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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 03:47 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

It seems that last night's speech was the most-watched [Presidential address] in French history, with 23 million viewers.

That's terrible. It must have been like gathering the family to watch the moon landing and finding out that Neil Armstrong sounds like Pee Wee Herman.

(EDIT: Thanks balybary. I saw the part comparing it to sporting events and misunderstood and didn't register the header, should have Google Translated it to check myself. I feel like I'm in French class again.)

Quote: (12-11-2018 03:23 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Even it's a terrorist attack it's just more fuel to the fire for the Yellow Vests.

I was thinking along the lines that someone wants to sew so much alarm and confusion that the state will have a pretext to go HAM in the name of restoring civil order, and just enough support to get away with it. Gut-shot tourists are certainly major problems for small business owners in Alsace, precisely the types of people who might be eligible for getting tipped to the other side of the fence from their employees if "this is all going too far".

it also shows the political interest of french people , which is a good thing on long term...

Paris Yellow Vests

Some news (mostly according to macron-sponsored tv BFM-TV , nicknamed BFM WC by most of based people)

1) the author has been identified as Cherif Chekatte. I even have his postal address if you want it (some arabic media released it)
2) he was marked as "S" which means potential radical terrorist , just like almost all fantastic jihadists
3) he has been injured by military - but managed to escape , we don't know where he is
4) almost the whole city is confined at home now this includes basketball stadium ( a match was being played ) , libraries , restaurants , shops etc... people are told to STAY indoors.
this also includes THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. this is maybe the only good news. im sure some pro EU parliamentary people are thinking now "mmmm it can happen to me too , maybe i will stop immigration"

there are also rumors that he is in neudorf district ( a "popular" district) but it s just a rumor. Of course he can hosted and helped by another fellow arab.

Paris Yellow Vests

Interesting that the Russian State News is being skeptical and pointing out the fact that the Yellow Vests began after Macron announced the need to a non-NATO European force and calling the protests - pogroms. Maybe they are anticipating being blamed for them somehow. Auto-translate should work.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

Paris Yellow Vests

Always note the variations from the norm.

Typically we have to wait days for the inevitable formal recognition that an Islamic migrant is responsible for the latest atrocity. "Don't rush to judgement" we are always lectured.

Today the blood is not even dry on the street and the cabal media are already fanning the flames, hoping obviously to burn a firebreak to stall the larger conflagration.

God I fucking hate those two faced cunts. I would sooner live on the street and eat from the trash than type duplicitous screed for the MSM.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Paris Yellow Vests

Looks like they fear loosing control of the situation, if they continue to push their propaganda too blatantly.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

Paris Yellow Vests

You know, I was in Paris for Bastille Day during the Nice attack and it was already incredibly tight. With the Yellow Vest movement in full swing, I have a hard time imagining Strasbourg was not buttoned up for the Christmas season.

So I'm to understand this guy shot from multiple vantage points around the city, got into a shootout with police afterwards, escaped, and is still on the run after I finished dinner?

I was expecting to hear about them mopping up what's left of his corpse by now. I'm not being facetious anymore. That's pretty weird.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Paris Yellow Vests

He obviously has Spetsnaz training.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 05:31 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (12-11-2018 05:07 PM)balybary Wrote:  

The terrorist is still on the run in Strasbourg.

Macron must be quite pleased with this turn of events. It`s very convenient for him I mean. I don`t really belive in the false flag attack theory, but I guess it`s not unthinkable that they would let an attack happen due to "sloppy police work."

Law enforcement do prevent planned attacks all the time so! That`s still very hard to believe, but somewhat easier than the idea that some force (within the deep State) actually plans to carry out a false flag and then carries it out. I reject that notion completely.

Cognitive dissonance can be a powerful barrier against even considering the possibility of a false flag. People don't want to believe that their rulers could be that crooked, it's a tough (black) pill to swallow...

