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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 05:09 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 05:04 PM)Apollo21 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 11:42 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Two words, Distant Light.


Well Distant Light has a pretty big social circle and
hangs out at the high end club scene where a lot of people
have money.

Money though is just a tool. Just like game is just a tool.
It definitely can help you in certain situations...however it's up to you
to use it to your advantage.

And the best use of money is to help you create a fun lifestyle
that girls enjoy along with your personality.

Listen to his interview. If you think he's successful because of money, listen to it again

I'm actually referring to the podcast. He doesn't have a lot of money
himself, although he does have a lot of connections and personality which makes him successful.

However in the podcast, even he admitted(indirectly) that there was a
whole other level of game that having money gives you access to...
i.e being able to fly to St. Tropez with models that you met during Fashion
week, going to exclusive events because you've met or did business
with certain people. That is what money can do for you.

Personally, while you can do well without money, having money can
take you even higher.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Let's all just be honest here and know that WestCoast, who doesn't post here anymore, writes the majority of articles on this blog. You can tell by the tone and how every once in the while he shifts to bashing things men do in the "manosphere." He was a very good financial poster but a less good game poster. He went from "get out of America" to "if you can't bang 8s+ in America, you're broke and don't have game." Still, I recommend reading his posts (old) for information regarding investments and business.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:15 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

There are many guys here who say money is a bad thing and gives provider vibes. Yet the same posters disregard that rule when they travel abroad to get girls and their money goes 3x as far .

Once again, WSP is owning y'all.
[Image: D9TTHtx.jpgm]

I hope you are not referring to me. I do not see that in other's posts either. The fact that your dollar stretches alot more outside the country does not mean that you start sponsoring the local women there either. That just means you can afford to stay there longer than a week, unlike expensive as hell NYC and their 40 dollar breakfasts.

The longer I can stay in country xxx, the longer I can game and date women. I cannot speak for others, but when I went to China, women spent money on me. I never simped out there except for that one time I gave one a very poor girl a bunch of money as an experiment to see how she would react. She more or less took it and ran with it. After that I stopped talking to poor girls completely. This girl made the equivalent of 300USD a month. She looked great for a chick that poor. I wondered how humble she could be. I could talk about that experiment for hours. I have discussed that before on the forum. That still doesn't make me a simp or provider. Continuously feeding the beast would have.

My now wife, would not let me spend any money when I met her in Guangzhou. Not for hotels, taxis, meals anything. Decent girls out there treat the man as much as they can. Now that I think about it...The first thing I bet I ever bought my wife was a ring. I never bought my other Chinese girlfriends at that same time anything either.

It's fun to stay in 5 star hotels and eat at really nice places as well as have plenty of money to travel to mountains and other remote locations, without breaking the bank. Can you imagine if NYC had any kind of scenic environment like a snowy mountain? Would probably cost 200 bucks to go up and down the bitch, at least.

Some guys won't agree with me on this but there is the issue of American Women vs Foreign Women. We beat that topic to death here. Traditional women return providing with king-like treatment, unlike the dysfunctional, independent, and masculine American women. They know how to treat a man really good. The thing is that you are not so easily punished for being nice to a woman abroad. There is no reason for them to lock hands with you like Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant at a Summerslam. You both get to win.

Yeah foreign places are cheap for lower earning guys like us, just like how anywhere else in the US is cheap to a high earning New Yorker. It's all relative. I'm sure there are Americans buying lots of alcohol, whores, doing drugs, etc. in foreign countries, but those are not the guys with game. Those are regular blue pill joe blows. Some of us here at RVF probably p4p, and a handful or so probably shore bitches on the regular (another piece of evidence that we are not trickin off hoes), but we are not clothing and housing bitches abroad.

Skip Steps and Greek Kamaki were the last members to do that here and they were banned. Skip because he did not see anything wrong with that, and strongly disliked game and our methods. Greek majorly cockblocked Roosh in person pulling that shit. These WSP would probably end up banned too with that attitude. Since they are lurking here obviously, I hope they read this post and try to understand where we are coming from.

