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London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote:Excelsior Wrote:

Nothing was wasted because the "gift" you are talking about wasn't your gift. If you, Vox Day, and the rest of the supremacists I'm talking about had their way, there would have been no such gift to begin with.

This isn't true, because I support, and have always supported an IQ-based immigration system, wherein immigrants can never be more than 2% of the American population, no one country can supply more than 2% of the immigrants, and at least one family member must have an IQ of at least 105.

Based on your IQ, you would've been allowed to immigrate. Based on your father going to Oxford, he would've been allowed to immigrate.

So, Supremacists like me support immigration on limited conditions that wouldn't have restricted your opportunity to immigrate.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

We would be hating on Ukrainians too if they were suddenly granted diplomatic immunity and subsidies to come here in massive numbers. It's NOT about skin color Excelsior, it's about discrimination of native population.

Check out what Obama has to say on the matter:


There’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before.
Not all these fears are irrational.
The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net.

Is Obama also racist for pointing out the same things as we do? Would it, make him an evil Neonazi racist or just mildly racist? To what degree am I racist for buying his book back in 2007 and thinking it makes sense?

Stop making everything about race. Jesus.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

I was wondering why this thread blew up to 24 pages....

[Image: tumblr_ml9zcsHuyz1qh9nffo1_500.gif]

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

I just know this: When you have 15,000 posts on a forum in which you seemingly regard the majority of its members as "the enemy" and show nothing but disregard for the institutions that enabled you to buy a computer and make those 15,000 posts to begin with, maybe it's time for some serious introspection.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Let me explain something to you lads.

Excelsior needs evidence of white hatred for and oppression of blacks. He needs it like plants need sunlight. His entire world view is wrapped around it and without it he feels he will wither and die.

"How might I acquire this increasingly rare and precious resource?" he asks himself.

"I know. I'll go on a forum with lots of white guys that aren't afraid to tell the truth about the world and I'll just hammer the [racial cognitive dissonance] button until a bunch of them get the shits and say something mean to me!"

Keep in mind that this is a subconscious mental conversation he's having.

I suspect he would have bailed pages ago if he'd gotten what he wanted early but now he has to wait for other less gentle members to arrive and "oppress him" in a way that gives him that heady rush and pushes his special buttons.

"Ahhh! I AM oppressed! I knew it! Which makes my success in life all the more exceptional. I am not only great, but I am great despite my oppression! See? Even on a relatively egalitarian forum I still cannot escape this white supremacist menace!"

And along comes islam. "Thank goodness", say all the racial grievance mongers. "This is our ticket! These lunatics will blow people up weekly and when someone speaks ill of their religion we'll be able to wallow in self pity like pigs in mud because all of the muslims thus maligned are wonderfully brown. Better yet, they're mostly blowing up people who are grotesquely white! What could be more sweet?!"

You are dealing with someone who has a mental illness.

Proceed accordingly.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

< It's probably a bit simplified, since he is a smart guy coming from a line of smart educated men.

But the question here is what direction this mind took?

My guess is that there were
+ plenty of one-sided books,
+ little experience in Africa and the viewpoint of their non-psychopathic intelligentsia (which is surprisingly pro White)
+ plenty of experiences in the US which is a country that is deliberately traumatized and obsessed with the race issue, perceived white-black unfairness (Whites stole everything from us etc.)
+ then there is the matter of Islam which in addition colors the mental patterns strongly - you get at one time the perception that you are superior due to Islam, Islam being a Religion of Peace, but killing of unbelievers is fine - even worse if you are a moderate in a religion that does not have a moderate Islam

Here a panel composed of Ex-Muslims who clearly state that in Islam they honestly did not see the bigotry and dichotomy of the mind that it fosters.

And here a good take on "moderate" Islam:

You cannot reform such a religion if you don't face the facts, that ISIS = 100% Islam, Saudi Arabia is 80% Islam, the rest are more removed, but then you have Indonesia which is maybe 50% Islam - it takes only a few guys who want to live it at 80-100% and you have entire swaths of people bombing and killing non-Muslims and lukewarm Muslims. The same is going on in the Philippines, in Europe and anywhere else.

Anyone still proposing the mass immigration of non-fitting immigrants and especially Muslims into any country that is not 90% Muslim already - well he is just asking for trouble, because the lukewarm 50% Muslims don't matter much - it is the adherents to the evil ideology of Islam which will poison and destroy any civilization they come in contact with.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

I've come to the conclusion that there's simply a lot of black guys that defend islam as a knee-jerk reflex because they ultimately support anything that tears down the nations we know and love as they existed at their prime.

Guys like Ex would rather be kings on an anti-white pile of rubble than equals in a race-blind utopia.

