting. As human beings packed into denser communities, resource sharing required actual politics, because leaving another person alone over a handshake doesn't work in a city. Humans have used politics ever since.

Trump himself may eventually move on from his Breitbart alliance someday. It's not personal. It's just politics. I am sure he is thankful for any supporter, but he himself would never give alt-right or other semi-racist group any recognition or room in his administration. He will come back and ask for that vote 4 years later indirectly again. He has no qualms about it. It takes all kinds, to make politics work. That's why both sides have to move toward the center after the primaries.

Politics has never been for those with weak stomachs or faint of heart. There is a reason Bernie or Elizabeth Warren did not win the nomination. It is not because Hillary rigged it with her DNC lackeys either. They just aren't cold, calculating, and callous enough to have forged the correct alliances, at the right time, that they would have needed to win it. Period.

All those guys you named should continue doing whatever it was they were doing and use their fanbases whenever it is convenient.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 09:48 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Feel free to look up Alexa rank web traffic statistics for Danger and Play vs. Vox's blog.

Not a good comparison. I don't think they are exactly in the same category.
But if you want to play this, go to similarweb and check traffic of therightstuff and The Daily Stormer vs Vox Day or Mike's Blog.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-27-2016 11:34 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Not wanting to go off at a tangent but.. these two things do not have to be lumped together. I don't give fig for the Nazi's but am open to the idea that something is not right with the official holocaust narrative. Historians should be able to debate it without the threat of jail.

Yes, I agree that those laws suck.
However, most of these new "fun Nazi" kids know nothing. They don't speak German and they think it's all just fun and games and Memes. They go and speak about lamp-shading and making soap out of people (US Army PsyOps stuff). But I can guarantee you, 100% it was all real. In Germany we had a trial for most of the Auschwitz SS men, in 1965. None of these kids know about this stuff. You can even watch men getting interviewed about what they saw, in German of course.
But it's actually the wrong thread here.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Hah, I hadn't read Mikes D&P Post on the matter.

That clears things up, I thought that was the case.

You would have to be an absolute idiot to cross Mike, hes a lawyer FFS.

$5000 USD a month salary! And he turns on Mike like that!

This baked guy is re-tweeting all the anti Cernovich memes on Twitter. Traitor.

Total sell out. Good luck making a living selling country music to the alt right mate!

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 10:11 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Social Contract preceded politics. I farm over here with my tribe, and you farm over there with yours, no fighting. As human beings packed into denser communities, resource sharing required actual politics, because leaving another person alone over a handshake doesn't work in a city. Humans have used politics ever since.

And our tribe is RVF.

Not PUA, not MGTOW, not manosphere, not alt-right, not Trump.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

This situation is a mix of jealousy, quest for power and being ideologically stubborness.

After "the movement" was created it needed a natural leader and influential people within the movement and that's where Trump and Mike come. Like it or not, Mike is an extremely influential guy, with good ideas and contributed significantly to Trumps success. He is also part of the alt-right media, has his own brand, has his own backers and is building a platform for the future. He is positioning himself (and already achieved a great deal) to be a prominent media figure in the future, probably on the future Breitbart TV. Who knows? The thing he surely does not need now is little Goebbels and little Adolfs people being openly racist and questioning the Holocaust EVEN if they are 100% legitimate.

It was only a matter of time until the little Adolfs would come to a new movement that shared some views (controlled immigration and deportation of illegals). It happened with David Duke and the KKK folk backing Trump, and it will keep on going until the little Adolfs stop being utter morons (in general and for their own cause).
Unfortunately, 99% of the little Adolfs are not able to construct an argument if their lives depend on it. I have no problem if you're a little Adolf worshiper and want a better future for white kids, but if you're trying to convince people that your point of view is the right one and that they should join your movement you cannot go full Nazi (Basically its the same as saying "Don't go full retard"). It simply will not work, and it does not matter if the truth and all the facts are behind your arguments.

There are ways to do things and ways to speak. Little Adolfs don't grasp that concept. I have been to several political debates regarding immigration, both legal and illegal. My message was exactly the same as the one from the little Adolfs: Muslim immigration is bad. And still the people in the venue were clapping to my questions and answers, and at the same time booing them. The difference was mostly sentence construction and presentation of the problem.

