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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

False flag in Paris in 3...2...1...

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 04:24 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

Funny how they can find 89,000 men and 12 armored vehicles to fight peaceful demonstrators, but not to occupy the ghetto, arrest criminals, deport illegals, dismantle the drug trade and other trafficking, and seize automatic weapons. The police would be more than happy to do it.

This is an ideal time to drop nuclear red/black pills on normies [Image: lol.gif]

"So how can they mobilise like this for 1 guy when theres much worse going on?"

They can put all the police and military on the street, the civilian brigade would outnumber them several thousand to one. It would be on them to see if they have the balls to hurt that many people.

Paris Yellow Vests

We can expect the following media tricks the Deep State Chosen Ones:

1.) Place a Jew at the head of the Yellow Vest movement.

Example: According to Valjean Shekelberg, leader of the Yellow Vest movement, "The French people need money, because money is good. Also, the Yellow Vest movement is in full support of the current Migration treaty. I repeat...full support!!!

2.) Promote the idea that the Yellow Vest movement is an international one (thereby obfuscating the protest in France).

Example: Chaim Cohen, head writer for the New York Times, has written a salient article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement Actually Originated in Algeria as a Protest Against White Colonialism"

3.) Link the Yellow Vest movement to Cultural Marxism

Example: Sheila Shekelberg, the head writer for Salon, has published an amazing article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement is Embracing 7th-Wave Feminism."

In short, the Deep State Chosen Ones will continue to promote confusion...and they won't let up until the average person believes that black is white and white is black. Also, I would not be surprised if publishing houses like Pearson are currently rewriting the history textbooks. We can expect that in five years, the Yellow Vest movement will be described as a march against white nationalism.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Paris Yellow Vests

From 4chan

[Image: YJ-62Woody.jpg]


HAPPENING: Russian ships fire missiles at the Macron regime's chemical weapons facilities

>This afternoon, the Russian Ministry of Defence announced that they have fired 826 missiles at various chemical weapons facilities belonging to the Macron Regime across France in response to recent chemical attacks by regime forces against opposition-held areas in Paris.

In a press conference, President Putin said that these attacks by 'animal Macron' could not go unpunished and that Russia was closely following developments. He also stated that a long term solution to the French Civil War couldn't be achieved without the end of Macron's Regime.

Many voices in Russia have called for a military intervention to overthrow the regime, which Putin hasn't ruled out. Putin also warned Germany against supporting the murderous French Regime in its war against its own people. French Dictator Macron has denied allegations of chemical attacks against rebel-held areas. Syria has threatened to deploy its intercontinental barrel bombs if chemical attacks by the Macron regime continue and Iran says it will also strike. This is a developing story.

Paris Yellow Vests

[Image: 1544315531346.png]

Paris Yellow Vests

Why is this Cherif guy still not apprehended? Seems very unlikely that he`s able to stay hidden or escape as a single individual with half of France looking for him.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Paris Yellow Vests

It has taken 125 days to capture the coward terrorist Salah Abdeslam.

He was hiden in Belgium, in the city of Molenbeek.


On 16 April, the Interior Minister of Belgium, Jan Jambon, stated that protesters "threw stones and bottles at police and press" during Abdeslam's arrest.

When the percentage of muslim is high in the population, it's easy for the jihadists to hide and find a lot of support.

The lack of control on the EU borders doesn't help too.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 03:11 PM)balybary Wrote:  

It has taken 125 days to capture the coward terrorist Salah Abdeslam.

He was hiden in Belgium, in the city of Molenbeek.


On 16 April, the Interior Minister of Belgium, Jan Jambon, stated that protesters "threw stones and bottles at police and press" during Abdeslam's arrest.

When the percentage of muslim is high in the population, it's easy for the jihadists to hide and find a lot of support.

The lack of control on the EU borders doesn't help too.

He was an alleged (later confirmed) accomplice. This is very different. The police had this guy surrounded in a very small area.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 01:03 PM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

Example: Chaim Cohen, head writer for the New York Times, has written a salient article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement Actually Originated in Algeria as a Protest Against White Colonialism"

3.) Link the Yellow Vest movement to Cultural Marxism

Example: Sheila Shekelberg, the head writer for Salon, has published an amazing article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement is Embracing 7th-Wave Feminism."

[Image: giphy.gif]

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 01:03 PM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

We can expect the following media tricks the Deep State Chosen Ones:

1.) Place a Jew at the head of the Yellow Vest movement.

Example: According to Valjean Shekelberg, leader of the Yellow Vest movement, "The French people need money, because money is good. Also, the Yellow Vest movement is in full support of the current Migration treaty. I repeat...full support!!!

2.) Promote the idea that the Yellow Vest movement is an international one (thereby obfuscating the protest in France).

