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The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

When the extreme rudeness and the most kindness human traits flirting in same people

I headed to the capital of Ukraine Thursday in the morning i made a checkin in a fine 40 square meter apartment hotel (Senator Maidan) close to Maidan Place (a bit pricey for long stays but affordable for a quick trip / 120 euro per night)

I started this trip by going to buy some bottles of alcohol in one of this local supermarket pretty cheap for Euro/Dollar possessor

My first contact with local UA girl was one minute before when i asked with a simple broken english where it will be possible to buy alcohol in this area at this cuty blue eyes brunette, this girl was sitting a her job chairs inside a market and my surprise was a friendly smile and a precise indication of the close liquors store, what my surprise to meet this same girl inside the liquor store smiling to me and talking to me in Ukrainian language that a didn't understand any words of, i asked the girl with the most basic english what is the most fine champagne to buy, she make huge effort to choice for me the most fine champagne bottle with this incredible affordable price, i take in first a bottle of Moet et Chandon but she didn't look pretty interested make me payed an expensive champagne but she looked impressed when i take a bottle of whisky Chivas Regal, i left in another part of the store and she seems really attracted by me because when i go to the cash desk she was waiting for me and give me her place to no waiting for pay.
At this time in my head i was thinking "ok she just want me to pay for her grocery but fuck off i’ll never do this"
But wrong judgment she was just nice with me to helping me, i left the store without asking for her contact, i was too cold, too fresh off the boat, i didn't have build any story in my head, i just catch the good feeling to be a target for a woman and it was fine.

The same night i decided to hit the most famous stripclub of the town named the Rio club, for take a taste about the stunner onside,
Big slap in my face ! 20 Victoria Secret models dancing naked here.
All this chicks one could be a millions followers instagram hoes in USA pretty face and pretty body close to the international notation 10
After ordered a big Monte Cristo Habana cigars and drinked 2 straight glasses of 18 years Chivas Regal whisky i started to chat with one of this perfect model chick
The feeling was so good with this girl that i was thinking my strippersgame was on the top, and the idea of picking up this girl for free touching my mind for a minute.
I was like Tony with my big Monte Cristo in my mouth and expensive hoes on my side.
I decided to leave this place before my bankroll go down and i decided to go in a regular club to try to game some fine women's, in the same time i promised to this beauty that i will coming back one hour later for pick her up, off course i flaked due to the insane price she would be charging me.

I headed to the skybar at around 2 o’clock in the morning, big face control, i see a lot of 8's and 9's turned down by the bouncer
And i remembered the bad time in the entrance of the Parisian nightclubs when you should to suck the bouncer’s dick, take a 1000 euro table, and bring 4 models to let you in.
But it was little different this time and the bouncer let me in without any trouble
Inside, a lot of tourists spending money on table to impress and to show off and ukrainian "attention" whore with big ego's, i talked with a lot of girls but some asked me why i'm a alone here another asked me to take a table, and another the more hot one was in bad mood asking to my question only by yes or no so i decided to leave, the only friendly people here was a group of Swedish good looking guy completely afraid to even talking with one of this girls, i joked with them and telling them to not be so afraid by the girls specially here in Ukraine we laughed a bit and i left.

Outside, in this place named Arena a lot of hot girls on set of 2 or 3 walking around i decided to open some and few was showing interested to hanging together in another bar but all the time the interaction ended by the none english speaker of the group cockblocked me.
I open up a set of 2 solid 5,5/6 but my intentions at this time was just looking for companies for eating something before going to sleep
This interaction turned in a friendly meeting and they wanted to show me some of hidden place of Kiev, we start walking and this 2 girls talking a perfect English and we was able to talk more deeply about Ukraine and this new hype that increase the numbers of visitors every year. We headed in a place i didn't remember the name with the same St Louis arc and beautifull view on the south of the city and the Fairmont hotel terrace
We walked back to maidan place to eat in one of this cheap Japonese restaurant and i invited them, i payed the relative cheap bills (with any attention to nothing, just have a nice time with interesting people), and i go for home, we exchanged the numbers, the both added me on viber, and i promised to meet the next day.

