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Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Hello gentlemen, I have a question for those on this forum that have a baby momma. Can you still live a successful playboy lifestyle or is this essentially the end of my game career?

Long story short: Girl that I see the most in my harem got pregnant. She went to the doctor and its been confirmed. As far as I know, I can say with confidence that I'm the only guy she's been even talking to let alone fucking. Though I pray to the Gods that she is fucking someone else on the side and the baby is his.

She is adamant about keeping it and as we all know, you cannot change a woman's mind with logic and reasoning - for better or for worse.

I am only 22 years old and do not by any means want to slow down and raise a child.
I am considering simply writing her a child support cheque every month and ever seeing the kid - out of sight out of mind type of thing.
For those that have had girls get pregnant, can you personally attest to this strategy working?

I'm a little bit terrified and want to hear opinions from users on this forum because quite frankly, thats the only opinion right now I'm willing to listen to.

Cheers lads

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Be a man and raise the kid.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Speaking from experience (lots of it), one child that you help raise will not take away from your lifestyle. You'll live and your life is not over. Running away is not going to relatively make your game and lifestyle much better.

Now this may sound a bit abrasive. We on the forum preach how it's so shitty that there was no father figure providing masculine guidance to us. This is one of those situations where the tables are turned. Your child is your legacy. It's a way for your name and yout legacy to live on. You have the opportunity to really make an impact.

Women and the playboy lifestyle have an expiration date no matter how you slice and dice it. If you can raise a child well, it will be more fulfilling than banging some chicks that don't really care about you.

No one has to agree with me. I'm just providing a point of view cemented on facing your responsibilities as a man. If a man runs away from his child, he's placed in the hall of fame of pussified men to me. Again, that's just me.

Let's say I have more than one child that I'm active in raising. If I died with nothing other than their respect tomorrow, I'd be a happy man.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

I agree you should man up and raise the child. You took the risk of banging this girl without a condom and that comes with consequences. You obviously like her enough to call her your main girl and I'm assuming you two get along well. Furthermore think about what it would be like growing up without a father, I have done it and it sucked. Try to make it work with her like you would in any relationship with a woman you like. We talk about this very thing on these forums about being responsible for ones actions and this your shot to raise your child to be a decent human being who will not bend to the current trend of social degeneracy we have in our world today.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

My player friends who had a kid doubled down on macking. That kid is insta social proof, shows you're fertile, and is perfect pussy bait.

You think a puppy is good? Try dragging around a baby. Good luck brother.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

First find out if the kid is yours once it's born. If it is try to work something out with the mother without the involvement of the courts and child support. Next be there as a father.

Time is the most important resource you will have for your kid. That's what will raise it to be a functional adult. Not the latest and greatest whatever-the-fuck your kid doesn't need.

You can still live a playboy style life just not as much as you did before because of time constraints and energy used on raising the kid. Use your kid for gaming purposes. Take them to a mall and day game. You will be such a good and cute father with your kid. Then show the girls why they should call you daddy too.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

1. Confirm if she really is pregnant


2. Confirm if it is really your child

These should be your main considerations at this moment before making any decisions, or signing any sort of document and/or agreement.


Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

It isn't over until it's over.

Women "decide" things all the time. How often do they change their minds? Constantly.

If you aren't ready to be a father, you need to convince her to either have an abortion or go through with an adoption.

Depending on the chick, one will be easier than the other. Which option do you think has the greatest chance of succeeding?

If you decide adoption is the best choice, I can give you plenty of advice. I got my main girl pregnant a while back, and successfully convinced her to go through with adoption instead of keeping the kid.

All of this "man up" crap sounds like it could come right from a feminists mouth. There are plenty of options that don't involve a millstone tied around your neck. Being 22 and having to give 30% of your income to a woman for the next 21+ years WILL hamper your finances and your ability to invest in yourself. Unless you think your dick is falling off tomorrow, you will have PLENTY of opportunities to knock up other girls in the future and "build your legacy".