Also Rustler, I would be careful about trying to diss the forum like that. You openly chase wall victims and have been controversial with suspect game your own self. You never even posted any milfs you bagged like you claimed you would either. Since you give money such a high value game wise, why do you chase cougars in the first place? Is it because you know you do not have to spend any money on them because they already have more than you do? Real talk, break down your game for us homie. I think this is as good a time as any for you to explain.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 04:29 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The problem with most guys is that they lead with the boring aspects of money "I work for XYZ and a I am .... bla bla bla..."

No - the right way is to just use the cash in r-selected fashion - book a table, dress sharp, smoke a cigar, approach a girl. When she asks you what you do - you say you do nothing, you are unemployed, but travel around the world. Stress the fun aspect of money - the spending in a strong r-selected no provider bullshit fashion - travel, girls, fun - no boring jobs and relationships. Most women get the whiff - they may hope to be able to pin you down, but they know it will be a tough sale.

Can confirm this works splendidly in cold approaches.

This is also the essence of SA game; you, the mysterious wealthy guy, dangle the carrot of a lavish sugar baby life in front of her. But she only gets your sausage and no carrot.

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:22 PM)polymath Wrote:  

Money is attractive to some girls. A guy with money is a winner, a source of fun, and a free man. If you have never witnessed this, just try an experiment. Get a simple money clip wallet, stuff it with as many 20s as you can fit, and go stand at a hotel bar wearing a simple dress shirt and slacks. When a chick comes up next to you, buy a drink. Observe her demeanor and body language.

Can confirm this also works and the reactions are amusingly obvious. For even better effect, the outside bill should be $100.

One problem is that men naturally have a blind spot on this issue because a woman's money, power and status is not a factor of attraction for us. No teenage boy has ever fapped to a pic of a corporate CEO.

We project that onto women, when women are very different. Women are very attracted to the power and status inherent in money. I mean legitimately pussy wetting attracted, not just in terms of what the guy could do for them financially. It's a mistake not to use that in our favor.

There has been a real prejudice in the game community against using money to attract women and I understand there are good reasons for that we all know and don't need to be rehashed here. But I think Zel is right; that this is a discussion we need to have and techniques need to be further developed on this front. The game community is mature enough to handle this now.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:11 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 06:58 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

1) Having tons of money and fame is a whole different ball game. If I was Dan Bilzerian rich I'd probably be throwing crazy parties all the time with tons of 9s and 10s. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about your average 150k-200k/year dude who thinks a fancy dinner is a great first date idea. In reality, he's just categorizing himself as "K-selected". Guys like that would do way better doing low key drink dates.

I'm pretty sure on 150k-200K/year is a great way to pull. Thing is that money lets him show up to that low key drink date where he isn't paying shit in that brand new suit or a nice jacket and a collared shirt with some black jeans on and a line of coke. Like that isn't a damned good idea to have that extra bit of money for little bits that could help you get laid easier. You can also go on more dates and spin more plates with that extra 150k-200k a year with a couple apartments in different parts of the city to bring back different girls too or just even a nicer condo. Thing is your money is that cherry on top making her even more attracted to you with that game, and that extra bit of money is going to let you keep a larger amount of girls.


2) Yeah 18-22 year olds are into sugar daddies and are stripping for dollars. If I was in my 40s and 50s I'd probably sign up for a Seeking Arrangement account as well. But until I start turning old I'll be the guy she fucks for fun. I've admitted that being older is a whole different ballgame. I don't see being used by a girl for money as "game" or something to be proud of. It's a step up from prostitution IMO.

So you're saying an 18-22 year old won't be happy to be taken back to a nice condo somewhere in the middle of town? Don't spend your money on her but that money will definitely make you seem more attractive and mysterious than taking girls back to my dorm or to the backseat of my car like I have too. It would make things less of a headache and make me seem like less of a bum. Handsome, funny, dominant, and has money I could be the complete package and she would have to do more to impress me.


3) I view money as something to enhance my life, not a means to attract girls. The freedom money provides is a huge advantage. So is personal training with a high quality trainer. That's self improvement, and it provides indirect benefits with women. However, none of that requires that you spend money on the girls directly. That's my whole problem with the post, it just encourages simpish behavior to get girls.
Please bring some quotes in where it says to spend money on the girls? I took it as a means that it allows you more access to better places and parties. A date to a kickass party that you wouldn't have gotten into without money? Me and the chick would both definitely enjoy it, and thing is I'm not spending a dime on her for what she wants but on what I want. It doesn't encourage simpish behavior it tells you that more money means more connections and hotter girls not to mention the ability to display more value.


