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Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style or my view on differences and similarities of Western and Russian game.


As my native language is Russian and originally I come from Eastern European country, I have started getting my first pick-up knowledge from Russian speaking resources.
After I encountered American and UK schools of game I switched my attention solely to English speaking resources including this forum.
Although you can clearly see that idea of pick-up even the name "пикап, пикаппер" (pick-up and a player) come from west, there are many differences. Every time I come back to Russia or Ukraine I am forced to open Russian speaking youtube channels and Russian speaking pick-up forums to refresh my knowledge on these subtle differences.


I am in no way Russian or international pick up expert or guru. This post will be my personal view on differences between these two.
This post will be especially useful for those who are speaking or starting to speak some Russian and are planning to game in Russia (you will also benefit from it in Ukraine and Belarus with only minor discrepancies)

Differences and similarities:

As I have already mentioned before there are visible traces of pick-up coming from west to east. Some pick up terms like LTR LMR TFN and multiple others are even used without translation (ЛТР ЛМР ТФН). Which from Russian speaker point of view makes pick-up look like some sort of science (but we all know it is more of an art). Western media on game, books are generally more profound and are more into detail. You can pretty much disregard most of the Russian speaking PU literature as it is most of the times just a translation of western books, sometimes word by word. Russian pickup community seems to be split in 2 extremes: part of people are concerned with practical side only. Less concentrated on inner game and more on outer game.
The other part of people are digging deep into stuff like NLP hypnosis and other weird shit. I guess none of these too are good. Look for golden mean.
While most of the information provided in Russian is lagging 10 years behind and you can disregard most of the written stuff, there are still a lot of really good Russian PUAs on youtube. I doubt they have read any books and probably just developed a natural style of their own. I have learned a lot on daygame from them. Look for channel "vse tvoi" (all girls are yours) on youtube. This guy is great. What is important to notice is that he is humorous, but yet always solid and strong. I guess this is a cornerstone of game in Russia. Making jokes but maintaining a dominant frame. Check his earlier videos, as lately he has become more income oriented, and stopped dropping as much knowledge as before.
Then there is that forum thread which has influenced me greatly. Actually after reading this thread it was the first moment I believed that pick up is real and not just a tool to get money from guys.
For those of you who understand Russian
Even through the words you can see how solid this guy is. He still makes jokes, but it seems like it has to be done without smile on your face.
Another thing is that Russian pickup mainly concentrated on daygame. Most PUA's completely ignore night game as girls in nightclubs act artificial and you can not run your best game in dark loud environments. I have also noticed some resentment to alcohol. As if there is some secret code of conduct where using alcohol is not cool.
At some forums on game when writing lay reports many guys specifically mention amount of money spent on each girl/lay. So the perfect example being: you met a girl doing daygame and had a quick lay without spending any money or drinking any alcohol. Only then your game is good.
Another thing I have never encountered in English speaking sources is discussing of how to end a short term relationship with a girl in such a way, so she is damaged as little as possible for a future guys to come after you. Although this seems funny, and beta, I think it makes a lot of sense in preventing pussy paradise loss
There are some funny acronyms of Russian forums on game. As they are full of guys who were dumped by girls. (it is commonly known Russian girls are often on a lookout for possible improvement) So there are a lot of threads that consist of single guys looking on how to get their girl back (we have quite a few of these here too). Getting a girl back rarely works.
There is a funny technique that I've encountered. It is called T10b (трахни 10 баб, trahni 10 bab or in English F10b fuck 10 b**ches). It is simple, yet it makes sense. Fuck 10 girls, and then come back for more advice if you still need any.
A lot more attention is devoted to phone calling game. When to call, how to call, and what to say. Not much attention to texting. Texting is a US thing and although it is spreading texting is considered by some as childish and not serious (remember you have to be serious as a man). I have quite s few datasheets still stored on my phone on calling in Russian Language from various Russian forums. I will nit include them here but for those speaking any Russian PM me.
There is a lot of attention on how to avoid ДОД (давай останемся друзьями, DOD davaj ostanemsya druz'yami, LJBF lets just be friends) situation. Never seen similar terms here.
Another thing is known as trehsvidanka (трехсвиданка). Common routine of aiming for 3 short dates, sometimes a long phone call can substitute a date, and then go for it. It is a safe and lazy way of doing it. The reason for most beginner to stick to it is that a lot of Russian girls have some sort of self imposed rules of no sex on a first date, and cold and disciplined as they are at time you are not able to go pass it. 3 short dates will not take much time but will create a lot of comfort.
So some of the girls are disciplined and if she had decided she will not kiss on a first date, she wont, unless you have some amazing game.
That's why on Russian forums you can read about different techniques to overcome this. One is крышеснос (krishesnos) can be literally translated as "roof blower". When you basically create some sort of mad surprise for the girl to get her mind blown, so for a moment she loses her caution, and you can do whatever you want with her. Never tried those, as some of them are hard to pull or are too beta. For example getting someone to give you a flower when she does not see it, and hand it to girl thus getting her astonished, and then you go for the kiss. Many things can work this way, a dinner on a rooftop of apartment block with a violinist? Bath with candles and rose petals. Beta? Definitely. Will it get you laid? Most likely yes, if you combine it with alpha behavior.

