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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Thanks to everyone who has shared these stories. I have a question.

How many of these alphas were crazy or borderline crazy? Not trying to be a dick, not trying to make light/fun. Some people mentioned have passed away, I mean no disrespect.

I wish I could just not give a fuck. I am not a white knighter or anything like that. I am just in a position (have always been) where there were consequences to my actions. Therefore, I really had to want to pay the price to pull the trigger on certain behaviors. I don't tolerate bs in my life, but I am not the first to give it to others. I am a joker, etc. but I won't give anyone disrespect because then I can't justify anything I did afterwards if that makes sense. In other words, I shouldn't be surprised I got punched in the face if I started by being a dick.

I wonder if some of it has to do with the environment a person grows up in. It seems some of the people posting grew up in tougher and rougher environments than myself and that required quickly learning ways to survive. I am not trying to make any accusations or anything. I am just trying to understand. I grew up sheltered, I won't lie. It has created more than its fair share of complications when I deal with people and can't grasp why people do the shit they do, but granted I didn't have their childhood.

Because sometimes, it seems the "alpha" behavior that people talk about comes off to me as reckless. But like I said, I grew up always understanding consequences. But trust me there are plenty of things I didn't learn while growing up. Trying to catch up on that stuff.

Thanks for the time and no offense intended.

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Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

One of the buddies from my high school crew always had pussy or a relationship with a girl. Tall blonde, wasn't built but totally had asshole game, dude was a charismatic figure. Right out of high school he got a tattoo "Big D" with a chick laying on it. Dude was so damn cocky and we all looked up to him. He's 27 now married to one of the girls I grew up with, both are chubby.

Alot of the guys I know who were alpha knew how to fight, still are bad boys not doing shit. Most the intelligent alphas are working their asses off not many are swimming in pussy, one of my best friends finally got his girl knocked up, he also had asshole game.

Side Note: One of my old best friends in high school pulled chicks too, had a cool car, played guitar, but he played the mysterious aloft game. The weird thing about him is that he lied about his gf, saying she was a sister of a porn star. Turns out he was lying about it and it was this fat girl. We called him on it and he didn't talked to us for a long time. Ever since then he hasn't been with hot girls (that I know of). Weirdest thing I've witnessed.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Based on these anecdotes and some personal experience, it seems that the majority of guys who clean up around high school tend to peak there.


No motivation for further self-improvement and resting on their laurels until they find themselves behind with no hope of catching up?

No long-term planning horizon?

Stupid mistakes stemming out of overconfidence, thinking success in one area meant that they didn't need success in others?

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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

The "alphas' who went to my school all ended up going to prison or dead. There was one summer when about 3 of them died in random car accidents, strange shit; its like you can only be too alpha until this planet decides to pop you off this planet.
The other ones who were more "lawful" just end up joining the rest, over time the hot babes they used to bang either deteriorate or they move on to the smart guys with good jobs to latch on to.

The intelligent alphas are the ones who who I found interesting, they start blooming in their late teens. One of them was a real nerd back in school, a chubby french guy, he ended up moving to Thailand, started his scuba diving school, got this model European girlfriend as well as a harem of thai girls. Apparently he is too far gone though, like a real life colonel Kurtz, his school friends who were brave enough to visit him, ended up either getting all their possessions robbed by him or having leave in a hurry, otherwise he would try to get them hooked on crystal meth.

I have been fortunate to meet a few who got their shit together, most go international very quickly and have an interesting way of life. I notice they don't particularly bang lots of different girls however, usually they have incredibly hot girlfriends on rotation. Most of them go into business in a big way, I knew one who I went to school with who went seriously into club promoting.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

If being an Alpha when you are in high-school means taking drugs, doing dangerous things and fucking your studies. Then fuck being Alpha at that age.

I was not Alpha in High School. I was that awkward nerd that had little to no friends and no social life. Spent time either in studies or in front of my computer learning to code.

I know (remember) an alpha (probably the most alpha) in high school and he is my neighbor. He had most (maybe all) the girls at his age and maybe still, but let's compare ourselves now.


1. Moved to the capital. more fun and exciting life. Better girls, prospects, friends and infrastructure.
2. Own a nice new car.
3. Have my own place in one of the best neighborhoods.
4. Have money. Can travel, buy stuff and dress well.