He's as much as stated that he believes the time of white civilisation is over and that the future belongs to brown polygamy. So if 1% of muslims blow up a bunch of white people on the reg then that's not a bug, that's a feature. Note that he doesn't even waste a single breath identiftying with the victims of terrorism in our nations. He jumps straight to how we're a bunch racists for not treating islam as "1 billion individuals" not five seconds after telling us that "all neo-confederates are racist or racist-lite".

That's why you see him in the Trump thread never. Because the idea of a revival of our society sickens him. It just took this particular thread to trigger him into self-identifying.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote: (06-12-2017 01:21 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Is Obama also racist for pointing out the same things as we do? Would it, make him an evil Neonazi racist or just mildly racist? To what degree am I racist for buying his book back in 2007 and thinking it makes sense?

Did Obama seek to ban those immigrants? Did he advocate for a "muslim ban" and a harsh cap on legal immigrants? Did he take steps to enact those policies? Did he base those steps on the notion that said immigrants are "lesser peoples" or that their religion is "cancer" at worst and an "evil cult" at best?

I'm not even a particularly big fan of Obama, but this was not a strong argument.

Quote: (06-12-2017 05:59 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I've come to the conclusion that there's simply a lot of black guys that defend islam as a knee-jerk reflex because they ultimately support anything that tears down the nations we know and love as they existed at their prime.

Guys like Ex would rather be kings on an anti-white pile of rubble than equals in a race-blind utopia.

Guys like Ex know how to read and, for that reason, understand very clearly that nothing coming from those leading the current trend you are subscribing to (Trump, the alt-right, the HBD-sphere, the Ethno-nationalists, etc, etc) will lead to anything resembling a "race-blind utopia".
You have senior members in this thread who have literally distinguished "guys like Ex" as part and parcel of the world's mass of "lesser peoples". That you have the balls to read that, come here, and talk with a straight face about how this is only about a "race-blind utopia" says everything about how deluded you are (as if that wasn't clear enough).

There's nothing "race-blind" about what you are a part of. There is nothing "race blind" about the Trump administration and its support. There is nothing "race blind" about the ethno-nationalist ideas gaining ground in recent years and being supported by you and many here. There's nothing "race-blind" about all of these calls to go back to 1950. We (the "lesser peoples") know what we see. We're not fools (even though a good number of folks here would eagerly seek to present IQ scores purporting to show the contrary).


He's as much as stated that he believes the time of white civilisation is over and that the future belongs to brown polygamy. So if 1% of muslims blows up a bunch of white people on the reg then that's not a bug, that's a feature.


I didn't say any of that, but this isn't surprising. I oppose white supremacy and I must clearly be anti-white.

Anti-racist = anti-white.
I remember posting at stormfront back in the day (in the opposing views section - one of the "anti-racists" trying to beat back some of the hate). I can't count the number of times I heard "Anti-racist = anti-white".

And now here you are arriving at pretty much the same conclusion.


That's why you see him in the Trump thread never. Because the idea of a revival of our society sickens him. It just took this particular thread to trigger him into self-identifying.

Trump is not going to revive anything. You guys are being taken on the ride of your life, and you don't even know it.

You'll learn.

Quote: (06-12-2017 02:57 AM)atlant Wrote:  

I just know this: When you have 15,000 posts on a forum in which you seemingly regard the majority of its members as "the enemy" and show nothing but disregard for the institutions that enabled you to buy a computer and make those 15,000 posts to begin with, maybe it's time for some serious introspection.

Quote: (06-12-2017 03:40 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Let me explain something to you lads.

Excelsior needs evidence of white hatred for and oppression of blacks. He needs it like plants need sunlight. His entire world view is wrapped around it and without it he feels he will wither and die.

"How might I acquire this increasingly rare and precious resource?" he asks himself.

"I know. I'll go on a forum with lots of white guys that aren't afraid to tell the truth about the world and I'll just hammer the [racial cognitive dissonance] button until a bunch of them get the shits and say something mean to me!"

You are both clueless. Here is what you are too slow or too disingenuous to understand.

I registered here 7 years ago. The forum was a very different place at that time. This sub-forum didn't exist. Most of the HBD/ethnonationalist talk was not present. There were MANY more members of color who posted quite frequently. Politics were not nearly as central as they are today. Roissy was still Roissy (not the white nationlist Heartiste it is now).

I did not enter a forum filled with people I resent discussing topics in ways I resent to antagonize them. I entered a forum filled with people I did not resent at all who discussed topics that I found fulfilling and invaluable in aiding my maturation process.

Then, sometime around early/mid 2015, things started to change quickly. Folks like you began to show up in much greater numbers. ROK (where I was a contributor for years) suddenly saw a lot of the talk of self-improvement replaced in comment sections with discussions about mudsharks, coalburning, "the jewish question", and a host of other issues. Then, come 2016, Islam suddenly became the center of discussion. Trump became god and the focal point of forum conversation. White nationalism and HBD began to creep in all around the place, leading to courses of discussion that weren't even remotely common before.

