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60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Planning to cut for 3-4 months starting in January. I'm in then.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Due to the size of interest in the cut I started another group

If you didn't make the cut of group 1 due to size pm me to join group 2. Same way of communication and rules.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
I was considering different gym routines to go with and in the end decided to stick with what I know well and keep it simple, so I'm doing the Stronglifts 5X5 for the next 12 weeks and will supplement it with some cardio post-workout and on days off, nothing too intense though. I completed 16 weeks of the 5X5 last year and had decent results, got stronger but also lost inches around my waist which was the goal, as it is this time round. I had a 6 month absence from the gym due to work moving, stress, etc and just starting going back three weeks ago and training light, so this group effort came at a great time. Although I've done 5X5 before and have been lifting off and on for about 17 years, I was never a serious lifter and didn't diet, I'd hit to the gym for 2-4 months, see results then slack. However over the past couple of years, its been harder to see those results and to keep the fat off so I have to become more disciplined, work harder and really watch what I eat and especially the boozing.

I just spent an hour with a personal trainer figuring out my one rep maxes so I can go back into the heavy lifting on the 5X5, it says to start at 70% if you haven't lifted for awhile but after a couple of weeks at it, the weights seemed too light. The personal trainer was a great investment (about $40 USD/hour), he gave me some great tips on my dead lift and squatting form. Diet is clean and high protein but it seems that I'm going over my daily calorie intake as per MFP app, which tells me that my goal should be 2050 per day to go from 160 lbs to 150.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
How do you figure out how much you eat when your eating out? Hopefully I don't have to bring a scale with me. And its hard to know all of the ingredients in prepared foods at restaurants.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Quote: (12-05-2015 03:03 PM)kbell Wrote:  

How do you figure out how much you eat when your eating out? Hopefully I don't have to bring a scale with me. And its hard to know all of the ingredients in prepared foods at restaurants.

I don't sweat it, personally. I either just fast until the evening if I'm having a blow out, or order something reasonably clean off the menu. There are going to be meals when you fuck up your diet, I believe accepting that before you start a diet is important in not getting totally derailed by a single meal where you ate over your calorie limit. You can always dial it in the next day and just eat a couple of hundred less calories. I find being overly dogmatic with the dieting is where I went wrong in the past. It becomes such a depressing process that way after 6 weeks or so that if you don't forgive yourself for overeating a few times during the cut, you'll just end up miserable.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
H1N1, if a guy overeats one day, lets say has pizza or whatever and goes 300 calories over his daily limited, could he just hit the gym and run for an hour on the treadmill to burn it off? Is that a good way to go about it if you fall off your diet, just do some extra cardio? Hopefully I don't have too many incidents like this but I don't want to have to alter my life so much that I can't go out once a week or so and have a meal that puts me over.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
The body runs continuously so if you're over 300 one day you can be under the next and is OK. Just not all the time as that is bad for your mental fortitude to stray all the time
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Quote: (12-05-2015 04:18 PM)scotian Wrote:  

H1N1, if a guy overeats one day, lets say has pizza or whatever and goes 300 calories over his daily limited, could he just hit the gym and run for an hour on the treadmill to burn it off? Is that a good way to go about it if you fall off your diet, just do some extra cardio? Hopefully I don't have too many incidents like this but I don't want to have to alter my life so much that I can't go out once a week or so and have a meal that puts me over.

I'd agree with Virtus, I don't think the body recognises the 24 hour cycle in the same way we do. There are plenty of bodybuilders who apparently think eating more on one day, and then a decent amount less the next day actually works better, as it keeps your metabolism firing (I'm sure they have a much more elegant explanation for it than I do).

Personally I might knock out 200 pushups before bed or something, and try to come in a little light on calories the next day. The mindset would be to try to make a dent in what I owed as a calorie debt, and then still restrict myself the next day out of discipline, and try to turn it into a net benefit - ie, by going over, I actually end up in a 100-200 calorie deficit more than I otherwise would have been because I am incentivised to make up for it - but that's just how my brain is wired.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
If you eat at wegmens, all of the buffet food there has scan codes on there which allow you to easily add them to my fitness pal. I assume the serving size is about 4 oz in those containers but could be wrong.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Im in. I gained about 30 pounds over the last 6 months from drinking and partying. My goal is to drop 40 pounds over the 90 days and 80 pounds long term
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
While the other groups are busy hating, here's a bunch of PDF's someone shared on reddit:
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Great thread idea, I won't be joining as I need to bulk, but good luck to all.

The thread is too long for me to read the whole thing, but I do have a suggestion for those of you tracking food through MyFitnessPal on Android. The latest versions only track calories and don't give you macros.

Rather than paying for a membership, find an old version of the APK (I used 3.11). The version is below they went freemium, and macros are available. They're still synced regardless, just the latest versions have a soft coded restriction.

Maybe this trick would work on iPhone as well.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Started my cut this week.

6'1", 255lbs, around 27% BF (that's a visual assessment, haven't done a caliper measurement yet this season).

3100 calories/day, that's a 700 calorie deficit for me at the moment. Will reduce as the weight comes down.
Daily macros: 150 carbs, 130 fats, 255 protein

Using MFP to track macros and doing IF on a 8/16 split.

