This is a good topic for discussion. I've long thought that America is going the way of Japan, just 15 years later or so.
I could write a whole long thing about this, but a few points to clear up some common misconceptions...
1.) WW2 has very little to do with this. It's a relatively recent phenomenon. Everything I've heard indicates that Japanese in era between say, 1946-1989 or so, were having sex and dating all the time. I wasn't there myself, but according to everything I've read, 80s Japan was a nation of sexual carnivores. Here's a photo of what was then the general popular style of clubwear, bodycon. Not exactly a nation of shrinking violets.
2.) This massively expensive holo-thing is not indicative of much of anything, and will be lucky to sell maybe a thousand copies. Most Japanese, the vast, vast majority, wouldn't be caught dead with it.
3.) The anime incel crowd isn't helping, but Japan the real reasons Japanese aren't fucking tend more to systemic issues than a lack of game. The big killer for Japan's birthrate right now is their working hours, not their incels. Japanese people regularly work hours best described as "nightmarish", and then have long commutes on crowded trains to boot. I was on a call with a Japanese client this morning at 11:00 AM my time, which is 2:00 AM her time. She was acting like this was completely normal.
I get emails from clients all the time at hours like that. 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM, 6 or seven in the morning...
I don't care how good you are game. You aren't going to get anywhere with some exhausted chick who just got off a 14 hour shift. And after a few 14 hour shifts of your own, you're not gonna be in the mood to approach yourself.