The forum and the community more broadly went from a diverse group of men of all backgrounds aiding each other in romantic and personal self-improvement to a less diverse group of men talking less about those things and more about how to save western civilization and eliminate certain kinds of men from the equation altogether.

You joined when I did as a black male, you found a diverse group of guys lifting each other up. Now (and this is true on the Forum, at ROK, and in many other parts of the Manosphere/Red Pill web today) you find a diverse group of guys talking about how dumb you and your people are ("IQ is truth! Regression to the mean is real! End dysgenic migration!"), how disgusted they'd be to find a white woman who dared to sleep with you (mudshark this, coalburner that), and how the migration of people who look like you is death to society. And you were just expected to chill and bro out with folks who, seemingly more and more every day, dedicated themselves to reminding you how inferior your race is and how much better they (and "their" civilization) was.

That's what happened. A very large number of valuable contributors are gone in large part because of this trend.

And when I dare to speak out against it and counter some of the madness that has taken hold here? I get arrogant fuckers like you threatening to report me to moderators, diagnosing me with a "mental illness", and mounting delusional high horses exercising moral authority they do not have.
Because you've just got to mentally fucking ill to see the changes I've seen in this community and actually bother to say anything at all about them after having shut up about them for the most part.

"Let me explain something to you lads", he says, as if he has any idea at all what the fuck he's talking about. The man even has the balls to pretend he can read my mind, he's just so damn omniscient:


Keep in mind that this is a subconscious mental conversation he's having.

Blind leading the blind. That's what you represent.

I'm not here for your validation. I'm not speaking up for sympathy, a "victim complex", or any of the other BS you're spouting here. I am speaking up because I love this place. It helped make me - I joined at 18 as a totally gameless, awkward virgin and literally grew up here with the guidance it helped bring and the ideas/people I was exposed to. It stabilized me. It gave me the ability to talk to the opposite sex and, more broadly, to everyone else. It helped me learn how to dress. It introduced me to great ideas and great people.

And that goes not just for this place, but other parts of the manosphere too. I used to read Roissy every day - he was crude, yes, but I picked up some valuable wisdom from him. I helped to get ROK started as an original contributor, and loved doing the work. It was one of my first longer-term gigs. I read all around the manosphere, taking in intel about all manner of things.

And then those places, all of a sudden, became vastly more hostile to everything I am. They turned. New people with different ideas began to predominate. The lines between the Red Pill and White Nationalism blurred. Valuable contributors of color began to disappear. The Roissy that I read as a young black man and who had served as a gateway to the manosphere for me turned into the virulently anti-black Heartiste. And this forum shifted too.

I can't stop this trend. I know I can't, and I won't. That's not the goal here. This is bigger than me, and I accept that. I stayed here and kept posting well after I noticed the shift accelerating because, as I said, I love this place. I wasn't ready to give it up just so. There's still plenty of value to be read. And I'll remain for sometime to come. I know that, eventually, I might have to relent and move on to a different place with a different atmosphere. That's life - things change, you adapt.

But I was not about to let that happen without at least saying something. That was why I posted in this thread. It won't change anything (your minds are all made up and the broader shift is unstoppable at this point), but something had to be said on behalf of not just myself, but many other members and viewers like me who have seen the shift I've seen and feel quite similarly (and don't think for a second that I've made that up; I am not the only member here with the concerns I described above, I'm just the only one coming out and voicing them as publicly as I am).

The trend that's been ongoing will continue, but at least someone said what needed to be said about it.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

The problem is not being black, Muslim or mentally ill, but much simpler:


I don't need to listen to her. I'm far more well read on those topics than she is now or ever will be. I have been reading into race, IQ, multiculturalism, and other such topics for over a decade now. This is not new. She is where I was in 2004, when I first discovered these topics and began discussing them online.

I read the Unz Review. I read IQ and the Wealth of Nations. I view VDare, viewed Stormfront (back before it started its decline), and every other corner of the web where Race/IQ discussions were common. I know all about conceptions of regression to the mean, r/K-selection, and just about anything else you can think of on the topic of race, IQ, HBD, and multiculturalism.

This is not new to me. I have, in all likelihood, been in these corners of the web reviewing these discussions for longer than you have. I have most certainly been at that for much longer than she's been on the internet talking about it. I've come to my own conclusions in this arena after engaging with far more information over a far longer time than your girl here. She has literally nothing to teach me on this topic, and neither do you.

Excelsior, there's a big difference between being well-versed in a topic and viewing yourself as the ultimate authority in the world on a topic. It doesn't matter if you've studied it for a month, year or a decade, if you're wrong you'll stay wrong no matter how much time you pour into it. Having viewed 100 forums instead of 10 doesn't make you any more wise, just more likely to descend into an echo-chamber.