Changes have to be gradual for the human mind to start accepting them. Remember how the gay propaganda push started? In the beginning they started saying that it was not a disease, then that gay people were great at house decoration and fashion, then they start to promote several gay artists, now they still keep on pushing their agenda and have opened a series of lggt topics such as the 43 different genders and whatever other crazy shit they have.
They know that when you want to fuck someone in the ass, you have to go slowly. Small battles, small victories, one main goal. Little Adolfs still need to understand that and until they do, the alt right life and other right wing movements are going to suffer for that.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Trump may have won but the fight for free speech is not over yet. We have increasingly seen (especially in Europe) people being jailed for criticizing islam, homosexuals, transexuals and immigrants. Basically any minority that SJW's think need protected. I don't think a Trump presidency is going to immediately make it okay to talk about controversial topics. The left and the mainstream media still have tremendous power and influence. I think Cernovich understands this and knows that those involved in the MAGA movement must tread lightly. He doesn't want something that someone associated with his brand said, to put what he's worked hard for in jeopardy. The fight is not over, it has just begun. I can imagine the whole movement being lumped together as Neo-Nazi's and everyone associated with it put in Jail and have alt-right sites shut down/censored. That is a real possibility. The left is already trying to get that to happen so there is no reason for those involved with MAGA to help them out.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 12:21 PM)SoloEastWood Wrote:  

Trump may have won but the fight for free speech is not over yet. We have increasingly seen (especially in Europe) people being jailed for criticizing islam, homosexuals, transexuals and immigrants. Basically any minority that SJW's think need protected. I don't think a Trump presidency is going to immediately make it okay to talk about controversial topics. The left and the mainstream media still have tremendous power and influence. I think Cernovich understands this and knows that those involved in the MAGA movement must tread lightly. He doesn't want something that someone associated with his brand said, to put what he's worked hard for in jeopardy. The fight is not over, it has just begun. I can imagine the whole movement being lumped together as Neo-Nazi's and everyone associated with it put in Jail and have alt-right sites shut down/censored. That is a real possibility. The left is already trying to get that to happen so there is no reason for those involved with MAGA to help them out.

I agree wholeheartedly, but it is undeniable Cernovich cucked in the exact same way the establishment Republicans do whenever someone broaches topics they don't want to talk about.

This shows how challenging it is to have a media / opinion organization with more than one affiliated mouthpiece.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Alt-Right logic:

- moderate
- Jewish children and advisers
- stresses alliance with Israel
- repeatedly disavows white nationalism/Alt-Right

Alt-Right verdict = Savior of the West and White race

- Far right
- Christian
- does everything possible to get Trump elected
- promotes Alt-Right voices 98 times out of 100
- tells an employee not to do Nazi salutes at a $90,000 event

Alt-Right verdict = Subversive cuck Jew book merchant


A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will "get SJ points" and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.

The SJW's favorite activity of all is to dogpile. Their favorite websites to frequent are Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have relevant favorite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil rights activists only online.

Hmmm, what other group does all of their social and political activism online and tries to destroy the career of anyone who doesn't pass their purity signaling test? It somehow seems familiar.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Alt-right is becoming a parody of itself right now. Baked Alaska acting like a hero on his twitter because he refused to "back down on the JQ," lol, somebody give them a safe space.


Cernovich cucked in the exact same way the establishment Republicans do whenever someone broaches topics they don't want to talk about.

It's not even close to how mainstream Republicans behaved. Cernovich is putting a pause on discourse for less than 1 month, for the sake of the inauguration, the Republicans did it for almost 24 years.

[Image: 1471290849120.png]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

From what I can gather, Baked Alaska just found out about the alt right. He seems to be hopping around from one movement to the next. He's talking about "traditional family values" though his behavior doesn't at all match that label. The alt righters supporting him will be disappointed when he jumps again. They seem to only value him for his large following and the fact that he is useful in hurting Mike, who got on the alt right's target list after Heilgate last month.