The next day i wake up in a good mood,
I take a breakfast at around 12:30 in one of this replica Brooklyn Williamsburg hipster coffee shop (the same are insanely expensive in Paris) just front of my flat, i payed equivalent of 9 euro for a big cappuccino latte, a cherry pie handmade, a little bottle of apple and blueberries juice and a tasty chicken and mushroom quiche. I take an Uber for one off this fancy fitness gym (named Body Art Fitness) and i payed an entrance fee for 250 hrvnia pass day included sauna and access to the boxing area (full equipped).

After hard training, back to my apartment i start to drinking some whisky and the 5,5 and 6 of the last night started texting me about an eventual meeting later
It was Saturday night and my only hope was to catch one off this model looking i just see the night before and i was ready to flood some money for
I flaked to the duo and decided to crash to Buddha bar ( it was only 500 meters walking from my place)
In my way to Buddha bar, i remained how the atmosphere was laid-back and cool at this time of the year and a lot of people sitting down in Maidan place drinking some alcohol beverages, enjoying the springs time with family/friend and how this place was surrounded by attractive womens, it was another world, In comparison Paris when the sun go out, all the "cool" place are running by annoyed people, and the ratio is absolutely the hell on earth in comparison to here (better not talking about the junky asking for money, the ghetto scumbag and more …).

When i was close to the entrance to the buddha bar, 2 beautiful women walking on my side and i opened the set, they was on her way to a bar for smoke a hookah, the both was amused, the interaction was funny, and i didn't invite her to join me immediately in BB, because first is not a place that they could afford and second there is option to be fooled for a free dinner or free drinks, i just ask briefly for phone number but she just tell me to join her later in hookah bar i didn't remember the name and looked little shy when i asked for phone because a lot off people was around and the bouncer has already opened the door waiting me to entered

Inside nothing more than a photocopy of the Parisian Buddha Bar that i already know, classy lounge restaurant with a kind of fusion Thai's food a bit pricey but still affordable for a western decent salary
About the girls nothing more than good looking women's selling her body
I just enjoyed my meal and my cocktail listening the singer girl kicking the microphone with a relaxing RnB song and her wings girl playing a Saxophone and i left.

I decided to hit another strip club that i had the flyers from last night
Big mistake !
I arrived in a club too early, the place was empty of clients but the girls dancing like an entire stadium was looking them
The waitress give me the best table and all attention was around me and a bunch of models stripper start her show with delicacies, i ordered a big Monte Cristo and a glass of fine cognac Hennessy
I didn't have the feeling that the girls was hard chasing money from the clients, this stunners was just making her show quietly and waiting for someone to take in private dancing, complete opposite of the hardcore strip club in Paris where everybody(stripper to the barmen) try to milk you
I was intensively enjoying the show when i saw the most beautiful girls of all my life a solid 10, a real stunner, perfect long legs with a beautiful feet, darker hair looked like a mixed race slavic with a bit of Persian touch
I immediately call this girl to coming sitting down with me in my table
She was dressed with a long red dress, she was drinking a coffee waiting to start her 9 to 5 stripper job in this club
She just come at me introduce herself with her seducing little voice and politely started to chat
I was dazzled by her beauty,
I talk with a thousand of girls in my life but only few can rivals with her charms, her charisma, her attitude, her elegance, her coolness and the laid-back attitude she showed me
I start to game her with touch escalation, she was laughing hard to my joke i was faking an extravagant lifestyle to impress her, she was fully receptive of my game
I was sure i builded a connection with her and meeting her outside of the context was just a serious option a this moment, she not asking about private dance, about drinks, nothing mentioned money (i think a girl like this make a lot of money with no much efforts) she just was enjoyed to talking with an interesting foreigner
But i fucked up everything when i try to be deeply with her and asking her how many boyfriend's she has in her life
Her face turned red, she was shocked about my attitude and ain't appreciate my audacious questions but me not so, i was a bit drunk and i don't noticed immediately my mistake.
She left for start her shift and i was feeling like a shit for few minutes
The smile was still in my face but inside i was devastated, same like a boxer take a vicious left hook in a face and still try to be up
Few minutes later i ask the manager to call the girl back
She coming back like 20 minutes later and i apologize to asking her this kind of questions and i try to rehabilitate the good mood we shared few minutes before together but it was done she just tell me that i'm good guy but don't want nothing with me even if i offer her a big bucks for a night out
She just left and started a public strip show and i was her looking for this unattainable beauty
Sometimes she looking me in my eyes and turned down
The crazy things in this story is that the resistance she had for me was making her hardly more desirable.
I think this 19 old years petite know exactly how to control the mind of the men and have a lot of game (working in this environment give you a strong aspect of the weakness of the men's that didn't know how to control her emotions )
I decided to left the stripclub knowing a got a lot of options outside and i still had the both 5,5/6 girls texting me for an appointment
I decided to go back in Skybar, due to my high alcoholic state i wanted to go in place a already known and not to experiment a new regular place
The same bouncer of the last night let me in with any difficulty it was around 1:30 o’clock in the morning and Skybar was the hotspot of the arena city in this Saturday night, beautiful women everywhere some was turned down by the bouncer and impossible for me to discerning the pro to the non pro inside
I ordered a whisky i drinked up straight and i get the fuck out of this place
That was a lot of similarities with the bored Parisian night i trying to escape every weeks where everyone is here for show and trying to convince himself that he living a big life but in real everybody is just a creepy snobby loser on this kind of place