In other words, it's a case of an otherwise perfectly nice guy's identity becoming attached to the idea of being the guru on a certain subject.

Roosh has been practicing game and exploration for 15 years now, but you'll never hear him bragging about it in such a way or making wild appeals to authority in this fashion.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Excelsior - fair enough that you see it that way.

I disagree that everything about ROK and the manosphere got suddenly far-right and anti-Muslim.

Islam is bad, we are also sick of the lies and the Western mass migration that is clearly set to destroy all White Western countries. That is what people became aware of en masse. But frankly everyone would behave in a similar way - Nigerians who are swarmed by an increasing amount of Chinese who are starting to take over (and they will when their military bases come), Koreans, Chinese and Japanese are also fiercely loyal to their tribe and actually quite openly racist against anyone else in many instances.

I don't think that the men here are as bad as you paint them to be - we are just sick of the lies. All the stuff we say has no bearing on you or other black members here. Truth is - we would probably like you very much in real life, have some great fun and experiences with girl. We are not concerned about a few men fucking white girls, we like to fuck black and Asian girls and double standard is just bullshit. But we are against lies (even pretty lies) and we are against negative ideologies - Islam is one of them. You may disagree on some points, but it's not as bad as it may seem.

I am afraid that a happy safe quasi-PC Red Pill space was in a way never real. Roissy had those viewpoints before, he just chose to not voice them. Most of us are more left from Heartiste and more in the middle.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

So all of those 'great contributors' must have simply been bitten by the nasty 'white supremacy bug' eh?

You pick out the who and the when but you don't have the slightest interest in the why.

Because you were happy as a clam ten years ago when the only ones without a racial identity were whites, and when whites were thoroughly disenfranchised as societal whipping boys, when there was zero recognition of the vastly lop-sided interracial violence against whites and when the full extent of the insanity of large scale muslim immigration was yet to be felt.

And then a metric shitload of whites all over the west woke up and the entire internet shifted in its dynamic from an utterly racist anti-white situation that you were thoroughly comfortable with to a far more honest and genuine medium in which your smug and sanctimonious victimhood was suddenly upended.

So immense was this awakening that it washed over places that might have seemed well above the high tide mark, like a forum dedicated to picking up random bitches and fucking them.

Well let me be the first to offer my condolences that the progressive gravy train of lop-sided race relations has reached its last station and that all ideas get to defend themselves on their own merit, including the prospect of being flooded with backwater death-cultists (go on and tell us how that's working out for Europe, please).

Or just keep calling me racist in the feeble hope that you can bring back the old days. My latina wife gets a real laugh out of it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

I wouldn't hate black people if so many of them weren't part of the political eb of 'what ever screws whitey' is best. There are so many blacks in the UK that think that allying themselves, which means making apologetics, with Islam will somehow improve their lives. People like EX don't understand that the current trent of animosity amongst people is, undeservedly, towards whites. This is particularly true in America where they're being attacked from all sides for existing. Heartiste is right on this point.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Excelsior, I'm sorry to say that, but if you're currently experiencing similar clashes at all those other places you visit, whether online or offline, you should ask yourself if the harsh rhetoric directed at you might have anything to do with your holier-than-thou attitude and a crusade to enlighten the unwashed masses about white supremacy, terrorism and open borders.

It's not them, it's you.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)


I didn't say any of that, but this isn't surprising. I oppose white supremacy and I must clearly be anti-white.

Anti-racist = anti-white.
I remember posting at stormfront back in the day (in the opposing views section - one of the "anti-racists" trying to beat back some of the hate). I can't count the number of times I heard "Anti-racist = anti-white".

Anti-racist is usually anti-white, due to the dynamics of that detente described in my previous post. White people essentially agreed, barring some principled dissenters, to tolerate reverse discrimination against whites on the basis that it would help oppressed minorities integrate. To actually achieve a race-blind society, those double standards would at some point have to be eliminated and racial identities would be subordinated to ethnic and cultural identities. By 2003, affirmative action seemed to be on the way out and in 2008 the US elected its first black President. But then then anti-racists doubled down on racial identity and pursued more reverse discrimination to deal with the ever dwindling and increasingly impossible-to-eradicate vestiges of racist America. They invented boogeymen to attack or dragged obscure and irrelevant straw Klansmen to hang around the necks of political opponents.

I am against white supremacy in principle and I am opposed to racism on the basis that discrimination against any individual on the basis of their racial identity is always based on prejudice. But I am not an "anti-racist".