Doing a push/pull/leg split for cutting season, here's what a typical week of workouts will look like:
Monday: HIIT cardio
Tuesday: PUSH - dumbbell floor presses 4x8, floor crunches / kettle bell russian twists 4x10, weighted decline push-ups / weighted incline push-ups 3x10, alternating dumbbell front/lateral raises 4x10, tricep pushdowns 3x10
Wednesday: HIIT cardio
Thursday: PULL - bent-over barbell rows 4x10, barbell rack pulls 4x10, barbell curls / dumbbell wrist curls 4x10, dumbbell shrugs 4x10, cable crunches/face pulls/cable hammer curls 4x10, reverse grip lat pulldowns
Friday: rest
Saturday: LEG - barbell front squats 4x8, one legged dumbbell calf raises 3x10 per side, leg presses / leg press calf raises 4x10, romanian deadlifts 4x10, captains chair leg raises / captains chair knee raises 3x10, lying hamstring curls 4x10
Sunday: rotator cuff work with bands at home

Going to try to keep lifting days between 45-60 minutes and cardio to 12-15 minutes.

Diet right now mostly consists of lean fish and other proteins, eggs, fruits, vegetables, almonds, peanut butter, black beans, and whey protein. Got a blender and a juicer so blending and juicing will be happening a lot.

That's what I'm doing right now, going to go keto next month and then probably do RFL in March but I'm easing into it now.

Keeping carbs down has been the biggest challenge so far - that was one of the major stumbling blocks on my last cut.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Is it all about the diet? I'm 21 and actually need 3 kilos more for 70 kilos. I have a fitness program which is very complex. I really appreciate to join club.
But first of all I should take my other 6 finals.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?

You can join that group. We don't accept single post members in this group, and we are full.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Quote: (12-06-2015 11:09 AM)Jazzman92 Wrote:  

Im in. I gained about 30 pounds over the last 6 months from drinking and partying. My goal is to drop 40 pounds over the 90 days and 80 pounds long term

Jazzman, We've got a fourth cutting group going. You're welcome there. look for the #4 cutting group thread.

"I remember reading an article from the NY Times, where women made significantly more money than their husbands - and one wife was like, "I made 7 figures this year and he stayed home, I'm not sucking his dick" - WIA
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Im down for this. Started the first month of 2016 with no drinking and now is probably the best time for me to be cutting.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Nothing to do. I'm new here.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Half-way through the cut.

We're coming for you group 2, 3 & 4!!

0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Day 3 of keto.

The hunger pains and carb cravings came roaring in yesterday evening.

I miss fruit a lot, which was surprising to me at first but probably shouldn't have been since I was eating a lot of fruit and that's where most of my carb and sugar intake has been coming from these days.

I've started taking multivitamins again (Bayer One-A-Day for now but I have some NOW ADAM on order) to make sure my micronutrients are on lock and drinking a lot of flavored sparkling water to help with the aforementioned hunger pains.

I did my first workout on keto today, my regular push workout with slightly reduced volume. I've lost some strength already but I'm sure I'll get it back in short order on my next bulk and not being a fatass is more important right now than being able to floor press an extra 10 lbs. I'll bulk again when I'm down to 12-15% BF. I drank some Diet Pepsi as a pre-workout and intra-workout for energy, got some C4 on order now and will start using that when it comes in.

Down to 242 lbs since my last post, and 25% BF by my last caliper reading.
Going to do keto until the end of the month, then do a 3-4 day refeed and start RFL afterwards.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Keto macroz:
2300 calories a day
25g net carbz or less
160g fat
181g protein
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
I've just been sticking to a (more or less) 18-20 hour fasting period with a 6 hour feeding window every day. It's great.
The Every Other Day Diet did not work that well because the PSMF days had me so jacked up on adrenaline that sleep was difficult.

I just wake up at 700AM, drink coffee all day, go home at 5PM or so, pound like 150 grams worth of protein shakes, and then eat some meat with rice (high carb low fat) or fattier meat with cheese and eggs (high fat low carb). I'm down about two or three pounds over the last two weeks. It's not a rigid diet (goal), it's a system. I get a lot more done in a day due to not constantly fucking about the kitchen or going back home for lunch.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
^ All that coffee and no food not fucking with you too much? I'm on IF too and was drinking about three 16 oz cups a day. I noticed I was getting super irritable and grouchy and pegged it to the coffee. Cut it down to one 12 oz cup a day and the irritability instantly went away.

I like the 6-hour window. I do that sometimes but not everyday - maybe I'll step it up.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Quote: (02-13-2016 07:36 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

^ All that coffee and no food not fucking with you too much? I'm on IF too and was drinking about three 16 oz cups a day. I noticed I was getting super irritable and grouchy and pegged it to the coffee. Cut it down to one 12 oz cup a day and the irritability instantly went away.

I like the 6-hour window. I do that sometimes but not everyday - maybe I'll step it up.

The first few days were irritating but once you get used to not eating in the morning it's fine. I'm constantly distracted and busy as hell during the day though so it's really not bad.
0/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In?
Did a month of keto successfully and am now eating at maintenance for a week before starting RFL. Down to 237lbs and 23%BF by my last caliper reading earlier today since my last post.

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