- moderate
- Jewish children and advisers
- stresses alliance with Israel
- repeatedly disavows white nationalism/Alt-Right

Alt-Right verdict = Savior of the West and White race

- Far right
- Christian
- does everything possible to get Trump elected
- promotes Alt-Right voices 98 times out of 100
- tells an employee not to do Nazi salutes at a $90,000 event

Alt-Right verdict = Subversive cuck Jew book merchant

The mob decides on faith as much as logic. They like Trump because they think he will bring them closer to their white state.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 04:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

From what I can gather, Baked Alaska just found out about the alt right. He seems to be hopping around from one movement to the next. He's talking about "traditional family values" though his behavior doesn't at all match that label. The alt righters supporting him will be disappointed when he jumps again. They seem to only value him for his large following and the fact that he is useful in hurting Mike, who got on the alt right's target listen after Heilgate last month.

Can anyone point to anything notable BA has done except a large twitter following?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 04:26 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2016 04:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

From what I can gather, Baked Alaska just found out about the alt right. He seems to be hopping around from one movement to the next. He's talking about "traditional family values" though his behavior doesn't at all match that label. The alt righters supporting him will be disappointed when he jumps again. They seem to only value him for his large following and the fact that he is useful in hurting Mike, who got on the alt right's target listen after Heilgate last month.

Can anyone point to anything notable BA has done except a large twitter following?

His most popular video:

He stated that he's quitting rap because it's "degenerate" and moving to country music.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 03:53 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Hmmm, what other group does all of their social and political activism online and tries to destroy the career of anyone who doesn't pass their purity signaling test? It somehow seems familiar.

Given that Mike seemed quite happy to doxx Baked Alaska in a couple of now deleted periscope tweets - gotta have that plausible deniability! - that are now being gleefully-shared online by both the SJW's and the Alt-Right, and that there seems to be much discussion online about him doxxing right in the past, and aiming false accusations at people with the goals of destroying them, all sides of this seem awfully-familiar.

Interestingly, I remember Gamergate, and how many of Mike and Milo's claims of power and information simply never came to pass.

For the record, I think doxxing right is a low down dog act.

Given that the face of the acceptable Alt-Lite apparently-includes Milo, a faggot who brags about sucking cock and taking drugs, with a history of shady business dealings behind him now facing accusations of having snorted granted money up his nose; who is always claiming to be all about black boyfriends but seems to be oddly-never photographed with one; whom is now throwing his ex-boyfriend, Baked Alaska, under the bus due to no doubt standard faggot drama; who turns up to events in drag or covers himself in pigs blood like any Basic bitch Hollywood Satanist for purposes of Dramatic Art; I wonder how he is going to play out in Middle America.

Also apparently-acceptable to the Alt-Lite: Gavin McInnes. Maybe he'll get up on a table at the Deploraball and shove another buttplug up his arse, that'll win over some hearts and minds in Kansas.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

If I wanted people with a history of dishonorable actions and who praise and sell degeneracy finger-wagging at me about what constitutes acceptable speech, well, we've already had that. I'm not happy seeing the first glimmer of hope against the long march of destruction the Left has achieved in my entire lifetime being co-opted by self-promoting, untrustworthy idiots selling the same old song and happy to use the threat of public shaming to remove the platform and employment of others.


"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was possible to say which was which."

Controversial theory: I believe the alt-lite and alt-right had fuck all to do with winning the election for Trump, and that it was most likely the out-of control left in the media, academia and entertainment; the obvious socialist denial of reality eroding any remaining appeal of the left to the moderate left; the obvious corruption of Clinton; the observable invasion of Europe; the destruction of multiple Muslim shooters and bombers; cops being shot on the streets; widespread destructive rioting; and Trump supporters being violently-attacked in public, all of this happening with government protection and everyone being lectured to check their own racism for not being cool with it. The media, particularly, was so out of control and dishonest that they created their own Hero's Journey for Trump. A predictable Preference Cascade took care of the rest, because it reached the stage that even your average unplugged Normie on the street could see the writing on the wall.

I've never met anyone in real life who has a Twitter account.