4) Drake and most of these rappers/athletes out there are simps. Its even worse because guys like these should be coming from the frame that women are very lucky to have the chance to fuck them. Instead, they get played by women who are far lower value than them and bring nothing to the table. As for Leo, he's a legit player, and he uses his fame and money the right way.

Exactly guys like Leo use both. Drake even uses those connections as a form of game. Dude can take girls to the best places and parties. Even though he is a simp those connections and the ability to have a good time is game. You're completely misinterpreting the post.

Gotta be like this when you got the money. Don't let the gold diggers fool you.:

You're completely misinterpreting what I said. Nowhere did I even imply a nice condo would make a hot 18-22 year old unhappy. You're not reading what I said, I said in the original post that a nice place is very useful. And in most cities a nice place isn't crazy expensive either unless we're talking about NYC or San Fran.

The whole problem with the post is that it's mental masturbation and pushing the whole narrative of "You need to be rich to get laid with attractive women".

Sourcecode, I agree with your post. Fashion and attitude is key.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 08:06 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:11 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 06:58 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

1) Having tons of money and fame is a whole different ball game. If I was Dan Bilzerian rich I'd probably be throwing crazy parties all the time with tons of 9s and 10s. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about your average 150k-200k/year dude who thinks a fancy dinner is a great first date idea. In reality, he's just categorizing himself as "K-selected". Guys like that would do way better doing low key drink dates.

I'm pretty sure on 150k-200K/year is a great way to pull. Thing is that money lets him show up to that low key drink date where he isn't paying shit in that brand new suit or a nice jacket and a collared shirt with some black jeans on and a line of coke. Like that isn't a damned good idea to have that extra bit of money for little bits that could help you get laid easier. You can also go on more dates and spin more plates with that extra 150k-200k a year with a couple apartments in different parts of the city to bring back different girls too or just even a nicer condo. Thing is your money is that cherry on top making her even more attracted to you with that game, and that extra bit of money is going to let you keep a larger amount of girls.


2) Yeah 18-22 year olds are into sugar daddies and are stripping for dollars. If I was in my 40s and 50s I'd probably sign up for a Seeking Arrangement account as well. But until I start turning old I'll be the guy she fucks for fun. I've admitted that being older is a whole different ballgame. I don't see being used by a girl for money as "game" or something to be proud of. It's a step up from prostitution IMO.

So you're saying an 18-22 year old won't be happy to be taken back to a nice condo somewhere in the middle of town? Don't spend your money on her but that money will definitely make you seem more attractive and mysterious than taking girls back to my dorm or to the backseat of my car like I have too. It would make things less of a headache and make me seem like less of a bum. Handsome, funny, dominant, and has money I could be the complete package and she would have to do more to impress me.


3) I view money as something to enhance my life, not a means to attract girls. The freedom money provides is a huge advantage. So is personal training with a high quality trainer. That's self improvement, and it provides indirect benefits with women. However, none of that requires that you spend money on the girls directly. That's my whole problem with the post, it just encourages simpish behavior to get girls.
Please bring some quotes in where it says to spend money on the girls? I took it as a means that it allows you more access to better places and parties. A date to a kickass party that you wouldn't have gotten into without money? Me and the chick would both definitely enjoy it, and thing is I'm not spending a dime on her for what she wants but on what I want. It doesn't encourage simpish behavior it tells you that more money means more connections and hotter girls not to mention the ability to display more value.


4) Drake and most of these rappers/athletes out there are simps. Its even worse because guys like these should be coming from the frame that women are very lucky to have the chance to fuck them. Instead, they get played by women who are far lower value than them and bring nothing to the table. As for Leo, he's a legit player, and he uses his fame and money the right way.

Exactly guys like Leo use both. Drake even uses those connections as a form of game. Dude can take girls to the best places and parties. Even though he is a simp those connections and the ability to have a good time is game. You're completely misinterpreting the post.

