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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (05-16-2019 10:43 PM)asianirish1 Wrote:  

In the above text scenario is this how everyone else is texting ? Seems plain and transactional to me. Could be that both people are not English first language but still comes across as interview style

Depends, from my personal experience some girls won't play stupid games, some are attention whores or just want to test you first, some girls on Tinder just to get thirsty Beta's to follow them on Insta/Snapchat.

[Image: Capture.png]
[Image: Capt3ure.png]

The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Tinder App

Quote: (05-16-2019 10:43 PM)asianirish1 Wrote:  

In the above text scenario is this how everyone else is texting ? Seems plain and transactional to me. Could be that both people are not English first language but still comes across as interview style

Can you share some of your texts?

Tinder App

Quote: (05-16-2019 07:39 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

It seems like everyone is getting 30-40 matches a day on brand new gold accounts due to newbie boost. I’ve been on with the same profile for a few weeks now and it went from that to zero a day for the past few days.

If you’re still getting 20+ matches a day after a few weeks then lucky you otherwise it’s restarts and tinder fold every few weeks people like for me.

Basically if you're not getting laid within first 48 hours of your reset, better off deleting and resetting again.

Both of my accounts have received an outstanding zero likes today.

Luckily from yesterday's resets, I'm scheduled to bang a cute intern this weekend. Let's see if she follows through.

Tinder App

So I asked this 35-year-old chick with great tits out before.

We had set up the date but about an hour before she called it off blaming pollen allergy and headache.

Then I didn't write anything to her, I only sent her this gif as a response on the app:

[Image: giphy.gif]

And in less than 3 minutes she had changed her mind again and decided she was going to come. We met up and had a nice date, she's a very cool and social woman and she's been texting me a lot afterwards so I know she's keen on meeting me again.
I thought she was going to let me bang her on the first date but seems like she hopes to get me for a relationship not (which will never happen but I'd do 1-2 more dates just to sleep with her).

But the point is, she laughed and mentioned this gif I sent multiple times and that she had told her mum and some of her girlfriends about it and they had cracked up apparently and how fun it was going to be to tell some of her colleagues about it later. She said was so provoked by it and wanted to prove me that she wasn't going to end up like that.

So it seems like a good tool if you're running into a half flakey girl. I think it's a good response and gets their hamster wheel running.

Tinder App

I get this a lot. There's a hot girl in town for a week and wants to party. She liked me and probably a hundred other guys. How do I stand out?

Tinder App

I never used tinder because I was close to 300 pounds but I'm down to 216 last weigh in (6'3".) If a repped member would be willing to pm me and tell me the youngest age I could put based on a pic I would appreciate (im over 30)

Tinder App

Godfather, whatever age you can pull off, put an even younger one then specify the higher one in the bio. If you look like early 30s put something in late 20s and then in bio write the early 30s age

Tinder App

Cool, I'm going for 27 (I'm actually 32 but don't want whatever tinder deems "age appropriate")

Tinder App

Quote: (05-17-2019 03:00 PM)Schvoss Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2019 10:43 PM)asianirish1 Wrote:  

In the above text scenario is this how everyone else is texting ? Seems plain and transactional to me. Could be that both people are not English first language but still comes across as interview style

Depends, from my personal experience some girls won't play stupid games, some are attention whores or just want to test you first, some girls on Tinder just to get thirsty Beta's to follow them on Insta/Snapchat.

[Image: Capture.png]
[Image: Capt3ure.png]

very efficient text.
from my experience i more or less do the same but dont get that easy wins.
I think it might be related to how you look. Are you 8 or more in terms of look ?

Tinder App

Quote: (05-17-2019 03:00 PM)Schvoss Wrote:  

[Image: Capture.png]
[Image: Capt3ure.png]
This is how messaging on tinder should be done. However, the opening about looking like trouble is better than the second one as it screens for playfulness and receptiveness of a girl. In my experience the more of a slut the girl is the more affirmative she is on this line. Funnily enough I used to use the same line but I thought it was an original one of mine [Image: huh.gif]

Tinder App


This is how messaging on tinder should be done. However, the opening about looking like trouble is better than the second one as it screens for playfulness and receptiveness of a girl. In my experience the more of a slut the girl is the more affirmative she is on this line. Funnily enough I used to use the same line but I thought it was an original one of mine [Image: huh.gif]

This girl is participating and not giving one word answers. This boring/logistical messaging won't work most of the time.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-19-2019 03:39 PM)Cavorite Wrote:  


This is how messaging on tinder should be done. However, the opening about looking like trouble is better than the second one as it screens for playfulness and receptiveness of a girl. In my experience the more of a slut the girl is the more affirmative she is on this line. Funnily enough I used to use the same line but I thought it was an original one of mine [Image: huh.gif]

This girl is participating and not giving one word answers. This boring/logistical messaging won't work most of the time.