Most of you are too young to have lived through the Years of Lead back in the 1970s/80s (Fr. Les années de plomb, in Italian, Anni di piombo), where deep state NATO intelligence cells conducted several very deadly false flag terror attacks under the banner of propped up left wing/revolutionary groups like the Red Brigades, including the bombing of the Bologna, Italy train station in the early 80s, which resulted in 85 deaths. Codename Operation Gladio.

The fact that Bologna and other bombings were false flag operations orchestrated by CIA assets who posed as Reds is not in dispute, it's been proven in a court of law in Italy, with operatives having confessed.

(^^^ it's shocking to see how journalistic standards have been so obliterated, you used to get quality investigative reports from the main networks back then!)

Prof. Daniele Ganser, a Swiss German lecturer, has done some solid research on this subject:

The Strasbourg shooting is straight out of Gladio's strategy of tension, which aims to put the populace in a state of terror, where they become vulnerable to psychological manipulation. Once in that state, they not only tolerate repression but actually clamor for a security state.

Gladio B, the Turkish chapter of Gladio, with the Gulenist Islamic network, which operates in broad daylight across the US with the deep state's full support.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 07:49 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Always note the variations from the norm.

Typically we have to wait days for the inevitable formal recognition that an Islamic migrant is responsible for the latest atrocity. "Don't rush to judgement" we are always lectured.

Today the blood is not even dry on the street and the cabal media are already fanning the flames, hoping obviously to burn a firebreak to stall the larger conflagration.

God I fucking hate those two faced cunts. I would sooner live on the street and eat from the trash than type duplicitous screed for the MSM.

Here's your false flag event, on cue, the blood on the Champs Elysees has barely had the time to dry.

Sniper over a Christmas market, way to put a damper on the seasonal mood. On top of that, you have the injured jihadi terrorist on the run, that's some pretty high drama right there!

Worked pretty well in Boston, you double down on the terror effect with no release after the main event, a whole city/region on lockdown, and a wounded beast on the run... Bound to take the protests off the main story, and also make next weekend's government crackdown all the more palatable for the populace.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 07:49 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Always note the variations from the norm.

Typically we have to wait days for the inevitable formal recognition that an Islamic migrant is responsible for the latest atrocity. "Don't rush to judgement" we are always lectured.

Today the blood is not even dry on the street and the cabal media are already fanning the flames, hoping obviously to burn a firebreak to stall the larger conflagration.

God I fucking hate those two faced cunts. I would sooner live on the street and eat from the trash than type duplicitous screed for the MSM.

Yes, and this fits classic models of anarchotyranny, where people are frightened by "lawless" bands into kowtowing to a tyranical gov't. Shutting down parliament is suspicious too. Some "random" attacks have had a tendency to delay key votes in ways that seemed very suspicious in retrospect.

Paris Yellow Vests

More likely like the Deep State activated this radical, apparently earlier in the day he was going to be arrested for armed robbery, they went to search for him, couldn't find him and then he decides to go Jihad?


Paris Yellow Vests

More notable is that the shooter chose not to martyr himself but instead went on the run.

That speaks less of Jihad and more of a false flag. Smart money is on Mossad. They have no qualms about sniping a few goys if it puts Macron a bit deeper in the Jewish pocket. They probably killed their patsy and headed straight to the shooting location. Then later after the suspect "flees the scene after being wounded" the cops can find him elsewhere with the rifles, dead of his wounds.

No sane coroner is going to sweat the details on the time of death, powder residue, etc. Not if they don't want to end up shooting themselves twice in the back of the head.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 12:37 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  

More likely like the Deep State activated this radical, apparently earlier in the day he was going to be arrested for armed robbery, they went to search for him, couldn't find him and then he decides to go Jihad?

Wouldn't it more likely for a violent criminal to respond violently on the day he has nothing left to lose and police resources are elsewhere?

If I was going to do a false flag, it'd be child's play to blame it on a yellow vest Frenchman and go for a higher killcount or more impressive target.

