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Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-26-2016 10:50 AM)iron93 Wrote:  

Wow this makes so much sense. Never viewed it like that. I remember hearing a few years but that most people hide the fact they were divorced out of embarrassment but more senior players would say play on it - pre selection. Girls like to know that at least they had the idea being settled down.

It's how you frame it.

The most common shit test from Asian women is"

"Wow! How come you do not have a girlfriend or wife?"

If your answer is that I do or even a divorced answer is better than saying nothing or that you never had one before. If you are very young <25, that's kinda different. If you are older than that, don't fail that shit test, because you are not fooling them with a wack answer.

If you go the route of I never had one, with a really good canned answer that is a good joke, you could get away with it, but if that was common enough to know, very few foreign guys would fail that shit test.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Guys this is crazy. The world is a bigger place than you think. Played out destinations? Basically the ones done to death on this forum. Medellin, SEA, etc.

Data sheets on Africa? Nothing. Second/third tier cities in Colombia? Nothing. Huge concentration of data on specific cities in EE, Roosh himself found a niche in some small town there.

Suits had a great post a while ago, can't find it now. He talked about finding your own niche in smaller cities. There are THOUSANDS of untouched opportunities.

There's a degree of stagnation going on, sure. We need guys going to new destinations. Pussy is still more available now than it ever was in human history.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:07 AM)churros Wrote:  

Guys this is crazy. The world is a bigger place than you think. Played out destinations? Basically the ones done to death on this forum. Medellin, SEA, etc.

Data sheets on Africa? Nothing. Second/third tier cities in Colombia? Nothing. Huge concentration of data on specific cities in EE, Roosh himself found a niche in some small town there.

Suits had a great post a while ago, can't find it now. He talked about finding your own niche in smaller cities. There are THOUSANDS of untouched opportunities.

There's a degree of stagnation going on, sure. We need guys going to new destinations. Pussy is still more available now than it ever was in human history.

I think 1st tier cities with cheap flights are done but the 2nd tier cities are still ripe for the pickin, I found many when traveling around Java that I will not mention here on the forum.

There is still a long way to go until most destinations are played out. Honestly in Latin America I haven't noticed a major change in attitudes in major cities.

When I was griping about BKK I stand by it, there really has been a change in the nightlife. but this is just one city guys, and probably the most well known for "sex tourism" in the entire world. Its not even that suprising things changed so much so fast. The combination of military rule and this SJW feminist hero "educated in the USA" was been put in charge of the tourism ministry and "wants to get rid of sex tourism" isn't helping. I didn't mean to get everyone so down, I was just reporting on what I saw and my experiences the last week. I thought this was a red pill forum where you guys can take it.

SEA is still heaven for the lazy digital nomad who wants to stick his dick in as much as possible, just maybe not certain places.

I also think that a lot of girls have grown more skeptical of guys coming in for just a few days. They would always ask you "how long you stay" even before Tinder was a thing, but now they screen better. If you are willing to stay in one spot, even a spot that is getting "tougher" you can still find a good niche. Even if you're short, fat, asian, whatever.

Take advantage if you can stay long term as it makes you much more attractive to the local girls. My friend was telling me that in BKK putting a picture of your 12 month lease is actually more attractive then a ripped 6 pack, he swears it works, I might have to borrow the pic from him lol.

I would agree in Mexico City i Had a similar experience, where staying 3 months I got way better girls than staying just a few days, as they are getting smart to the gringo bullshit too. Its weird, even if they only want a ONS its just "knowing" that you are around makes them feel less slutty like they don't want to fuck a guy they know is leaving because its an acknowledgement that they explicitly know its never gonna go anywhere.

Remember guys, making $50,000 a year puts you in the top 1% of world wealth and making $200k a year puts you in the top 0.1% and these girls like that $$$.

