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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Cops breaking Smartphones


My guess is that in the near future Macron will try to establish an authoritarian regime.

Paris Yellow Vests

It certainly doesn't seem over yet.

The media and the governments are doubling down on propaganda saying the movement is fizzling out and that there are much fewer protestors. The backlash from the GJ has been enormous.

It gets more interesting when even YouTubers and influencers are speaking out for the GJ denouncing the blatant lies from the government responses.
This guy uploaded this yesterday and it already has 125k views on YT, and much more views on Facebook. You can watch with auto-generated subtitles. He's pretty mad at the whole lying to your face thing and he's confirming that the movement is actually getting stronger. He's calling for support for the final push.

The police blocked most of the main routes to Paris so as to make it looked like the movement lost steams, but the GJ are getting creative. Lots of people are calling for rallies even during Christmas, saying things like "Christmas is every year but now we get our only chance to make things better for our children"

If they manage to do something for Xmas then that would be a huge message to everyone, at which point the government simply wont be able to play the attrition war anymore.

This is getting more interesting everyday and if you follow the timeline of May 68, which this movement has been compared to, then we are soon reaching the climax after 3 weeks. The stake is the end of year's celebrations. A country in tatters during this period is a social and political disaster for any government. If the GJ can succeed then as history shows you can expect no less than the Elysee being emptied with everyone fleeing for themselves.

If it goes to that point all will depend on whether or not Macron has support from the army, which was a real kicker for De Gaulle back in the day. Obviously De Gaulle was a president-general so naturally the army supports him. Macron is anything but that, but the French army now is no longer what it was in 68.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Paris Yellow Vests

I too saw that propaganda push in the MSM about it cooling down. The first casualty in war is the truth.

Paris Yellow Vests

I saw this 11/16/18 video in the Migrant Invasion Europe thread:

Bottom line is Europeans aren't as pussified as us Americans would like to believe. Pigeon brings up topics like German military plotting to attack politicians and migrants and a French politician admitting civil war may be imminent. Italy may cause the EU to collapse by refusing to bow down to Brussels.

Let's cross this with Vox Day's theory that the Yellow Vest movement may end the EU, Putin's aggression, and civil war threads scattered throughout the forum. I think it's very safe to say the EU is on the ropes.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-16-2018 10:01 PM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  

Italy may cause the EU to collapse by refusing to bow down to Brussels.

Anyone who believes this nonsense idea has no idea how Italians have always done business.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-16-2018 10:01 PM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  

I saw this 11/16/18 video in the Migrant Invasion Europe thread:

Bottom line is Europeans aren't as pussified as us Americans would like to believe. Pigeon brings up topics like German military plotting to attack politicians and migrants and a French politician admitting civil war may be imminent. Italy may cause the EU to collapse by refusing to bow down to Brussels.

Let's cross this with Vox Day's theory that the Yellow Vest movement may end the EU, Putin's aggression, and civil war threads scattered throughout the forum. I think it's very safe to say the EU is on the ropes.

Germany is cucked, they've been completely NPCd by holocaust indoctrination. No other people on earth would tolerate that their leader admonish a lieutenant from their party for waving the country's flag on the main stage, Germans and other northern Europeans are hopeless. Their high-trust upstanding protestant values have been turned against them. Pigeon dude is at best a naive tourist on this subject, but more likely at a deeper level a hater of Germany, due to his tribal affiliations.

Germany doesn't need right wing death squads, it need a cultural breakthrough that will remove or at least ease off the mental shackles of the fake WW2 narrative that they have been force fed for generations. (((Black pigeon))) touches upon this, without going too deep though. If anything, the notion of right wing death squads is a formula that has been used by the deep state to undermine their opponents in West Germany and throughout western Europe in the 1970s-80s.

France is not like Germany, outside of the "blue state" bobo constituency in the big city centers, which is smaller than their equivalents in the US or Canada, we have a strong cultural "Gaulois" streak, a persistent national identity. People won't be herded like sheep.

