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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Dime bait it’s the same for me. I’ve had 6 +1s in the last 17 days. Best streak ever. All came from bumble and tinder. I don’t know maybe it’s the time of the year. I send the same canned openers, responses, then follow up with logistics like clockwork.

Basketbounce my openers are all from the tinder thread, there’s so much gold there.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I need to brush up on some openers for the Spring, but at the same time if it ain't broke why fix it?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-15-2019 07:24 PM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

Man, I really would love to hear some more talk about texting game. I’ve tried going the whole nine yards via Tinder, and it has only netted me one bang on Tinder out of over a hundred matches. And she wasn’t even good looking!

I don’t even bother texting girls for anything outside of logistics. my current model is to send a gif or a pic of food to spike her emotions. wait for her response, then ask when she is free.

i personally feel that i have lost more girls from over-texting than under texting. YaReally’s Archive is undoubtedly a gold mine, but perhaps on this particular facet of game, I find myself stumped. I’ve tried writing emotionally picturesque texts, it only seems to work on girls post-bang for me, not pre-bang.

@TDK, as long as you aren’t dressed weirdly or have some facial deformity, the stares are probably IOIs. Chat some of these ladies up, they may be open to an instadate. If the guys staring at you seem cool, perhaps say what’s up and make some new friends. You might get invited to a cool party at a new spot, you never know.

As Distant Light once said, cold approach is simply a tool...

Another day, another recommendation to check out Sourcecode's Tinder datasheet.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Heres an opener to try (in person at a club. I don't day game or do online stuff)

*said in a slow, steady, deep voice with no upward inflection. Do not ask it like a question. Do not rush it like a sperg.

"Hey. *to get attention* Do you know what your problem is?"
*smirk* "youre just too intimidating."
"Its something about your eyes. Look at your friends eyes. They are so warm and inviting. Yours are dark and mysterious. You must scare away all the boys dont you"

This one time a very handsome jacked bartender who has banged many hot women i know (he wasnt in his bar tho, had the night off) goes up to this three set of stunners and goes in with a handshake and a "hi my names bob" they shake his hand and then completely ignore him His equally handsome friend is behind him cheesing hard. After that blow off they turned away from the girls and I swoop in with the above line. Ive never seen three girls laser someone so hard before. ALL EYES were on me. The less handsome dude. The look on those guys face was hilarious. They were like wtf how did I get blown out with those girls 2 seconds ago but they like HIM.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-04-2019 10:41 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

Quote: (04-03-2019 02:44 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

How do yall handle this situation.

At a bar, say first date and/or early in the relationship (prebang) a woman that knows your girl walks up to say hi/chat. Your girl doesnt introduce you and of course the other girl doesn't acknowledge you.

The obvious first move is to cut the chick off with, hi sorry becky is rude, are you going to introduce us?

Where do you take it from there?

Try and steer the conversation or sit back and let it run its course?
Ditch the hoe and leave her with the bill like an alpha?

Leaving her with the bill isn't alpha--shit is childish--pay for yours.

I actually had this occur to me early January where a lesbian chick walked up and opened me and my date sitting at a bar (although funny to see her break every game rule we have for men opening women). She pretty much asked me and my date our names and then isolated me out of the conversation.
So I just sat there and watched for about 5 minutes before paying for my drink at the bar. Initially I wasn't sure if she was just that socially inept or a lesbian but her kino was all over the place and some bad escalation made it clear. I got up went to the water cooler got some water and them came back; put my hand on both of their shoulders and said,

"I'm headed out, I'll see y'all later" and left.'

About 7 minutes after leaving she texted me:

Her: "YOU LEFT!?!"
Me: Yup it was clear she was a lesbian and hitting on you and you seemed into the conversation so I left
Her: "I didn't even like her I was just trying to be nice!"
Me: didn't look that way. Not mad, have fun
Her: I said I was coming!!
Me: You didn't say anything after I said bye...

blah blah blah

Remember that pussy to women is attention. All moves where you open your mouth can in some way come across as needy, mate guarding, competing for a mate. To underlying thing that's happening is that the girl thinks its ok to leave you on pause like some child and she's the adult. Tugging at her skirt for attention is the worst thing you could even with high DHV.