The game is far from over yet, but yeah I mean if you are in the main ruin pubs in Budapest or main party areas in BKK, its not that surprsing things are getting tougher. I was just shocked at how fast in certain spots things are changing

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

I also wanted to bring up that of we can focus on the postives and the fact we can also take advantage of all the advantages 2016 travel brings vs 2010 as well such as
  • Ease of communication / SIM card - I remember in the not so distant past of 2010-2011 getting a SIM card was a fucking nightmare, and you still needed one to game chicks, was a pain in the royal ass. A lot of times if you wanted data you needed a local friend to help you sign up for a plan, o data wasn't even available. Imagine life without google maps, instant access to messenger etc, this was not the ancient past, it could really make logistics frustrating. Can you imagine what its like when your stuck in a bus station in Brazil, no wifi, no SIM card, no idea where the fuck you are, you can't speak the language and people are looking at you all funny and your like sure this is it, this is where i'm gonna get murdered. Travel used to feel a lot sketchier and isolated without the warm embrace of a consistent 3g connection, which is actually a relatively new phenomena. Ibiza bros take advantage of this but so do we.
  • Airbnb = Total gamechanger - I've been on the road since 2010 and airBNB didn't really hit in earnest in latin america until late 2013. Before that you had to stay in a hostel or hotel for a few days until you asked around som message boards or bulletins and asked a friend of a friend who may have an apartment open for a certain amount of time. You didn't really have a say on where and when and sometimes the logistics wouldn't be that good. Perfectly furnished studios exactly where you wanted them for 1-2 month stays were practically unheard of. But gets worse, from 2010-2012 I can't tell you how many times I found lodging and then suddenly the roommate or whatever just decides, "hey you need to get out by Tuesday" or some shit like that, no recourse. Another time in Buenos Aires the guy tells me he was "tripling" the rent overnight, and another time in Argentina I dealt with a massive cocaine bust in my "long term hostel" replete with a battering ram and a drug dog that almost killed my little daschund, turns out it was all a front (no wonder it was so cheap). Thank to airBNB I never have to put up with any of that shit anymore. PM me I have about a dozen more weird "nightmare stories" before airBNB hit the scene.
  • Knowing where the best places to go are - Before roosh v and all this shit figuring out where to go and party, and what cities where the best were a crap shoot. I had no idea Buenos Aires was the hardest place to get laid on the entire planet except maybe a 3rd tier city in Saudi Arabia because RVF was not around to help.
  • Better internet allows you to work anywhere - Until around 2013 - Wifi was really a big issue in a lot of places and I had to plan a lot if trips around it. Now its barely an afterthought, even the most isolated places on earth have internet. For christ fucking sake I climbed Annapurna circuit in Nepal last year and had internet a lot of the time on my phone. I remember in 2011 living in Brazil the fastest connection in town was 256kbps, and would constantly go out, was so frustrating, maybe the Brazilian girls were warmer back then but I would have to waste time heading to the nearest large town, Porto Seguro, just to upload some damn files once a week wasting time and energy.
  • Plane tickets have gotten retardo cheap - I fly first class international using points, and shorter domestic flights are cheaper then water. It wasn't always this way. Local domestic flights in poorer countries used to be a lot more expensive, I remember because I've been backpacking since I was 17. International flights used to also be way way way waayyyy more expensive too, even in the last year they've plummeted in price.
  • Tinder + Dating Apps = doubledged sword - OK yes many people on the forum hate them, but they really are a great way of meeting chicks that are DTF with minimal effort and when you're new in town its great to be able to sit around for an hour and have a date that quick and easy, ok its getting harder but still, its nice to have an alternative to daygame (no guts) or nightgame (no patience, money).

So many of you weren't around before all this shit, or weren't traveling. Yes, a few years ago things were easier, but the logistics were much more difficult, especially dealing with intermediate 4-6 week stays was a loigistical fucking nightmare until just 2-3 years ago.

Was it better then, or is it better now? It depends on how you look at it. Either way its not all gloom and doom. My opinion is things are so easy now I can accept that the game for the short term traveler is going to get a lot harder. Honestly I don't really give a shit because I'm basically going to be retired from the short term travel game by the end of this year anyways, and gonna plant some roots anyways . So looks like i'm checking out just at the perfect time, and I had it great, just when mobile 3g hit the scene but before mobs of tatted duschy bros ruined things for everyone. WTF are these 19 year old European kids eating anyways they all look like new direction band members, this shit has to stop, lol.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-26-2016 12:59 AM)Mr. Scumbag Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2016 12:55 PM)erikak Wrote:  

Sadly, it's the beginning of the end for geo pussy arbitrage, and no amount of "game" or looksmaxing will make up for it.


The travel section should have been made private/members-only years ago.

Says the guy with zero rep points and 36 posts who joined in January 2016? *Looking around very confused*

Personally, I think that geo-arbitrage is still very doable but it's not going to be the same "show up and be white" strategy that's seemingly prevailed in the past. Shiet, one of my friends is practicing geo-arbitrage on a micro scale by targeting girls off of SA in less affluent areas and then ordering them an Uber car to his bachelor pad in the city.

