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If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

I figure all of us have found that there are certain critical aspects to game and it changes depending on what type of world we live in. It would have been nice for us to learn some of these tips/techniques earlier in life - what would you pass on to your younger self if you had the chance?

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Game specific:

1: Stay fit and no matter what, don't get fat. I wasted valuable years in my early 20s on anti-depressants which caused a huge amount of weight gain, which in turn nuked my dating life. Ironically, the reason I got on them in the first place was because I was depressed about my dating life, lol :-p

2: Always keep your dignity (guess this applies to everything in life). No matter how cute she is, she's not worth sacrificing your dignity for. Don't blow up her phone begging for her time/attention, don't spend foolishly trying to impress her etc. My best memories have always been with women that wanted to be with me for me, not for my cash or whatever.

Generally in life:

3: Learn to enjoy your own company. Have hobbies and interests that have nothing to do with women, these will be invaluable during those dry spells where for some reason, no one wants to fuck you, or your friends are too busy to hang out!

4: Your career needs to be managed, things won't take care of themselves if you just bury your head without actively managing your career

Pussy ain't for pussies...

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1: Just relax, man. Don't take yourself, other people and life too seriously.

2: Take risks. Make a fool of yourself. Just go for whatever you want without all the fear and insecurities.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Two things in life you don't get more of:

1) Value your body

2) Value your time

What you have to do for 1) is fairly obvious, but understand that there's million/billionaires who'd trade all their money for health. It's more real than any amount of money.

Value your time, and you'll make the right choices. This includes:

- Quickly identifying toxic relationships so as to not waste your time on them.

- Getting to work: Everyone ("normal" people) will tell you to relax, that you have "plenty of time". You don't, and work at the front end is much easier than playing catch up

- Taking risks: People who don't take risks, like people that don't put in work, wait for things to happen. The problem is, they don't happen and before you know it you're 50. Waiting for things to happen, wasting time not working/taking chances is ok for women, things happen to them, they aren't aware of the doors that open for them just by nature. You're not a woman, so you can't wait. Go. Now.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1. She's not real until she's naked.
2. Bad conversations are her fault when you know what you're doing

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1. Learn how to dance at a young age
2. Learn more about personal finance starting at a young age

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1. Start training from before high school to be able to run a marathon in under four hours. Not because you want to tell everyone you run a marathon, but so that you have a base of running fitness that will pay massive dividends with regards to your life choices down the line.

2. Make decisions. You won't always make the right choice, you won't always have enough information, but you can always learn from your mistakes and you'll always regret not making a choice more than making the wrong choice. You'll eventually forgive yourself for making the wrong choice and you'll know that you won't make it in the future.


If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Game/Women wise:

1) Should've avoided single mothers

2) Should've broadened my horizons on the varying races of women I talked to a lot earlier in life.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1. Don't show more interest in others than they show in you. With male friends, it's the quickest way to devalue yourself, and with chicks, it's the quickest way to become "the creep."

2. This.

"If a person (sometimes, yes, a cute girl!) is playing around with you, or even ribbing you with a whiff of malice, don’t take the sperg stand like a defendant swearing his humanness to a jury of his peers. The jury doesn’t care. They just want to be entertained. And logical refutation is not entertaining."

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1) Be more selfish and less selfless. Of course the team will get better but you're never gunna have your success and achieve your goals if you don't look out for #1.

2) Learn game and stop jacking off so goddamn much. If you open your fucking retarded ass eyes up you'll realize that pussy is literally IN.YOUR.LAP. Jesus christ some real fucking horror stories of being oblivious to girls obvious "fuck me-ness",

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Be better with money and make an investment that will pay off in the future.

Travel way more.

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If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1. Don't watch porn.

2. Don't do drugs.

3. Don't use electronic media for entertainment, or at least limit its use to less than an hour each day.

4. Apathy isn't cool, apathy is death. Find things you love and believe in and fight for them.

Much much easier said than done but life will be so much more rewarding when you live life in the "real" world and you do so unironically.

When you're growing up you're fed a lot of lies about women, culture, history, and the dangers of certain activities. When you realize some drugs aren't as bad as they say you assume they lied about all the others. While Marijuana may not be horrible and some people can use it casually, Cociane, MDMA, Meth, pills ect. can really fuck you up.

While you may not become so obviously addicted to drugs that you start giving blow jobs in alley ways they will almost always slowly numb your emotions and senses.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Quote: (12-14-2016 12:44 AM)Wargasm Wrote:  

When you're growing up you're fed a lot of lies about women, culture, history, and the dangers of certain activities. When you realize some drugs aren't as bad as they say you assume they lied about all the others. While Marijuana may not be horrible and some people can use it casually, Cociane, MDMA, Meth, pills ect. can really fuck you up.

That's very true, and the whole "Don't do drugs" thing also makes alcohol seem like it isn't a drug, which it very much is. Depending on a person's genetic/behavioral makeup, it's impact could be anything from completely benign or even positive, to financial destruction, loss of liberty, or even death.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

'Game' advice I would give to a younger self:

1. Max out the looks of your pad and of yourself. Get good haircuts twice a month minimum. Manscape and groom your facial hair. Don't go above 15% bodyfat. Make sure your style game is strong. Shoes always clean and clothes always ironed. Room spotless, dishes cleaned and floor vacuumed and mopped.