In, 2017 anti-racists are causing far more harm than good. Modern anti-racists act as if they believe racial prejudice is the cause of all problems in society. They are the opposite of race-blind. They embrace racial identity and see everything through the race filter. They imagine racism everywhere. The most obviously destructive consequence of this ideology is the false idea that we have an epidemic of police officers killing black people simply for being black. These delusions have led to multiple riots and backlash against the police, which has included murdered police officers. But these delusions can be seen in the recent spate of campus controversies, the most recent being Evergreen college (unless there has been another one since then, which would not surprise me). Another aspect of the anti-racist ideology has been the proclivity to strongly associate race and culture. To the modern anti-racist, criticizing anything that can be considered "black culture" is automatically considered racist, without regard to whether that culture actually has anything to do with race at all.

Institutional racism in the United States against non-whites has been largely eradicated. An entire generation of Americans have been raised to consider Martin Luther King among the greatest leaders hero of the 20th century. Rosa Parks is universally lionized for her courage. Those who clung to the racism of the past were ostracized, marginalized, and given no quarter by the institutions in this country. After a generation of affirmative action, 5.7 million Blacks in the US have college degrees and by 2003 their incomes had come within 95% of white incomes: Journal of Blacks in Higher Ed.

With nothing truly productive left to do, anti-racists had to seek out new enemies. They dwell on the racial angles of everything. When I look at the income data in that article, showing Black men averaging 80% of the incomes of White men for similar educational level, my first thought is to check for additional variables that might be explaining it or else outliers are skewing the averages. Certainly, the variance of income among degreed men is far greater the difference between white and black performance. However, the modern anti-racist concludes that this disparity is caused by prejudice and that the system must be biased against black people because they are black. The anti-racist then a) goes to find ways to bias the system to favor blacks at the expense of whites b) viciously attacks any perceived racism anywhere no matter how insignificant or factual the perceived violation might be c) incessantly speaks of, usually in whines, about racism in all its forms, ensuring that as many people as possible are thinking about race and racism as often as possible.

That is why I am not anti-racist and tend to oppose anti-racists.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote: (06-12-2017 06:56 AM)ziggystardust Wrote:  

I wouldn't hate black people if so many of them weren't part of the political eb of 'what ever screws whitey' is best. There are so many blacks in the UK that think that allying themselves, which means making apologetics, with Islam will somehow improve their lives. People like EX don't understand that the current trent of animosity amongst people is, undeservedly, towards whites. This is particularly true in America where they're being attacked from all sides for existing. Heartiste is right on this point.

As a black, I have heard educated uk blacks defend Islam. No black has business defending Islam. Read about the Sudanese conflict to understand what Afro-Arabs think about your run-of-the-mill Bantu, Christian Black.

I hate to sound like a coon but it's mental slavery. You thought the Negro was free? No, the Negro is still in mental chains to his liberal slave masters in the West and his Allah/Iman/Mohammed in Africa.

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you"

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Also, it's interesting how Vox Day is continually held up as some kind of white supremacist despite the fact that he has coined the terms "Alt-White" and "Alt-Retard" to distinguish the White nationalists with whom he does not share views.

As far as I can determine, his theory of the relationship between genetics and civilization is almost the same as Excelsior's. As far as I can tell, Vox's most infamous essay is this one, which is specifically a retaliation against NK Jemisin who had lied about him.


Unlike the white males she excoriates, there is no evidence to be found anywhere on the planet that a society of NK Jemisins is capable of building an advanced civilization, or even successfully maintaining one without significant external support from those white males. If one considers that it took my English and German ancestors more than one thousand years to become fully civilized after their first contact with advanced Greco-Roman civilization, it should be patently obvious that it is illogical to imagine, let alone insist, that Africans have somehow managed to do the same in less than half the time at a greater geographic distance. These things take time.

He also expresses extreme pessimism about identity politics. His position appears to be that so long as one team is playing identity politics, identity politics is the only viable game to play, and racial diversity always breeds identity politics. His philosophy seems to be "it is better win than be a noble loser." Before the rise of identity politics ant the alt right he was a libertarian nationalist.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote: (06-12-2017 01:06 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  


Not to go off topic, but I like this Miriam Shaded chick:

[Image: C6Vf8PPWcAEMvWE.jpg]

[Image: 1pub-kandydatka-korwina-chciala-zostac-m...779798.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote: (06-12-2017 10:12 AM)thedarkknight Wrote:  

Quote: (06-12-2017 06:56 AM)ziggystardust Wrote:  

I wouldn't hate black people if so many of them weren't part of the political eb of 'what ever screws whitey' is best. There are so many blacks in the UK that think that allying themselves, which means making apologetics, with Islam will somehow improve their lives. People like EX don't understand that the current trent of animosity amongst people is, undeservedly, towards whites. This is particularly true in America where they're being attacked from all sides for existing. Heartiste is right on this point.

As a black, I have heard educated uk blacks defend Islam. No black has business defending Islam. Read about the Sudanese conflict to understand what Afro-Arabs think about your run-of-the-mill Bantu, Christian Black.