Keeping the kid and being a "part time dad" isn't going to be doing anyone any favors. Odds of you staying on good terms with the chick for the next 20 years aren't great, and if she decides she doesn't like you, well, that kids mind will be poisoned by her. Not saying its IMPOSSIBLE to have a positive net outcome, but the odds are stacked heavily against you.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:02 PM)whateverfuckit Wrote:  

It isn't over until it's over.

Women "decide" things all the time. How often do they change their minds? Constantly.

If you aren't ready to be a father, you need to convince her to either have an abortion or go through with an adoption.

Depending on the chick, one will be easier than the other. Which option do you think has the greatest chance of succeeding?

If you decide adoption is the best choice, I can give you plenty of advice. I got my main girl pregnant a while back, and successfully convinced her to go through with adoption instead of keeping the kid.

All of this "man up" crap sounds like it could come right from a feminists mouth. There are plenty of options that don't involve a millstone tied around your neck. Being 22 and having to give 30% of your income to a woman for the next 21+ years WILL hamper your finances and your ability to invest in yourself. Unless you think your dick is falling off tomorrow, you will have PLENTY of opportunities to knock up other girls in the future and "build your legacy".

Keeping the kid and being a "part time dad" isn't going to be doing anyone any favors. Odds of you staying on good terms with the chick for the next 20 years aren't great, and if she decides she doesn't like you, well, that kids mind will be poisoned by her. Not saying its IMPOSSIBLE to have a positive net outcome, but the odds are stacked heavily against you.

Thank you for this response. Abortion seems to be the most likely option and I will try my best to convince her to do so while still in the first trimester.

I am absolutely anxiety-striken to the point where I am physically ill.

I understand what most people are saying although my thinking sides more with you.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

I'll say from personal experience as some whom lived a life with a mostly absent father due to his work.

Stay in your kid's life. Granted I grew up more "red pill" and more extroverted without my dad's introverted lack of interpersonal skills affecting my mentality and bogging me down, but I feel more resentment than true appreciation as I had to learn a lot about life the hard way and had to look for a father in my grandfather(I still love my father as he is family and put food in my mouth, but I can't appreciate him as a person).

If I knew my kid had that kind of resentment towards me, I don't think I would be able to sleep at night.

Getting the negative out of the way.

I imagine you'd make a smarter father than most, and the one thing I've learned from being a part of a large family due to a myriad amount of uncles and aunts(leading to a lot of younger cousins as I'm the second oldest out of all of them) is that helping make something greater than yourself is an amazing experience.

Do what you want. Travel the world. Fuck some babes, but make sure you have time for the kid. If he has big moments and accomplishes even the smallest of things. Congratulate him. If you see him slacking make sure to correct him.

A good father is a guiding force and without him you don't know what hell he might end up in. I was pretty close to hell myself before I was forced to correct myself, and you don't want your kid to risk that because family is family. Raise him smart. I do believe you can do it.

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Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Inb4 "get him chopped up and sucked out"... oh too late. Like it's just getting a tooth filling or something.

I also wouldn't be taking life advice from someone called "whateverfuckit". 30% for 21+ years for one kid? What tables are you basing that off? 'Keeping' the kid "isn't doing anyone any favours?" That's fucking twisted man. "Man up" is something feminists say? Are you high on something fucking strong right now?

I really don't think it's as burdensome as some people are making it out to be. And I've never met a man with a kid who said "it ruined my life", they're all happy about it. Including ones I know who got the kid in the exact same situation.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

I'd be trying to convince her to have an abortion.
Tell her how she'll be stuck at home all the time and won't be able to hang out with her friends or go out partying.
Tell her she won't be able to finish college and have a career.
Appeal to her self interest and highlight the negative changes her life will undergo.
Enlist her parents and/or friends help if you can.

Try and convince her of that before you talk about manning up and promising to be there for the kid, as that will only put points in the keep the baby column.

If all fails and she decides to keep it, then you can go about being the best dad you can be, but until that point you need to give her every reason you can to no go through with it.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 08:20 PM)The_e_man Wrote:  

I'm a little bit terrified and want to hear opinions from users on this forum because quite frankly, thats the only opinion right now I'm willing to listen to.