I think it's best to let these other 'spheres sperg out at each other - it's really just another example of the Left eating each other. I expect Trump to do his own thing, and us to outlast them all, simply by focusing on Neomasculinity and our own goals.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 04:26 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2016 04:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

From what I can gather, Baked Alaska just found out about the alt right. He seems to be hopping around from one movement to the next. He's talking about "traditional family values" though his behavior doesn't at all match that label. The alt righters supporting him will be disappointed when he jumps again. They seem to only value him for his large following and the fact that he is useful in hurting Mike, who got on the alt right's target listen after Heilgate last month.

Can anyone point to anything notable BA has done except a large twitter following?

I can't point to it directly but I think BA is a 'get shit done' guy as opposed to a media personality. You can see him in the background of Maga/cernovich/milo videos moving stuff around. Like a roadie/logistics guy that you can throw ideas at and he will make the rubber meet the road.

If Milo or Mike were a Marsellus Wallace, Baked would be a Jules Winfield.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Drama in the alt lite / new right

This is what happens when lifelong recluses and autists get a tiny bit of attention for their radical views. They create drama, they crave being the centre of attention. They want to imagine that they are in some sort of soap opera, where people actually care about what they do.

However Mike did wind him up, he could have stopped after the initial exchange where Baked Alaska said he didn't want to go to the event anymore. He should have just said 'okay'. He let his anger get the better of him, he lost fame to a race-obsessed troll.

Mike and Milo by a HUGE stretch did the most for Trump's victory out of all of the alt-right figures. Perhaps PJW could be in with a shout, but what did guys like Baked Alaska actually do to help in the election?

Drama in the alt lite / new right


Also apparently-acceptable to the Alt-Lite: Gavin McInnes. Maybe he'll get up on a table at the Deploraball and shove another buttplug up his arse, that'll win over some hearts and minds in Kansas.

[Image: LYFvCL.gif]

Edit: I googled.. wish I hadn't.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

^ It was apparently a protest against Islam... or something...

Boy, he sure showed them.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 05:10 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

^ It was apparently a protest against Islam... or something...

Boy, he sure showed them.

Bloody hell, what is happening with this movement?

Lot of big names i've noticed really just go full retard. Maybe it isn't quite time for a conservative revival.

Sad and disappointed. Thank goodness for this oasis of thought!

Drama in the alt lite / new right

The true globalist elite do not take those movements seriously. They rarely are concerned with really dangerous issues, they can easily be divided and to the globalists it is like giving you the Democrats or the Republicans to vote.

Trump seems like change, but his cabinet is already looking like a mixture between Goldman Sachs and global-warming-pushers (Elon Musk).

We will see if anything changes at all or if a stronger policy of the Neocons gets reenacted.

As for the Alt-Right - good luck finding a consensus. It's a mixture of anti-establishment ideas - some good, some bad - the group is far too divided and new leaders can be erected by the globalist powers super-easily as well.

Such an open opposition to the status quo in our environment can hardly succeed.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 04:58 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2016 03:53 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Hmmm, what other group does all of their social and political activism online and tries to destroy the career of anyone who doesn't pass their purity signaling test? It somehow seems familiar.

Given that Mike seemed quite happy to doxx Baked Alaska in a couple of now deleted periscope tweets - gotta have that plausible deniability! - that are now being gleefully-shared online by both the SJW's and the Alt-Right, and that there seems to be much discussion online about him doxxing right in the past, and aiming false accusations at people with the goals of destroying them, all sides of this seem awfully-familiar.

Mike does plenty offline. He's had dozens of meetups, met many members of this forum, released multiple best-selling books, produced two films, given an extensive history of his personal life, reported live at both the Republican and Democratic convention, organized boycotts, paid reporters at NYC bombings/Milwaukee riots/ etc., broken major news stories...

Do I need to go on? Mike is one of the most visible figures to come from this side of the net. The only guy who comes close is Roosh, and I don't think he's posted nearly as much info on his personal life.

Also, who's career did he try to destroy, other than out-of-control leftists and cuckservatives? He fired an employee, who then had a meltdown on Twitter. Mike responded to the meltdown in kind.

Mike is not stalking anyone on Twitter/Periscope, leaving dozens of fake reviews on people's books, etc.