Couldn't disagree more. That chick looks busted as hell from her thumbnail but the game is on point, cut to the chase, get the number, get her out. You can save the witty banter for the date. Almost always trying to be really creative and witty over tinder and texting backfires, especially abroad.

Maybe in U.S. you are expected to give her some clown laughs before the number but its not my style.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Tinder App

These are the latest prices I’m seeing.

Tinder gold $120 a year
Boosts $3 a boost for $30

Tinder App


Couldn't disagree more. That chick looks busted as hell from her thumbnail but the game is on point, cut to the chase, get the number, get her out. You can save the witty banter for the date. Almost always trying to be really creative and witty over tinder and texting backfires, especially abroad.

Maybe in U.S. you are expected to give her some clown laughs before the number but its not my style.

What I'm saying is an average Tinder girl won't participate in the conversation enough for you to cut to the chase, get her number, and get out.

Guy: You look like trouble
Girl: Haha
Guy: You from Vienna?
Girl: Yeah
Guy: How long you here for?
Girl: Today
Guy: You want to get a drink
Girl: *crickets*

Tinder App

Well first off never say "you want to get a drink", even when just working logistics.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-19-2019 10:12 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2019 03:00 PM)Schvoss Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2019 10:43 PM)asianirish1 Wrote:  

In the above text scenario is this how everyone else is texting ? Seems plain and transactional to me. Could be that both people are not English first language but still comes across as interview style

Depends, from my personal experience some girls won't play stupid games, some are attention whores or just want to test you first, some girls on Tinder just to get thirsty Beta's to follow them on Insta/Snapchat.

[Image: Capture.png]
[Image: Capt3ure.png]

very efficient text.
from my experience i more or less do the same but dont get that easy wins.
I think it might be related to how you look. Are you 8 or more in terms of look ?

My look is 8+ respectively, 20 years old, girls 50% of time start conversations with, I admit my Tinder game isn’t sharp. But if
you look good girls sometimes wouldn’t care or notice your game. IMO Tinder is 85% look 13% game 2% luck.

[Image: 076-AA902-FBE7-41-C3-A56-D-9-D9-A7-E79-BCB2.png]

The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Tinder App

Quote: (05-20-2019 12:35 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Well first off never say "you want to get a drink", even when just working logistics.

This is correct. When going for the meet, never phrase it in the form of a question.

Instead of wishy washy bs (i.e. "do you want to meet for a drink?"), take the lead and be decisive with (i.e. "meet me for a drink"). It's usually even better if you include specific logistics (the time and location).

If the girl goes radio silent or declines (and doesn't make a counteroffer) you've likely got your answer.

Tinder App

99% sure I’ve been “shadow banned,” as even with Boosts I’m barely gettting any matches. Matches I am getting are black girls (I’m black), or fat white chicks. That’s tinder’s (and online dating in general) algorithm’s working as it “normally” should.

Going to finish my two boosts this week. Then look into the whole profile reset angle espoused here.

Tinder App

A girl is not going to care if you say "Meet me for a drink" instead of "Do you want to meet for a drink".

Tinder App

Quote: (05-20-2019 12:26 PM)Cavorite Wrote:  


Couldn't disagree more. That chick looks busted as hell from her thumbnail but the game is on point, cut to the chase, get the number, get her out. You can save the witty banter for the date. Almost always trying to be really creative and witty over tinder and texting backfires, especially abroad.

Maybe in U.S. you are expected to give her some clown laughs before the number but its not my style.

What I'm saying is an average Tinder girl won't participate in the conversation enough for you to cut to the chase, get her number, and get out.