Have to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to new strategies, maybe even growing into a different lifestyle/perspective that TravelerKai talked about when he mentioned Chinese guys and their 2nd/3rd women.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

I was traveling and picking up women in the 1980s and early 1990s as a teenager and early 20s guy. There were lots of guys with much better game than me then and there are fewer guys with better game than me now mostly because I am way better now. Sure, certain destinations get played out but overall I think it is actually easier now because when you do get a woman interested, she is more dtf. The only thing that I think is messing things up a bit is online dating which is causing women to overvalue themselves.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Anyone whose success depended on "be white and show up" game never had a chance to begin with.

RVF's great dichotomy is that on one hand, people talk big about becoming the best man you can be, improving your wealth, status, game, looks, health. On the other hand you have fly-by-night sex tourists who, upon being confronted with any sort of difficulty or increasing competition, would rather whine and run to the next, even more obscure location tail between legs, rather than rise to the challenge and figure out how to make it work.

It's like business: Either you can build a sustainable business that, with some effort and investment upfront, pays off in the long term, or you run short-term hustles that get you cash quick but might stop working any given day due to factors out of your control.

More competition also means more opportunities to differentiate yourself from the rest. Work on yourself, start bringing something to the table and you'll not only increase your chances but also improve your own life.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-25-2016 10:32 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I know you all want to escape what IKE calls the West a "pussy desert" and reap all there is to benefit -- as I have and am doing -- but isn't a little competition a GOOD thing?

No, it isn't.

I'd rather have been born a male 9 to a wealthy family.

Why? The real truth is they lead happier lives overall and get easy hot pussy. It is a hard truth, it is real though I have seen it over and over with close friends. A different world. It is like saying wouldn't it have better for me to be born one of those HIV positive kids in Africa that the village thinks I am a witch child to challenge me and make me stronger?

No. Not at all. That kid got fucked. Life is harsh.

It's modern times. Travel and moving is easier and cheaper by the year. Go wherever you have to and be happy & successful where the any effort gets a greater reward. It is why America exists in the first place, people said fuck Europe and its lack of opportunity.

Working harder for less is for complete fools. In both business and pussy.

Why did kings and emperors have chambers just filled with live-in harems? The answer to that is why the hell not?

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:41 AM)Travesty Wrote:  

Why? The real truth is they lead happier lives overall and get easy hot pussy. It is a hard truth, it is real though I have seen it over and over with close friends. A different world. It is like saying wouldn't it have better for me to be born one of those HIV positive kids in Africa that the village thinks I am a witch child to challenge me and make me stronger?

That's one side of the coin which hypothetically SHOULD make the most sense.

On another hand, I know guys like this who self destruct, get fat, and marry meh while getting cut off from their parents who wanted to teach them a lesson despite their wealth.

I also know guys who can have anything they want due to their family wealth & status within the community; however, many of these guys marry a girl who may have come from their circles in a similar socioeconomic status while the chicks are underwhelming looks & possibly toxic personality wise. Why is that? Bc these guys were spoiled brats who have no drive to step out of their comfort zone to date on their level while just settling for what's most convenient in front of them.

I most recently had a good childhood friend who spent good years of his life dating decent looking times, punching above his weight with great notches. Had nothing to do with his family money but just overall conversational game minus social circles too. I just came to find out he married one of his best friend's older sister who is meh looking. Not only that, she has a wait...TWO kids from a previous marriage. Similar situation mentioned above where the two are from the same circle and very similar well off socioeconomic statuses.

I ain't complaining though. #lesscompetition

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Reasons why popular cars are getting driven

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:56 AM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:41 AM)Travesty Wrote:  

Why? The real truth is they lead happier lives overall and get easy hot pussy. It is a hard truth, it is real though I have seen it over and over with close friends. A different world. It is like saying wouldn't it have better for me to be born one of those HIV positive kids in Africa that the village thinks I am a witch child to challenge me and make me stronger?

That's one side of the coin which hypothetically SHOULD make the most sense.

On another hand, I know guys like this who self destruct, get fat, and marry meh while getting cut off from their parents who wanted to teach them a lesson despite their wealth.