My conclusion:

Main difference from Russian and western game in my opinion is strength. Man has to be masculine, strong and serious. You can still make jokes, but you can not be a clown, laugh without a smile on your face (joke). Lower energy game. No rapid movements. Strong eye contact.
No RSDTyler style shouting "hey you" in a nosy voice. You will not be taken seriously. You have to have energy but it has to be kind of passive.
I have seen a video of VitalySD (famous youtube vloger who does all sorts of pranks and prank pickups). He normally does very well collecting numbers in US while pranking. He tried to do the same in Moscow and he failed utterly. Although he is an ethnic Russian from Ukraine, and speaks fluent Russian. Girls were literally running away from him.

P.S. These were my 2 cents. I am far from being an expert (yet) so my main goal is to start a conversation on subject of gaming in Russian speaking countries. Please add on top and contradict any of my beliefs freely.


Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

What are some of the differences between Ukrainian and Belorussian girls and Russian ones? Thanks!

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Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:08 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

What are some of the differences between Ukrainian and Belorussian girls and Russian ones? Thanks!

None, they both want a better life abroad [Image: banana.gif]

Romanians and Bulgarian girls are the ones to watch out for.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:08 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

What are some of the differences between Ukrainian and Belorussian girls and Russian ones? Thanks!

I can only speak on Ukraine and Russia. Only included Belarus because they speak Russian.
Well personally it is easier for me in Ukraine.
Look wise I prefer Ukrainians, as they are darker, and I've recently discovered that I am not into blondes anymore.
Relationship-wise I would choose a Russian girl.
Found Russian girls to be smarter, better educated, more into cooking/cleaning. Washing dishes when the entered my apartment, making a breakfast after a night of sex, folding clothes after sex.

My hottest girl was from Russia, 8,5 even 9 I would say looking on it from Asia (I am too picky). I declined buying her a drink at a karaoke bar. That was one of the main reasons she ended up in my bed in few days. She loved my strong stance, probably not used receiving no as an answer. And even though she was a model and a 9 she still cooked me breakfast.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:35 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:08 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

What are some of the differences between Ukrainian and Belorussian girls and Russian ones? Thanks!

I can only speak on Ukraine and Russia. Only included Belarus because they speak Russian.
Well personally it is easier for me in Ukraine.
Look wise I prefer Ukrainians, as they are darker, and I've recently discovered that I am not into blondes anymore.
Relationship-wise I would choose a Russian girl.
Found Russian girls to be smarter, better educated, more into cooking/cleaning. Washing dishes when the entered my apartment, making a breakfast after a night of sex, folding clothes after sex.

My hottest girl was from Russia, 8,5 even 9 I would say looking on it from Asia (I am too picky). I declined buying her a drink at a karaoke bar. That was one of the main reasons she ended up in my bed in few days. She loved my strong stance, probably not used receiving no as an answer. And even though she was a model and a 9 she still cooked me breakfast.

Great thread 1+ Vin

I would also add that the stuff that might be considered corny in West does wonders with Slavic girls as my experience is mainly with Ukrainians but I have banged about 5 Russians too.
For instance telling a girl she is beautiful often, holding the door, etc...

Personal experience tells me $20 on flowers gets me more bangs with girls, then $20 spent on drinks.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 06:28 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:35 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:08 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

What are some of the differences between Ukrainian and Belorussian girls and Russian ones? Thanks!