She is attempting to set the frame: I am in charge; you will wait for me like a good little boy.
You are a man who's time is valuable and will not be disrespected. Don't say it in an easy going way.

So sit their awkwardly for a bit just to observe what happens and to give her a chance to not be a cunt.
Say your goodbye (optional) Then Bounce.
When you get that text play it cool and accuse her of the classics and give her the chance to deflect:
"you didn't even notice I was gone"
"you didn't seem that interested in me anymore"

Anything that gives her a chance to reassure you that she doesn't want to be rejected.

Bonus: I think saying goodbye is important. When I said goodbye to my date and the lesbian my date definitely said something along the lines of "I'm coming" (she took way to long but irrelevant). When she said that she said something I denied I had heard anything--now she's profusely trying to convince me she didn't mean to lose my attention.

I was over her but I suppose you can continue to game but you'd need solid frame and that of her trying to make it up to you. I would go for her cooking you dinner (or desert) at her place personally.

Quote: (04-04-2019 10:45 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

It's very similar to when a dude takes a shot at a girl while you're with her. You want to regain the upper hand, and not lose face.


Maybe I'm missing something-why didn't you just have the carpet muncher fuck off!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Game presents a problem to society at large.

There are only 2 acceptable reasons for a woman to want to have a short term or a long term relationship with you.

1) You are biologically/genetically attractive. That means your face is symmetrical and your body is fit. This is the "alpha fucks" part of the decision matrix.

2) You have resources. Either money or social status/political power.

These are the only two acceptable plays for most men.

And given that the former is essentially a lottery ticket, you are either born with it, or not - the vast majority of men put their efforts into gaining resources.

And then Game comes along.

Game teaches this basic idea.

The feelings of having something are the same as having the thing in your hand.

When a lottery ticket is sold - what's being sold is the feelings about what you would do with the money.

When an Italian Sports Car is sold to a millionaire, he's getting 0-60 in some ungodly time, but he could buy the same performance for much less money.

He's being sold something intangible. He's buying something intangible.

When a girl buys Kardashian makeup, she's not buying chemicals tested on cute animals, she's buying the FEELING of being this celebrity. If I buy the same products as her, I will have her life.

Game is fine when it comes to selling products, selling religions, selling candidates.

But when you and I chat up some unsuspecting girl, that is take it or leave it on our faces, can always do better than our high 5 figure/low 6 figure incomes - when she listens for a hot second, and starts to feel, starts to get caught up in the chat like it was a romance novel, like it was a rom-com movie, like it was the best order of McDonald's French Fries she's ever had - THAT'S A PROBLEM.

Because if she gets with me, her children won't benefit from my sub-par genes. (There are only 1%-10% of men who biology feels is 'worthy' of her ever so precious eggs, lol)...

If she gets with me, there's a good chance she won't be living in Calabasas or whatever upper class suburbs where the nanny drives the Range Rover Sport.

If I make her feel like she thinks she's gonna feel when she's with the athlete, with the CEO, - I am basically stealing from this society.

And if the rest of you bums follow my lead, and learn how to push emotional buttons, how to get the girl to cooperate for some short term fun - who would build the roads? Who would manage the food chain? Who would do any of the real work needed to keep this society together?


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-13-2019 10:15 AM)Black Caesar Wrote:  

Anyone got some good promotion strategies or tech?

I tripped and fell into a weekly DJ gig but usually only about 10-15 people are at the spot at a time. Most one week was like 80 but it was special event.

I think like 30-40 would be the sweet spot to get a good turn up (need enough people to make folks not feel akward dancing). Numbers have been going up week over week but I'm always looking for a way to accelarate things.