Outside a lot of hot women i was a bit drunked and i decide to put my game in level up and start to act like a caveman with girls that show interest on me (strong eyes contact) i entered in one of the multiple bars in arena city when a lot 6 and 7 was hanging out, i didn't order nothing i was too tired to drink i was just looking to pick up an easy women for a quick fuck, but unfortunately this game not working so well here, for acting like a douchebag i think a bit of local language will be necessary to calibrate, my only positive results was semi-pro asking for money when i ask directly to come to my apartments.

The next day i wake up with sever booze, and i realized few hours before that i fucking loose my wallet, thanks god a still got a little cash money but my driver license and few others paper was lost
I call my bank for block my credit card and preferred to stay in positive mood afterward i will renew my driver license and cc later in France …
So now i was limited with money and my option to spend cash like a baller was dead
My only option to continue to be stimulated was to hit the street hard in day game, and that was exactly what i do, i was on field in Kreshatik street at around 5 of the afternoon this Sunday was a special day in Kiev, everybody was out to celebrate the birthday of the city, and lot of hot girls was on the street
i start to open 2 girls, she was drinking some wine and asked them if they will give me a shot, but any of this 2 girls was able to speak word in english, so i left
I continue to walk in Kreschatik and 2 beautiful girls was walking with high heels and night out clothes, i opened the set directly and asked where is the direction for go to the Skybar to the Arena city, this 2 beauty telling me to follow them, the both speaking a decent English and was really fine, i enjoyed her companies, me and this 2 hot girls walking in Kreshatik and all the Turkish and Arabian was looking on me like i was the fucking Boss,
One of the both was more interrested by me because she asked me a lot of usual ukrainian girls questions (where you from ? why you come in Kiev ? how many time you will stay? where you go last night ? and more)
I don’t lie i tell to this girl my exact program of the my precedent night and i mentioned that i was in Men’s club for fun with Ukrainian friends, she laughing about and no paying much attention. the interaction was pleasant and she seemed to be very educated, she working like a Lawyer and she’s was sweet with me, telling me the next time i go for Kiev she will show me a lot of nice place,
arrived to Arena City i just be thankful to bring me in right place and didn’t invited them in Skybar with me, because my money was so short, i will be ashamed to not be able to support one or two drinks in one of this premium place.
Before we leave i just asked for her phone number and she given to me with smile i add her on viber and i give her 3 kisses on cheek telling her that is french tradition i also kissed her friends with 3 kisses and the both was pleased a lot by my french elegance.
I still exchange message with this girl via Viber, maybe a future lays if i back in Kiev soon

Still walking in street, i decided to go take a look in the place i eventually loose my wallet, i started to look about the street name of the stripclub i hanging out last night, 2 little girls was walking on my side, one was a little brunette shorty and her friend a shorty blue eyes blonde with aggressive eyes, the both where about 7/7,5, i asked first where i could fine this random street i was looking for, and the brunette suggest to conduct me on this place, on the way a bunch of questions usually asked by the suspicious UA girls toward the (sex?)tourists, she even ask the name of the company where i work and start to google it (very strange), but we was talking in pleasant atmosphere, and they was looking for hanging out in bar after, arrived to the the place i was looking for, they realized it was strip-club and here attitude changed a bit, but they was still down for hanging together, i checked with security guy and nothing was find last night, so i asked the girls if she will down to sit down in Maidan place and drinking some Whisky that i will pickup in my flat, they denied my proposition and they feigned the need to go back home, so i decided to bounce back for Maidan place and join my home, a lot of girls still walking in Kreshatik and one them looking at me with strong eye contact, i started talking with this girl which by far had beautiful silhouette but when i approached the face was not so pretty, so after the usual bombardment of questions i was tired as hell and i moved straight for home to be fresh for my tomorrow’s early flight…