I can only speak on Ukraine and Russia. Only included Belarus because they speak Russian.
Well personally it is easier for me in Ukraine.
Look wise I prefer Ukrainians, as they are darker, and I've recently discovered that I am not into blondes anymore.
Relationship-wise I would choose a Russian girl.
Found Russian girls to be smarter, better educated, more into cooking/cleaning. Washing dishes when the entered my apartment, making a breakfast after a night of sex, folding clothes after sex.

My hottest girl was from Russia, 8,5 even 9 I would say looking on it from Asia (I am too picky). I declined buying her a drink at a karaoke bar. That was one of the main reasons she ended up in my bed in few days. She loved my strong stance, probably not used receiving no as an answer. And even though she was a model and a 9 she still cooked me breakfast.

Great thread 1+ Vin

I would also add that the stuff that might be considered corny in West does wonders with Slavic girls as my experience is mainly with Ukrainians but I have banged about 5 Russians too.
For instance telling a girl she is beautiful often, holding the door, etc...

Personal experience tells me $20 on flowers gets me more bangs with girls, then $20 spent on drinks.

So, would you say stuff us Westerners would call "beta" might actually impress a Slavic girl? Doing traditionally "chivalrous" and romantic things?

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 06:28 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:35 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:08 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

What are some of the differences between Ukrainian and Belorussian girls and Russian ones? Thanks!

I can only speak on Ukraine and Russia. Only included Belarus because they speak Russian.
Well personally it is easier for me in Ukraine.
Look wise I prefer Ukrainians, as they are darker, and I've recently discovered that I am not into blondes anymore.
Relationship-wise I would choose a Russian girl.
Found Russian girls to be smarter, better educated, more into cooking/cleaning. Washing dishes when the entered my apartment, making a breakfast after a night of sex, folding clothes after sex.

My hottest girl was from Russia, 8,5 even 9 I would say looking on it from Asia (I am too picky). I declined buying her a drink at a karaoke bar. That was one of the main reasons she ended up in my bed in few days. She loved my strong stance, probably not used receiving no as an answer. And even though she was a model and a 9 she still cooked me breakfast.

Great thread 1+ Vin

I would also add that the stuff that might be considered corny in West does wonders with Slavic girls as my experience is mainly with Ukrainians but I have banged about 5 Russians too.
For instance telling a girl she is beautiful often, holding the door, etc...

Personal experience tells me $20 on flowers gets me more bangs with girls, then $20 spent on drinks.

There is a thin line between being courteous and becoming a beta. If you are a strong man and show high value and you give her flowers when she is not expecting it and is not asking for it. This is good.
If you are weak, and do not portray value, and bring flowers on first date just because you think this is what society wants you to do, you look even weaker.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

My own observations / opinion of Russian game:
There is 3 types of game you can run on a Russian women:

1. Wallet Game (easiest and works 99.99% of the time for me, if you have the funds) - This involves telling the girl indirectly how much assets you have (can be true or false, irrelevant) and then showing her your rolex and wearing a suit etc to perfect the image of a business man or some sort of important person. This tactics will result in you almost certainly getting laid on the #2 date.

- The most efficient way to run this game, is to take the women on a first date to a cheap/mid range place ideally during the day and then telling her you got a business meeting or something along those lines and that then leave (after spending 1-2 hour planting the seed in her head that you have wealth).
- Date 2, if she comes and meets you again then 99.99% you will get laid, if you do the following, take her to a high end venue and splash some cash on food, champagne, and then back to your apartment.
- Draw backs of this game, 9999999.9999% these girls courted using this method (even if she is a good girl) cannot be made into a LTR... (as we all know the demands of a women increases over the life time of a relationship)

2. Beta nice guy game (Low budget (works really will with 5-6-7) - As vinny said on his post, if you spend very little money, strong frame, and make small jokes while maintaining the overall tough guy frame. at the same time make small romantic overtures like buying flowers from the flower lady and opening doors for taxi etc you are on to a winner. (again 2 dates required most of the time).

3. Dinner, Drinks and Bang (DDB) (works really well if you have social proof / good looks) - This game involves meeting a girl in a bar around 18:00 spending first 45min just talking with her about your life story (DHV) etc, maintaining a high status frame, then after couple of drinks, say you are hungry and do a venue switch to establishment that you know that changes to a night club after certain time, order some food at that establishment and then hopefully she come back to your apartment. (problem with this game, is that she will give serious LMRs as you are trying to bypass her no first day bang rule).

