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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I know an alpha who's trajectory has been going up for over 20 years past high school. My best friend was always pulling the hottest girls at school, local waitresses, everything. I should have taken notes then, because he was like some kind of magician: Abracadabra, panties drop. Graduated and started pre-med with the goal of becoming a brain surgeon.

Anyway, he was a bit of a moocher at the time (never kicked in for gas money), and we lost touch drifting apart going our separate ways. I look him up 20 years later and we reconnect, by some coincidence we're both in the middle of selling our cars at the time. Me, some junky old pontiac. Him, ferrari 460. Traded up to a gallardo which we took high speed canyon driving outside of LA with spotters in a car up ahead with handheld radios to avoid cops and locals. Out of school he went into business, options trading, high freq trading, movie producing, and finally settled down with a drop dead 10 (former underwear model) and just had a kid. He's had some ups and downs, but based on his housing situation and how he vacations, my estimate is he's currently worth 10-20M.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I am not sure if characteristics remain constant throughout every single person's life. Chances are some of these alphas have become ordinary everyday guys while a few of the school yard nerds have become the alpha dog. Not in the sense of Bill Gates.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (08-16-2014 10:57 AM)Heathree Wrote:  

I am not sure if characteristics remain constant throughout every single person's life. Chances are some of these alphas have become ordinary everyday guys while a few of the school yard nerds have become the alpha dog. Not in the sense of Bill Gates.

I think that's a fairly common arc. People who enjoy success early in life often times become complacent and lose the eye of the tiger later on. People who struggle to find success witness the rise and fall of others and are more likely to stay vigilant if they should ever find themselves on top.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Thinking back to my highs school days, most of the alpha males did very well at school in the sense of picking up girls and having bad boy reputations. Where are they now? Well one went to prison for drug dealing and has never been the same ever since, Some have died from either suicide or health related issues. Most have lost all their hair and let themselves go body wise. Either hooked up with fucked up nutcase chicks with kids to multiple fathers etc....It seems those who were the quiet achievers and were mostly in the background back at high school have seemed to faired much better in life in terms of success with money and women. I`m in my 40`s now so this is just an observation of guys from my era.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I went to an average/below average school for the area I resided in as a kid. It was a school that every day Joes sent their kids to with these parents being poor to average to do wealth wise.

Large percentage of these kids were not brightest (or intelligent) specimen, they were pretty much average. Those kids who were bright and the cream of the crop, passed exams which meant they got into good schools. But however, for whatever reason, about 10% at my school did have some kind of a brain and for whatever reason, failed to get into better schooling establishments.

The alphas at school were the ones who were physically tough and sporty. Also these guys could talk a bit, they were not shy or retiring by any means. It was these types that were seen as cool as well. I do not recall, a single one of these kids, excelling at school work apart from sports. Intelligent wise, they were average. The brainy were more into books. They were nerdy and were not really popular at all.

Moving into adult life, these alphas just fell by the wayside. They went into trades such as plumbing, builders, electricians, etc got together with average women and popped a kid or two. A lot of them, 'let themselves go', became fat and overweight and are just ticking by. They are just living a very average life. Their physical prowess may have curtailed because society does not allow people to go around pushing people around physically. The odd one ended in jail. Unless you are a big shot in the criminal underworld (like one of these gang leaders/Godfather character), its no fun.

Some of the nerdy kids went onto higher schooling and more professional careers which meant they had more money and slightly more comfortable life. I imagine the most potent combination is an alpha (i.e. sporting, physical, dominant) coupled with intelligence (usually represented by good at school work), something that did not exist at my school. Its these characters who I think can use brain and brow power to really be successful at life.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Most of the cool kids from my days are working shitty jobs such as pizza delivery drivers, call centers reps, or at Walmart/auto parts store.

One semi alpha (okay grades but good at sports and bitches) got arrest for weed, got his scholarship to Emory revoked. Ended up in a fourth tier Texas public college. Later got in a alcohol fueled car wreck.... He's having a kid soon and is engaged to a 6.

The smart kids are now in start ups or elite colleges and partying at rooftop bars or abroad. One below average kid is now in North Dakota making it rain... Literally.

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Houston (Montrose), Texas

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I am doing fine, thanks for asking.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

A good friend of mine who was a natural, but sadly, ended up with about 7 kids by different women, recently released from a two year stint in prison for selling x-pills doing janitorial work.
He was smart as a whip too, unfortunately, he didn't use his powers productively.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I'm gonna tell my stories:

- A guy who I knew in school, was a very good looking guy who got pussy easily while I was in a pussy famine because my lack of game and self-steem issues who doomed my teens. Recently, my sister saw a photo of him in Facebook and she told me "X guy has gone downhill, his face is very ugly and he lools like an average joe". TL;DR: The guy hit the wall at 10 mach.
- One of my friends who isn't good looking but is very successful with girls and his career, has become extremely fat due to his binge drinking. When I log into my facebook I usually see posts by him with obvious conventional wisdom (thanks to the bad girls I'm an asshole and many other related craptastic quotes)
- A guy who I knew in school who was fairly successful with girls, married a few years ago with a cutie 7.5 girl and has a beautiful cutie daughter with her.

Fortunately for them, they have stable jobs and they aren't having a miserable existence, but unfortunately for them, the game is over.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (08-16-2014 09:39 AM)Engineer Wrote:  


I love to read stuff like this. Guys realizing their potential.
[Image: banana.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

The only alpha I know was in high school. Among the best of the high school at basketball, bullied everyone he wanted to, etc. Now he's married, he has a daughter and he became totally the opposite of what he was in high school: he became a very religious guy.