I also know guys who can have anything they want due to their family wealth & status within the community; however, many of these guys marry a girl who may have come from their circles in a similar socioeconomic status while the chicks are underwhelming looks & possibly toxic personality wise. Why is that? Bc these guys were spoiled brats who have no drive to step out of their comfort zone to date on their level while just settling for what's most convenient in front of them.

I most recently had a good childhood friend who spent good years of his life dating decent looking times, punching above his weight with great notches. Had nothing to do with his family money but just overall conversational game minus social circles too. I just came to find out he married one of his best friend's older sister who is meh looking. Not only that, she has a wait...TWO kids from a previous marriage. Similar situation mentioned above where the two are from the same circle and very similar well off socioeconomic statuses.

I ain't complaining though. #lesscompetition

I agree.

Wealthy people, while usually more comfortable than most people, are not automatically red pilled, nor game savvy. They are not even automatically alpha. No man is. They have to obtain their acumen the old fashioned way, just like everyone else.

No one would ever choose to be born poor, but let's not fool ourselves. Rich people hardly vary much from the rest. They still get cucked, played, put wack pussy on a pedestal, and simp just like the other loser down the street does. Money cannot replace social intelligence. I am surrounded by many rich people in my circles and I myself cannot think of one that has a wife on the same quality level as mine, with maybe one exception. None of them are getting laid like lumber by any stretch of the imagination.

Ever see what looks like a hot milf climb out of a SL Benz coupe, with awesome hair like she just came out of the salon, she smells like heaven, and has on a bad ass dress? Then when you walk closer and look at the face, you see through all the makeup and obvious botox face (because the neck looks like shit) and you realize this chick would be a 4 had she had zero money. Compare to seeing a latina inside laundromat with 3 kids that, drove up in a brokedown car, and even without makeup on she is still cute as fuck. She makes you even wonder how her man can even keep her, with a shit car, and no washing machine at home.

That is when you realize that money is just that. Money. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just a tool.

I hope Travesty was just trolling, because that post screams insecurity like a motherfucker.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:20 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Anyone whose success depended on "be white and show up" game never had a chance to begin with.

RVF's great dichotomy is that on one hand, people talk big about becoming the best man you can be, improving your wealth, status, game, looks, health. On the other hand you have fly-by-night sex tourists who, upon being confronted with any sort of difficulty or increasing competition, would rather whine and run to the next, even more obscure location tail between legs, rather than rise to the challenge and figure out how to make it work.

It's like business: Either you can build a sustainable business that, with some effort and investment upfront, pays off in the long term, or you run short-term hustles that get you cash quick but might stop working any given day due to factors out of your control.

More competition also means more opportunities to differentiate yourself from the rest. Work on yourself, start bringing something to the table and you'll not only increase your chances but also improve your own life.

Why leave in the first place then? Won't all that competition in the West make you a great man?

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:20 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Anyone whose success depended on "be white and show up" game never had a chance to begin with.

RVF's great dichotomy is that on one hand, people talk big about becoming the best man you can be, improving your wealth, status, game, looks, health. On the other hand you have fly-by-night sex tourists who, upon being confronted with any sort of difficulty or increasing competition, would rather whine and run to the next, even more obscure location tail between legs, rather than rise to the challenge and figure out how to make it work.

It's like business: Either you can build a sustainable business that, with some effort and investment upfront, pays off in the long term, or you run short-term hustles that get you cash quick but might stop working any given day due to factors out of your control.

More competition also means more opportunities to differentiate yourself from the rest. Work on yourself, start bringing something to the table and you'll not only increase your chances but also improve your own life.

Why leave in the first place then? Won't all that competition in the West make you a great man?

[Image: ohshit.gif]

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Why leave in the first place then? Won't all that competition in the West make you a great man?

I'd never seen a Japanese girl with an afro (or ass) until I went to Japan.

Like the R34 Skyline GT-R, they only have those on the Japanese Domestic Market.

Now why you'd leave the States for skinny brunette white girls instead of hitting up a campus dive bar?..

[Image: man.jpg].


Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 08:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Ever see what looks like a hot milf climb out of a SL Benz coupe, with awesome hair like she just came out of the salon, she smells like heaven, and has on a bad ass dress? Then when you walk closer and look at the face, you see through all the makeup and obvious botox face (because the neck looks like shit) and you realize this chick would be a 4 had she had zero money. Compare to seeing a latina inside laundromat with 3 kids that, drove up in a brokedown car, and even without makeup on she is still cute as fuck. She makes you even wonder how her man can even keep her, with a shit car, and no washing machine at home.