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game


At some forums on game when writing lay reports many guys specifically mention amount of money spent on each girl/lay. So the perfect example being: you met a girl doing daygame and had a quick lay without spending any money or drinking any alcohol. Only then your game is good.

Good idea

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 08:24 PM)Alpha9 Wrote:  

My own observations / opinion of Russian game:
There is 3 types of game you can run on a Russian women:

1. Wallet Game (easiest and works 99.99% of the time for me, if you have the funds) - This involves telling the girl indirectly how much assets you have (can be true or false, irrelevant) and then showing her your rolex and wearing a suit etc to perfect the image of a business man or some sort of important person. This tactics will result in you almost certainly getting laid on the #2 date.

- The most efficient way to run this game, is to take the women on a first date to a cheap/mid range place ideally during the day and then telling her you got a business meeting or something along those lines and that then leave (after spending 1-2 hour planting the seed in her head that you have wealth).
- Date 2, if she comes and meets you again then 99.99% you will get laid, if you do the following, take her to a high end venue and splash some cash on food, champagne, and then back to your apartment.
- Draw backs of this game, 9999999.9999% these girls courted using this method (even if she is a good girl) cannot be made into a LTR... (as we all know the demands of a women increases over the life time of a relationship)

2. Beta nice guy game (Low budget (works really will with 5-6-7) - As vinny said on his post, if you spend very little money, strong frame, and make small jokes while maintaining the overall tough guy frame. at the same time make small romantic overtures like buying flowers from the flower lady and opening doors for taxi etc you are on to a winner. (again 2 dates required most of the time).

3. Dinner, Drinks and Bang (DDB) (works really well if you have social proof / good looks) - This game involves meeting a girl in a bar around 18:00 spending first 45min just talking with her about your life story (DHV) etc, maintaining a high status frame, then after couple of drinks, say you are hungry and do a venue switch to establishment that you know that changes to a night club after certain time, order some food at that establishment and then hopefully she come back to your apartment. (problem with this game, is that she will give serious LMRs as you are trying to bypass her no first day bang rule).

My view on wallet game.
I don't like most of all because it is expensive (duh..). You can not easily find a way to financial independence and roll high at the same time, unless you are a son of a millionaire. I know it is still possible, but I have yet to find a way how.
This game is not always as easy as you describe it (remember that pathetic guy in Valkyrie?). At times you can treat a girl like a queen all night just for her to go and bang another dude. I prefer to be that another dude.
Another thing is that rolling high in poor countries will easily get you killed. Some people would be ready to cut your arm together with your Rolex on it. And if you look rich enough even kidnap you to squeeze as much money as possible. Of course it is not likely going to happen but the risk is higher.
You have it all nicely worked out with your method! I can see doing something similar once or twice a year, just to get some high quality (looks) girl in my bed. But maintaining even a short relationship or keeping her as a plate will require just too much of investment.

Quote: (04-22-2016 06:28 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Great thread 1+ Vin

How cruel is it offering a rep. point and not actually giving one [Image: biggrin.gif]

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

This "Wallet Game" as you call it is not something specific to Russia, it's applicable everywhere. If you truly have the cash to spend then you need almost no game. However, if you're showing off without the financial backing then it will be hard to keep it authentic and grounded in reality. There is a high risk she might see through you.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-23-2016 01:39 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

This "Wallet Game" as you call it is not something specific to Russia, it's applicable everywhere. If you truly have the cash to spend then you need almost no game. However, if you're showing off without the financial backing then it will be hard to keep it authentic and grounded in reality. There is a high risk she might see through you.

Agreed mate, however its all relative, many of the forum members dont realise that when they go to a poorer country, they are indirectly doing the wallet game, as the money may seem minuscule in the west, but in local terms lot of the guys are spending a lot of money. In London, if you go to a club you can easily spend £300 - £400 on a night and still not get anything. In moscow with the same amount of money in a decent venue with basic game, you will pull... atleast a 5 [Image: tongue.gif]

The amount of money required is relative to your competition, just like everything in life. Spending £300 in a london club wouldnt be seen as anything special, but at a mid range club in Moscow, (certainly Kiev) it will get you very far.


