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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

When the "It's the Russian!" motto doesn't make it anymore...

Macron stocking ammos in his secret bunker under the Élysée palace.

[Image: DuHxw89WkAA012W.jpg:large]

La chute = the downfall

Paris Yellow Vests


Paris Yellow Vests

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-09-2018 05:41 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

There is going to perpetually be a push by the various state arms of the globalist regime to pit socialists against economic conservatives while the elite stuff their pockets full of cash and laugh at the idiots fighting each other in the streets.

Sure, it seems stupid to have a movement that says "cut taxes and raise pensions" but if that's the kind of cognitive dissonance it takes to rip down the tyrants from their self-allocated pedestals then so be it.

I don't even consider that overly "cognitive dissonance". Nobody can address the elephant in the room of all the money the gov't spends supporting the "new" population, but if you force them to stop taxing you AND stop shorting you, something else is going to have to give. The government has a lot of resources, every penny spent supporting the unproductive replacement population had to be taken from the working "yellow jackets" at some point in some way. Every day, the government had to make a decision to hose the working guy a little more in favor of "some other guy". That only works until you stand up and stop letting them do it.

Paris Yellow Vests

They could also do what Canada did, and stop requiring the gov't from borrowing from private banks at interest instead of the Bank of France at 0%. Saves a huge amount of money right there considering how big the French national debt is. Deciding to squeeze the working guy was a choice. You don't have to make the choice that easy.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 02:11 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

They could also do what Canada did, and stop requiring the gov't from borrowing from private banks at interest instead of the Bank of France at 0%. Saves a huge amount of money right there considering how big the French national debt is. Deciding to squeeze the working guy was a choice. You don't have to make the choice that easy.

We no longer do that that since Trudeau Senior sold our country to international bankers and made the Bank of Canada join the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in the early 1970s, the premier globalist central bank cartel.

The Bank of Canada Act was not amended and still enables the Bank of Canada to loan money to our government at 0% interest. However, we de facto amended it since we now follow BIS rules, which proscribe such action.

We barely had a public debt before Trudeau senior's treachery.

Paris Yellow Vests

Shots fired in downtown Strasbourg: several victims, the possibility of a terrorist attack mentioned

According to initial information at our disposal, shots were fired around 8 p.m. this Tuesday evening in downtown Strasbourg. Several places in the city centre would be affected: rue des Orfèvres, rue des Grandes-Arcades and Grand'Rue.

A sniper reportedly opened fire on rue des Grandes-Arcades.

edit, according to : at least 3 dead victims, 6 wounded, and the sniper is not captured

Paris Yellow Vests


Paris Yellow Vests

Unlikely that it`s liked to GJ though. Might just be some incel thing or similar. It`s at a Christmas maybe it`s our old Jihadi friends!

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 03:18 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Unlikely that it`s liked to GJ though. Might just be some incel thing or similar. It`s at a Christmas maybe it`s our old Jihadi friends!

I'm just going to go ahead and be the first one to baselessly speculate that it's a false flag attack, because at least this one has a plausible motive.

Macron has really gone too far this time!

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 03:23 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (12-11-2018 03:18 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Unlikely that it`s liked to GJ though. Might just be some incel thing or similar. It`s at a Christmas maybe it`s our old Jihadi friends!

I'm just going to go ahead and be the first one to baselessly speculate that it's a false flag attack, because at least this one has a plausible motive.

Even it's a terrorist attack it's just more fuel to the fire for the Yellow Vests.

Paris Yellow Vests

There is a famous cathedral in Strasbourg, and the sniper has started the attack close to the cathedral, according to

Paris Yellow Vests

It seems that last night's speech was the most-watched [Presidential address] in French history, with 23 million viewers.

That's terrible. It must have been like gathering the family to watch the moon landing and finding out that Neil Armstrong sounds like Pee Wee Herman.

(EDIT: Thanks balybary. I saw the part comparing it to sporting events and misunderstood and didn't register the header, should have Google Translated it to check myself. I feel like I'm in French class again.)

Quote: (12-11-2018 03:23 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Even it's a terrorist attack it's just more fuel to the fire for the Yellow Vests.

I was thinking along the lines that someone wants to sew so much alarm and confusion that the state will have a pretext to go HAM in the name of restoring civil order, and just enough support to get away with it. Gut-shot tourists are certainly major problems for small business owners in Alsace, precisely the types of people who might be eligible for getting tipped to the other side of the fence from their employees if "this is all going too far".

