Quote: (12-15-2016 06:43 PM)kaotic Wrote:
Quote: (12-15-2016 06:36 PM)RIslander Wrote:
Quote: (12-15-2016 05:20 PM)kaotic Wrote:
And on this day, the Japanese sealed their fate as a dying nation.
It was decided on December 7, 1941 when their foolish leadership attacked a nation that would bring them to their knees with nuclear bombs, annihilation of their culture, destruction of their patriarchy and male demographic, and 70+ years of imported feminism.
It is sad to me because even with all of that Japan is still the most fantastic place I've ever visited.
Jesus Christ it was a joke
It's on my bucket list to visit.
Don`t worry its not NEARLY as bad as it is portrayed in the Media. Its quite the opposite really, but "they" don`t want you to know that. The Japanese are VERY good in presenting themselves a certain way to others for their benefits, while concealing how they really are.
Fact of the matter is Japan is actually a very Man-centered country. . .well if you`re a Japanese man that is-not to say that if you have traits of a non-cucked man you wont get respect, you will, but about 99% of the stuff you hear out of Japan is just plain wrong. All the feminism stuff is just a smoke screen, The Japanese LOVE to put up fronts of what is best to be known as by others, yet do what they REALLY want to do in the shadow of the smoke.
Sure there are feminists, and sure there are women that will realize the feminist nightmare, and sure there are cucks and herbavores etc, but they are a SMALL part of the population, and 99% of the women here (the other 1% are just too ugly so they become feminized) would drop all their shit IMMEDIATELY if they could become a housewife with a few kids (meaning finding a man to provide for them etc) In fact, thats a main strategy for women now, they find the high status dudes in companies and pony up to them, hoping to find one they can marry. . .but that`s a secret though. . .don`t tell anyone.
Of course women are still women and they fuck (up) a lot, but if given the chance, they will do the above. its just that the economy is so fucked (Id say the same world wide) and they are so adamant on appearances that it becomes their undoing(Japanese as a whole) most times. Stuff like this is really a Non-issue.
I say all this because someone from the forums is gonna visit, thinking all the dudes are cucked herbs, do something stupid to piss them off, and then end up dead in a ditch somewhere silently(or commit "suicide" like that one Filipino chick who was chopped into pieces and stuffed into a bag but was ruled a suicide by the police and had the case closed)because they got wrong information.
But。。。shhh、Thats`s a secret.