If you guys are saying you can pull in moscow without spending any money, then my hats off to you fallas!! you fallas are legends! in my personal experience, whether the girl was a 5 or a 9, i had to spend money. By which I mean buying them food and drinks. (I never managed to get a girl without paying for atleast 1 drink)

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-24-2016 04:00 AM)Alpha9 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2016 01:39 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

This "Wallet Game" as you call it is not something specific to Russia, it's applicable everywhere. If you truly have the cash to spend then you need almost no game. However, if you're showing off without the financial backing then it will be hard to keep it authentic and grounded in reality. There is a high risk she might see through you.

Agreed mate, however its all relative, many of the forum members dont realise that when they go to a poorer country, they are indirectly doing the wallet game, as the money may seem minuscule in the west, but in local terms lot of the guys are spending a lot of money. In London, if you go to a club you can easily spend £300 - £400 on a night and still not get anything. In moscow with the same amount of money in a decent venue with basic game, you will pull... atleast a 5 [Image: tongue.gif]

The amount of money required is relative to your competition, just like everything in life. Spending £300 in a london club wouldnt be seen as anything special, but at a mid range club in Moscow, (certainly Kiev) it will get you very far.


If you guys are saying you can pull in moscow without spending any money, then my hats off to you fallas!! you fallas are legends! in my personal experience, whether the girl was a 5 or a 9, i had to spend money. By which I mean buying them food and drinks. (I never managed to get a girl without paying for atleast 1 drink)

Usually when a Slavic women offers to pay for something.. usually that means she NOT interested in you.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-24-2016 04:00 AM)Alpha9 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2016 01:39 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

This "Wallet Game" as you call it is not something specific to Russia, it's applicable everywhere. If you truly have the cash to spend then you need almost no game. However, if you're showing off without the financial backing then it will be hard to keep it authentic and grounded in reality. There is a high risk she might see through you.

Agreed mate, however its all relative, many of the forum members dont realise that when they go to a poorer country, they are indirectly doing the wallet game, as the money may seem minuscule in the west, but in local terms lot of the guys are spending a lot of money. In London, if you go to a club you can easily spend £300 - £400 on a night and still not get anything. In moscow with the same amount of money in a decent venue with basic game, you will pull... atleast a 5 [Image: tongue.gif]

The amount of money required is relative to your competition, just like everything in life. Spending £300 in a london club wouldnt be seen as anything special, but at a mid range club in Moscow, (certainly Kiev) it will get you very far.


If you guys are saying you can pull in moscow without spending any money, then my hats off to you fallas!! you fallas are legends! in my personal experience, whether the girl was a 5 or a 9, i had to spend money. By which I mean buying them food and drinks. (I never managed to get a girl without paying for atleast 1 drink)

That is true. Directly or indirectly getting a girl in a crib consumes resources. Going out to at night, taking a taxi, having few drinks yourself. Even improving your wardrobe and going to gym with idea that it gets more girls eventually could be considered as spending on girls.
None of my cheapest lays happened in EE. Due to culture of "man has to pay" and because girls do pay a lot of attention to your financial situation.
You can look at this in 2 ways.
1st the girl is smart and wants to find a good husband to maintain her family. Not so bad. It is part of their instinct, same as for us looking for a girl with big tits and child bearing hips. For you being financially stable is just a box she ticks and moves on, you don't actually have to spend that much on her.
2nd a girl wants your wallet and not you. She might bang you few times. And constantly ask for gifts. Leave you as soon as you stop providing gifts.
I guess through the calibration and people skills you can filter them out.

I do believe in game as a tool not so much to improve your value but to learn how to portray your value. I do not however believe that some broke guy can come into club in Moscow, and pull a 10 home after she buys him a cocktail, just by saying few magic words. (Unless the words are I am Bill Gates, Mark Zuckeberg or Vladimir Putin, and he'd actually look like one)

P.S. I would say all of my cheapest lays happened in Manila.
Girl's friend approached me in Valkyrie club, girl offered me a place at their table and a drink, and I was at home with that girl 2 hours later.
Another one. Tinder, meeting in a mall near my place, mango shake, back to the crib.

Still you can include the price of tickets to Manila, cost of accommodation etc. Is it ever free?
Or is it a case of "all good things in life come at a price"?