I hate to sound like a coon but it's mental slavery. You thought the Negro was free? No, the Negro is still in mental chains to his liberal slave masters in the West and his Allah/Iman in Africa.

Correct - the best way is to do it like all other tribes, keep or develop your own culture while learning from other tribes. You only have to look at the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese - they take from the White Western nations what they want, but then don't move much when it comes to their own culture, cherish their traditions.

All this blaming Whitey or even worse - embracing Islam as a black man - this leads nowhere.

That is what I like about some of the sane Hoteps like Hotep Jesus:
[Image: hotep-jesus-they-got-us-blaming-white-pe...648347.png]
Though I don't entirely agree with them being (((them))) - rather the globalists and the leftists who have their own dumb treatment of blacks. I agree that the best way is to acknowledge some biological and tribal differences, but then simply ignore it.

That is why sites like the Hotepnation rather focuses on self-improvement than on useless eternal victim culture:

[Image: entrepreneur-819x374.png]

That is how you move forward. One of my best friends grew up in Norway, his father is black and from the Caribbeans and his mother is a blonde Norwegian woman. So he is half-Viking, half-black, but looks black. When he was young he felt that he experienced a lot of racism. Later as he became older he realized that almost all of it was rather kids being dicks to each other. When you become older you find out that other men had similar experiences - kids and young men pounce on each other and are occasionally quite mean.

He is now married to a Russian girl, since he prefers white girls and he has a thriving IT business. Small and medium companies hire him, because they prefer a likeable fun-loving guy to maintain their servers.

All this back and forth between us is all fine and well. But we should not forget that we are actually more united than divided on the precepts of Red Pill, Game & self-improvement. In the future this cooperation may even be expanded and we can begin to profit financially or otherwise even more.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote: (06-11-2017 07:06 AM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

Average IQ by country (70 is the cutoff for mental retardation):

[Image: 7FRvmcC.png]

There are lesser peoples, yes, but it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. People living in a country determine what the country is like and on that note I would rather live in Japan than Somalia - because Japan is objectively better.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

I hope Excelsior reads this post.

Quote: (06-12-2017 07:35 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Excelsior, I'm sorry to say that, but if you're currently experiencing similar clashes at all those other places you visit, whether online or offline, you should ask yourself if the harsh rhetoric directed at you might have anything to do with your holier-than-thou attitude and a crusade to enlighten the unwashed masses about white supremacy, terrorism and open borders.

It's not them, it's you.

Excelsior reminds me of a close Mexican friend who I have known for over a decade now.

This Mexican friend of mine was a HUGE fan of communism in highschool and he would talk about how the United States was an evil capitalist country that wanted to destroy the world. He also brings up how white men succeed only because they are white. Admittedly there is a bit of tension between me and him given just how polar opposite our worldviews are.

For a long time I wondered if there was something wrong with me because he would call me a racist or white supremacist anytime I did or said something that could be perceived as racially biased.

It didn't matter that I have had sex with and relationships with girls outside of my race, it didn't matter that I have had friends across a wide variety of ethnicities, it didn't matter if I was willing to befriend or date anyone regardless of race.

The sum of my parts didn't matter to him, all that mattered was if I did or said anything that was slightly out of line. Eventually, I had a realization, the problem was not me it was HIM. He would project his own hostility towards white people onto me and find a politically correct way to attack me for it.

He never accepted the fact that I am just a man. Underneath it all, I will always be flawed, biased, selfish, self-interested and short-sighted. No matter what I do, I will never become some sort of perfect being that supersedes racial lines or racial thinking.


This is the lesson Excelsior, you need to realize that we are just people. We are afraid, anxious, selfish, and all the other things that make up people. All of those anxieties come out in different forms, and as long as there aren't people here advocating for things that lead to the direct oppression or hurt of someone because of what they look like, maybe it is in your best self interest to just let it go. Just let it go man.

Also, I have been on the other end of "discrimination". I put that in quotes because I know that black men face the worst forms of discrimination in this country. I have spent extensive time in the poor parts of the Mexican community around here and have faced slights, jokes at my expense, and discrimination because I was a gringo. Do I obsess over some form of so-called Mexican supremacy? No. I just accept that people are biased towards their own kind because that is the way the world works brother. Sometimes you just have to accept things for what they are and not how you want them to be because otherwise you will go crazy trying to seek out some unreachable ideal of human perfection.

Edit: Also, I still believe that Excelsior is a pillar of this community and has brought a lot of value here. It is just frustrating how he is zeroing in on all of these perceived slights and letting it consume him. Sometimes you just have to let things go. Also, I still believe that if Excelsior wants to persuade people politically, he should talk to Atlanta Man or Fortis. I have a high level of respect for both of them and I think both have been pretty good at selling their point of view to members on this forum. They have very strong persuasive powers.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)


I put that in quotes because I know that black men face the worst forms of discrimination in this country.