Example: Chaim Cohen, head writer for the New York Times, has written a salient article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement Actually Originated in Algeria as a Protest Against White Colonialism"

3.) Link the Yellow Vest movement to Cultural Marxism

Example: Sheila Shekelberg, the head writer for Salon, has published an amazing article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement is Embracing 7th-Wave Feminism."

In short, the Deep State Chosen Ones will continue to promote confusion...and they won't let up until the average person believes that black is white and white is black. Also, I would not be surprised if publishing houses like Pearson are currently rewriting the history textbooks. We can expect that in five years, the Yellow Vest movement will be described as a march against white nationalism.

Don't forget 4) The Yellow Vest movement is economic, not nationalistic in nature, and the end result will be to get the left and right to be at each other's throats and the (((usual suspects))) and the elitist traitors laugh it up over coke, caviar, crookery and cannibalism!

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 09:45 PM)PharaohRa Wrote:  

Quote: (12-12-2018 01:03 PM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

We can expect the following media tricks the Deep State Chosen Ones:

1.) Place a Jew at the head of the Yellow Vest movement.

Example: According to Valjean Shekelberg, leader of the Yellow Vest movement, "The French people need money, because money is good. Also, the Yellow Vest movement is in full support of the current Migration treaty. I repeat...full support!!!

2.) Promote the idea that the Yellow Vest movement is an international one (thereby obfuscating the protest in France).

Example: Chaim Cohen, head writer for the New York Times, has written a salient article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement Actually Originated in Algeria as a Protest Against White Colonialism"

3.) Link the Yellow Vest movement to Cultural Marxism

Example: Sheila Shekelberg, the head writer for Salon, has published an amazing article: "How the Yellow Vest Movement is Embracing 7th-Wave Feminism."

In short, the Deep State Chosen Ones will continue to promote confusion...and they won't let up until the average person believes that black is white and white is black. Also, I would not be surprised if publishing houses like Pearson are currently rewriting the history textbooks. We can expect that in five years, the Yellow Vest movement will be described as a march against white nationalism.

Don't forget 4) The Yellow Vest movement is economic, not nationalistic in nature, and the end result will be to get the left and right to be at each other's throats and the (((usual suspects))) and the elitist traitors laugh it up over coke, caviar, crookery and cannibalism!

(1) is not quite correct, usually it's a goy, or at least a crypto-alien that gets to lead the goyim.

Here's your designated goy, on the cover of French soyboys favorite mag (owned by globo-homo Lazard banksters):

[Image: 768x1036couv_1201-cd9fa.jpg]

(3) is spot on, there has been a small gathering of leftie SJW women angry at being male gazed at that kind of crap, and leftie cuck Melenchon claiming that all revolts everywhere are started by womyn and are ultimately about womyn's causes.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Some serious irregularities are emerging about the Strasbourg jihadi:

(auto-translate available)

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

The people's reactions to the attacks is pretty woke. Lots of them are calling false flag. They aren't easily deceived.

There are still lots of calls for an Act 5 this Saturday, though fewer than last week. Hopefully this is due to people waking up and organizing off of Facebook.

Incredibly hard to judge the tension without being one GJ myself. Media downplay the movement a lot and all focuses on the Strasbourg attack at the moment. That doesn't mean the movement is losing steam.

Some traitors among the GJ ranks who are calling for the movement to stop are getting denounced pretty quickly. They seem to be pretty determined. I believe in a way this is pretty much the standard political status quo: either you are for the GJ or you are not, and those who are with them recognize Macron's proposal for what it is. They wont back down. The rest are the upper middle class like ourselves who live comfortable enough to not be able to go protest and will be squeezed to death for any measures the government will take. These are the public that the GJ will have to draw support from, however history is rarely made by these armchair-sitters.

They are getting more organized and calling to avoid Paris, instead blocking important ports and refineries. On one hand the disorganized nature of the GJ means it's hard to counter, on the other it also makes it difficult to organize any meaningful resistance. If they can coordinate with the general industrial workers, who usually have very strong union, to organize a general strike on all the big ports/industrial centers, France is pretty much bye bye especially this big period of pre-Christmas.

Some are smarter and calling for the movements to shift to Bruxelles where the real decisions are made, recognizing Macron for the puppet he is.

It's getting more and more interesting and I'm running short on popcorn. Might as well stock up on water and provisions while at it.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 03:02 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Why is this Cherif guy still not apprehended? Seems very unlikely that he`s able to stay hidden or escape as a single individual with half of France looking for him.

From my understanding, Europeans don't shoot to kill terrorist because of MUH HUMAN RIGHTS unless they're an immediate threat. Instead they chose to detain them, have the terrorist ridicule them in their court system and then become further radicalized in jail.