The key for the Gilet Jaunes win is to break through the left-right divide, making sure the leftists understand that we have the same enemies, and to recruit enough support among assimilated 2nd gen immigrants to completely neutralize the Socialists/Macronist intrumentalization of established Africans. A left-right civil war, or a hot ethnic warfare with citizens of African descent is a losing strategy. That's why it's being pushed.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

excellent facebook page on what is happening all over France

Paris Yellow Vests

There are reports that the Belgian Prime Minister has stood down tonight as a result of the yellow jackets' actions in Brussels.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-18-2018 05:01 PM)Praetor Lupus Wrote:  

There are reports that the Belgian Prime Minister has stood down tonight as a result of the yellow jackets' actions in Brussels.

Those reports are wrong. He is stepping down over the UN immigration pact, which caused the biggest party (central right) to leave the government. The PM then tried to look for support with opposition left parties to form a majority government, but they denied him, causing him to offer to resign to the king.

Either way, elections will be next year and in Belgium it doesn't really matter if there is a government or not.

Paris Yellow Vests

The European governments will fail in quashing the Yellow Vest movement because too many people in Europe are now aware of the dirty tricks that they (and their lackeys) are pulling to stifle dissent. It is spreading to other countries and there is nothing they can do about it. They should have listened to their constituents instead of putting their mouths on the (((circumcised))) member for their 30 pieces of silver.

Paris Yellow Vests

Time for the 'gilets blues'? Exhausted French police to protest better working conditions


First, it was the gilets jaunes (yellow vest), now it's time for the gilets bleus (blue vest) protest.

After five weeks of violent demonstrations, French police say they're exhausted, overworked and underpaid, and will be protesting this week to demand better compensation and working conditions.

Police unions in France have repeatedly complained about fatigue in recent years and the gilets jaunes' month-long protests have pushed the force to a breaking point.

On Wednesday, police across France will hit the streets, calling themselves "les gilets bleus".

On social media, police union Alliance, are calling the protest "Act 1", using the same naming convention given by the gilets jaunes movement.

On his Twitter account, Alliance speaks of "disdain" for the Minister of the Interior:
Police union bosses are encouraging lawmakers to vote down the upcoming 2019 police budget (€62 million) this week in the French senate, that will see cuts across the force and many fear working conditions would deteriorate, if approved.

At a time when police security has been stretched thin – with protests, terrorism and the migrant crisis - police unions say they are in need of more money, not less, to be able to properly pay staff and afford new recruits.

Rocco Contento, representative for the Paris Unité-SGP police union, told Franceinfo that his colleagues had been stretched to their limits.

“Police resources are not inexhaustible. We were practically at our maximum - 89,000 members of the armed forces throughout France (out of 100,000)… We can’t do any more,” he said, when asked why smaller cities outside of Paris and Lyon such as St. Etienne received less police protection.

Another union, UNSA police, said its members only would provide minimum services Tuesday and asked for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. The union asked the government earlier this month for payment of overtime hours officers put in work quelling the protests.

"Police are not doing well and nobody is listening," Frederic Lagache, of the Alliance union, said.

Alliance is encouraging police forces to stay inside their stations on Wednesday and only to respond to emergency calls.

Paris Yellow Vests

So they mind overtime, but they don't mind imported thugs and terrorists assaulting them with impunity... or maybe they do, only like with GJ it's not a safe thing to protest?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Paris Yellow Vests


I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

Paris Yellow Vests

I watched the interview with the police spokesman. Im surprised it got aired at all. He s saying the government is panicking. The police is the last line of defense and they have had enough. Some of them have to buy their own armor and protection since the gov stopped paying for it. And they have seen the pure hatred in the eyes of protesters. Note that this has been going on since 2016.

The backlash from the people is not good. Most GJ despised the police and said that they would not accept help nor help the police in their own protests. They are calling police the government s whores and other names, insulting them for betraying the people and now trying to seek succour. There probably wont be a gj-police alliance, and this might even add to the disorder, which might or might not be a good thing.