Gotta be like this when you got the money. Don't let the gold diggers fool you.:

You're completely misinterpreting what I said. Nowhere did I even imply a nice condo would make a hot 18-22 year old unhappy. You're not reading what I said, I said in the original post that a nice place is very useful. And in most cities a nice place isn't crazy expensive either unless we're talking about NYC or San Fran.

The whole problem with the post is that it's mental masturbation and pushing the whole narrative of "You need to be rich to get laid with attractive women".

Sourcecode, I agree with your post. Fashion and attitude is key.
Nowhere did it say that you needed more money to pull hot chicks, but it's definitely going to help you pull more hot chicks consistently as well as keep more of them around. Not to mention you ignored most of what I responded to you about.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but the WSP is run (I believe partly) by a very reputable former member of the RVF.

If you go through their archives, there is a lot (and that's an understatement) of solid information and lessons to learn from. Though on this particular case I'm a bit at odds with their claims.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates


That's because I already covered those points. As I said the lifestyle benefits are for YOU, and they do bring indirect benefits with girls. The thing is that you're not spending the money directly on the girls. And you're not spending money to impress girls either by buying useless shit you don't need or want.

Yeah, you may be spending 1,000$ a month on a personal trainer to get you ripped(which has tons of benefits other than just women), but you're not taking girls out to expensive dinner dates for the first date but instead for drinks. That way they view you as the fun guy, and not as a potential LTR/boyfriend.

In any case its horrible advice to tell a guy that he should just make more money to get girls. The money should be made for yourself to improve your own life. That's the key mindset distinction. Yeah if you are borderline homeless, you should get your money handled first, but for most guys its not their money holding them back, its their lack of game/lack of style/an unattractive body.

We pretty much agree on those points, I think the major point of disagreement is flashing cash and going for gold diggers.

In any case, I need to get back to work. This is the whole Money over Bitches thread all over again, and it's a never ending argument that wastes everyone's time.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Let's ease up on accusations & get back to discussing semantics.

There's many different interpretations in
1) money vs. game
2) how money compliments game
3) how game compliments money

There are quite a few ways to view things so let's return to that topic instead of getting personal here.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:07 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 11:42 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Two words, Distant Light.


One word:


A) 17 years of the best education, best grades, best connections and beating out everyone else with near identical stats - to get that investment banking job


B) studying fame for a decent amount of time and then going out 70 nights straight?

Who has better odds of pulling some 22 year old Ukrainian?

You think Ludmilla is really calculating both the Net Present Values and forecasting the possible return on her investment while she throws back vodka shots?

WSP treats women as rational actors, as if they were stock traders.
They think that women respond to financial incentives AND that once they bang Mr. Money Bags, she won't still fuck the dj.

It's like none of them have heard of the feminine imperative.


Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall street playboys are either in SF or NYC. There is a shiiiiitttton of cash here, and that slants stuff a lot. I think west coast in is SF, and the dating market is even wierder here. Go to sacramento and the rules change quite a bit.

I love WSP's blog, it's pretty much the only guy who's giving relevant advise when your making ~+$150k/yr .

You guys have to think creatively with your money. Think of this guy with a helicopter and has friends who do stuff like this:

Takes girls on dates in his fucking helicopter:

Has this as his condo:

And obviously parties a lot.

See more reddit posts here:

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Somebody break out the collection plates, WIA is preachin'.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I'm glad someone started a post about WSP. Been reading it now and then and I find it interesting.

The Wall Street Playboy blog isn't really about game. It's more about how to manage your life with an emphasis on maximizing money. If I remember right, I think their metric of success was if you don't have 1 million by 30, then you are failing. Some of what they write is not to be taken literally (like the recent 1-10 x median income post --> SMV). They also advocate only the following careers: finance (investment banking, including the quants), sales (still in finance), and silicon valley style entrepreneurship. Not bad advice if your goal is to make money, and if you are willing to take risk. Their real target audience is a narrow slice of who actually reads the blog. They advocate for once you secure enough money, to then enjoy it. Good advice generally, but not applicable to most people.