Make Romania Great Again

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (08-16-2014 11:18 AM)Ensam Wrote:  

Quote: (08-16-2014 10:57 AM)Heathree Wrote:  

I am not sure if characteristics remain constant throughout every single person's life. Chances are some of these alphas have become ordinary everyday guys while a few of the school yard nerds have become the alpha dog. Not in the sense of Bill Gates.

I think that's a fairly common arc. People who enjoy success early in life often times become complacent and lose the eye of the tiger later on. People who struggle to find success witness the rise and fall of others and are more likely to stay vigilant if they should ever find themselves on top.

From what I can see around me, this does hold true. The majority of alphas from my elementary and high school day are now train wrecks. They're actually very much like women in this regard - they reached their peak in early to mid 20s, and went downhill from then on.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (06-07-2016 10:53 PM)DrCotard Wrote:  

I'm gonna tell my stories:

- A guy who I knew in school, was a very good looking guy who got pussy easily while I was in a pussy famine because my lack of game and self-steem issues who doomed my teens. Recently, my sister saw a photo of him in Facebook and she told me "X guy has gone downhill, his face is very ugly and he lools like an average joe". TL;DR: The guy hit the wall at 10 mach.
- One of my friends who isn't good looking but is very successful with girls and his career, has become extremely fat due to his binge drinking. When I log into my facebook I usually see posts by him with obvious conventional wisdom (thanks to the bad girls I'm an asshole and many other related craptastic quotes)
- A guy who I knew in school who was fairly successful with girls, married a few years ago with a cutie 7.5 girl and has a beautiful cutie daughter with her.

Fortunately for them, they have stable jobs and they aren't having a miserable existence, but unfortunately for them, the game is over.

I just had to add that I read this article that confirmed what we were all thinking as early as junior high: the kids who went out of their way to do outlandish shit and get sociall rewarded for it don't do so well later in life.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I knew a guy in high school who was pretty alpha. He was short, but aside that he had everything going for him: he was in great shape, always in like 4 different sports and martial arts, and he was charismatic as fuck. He always had a good looking girl, and he didn't bend over backwards for them. He was a pretty good guitarist too, and he was in a band. I admired this guy a lot. Still do, really. You don't see that level of drive in many grown men, so seeing it in a high school kid is pretty impressive.

Dude never got into drugs or anything. I see him once in a while and he looks the same as he's always been. His big failure that I knew of was that he bet on his band getting big rather than a trade or career. And to be fair, guy did get to tour Europe opening for another band. From the outside, it looked like they fell a few steps short of being great. The guy who wanted to produce them kept disappearing or having other things come up for like seven or eight years straight, he'd tell me about big shows they were supposed to play falling through, stuff like that.

From what I know, he's kind of drifting now. Moved back in with his parents, and he's sort of rejected the guys he used to hang out with. I asked a few of them if they've talked to him and they said no. I've messaged him on FB once or twice over the last year, and he's never replied. Who knows.

Honestly it's kind of sad to me. Guy was pretty smart, had a shitload of drive and energy, and he was a good friend from 15-18. We're still both in our 20s, so it's not like he can't go to trade school or learn programming or whatever.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Similar experiences to what others are saying. All the alpha's I knew peaked at 18 and now at 40, look like shit and are married to their high school girls, have three kids and work in factories.

We just had our twenty year reunion and the same bitches that ignored me in school were all flirting with me -- standing right next to their husbands -- all guys I admired in school. One chick even said "You're my age and look younger than my son."

Where you start out isn't where you end up.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I saw one of them on Tinder when I arrived in town. She didn't say a word to me so I'm sure she seen my profile and knew I had seen her.

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” (1 Timothy 2:12)

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I think my story is a pretty typical. My popular/attractive/alpha friends in highschool are now all dead-enders wasting their days in awful relationships with ugly ass girls who don't respect them. None of them are making a lot of money or crushing any ass. To contrast, I'm making good money, toured in a metal band, moved across the country, and have been slaying fresh gash on the regular. I was the less popular/attractive/alpha one in my clique when I was a teenager.

I too agree it's a common story that the highschool alphas never amount to much more than that - more specifically the badboy types. Girls love that dangerous wrong-side-of-the-tracks scumbag that their dad wouldn't approve of vibe when they are young, but boys like that tend to come from a certain environment that is not conducive to success. Those kinds of kids end up staying druggie losers working dead end jobs forever and eventually knock up some gross bitch that they are at least financially stuck to forever.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Makes a guy wonder how to raise a son to be alpha.
Like how rich dads try to turn his business into a dynasty

Give the youth too much luxury and they don't turn out right.


Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

It's very common for so called high school alphas that they turn into weak bitches once they're put out of their natural environment.

What most of them have in common is situational confidence aka feeling all cool and tough in a certain environment that provides them a lot of external validation which fuels their charisma further. This is the reason why they tend to downgrade fast once the school/college period is over. Their buddies become busy or leave, status resets to zero, life situation changes, power dynamics change and they find it tough to adapt to new world and start as an underdog where they have to prove they're the shit from scratch.

Beside that aging plays big role too Because their confidence is externally validated, they get pounded that the best times are over and now it's time for "real life" which should consist of what society tells them, they get lazy, complacent and bored [and boring themselves] with life in general which accelerates the overall downgrade.

Very interesting question arises.. if survival of the fittest is true and alphas by definition are the ones that are the fittest among tribes then why they usually can't adapt the same way to different environment once they change it? Are they really alphas or are they just a natural byproduct of conducive conditions?

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Don't you dare question the alpha hypothesis! Lol


Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

^^ the alpha-beta thing is definitely dependent on environment.

In South East Asia it's a challenge finding a man taller than me. In NYC I feel like just another guy.

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