Interesting mindset.

It is like when people post things for critique but they only want constructive criticism. You are going to judge the people who have taken the time to comment on your situation that you are asking for feedback on.

I guess I was on the soapbox, so I will get off of it now.

I hope it works out for you OP. I can imagine it is a stressful time. I think every situation is different because well...people are different. If you can be ok with just writing a check and having a single mother raise your kid - fine. If it is a girl, probably will be an attention whore and ride 1000 cocks. If it is a boy, he probably won't know much about being a man. Not trying to be a dick, just stating what seems to be confirmed knowledge on RVF.

Hang in there.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:27 PM)Roardog Wrote:  

Tell her she won't be able to finish college and have a career.
Appeal to her self interest and highlight the negative changes her life will undergo.

Is this RVF?

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Abortion is murder. I am alive today thanks to a doctor who refused to abort me even though it was 1 month into pregnancy. I still thank that doctor to this day.

Whatever you do, do not abort. It is not feminism to say man up and raise the kid. You don't have to raise it, at least put it up for adoption. You live in Canada, there ga zilion government grants. Think about it again, please.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

I'll deal with your criticisms one by one.

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:27 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Inb4 "get him chopped up and sucked out"... oh too late. Like it's just getting a tooth filling or something.

I didn't advise him to do that, I said that was an option. Also, there are two ways of looking at abortion: One, if you believe in the afterlife, of course any infants will go to heaven, or whatever version of it you believe in, having eternal bliss in the afterlife.

Don't believe in any spiritual being or life after death? Great! Then we have the realization that life is all we get. If the kid grows up poor (socioeconomically speaking, this is the greatest likelihood for a single mother), odds are great it will have a shit life. It's simple statistics and sociology. Regardless, once it's dead, it's dead. No pain, no suffering. It's over, it's done. Period.


I also wouldn't be taking life advice from someone called "whateverfuckit".

A very weak argument from the start. What's in a username? For the record, my username was a result of frustration of not being able to pick a unique one for the forum, thus "whatever, fuck it" was my thought, and the username was born. Should I assume that by your name, you think when you die you're going burst into flames and then rise from the ashes? Rhetorical question.


30% for 21+ years for one kid? What tables are you basing that off?

I based my estimate on average American child support. Looking back, seeing OP is based in Canada, not the US, that was a mistake. I'll concede your point.

For OP: This tool should help you estimate the amount of income you'll be required to pay.


'Keeping' the kid "isn't doing anyone any favours?" That's fucking twisted man.

See above. Please don't use some subjective moral opinion to cloud judgement. OP is looking for advice, not judgement. No need to get on a high horse.


"Man up" is something feminists say? Are you high on something fucking strong right now?

Are you? This is one of the most cliche feminists terms/shame tactics out there. Are you trying to be funny with your comments?


I really don't think it's as burdensome as some people are making it out to be. And I've never met a man with a kid who said "it ruined my life", they're all happy about it. Including ones I know who got the kid in the exact same situation.

This is the one part of your post that was actually a decent contribution and not attacking and judgmental. I'm sure the OP appreciates this a lot more than the high horse moral bullshit.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it


The kid will be a Canadian citizen, not Bangladesh. How bad can his standard of living be? Healthcare , Schooling will all be taken care of. Canada is a rich country that provides its citizens with a decent standard of living. Heck If I found the right girl and I was a Canadian citizen I'd try to have as many kids as possible.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

There are 2 main things you have to consider in this situation:

1. How will my decisions affect the rest of my life?

2. How will my decisions affect the life of what may be my offspring?

Both aspects need to be considered. There are a lot of men here who still have abandonment issues because of their upbringing. What they fail to consider is that a "part time" dad is very seldom viewed in much higher regard than a one who's never around in the first place. When a woman is constantly telling the kid his dad is a sperm donor, that he doesn't care, blah blah blah it poisons the childs mind. Sure, maybe you go and play catch once a week or whatever, but do you think that's enough for the child to grow up happy and healthy? I don't. Simply put, if you aren't ready (emotionally, financially, or otherwise) you're doing the kid a disservice by bringing it into the world, in my opinion. The exception is if you put it up for adoption, in which case you can pick out a suitable family for it, one which is financially, and emotionally stable and prepared. Plus you'll be doing a lot of good, both for the child and the family.
Men who never had dads around of course will think in their minds "something is better than nothing" but we don't need to take anecdotal evidence for these situations, there are dozens upon dozens of rigorous academic research papers on the subject. I'd advise reading up on them and making your own conclusions.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:50 PM)911Turbo Wrote:  


The kid will be a Canadian citizen, not Bangladesh. How bad can his standard of living be? Healthcare , Schooling will all be taken care of. Canada is a rich country that provides its citizens with a decent standard of living. Heck If I found the right girl and I was a Canadian citizen I'd try to have as many kids as possible.

OP has already stated he doesn't want to have a child right now, and apparently he isn't interested in keeping her around long term, otherwise I doubt he'd have her as a bottom bitch in the harem.

We need to avoid plugging in our worldview and give him objective advice based on facts, not mere opinions. I realize that my own opinions obviously affect my advice, but you need to consider things from his perspective. Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? If so, were you 22? How would you feel in that scenario? Without having been in it, you can't know. I have been there. I was a little older, but I felt the same way he did. It's not as easy as "well, fuck it, let the government take care of it." Aside from that, do you really want to advise people to be Welfare leaches? That's a big part of why so many countries are doing very poorly economically right now.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 08:20 PM)The_e_man Wrote:  

Hello gentlemen, I have a question for those on this forum that have a baby momma. Can you still live a successful playboy lifestyle or is this essentially the end of my game career?

Long story short: Girl that I see the most in my harem got pregnant. She went to the doctor and its been confirmed. As far as I know, I can say with confidence that I'm the only guy she's been even talking to let alone fucking. Though I pray to the Gods that she is fucking someone else on the side and the baby is his.

She is adamant about keeping it and as we all know, you cannot change a woman's mind with logic and reasoning - for better or for worse.

I am only 22 years old and do not by any means want to slow down and raise a child.
I am considering simply writing her a child support cheque every month and ever seeing the kid - out of sight out of mind type of thing.
For those that have had girls get pregnant, can you personally attest to this strategy working?

I'm a little bit terrified and want to hear opinions from users on this forum because quite frankly, thats the only opinion right now I'm willing to listen to.

Cheers lads

I'm confused. Your strategy is to pay her what you can, which is fine, but what is the goal you're trying to achieve?

I can't figure that out from your post.

I've been in your situation a couple times. Here's my advice.

1) Don't try to convince her to have an abortion. Don't say, "You're ruining my life". She won't listen to you and she doesn't care. She is only concerned with what she wants, and that is normal.

2) You can tell her you're not prepared to be a Father and not sure what to do. Then ask, "What would you like to see me do?" And then be quiet and wait for her to respond. Even if it takes 30 mins. If she says, "What did you say?", Then gently repeat and wait, and wait. If she actually tells you what she wants, then respond, "Ok, then that's I'll do." And say nothing more. You may find after a few minutes she'll feel a sense of fault for being an ego by making demands of you and actually reverse what she just said. If that happens, keep your cool, smile, and say "Ok, I appreciate you saying that".

3) Whatever happens in the conversation above you don't need to make any decisions about what you're going to do now in your relation to her, or the child.

4) You have to assess why she is having this child. The way to know that is to look at and understand her childhood. Understand how she felt about her Mother and Father and the job they did raising the family. That will give you the necessary clues to see what her agenda is with you, and the child.

5) If you believe the above points to her having an ax to grind with the Father (her Father really) then it's understandable you might want to distance yourself as much as possible. These kind of women are a no-win situation. They are bad for both you and the child. However if you don't see that, and you think you can raise the child as friends. Her being ok with your love-life and you being ok with hers, then it could work out well.