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 08:24 PM)Alpha9 Wrote:  

My own observations / opinion of Russian game:
There is 3 types of game you can run on a Russian women:

1. Wallet Game (easiest and works 99.99% of the time for me, if you have the funds) - This involves telling the girl indirectly how much assets you have (can be true or false, irrelevant) and then showing her your rolex and wearing a suit etc to perfect the image of a business man or some sort of important person. This tactics will result in you almost certainly getting laid on the #2 date.

- The most efficient way to run this game, is to take the women on a first date to a cheap/mid range place ideally during the day and then telling her you got a business meeting or something along those lines and that then leave (after spending 1-2 hour planting the seed in her head that you have wealth).
- Date 2, if she comes and meets you again then 99.99% you will get laid, if you do the following, take her to a high end venue and splash some cash on food, champagne, and then back to your apartment.
- Draw backs of this game, 9999999.9999% these girls courted using this method (even if she is a good girl) cannot be made into a LTR... (as we all know the demands of a women increases over the life time of a relationship)

This is not a drawback. This is a benefit.


Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-24-2016 02:42 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 08:24 PM)Alpha9 Wrote:  

My own observations / opinion of Russian game:
There is 3 types of game you can run on a Russian women:

1. Wallet Game (easiest and works 99.99% of the time for me, if you have the funds) - This involves telling the girl indirectly how much assets you have (can be true or false, irrelevant) and then showing her your rolex and wearing a suit etc to perfect the image of a business man or some sort of important person. This tactics will result in you almost certainly getting laid on the #2 date.

- The most efficient way to run this game, is to take the women on a first date to a cheap/mid range place ideally during the day and then telling her you got a business meeting or something along those lines and that then leave (after spending 1-2 hour planting the seed in her head that you have wealth).
- Date 2, if she comes and meets you again then 99.99% you will get laid, if you do the following, take her to a high end venue and splash some cash on food, champagne, and then back to your apartment.
- Draw backs of this game, 9999999.9999% these girls courted using this method (even if she is a good girl) cannot be made into a LTR... (as we all know the demands of a women increases over the life time of a relationship)

This is not a drawback. This is a benefit.


At this point of my life (before I am after 30 and ready to settle) I have to agree. It is at times beneficial.
I am bad at ending relationships. Even the short ones. It seems that in all places I've visited last year there is at least one girl still hoping for me to come back.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 08:24 PM)Alpha9 Wrote:  

My own observations / opinion of Russian game:
There is 3 types of game you can run on a Russian women:

1. Wallet Game (easiest and works 99.99% of the time for me, if you have the funds) - This involves telling the girl indirectly how much assets you have (can be true or false, irrelevant) and then showing her your rolex and wearing a suit etc to perfect the image of a business man or some sort of important person. This tactics will result in you almost certainly getting laid on the #2 date.

- The most efficient way to run this game, is to take the women on a first date to a cheap/mid range place ideally during the day and then telling her you got a business meeting or something along those lines and that then leave (after spending 1-2 hour planting the seed in her head that you have wealth).

- Date 2, if she comes and meets you again then 99.99% you will get laid, if you do the following, take her to a high end venue and splash some cash on food, champagne, and then back to your apartment.
- Draw backs of this game, 9999999.9999% these girls courted using this method (even if she is a good girl) cannot be made into a LTR... (as we all know the demands of a women increases over the life time of a relationship)

2. Beta nice guy game (Low budget (works really will with 5-6-7) - As vinny said on his post, if you spend very little money, strong frame, and make small jokes while maintaining the overall tough guy frame. at the same time make small romantic overtures like buying flowers from the flower lady and opening doors for taxi etc you are on to a winner. (again 2 dates required most of the time).

3. Dinner, Drinks and Bang (DDB) (works really well if you have social proof / good looks) - This game involves meeting a girl in a bar around 18:00 spending first 45min just talking with her about your life story (DHV) etc, maintaining a high status frame, then after couple of drinks, say you are hungry and do a venue switch to establishment that you know that changes to a night club after certain time, order some food at that establishment and then hopefully she come back to your apartment. (problem with this game, is that she will give serious LMRs as you are trying to bypass her no first day bang rule).