A remark about the girls of Kiev is that they are not as much hooked to their smartphone as in western country

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

[Image: potd.gif]

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Lol looks like it was a valiant effort, however I would've spent less time at the strip clubs and more at the regular bars/clubs instead. Still, thanks for posting

Pussy ain't for pussies...

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev


The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev


1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

We need more reports like these.

Much props OP, mad respekt.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

I'm gonna sound like a hater now, but color me unimpressed.

You went to Kiev, talked to some girls, and opened a topic about it? Good for you.

And why would you visit strip clubs? Paying inflated prices for drinks, only to talk to hired guns. What a waste of time & money.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

I love hearing reports both good and bad. I'd take a report like this over "showed up to kiev and slayed 10 girls on the way to my apartment from the airport" trip reports any day. There is plenty of useful info in his report and by reading it you can tell it's pretty honest.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Honest? Definitely.

Useful? Enlighten me, please.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-05-2017 01:08 AM)Cation Wrote:  

I'm gonna sound like a hater now, but color me unimpressed.

You went to Kiev, talked to some girls, and opened a topic about it? Good for you.

And why would you visit strip clubs? Paying inflated prices for drinks, only to talk to hired guns. What a waste of time & money.

Are you already reading some Jack Kerouac or Bukowski novel's ? i think no because a guy with minimum of culture will recognize the influence and the touch.

Don't bring your unwanted abject opinion here tramp

Is for intelligent people here not mediocre

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

I think there is some valid information in there about venues for night game and prices for amenities, but you have to read it all to get it out. A guide with sections and bullet points would be helpful.

Nothing wrong with information about strip clubs, although it's nothing to brag about.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-05-2017 08:27 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

I think there is some valid information in there about venues for night game and prices for amenities, but you have to read it all to get it out. A guide with sections and bullet points would be helpful.

Nothing wrong with information about strip clubs, although it's nothing to brag about.

The concept is to writing it in the form of novel, my goal was not to make a random tourist guide about Kiev

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-05-2017 01:08 AM)Cation Wrote:  

I'm gonna sound like a hater now, but color me unimpressed.

You went to Kiev, talked to some girls, and opened a topic about it? Good for you.

And why would you visit strip clubs? Paying inflated prices for drinks, only to talk to hired guns. What a waste of time & money.

Rio and Buddha bar [Image: suspicious.gif]

Two biggest slut clubs in Kiev

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-05-2017 03:22 AM)Shimmy Wrote:  

I love hearing reports both good and bad. I'd take a report like this over "showed up to kiev and slayed 10 girls on the way to my apartment from the airport" trip reports any day. There is plenty of useful info in his report and by reading it you can tell it's pretty honest.

I prefer these honest posts over the hype and pussy paradise posts.

Could he have organized it better.. sure. I still appreciate the attempt.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-05-2017 01:08 AM)Cation Wrote:  

I'm gonna sound like a hater now, but color me unimpressed.

You went to Kiev, talked to some girls, and opened a topic about it? Good for you.

And why would you visit strip clubs? Paying inflated prices for drinks, only to talk to hired guns. What a waste of time & money.

I prefer this over some political post where people throw ideas and cicle jerk each other...but don't actually do anything.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

This reminded me of an old school RVF report which was just what happened day to day.

