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Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

This is similar to Manboobz Futrelle being a former staff writer for Money Magazine, and now begging for donations to keep his shitty blog running. Clearly he didn't handle his own finances in a competent manner.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-16-2017 11:35 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Over the years, I've come to accept this as the predictable reality behind whatever supposedly-noble political cause is currently being fought: you are guaranteed to end up with the exact same toxic power dynamics as what you were valiantly-fighting to end.

They teach this in Political Science classes. The most common example being the nomenklatura in the Soviet Union. It happens after every successful revolution or populist wave. Today's champions of the people are tomorrow's out of touch sheltered elites.

Hell, sometimes today's champions of the people are actually the exact same guys who ran the old regime, i.e contemporary Russia.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-16-2017 11:35 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Remember, around this time, fellow Alt-Liter Bill Kristol / Kristal - I can't be bothered googling him - was also doxxing another Alt-Righter and trying to get her fired from her job.


and the Alt-Lite is shaping up with members like Kristol, Cernovich, Milo and Vox Day

Bill Kristol, the most prominent anti-Trump globalist/neocon pundit in America, is now part of the Alt-Lite. I've heard it all now.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

I'm not sure why people are calling Cernovich untrustworthy. He's a busy guy yet still finds time to respond to my tweets and DMs. I even speak with him while he's doing his periscopes.

I think he's easily the most pro-Masculine media figure in America at the moment.

It seems people do not understand all of Mike's motives because events are moving so quickly, but Mike is far less duplicitous than many are making him out to be.

1. He deletes most of his Periscopes so people can't make compilations of him saying stuff out of context, although people record his Periscopes anyways so this is a moot point.

2. He jumped the gun on Richard Spencer but has since backed down. They will probably work together again someday.

3. I've yet to see Mike hurt anyone who hasn't tried to hurt him first. He is still loyal to those loyal to him and talks with many on this forum. He doesn't post here anymore but why should he? His platform is massive and he's tending his own garden. That said, I think he would benefit from coming back to the think tank here and taking a break from the bullshit.

He's stated after the deploraball he's going to take a long break, but now that he's got a kid I doubt he'll be posting back here regardless. It would help him sharpen his thoughts though.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-16-2017 11:35 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

This pattern of behaviour matches what Mike did to Baked Alaska, and the accusations back during Gamergate by GamerGhazi that the doxxing of another prominent Gamergater came directly from Mike, which I dismissed at the time due to the source, but now I wonder more about. Margaret Pless - who Mike crowed about suing into oblivion for a while until he suddenly stopped, blocking anyone who asked about the suit - wrote some interesting pieces where she stated Mike's claims of being doxxed by Pless and Quinn were false and his behaviour was 'bizarre', and 'off'.

I'm so far lost in the he-said-she-said woods with this alt-right stuff that I no longer feel qualified to comment about anything. I will say, however, that Mike's claim of being doxxed by Pless was 100% accurate. I was personally involved with that as a writer for Roosh's videogame site, Reaxxion. She even put a high-res picture of him up on her site to make it easier for SWATters to give the police a description. (I wrote the article on it, and spoke to both Pless and Cernovich in the process.) She doxxed him, and she obliquely threatened to doxx me as well in a later post she made. Quinn's connection was a little more tenuous, but Mike's accusations were valid. (There was some evidence to think that she put Pless up to it, but nothing conclusive. She did retweet Pless's dox, and she was internet-savvy enough to know exactly what she was doing)

My assumption is that his refusal to answer questions about a suit is due to a settlement, but I have no further information there.

I dealt with Pless quite a bit (I still remember the nasty message she sent me on Christmas day) and she was an unstable liar and a malicious, vindictive woman. Regardless of what you think about Mike, you can't trust anything that comes out of her mouth.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman


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Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-16-2017 11:37 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Why cut this guy any slack for being married to a tranny supporter? Sane people view tranies as the mentally ill people that they are.

It's not even about cutting any slack, it's more sympathizing and trying to follow the train of thought of that guy in his shoes.

I view it more as a guy who wanted to follow up on his beliefs no matter what cards life dealt him and in which situation he started out of. Maybe because he was so close to the source of degeneracy he had this urge to finally speak out and get the ideas out, even though he still loved his wife (HOW he could love her is a completely other question, maybe he's just that much of a faithful Christian and is queasy about divorcing, who knows).