2. Get the work done first before you go out. Hustling hard on business, study and fitness especially will have a positive on-flow effect to your game. This also goes for keeping your pad nice like mentioned above. Work hard, play hard.

3. Approach and stay in sets. Make approaches at the bar early before you drink much (or at all) and your night will be a hell of a lot easier. Once you've got the attention of a chick don't leave her. Be calculated and think of how you can get her home. Isolate, build rapport, then ask her back to yours.

4. Be prepared. If a hot Russian model walked past you while you are grocery shopping, would you approach her? If you look like you just woke up with sweatpants and bed-hair you probably won't. Always look good, always be prepared. This means your house can't be looking like trash before you go out. Bring condoms. Bring viagra. Bring energy. You can never be too prepared.

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If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Quote: (12-14-2016 01:01 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-14-2016 12:44 AM)Wargasm Wrote:  

When you're growing up you're fed a lot of lies about women, culture, history, and the dangers of certain activities. When you realize some drugs aren't as bad as they say you assume they lied about all the others. While Marijuana may not be horrible and some people can use it casually, Cociane, MDMA, Meth, pills ect. can really fuck you up.

That's very true, and the whole "Don't do drugs" thing also makes alcohol seem like it isn't a drug, which it very much is. Depending on a person's genetic/behavioral makeup, it's impact could be anything from completely benign or even positive, to financial destruction, loss of liberty, or even death.

Yes. I'm somewhat torn about alcohol because on the one hand I see a lot of successful people who drink in moderation. But I still worry about it's long-term dulling of emotions and senses.

It's also been around for about 10,000 years, in Europe at least, so some people may be evolved to drink it.

But then I see the passion and energy Trump has at 70 and wonder how much of it has to do with him never haven taken a drink.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1. Spend more time with your grandfather.

2. Stop whining and realize it isn't just the world that's fucked up it's you as well. So start growing now. There's also like 10 girls around you that want to suck your dick if you weren't such a cynical, nervous wreck for fuck's sake. One of which literally told you she loved you seriously.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1 - Stay consistent with your workouts

2 - Get out of your head and make some moves. Doesn't matter if it's girls, jobs, self improvement, business ideas, or whatever. You get in your head too much and theorize way too much for your own good until it paralyzes you and keeps you from going further.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Not really game advice but here goes:

1- Stop chasing women and Start chasing money.
The same passion I had for women when I was younger would've been better used to make money and save it for a rainy day.

2- Associate with people on my level or above.
I have wasted so much time in life helping lower level people. This includes women who were down on their luck or struggling in life. As expected, it ended badly for me. Now that I am older, I focus on myself and family only. I also keep my social circle very small.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Quote: (12-14-2016 12:44 AM)Wargasm Wrote:  

1. Don't watch porn.

2. Don't do drugs.

3. Don't use electronic media for entertainment, or at least limit its use to less than an hour each day.

4. Apathy isn't cool, apathy is death. Find things you love and believe in and fight for them.

Much much easier said than done but life will be so much more rewarding when you live life in the "real" world and you do so unironically.

When you're growing up you're fed a lot of lies about women, culture, history, and the dangers of certain activities. When you realize some drugs aren't as bad as they say you assume they lied about all the others. While Marijuana may not be horrible and some people can use it casually, Cociane, MDMA, Meth, pills ect. can really fuck you up.

While you may not become so obviously addicted to drugs that you start giving blow jobs in alley ways they will almost always slowly numb your emotions and senses.

I'm tellin that young mothafucka to do acid, coke, weed, and molly....Only to party its about moderation guys.

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1, Get into the gym.

2, Get out of your head.

Edit: Just scrolled up and I swear I didn't read that first!

Quote: (12-14-2016 01:32 AM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

1 - Stay consistent with your workouts

2 - Get out of your head and make some moves. Doesn't matter if it's girls, jobs, self improvement, business ideas, or whatever. You get in your head too much and theorize way too much for your own good until it paralyzes you and keeps you from going further.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

1) Never let anyone who talk shit on you get away with it unharmed
2) Try drugs but never inject
3) Alcohol & cannabis are not that bad, get used to it
4) Bullshit your way through everything you can
5) Going to the gym is cool but not if it cost you socialy

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

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If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

10 years ago I was a fat depressed slob, so three pieces of advice:

1) Hit the gym;

2) Hit the gym;

3) Hit the gym.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

I'd tell myself:

1.) Find your mission in life, but don't make women your mission.

2.) "If you don't ask, the answer is always no." Take a chance and trying gaming more HB-8s, 9s and 10s.

3.) (Related to #1) Don't get into a LTR until you've accomplished more of what you want from life.

If you could give your younger self two pieces of advice, what would it be?

Game wise: Don't stand about like a faggot in bars and nightclubs waiting for pussy to fall into your lap.

Health wise: Lift and lift more until you can't.

Business wise: learn a trade/niche where you're self-employed.

And don't waste ten year smoking weed to hide your pain= DOUBLE FAGGOTRY.

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