It seems more common now any city/country thread is a guy either saying how things have gotten worse, or how a random guy comes in and says "it isn't that hard bro, got laid twice in three days you just need to have fun be aggressive". Both are drivel.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-01-2017 05:02 PM)perception_theory Wrote:  

When the extreme rudeness and the most kindness human traits flirting in same people

I headed to the capital of Ukraine Thursday in the morning i made a checkin in a fine 40 square meter apartment hotel (Senator Maidan) close to Maidan Place (a bit pricey for long stays but affordable for a quick trip / 120 euro per night)

I started this trip by going to buy some bottles of alcohol in one of this local supermarket pretty cheap for Euro/Dollar possessor

My first contact with local UA girl was one minute before when i asked with a simple broken english where it will be possible to buy alcohol in this area at this cuty blue eyes brunette, this girl was sitting a her job chairs inside a market and my surprise was a friendly smile and a precise indication of the close liquors store, what my surprise to meet this same girl inside the liquor store smiling to me and talking to me in Ukrainian language that a didn't understand any words of, i asked the girl with the most basic english what is the most fine champagne to buy, she make huge effort to choice for me the most fine champagne bottle with this incredible affordable price, i take in first a bottle of Moet et Chandon but she didn't look pretty interested make me payed an expensive champagne but she looked impressed when i take a bottle of whisky Chivas Regal, i left in another part of the store and she seems really attracted by me because when i go to the cash desk she was waiting for me and give me her place to no waiting for pay.
At this time in my head i was thinking "ok she just want me to pay for her grocery but fuck off i’ll never do this"
But wrong judgment she was just nice with me to helping me, i left the store without asking for her contact, i was too cold, too fresh off the boat, i didn't have build any story in my head, i just catch the good feeling to be a target for a woman and it was fine.

The same night i decided to hit the most famous stripclub of the town named the Rio club, for take a taste about the stunner onside,
Big slap in my face ! 20 Victoria Secret models dancing naked here.
All this chicks one could be a millions followers instagram hoes in USA pretty face and pretty body close to the international notation 10
After ordered a big Monte Cristo Habana cigars and drinked 2 straight glasses of 18 years Chivas Regal whisky i started to chat with one of this perfect model chick
The feeling was so good with this girl that i was thinking my strippersgame was on the top, and the idea of picking up this girl for free touching my mind for a minute.
I was like Tony with my big Monte Cristo in my mouth and expensive hoes on my side.
I decided to leave this place before my bankroll go down and i decided to go in a regular club to try to game some fine women's, in the same time i promised to this beauty that i will coming back one hour later for pick her up, off course i flaked due to the insane price she would be charging me.

I headed to the skybar at around 2 o’clock in the morning, big face control, i see a lot of 8's and 9's turned down by the bouncer
And i remembered the bad time in the entrance of the Parisian nightclubs when you should to suck the bouncer’s dick, take a 1000 euro table, and bring 4 models to let you in.
But it was little different this time and the bouncer let me in without any trouble
Inside, a lot of tourists spending money on table to impress and to show off and ukrainian "attention" whore with big ego's, i talked with a lot of girls but some asked me why i'm a alone here another asked me to take a table, and another the more hot one was in bad mood asking to my question only by yes or no so i decided to leave, the only friendly people here was a group of Swedish good looking guy completely afraid to even talking with one of this girls, i joked with them and telling them to not be so afraid by the girls specially here in Ukraine we laughed a bit and i left.

Outside, in this place named Arena a lot of hot girls on set of 2 or 3 walking around i decided to open some and few was showing interested to hanging together in another bar but all the time the interaction ended by the none english speaker of the group cockblocked me.
I open up a set of 2 solid 5,5/6 but my intentions at this time was just looking for companies for eating something before going to sleep
This interaction turned in a friendly meeting and they wanted to show me some of hidden place of Kiev, we start walking and this 2 girls talking a perfect English and we was able to talk more deeply about Ukraine and this new hype that increase the numbers of visitors every year. We headed in a place i didn't remember the name with the same St Louis arc and beautifull view on the south of the city and the Fairmont hotel terrace
We walked back to maidan place to eat in one of this cheap Japonese restaurant and i invited them, i payed the relative cheap bills (with any attention to nothing, just have a nice time with interesting people), and i go for home, we exchanged the numbers, the both added me on viber, and i promised to meet the next day.

The next day i wake up in a good mood,
I take a breakfast at around 12:30 in one of this replica Brooklyn Williamsburg hipster coffee shop (the same are insanely expensive in Paris) just front of my flat, i payed equivalent of 9 euro for a big cappuccino latte, a cherry pie handmade, a little bottle of apple and blueberries juice and a tasty chicken and mushroom quiche. I take an Uber for one off this fancy fitness gym (named Body Art Fitness) and i payed an entrance fee for 250 hrvnia pass day included sauna and access to the boxing area (full equipped).