Do they? What are the worst forms of discrimination in this country?

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote: (06-11-2017 01:27 AM)Excelsior Wrote:  


As for Samseau being a White Supremacist - stating that some cultures at one time or another are superior to others on a variety of factors - by jolly - this should be a no-brainer, because no way in hell are all cultures and all religions equally good at the same time.

The cult of Baal and their child-sacrifices, the Aztecs with their daily killings, previous cultures with massive slave trades including the esteemed Romans, current culture of Islam - they are all far inferior to many other cultures that we have now. This is shown in a multitude of observable facts. Are the people of those cultures worthy of saving and compassion? Yes - of course - the tribes of those systems can adapt and create a new culture, but their initial system was just inferior to many others that we have now.

Cool. So what happens when you've established that the people themselves are "lesser peoples"?

Quote: (06-09-2017 03:13 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

....All of the lesser people's you've mentioned with higher birthrates around the world are doing is relying on feeding on the developed countries to sustain their bastard birthrates.

Quote: (06-09-2017 03:13 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

....All of the lesser people's you've mentioned with higher birthrates around the world

Quote: (06-09-2017 03:13 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

lesser people's

If you read the context of that discussion, you'll note that the "lesser people's" he was referring to amount to basically everyone outside of Europe and Northeast Asia.

So, here's where we are in the logic being presented:
1. Europeans and East Asians = "higher cultures". Everyone else (even the folks who aren't sacrificing children or anything approaching that level of barbarity - the absence of said barbarity doesn't get you into the "higher culture" camp) = lower cultures.
2. Everyone with roots outside of Europe/East Asia: "Lesser people's"

Explain to me how I'm supposed to look at that and not conclude that the individual making said statements doesn't firmly believe in the inferiority of my race and my people relative to his race and his people (who, conveniently, are among the "higher cultures").

It's great fun watching the lengths to which some folks will go to try and excuse ideas like this. I'm interested to see what you come up with.

Calling someone lesser isn't racist. It's only racist if you believe, like the Southern Slave owners did, that Blacks would always be lesser.

That's not my argument, and never has been. And no matter how many times I've explained my position you are unable to grasp the nuances of my arguments. It's kinda sad, but it's obvious your indoctrination was thicker than most because of going to the Ivy League.

The facts of the matter is that the world's lesser peoples are dependent upon the developed ones, and the higher peoples aren't reproducing. This has happened before and it didn't even involve Blacks and Whites, it was just Roman Whites vs. Germanic Whites with the Romans being the higher and Germans being lesser. And when the Romans were gone, there was literally a 500+ year regression in technology.

You seem to think immigration is some kind of magic button where people come here, learn the ways of the White men, and suddenly will be perfect replacements. It's a fantasy sustained by pure delusion. When the demographic winter of Whites fully set in with conjunction of the bankruptcy of their governments, it's going to be a hell on earth for the lesser people's of the world.

When you see it first hand during your lifetime, and you will, you will realize the truth of my position.

Now, you may be optimistic and say that non-Whites will eventually rediscover the knowledge of Western Civ and use it better in the future. And this could in fact happen. But it's not going to happen without an intense culling of the world's excess population. And the process of replacing the high functioning of White society will take at least 200 years.

"Racists" of course, will disagree and state that no such improvement will ever come and when the Whites decline there is no coming back for a long ass time (until Whites get their shit back together). And to be totally fair this position could be true, which means it's not racist at all. If something is true then it is not racist.

Regardless, there is nothing racist about talking about those who are lesser or greater. In fact you do it all the time when discuss alpha males and beta males, you even describe marriage as a form of betaffirmative action. Is this "racist" against betas? So ridiculous.

According to you, if calling someone lesser is racist, that means Jesus was a racist. Matthew 25:37:


37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Quick, tell us why the Bible is racist Athlone because they used the word lesser. [Image: tard.gif]

Your arguments suffer from extreme dogmas and intellectual bankruptcy. You refuse to be skeptical of your own positions and you spout falsehoods left and right. Look at this beauty:


Its main failure is its attempt to correlate one's place of residence with their ideology. Residence in one place doesn't prohibit any view. You may reside in a place where you feel there is an issue with supremacists. You may have chosen to reside in this place for any number of reasons independent of said supremacists' presence. Your choice of residence does nothing to preclude you from attacking said supremacists when you find them. Your residence is not an endorsement of supremacy or anything else related to their ideology. If anything, it's an opportunity to directly attack it.

The point isn't what you are allowed to criticize or not, the point is that if this place is so bad you wouldn't be here. You're lying and a hypocrite.