Would be interesting to see if the police go on strike. Its legally forbidden for police to go on strike so if they do so it will be the last straw. Depending on how many going on strike, this will simply mean this Saturday will be a disaster. The chief of police already said that without them Elysees would be sacked. Sacked.

If that's the case we're going to the next defcon and martial law will be declared. Again.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Paris Yellow Vests

So say Macron resigns. Who gets elected?

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 06:22 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

I watched the interview with the police spokesman. Im surprised it got aired at all. He s saying the government is panicking. The police is the last line of defense and they have had enough. Some of them have to buy their own armor and protection since the gov stopped paying for it. And they have seen the pure hatred in the eyes of protesters. Note that this has been going on since 2016.

The backlash from the people is not good. Most GJ despised the police and said that they would not accept help nor help the police in their own protests. They are calling police the government s whores and other names, insulting them for betraying the people and now trying to seek succour. There probably wont be a gj-police alliance, and this might even add to the disorder, which might or might not be a good thing.

Would be interesting to see if the police go on strike. Its legally forbidden for police to go on strike so if they do so it will be the last straw. Depending on how many going on strike, this will simply mean this Saturday will be a disaster. The chief of police already said that without them Elysees would be sacked. Sacked.

If that's the case we're going to the next defcon and martial law will be declared. Again.

Lets see if these cops deliver or not.
A strike and street chaos just before (or on) Christmas would be perfect timing.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 06:39 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

So say Macron resigns. Who gets elected?

Doesnt work like that. If the head of state resigns or dies, the President of the Senate becomes the acting head of state until a "proper" election could be held. I dont know much about the current Senate president, maybe Montrose or Going Strong can chime in.

Though now that the people know the elections gave them this mess, there might be calls for the entire system to be reworked, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's see if the police goes on strike this Saturday, and if yes, whether or not the footage can be disseminated to the people since media is sure gonna play it down.

If words got out that Paris is more or less undefended, the GJ will get a big morale boost. I'm more concerned of the migrants population taking advantage of the no police situation.

Guess it really sucks to be police nowadays. You are hated by your very own people and the migrants population, and the guys paying you dont give a shit. But they cant play the "just following orders" anymore. It's already a bit late since the damage has been done to the people so they can't expect lots of leniency there, but if they don't repent now, and if the people wins, then they can expect to be treated with extreme prejudice like after WW2.

UPDATE: apparently the Interior Minister received the delegation for the Police yesterday. This is not good because 100% sure they made a shit ton of promise so that the police will still be working this Saturday with no strike.

The spokeperson for the police said, if they dont get what they wanted, they will "raise the tone" of the discussions, but given how gullible the police is, they will fall for this stalling trap. Doesnt really matter, it will just worsen their already terrible reputation with the people.

In other news, Macron has promised to punish retired French army generals who accused him of treason for signing the Marrakech treaty. This needs to be heard by the people so they know the government is cracking down hard.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 06:39 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

So say Macron resigns. Who gets elected?

Dalaran is right, the president of the Senate assumes power in the interim. This has happened twice recently, in 1974 after Pompidou died, and a few years before that after de Gaulle resigned. There is a bit of a grey zone because technically, the prime minister is #2, but in this case the PM is Edouard Philippe, a minnow sidekick of little stature or credibility, so if Macron resigns his whole cabinet will crater with him.

I think the GJ movement will keep growing. It's going to take a few dozen if not hundreds of martyrs in a steady, peaceful nationwide protest to bring Macron down by shaking up the country's consciousness and forcing a significant faction of the army and police force to defect. The GJs have to make their presence felt without hurting the average french citizen, if they can keep their support then they will prevail.

Macron is going to run a tightline of increasing repression while stopping short of lethal force, and going all out with censorship, arresting key figures like Soral and Ryssen and clamping down on social media.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

The french deserve credit for how long this yellow vest protest has gone already. It shows some balls that the conformist germans and swedes in particular lack.