Make this little thought experiment with me: due to no fault of your own (and maybe even though some fault of yours) your life to a certain point has run its course in a specific way, but at that certain point you sit up and think consciously to yourself: "So, what now?". What would this forum answer? The RVForum I knew would actively take charge of their life, recognize that shit happened and some of it can't be changed, some of it can be changed, and some things are worth doing and bettering even though you can't realistically change them. Embody this simple word: discover your own agency.

Now in the context of a gaming forum, we know what that "take charge" means: learn game, self-improve yourself in different areas like inner game, wardrobe, gym, emotions in check, develop skills, network etc. Those circumstances which led you to your point of realization which weren't your fault could've been: Poor upbringing, beta father, nagging mother, liberal SJW parents, cucking for Israel, victim mentality in the family, family feuding etc. etc. Would you then also say to that hypothetical guy "lol what a hypocrite trying to bang girls when his father is a complete beta with a nagging wife and his sister is riding the cock carousel!" ? I don't think so (or least hope not), because a man should not be shamed for trying to better his lot in life, even if the situation he starts his journey out of is less than ideal.

Same with Mike Enoch, in my opinion. Parents liberal, sister is signalling, half-black brother or something, grew up in NY (I think). So he already starts out life at a disadvantage. Probably grows up liberal, marries Jew wife. Start transitioning to a lolbertarian, and after a while discovers the alt-right path. That is his realization point, a year or so into The Daily Shoah podcast. So what now? Well he can't change anything about his how parents are, can't change anything about his sister counter-signalling hard in Kenya and can't change anything about his Jew wife being a Jew wife and doing Jew wife things. And yet, he continues defending and spreading his ideas, DESPITE his situation in life.

Do life circumstances change the truthfulness of some ideas/claims? They can certainly color them in a more positive/negative light, which would influence your decision to believe them. But do they change the inherent TRUTH itself? I think not. So, yes, while because of the revelations around Enoch he may have lost his image and standing in the community, thus people want to disavow and remove him like if he was a lie spreading shill.... but he still did good things, and the ideas still stand up to scrutiny.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-16-2017 03:24 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2017 02:51 PM)Nowak Wrote:  

I wonder if 1488rs know that Hitlers fanatical antisemitism was sparked by someone who only ''hated'' Jews publicly(was friendly towards them privately) for electoral gains. Hitler also in the past had a huge beta crush on a girl with a Jewish sounding (but not Jewish in reality) last name. He was a meth head with severe personality disorders like many in the alt right seem to have. Inconsistency and hypocrisy is always something very present in Naziesque people.

Do you have sources for Hitler being "friendly" with Jews privately and only using antisemitism as a plank in his political platform? Because that clearly and directly contradicts what Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf regarding why he came to want to remove the Jews from Germany.

There's an awful lot people "know" about Hitler, the Nazis, and the holocaust that I'm discovering is outright bullshit when I dig into the actual source material. I conclude that hardly anyone living, including historians, ever bothered to check out the claims made against Hitler and the Nazis by checking the sources.

Take away the holocaust and all the twisted things that supposedly happened during it and reduce it to "put people in concentration camps, stole their shit, then lost the war" and the Nazis aren't even in the top 10 worst governments of the 20th century anymore. It's really taking the fun out of Wolfenstein games for me.

I was referring to Karl Lueger, who had a huge influence on Hitler's antisemitism.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

There was more that went on with the Nazis than was reported - also the danger of communism back then was much greater than it seemed and a lot of what they did back then was based on stemming those red lunatics (who were also financed by the globalists).

Some of the concerns the Nazis raised were legitimate, but strangely a lot of the NSDAP program points that Hitler ran in the beginning like usury-free money was sacked as soon as he came to power (they still used 40% interest-free currency for big projects, but not what he promised at first). There are even reports that Hitler consciously or unconsciously sabotaged military campaigns especially in the beginning. The Holocoust certainly did not happen as it did - does not take a mastermind to research it as the Nazis kept exact details on how many were killed each day, how many died of various diseases etc. They sent all reports to Berlin each day.

Funny fact (potentially true, but of course not 100%) about Hitler is also that he was likely an illegitimate grandson of a Rothschild as his grandmother was a maid for a German Rothschild in the 1850s and left the house pregnant. Back in those times it was natural for the lords of the house to fuck all maids - young lords were even expected to do so as a ceremony of taking virginity. Back then there was no child support unless you got married to a woman.

The globalists have been known to dabble in all sides, support and finance even all sides. The early Nazi party got financing by big Jewish money - absolutely proven by Stanford historian Antony Sutton. Why should Jews support the NSDAP even after they read Mein Kampf? Also the Rockefellers still supplied the Nazis with massive technological support even during the height of WWII - they actually needed a chemical required for the transformation of coal into oil (most German petroleum came from coal back then).