Back in my promoter days I'd do some kinda half off deal or free entry but this is more lounge type spot vs mega club so I'm sourcing some other ideas.

DJ promotion that i tend to see are via Instagram. You need to get popular enough that Friday (or whatever day of the week) is your dj/residency night which is popular with the locals.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-16-2019 01:04 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Game presents a problem to society at large.

There are only 2 acceptable reasons for a woman to want to have a short term or a long term relationship with you.

1) You are biologically/genetically attractive. That means your face is symmetrical and your body is fit. This is the "alpha fucks" part of the decision matrix.

2) You have resources. Either money or social status/political power.

These are the only two acceptable plays for most men.

And given that the former is essentially a lottery ticket, you are either born with it, or not - the vast majority of men put their efforts into gaining resources.

And then Game comes along.

Game teaches this basic idea.

The feelings of having something are the same as having the thing in your hand.

When a lottery ticket is sold - what's being sold is the feelings about what you would do with the money.

When an Italian Sports Car is sold to a millionaire, he's getting 0-60 in some ungodly time, but he could buy the same performance for much less money.

He's being sold something intangible. He's buying something intangible.

When a girl buys Kardashian makeup, she's not buying chemicals tested on cute animals, she's buying the FEELING of being this celebrity. If I buy the same products as her, I will have her life.

Game is fine when it comes to selling products, selling religions, selling candidates.

But when you and I chat up some unsuspecting girl, that is take it or leave it on our faces, can always do better than our high 5 figure/low 6 figure incomes - when she listens for a hot second, and starts to feel, starts to get caught up in the chat like it was a romance novel, like it was a rom-com movie, like it was the best order of McDonald's French Fries she's ever had - THAT'S A PROBLEM.

Because if she gets with me, her children won't benefit from my sub-par genes. (There are only 1%-10% of men who biology feels is 'worthy' of her ever so precious eggs, lol)...

If she gets with me, there's a good chance she won't be living in Calabasas or whatever upper class suburbs where the nanny drives the Range Rover Sport.

If I make her feel like she thinks she's gonna feel when she's with the athlete, with the CEO, - I am basically stealing from this society.

And if the rest of you bums follow my lead, and learn how to push emotional buttons, how to get the girl to cooperate for some short term fun - who would build the roads? Who would manage the food chain? Who would do any of the real work needed to keep this society together?


"What is not supposed to be my concern! First and foremost, the Good Cause, then God's cause, the cause of mankind, of truth, of freedom, of humanity, of justice; further, the cause of my people, my prince, my fatherland; finally, even the cause of Mind, and a thousand other causes. Only my cause is never to be my concern. 'Shame on the egoist who thinks only of himself!' " - Max Stirner

Telling men that their cause is not their concern has got us to this point where we have to sell the dream as it's their dream and less ours that matters until she "realizes" ours is theirs as well.....though I don't think we disagree there.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

For you players with a lot more life experience.... go back to being 25 years old.

Any advice for your younger self?

Out of nowhere I’m kinda at another crossroads. I have quite a bit of doors open and I think the next route I take will be pretty important.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-17-2019 09:53 AM)floridaboiii Wrote:  

For you players with a lot more life experience.... go back to being 25 years old.

Any advice for your younger self?

Out of nowhere I’m kinda at another crossroads. I have quite a bit of doors open and I think the next route I take will be pretty important.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-17-2019 09:57 AM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2019 09:53 AM)floridaboiii Wrote:  

For you players with a lot more life experience.... go back to being 25 years old.

Any advice for your younger self?

Out of nowhere I’m kinda at another crossroads. I have quite a bit of doors open and I think the next route I take will be pretty important.


Co-sign (Me, 26 year old)

To shift to another topic...

New tactic: I'm going to start pushing more for Day 2s with certain Tinder girls.

I'm generally more lenient towards pushing for a Day 2 with girls I met via IRL channels, given my inherent "overvaluing" of them relative to girls I meet on Tinder.