1. Has no degree, work, what so ever.
2. Stuck in his childhood hole.
3. Have no money/car.
4. lives with his parents.

My prospects are better now because I have logistics. I can broaden my pussy prospects by travelling/moving to better places.

That's why I'm focusing on business now. Money first. I want to be completely free by my 30s and then will have a decade of enjoying high-quality pussy.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-29-2014 03:16 PM)conservative Wrote:  

If being an Alpha when you are in high-school means taking drugs, doing dangerous things and fucking your studies. Then fuck being Alpha at that age.

I was not Alpha in High School. I was that awkward nerd that had little to no friends and no social life. Spent time either in studies or in front of my computer learning to code.

I know (remember) an alpha (probably the most alpha) in high school and he is my neighbor. He had most (maybe all) the girls at his age and maybe still, but let's compare ourselves now.


1. Moved to the capital. more fun and exciting life. Better girls, prospects, friends and infrastructure.
2. Own a nice new car.
3. Have my own place in one of the best neighborhoods.
4. Have money. Can travel, buy stuff and dress well.


1. Has no degree, work, what so ever.
2. Stuck in his childhood hole.
3. Have no money/car.
4. lives with his parents.

My prospects are better now because I have logistics. I can broaden my pussy prospects by travelling/moving to better places.

That's why I'm focusing on business now. Money first. I want to be completely free by my 30s and then will have a decade of enjoying high-quality pussy.

I can't blame "alphas" who were successful early on. Most of them were just naturals. Either they had good genes and slept walk their way into pussy, or they just had an attractive personality, or even deadlier -- both. My only problem is with the guys who brag about their notch count and/or devote their lives to getting lays and not improving themselves in other ways.

I do take solace in knowing even if you were a late bloomer, you can catch up to your peers and then some. Seems like a lot of guys on here, if they were't good from the beginning, certainly made up for it after learning game.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Fuck with all these stories I'm afraid I would have died if I didn't find RVF or I still might [Image: lol.gif]. All joking aside. Gotta go with my gramps died at 63(2 years ago) after running away from home, traveling the world and amassing a fortune doing mercenary work and was eventually hired and became a high ranking officer in the military of a certain small country. Slayed pussy on the reg and I remember him and my grand uncle joking about it once. Nasty temper as well. Died regretting my hypochondriac grandmother raised his children as overly religious herbs.

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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

most of them got married relatively young, to good looking women at least. They look happy with their kids and whatnot.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-29-2014 02:17 PM)polar Wrote:  

Based on these anecdotes and some personal experience, it seems that the majority of guys who clean up around high school tend to peak there.


No motivation for further self-improvement and resting on their laurels until they find themselves behind with no hope of catching up?

No long-term planning horizon?

Stupid mistakes stemming out of overconfidence, thinking success in one area meant that they didn't need success in others?
the drive to fuck is the ultimate motivation for people. Men partially build amazing lifestyles to have access to the flyest bitches. Women go in debt over expensive shit to advertise themselves for high value dick

Those early alphas discovered we have the freedom to do anything, so they fucked that drive away.

Normal guys wrongfully believed you must have your shit together before you can close hoes. This is one example where a blue pill belief can enhance your life.

Look at Danger&Play (MikeCF) blog for more on this. The example he uses are people who live in the ghetto. Fucking happens so easily down there that the people have little motivation for improving their lives. They're already fulfilling the second most important biological function.

Reading this thread makes me think it'd be easier to turn a kid from average to alpha than to maintain a young alpha's success.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

He was in his car next to me at the stoplight yesterday. Had a fairly attractive girl in the passenger side along w/ a rugrat, wouldn't be surprised if it was his, in the back.

The most alpha foo at my time in high school. Short temper, pushy, cocky, voted best body by the hoes for the yearbook, decent looking, trained in Muay Thai at a young age, etc. Legitimate badboy who would roll to Walmart with a crew to jack auto parts.

Doesn't seem to thrive outside of that high school environment. I remember seeing him at the club doing weak cold approaches around closing time and getting angry when rejected.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-29-2014 02:17 PM)polar Wrote:  

Based on these anecdotes and some personal experience, it seems that the majority of guys who clean up around high school tend to peak there.