When I hear stories like this I also think of reports of the early patriot radio that was financed by the CIA and a funny incident that happened when the FBI busted a large Neonazi gathering a few years ago. Turned out that roughly 50% members and 100% of the leadership were undercover cops and FBI agents who did not know each other. Less than half of the participants were true Nazis and all the leaders were agents - let that sink in!

The Alt-Right is likely financed and infested with similar folk. I understand their legitimate concerns and agree with some of their points, but if you honestly believe that you will be able to control the group as a whole and ride it to political victory, then I have a message to you: NO CHANCE IN HELL! There were bigger smarter more unified groups in history who opposed the globalists and they all sputtered and died in the end. This one can be even taken down via schisms.

Any opposing anti-globalist organization would have to be in the hands of few absolutely aligned men (or one) and it would have be led by that small group, there would have to be a certain definitive hierarchy that everyone adheres to. Otherwise you get such a group taken over or ripped apart by unwitting morons or scheming paid agents or provocateurs.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman


Any opposing anti-globalist organization would have to be in the hands of few absolutely aligned men (or one) and it would have be led by that small group, there would have to be a certain definitive hierarchy that everyone adheres to.

Funny you say that, because just yesterday I found out that Geert Wilders, the "Donald Trump of the Netherlands" is Jewish.

[Image: gert2.jpg]

[Image: 6a00d8341c60bf53ef01157056777e970b-500wi]

The theory I've encountered is we're moving from political correctness v1.0 to v2.0. The new version includes anti-Islam rhetoric, race realism, and praise for "Western civilization," with a focus on civic nationalism. The JQ must be brushed aside or minimized, meaning that "anti-Semitism" is still not okay. This is essentially the platform of the alt lite, like Milo and Paul Joseph Watson. Not sure where Mike Eunuch fits into that paradigm but it's worth considering. Like Samseau mentioned, (((they))) like to have their hands in every possible movement or position so that they can ultimately control it and steer its direction. We're at the point where I'm suspicious with any organized movement, especially one that is receiving external funding.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 08:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The theory I've encountered is we're moving from political correctness v1.0 to v2.0. The new version includes anti-Islam rhetoric, race realism, and praise for "Western civilization," with a focus on civic nationalism. The JQ must be brushed aside or minimized, meaning that "anti-Semitism" is still not okay. This is essentially the platform of the alt lite, like Milo and Paul Joseph Watson. Not sure where Mike Eunuch fits into that paradigm but it's worth considering. Like Samseau mentioned, (((they))) like to have their hands in every possible movement or position so that they can ultimately control it and steer its direction. We're at the point where I'm suspicious with any organized movement, especially one that is receiving external funding.

Good, I agree fully with your analysis.

I discovered this trend in shill comments on places like Breitbart and elsewhere. The establishment right seems ready to throw blacks under the bus along with muslims in order to protect Israel and keep the JQ out of the mainstream. It's become so apparant and blatant that you can tell a shill alone by the negative comments about blacks but none about jews. You can tell the shill personalities by their focus on the symptom and not the cause.

This is the Pamela Geller-fication of the Tea Party movement into "Muh Israel, Muh Constitution, Muh Liberals" brand of conservatism. If only the decay of the West was because of muslims and liberals, but we all know that feminism, socialism, destruction of art, music, culture, has the same origins.

Of course, 100% of the so called nationalist movement in Western Europe is fully jewish dominated, they're in high ranking positions in every country and all are 100% unconditionally on board with blind Israel support.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

< Too funny that Geert Wilders is Jewish. But does not surprise me.

My prediction is that the globalists want WWIII with Islam. I am certainly not a friend of that religion, but I would prefer them to stay in their own countries, not meddle in their affairs and have them deal with the religion on their own (either embracing modernity or reversing back to the Middle Ages).

However what I don't mention either is that if I were a totalitarian ruler of Europe, then I would not allow Jewish people to take key positions anywhere either - not high-level central banking, not media, not politics - and certainly not Hollywood & entertainment. And this is nothing personal - I would do the same with open Muslims. I know that there is a schism between the Talmudic Jews and the secular unaware ones, but you simply cannot trust those groups to represent your European or Christian-stemming interests.

You would have to vet guys from those groups extensively - test whether someone is truly a secular aware Ex-Muslim or whether someone understands all the negativity that is contained in the Talmud and all the scheming manipulations that top Jewish organizations are involved with (as an example - a self aware detached Jewish European should be able to study the Holocoust without fear - even recognize when he meets with propaganda in order to come to the truth - not just throw a hissy fit and call everyone a Nazi [by the way - there were Jewish researchers who went to concentration camps and questioned openly the gas extermination chambers etc.]).

