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North America trip

North America trip

I planned traveling to USA and Canada, visit my cousins that lives there, explore the nature and do some hikes, but after reading here about how awful it is I'm not sure anymore. Sounds like a depressing place.

North America trip

You aren't being specific where are you visiting what places do you have qualms about? Also this could have gone in the forum lounge or various other travel threads.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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North America trip

Quote: (06-09-2016 12:44 AM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

You aren't being specific where are you visiting what places do you have qualms about? Also this could have gone in the forum lounge or various other travel threads.

Northern California and Vancouver

North America trip

Its actually not bad there.

1- The grass is always greener on the other side. Guys who visit Beirut often say it has tons of gorgeous women. We here complain about it and think other places do.

PLus when you grow up somewhere, it has all your limitations and baggage and you just get bored of it. Some americans here complain about women who focus on careers now too much, while in some countries theyll find that impressive or a relief.

So while i understand some of the complaints here, its often overblown by the perspectives of those making them.

2- The US is probably one of the easiest countries to have lots of quantity of lays.

3- The vast majority of towns and suburbs are depressing (just as anywhere) but the major cities are still tons of fun. Las vegas Miami New York etc....

4- There may be an obesity problem but theres still tons of cute girls around. You wont find many accessible 10 tall models i guess but I never felt there was a shortage of quality.

North America trip

I agree with Beirut, the grass is always greener on the other side. I've had good success in Boston and Long Island. American girls are amongst the easiest lays imo. The quality is not as bad as others make it out to be.

North America trip

America is an amazing country.

Try and see as much of it as you can.

North America trip

Quote: (06-09-2016 12:41 AM)fighter Wrote:  

I planned traveling to USA and Canada, visit my cousins that lives there, explore the nature and do some hikes, but after reading here about how awful it is I'm not sure anymore. Sounds like a depressing place.

American people are introspective, because of that people tend to complain much more. We do have to many fat women with terrible attitudes.

But the country is beautiful. Come visit.

North America trip

North America and especially the US is a pussy paradise if you like fat girls.

North America trip

Quote: (06-09-2016 09:39 AM)Kish Wrote:  

North America and especially the US is a pussy paradise if you like fat girls.

you mean fat like big booty bitches or obese?

North America trip


North America trip

^fuck it, if f that is the case I'm going to Ukraine instead. I speak Russian already.

North America trip

Wise choice.

North America trip

America has an obesity problem, but it's also the 3rd most popular country in the world, so there's going to be so many people that you're not going to run out of skinny chicks unless you're in some hick town.

If you want skinny chicks and you're on the West, I'd recommend going to San Diego and Las Vegas - I think you could get some nice pus out there.

North America trip

The thing about the US is that the top 10% are as hot as any countries in physical attractiveness. It's after the top 10% that you see a drop unlike anywhere else.

North America trip

If you're going to be convinced not to take a trip to one of the most famous, visited countries in the world because of a few comments made by random people on the internet then I guess that I don't have any suggestions for you, have fun in the Ukraine.

North America trip

It's only depressing if you join the rat race. I'm not a fan of North Cal(haven't heard much about Vancouver so I can't advise you on that), but it's great if you're going for anything but the women.

I like the South more but there's plenty to do, lots of great weather, and plenty of good nature to enjoy yourself in. A trip is what make you make it so take it as you will.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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North America trip

If you forget about chasing girls for a minute and just consider how epic a trip to a place like California can be, I see no reason not to go, especially if you have family to visit. The OP didn't mention exactly where he's going but it doesn't really matter as basically every state in the US has something really cool worth checking out (obviously some more than others). He mentions hiking and parks, there are so many amazing spots do those activities in the US, its fucking mind blowing! Myself, one particular hike and park area I'd like to check out is coastal Oregan, its not too far from where I live actually. I'd love to camp out for a few days on the Oregon coast and go hiking during the day, I'd probably pick up some of the now legal dispensary weed there and be baked the entire time. I'd check out Portland and Seattle, drinks some nice coffee, smoke some more reefers and check out some love bands.

There's at least 100 other scenarios in the US that I'd love to play out, the last time I was down there, I got really stoned in El Mechanico's shop in Florida and he lit up a bunch of muscle cars and motorcycles he was working on in his shop. The next day I went deep sea fishing with my bro off the Florida coast and smoked some huge reefers, good times.

The OP also mentioned Canada, its another excellent spot for the great out doors and getting high. Along the way, I'm sure a guy with a bit of game, a few beer and a bag of weed could get his bang on with some locals girls in a tent or if you have the skills, in a canoe. It depresses me to think that someone would forgo such a potentially kick ass trip because he's heard bad things about the local women on the interwebs.

North America trip

Is what you make it*

God damn it I'm sleep deprived. Back to work.

Quote: (06-10-2016 12:19 AM)scotian Wrote:  

If you forget about chasing girls for a minute and just consider how epic a trip to a place like California can be, I see no reason not to go, especially if you have family to visit. The OP didn't mention exactly where he's going but it doesn't really matter as basically every state in the US has something really cool worth checking out (obviously some more than others). He mentions hiking and parks, there are so many amazing spots do those activities in the US, its fucking mind blowing! Myself, one particular hike and park area I'd like to check out is coastal Oregan, its not too far from where I live actually. I'd love to camp out for a few days on the Oregon coast and go hiking during the day, I'd probably pick up some of the now legal dispensary weed there and be baked the entire time. I'd check out Portland and Seattle, drinks some nice coffee, smoke some more reefers and check out some love bands.