Me and Tariq are a bit different. You say that he cannot live with White Supremacy. I can live with it, and have done so for most of my life with it having shown no ability to prevent me from succeeding. As I said, white supremacy cannot and has not stopped me.
There's a big difference between being unable to live with supremacy, however, and being willing and able to critique it and those who adhere to it and attack the ideology.
I can live with supremacists. I will not do so quietly. When I find them, I will critique them. They are the enemy and will be treated as such.

Yes, you live with White supremacy, after it gave you an Ivy League education mostly on (White) taxpayer's dime. [Image: rolleyes.gif]

I mean how can you be so delusional? Your education was just indoctrination, it's obvious it was a complete failure if you cannot even apply basic skepticism to your own views.

You see non-Whites attending institutions and countries built by Whites, but do you ever see it in reverse?

Do you see Chinese attending top African schools? Whites attending top Asian schools?

Christians becoming mayors of Muslim countries?

On and on and on, if the Whites are the racists how come they are the only ones who tolerate foreigners leading and participating in their civic and national life?


But in either case, I was sent back to the island to reside with said grandparents. They lived in the country. This is the most difficult part of the island to live in - power is less reliable, schools are not as well equipped (the elite private schools are in the capital city), and road maintenance is iffish, at best. Trash collection varied - it's gotten better over the years. The water wasn't potable when I was there and much of it needed to be collected via water tanks, boiled, then filtered.

And the above is how it will be for the vast majority of the world once the demographic winter sets in. Starts in earnest 2030.


When those environmental factors are removed from the equation, a substantial difference can be seen in the performance of Jamaicans (and others, like Nigerians and Ghanaians) after the fact. The IQ measurements you are backing do not take this into account, which is why I attack their credibility.

But, the increase in performance does not offset the costs. So far most elevation of non-Whites has been at the expense of Whites. Whites are forced by law to subsidize lesser peoples, including within their own race. Since subsidization is not cost-effective, it follows that no one has discovered a cost-efficient method for raising lesser peoples into greater peoples - with one exception. That would be the Christians and their monogamy. The Christian lifestyle has advanced the world, and the Whites in particular, more than anything ever created. But Christianity is also under heavy attack, and people actually believe that rampant sluttery and polygamy could ever replace monogamy. So that's why we're sliding back into a dark age as a decline of quality, responsible individuals, shrinks dramatically in comparison to the unproductive, selfish, and parasitic individuals.


I resent white supremacists (and their associates who sympathize with and/or hold similar views) because they are people who resent me. They view me and all like me as the enemy and are treated in kind.

You're pretty much living in your own reality, I guarantee you 90%+ of the people you think "resent" you actually could care less.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Quote:Excelsior Wrote:

I didn't say any of that, but this isn't surprising. I oppose white supremacy and I must clearly be anti-white.

You also didn't say, "It's really sad whenever a Muslim terrorist blows apart an eight year old British girl with a nail bomb."

You also didn't say, "I'm opposed to black immigrants coming into America to rape, rob, murder, or assault American citizens."

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

I spent the weekend in the company of investment bankers in Evropa.

If it helps, I can alleviate some of Excelsiors fears of anti-muslim sentiment, you can be sure the cuckery and value signaling about the bad racists is still going strong with the elite.

London Bridge and Borough Market Attacks (June 3, 2017)

Jordan Peterson has been posting a series of lectures on The Biblical Idea of God.

It's informative to hear him say that the cornerstone of the American legal system, (the ultimate value and sovereignty of the individual), is a quintessentially Christian concept that echoes the "Man is made in the image of God" idea. He says this is a brilliant and strange idea, because the default assumption is that only the best of people have any value, while the worst have no value at all.

Islam doesn't believe this, so it's easy for them to kill eight year old girls with nail bombs. Hinduism doesn't believe this, so it's easy for them to have a caste system. Atheism, obviously, doesn't have it. Buddhism doesn't have it either, so...wait, what, Buddhism?

Buddhism is the majority religion in China. Roughly 85% of Chinese are religious and roughly 70% of those religious people are Buddhists. Zelcorpion casually mentioned the influx of Chinese people into Africa, and Vox Day mentioned last night that the Chinese are planning to send 100,000,000 million Chinese people there. 100 million into a continent that had only 284,000,000 people in 1960.

Samseau, whom Excelsior is feuding with, is not merely White, but also quite Christian. I'd go so far as to call him the most outspoken Christian on RVF (yes, even above Scorpion).

Anti-White is also Anti-Christian. And it's amusing that Excelsior loudly echoes Christianity by declaring, "People are individuals, and I'll treat them as such.", while siding with every Anti- Christian brown Muslim.

I echo many people's prediction that the mass movement of Chinese into Africa will touch off some of the most egregious genocidal behaviors in human history. And I hope that Excelsior lives long enough to see it, so that he can learn the most ominous interpretation of the Buddhist mantra that Life Is Suffering.

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