So Geert Wilders is the savior of Netherlands? But on another note - Trump whose grandchildren will mostly be Jewish - he is the US savior? We are so fucked ......

(disclaimer: I am partly Jewish, though my great-grandfather was a poor smart one who abandoned his family and just claimed to be a goy.)

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

At the end of the day, armed angry white man is the only one they have to fear.

If they fuck up like after WWI. bad things will happen, the question is, did they learn enough?

[Image: and_we_shall_burn_the_Earth_kopie.jpg]

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Hitler has reacted:

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

[Image: 1htlef.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 08:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Any opposing anti-globalist organization would have to be in the hands of few absolutely aligned men (or one) and it would have be led by that small group, there would have to be a certain definitive hierarchy that everyone adheres to.

Funny you say that, because just yesterday I found out that Geert Wilders, the "Donald Trump of the Netherlands" is Jewish.

He isn't, but he does support Israel and Jews, specifically European ones, over Muslims. You could argue he's just doing it because he hates Islam so much. I don't know. That said, I'd probably rather live in Israel than anywhere else in that part of the world - it's the most 'European' in it's outlook etc. Places like Dubai are OK, but are completely devoid of any culture. Just shrines to materialism and consumerism.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:01 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 08:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Any opposing anti-globalist organization would have to be in the hands of few absolutely aligned men (or one) and it would have be led by that small group, there would have to be a certain definitive hierarchy that everyone adheres to.

Funny you say that, because just yesterday I found out that Geert Wilders, the "Donald Trump of the Netherlands" is Jewish.

He isn't, but he does support Israel and Jews, specifically European ones, over Muslims. You could argue he's just doing it because he hates Islam so much. I don't know.

Where in your article does it state he's not Jewish? Just because he has a beef with the Jewish community doesn't mean he's not Jewish.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

So this situation has an update:

From the broadcast, it sounds like this guy is separating from his wife, and his family has disowned him.

From the alt-right reddit (as you can see I've been crawling down this rabbit hole of reading for a couple weeks since being redpilled on all this JQ stuff a couple weeks ago):


Real life is messy. He's about 18 months post red pill. I don't think it's shocking that, living in the cosmopolitan multicultural region he does, that his normie life entanglements would be in conflict with his newfound beliefs. These things don't shake out over night, but this doxxing put the heavy foot on the gas, and you know what? He chose us.
We all have baggage. It's the result of the world we live in. This movement has always been about building a better society for the future, and propagating a holistic alternative worldview to combat the absurd leftist, globalist, egalitarian stranglehold that's chipping away at our homes.
Mike has now sacrificed everything. He chose us instead of them. I'll be sticking around with them. Hail victory.


Well I am listening now and he's separating from her and his family have apparently disowned him. He's basically lost everything. What a fucking week for him....

I don't consider myself 'part of the alt-right' but if I were, I'd be inclined to give the guy another chance at some later time, but probably not right away. Actual alt right folks would deride me as 'alt-lite.' I'm not fond of the term, the intense racial platform just feels so wild and out there, with so many crazies involved that I don't feel comfortable being a part of it. So I leave them to make their own judgments about this guy.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:09 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:01 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 08:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Any opposing anti-globalist organization would have to be in the hands of few absolutely aligned men (or one) and it would have be led by that small group, there would have to be a certain definitive hierarchy that everyone adheres to.

Funny you say that, because just yesterday I found out that Geert Wilders, the "Donald Trump of the Netherlands" is Jewish.

He isn't, but he does support Israel and Jews, specifically European ones, over Muslims. You could argue he's just doing it because he hates Islam so much. I don't know.

Where in your article does it state he's not Jewish? Just because he has a beef with the Jewish community doesn't mean he's not Jewish.

There's no evidence he is a Jew anywhere either - wearing those hats doesn't mean anything. TV presenters do the same thing when they go to Synagogues. I have no skin in this debate, I just don't think he is. He certainly doesn't look like one.

Edit: I checked Stormfront, haha. Someone said he's Roman Catholic but married to a European Jew (Hungarian).

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:09 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:01 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 08:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Any opposing anti-globalist organization would have to be in the hands of few absolutely aligned men (or one) and it would have be led by that small group, there would have to be a certain definitive hierarchy that everyone adheres to.

Funny you say that, because just yesterday I found out that Geert Wilders, the "Donald Trump of the Netherlands" is Jewish.