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 03:47 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

It seems that last night's speech was the most-watched television event in French history, with 23 million viewers.

That's terrible. It must have been like gathering the family to watch the moon landing and finding out that Neil Armstrong sounds like Pee Wee Herman.

The article says it's the most-watched presidential speech (not for all categories of event)

Paris Yellow Vests is saying that the terrorist is a member of the religion of peace (for me it sounds too early to be 100% sure now)

Paris Yellow Vests

is there like a live reporting on how things are going? If not, rooshs from France, can you give us an update?

Paris Yellow Vests

You can watch french tv online, but usually it's not very interresting


Paris Yellow Vests

If you want quick updates, open this link and use an automatic translator like deepL if you don't speak French

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 06:00 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:20 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

With respect to my French rvfs on here, I’ve been waiting a long time for the frenchies to come to their senses. I’m there often and have been for the last decade and every single one I speak to complains of all the taxes and how hard it is to get on there.

I moved away for that reason.

However, the other thing that I noticed in all my times there is that unfortunately, they don’t have the stomach (on the whole) to actually fight. I saw it night after night after night. Lots of posturing but when it came down to it, the moment to fight and knock the other man down, they would run away.

I wish as much as the next man that this is a revolution but it won’t be. It’ll fade and die and be comprised somehow. You don’t have it France, you’re perpetual losers and your country is too far gone already and doomed to fail. The signs are all around you, just look around you or visit other countries with less socialism.

The signs are even in the list of demand document. MORE civil servants! MORE... as if you don’t have enough sitting around doing fuck all. Don’t expect the new wave of migrants to take up your cause, they hate you like macaron does.

I’ve been saying this in the migrant invasion of Europe thread for a while now. Your country is on the brink if collapse. Get out while/if you can. This is not another revolution. You don’t have the stomach for it.

Show us the way. Come next time with me and show me how to fight. I will report here.

I already showed you. Read again the sentence that says’ I moved away for that reason’.

You would be a fool to fight for france now. It is done, has been for sometime.

Paris Yellow Vests

The police is launching an assault on the building where the terrorist is hidden.

Paris Yellow Vests

The terrorist is still on the run in Strasbourg.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 05:07 PM)balybary Wrote:  

The terrorist is still on the run in Strasbourg.

Macron must be quite pleased with this turn of events. It`s very convenient for him I mean. I don`t really belive in the false flag attack theory, but I guess it`s not unthinkable that they would let an attack happen due to "sloppy police work."

Law enforcement do prevent planned attacks all the time so! That`s still very hard to believe, but somewhat easier than the idea that some force (within the deep State) actually plans to carry out a false flag and then carries it out. I reject that notion completely.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 04:04 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

Quote: (12-11-2018 06:00 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:20 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

With respect to my French rvfs on here, I’ve been waiting a long time for the frenchies to come to their senses. I’m there often and have been for the last decade and every single one I speak to complains of all the taxes and how hard it is to get on there.

I moved away for that reason.

However, the other thing that I noticed in all my times there is that unfortunately, they don’t have the stomach (on the whole) to actually fight. I saw it night after night after night. Lots of posturing but when it came down to it, the moment to fight and knock the other man down, they would run away.

I wish as much as the next man that this is a revolution but it won’t be. It’ll fade and die and be comprised somehow. You don’t have it France, you’re perpetual losers and your country is too far gone already and doomed to fail. The signs are all around you, just look around you or visit other countries with less socialism.

The signs are even in the list of demand document. MORE civil servants! MORE... as if you don’t have enough sitting around doing fuck all. Don’t expect the new wave of migrants to take up your cause, they hate you like macaron does.

I’ve been saying this in the migrant invasion of Europe thread for a while now. Your country is on the brink if collapse. Get out while/if you can. This is not another revolution. You don’t have the stomach for it.

Show us the way. Come next time with me and show me how to fight. I will report here.

I already showed you. Read again the sentence that says’ I moved away for that reason’.

You would be a fool to fight for france now. It is done, has been for sometime.

This is not only true for France though. We are all afraid of what the State can do to us if we resist. Maybe they got us with the grain, sugar and seed oil based diet. T-levels are simply to low now to gather "critical mass" for a revolution.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-11-2018 04:03 PM)balybary Wrote:  

If you want quick updates, open this link and use an automatic translator like deepL if you don't speak French

am actually pointing to the yellow vests movement.

Paris Yellow Vests

4 confirmed dead now. RIP.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

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