A few things they suggest are way off the mark with me though. There was a post on how you ought to ditch your family if they aren't adding value. I part with WSP on this point. I suppose it's a tribal/blood mentality I have, but I put my family at the top, probably higher than myself.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 10:57 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:07 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 11:42 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Two words, Distant Light.


One word:


A) 17 years of the best education, best grades, best connections and beating out everyone else with near identical stats - to get that investment banking job


B) studying fame for a decent amount of time and then going out 70 nights straight?

Who has better odds of pulling some 22 year old Ukrainian?

You think Ludmilla is really calculating both the Net Present Values and forecasting the possible return on her investment while she throws back vodka shots?

WSP treats women as rational actors, as if they were stock traders.
They think that women respond to financial incentives AND that once they bang Mr. Money Bags, she won't still fuck the dj.

It's like none of them have heard of the feminine imperative.


Money - game = You attract women who are aware of your bankroll and are prepared to give it up based on that. Without game, women will get at you for their advantage. That is why athletes, rappers and ceo's w/o game end up cycling the same %ge of women. Hence most hollywood parties are old producers skeezbags and young wannabe actresses

No money + game = You have to max your look, personality and talents AND you have to put in the work and pound the pavement to get the type of women you desire

Money + high quality game = You become unstoppable. You use the power of money to your advantage. You open doors that can be opened with money, and the abundance of hot women becomes available to you. And you shoot fish in a hottie barrel

Not many guys have the level of commitment Distant Light had, or are willing to sacrifice and persist to develop the lifestyle he has. 70 days in a row is a special feat in of itself, but what he doesn't mention is how he sustained while sticking to his dream.

Personally, I'd rather be put through the wringer to maximize my game, and then have the wealth I desire.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I think there's a grain of truth in what these guys are saying, especially for older men. And it's interesting to apply it to foreign countries - seems to hold up. Any western guy flying into SEA is immediately on a bankroll of 5-10 times the local median income. So how much is it the money and not exoticness/whiteness which is getting them the hot girls? After all, the local hiso guys with the same or better bankrolls are doing even better.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I feel like some of you guys didn't actually read the WSP post.

The game vs. money debate has been done a hundred times. We can continue it, and say all the same shit, and occasionally say something new and interesting. But most of us are going to agree that both game and money matter. We may disagree on how important each is, but you're a game denialist if you think you can't land hot girls without money, and you're delusional if you think money can't help your game.

That's not what WSP is saying. He is saying if you don't make a certain amount of money, you CANNOT expect to date girls of a certain caliber. He says "you need to generate 3-4.5x the median income" to date 8s consistently. He says even if you have "looks, status, social skills" you can fall on the lower side of that (only 3x the median income!).

That's just bullshit. I think most of us are big boys and have been out in the world enough to have seen guys without cash pulling hot girls (or are doing it ourselves). WSP makes a claim, states it as fact, and then makes a bunch of graphs and charts that are somehow supposed to support him. The problem is, I trust my own experiences in the real world more than I trust some blogger on the internet. So think back to the girls you've banged or the girls banged by dudes you know with game, and I'm sure you'll realize in about 15 seconds you don't buy into this shit.

Ok, now back to the regularly schedule game vs money debate.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 10:57 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

A) 17 years of the best education, best grades, best connections and beating out everyone else with near identical stats - to get that investment banking job


B) studying fame for a decent amount of time and then going out 70 nights straight?

Who has better odds of pulling some 22 year old Ukrainian?

Depends on how old they are. You expecting to hit the clubs 70 days straight in your 40's?

I will rather poke hot rods into my eyes than hit clubs. I was never a club person to begin with and at my rising age, no fuckin way. I love being productive and going out that much would kill that productivity. As you and most guys here know, there is more to life than women. It's more about getting what you want with the least amount of hassles.

In this instance, getting women quickly as to avoid wasting time doing the things we really rather not be doing.

Distant loves his clubs and that comes through. That is why it works for him and why it wouldn't work for many.


WSP treats women as rational actors, as if they were stock traders.
They think that women respond to financial incentives AND that once they bang Mr. Money Bags, she won't still fuck the dj.

If it was Westcoast that wrote that, you would know from his other posts he wouldn't care what happens after he bangs her. So what if she is banging some dj while you're out banging other women?