After hard training, back to my apartment i start to drinking some whisky and the 5,5 and 6 of the last night started texting me about an eventual meeting later
It was Saturday night and my only hope was to catch one off this model looking i just see the night before and i was ready to flood some money for
I flaked to the duo and decided to crash to Buddha bar ( it was only 500 meters walking from my place)
In my way to Buddha bar, i remained how the atmosphere was laid-back and cool at this time of the year and a lot of people sitting down in Maidan place drinking some alcohol beverages, enjoying the springs time with family/friend and how this place was surrounded by attractive womens, it was another world, In comparison Paris when the sun go out, all the "cool" place are running by annoyed people, and the ratio is absolutely the hell on earth in comparison to here (better not talking about the junky asking for money, the ghetto scumbag and more …).

When i was close to the entrance to the buddha bar, 2 beautiful women walking on my side and i opened the set, they was on her way to a bar for smoke a hookah, the both was amused, the interaction was funny, and i didn't invite her to join me immediately in BB, because first is not a place that they could afford and second there is option to be fooled for a free dinner or free drinks, i just ask briefly for phone number but she just tell me to join her later in hookah bar i didn't remember the name and looked little shy when i asked for phone because a lot off people was around and the bouncer has already opened the door waiting me to entered

Inside nothing more than a photocopy of the Parisian Buddha Bar that i already know, classy lounge restaurant with a kind of fusion Thai's food a bit pricey but still affordable for a western decent salary
About the girls nothing more than good looking women's selling her body
I just enjoyed my meal and my cocktail listening the singer girl kicking the microphone with a relaxing RnB song and her wings girl playing a Saxophone and i left.

I decided to hit another strip club that i had the flyers from last night
Big mistake !
I arrived in a club too early, the place was empty of clients but the girls dancing like an entire stadium was looking them
The waitress give me the best table and all attention was around me and a bunch of models stripper start her show with delicacies, i ordered a big Monte Cristo and a glass of fine cognac Hennessy
I didn't have the feeling that the girls was hard chasing money from the clients, this stunners was just making her show quietly and waiting for someone to take in private dancing, complete opposite of the hardcore strip club in Paris where everybody(stripper to the barmen) try to milk you
I was intensively enjoying the show when i saw the most beautiful girls of all my life a solid 10, a real stunner, perfect long legs with a beautiful feet, darker hair looked like a mixed race slavic with a bit of Persian touch
I immediately call this girl to coming sitting down with me in my table
She was dressed with a long red dress, she was drinking a coffee waiting to start her 9 to 5 stripper job in this club
She just come at me introduce herself with her seducing little voice and politely started to chat
I was dazzled by her beauty,
I talk with a thousand of girls in my life but only few can rivals with her charms, her charisma, her attitude, her elegance, her coolness and the laid-back attitude she showed me
I start to game her with touch escalation, she was laughing hard to my joke i was faking an extravagant lifestyle to impress her, she was fully receptive of my game
I was sure i builded a connection with her and meeting her outside of the context was just a serious option a this moment, she not asking about private dance, about drinks, nothing mentioned money (i think a girl like this make a lot of money with no much efforts) she just was enjoyed to talking with an interesting foreigner
But i fucked up everything when i try to be deeply with her and asking her how many boyfriend's she has in her life
Her face turned red, she was shocked about my attitude and ain't appreciate my audacious questions but me not so, i was a bit drunk and i don't noticed immediately my mistake.
She left for start her shift and i was feeling like a shit for few minutes
The smile was still in my face but inside i was devastated, same like a boxer take a vicious left hook in a face and still try to be up
Few minutes later i ask the manager to call the girl back
She coming back like 20 minutes later and i apologize to asking her this kind of questions and i try to rehabilitate the good mood we shared few minutes before together but it was done she just tell me that i'm good guy but don't want nothing with me even if i offer her a big bucks for a night out
She just left and started a public strip show and i was her looking for this unattainable beauty
Sometimes she looking me in my eyes and turned down
The crazy things in this story is that the resistance she had for me was making her hardly more desirable.
I think this 19 old years petite know exactly how to control the mind of the men and have a lot of game (working in this environment give you a strong aspect of the weakness of the men's that didn't know how to control her emotions )
I decided to left the stripclub knowing a got a lot of options outside and i still had the both 5,5/6 girls texting me for an appointment
I decided to go back in Skybar, due to my high alcoholic state i wanted to go in place a already known and not to experiment a new regular place
The same bouncer of the last night let me in with any difficulty it was around 1:30 o’clock in the morning and Skybar was the hotspot of the arena city in this Saturday night, beautiful women everywhere some was turned down by the bouncer and impossible for me to discerning the pro to the non pro inside
I ordered a whisky i drinked up straight and i get the fuck out of this place
That was a lot of similarities with the bored Parisian night i trying to escape every weeks where everyone is here for show and trying to convince himself that he living a big life but in real everybody is just a creepy snobby loser on this kind of place