I call BS on Wallet game, especially the 99.9% number....
I've taken girls for long walks in the park while paying for the stupid carnival games and pretending to enjoy them, bought them overpriced food at GUM, gone to see Opera and also to the rooftop of the Golden Ring Hotel on Smolenskaya Ul. (perfect view of Moscow skyline), made out with them all night while watching the stars, and gone back "home" to my crib all on the first date only to encounter LMR. As another poster mentioned, short of a millionaire playboy I cannot imagine a typical rooshv guy with average looks, game, and westerner wallet (meaning you are spending a lot of money for a local but not so much for a westerner) always succeeding. When it comes to Russian girls I am sad to say but there is really no fool-proof way to succeed all the time. Some of us can offer more tips than others but usually at least a couple dates are necessary to get anywhere with a quality girl who has her head set right on her shoulders (meaning no drama).

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-24-2016 10:15 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2016 04:00 AM)Alpha9 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2016 01:39 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

This "Wallet Game" as you call it is not something specific to Russia, it's applicable everywhere. If you truly have the cash to spend then you need almost no game. However, if you're showing off without the financial backing then it will be hard to keep it authentic and grounded in reality. There is a high risk she might see through you.

Agreed mate, however its all relative, many of the forum members dont realise that when they go to a poorer country, they are indirectly doing the wallet game, as the money may seem minuscule in the west, but in local terms lot of the guys are spending a lot of money. In London, if you go to a club you can easily spend £300 - £400 on a night and still not get anything. In moscow with the same amount of money in a decent venue with basic game, you will pull... atleast a 5 [Image: tongue.gif]

The amount of money required is relative to your competition, just like everything in life. Spending £300 in a london club wouldnt be seen as anything special, but at a mid range club in Moscow, (certainly Kiev) it will get you very far.


If you guys are saying you can pull in moscow without spending any money, then my hats off to you fallas!! you fallas are legends! in my personal experience, whether the girl was a 5 or a 9, i had to spend money. By which I mean buying them food and drinks. (I never managed to get a girl without paying for atleast 1 drink)

Usually when a Slavic women offers to pay for something.. usually that means she NOT interested in you.

This is true. In this case it will most likely be the last time you see her. This happened to me once in Moscow, and I knew as soon as she insisted on paying half, it was done.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-22-2016 04:06 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Main difference from Russian and western game in my opinion is strength. Man has to be masculine, strong and serious. You can still make jokes, but you can not be a clown, laugh without a smile on your face (joke). Lower energy game. No rapid movements. Strong eye contact.
No RSDTyler style shouting "hey you" in a nosy voice. You will not be taken seriously. You have to have energy but it has to be kind of passive.

Probably the most "on point" thing about game ever written here.

Be strong/masculine (*ehm* good looking to girls *ehm*), don't try too hard and enjoy the process... You'll beat clown wannabe PUA 9.5 out of 10 times.

I completely stopped trying to entertain girls, I don't try to overcome shittests(fuck the bitch, bad behavior won't be tolerated) and even though I get rejected slightly more, the actual results (time ROI) skyrocketed.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-26-2016 07:44 PM)Dantes Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2016 10:15 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Usually when a Slavic women offers to pay for something.. usually that means she NOT interested in you.

This is true. In this case it will most likely be the last time you see her. This happened to me once in Moscow, and I knew as soon as she insisted on paying half, it was done.

To be clear, I assume you guys mean FSU girls. Polish girls are also technically Slavic, but the above hasn't been my experience here.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-26-2016 05:14 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

I call BS on Wallet game, especially the 99.9% number....
I've taken girls for long walks in the park while paying for the stupid carnival games and pretending to enjoy them, bought them overpriced food at GUM, gone to see Opera and also to the rooftop of the Golden Ring Hotel on Smolenskaya Ul. (perfect view of Moscow skyline), made out with them all night while watching the stars, and gone back "home" to my crib all on the first date only to encounter LMR. As another poster mentioned, short of a millionaire playboy I cannot imagine a typical rooshv guy with average looks, game, and westerner wallet (meaning you are spending a lot of money for a local but not so much for a westerner) always succeeding. When it comes to Russian girls I am sad to say but there is really no fool-proof way to succeed all the time. Some of us can offer more tips than others but usually at least a couple dates are necessary to get anywhere with a quality girl who has her head set right on her shoulders (meaning no drama).

Mate, you are mistaken... you cant use the wallet game on just about anybody and expect it to work, it will never work on a tablet rat / bottle rat that is out to milk you.

