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Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Hello everyone, for the past several months I've been keeping in touch with a team who wants to create a mining program that is open and accessible to all, no matter their technical experience, and promotes the one coin I actually believe has the power to change the world for the better.

Therefore I present to you,



We at Freedom XMR believe that Monero will change the world. As an anonymous currency, Monero offers unrivaled financial power that can be used for almost any end imaginable. It has the qualities all liberty loving people desire. The freedom to conduct a monetary transaction with no trace gives unprecedented power to the individual in a world that is increasingly constrained and tyrannical.

In honor of the emancipation Monero brings to humanity, we have named our pool Freedom XMR to remind others why this currency is so special. We believe in making Monero easy and accessible to all, which is why the Freedom XMR pool has one of the most effortless mining programs available. Lightweight, open-source, free, simple, easy to update for optimizations, and for both Mac and Windows, just click the mining button and your computer does the rest - but make sure you have your wallet set up! Enjoy the passive income!

The client program of FreedomXMR can be used to mine on other servers, in case there is not a consistent user base on the mining server. Very possible given the competition, but having our own successful pool is ideal since it will mean not needing to share the spoils of mining with as many other people.

If you use the easy program provided by FreedomXMR, it's a 2% fee. For those who connect with their own mining program, it's only .2%. Talks of a referral program is in the works, but not agreed upon.

Ideally Pros should join to boost the hashrate and make it attractive for noobs, who then will hopefully join en masse. Most people don't know how this stuff works. I want a program any baby boomer can use and make money on. I think for most amateurs, a 2% fee is nothing if it means they can make easy internet money and promote the cause of freedom.

I think Monero is still the best coin to mine for hobbyists because they take the strongest steps against ASIC Mining programs.


Please post any questions or comments you have on the program here, the devs are alerted to this thread and they will be releasing in other traditional crypto communities as well.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Thanks for sharing this. Just as I sold my used laptop on eBay [Image: angry.gif]

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

2 Questions:

1) I downloaded the Monero wallet through the guide David Samra wrote. Whenever I exit the wallet I get the message: " Monero-wallet-gui.exe- System Error. The program can't start because libwinpthread-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." What am I doing wrong here? I've had to download the Monero wallet a couple times.

2) Do I have to wait for all the daemon blocks to sync before I can start mining? Any way to speed the syncing up? I have my address through the GUI program and the web wallet and Freedom XMR won't let me use either.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Quote: (06-22-2018 10:08 PM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  

2 Questions:

1) I downloaded the Monero wallet through the guide David Samra wrote. Whenever I exit the wallet I get the message: " Monero-wallet-gui.exe- System Error. The program can't start because libwinpthread-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." What am I doing wrong here? I've had to download the Monero wallet a couple times.

2) Do I have to wait for all the daemon blocks to sync before I can start mining? Any way to speed the syncing up? I have my address through the GUI program and the web wallet and Freedom XMR won't let me use either.

As someone who mines and uses this program, for 2.) You don't need to sync up fully to mine. The sync is necessary before you can access your funds from your own wallet.

As for 1.) I have no idea, that wallet is community made so you'd have to ask around the Monero community to find out what causes that error.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

I noticed that the displayed network hashrate is different than other sources such as https://www.supportxmr.com/#/home https://bitinfocharts.com/monero/ https://chainradar.com/xmr/blocks

1.2 GH/s vs ~450 MH/s is almost a 3-fold difference. You should let the team know about this.

“Our great danger is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed.” ― Rollo Tomassi

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Is there a break even chart for CPU/power rates?

*Cold Shower Crew*
*No Fap Crew*
*150+ IQ Crew*

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Quote: (07-08-2018 10:00 PM)oilbreh Wrote:  

Is there a break even chart for CPU/power rates?

Too many variables involved; speed of CPU/GPU, price of XMR, price of electricity,

but as long as you're making like 30-40 bucks worth of XMR per month you're doing fine. The price of XMR will continue it's slow rise and that 30 bucks of XMR will be worth 100+ within a few years, no problem.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

I've been running the freedomxmr app and monero wallet gui for a week but the unlocked balance (at monero wallet) hasn't changed. I put the receive address in the freedom app. What am I missing? The wallet has synched and daeomon seems to be running

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

When I tried to download it from freedomxmr my avast keeps saying infection blocked. Not sure if it was trying to hack me or I just need to disable it but no other sites or pages come up when researching if freedomxmr is legit or a scam.

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Before you begin mining make sure it's the most profitable currency for your machine:


XMR is generally great on GPU/CPU but so is ETH/ETC.

Even if you don't make good money, it's helpful to the network to run your miner (or node) as much as possible. I run mine at night a lot of the time.

If you're having performance issues, just use the CLI. Maybe it's a bit more technical bu it's faster and will make you feel like it's 2010 again.

Quote: (07-29-2018 02:12 PM)bigolteddies Wrote:  

When I tried to download it from freedomxmr my avast keeps saying infection blocked. Not sure if it was trying to hack me or I just need to disable it but no other sites or pages come up when researching if freedomxmr is legit or a scam.

MOST antivirus block miners as malware since there's been so many botnet attacks that employ hacked CPU's to mine crypo. Guess which one they usually mine? Monero!

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Quote: (08-14-2018 03:48 AM)EvansH Wrote:  

Well, the topic is «Come Mine Monero The Easy Way» but you cover only classic mining with own gadgets. What about cloud mining? I realize that it may be unreliable and with low ROI but it’s better to reveal all options of mining Monero in this article. So we can compare approaches and choose the best one. For everybody who wants to explore cloud Monero mining, here’s a starting article: http://miningtop10.com/monero-cloud-mining/. I hope that the guide’s author will add some comparisons or at least will notify readers about the possibility of cloud mining. Thanks.

Cloud mining is a scam, and in America, unregistered securities.

Come Mine Monero The Easy Way: Freedom XMR !

Anyone making profits?

[Image: biggrin.gif]

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