Paris Yellow Vests


How Macron gave Italian populists a boost


Europe's best friend, Emmanuel Macron, handed Italian populists a helping hand by announcing a spending spree of his own.

During a 13-minute televised address to the nation on Monday night, the French president promised a minimum wage increase and tax cuts, including for low-income pensioners, in an attempt to appease the Yellow Jacket protesters. The announced measures could push France's budget-deficit-to-GDP ratio to 3.5 percent, well over the EU's 3 percent ceiling, according to an anonymous government source quoted by French daily Les Echos.

Because of those very same rules, Italy faces the prospect of the European Commission launching against it an excessive deficit procedure (EDP) based on Rome's exorbitant public debt. The country's populist government had announced that it would be increasing the budget deficit to 2.4 percent of GDP to fund election promises such as a basic income for all and a pensions overhaul.

"But but but, Macron said he's cutting taxes and increasing public spending ... does [Economic and Financial Affairs Commissioner Pierre] Moscovici agree?" Claudio Borghi, a top League MP and chair of the lower house's budget committee, tweeted after Macron's announcement.

During a hearing at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Monday, Moscovici said the Commission would be looking at the French plans very closely. He also noted that the situation was different to Italy's.

However, it would be a lot more complicated for the Commission to press on with its plans to punish Rome for its extra spending while sparing France. Macron's potential EU rules breach will also prove harmful for the ongoing negotiations on a eurozone budget, which France has spearheaded.

"Europe is facing a deep political crisis," said Tiziana Beghin, a 5Star Movement MEP. "We'll see how Macron's promises will be implemented, but one thing is certain: We will not accept that there are first-class and second-class citizens in Europe." Italy would not accept a discretionary application of EU rules, Beghin added.

The 5Stars have been among the most vocal supporters of the Yellow Jackets, which they see as a movement against the EU's elites and fiscal rules. "The French protesters' demands are exactly what we have included in our budget law," said 5Star leader and Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio last month.

Speaking before the Italian parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said he would head to Strasbourg on Wednesday to explain why Italy was forced to review its previous commitments and increase public spending. "Italians voted to end policies that have impoverished citizens," Conte said.

The prime minister explained that while respecting EU rules, the government's main duty is to urgently address the needs of Italy's poorest citizens. Conte has been engaged in negotiations with the League's Matteo Salvini and Di Maio to lower the planned deficit to avoid the EDP.

But for now, Macron's moves have further emboldened the Italian populists.

"Obviously, Macron's speech helps us and will force the Commission, especially the French commissioner, to think twice before sanctioning us ... even the most liberal, elitist, establishment-friendly leader in Europe must perform a U-turn when the people demand so," one government official in Rome said.


Paris Yellow Vests

France - November 2015: a group of muslim terrorists kills 130 peoples, 413 wounded. Reasonable question: Should the government slow down the massive migration from muslim countries?

Response from the dominant class: no of course not! You're such an ignorant and narrow-minded bigot to ask this!

France - December 2018: one muslim terrorist kills 3 peoples. Dubious question: Should the social protests stop because of the terrorist risk?

Response from the dominant class: yes of course! You're such an ignorant and narrow-minded bigot to ask this!

Paris Yellow Vests

Got a question(s) for the knowledgeable posters based in France right now, what's public sentiment/support like? It seems like it's largely been white men, from different political backgrounds (right/left), working together fed up. What's the public sentiment among women susceptible to Fake News and social media feels? What about other groups of French citizens and immigrants?

Can we expect if this continues and goes on, for the Gendarmerie or PN to stand down against their own citizens?

Hell if it goes full blown SHTF, do they bring in la Légion étrangère to fuck up their own citizens?

Just curious thoughts came up during a morning run.

Paris Yellow Vests

Well they shot and killed this Cherif guy. Convenient that he`s not able to make any statements. Also the French authorities are asking for no protests this weekend due to the terrorist act. What a joke! Hope the GJ ignores that.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Paris Yellow Vests

We need to be careful celebratng these events. Soros put this all in motion a few years ago by funding the migrants. This is part of his plan. Where it leads and why I don't know except Soros does not have our best interests in mind

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-13-2018 12:27 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

Got a question(s) for the knowledgeable posters based in France right now, what's public sentiment/support like? It seems like it's largely been white men, from different political backgrounds (right/left), working together fed up. What's the public sentiment among women susceptible to Fake News and social media feels? What about other groups of French citizens and immigrants?

Can we expect if this continues and goes on, for the Gendarmerie or PN to stand down against their own citizens?

Hell if it goes full blown SHTF, do they bring in la Légion étrangère to fuck up their own citizens?

Just curious thoughts came up during a morning run.