Your selection of the girl that you bankroll was bad, maybe its because i travel often to FSU countries, i can tell a women who is out their to milk me.. dont get me wrong i normally realise this after 2 hours of talking to her and her milking me for those two hours... once i realise this girl is milking me.. i make an excuse and bailout.

Never bankroll on her terms, bankroll on your terms.. if you feel that it will work.. not because she demands it.

Anyway that is my opinion.. i dont want to detract this thread to much.. if anyone has another thoughts please share.


"my crib all on the first date only to encounter LMR" on my post I wrote, first date you shouldnt high roll.. you plant the seed... 2nd date you high roll!!!!

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game


There is a whole different attitude to persistence and a man should force his will on a woman in terms of convincing her to be his partner. In the west to send a girl flowers or phone her repeatedly after she has rejected you is harassment. In the FSU it is the opposite and girls want you to show how much you want them by your persistence. They are the prey you are the big cat. If a girl says no to your invitation to dinner you must pursue and show your seriousness. If you don't show persistence then you did not want her enough and she was right to reject you. As a man you should stop at nothing to convince her to be your GF.

As the Russian idiom goes: The patient Kazakh will become the Ataman.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-27-2016 05:27 AM)The Ligurian Wrote:  


There is a whole different attitude to persistence and a man should force his will on a woman in terms of convincing her to be his partner. In the west to send a girl flowers or phone her repeatedly after she has rejected you is harassment. In the FSU it is the opposite and girls want you to show how much you want them by your persistence. They are the prey you are the big cat. If a girl says no to your invitation to dinner you must pursue and show your seriousness. If you don't show persistence then you did not want her enough and she was right to reject you. As a man you should stop at nothing to convince her to be your GF.

As the Russian idiom goes: The patient Kazakh will become the Ataman.

Very good point, Ligurian!

If I can offer my slight correction of this idiom: "Терпи, казак, атаманом будешь." (terpi kazak atamanom budesh) Which literally means, "be patient Cossack, and you will become an Ataman (rank of a colonel amongst Cossacks)
Kazakh is someone who lives in Kazakhstan.

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Quote: (04-23-2016 01:39 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

This "Wallet Game" as you call it is not something specific to Russia, it's applicable everywhere. If you truly have the cash to spend then you need almost no game.

I agree man, gold digging is an international phenomenon, the only difference, well I think that Russian women are smarter than many Western women regarding milking you off.
I set myself a limit of 20eur (within a maximum of 3 dates) before тра́хать not counting my part of the costs, of course there can be some exceptions, but well very rare as I focus on "just coffee" dates etc. Ok I know I know it is not that high , but well, until now it is working fine, got many bangs under that limit. Expensive restaurants only after the 1st lay.
And I also agree that RSD style does not work here in Russia.

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Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Ive recently spend a week in a hotel full of russians and observed several groups of guys and girls.

First day group of very sexy girls, you can tell theyre the high maintenance party type girls. Were flirting at a distance and subtly. In comes a group of russian guys who look like theyre all village idiots. Out of shape, wear their tshirt in the water, balding, skinny fat etc....

Somehow they start harrassing the girls. Grabbing them. Theyre joking and laughing loudly all the time. The girls push them away, run away to the other end of the pool, etc...

As im contemplating whether interfering is worth the potential ass kicking, i notice the girls have started to smile. Now when the ugly goofy looking dude grabs the beautiful model, she smiles, stays in his arms a few seconds, then pushes away. Again they follow her. I notice she can get out any time she wants. But they dont. Those girls were eating it up. Could not believe it.

A few days later another group of guys come. Same but more alpha looking. Theyre pretty much destroying everything in their path. Soon they hook up witb same group of girls. And others. They see a girl sunbathing, they splash her with water. They grab her and push her with her clothes on in the water. They see two girls on room balcony, they throw a balloon at then. Completely fearless.

Then i observed them try that stuff with british girl. One guy opens with "hey can you fuck all night". The british girls eat it up and laugh. However, it was only for entertainment. The russian would keep it up like that and end up being the clown and then theyd dismiss him and ignore them. Then i saw the russians simply try more of the same on the same griup of girls, but then hes just digging himself deeper.

However their game worked on the most beautiful women that were there. I envied them and learned from them, pulled a russian that night with them in the back of my mind.

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