No motivation for further self-improvement and resting on their laurels until they find themselves behind with no hope of catching up?

No long-term planning horizon?

Stupid mistakes stemming out of overconfidence, thinking success in one area meant that they didn't need success in others?

I think it comes from what Napoleon Hill called Sex Transmutation. These guys are hyper-focused on women and sex. They're really good at obtaining sex, but they devote almost all their energy to its pursuit. They don't have the energy to devote to things like work or school.

I would contend it's part no ability to plan long term and part lack of drive for anything else. If your entire life is based around chasing the validation of women, then I feel truly sorry for you. You should always have some sort of ambition or greater purpose. That's really what I would consider "being alpha," not sleeping with a ton of women. Sleeping with a ton of women is a happy side-effect of having greater purpose. Women fucking love ambitious men, and they love ambitious men with game even more.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-29-2014 01:16 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Thanks to everyone who has shared these stories. I have a question.

How many of these alphas were crazy or borderline crazy? Not trying to be a dick, not trying to make light/fun. Some people mentioned have passed away, I mean no disrespect.

I wish I could just not give a fuck. I am not a white knighter or anything like that. I am just in a position (have always been) where there were consequences to my actions. Therefore, I really had to want to pay the price to pull the trigger on certain behaviors. I don't tolerate bs in my life, but I am not the first to give it to others. I am a joker, etc. but I won't give anyone disrespect because then I can't justify anything I did afterwards if that makes sense. In other words, I shouldn't be surprised I got punched in the face if I started by being a dick.

I wonder if some of it has to do with the environment a person grows up in. It seems some of the people posting grew up in tougher and rougher environments than myself and that required quickly learning ways to survive. I am not trying to make any accusations or anything. I am just trying to understand. I grew up sheltered, I won't lie. It has created more than its fair share of complications when I deal with people and can't grasp why people do the shit they do, but granted I didn't have their childhood.

Because sometimes, it seems the "alpha" behavior that people talk about comes off to me as reckless. But like I said, I grew up always understanding consequences. But trust me there are plenty of things I didn't learn while growing up. Trying to catch up on that stuff.

Thanks for the time and no offense intended.

A reckless nature isn't necessarily alpha. I was incredibly beta growing up & I took big risks on a weekly basis. I wasn't into drinking or drugs but I would skip class, sneak into night clubs/music festivals, start fights & generally disregard any rules. I was also competed at the highest level in track & rugby - yet I was still beta. I had zero ability to talk to girls.

My friends who were alpha have been risk takers, but not in a drugs/alcohol/illegal sense. They avoided conventional education chased their goals & have subsequently been very successful.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-29-2014 03:06 PM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

One of them was a real nerd back in school, a chubby french guy,

I've spent 3 minutes trying to imagine how a "chubby french guy" looks like. It's one of those "they exist?" things for me.

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-30-2014 01:48 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

I've spent 3 minutes trying to imagine how a "chubby french guy" looks like. It's one of those "they exist?" things for me.

[Image: Gerard-Depardieu.jpg]

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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I was a pretty split person in high school, hell I probably still am as I just finished high school 3 months ago.

On the one hand, I often skipped school or was late. One year I even had 200 missed lessons.
I slept in class, didn't do my homework, made fun of the teachers, got into a lot of fights, smoked weed during breaks, fucked a younger girl in a toilet stall during class hours, drank beer with 17 year olds when I was 11 during school hours etc.

On the other hand I always got straight A's and represented my school in many contests and won them a lot of trophies so they couldn't kick me out and had to put up with my shit. I'm sure my teachers hated the fuck out of me.

Out of school I did a lot of stupid shit too. I always got the most pussy even though I was just 6' and 130 lbs and had acne. I never gave a fuck and got into a lot of stupid shit while going out(where I live it is normal for 16 year olds to party and drink in bars and nightclubs, you gotta love Europe).

Actually, I might be crazy. Who cares though?

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-29-2014 01:16 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Thanks to everyone who has shared these stories. I have a question.

How many of these alphas were crazy or borderline crazy? Not trying to be a dick, not trying to make light/fun. Some people mentioned have passed away, I mean no disrespect.