That is when you realize that money is just that. Money. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just a tool.

Good points TravelerKai. I still give that aforementioned "hot milf" credit bc a lot of these rich guys marry fellow girls from their spheres who put ZERO effort into upgrading or even maintaing their appearances.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

IMO high-value guys leave / travel for many reasons - adventure, taste in women, career opportunity, love of travel - but they don't leave because they can't cut it at home.

The guys doing pure short-term "foreign guy arbitrage" will quickly see their results diminish. As is happening.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

The problem is all foreigners are taking a major status hit, not just omegas. Let's say you have amazing game. But when you're auto assumed to be a creepy neckbeard sexpat loser who can't even get a job at McDonalds back home, it's like pulling up to a model in a rusty 1979 Puegeot and trying to game her. It might work, but you're gonna have way more success in a Porsche.

So in my opinion the best question currently is not "How can I up my game?" Or "Wheres a good undiscovered tier 5 shithole off the beaten path where people eat bugs and roots that isn't faranged out?" but "What can help against being perceived as one of the aforementioned neckbeards?"

Some have suggested social circle. Others, proving that you're staying in X country for a long time, and have a stable job. I think those are good ideas. I have personally noticed much less bitchy attitude and resistance from girls after I bought a decent car, as it says "I'm not broke or flying back home in 3 days." None of these strategies work for the short term traveler, though.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:59 PM)erikak Wrote:  

The problem is all foreigners are taking a major status hit, not just omegas. Let's say you have amazing game. But when you're auto assumed to be a creepy neckbeard sexpat loser who can't even get a job at McDonalds back home, it's like pulling up to a model in a rusty 1979 Puegeot and trying to game her. It might work, but you're gonna have way more success in a Porsche.

So in my opinion the best question currently is not "How can I up my game?" Or "Wheres a good undiscovered tier 5 shithole off the beaten path where people eat bugs and roots that isn't faranged out?" but "What can help against being perceived as one of the aforementioned neckbeards?"

Some have suggested social circle. Others, proving that you're staying in X country for a long time, and have a stable job. I think those are good ideas. I have personally noticed much less bitchy attitude and resistance from girls after I bought a decent car, as it says "I'm not broke or flying back home in 3 days." None of these strategies work for the short term traveler, though.

Easy answer:

- Style
- Charisma
- Understanding of local culture and humor
- Confidence
- Manliness

You do not need to be particularly good looking or fit/jacked, to drive a Porsche and sport a Rolex watch, nor to have a Ronald Reagan humor/eloquency and the energy of Trump.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:20 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Anyone whose success depended on "be white and show up" game never had a chance to begin with.

RVF's great dichotomy is that on one hand, people talk big about becoming the best man you can be, improving your wealth, status, game, looks, health. On the other hand you have fly-by-night sex tourists who, upon being confronted with any sort of difficulty or increasing competition, would rather whine and run to the next, even more obscure location tail between legs, rather than rise to the challenge and figure out how to make it work.

It's like business: Either you can build a sustainable business that, with some effort and investment upfront, pays off in the long term, or you run short-term hustles that get you cash quick but might stop working any given day due to factors out of your control.

More competition also means more opportunities to differentiate yourself from the rest. Work on yourself, start bringing something to the table and you'll not only increase your chances but also improve your own life.

Why leave in the first place then? Won't all that competition in the West make you a great man?

So you think all of us leave the West only because of girls? That's cute. And very revealing about this particular set of RVF users - they simply can't imagine there's any other reason for being abroad than seeking out the easiest location to get laid. In that wonder if you don't?

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

[Image: ohshit.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 08:27 PM)atlant Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:20 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Anyone whose success depended on "be white and show up" game never had a chance to begin with.

RVF's great dichotomy is that on one hand, people talk big about becoming the best man you can be, improving your wealth, status, game, looks, health. On the other hand you have fly-by-night sex tourists who, upon being confronted with any sort of difficulty or increasing competition, would rather whine and run to the next, even more obscure location tail between legs, rather than rise to the challenge and figure out how to make it work.

It's like business: Either you can build a sustainable business that, with some effort and investment upfront, pays off in the long term, or you run short-term hustles that get you cash quick but might stop working any given day due to factors out of your control.

More competition also means more opportunities to differentiate yourself from the rest. Work on yourself, start bringing something to the table and you'll not only increase your chances but also improve your own life.

Why leave in the first place then? Won't all that competition in the West make you a great man?