However, I'm thinking of two 2018 dates I had with Tinder girls who despite not getting the notch, I did not have a horrible time with. Might have left some pussy on the table.

Beirut said in another thread: "Youre not gonna get a cookie if you guess right that she hates you. Push the interaction and let her say no." It's starting to stick.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-17-2019 09:53 AM)floridaboiii Wrote:  

For you players with a lot more life experience.... go back to being 25 years old.

Any advice for your younger self?

Out of nowhere I’m kinda at another crossroads. I have quite a bit of doors open and I think the next route I take will be pretty important.

Get a part time job to fund your entertainment. Contribute 18.5K to your 401k as soon as you can. It's a lot less painful that it seems on the surface.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Make the ho say no!!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-17-2019 09:57 AM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2019 09:53 AM)floridaboiii Wrote:  

For you players with a lot more life experience.... go back to being 25 years old.

Any advice for your younger self?

Out of nowhere I’m kinda at another crossroads. I have quite a bit of doors open and I think the next route I take will be pretty important.


x 1000

Travel as much as possible.

Invest in something for the future, ideally Real Estate.

I missed out on a Condo in 1999 for $115K, thought it was too expensive. Same condo costs $450K today and now people are making a fortune of AirBNB etc.

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Got to be careful with real estate. Wasnt there someone in the thread saying they bought a house in Detroit for 150k in the 90s and now its worth 90k?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

rudebwoy what would an s&p500 investment returned over that period?

1999 was 20 years ago, i feel the increase in value even with rent added isnt that much to cry about missing out on. Mine increased much more folds but not in states obviously.

Real estate in general though is solid imo and is always my go to investment destination.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

@beirut - I don't know anything about stocks and most people I know have lost a significant amount of money on them.

The condo I'm talking about is a prime real estate spot in my city, with a hotel attached to it.

Detroit housing is a special circumstance, at least the house is worth something. Can't say that about a Enron stock, to name a few.

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-17-2019 06:53 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Got to be careful with real estate. Wasnt there someone in the thread saying they bought a house in Detroit for 150k in the 90s and now its worth 90k?

Definitely, but you gotta be smart and do the research on emerging industries. I bought my first hose in a suburban town outside of the Detroit at about 25/26. GM and Ford were the major employers. Paid $105k, during the recession it was down to about $30K, recently checked Zillow and it's still only worth about $80k. But as mentioned, the D is an outlier because it was so heavily dependent on the auto-industry. Here's an article on the most innovative states in the US. Expect much more growth over the next couple decades. Unsurprisingly, their all Blue states.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-17-2019 10:02 PM)DimeBait Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2019 06:53 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Got to be careful with real estate. Wasnt there someone in the thread saying they bought a house in Detroit for 150k in the 90s and now its worth 90k?

Definitely, but you gotta be smart and do the research on emerging industries. I bought my first hose in a suburban town outside of the Detroit at about 25/26. GM and Ford were the major employers. Paid $105k, during the recession it was down to about $30K, recently checked Zillow and it's still only worth about $80k. But as mentioned, the D is an outlier because it was so heavily dependent on the auto-industry. Here's an article on the most innovative states in the US. Expect much more growth over the next couple decades. Unsurprisingly, their all Blue states.

A lot of the more primo areas of Metro Detroit have heavily rebounded since the Great Recession. Particularly some of the decent, leafy suburbs with good schools (minus maybe old money Grosse Pointe which has seen some decline). The hip, yuppie parts of the city (Midtown, Downtown, Corktown) have greatly appreciated in value & the rent is higher than ever. The rest of the city is still largely rundown minus some pockets here & there.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Advice for a common scenario that happens every night for a Black guys at the bar/club.


You are posting up against the wall or bar, acting chill, scanning the room, with Confident upright posture.

You are definitely going to attract attention

Chick spots you from the middle of the room.

Chick "subtly" moonwalks from the middle of the room to the point where she invades your space.