I wish I could just not give a fuck. I am not a white knighter or anything like that. I am just in a position (have always been) where there were consequences to my actions. Therefore, I really had to want to pay the price to pull the trigger on certain behaviors. I don't tolerate bs in my life, but I am not the first to give it to others. I am a joker, etc. but I won't give anyone disrespect because then I can't justify anything I did afterwards if that makes sense. In other words, I shouldn't be surprised I got punched in the face if I started by being a dick.

I wonder if some of it has to do with the environment a person grows up in. It seems some of the people posting grew up in tougher and rougher environments than myself and that required quickly learning ways to survive. I am not trying to make any accusations or anything. I am just trying to understand. I grew up sheltered, I won't lie. It has created more than its fair share of complications when I deal with people and can't grasp why people do the shit they do, but granted I didn't have their childhood.

Because sometimes, it seems the "alpha" behavior that people talk about comes off to me as reckless. But like I said, I grew up always understanding consequences. But trust me there are plenty of things I didn't learn while growing up. Trying to catch up on that stuff.

Thanks for the time and no offense intended.

Yeah I would say these guys were kinda crazy and I really think your environment makes you act in a certain way.

For example, every time I met a kid that acted soft, I knew he wasn't from a bad area, I could just tell that he grew up in a good area. Now, when you grow up with aggressive cats that try to bully you or fight you for no reason, you become more aggressive than the average person. The hot women that lived in those areas wouldn't also date you if you are straight soft, they want you to be aggressive too, that makes you work on your aggressiveness from day one.

The non give a fuck attitude is good to a certain extent, it is good when you don't care what people think of you, when you don't act in a way that society wants you to act, when you are not scared of failing,etc It is bad when you take it to a negative level such as doing unnecessary crimes for example.

A forum member above said that alphas usually become successful, in my experience they always become average or straight failure, the most aggressive alphas are usually not that intelligent. Life is all about balance.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

1. Brazilian Guy: A year younger than me, was very athletic and charismatic. Didn't make good grade and punked sometimes but I stayed friends with because he was fun to hang out with and I wanted to know what he did. His step-father divorced halfway through highschool so his lifestyle took a dive, but people took care of him hear and there (comping him at clubs). He's in London doing something now - last time I saw he him he was living pay-check to pay check. He's been with a French girl for about 2 to 3 years now - I bet he still pulls. He's probably slept with more girls and prettier ones too, but I don't care so much. I wish him well, but I doubt I'll see him again anytime soon.

2. Angolan Guy: Part of my social circle senior year. Funny guy, very confident, athletic and smart. Haven't seen him in a couple years, but I imagine he's still getting plenty of pussy. I still consider him one of my best friends and he probably still has a lot he could teach me.


Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-30-2014 06:11 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Yeah I would say these guys were kinda crazy and I really think your environment makes you act in a certain way.

For example, every time I met a kid that acted soft, I knew he wasn't from a bad area, I could just tell that he grew up in a good area. Now, when you grow up with aggressive cats that try to bully you or fight you for no reason, you become more aggressive than the average person. The hot women that lived in those areas wouldn't also date you if you are straight soft, they want you to be aggressive too, that makes you work on your aggressiveness from day one.

The non give a fuck attitude is good to a certain extent, it is good when you don't care what people think of you, when you don't act in a way that society wants you to act, when you are not scared of failing,etc It is bad when you take it to a negative level such as doing unnecessary crimes for example.

A forum member above said that alphas usually become successful, in my experience they always become average or straight failure, the most aggressive alphas are usually not that intelligent. Life is all about balance.

Thanks for the reply. I am just really curious, like I said I didn't grow up in a tough neighborhood. I usually don't care about the interactions with most people since they don't have anything to offer. I generally can only be "reached" through logic/intelligence/accomplishments/respect. Without one of those things, a person is just another clown on the street and there are so many these days. I have just learned that, primarily dealing with men, I can always be the asshole later, start off being genuine. No need to start off like a dick, I could not give a friendship a chance. It is possible to be genuine without coming off like a bitch. I am sure all of us have met men that convey true kindness and power at the same time. I think those that always need to come off strong, just don't have any security, they're value of themselves is constantly trying to meet an image.