Distant light is still a young guy. Let's wait to see what happens when he is in his 40's to see if his approach is worth doing. At the same time, we can already look at many older, rich men and the women they are banging to see if being wealthy helps.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

From a game perspective, there is something truly amazing about 70 nights out in a row.

Aside from the learning experiences, it must be one hell of a rewarding experience... One money can't buy.

I've done 4 nights out in a row (red eye mornings at university) wed-sat, on a few occasions, and I can attest to how much fun and memorable these times prove to be.

Most guys have done 2 nights in a row before, fri-sat. Step up and do a wed-sat challenge, where you don't come home until the bars close. You'll learn a lot you will be able to refer to in the future, and you'll build a game essence you'll be able to rely on whenever you go two months with no night out and you finally get out there to get rid of the rust.

70 nights though, is one whole other level..

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I may not be 40 yet but I am well on my way. Let me address this whole age and more money is needed to date hot women thing.

For starters, like complete or cumulative game, there is no true one factor. You could look absolutely disgusting with a Santa Claus beer gut pushing 350-400, you better be pushing a billion to have any 9-10's prancing around you. That is just too much negative arbitrage on the man's side. That said, if you are not fat, look good in a pair of slacks and a blazer, you can still pull fine ass. By the time you are 40 you will or should have some decent amount of money. That is when most man start hitting a stride in many facets of life. Money is usually a top one. For example I know a black dude ~40. Has a modest Benz as well as a S class, but he daily drives the modest one. Has about 3 gals on the side (~6-7 my score and he has a 7ish wife), typically 18-20 only. He is shorter than me, he might be 5'5" without shoes. He is not handsome, has a gentleman's belly, and is super dark skinned (Hello Speakeasy!). BUT he has damned good game. He works in the same line of work I do. We are not investment bankers btw. Anyway, dude has a swagger that would remind you of Tuthmosis. He is extremely cocky and can back it up. He always has a cigar or something interesting in his hands and always rocks an expensive blazer with top notch shoes to match. He has older man game down on lock. Whatever he is doing now, alot of us will have the means to do as well when that time comes for us. This stuff is not unique to any one man.

He once said something about feminists and PC culture and when I asked him if he reads this site, he looked at me with a smirk and said he reads lots of sites. So yeah buddy if you are reading this feel free to give me a call. [Image: tongue.gif]

Anyway, for now, Distant Light, Hwuzhere, <insert really young RVFer> etc. can keep pulling their 9s and 10s using day and night game because that is what young men SHOULD be doing at their ages. That is where their prey lives. It thrives in their own environments. Later on, they can get their pulls by other means if need be. Age doesn't mean the game stops. One of my best game teachers was a 50 year old natural and he makes much less money than I do. Real players make adjustments like Peyton Manning would at the line of scrimmage. If they were intelligent enough to figure out their own inner game now at this age, they might well outpull any of us older guys, when they reach 40, by a country mile.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 04:57 PM)Ice Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 08:41 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Doesn't see the point of 15 hrs of daygame when he can achieve the same goal with $200 and one night in the bar. There are far more important pursuits of happiness than getting laid, and as the older you get, you'll want to let your money do the work of getting laid.

That's exactly what I don't get - how is $200 in a bar gonna help you get laid? You wanna buy rounds or what? Or buy an expensive bottle? I don't see how that's gonna help. There might be a subset of girls with whom that might work, yes, but it's not a very good option in my opinion.

That $200 dollars is insurance for drinks, cabs, hotels, apps, ect. I use it to AMOG guys that only buy 1-2 drinks. Yesterday I went to the bar to have a couple beers before going home. 2 hot girls showed up with a beta. I bought a shot and offered them one. Another beta orbiter showed up and I kept buying them shots until they got drunk and then I made fun of them until they left. I gave my diglets to the girl with huge tits and she texted last night. I'll bang at my leisure. They left The waitresses got jealous and started hanging around and playing with my hair. Extra dividends. Later I bought a few rounds for a guy that sells luxury boats. He knows everyone in town with money. Now I've been invited out to the lake and for a round of golf. Total cost? $89 and I had an awesome Monday evening.