Could he have handled it better? Possibly.

But claiming he's an SJW because he "doxxed" (with information that was mostly public to begin with) some alcoholic Youtube rapper after the YEARS of value he's given to this community is an absolute and total joke.

By the way, I noticed in your last post attacking Mike that you purposely left out the link to the Forney article (despite making it a point to hyperlink the dead D&P article in the quote?).

Is it because Forney's post goes on to agree with Mike and "doxx" several people in the manosphere? Yet you just claimed that doxxing was wrong. ("For the record, I think doxxing right is a low down dog act.")

And for the record, Roosh and other people had criticized the manosphere prior to 2014.

Speaking of Forney, he and Mike are friends if I'm not mistaken, and Cernovich repeatedly declined to "disavow" Forney in an interview he did recently, just as he's always defended Roosh.


If I wanted people with a history of dishonorable actions and who praise and sell degeneracy finger-wagging at me about what constitutes acceptable speech, well, we've already had that.

First of all, that's not even remotely what's happening.

Second of all, you're on a forum that was created to talk about flying around the world to bang as many random women as possible. I don't agree with sucking black cocks or shoving things up your ass, but I'm not going to pretend like this is a Bible study group either.


I'm not happy seeing the first glimmer of hope against the long march of destruction the Left has achieved in my entire lifetime being co-opted by self-promoting, untrustworthy idiots selling the same old song and happy to use the threat of public shaming to remove the platform and employment of others.

Yeah, Mike Cernovich is a self-promoting, untrustworthy idiot. It's not like he was giving out free advice to guys here for years, both on the forum and on his blog [Image: tard.gif]

He WAS Baked Alaska's employment. He can fire him for whatever he wants to.

He GAVE Baked Alaska a significant part of his platform. He has no obligation to continue promoting him. Mike and Milo are the only reason people even know who BA is.

And it was BA that started the Twitter antics, not Mike.

Again, could he have handled this particular situation better? Maybe. But your willingness to slander someone who's been a pillar of this community because he talked shit about Baked Alaska and once posted an article you don't like makes it evident that you simply have a personal problem with him. Though you're obviously welcome to your opinion.



"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was possible to say which was which."

Controversial theory: I believe the alt-lite and alt-right had fuck all to do with winning the election for Trump, and that it was most likely the out-of control left in the media, academia and entertainment; the obvious socialist denial of reality eroding any remaining appeal of the left to the moderate left; the obvious corruption of Clinton; the observable invasion of Europe; the destruction of multiple Muslim shooters and bombers; cops being shot on the streets; widespread destructive rioting; and Trump supporters being violently-attacked in public, all of this happening with government protection and everyone being lectured to check their own racism for not being cool with it. The media, particularly, was so out of control and dishonest that they created their own Hero's Journey for Trump. A predictable Preference Cascade took care of the rest, because it reached the stage that even your average unplugged Normie on the street could see the writing on the wall.

I've never met anyone in real life who has a Twitter account.

I think it's best to let these other 'spheres sperg out at each other - it's really just another example of the Left eating each other. I expect Trump to do his own thing, and us to outlast them all, simply by focusing on Neomasculinity and our own goals.

Yeah, I'm sure someone like Cernovich, who has been promoted by everyone from General Flynn to Donald Trump Jr. to Lou Dobbs, even to the detriment of their own careers, had absolutely no impact on the election. And Hillary just gave an entire speech about the Alt-Right because it was completely irrelevant.

In fact, media of all kinds has no impact. People just spend billions of dollars on it a year for no reason.

Your theory is controversial because it's objectively wrong.

Also, Neomasculinity and the Alt-Right are not even mutually exclusive. One is primary a political movement while the other is mostly cultural/social.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 09:48 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

And how are twitter followers a shit metric? This is a common argument I hear from alt-righters, but I notice that the overwhelming majority of alt-right twitter accounts rarely have more than a few thousand followers (Vox Day being one of the noted exceptions.)

Because it takes zero effort to follow someone on twitter. Click a button once and you're done forever even if you never look at anything they say. Controversial people are followed by many people who don't like them as well. And if you're using twitter followers as some sort of metric for determining relative influence, you have to start from the assumption that both people are trying to use the platform equally. That is not the case here.