A lot of this is hard to know until you start going through it. I can say it's always in your best interests to be civil, kind, and to stay out of court at all costs. Just for your own peace and happiness.

I understand what you are going through. It feels like your life is over, but one day you'll look back and realize it wasn't that big of a deal at all. Getting diagnosed with stage 4 cancer is a big deal. Losing your limbs in a car accident is a big deal. Having a contract put out on your life is a big deal.

Most people on this earth are born from an unexpected pregnancy.

I wish I could turn back time and not have looked at it as the end of the world. I wish I could've been less combative, more accepting and understanding, but my child's Mother was a very, very difficult person who had been carrying an ax to grind with the Father every since she was a little girl. And I had my ax as well, though I didn't realize that until later.

Feel free to PM me whenever you need advice.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:57 PM)whateverfuckit Wrote:  

We need to avoid plugging in our worldview and give him objective advice based on facts, not mere opinions. I realize that my own opinions obviously affect my advice, but you need to consider things from his perspective. Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? If so, were you 22? How would you feel in that scenario? Without having been in it, you can't know. I have been there. I was a little older, but I felt the same way he did. It's not as easy as "well, fuck it, let the government take care of it." Aside from that, do you really want to advise people to be Welfare leaches? That's a big part of why so many countries are doing very poorly economically right now.

If you feel scared, it is because you don't view your children as the beginning of your personal empire. Every child you abort, is one less future soldier for your army.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:57 PM)whateverfuckit Wrote:  

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:50 PM)911Turbo Wrote:  


The kid will be a Canadian citizen, not Bangladesh. How bad can his standard of living be? Healthcare , Schooling will all be taken care of. Canada is a rich country that provides its citizens with a decent standard of living. Heck If I found the right girl and I was a Canadian citizen I'd try to have as many kids as possible.

OP has already stated he doesn't want to have a child right now, and apparently he isn't interested in keeping her around long term, otherwise I doubt he'd have her as a bottom bitch in the harem.

We need to avoid plugging in our worldview and give him objective advice based on facts, not mere opinions. I realize that my own opinions obviously affect my advice, but you need to consider things from his perspective. Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? If so, were you 22? How would you feel in that scenario? Without having been in it, you can't know. I have been there. I was a little older, but I felt the same way he did. It's not as easy as "well, fuck it, let the government take care of it." Aside from that, do you really want to advise people to be Welfare leaches? That's a big part of why so many countries are doing very poorly economically right now.

You are right about the dont inject your world views thing. But I'm just trying to do something good by trying to stop abortion.
I have never gotten a girl pregnant before, but a Colombian girl tried to extort money from me saying she is pregnant and needs 100$ for abortion. I straight out told her to have the kid, and I said I will happily send money if the DNA test confirms its mine. I actually meant it from my heart. Needless to say never heard from her again.

Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 10:05 PM)911Turbo Wrote:  

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:57 PM)whateverfuckit Wrote:  

Quote: (02-14-2016 09:50 PM)911Turbo Wrote:  


The kid will be a Canadian citizen, not Bangladesh. How bad can his standard of living be? Healthcare , Schooling will all be taken care of. Canada is a rich country that provides its citizens with a decent standard of living. Heck If I found the right girl and I was a Canadian citizen I'd try to have as many kids as possible.

OP has already stated he doesn't want to have a child right now, and apparently he isn't interested in keeping her around long term, otherwise I doubt he'd have her as a bottom bitch in the harem.

We need to avoid plugging in our worldview and give him objective advice based on facts, not mere opinions. I realize that my own opinions obviously affect my advice, but you need to consider things from his perspective. Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? If so, were you 22? How would you feel in that scenario? Without having been in it, you can't know. I have been there. I was a little older, but I felt the same way he did. It's not as easy as "well, fuck it, let the government take care of it." Aside from that, do you really want to advise people to be Welfare leaches? That's a big part of why so many countries are doing very poorly economically right now.