Guy: You look like trouble
Girl: Haha
Guy: You from Vienna?
Girl: Yeah
Guy: How long you here for?
Girl: Today
Guy: You want to get a drink
Girl: *crickets*

Newsflash: Tinder is a hookup app that is based almost completely on photos and to a lesser extent your instagram profile. What you write on your bio or what you write to her almost doesn't even matter. If she wasn't going to give you her number there's little you could say to change that fact anyways. That girls doing you a favor by not wasting your time.

Also doesn't matter if you say "lets meet up" "lets get a drink" "do you wanna get a drink" its all the same shit, she either wants to meet and possibly fuck you or she doesn't.

At least this is how tinder works abroad, maybe in US there needs to be some witty banter and stuff first, thats what my brother says.

You guys are focusing way too much on what to say when it really doesn't matter and not enough time optimizing the fuck out of your photos which is 90%+ of it anyways.

I think a "buyers mindset" in this situation can really help. I don't reply with long messages or try to be witty because not only does it not really work well in Mexico but mainly because I just have too many damn matches that I can't keep up. Thats the main reason girls write short responses as well. I get at least 20 matches a week, if I do a boost I might get anywhere from 25-50 girls, I act like I have tons of girls blowing me up and need to keep it short with them because thats the reality. If thats not your reality then imagine that it is and how such a person would act when getting messages from a girl. You want the girl to be thinking "this guy gets tons of matches just like I do, he's a high value male" . When you respond quickly and with long responses it conveys lower value like you're trying to impress her, which you are.

I know this for a fact because as a high value/ranking dude on tinder I get very suspicious when a girl is sending me really long messages and overly enthusiastic that something is weird or not right, either she gained weight since her photos, or is socially awkward. I know hot women feel the same way.

The above quote is actually perfect, only maybe instead of a drink, I would say "oh cool let me know if you have a minute we can link up" or something like that. Some might say thats a hidden question but I have no problem screening girls with a question to give me an affirmative yes that they have to meet, but this is really small potatoes, its really about your photos.

And one last thing: its normal that 50%+ of your matches don't respond do your messages, half of those matches aren't even real, and its normal out of the remaining 50% that 50% of those will be terse with you just wasting your time etc. So its just a numbers game even the most optimized tinder profile is going to have a 75% either no response or short/aloof response rate, you need to make up for it in numbers, it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Tinder App

Anyone else notice a good number of girls on Hinge saying they've taken solo vacations? I thought mostly men did that - guess not.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-20-2019 08:33 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Anyone else notice a good number of girls on Hinge saying they've taken solo vacations? I thought mostly men did that - guess not.

lol, if someone would told me that I would assume some guy is flying her out somewhere. I've been travelling non stop for years and I've noticed not many girls at all travel alone. Also these type of arrangement where guys are flying out girls from instagram or whatever is getting more and more common for every day.

In fact not many girls do anything alone. Travelling alone is a pretty big step, barely men even does it unless its business or similair.

Tinder App

After moving to a new city, I tried Tinder out here and have 57 matches. Such a difference when you’re used to a higher tier city like Miami. I would get 10-15 matches tops and using the same pictures.

Is it even worth paying to see these matches? no matter how much I swipe I only ever catch a couple of them.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-21-2019 12:02 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

After moving to a new city, I tried Tinder out here and have 57 matches. Such a difference when you’re used to a higher tier city like Miami. I would get 10-15 matches tops and using the same pictures.

Is it even worth paying to see these matches? no matter how much I swipe I only ever catch a couple of them.

never pay srs, I did it once, felt bad afterwards and it was totally worthless

On other note: Lately ive been going very direct on tinder, that means jumping to setup a date almost immediately . Result? 3 dates in 2 weeks. Pretty good for me given that prior to that I was getting like a date every 3 months.

Tinder App

I just switched to “hey what’s up” because it felt so lame when I used the other openers, I am just tired playing their games, I just want to get straight to business. I was actually surprised, this fucking works better for me lol
[Image: B07-CF58-B-5394-4-F58-9-FD7-943-A23-CAEC86.png]
[Image: C638130-C-1002-420-F-B6-D3-0-B4-CA35-D13-F5.png]
[Image: 145456-EF-751-E-49-BF-BCC2-438-D4191-ADB4.png]

The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

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