Outside a lot of hot women i was a bit drunked and i decide to put my game in level up and start to act like a caveman with girls that show interest on me (strong eyes contact) i entered in one of the multiple bars in arena city when a lot 6 and 7 was hanging out, i didn't order nothing i was too tired to drink i was just looking to pick up an easy women for a quick fuck, but unfortunately this game not working so well here, for acting like a douchebag i think a bit of local language will be necessary to calibrate, my only positive results was semi-pro asking for money when i ask directly to come to my apartments.

The next day i wake up with sever booze, and i realized few hours before that i fucking loose my wallet, thanks god a still got a little cash money but my driver license and few others paper was lost
I call my bank for block my credit card and preferred to stay in positive mood afterward i will renew my driver license and cc later in France …
So now i was limited with money and my option to spend cash like a baller was dead
My only option to continue to be stimulated was to hit the street hard in day game, and that was exactly what i do, i was on field in Kreshatik street at around 5 of the afternoon this Sunday was a special day in Kiev, everybody was out to celebrate the birthday of the city, and lot of hot girls was on the street
i start to open 2 girls, she was drinking some wine and asked them if they will give me a shot, but any of this 2 girls was able to speak word in english, so i left
I continue to walk in Kreschatik and 2 beautiful girls was walking with high heels and night out clothes, i opened the set directly and asked where is the direction for go to the Skybar to the Arena city, this 2 beauty telling me to follow them, the both speaking a decent English and was really fine, i enjoyed her companies, me and this 2 hot girls walking in Kreshatik and all the Turkish and Arabian was looking on me like i was the fucking Boss,
One of the both was more interrested by me because she asked me a lot of usual ukrainian girls questions (where you from ? why you come in Kiev ? how many time you will stay? where you go last night ? and more)
I don’t lie i tell to this girl my exact program of the my precedent night and i mentioned that i was in Men’s club for fun with Ukrainian friends, she laughing about and no paying much attention. the interaction was pleasant and she seemed to be very educated, she working like a Lawyer and she’s was sweet with me, telling me the next time i go for Kiev she will show me a lot of nice place,
arrived to Arena City i just be thankful to bring me in right place and didn’t invited them in Skybar with me, because my money was so short, i will be ashamed to not be able to support one or two drinks in one of this premium place.
Before we leave i just asked for her phone number and she given to me with smile i add her on viber and i give her 3 kisses on cheek telling her that is french tradition i also kissed her friends with 3 kisses and the both was pleased a lot by my french elegance.
I still exchange message with this girl via Viber, maybe a future lays if i back in Kiev soon

Still walking in street, i decided to go take a look in the place i eventually loose my wallet, i started to look about the street name of the stripclub i hanging out last night, 2 little girls was walking on my side, one was a little brunette shorty and her friend a shorty blue eyes blonde with aggressive eyes, the both where about 7/7,5, i asked first where i could fine this random street i was looking for, and the brunette suggest to conduct me on this place, on the way a bunch of questions usually asked by the suspicious UA girls toward the (sex?)tourists, she even ask the name of the company where i work and start to google it (very strange), but we was talking in pleasant atmosphere, and they was looking for hanging out in bar after, arrived to the the place i was looking for, they realized it was strip-club and here attitude changed a bit, but they was still down for hanging together, i checked with security guy and nothing was find last night, so i asked the girls if she will down to sit down in Maidan place and drinking some Whisky that i will pickup in my flat, they denied my proposition and they feigned the need to go back home, so i decided to bounce back for Maidan place and join my home, a lot of girls still walking in Kreshatik and one them looking at me with strong eye contact, i started talking with this girl which by far had beautiful silhouette but when i approached the face was not so pretty, so after the usual bombardment of questions i was tired as hell and i moved straight for home to be fresh for my tomorrow’s early flight…

A remark about the girls of Kiev is that they are not as much hooked to their smartphone as in western country

The second stripclub was scarlet?
There are a lot of girls in kiev but i dont like the goldigger behaviour and for me there are better looking girls in other east european countries. But everybody has a different taste.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

I love how the stripper, who shows her cunt to strangers for money was "offended" by your "personal questions" and you bought it!