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Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 04:03 AM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-12-2018 12:37 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  

More likely like the Deep State activated this radical, apparently earlier in the day he was going to be arrested for armed robbery, they went to search for him, couldn't find him and then he decides to go Jihad?

Wouldn't it more likely for a violent criminal to respond violently on the day he has nothing left to lose and police resources are elsewhere?

Exactly, chances are French intel knew he was high risk, tipped the scale and in a way "nudged" him off his rockers.

They knew what they were doing.

Paris Yellow Vests

Funny how they can find 89,000 men and 12 armored vehicles to fight peaceful demonstrators, but not to occupy the ghetto, arrest criminals, deport illegals, dismantle the drug trade and other trafficking, and seize automatic weapons. The police would be more than happy to do it.

Paris Yellow Vests

I love how everyone that isn't on the far right is saying:

"Well, he was a French terrorist!!!"

I don't care anymore for people. Enjoy the decline.
I just wish more people would have balls and get angry. If my girlfriend or future children would get hurt from a Muslim, I would burn down as many immigrant centres as possible.

Paris Yellow Vests

Laughable, so how can one person escape wounded after a shootout with the police?
How many helpers are there to aid this guy?
The event is too convenient for the Paris elite.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-12-2018 04:03 AM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-12-2018 12:37 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  

More likely like the Deep State activated this radical, apparently earlier in the day he was going to be arrested for armed robbery, they went to search for him, couldn't find him and then he decides to go Jihad?

Wouldn't it more likely for a violent criminal to respond violently on the day he has nothing left to lose and police resources are elsewhere?

If I was going to do a false flag, it'd be child's play to blame it on a yellow vest Frenchman and go for a higher killcount or more impressive target.

It would strain credulity too far. Nobody would buy it. Not even the normies.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Paris Yellow Vests,news,...81061.html

Yellow vest spotted in Poland


Farmers made a blockade on main highway in Poland. Demand meeting with Prime minister Morawiecki.

They demand tarrifs on Ukraine food.

Each food product should be labeled with flag so the consumer would know where the product/food was produced not packed. Its for promoting patriotic consumption.

They said EU provide small subsidy for Polish farmers compared to western Europe ones. In current condition it would be better if there would be no subsidies in EU at all.

Accuse Polish trade unions for corruption and lack of cooperation with farmers.

They began organising this blockade two days ago.

Paris Yellow Vests


END OF MACRON: French president faces NO CONFIDENCE vote TOMORROW - France in chaos

Mr Macron's leadership is hanging by a thread after the Yellow Vest protests posed the most formidable challenge yet to his presidency. Leftist MEPs said Thursday's vote is the result of 18 months of fiscal injustice and called on the French president to "radically change direction". The Paris protests which erupted on November 17, were focused on denouncing a squeeze on household spending brought about by Mr Macron's taxes on diesel, which he said were necessary to combat climate change and protect the environment.


They warned "not only the fate of the government is at stake", but "the civil and social peace" of the country.

To bring down the government, the motion would have to meet a majority.

But this could be impossible due to the 62 elected on the left compared to the 577 deputies in the Assembly.

Bloomberg reporter, Nikos Chrysoloras, tweeted: "O.K, this is an epidemic now: France’s government will face a no confidence vote in parliament on Thursday, AFP reports."

He said Mr Macron was planning to speak to Prime Minister Theresa May, who also faces a no confidence vote tonight, on the phone.

The French president announced wage rises for the poorest workers and tax cuts for pensioners earlier this week, which are expected to increase public spending by €8 to 10 billion.

Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also confirmed he will call for a vote of confidence in the Law and Justice (PiS) government to ensure it has a mandate for its reforms ahead of this week's summit of EU leaders.


While Theresa May is on the brink of a leadership battle, across the Channel, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe’s government will face a no-confidence vote tomorrow.

Bloomberg says that while there is negligible chance the administration would lose a no-confidence vote, given its majority, the premier will have to detail his budgetary plans for next year.