There's at least 100 other scenarios in the US that I'd love to play out, the last time I was down there, I got really stoned in El Mechanico's shop in Florida and he lit up a bunch of muscle cars and motorcycles he was working on in his shop. The next day I went deep sea fishing with my bro off the Florida coast and smoked some huge reefers, good times.

The OP also mentioned Canada, its another excellent spot for the great out doors and getting high. Along the way, I'm sure a guy with a bit of game, a few beer and a bag of weed could get his bang on with some locals girls in a tent or if you have the skills, in a canoe. It depresses me to think that someone would forgo such a potentially kick ass trip because he's heard bad things about the local women on the interwebs.

It's like you spoiled my trip in August for me. I'm hitting up a lot of the national parks and hoping to stop by in Denver for some (legal) weed myself. It's going to be a blast. The be all and end all should never be pussy. I was born a mountain man and I'll die one.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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North America trip

Quote: (06-10-2016 12:19 AM)scotian Wrote:  

If you forget about chasing girls for a minute and just consider how epic a trip to a place like California can be, I see no reason not to go, especially if you have family to visit. The OP didn't mention exactly where he's going ...

He said he was going to Northern California and Vancouver, a place that is right up your alley Scotian. I would chime in, but even though I lived there and graduated from U.B.C, I haven't stepped foot in the Lower Mainland in 8 years.

North America trip

Norcal-Oregon-Washington-BC: Epic trip!

Fuck even if this joberoni doesn't go, I'd like to hear some feedback on what you guys would do on a ten day trip in the PNW. I can drive to Vancouver in 14 hours, I'd go there then as far south as Norcal to puff some bud with Norcal737 then go back to Alberta via Idaho and Montana. I'd be taking my fishing rod and binoculars on that trip for sure.

North America trip

Northern California may be the most beautiful place on Earth. I'm doing a camping trip with the guys to Big Sur (Central Cali) later this month and I'm more pumped about it then I have been to trips to Eastern Europe and SEA.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

North America trip

Quote: (06-10-2016 12:19 AM)scotian Wrote:  

. . . hiking and parks, there are so many amazing spots do those activities in the US, its fucking mind blowing! Myself, one particular hike and park area I'd like to check out is . . .

You're right in that our geology isn't obese.


It depresses me to think that someone would forgo such a potentially kick ass trip because he's heard bad things about the local women on the interwebs.

Nice biased language, but don't take our word for it (it's more like 7/10 counting overweight: we are the fattest country in the world, in all human history, and it applies even to young single women):

In-house discussion and more links

North America trip

Quote: (06-09-2016 05:14 PM)AWright Wrote:  

The thing about the US is that the top 10% are as hot as any countries in physical attractiveness. It's after the top 10% that you see a drop unlike anywhere else.

The top 1 or 2% in the United States owns every single country I've been to. Granted, I'm only familiar with the United States and Latin America. Top 10% in the United States is arguably better than the top 10% in any country I've been to. Once you get beyond the top 10%, it's really rough. Average in the United States is really bad and the bottom of the barrel is the stuff horror movies are made of. The trick is to stick to places where the top 1 to 2% lives or would be willing to visit. Miami Beach, Newport Beach, and Santa Barbara would be a good place to start. This forum loves New York and there are tons of quality girls there, but you have to sort through hundreds and hundreds of grenades to find the quality there. New York's average is bad, almost as bad as the D.C. area. Las Vegas is kind of the same in that some of the top women in the world are there, but fat tourists and disabled people are all over the place.

North America trip

Quote: (06-10-2016 03:18 PM)scrambled Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2016 12:19 AM)scotian Wrote:  

. . . hiking and parks, there are so many amazing spots do those activities in the US, its fucking mind blowing! Myself, one particular hike and park area I'd like to check out is . . .

You're right in that our geology isn't obese.


It depresses me to think that someone would forgo such a potentially kick ass trip because he's heard bad things about the local women on the interwebs.

Nice biased language, but don't take our word for it (it's more like 7/10 counting overweight: we are the fattest country in the world, in all human history, and it applies even to young single women):

In-house discussion and more links

Alright there's a lot of overweight women. Alright you can bang a lot of hotter, younger women elsewhere. Good job you've reiterated the entire point of this forum good for you man.

That doesn't mean anything if you're going somewhere to have a good time. No matter where you go you can always find attractive, young women. Regardless of who you are you can always find a way into their pants if you're not completely autistic or dress like shit.

That information doesn't discount the entire worth of a country simply because you can't stick your cock into a new hot chick's mouth every day. Learn to enjoy a nice forest breeze or some fine dining while hanging around the places you can find them. Those statistics don't mean shit to a person who sees all this first hand.

And by that logic the obesity crisis includes grandmas and women over 30 so 60% of all women(not all young women) are more than fair game. Just stay out of the hell known as the American suburbs which OP is more than likely not visiting.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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North America trip

These British dudes don't seem to have many problems banging hot young women in middle America- The British Are Coming: Meet the UK Lads Who Take Sex-Tourism Trips to Small-Town America

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