She is dancing 1 feet away from you, accidentally "bumps" into you.

How do you play that scenario?

It's obvious she has some level of attraction towards you. Why else would she invade your space like that.

I've had a lot of hit and miss regarding those scenarios. Sometimes I'll open them up when they are right next to me. Sometimes she is well receptive towards my advance. Other times, I receive an instant blowout which confuses me? It's happened enough times to the point where I'm confused. It seems like I'm missing layups here.

How do you game a girl in that scenario?

Do you wait for her to open you? That happens around 10% of the time for me. Mostly they move on if I don't approach them within a few minutes

Do you wait for her to get really close? Wait for her "bump" into you?

How do you open her in a smooth way?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Here in Argentina.The beauty of the women here is top notch. The women have the facial beauty you might expect from Scandinavia (everyone I've seen is white), but they have the body you'd expect from Brazil. Unbelievable.

They also tell me how much they love a black man. Picked up a few good quality notches out here already, but I'm a bit jaded at this point so I'm not going to run up the score. However, if you're just getting started and want to put your "black card" to good use, this is the place.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

^Glad to hear Nextstop! I want to use this opportunity to actually hammer down specifics. Will be helpful for comparing and contrasting.

How many notches?
How long were you there for?
Total budget?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options


Have this exact scene all the time where girls dance up with their friends in your space and check you out but then blow out when you open them.

I started opening over the shoulder so it is less committed and with more indirect line.

Helped a lot.

Also will roll around and then come back in from another angle.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I seriously wonder how dudes with no game keep their girlfriends. Or if they just actively ignore their woman’s nature.

Went out with a chick last night...she’s aight, nothing to really write home about. She’s already asked to be committed but I’ve dodged and weaved. so we have that dynamic going. no way I’m tying myself down at this point in my life.

But anyways, she’s tall, she doesn’t have acne, she has a big butt, no gut, and early 20’ she gets attention.

Had one dude come up to me and say “Who is that, is that you bro, she is beautiful, I dunno if I can handle that”

And I was literally shook...I’m over here thinking “bro, this girl is literally 6 at best”...but I suppose the thirst is real.

Of course other dudes are going up to her tryna shoot their shot...but she’s just soaking up the attention, getting dudes to buy her drinks...

Now we aren’t an item, but we have an unspoken undersranding that she is mine.

So am I going to hover around her, and just watch other dudes shoot their shot?

Hell nah.

I’m macking on other chicks.

It’s the only way to play this game.

I didn’t pay her much attention...I let her go.


Because I knew she would come back.

I know that as a woman, she NEEDS that validation from men.

But what she wants is to FIGHT for that validation.

How is that the dude that she has been fucking for over a year(me)...who still hasn’t committed to is it that this guy doesn’t care that other dudes are hitting on her?

How is it that this dude isn’t buying her drinks? How is it that he has the audacity to go and mack on other chicks?

Well the music was good, and I felt like dancing, and there happened to be some women around...what do you expect? lol

Of course, she saw me talking to chicks...and she would come up behind me and tap me on the shoulder...and she would FIGHT for my attention. Trying to dance to the music, trying to engage me.

Of course you gotta throw a chick a bone every now and can’t just completely ignore her lol, the thirst is too real out here.

But my point is...the way you keep a girl coming to have her fight for your validation...against other chicks.

A girl doesn’t see your video games or your hobbies as competition

But if another woman has your attention? It’s game on...

Later that night, this girl was literally eating shit...i told her to finger my ass, and then I told her to put in her mouth, she obeyed...and then I spat in her ass, fingered it, and told her to suck my finger like a lollipop...and she did it...

And then you have dudes out here opening mediocre women with “You’re so beautiful, what’s your name?”

And you got boyfriends out here that just hover by their girlfriend’s all night while they have their hands in their pockets...and then they get back home and don’t even get a handjob...

I just don’t get it. I really don’t.