You are right about the dont inject your world views thing. But I'm just trying to do something good by trying to stop abortion.
I have never gotten a girl pregnant before, but a Colombian girl tried to extort money from me saying she is pregnant and needs 100$ for abortion. I straight out told her to have the kid, and I said I will happily send money if the DNA test confirms its mine. I actually meant it from my heart. Needless to say never heard from her again.

Since people seem to be misunderstanding me:

I don't like abortion. Given a choice between the two, I think adoption is a MUCH better option for ALL involved parties. I personally did adoption not so long ago, and it was a very positive experience for myself, the girl, and the family. I am a very big supporter of adoption, all around.

That said, we don't live in a ideal world. And in some ways, it is "harder" for a girl to choose adoption over abortion, ESPECIALLY in the short term, since she doesn't have to go through child-birth and feeling the baby kicks, etc. These things make her MUCH more attached, and the emotional "letting go" is more difficult for her.

Secondly, the facts do point out that, in net effect terms, abortion DOES have positive long-term effects for society as a whole, even if it hurts peoples feelings in the short term. There are a TON of studies supporting this, and if you want to look them up, you'll find this out quickly.

But in interest of time, I'll just post one short (less than 5 minutes) video from Freakanomics:


Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Be careful, anything negative you say to her could cause her to keep the kid.

DO NOT mention abortion. Of course, you are hoping she does get rid of it. I am with some of the other guys who are anti-abortion.

I would ask her what she wants do, this is a very sensitive topic.

This is a life lesson on many levels.

Be prepared if she decides to keep it, not the end of the world.

I would rather have a puppy than a kid to mack with, girls I know aren't turned on by other peoples kids.

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Main Girl in My Harem Pregnant ... Decided She's Keeping it

Quote: (02-14-2016 10:03 PM)Onto Wrote:  

I've been in your situation a couple times. Here's my advice.

1) Don't try to convince her to have an abortion. Don't say, "You're ruining my life". She won't listen to you and she doesn't care. She is only concerned with what she wants, and that is normal.

2) You can tell her you're not prepared to be a Father and not sure what to do. Then ask, "What would you like to see me do?" And then be quiet and wait for her to respond. Even if it takes 30 mins. If she says, "What did you say?", Then gently repeat and wait, and wait. If she actually tells you what she wants, then respond, "Ok, then that's I'll do." And say nothing more. You may find after a few minutes she'll feel a sense of fault for being an ego by making demands of you and actually reverse what she just said. If that happens, keep your cool, smile, and say "Ok, I appreciate you saying that".

3) Whatever happens in the conversation above you don't need to make any decisions about what you're going to do now in your relation to her, or the child.

4) You have to assess why she is having this child. The way to know that is to look at and understand her childhood. Understand how she felt about her Mother and Father and the job they did raising the family. That will give you the necessary clues to see what her agenda is with you, and the child.

5) If you believe the above points to her having an ax to grind with the Father (her Father really) then it's understandable you might want to distance yourself as much as possible. These kind of women are a no-win situation. They are bad for both you and the child. However if you don't see that, and you think you can raise the child as friends. Her being ok with your love-life and you being ok with hers, then it could work out well.

A lot of this is hard to know until you start going through it. I can say it's always in your best interests to be civil, kind, and to stay out of court at all costs. Just for your own peace and happiness.

I understand what you are going through. It feels like your life is over, but one day you'll look back and realize it wasn't that big of a deal at all. Getting diagnosed with stage 4 cancer is a big deal. Losing your limbs in a car accident is a big deal. Having a contract put out on your life is a big deal.

Most people on this earth are born from an unexpected pregnancy.

I wish I could turn back time and not have looked at it as the end of the world. I wish I could've been less combative, more accepting and understanding, but my child's Mother was a very, very difficult person who had been carrying an ax to grind with the Father every since she was a little girl. And I had my ax as well, though I didn't realize that until later.

Feel free to PM me whenever you need advice.

Just wanted to say, I agree 100% with this, (aside from it not being "a big deal") It isn't completely life ruining (usually) but it is definitely a big deal and a big decision, and should be treated with great consideration.

That said, he obviously knows what he's talking about, and I highly advise taking him up on his offer.

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