So you think all of us leave the West only because of girls? That's cute. And very revealing about this particular set of RVF users - they simply can't imagine there's any other reason for being abroad than seeking out the easiest location to get laid. In that wonder if you don't?

That's great, good job reading something into a comment that said nothing of the sort. The attraction of places like the Phils or Thailand to many is that it's easy living, I imagine the same is true for LatAm. If you have to hustle as if it was London or NY, then some people might not think the benefits are worth it having to deal with all the other annoyances of semi-third world living.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

I mean, from what I read about places in, say, Colombia and the Philippines in the forum here, in certain spots you can't even call it "easy living", so let's just call a spade a spade - the attraction is "easy girls" and that's it, even when the overall quality of life you're getting is questionable at best.

And sure, I have no problem with people just travelling for some easy lays - I guess I'll do that myself at some point - but let's not automatically assume that could be the only reason to leave the West.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

I agree with some members, While Many losers and puas are traveling to specific places, using Tinder, approach every girl as machines, invading clubs, the high value men are hitting the gym, doing sports, reading books, making projects in their careers or even taking long adventurous trips to hidden places.

I respect people's ideas, but I don't believe in fairy tales. I don't imagine that you travel for a week to Country X, and You get lay easily with 7+ most of the days. Then you don't get the fantasy results and blame the Puas, local guys, westernization. Sure, these factors affect the environment, but it doesn't mean You will fail automatically.

My experience is that Less than a year i found this forum and Some months ago, i started to take the game seriously. I used to believe that I live in a super difficult country and i won't win here, but After learning a little of game, reading carefully the different threads and a seduction book, started to do exercises again. I realized that my worst enemy was myself, my mind was so negative and even i read my all post, this is not the same man who is writing now.

In this moment, I am a beginner, need to improve my appareance, clothes, career, but at the same, I think I am in a goldmine If i know how to take the opportunities. Relate to the topic of money, The growing economy situation of Peru make possible to get better salaries(good degrees) and i think i would be able to travel abroad in one year. In that case is a benefit, I would continue improving myself and Even if i struggle abroad, i am confident to find a solution.

Refering to location, Just Peru has 196 provinces(cities), 1800 district(small towns), higher number in other parts of Latin American. Have you ever visited all these places? There are still plenty of options and I only see many post from the same cities.

I wanted to say Thanks to many members to share their knowledge, especially to TravelerKai and WIA.
Finally, @Erikak: I didn't know that The modern game is to Buy a Porsche, maybe if you plan to record Videos for Youtube Picking Golddiggers, It can work. Change your mind, You are the typical man who believes that Looks, game, charisma doesn't matter, but I hope someday you understand that is million times better to be a High Value Man without car than a loser driving a luxury car.

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

These are all great contributions, but I think some are misinterpreting what Erikak wrote.

He was just using the "Porsche" analogy vs. an older car in his first paragraph, which doesn't directly relate to game. Obviously, a porsche has greater value than whatever 1979 model car he mentioned.

In his second paragraph, he mentioned buying a car while living in a foreign country "isn't status symbol must." Just meant he gave locals the impression of being a long-term resident who is "vested" in their culture & country for the near future OPPOSED to "hey look at this car I bought specifically to impress bitches here."

I didn't need a car when spending a little less than a year when living in Brazil. It wasn't essential to get laid. However, I did miss out on certain great lays & repeat bangs of girls I already slept with due to not having a car late at night when these chicks couldn't afford a taxi to my place. (Towards the end of my stay, Uber just got released in my city so didn't get to capitalize on ordering them rides).

Keep in mind I spoke Portuguese fluently during my stay there and even taught an upper level class at my university in the US before moving to Brazil.

One of the biggest adjustments I made hands down in my last 2 months was telling girls I was straight up from Asia opposed to the US. I was still doing semi-decently when playing the American who spoke Portuguese card; girls were fascinated by it, but I lost bangs & dealt with flakiness as well. Perhaps they still perceived me as a guy living in their country just for cheap thrills by default of my American status when I had legitimate responsibilities there. When I said I was straight up from Asia doing long-term projects in their country, people got impression I was more vested in their culture which lead to more dates & bangs.

Just goes to show...

Reasons why popular game destinations are getting played out

Quote: (09-27-2016 08:27 PM)atlant Wrote:  

So you think all of us leave the West only because of girls? That's cute.

Men talk like this?

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