Paris Yellow Vests

E. Michael Jones, who has lived in Germany for a long time, is more optimistic about Germany. In his recent appearance on Tim Kelly's podcast, EMJ was surprised at how his formerly NPCd German friends have been getting red pilled. One of them has described Merkel's open borders implementation of the Kalergi Plan as "a Jewish final solution for the German people".

EMJ also called out the German Catholic clergy for treason. Here's the hour long podcast link:

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 09:16 PM)911 Wrote:  

E. Michael Jones, who has lived in Germany for a long time, is more optimistic about Germany. In his recent appearance on Tim Kelly's podcast, EMJ was surprised at how his formerly NPCd German friends have been getting red pilled. One of them has described Merkel's open borders implementation of the Kalergi Plan as "a Jewish final solution for the German people".

EMJ also called out the German Catholic clergy for treason. Here's the hour long podcast link:

I hope you're right 911. It saddens me to meet Germans who seemed to be so ashamed of their country, despite its rich history. You should see how happy many Germans get during the World Cup, when they can finally be "allowed" to have some pride in themselves and in their great country, by display their flag and flag colors.

I don't want to derail the thread, but look at this shit I'm posting below. It's disgusting, absolutely disgusting what has happened to Germany. This bitch throws the German flag to the side, while the Turkish flag flies high in many German cities by 2nd or 3rd generation Turks who still identify first and foremost as Turks.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

That's one thing I'll give the French, those are some proud mother fuckers. Can you imagine if a French politician pushed away the French flag in public? They'de be marched to the guillotine, no doubt.

Paris Yellow Vests

That STASI bitch, hope she pays for her treason!

I spent some time as a young teen in small town Hessen and have great memories of the people I've met there. Great people, great country, tremendous cultural gift to the world, may Germany live forever.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 10:07 PM)911 Wrote:  

That STASI bitch, hope she pays for her treason!

I spent some time as a young teen in small town Hessen and have great memories of the people I've met there. Great people, great country, tremendous cultural gift to the world, may Germany live forever.

Indeed. I don't have as much experience in Germany as you do as I've never actually lived there. But, with my time spent in the country as well as meeting Germans when I travel, I can say that the German girls have always treated me well and the German men have always been quick to extend their hands in friendship and treat me like one of the group, even if I was the only American in the group.

A great group of people, tremendous group of people really. I just wish they could see it for themselves.

Paris Yellow Vests

If Macron resigns, the president of the Senate (Larcher, conservative right) will take over and organize new presidential elections. According to current polls, Macron (or another centrist like Juppé) and Le Pen would go to the second round. Not sure who would win, but more likely Juppé. If a more consensual rightist/populist candidate could emerge, he would probably win (or she, if it is Marion Maréchal).

Anyway Macron will not resign. It’s not the spirit of the Constitution and he has better choices like calling another government with a ´consensual’ Prime Minister (or even a left wing populist Prime Minister, which would be a smart gambit), or dissolving the National Assembly. He will only resign for personal reasons such as depression or fear for his life (not impossible, since he’s not a real politician).

Emmanuel Todd, an anti-Macron economist, said on French TV that French security forces told Macron that they would not open fire on the crowd. Implying that Macron asked them to. I think it’s a hoax, but it’s telling.

Paris Yellow Vests

UPDATE: LOL the police is sellout, but what do ya expect?

The Interior Minister received them yesterday and agreed to a salary boost of up to 150 euros / month, which was "hailed by the police unions". They have announced that they are pleased with the negociations and will call off most of the strikes.

I hope that was fake news/propaganda but I highly doubt it. As said before the police in France is pretty rigid in their thinking and most of them are very gullible in their professional beliefs. They are also used to suppressing the populace unlike their Anglo Saxon counterparts, so there's a certain elements of hatred towards the people there.

Disappointing, but expected. The people will not take this well but they also didn't expect a miracle anyhow. It has always been up to the people to carry the brunt of revolutionary work. The police has never sided en masse with the people during the long history of France's social change.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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