You can't compare the two men as apples to apples anyway. They target distinctly different audiences and Vox Day's work is aimed a lot farther down the right tail of the IQ bell curve than Mike's. They're complementary voices, not competitors.

Drama in the alt lite / new right

Quote: (12-28-2016 04:58 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Controversial theory: I believe the alt-lite and alt-right had fuck all to do with winning the election for Trump, and that it was most likely the out-of control left in the media, academia and entertainment; the obvious socialist denial of reality eroding any remaining appeal of the left to the moderate left; the obvious corruption of Clinton; the observable invasion of Europe; the destruction of multiple Muslim shooters and bombers; cops being shot on the streets; widespread destructive rioting; and Trump supporters being violently-attacked in public, all of this happening with government protection and everyone being lectured to check their own racism for not being cool with it. The media, particularly, was so out of control and dishonest that they created their own Hero's Journey for Trump. A predictable Preference Cascade took care of the rest, because it reached the stage that even your average unplugged Normie on the street could see the writing on the wall.

I agree. It can be reduced to four words:

All out of guilt.

The left has been acting like there are endless reservoirs of guilt in mainstream people, and they have no fall back plan. Just like the oil reserves dried up in Texas, people are finding that at a certain point, there just isn't any left.

Before I found the Manosphere and this forum, I probably would have happily accepted my generational responsibility for everything, and continued on with my life normally, bowing my head in shame when required, and agreeing to my own culpability when demanded.

It's just easier than fighting back, and at the time, it doesn't feel like you are giving up that much. Incrementalism though, is a harsh bitch, and year after year, protected group after protected group, it gets harder and harder to bite back your real feelings and go along not to risk bruising the narrative of the day.

As the demands and claims of the left get more extreme, (And what else are they to do, since they are just grown up babies acting out, begging to be slapped down?) it becomes harder and harder, for the sake of saving other people's faces, to go along with the prevailing winds of culture.

And at a certain point, well, it isn't even a choice. You are genuinely out of guilt and patience with always being wrong, and other people always being right, and as much as you would like to accommodate them, you just don't have it in you anymore.

It's like burning out at a job. You are so used to always being able to dig deep and get it done, and one day you just can't and you have no idea why. It's just not there anymore.

I know a woman who had a massively abusive mom, who she tolerated for the sake of her kids and the family, and, like always, mom's demands and accusations escalated, and this woman told me that one day, that constantly hectoring pressuring voice of her mom, the one she always obeyed, the one that was always in her head, even when her mom wasn't there, one day it just lost all its mojo, fading into the background like music at a supermarket.

She wanted with all she had to keep up the relationship, keep things smooth in the family, skip all the difficult conversations with the kids about why they don't see grandma anymore, and she just couldn't. It was like something snapped emotionally, like a ligament snaps in your knee, and you just can't go up for the jumper anymore, and she just couldn't anymore. That patience was gone.

That's how it was in the election.

Nothing personal, gang, would love to keep you happy if we can, we are simply all out of that ingredient, and that dish will no longer be prepared at this restaurant.

All out of guilt.

Please take this knowledge into account as you make plans for your life.


The Future.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Drama in the alt lite / new right

A lot of you obviously didn't actually see what happened in their little twitter slap fight. There's a lot of outright bullshit conjecture in this thread now.

Mike isn't an angel in this. Baked Alaska went nuts because Mike was viciously ripping into him on twitter and periscope, which Mike has conveniently all covered up now. The dispute was much more about the personal attacks than the actual ideological disagreement. But I'm sure all of you would just be totally cool with a guy you thought was your friend treating you like you're a complete piece of shit, tearing you down, and doxxing you live in front of thousands of people, as long as it was "for the cause".

Get real. Mike created his own problem here by taking the lowest road he could find. He went all scorched earth and I'm supposed to blame his target for lashing out? Almost any other way of handling this would've been better than the way he chose.

To repeat what I said yesterday, this is nothing but an object lesson in how not to handle an internal conflict, and how not to act as a leader.

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