Lady game recognized!!

It's like when Thai hookers go crazy when their fat Euro boyfriend takes another hooker for the night, being "unfaithful" even though sweet thai girl sucks cock for a living!!!

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-06-2017 01:59 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

This reminded me of an old school RVF report which was just what happened day to day.

It seems more common now any city/country thread is a guy either saying how things have gotten worse, or how a random guy comes in and says "it isn't that hard bro, got laid twice in three days you just need to have fun be aggressive". Both are drivel.

Well we have some very different guys on the forum, guys who get laid anywhere and will say it's easy, "you just gotta be confident bro". Or there will be the guys that street spam 100 girls a day,get nowhere, then go home to cry into their laptop and tell everyone that Kiev was finished years ago

You do need to be very Macho with the girls, it's the only behaviour they respect.


The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

OP, my point was that your post wasn't worthy of a new topic. It should have gone to Player's lounge. That's it.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-01-2017 05:02 PM)perception_theory Wrote:  

The next day i wake up with sever booze, and i realized few hours before that i fucking loose my wallet, thanks god a still got a little cash money but my driver license and few others paper was lost
I call my bank for block my credit card and preferred to stay in positive mood afterward i will renew my driver license and cc later in France …
So now i was limited with money and my option to spend cash like a baller was dead
Rule number one: Never go out on the town with credit/debit cards, driver's license etc. only cash. Take the amount you expect to spend and then some. But always carry your passport in a secure place, i.e front pocket, jacket pocket that is buttonable or zippable. Reason being if you are stopped by a cop, especially late at night downtown, they can ask for your documents(copies are unacceptable), i.e. passport and have every right to do so. If you don't have it they can and may take you to the local police station and detain until someone can come down to identify you or bring your passport.

a word to the wise.....

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-07-2017 07:05 AM)Cation Wrote:  

OP, my point was that your post wasn't worthy of a new topic. It should have gone to Player's lounge. That's it.

OP's post is absolutely worthy of a new topic. As far as I can remember, nobody ever wrote something like that. OP my props for your originality and honesty and looking forward to reading more stories in the future.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Enjoyed the thread a lot. Reminded me a lot of my first trip. I ended up at Rio many times [Image: biggrin.gif]
Btw its possible to pull from there (and im not talking about their escort option). Heck its less transactional than many normal nightclubs in Kiev sometimes.

And it still has more venue info than 99% of the posts in the master thread.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Quote: (06-07-2017 07:42 AM)Eddie Morra Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2017 05:02 PM)perception_theory Wrote:  

The next day i wake up with sever booze, and i realized few hours before that i fucking loose my wallet, thanks god a still got a little cash money but my driver license and few others paper was lost
I call my bank for block my credit card and preferred to stay in positive mood afterward i will renew my driver license and cc later in France …
So now i was limited with money and my option to spend cash like a baller was dead
Rule number one: Never go out on the town with credit/debit cards, driver's license etc. only cash. Take the amount you expect to spend and then some. But always carry your passport in a secure place, i.e front pocket, jacket pocket that is buttonable or zippable. Reason being if you are stopped by a cop, especially late at night downtown, they can ask for your documents(copies are unacceptable), i.e. passport and have every right to do so. If you don't have it they can and may take you to the local police station and detain until someone can come down to identify you or bring your passport.

a word to the wise.....

Never done so in all the years I've been to Kiev

Almost never carry my passport unless it's for business use, always carry my wallet in my back pocket full of bank cards

Police have stopped me a couple of times for jaywalking, never asked for my passport. I tell them to leave me alone or i'll call the Embassy.

If I had the choice of carrying my passport every day, or risk being taken to the Police Station and be made to bring it, then I would happily go for the second option - I don't want to lose it.

The tribulations of 4 days spent in Kiev

Eddie, I do not concur.

It is wise to have some sort of ID on you, however, a copy of the first page of your passport is a better option than carrying your passport with you and getting inebriated.

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