He isn't, but he does support Israel and Jews, specifically European ones, over Muslims. You could argue he's just doing it because he hates Islam so much. I don't know.

Where in your article does it state he's not Jewish? Just because he has a beef with the Jewish community doesn't mean he's not Jewish.

The second picture you have posted (Wilders being in front of the Kotel aka the Wailing Wall) does not prove anything.

When someone comes there, it is expected that he puts something on his head as a sign of respect. Many people (like Geert) put kippahs on their heads (although you can use anything that covers your head such as a hat). That rule applies to anyone visiting it - whether they are Jews, Christians or whatever.

I am saying from first hand experience, and anyone who has been there can confirm what I have said (quite a few RVF guys were, from what I have seen).

I am not sure about the first picture - I'll defer to more knowledgable members on that one, because I have never entered a synagoge in my life. But I think that the same rule applies like in the Wailing Wall (EDIT - Teedub explained).

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman


There's no evidence he is a Jew anywhere either - wearing those hats doesn't mean anything. TV presenters do the same thing when they go to Synagogues. I have no skin in this debate, I just don't think he is. He certainly doesn't look like one.

Edit: I checked Stormfront, haha. Someone said he's Roman Catholic but married to a European Jew (Hungarian).

Fair enough. At the minimum, he deeply cares about Jewish interests. I'll consider him an honorary Jew.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 08:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The theory I've encountered is we're moving from political correctness v1.0 to v2.0. The new version includes anti-Islam rhetoric, race realism, and praise for "Western civilization," with a focus on civic nationalism.

I agree that anti-Islamism seems to have become kinda the new political-correctness (P-C 2.0)... Principle being: let's talk about ISIS and the Turkish borders, in order not to talk about Lampedusa and Ceuta (meaning: let's talk about the beard and Kalash of Bin Laden, but not a word on sub-Saharan Africa and its hundreds of millions of young jobless male migrants).

I personally think that ISIS has been created to 1- give the world a big bad wolf to fear (whereas other bad wolves exist) 2- bring, among a million of migrants, 700.000 (those integrable to Western society, and hopefully useful at term) future low-skilled, low-paid workers, to depleted German factories. 3- sell weapons 4- (Obama's wet dream) try to start a huge war involving Russia, at Europe's door

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


There's no evidence he is a Jew anywhere either - wearing those hats doesn't mean anything. TV presenters do the same thing when they go to Synagogues. I have no skin in this debate, I just don't think he is. He certainly doesn't look like one.

Edit: I checked Stormfront, haha. Someone said he's Roman Catholic but married to a European Jew (Hungarian).

Fair enough. At the minimum, he deeply cares about Jewish interests. I'll consider him an honorary Jew.

I think the only Jewish interests he cares about, at least from what he says publically, is protecting the average ones from Muslim gangs. I'm sure he has a wider admiration for Israel as it's openly anti-Islam and a 'democracy' in the middle east, but I think that's probably as far as it goes.

I'll be honest mate, now that "we're" winning, all I'm seeing on the forum and elsewhere is infighting and Jew stuff in regards to politics. It was more 'enjoyable' and felt more like a brotherhood when the neoliberals were in charge of things and we had a definitely definable enemy to fight against. Such is life.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

It's a problem to be anti-immigration and pro-jewish, when jews are the leading cause of immigration in Europe, from Bernhard Levy who lobbied for the Libyan war to Soros orchestrating groups to help migrants through Europe.

What's the issue with these people if they can't see the blatant facts? I question such people.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman


I'll be honest mate, now that "we're" winning, all I'm seeing on the forum and elsewhere is infighting and Jew stuff in regards to politics. It was more 'enjoyable' and felt more like a brotherhood when the neoliberals were in charge of things and we had a definitely definable enemy to fight against. Such is life.

It is not the first time something like that happened, really. And it will not be the last. History, both far and recent, proves it.

(1)In WW2, for example, you had capitalists and communists fighting trogether against Nazis. After the war, the started fighting each other.

(2)In Gamergate, you had various elements (from Alt Right to Left) fighting the corrupt press. Once they (the Press) were defeated, the movement fell apart, and former allies fight each other to this day.

(3) Trump. Before the election, many elements (even with opposite political agendas) were on his side (Alt Right, alternative media, manosphere...). Yes, there was some infighting (like in the Meetup Outrage, for example), but it was rather rare. But...after Trump won, hell broke loose - I do not need to give you a sit rep ... you all have seen and experienced it .

As you said, such is life.

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