Game on brothas

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (04-22-2019 05:06 AM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

^Glad to hear Nextstop! I want to use this opportunity to actually hammer down specifics. Will be helpful for comparing and contrasting.

How many notches?
How long were you there for?
Total budget?

I'm still here haha, but at the time of last night it was 3 girls in 2 days, but one I had pipelined for a while. pretty face, slim body, but with a nice latina ass. One I fucked from Tinder I also saw her on seeking. I had to quickly block her so she wouldn't see me on there and possibly get upset she gave out for free since we met through a different channel (Tinder). The quality on Seeking is amazing too. I'm working on converting a few, so will see how that goes.

If you want the women, they're definitely here. But yea, I said Im not looking to run up the score out here, even if thats how it seems so far lol (3 in 2 days). If you want to bang a bunch of attractive women in a short time, this is a good place I think. As a black man, I'm THINKING the darker you are the better out here, just to amplify the contrast against all the white people here. I'm not sure. I didn't talk skin color with the 2/3 who said they specifically lust for black men.

Total budget is low. You can get a good full meal for $8-10, sometimes even less. And these are full meals.. No compromises. You can rent a luxury apartment (doorman, pool, gym, etc.) for around $300 a week. Obviously, if you don't need all of this, you can still find good value cheaper.

Quote: (04-22-2019 07:36 AM)BasketBounce Wrote:  

I seriously wonder how dudes with no game keep their girlfriends. Or if they just actively ignore their woman’s nature.

Went out with a chick last night...she’s aight, nothing to really write home about. She’s already asked to be committed but I’ve dodged and weaved. so we have that dynamic going. no way I’m tying myself down at this point in my life.

But anyways, she’s tall, she doesn’t have acne, she has a big butt, no gut, and early 20’ she gets attention.

Had one dude come up to me and say “Who is that, is that you bro, she is beautiful, I dunno if I can handle that”

And I was literally shook...I’m over here thinking “bro, this girl is literally 6 at best”...but I suppose the thirst is real.

Of course other dudes are going up to her tryna shoot their shot...but she’s just soaking up the attention, getting dudes to buy her drinks...

Now we aren’t an item, but we have an unspoken undersranding that she is mine.

So am I going to hover around her, and just watch other dudes shoot their shot?

Hell nah.

I’m macking on other chicks.

It’s the only way to play this game.

I didn’t pay her much attention...I let her go.


Because I knew she would come back.

I know that as a woman, she NEEDS that validation from men.

But what she wants is to FIGHT for that validation.

How is that the dude that she has been fucking for over a year(me)...who still hasn’t committed to is it that this guy doesn’t care that other dudes are hitting on her?

How is it that this dude isn’t buying her drinks? How is it that he has the audacity to go and mack on other chicks?

Well the music was good, and I felt like dancing, and there happened to be some women around...what do you expect? lol

Of course, she saw me talking to chicks...and she would come up behind me and tap me on the shoulder...and she would FIGHT for my attention. Trying to dance to the music, trying to engage me.

Of course you gotta throw a chick a bone every now and can’t just completely ignore her lol, the thirst is too real out here.

But my point is...the way you keep a girl coming to have her fight for your validation...against other chicks.

A girl doesn’t see your video games or your hobbies as competition

But if another woman has your attention? It’s game on...

Later that night, this girl was literally eating shit...i told her to finger my ass, and then I told her to put in her mouth, she obeyed...and then I spat in her ass, fingered it, and told her to suck my finger like a lollipop...and she did it...

And then you have dudes out here opening mediocre women with “You’re so beautiful, what’s your name?”

And you got boyfriends out here that just hover by their girlfriend’s all night while they have their hands in their pockets...and then they get back home and don’t even get a handjob...

I just don’t get it. I really don’t.

Game on brothas

^ I think that works until it turns into complete jealously and then she's always arguing and fighting. I think its fine if you aren't committed, but in a relationship Id find that difficult to always do.

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