The left-wing groups have just 62 lawmakers out of 577 in the National Assembly, it adds.

By comparison, President Emmanuel Macron’s party Republic on the Move boasts 309 lawmakers and is allied to centrist groups that represent at least 74 extra votes.

Meanwhile, here in the UK, it has now been confirmed that Conservative lawmakers have put in enough letters of no-confidence in Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger a vote on her leadership.

These are high stakes all round: for the hard Brexiters, it is one thing to reach the threshold of 48 no-confidence letters needed to launch the challenge; quite another to win round a majority of the party's 315 lawmakers to sack her.

If they end up losing, they must be aware that hard Brexit would be likely off the table for good.

A ballot will be held this evening and an announcement made as soon as possible afterwards.

There are fears that concessions by May's embattled counterpart, Macron, are set to blow out the French deficit.

Reuters says that France is on course to overshoot the European Union's budget deficit ceiling next year without new spending cuts after Macron caved in to anti-government street protests.

He announced wage increases for the poorest workers and a tax cut for most pensioners on Monday to defuse discontent, leaving his government scrambling to come up with extra budget savings or risk blowing through the EU's 3 percent of GDP limit.

Aside from offering tax breaks and wage hikes for the low-paid, he also apologised to the nation for his sometimes unfeeling manner.

[Image: le-penn-03.jpg?w=960]

[Image: Le-Penn-02.jpg?w=960]

[Image: Le-penn.jpg?w=960]

But Macron insisted he would not back down on his wider reform agenda in the face of yellow vest protests.

Whether that will be enough to avert a so-called "Act V" of demonstrations this weekend remains to be seen - as the concessions have already been written off by some as half-measures.

Today, students staged protests against his education reforms and in support of the yellow vests, while his ministers defend the government in parliament.

Macron acknowledged the whole episode is becoming a pivotal one for France, with grievances about inequality that have existed for decades finding renewed voice.

The riots have resulted in five protest-related deaths and 1,407 people have been injured, 46 of whom were seriously hurt, according to government figures.

French media warned that “many yellow vests are still mobilised” and are ready for another round of protests on Saturday.

Although Macron has put in place various social measures to “calm the anger” one protester told BFMTV “he gives us crumbs, he thinks we are sparrows waiting for crumbs.”

[Image: 1544615768616.jpg]

Paris Yellow Vests

(DOBA Rule: byline below)


First image is revealed of fugitive 'Christmas market gunman' as Thai tourist among three people killed is identified and French police reveal murderer shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he opened fire
By Sara Malm and Peter Allen In Paris for MailOnline and Afp

Published: 07:11 EST, 12 December 2018 | Updated: 08:18 EST, 12 December 2018
  • Three people killed and 13 injured when gunman opened fire at Strasbourg Christmas Market last night
  • Cherif Chekatt, 29, pictured in French media today, was on the security services' 'state threat' watchlist
  • Chekatt, from Strasbourg, has a lengthy criminal record and was 'known in local Islamist extremist circles'
  • Gunman was injured in exchange of fire with soldiers, but hijacked a taxi and managed to flee the scene
  • President Macron raised the country's terror level to its highest state as anti-terror police probed the attack

His motives may never be known.

Paris Yellow Vests

Apparently, the shooting has triggered such intense conspiracy theories among the Yellow Vests that the Yellow Vest facebook groups are locking their own comments:

As much as I don't go in for this stuff and usually enjoy debunking it, this one's like...

[Image: giphy.gif]

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Paris Yellow Vests

3300 yellow vests were planning on holding a big demonstration at the european parliament in Strasbourg but now because of the attack it cannot be held anymore due to the police/military presence is why people think there is a conspiracy.

‘Total mobilization’: Strasbourg bans public demos amid massive manhunt for Christmas market gunman




Antifa fighting yellow vests, weird.



Paris Yellow Vests


Paris Yellow Vests

4chan starting up with the Macron Regime change meme campaign

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