I would like to know this myself but being in Paris means it's extremely hard to judge. As Montrose said Paris is overwhelmingly Macronist, I've not met one person who fully support the movement.

If social media is anything to go by this is largely a patriotic French movement, with the most majority being white French men and women.
For the women it's very simple: as always they will follow what their men do, or rather, what people around them do. The type of girls who believe in fake news is also the type who would go protest because her friends tweeted it so. In lots of video/images you can see the women being very enthusiastic and determined, though of course the most outspoken voices are from men but women's support in social media is strong. Another factor to consider is their purchasing power. Most of the GJ women are working married women who barely make ends meet and got fed up. Others are those who have seen their fortune dwindle every year and finally snap when they can't buy gifts for themselves and their families.

Note that in France the credit culture is not strong as in the USA so people cant borrow money to buy shit (which is a great thing)

As for the other immigrant groups, you can reliably trust that most of them do not support the GJ, at least not in the spirit of "taking back France". Many do participate in the movements but they have their own agenda, a lot of them don't like Macron because he does represent the "rich white boy" type. Contrary to popular beliefs, Macron was voted in by the rich and the upper middle class and so far his policies (other than immigration) neither support nor penalize the welfare class. If anything he reduces the monthly welfare by a tiny bit.

The danger here is that, as Montrose stated, other migrants groups hate white French/GJ and this tension has long existed and barely kept in check. If they are organized enough (most often not, but all it takes is one guy to rally the other savages) they can decide to take advantage of the public disorder to go full on looting/mayhem, and these dudes got weapons and mortar. Its not unlikely that the government might even provoke such action (Strasbourg) to use it as casus belli to declare martial law and go full dictator.

Same thing with the Gendarme. I work out in their gyms, most of them are right-leaning and upstanding guys but make no mistake, they have their orders and they are more public order-oriented, not revolution-minded. They live very comfortably in good apartments with no rent, lots of benefits and a healthy salary, so its in their best interest that France remains stable.

You already saw vids of what they did. They left the looters free to loot and damage and get caught on camera so as to discredit the GJ, while they full on charge peaceful protesters. These guys are soldiers, their job is to keep the street clear and they will beat their own people up if they have to. Whether they like it or not it's a different story.

As of the Legion most of them are deployed in foreign war so there aren't even that many at home, but it will never get to the point where they would have to be deployed. I believe you guys still are dreaming for the civil war but the French have no stomach for war, especially against their own people. This is not 1789 where people are dying of hunger. More like they feel a bit cold and get mad they can't turn on the heater, meanwhile Mongolian children are playing in subzero degree. This movement is like a girl throwing a tantrum and smashing thing because you are telling her she cant buy that 5000e pocketbook, but if the government brings down the pimp hand hard (read: police raids and brutality, martial law etc) then she will quietly shut up and go cry in a corner.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Paris Yellow Vests

^^^^halfway to Mongoloia is far enough for millions in France, this is not a flash in the pan.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Progressives riot for their insane demands to be met.
The lower class riots for more welfare.
The middle class riots essentially only for the future of their kids.

I wouldn't write off their commitment so easily.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Paris Yellow Vests

Has Marine Le Pen chimed in on the Yellow Vests yet?
I'd really like to know her thoughts on the matter as it develops, as well as her thoughts on Macron's speech

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Paris Yellow Vests

Marine Le Pen has expressed sympathy with the Yellow Vests but not outright support. She has called for moderation and warned against violent insurrection. She doesn’t recommmend demonstrations tomorrow. Unlike her niece Marion Maréchal, she hasn’t personally joined the demonstrations or donned a yellow vest. Her party has largely benefited from the yellow vest movement, she’s now far above Macron in opinion polls for the European parliament elections next year.

Predictably she finds Macron’s measures are good but not enough. She says the whole system of ´savage globalism’ is contested.

Paris Yellow Vests

We will see how Act V pans out this Saturday. The groups who say they are doing it seems quite determine. The media is downplaying their efforts and playing smoke and mirror with the Stras attack, hailing the police as heroes for successfully taking down that Cheriff guy. The sold out Castaner leverages this to justify police using hard measures if anything is to happen this Saturday.

Since they have gone that far I dont put it past them to plant infiltrators inside the GJ who will try to shoot the police and pin it on the GJ or something similar. They would then be justified to go all out on the GJ, but the danger of course is that if the people find out (and the GJ has proven to be extremely resourceful in intelligence gathering. These are your white middle class workers with some high IQ STEM people) then that would be civil war yeah.

Currently they are banning all riots or marches in Stras due to the attacks. There's a big UN headquarter in Stras so that's a strategic choice.

Public seems to be calling for a stop to all this due to the attack, but this might just be propaganda from the media.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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