But as soon as I realize a person is useless, I try to get away and if I can't and my patience has run thin, I just start messing with the person for my own entertainment. But I know that this may have negative consequences as well. But I am not perfect, I am human after all.

I have also learned, I seem to respect most those with emotional control. I know some guys seem to equate "alpha" with anger. But anger comes from hurt, if you let your hurt control you, how can you be alpha which to be seems to be the guy running the show? I have seen those with little emotional control, every little thing makes them want to fight. It is ok to feel that way inside (to some degree) but if it comes out all the time, maybe you just have a problem. Make calculated investments in life, not blind bets, that's just my two cents. Need to pick your moments.

I am on my journey and nowhere near a finished product but I appreciate the perspective/life information that is shared on this forum. Thanks.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

80%-90% of the guys who got a ton of tang in high school/middle school that I knew personally, ended up on drugs. One went to court-ordered rehab for coke and opiates at 16.

Another guy who had some serious natural asshole game grew his hair out and lives that dirty hippy lifestyle. Hangs out with really ghetto people, on pills and everything. He probably gets pussy still but id imagine it's all smelly and unwashed.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

A bunch of people I knew, including some friends, from my school days, have wound up dead or in jail or both [Image: tongue.gif] but I wouldn't consider them alphas. Alphas are successful survivors. Sucess is proof of alphaness, not fucking your life up before it's really even begun.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Interesting and varied stories in this thread. Many alphas had girls and success come easy at an early age. They never learned to persist and persevere. The key is to live a balanced life and to continue to pursue long and short term goals. Without this we go awry.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

1. Standard white metalhead. Very alpha growing up and a good friend in h.s. Moved to the midwest, became ultra religious, a part time preacher, and married a good christian girl right after college. Has 3 kids.

2. Tall, handsome, asian (Thai) dude. Women chased him because he stood out big time. Ended up marrying a hapa (thai/white) girl from a rich family. One kid.

3. Short Mexican metalhead. Part of the same crew. Used to slay lots of pussy. Did too many drugs after h.s. into his 20's. Squandered an inheritance. Bounced around menial jobs. Impregnated a slag. Has a kid.

4. Hapa (half white/japanese) dude. Didn't know in h.s. well but was a friend in college. Was on the Football team and homecoming king in h.s. Married a pretty Japanese girl. Last time I was in contact he was in the pre-med program at a good school. Pretty charmed life.

Aside from one, most of the alphas I knew personally ended up alright. Then again none of them were dicks and had good personalities for the most part too.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

It occurs to me that I have no idea how much sex my outwardly charismatic friends were really having. How would I possibly know?

If the players at my high school and college were anything like me, they kept their sex lives quiet, even among friends. Which would mean that the local alphas were people I'd never suspect, and the guys who tried to make a public show of being a stud had a very different reality behind closed doors.

I wonder how many people posting in this thread know for a fact that their local "alphas" truly were closing a lot.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I had a friend in high school who probably slept with 50 before senior year. He had a division 1 college baseball scholarship, was good looking, and was pretty reckless in terms of drugs/alchohol. I was pretty reckless at that age also in terms of drugs and alchohol, although not nearly as good with grisl as he was, so we hung out alot. The dude was very smart also in terms of standardized testes...just really an overall very talented kid who also had issues.

He lost his scholarship and got thrown out of college for various drug related issues. Later hurt himself very badly in a skiing accident and ended up addicted to pain killers during the recovery which led to/coincided with a switch to much harder drugs. After college he couldnt hold a job due to drug problems. BTW still getting laid like crazy at this time. Then ended up in a halfway house down in florida for recovering addicts which is the last i heard of him (about 12 years adfter high school graduation).

Ten years after we graduated high school he came out and told me he was gay.

Lesson: People have demons and some people who seem "alpha" are pursuing women and everything else in mass quantities for reasons other then the normal.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Most of the guys who could pull girls with the biggest ease are now pretty much nowhere in life. They reached their peak at 18-21 but because of their selfdestructive lifestyle it all went downhill from there. They can still get girls, that hasn't changed, but most of them have dead end jobs, no money in the bank and a drug/alcohol problem developed from over a decade of heavy partying.

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