I promise no guy with game and no money would've been able to swoop those girls out from under me, or have gotten invited out on a $70k boat full of girls. The money spent was an investment, and pulling an 8 on a Monday @ 3 p.m. doesn't happen everyday. If you want to play in the big leagues, you need to buy in.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I don't want to quote your whole post, TK, because I agree with most. I just wanted to highlight a few points that I wanted to expand on.

First, when it comes to this conversation, I believe we are talking about the WSP article and he also comments about having your act together on the physical level as well.

I don't think anyone disagrees being in shape is a requirement along with style. We are also talking being able to be social. Not this game versus money stuff or guys with anti-social behavior being able to pull because they are rich. All of this plays a role.

Quote: (04-21-2015 11:59 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

By the time you are 40 you will or should have some decent amount of money. That is when most man start hitting a stride in many facets of life. Money is usually a top one.

Here is where a lot of disagreements stem from. You should be hitting your stride at that age if you didn't fuck around your whole 20's. haha

Spending 70 nights in a club leads me to believe you are fucking around your whole 20's. Spending time teaching English because you want to travel is fucking up your 20's.

Every year you don't spend building up a profitable skill set is fucking around and it will come back to bite you later.

Now, a year off isn't a big deal. Westcoast would hate me for saying that but I don't see problem getting some great travel experience for a year.

If we are talking more, than you will be playing a lot of catch up with guys who didn't screw around. Good luck competing with guys with more experience and the latest skill sets.


Anyway, for now, Distant Light, Hwuzhere, <insert really young RVFer> etc. can keep pulling their 9s and 10s using day and night game because that is what young men SHOULD be doing at their ages. That is where their prey lives. It thrives in their own environments. Later on, they can get their pulls by other means if need be. Age doesn't mean the game stops. One of my best game teachers was a 50 year old natural and he makes much less money than I do. Real players make adjustments like Peyton Manning would at the line of scrimmage. If they were intelligent enough to figure out their own inner game now at this age, they might well outpull any of us older guys, when they reach 40, by a country mile.

I bolded the comment that highlights my main point.

Young guys can typically bounce back a lot easier after a night out. Again, we are talking going out as in 70 nights out in a row going out. That is something even the young cats shouldn't be doing if they look long term.

Our time is our greatest resource and the young guys typically won't understand how crucial it is until they get older and see some of the things they wasted time on and how they would have been better off doing something else.

As for inner game, even if they figure out inner game right now, that doesn't mean things won't change and they won't have to deal with inner game issues. Lot's of guys I knew that were great with women ended up with inner game problems because they got older and [didn't stay in shape] [work in shit jobs] [insert another reason here].

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Said this before, say it again: MMG, Money Multiplies Game.

If your problem is no game, any amount of money you throw at it will add up to 0.

Money is good, but game comes first.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

This entire thread is a copy of the game vs. $.

The agreement back then was if you got your game to a point you could go out one night a week and pull a 7+ once a month, your game and is good and efficient enough you should focus on money to multiply it.

Baseline of solid game then $ to multiply.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Many people in here are not understanding this post properly. Basically it means more money will put you in a social circle and give you more access to more attractive women. Most 8+ women hang around at a private party at a millionaires mansion instead of hanging out at a local dive bar.

The more money you have will create connections that will put you at these parties. That will give you access to a higher percentage of 8+ women than anywhere in the world. Still even if you get to that party, you still have to game but its easier because you have high social proof just for attending that party and making those connections.

Both game and money go hand in hand and should be used together and not argued over which is more important because there are different ways to play.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 01:09 PM)realologist Wrote:  

Many people in here are not understanding this post properly. Basically it means more money will put you in a social circle and give you more access to more attractive women. Most 8+ women hang around at a private party at a millionaires mansion instead of hanging out at a local dive bar.

Manhattan alone has 2 million people, nyc metro area has about ten million.

5 million men.
5 million women

To keep the math easy..and not questioning the illogic behind the 10 scale or the mercenary mentality that WSP seems to suggest

500,000 eligible 8's, 9's, and10's

There's no way that *all* of the 8's, 9's, 10's spend their time on yachts or lounging around central park view apartments, shopping at Bergdorf Goodman's.

It's not feasible, not even realistic, especially for the 18-23 set.


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