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Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

If you guys need an example of what NOT to do in the field, here's a few examples:

Guy starts to talk to chick about being "off all drug like foods". He then asks her if he can get a picture of her butt.

Here's him approaching a chick by saying "I like you" and then following up with "Do you like me?" He then walks around saying "Happy new year" randomly

Another video of him asking a girl if she likes him right off the bat and then talking about how changing his diet made him more confident with talking to girls. She also asks him why he's recording this conversation

Guy looks at a flyer that's been posted around his hunting grounds with a picture of him and referring to him as a predator:


Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

He has a mental illness, no question about it.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Even I would be weirded out by that guy if he approached me on the street. Seems to legit to be trolling everyone.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Jesus Christ, and I thought my day game was bad at first.The fundamental rule of game is to put the pussy on the pedestal. This guy write off the back is all like "I like you" and is showing WAY too much interest. It seems like he has passion, so if he is not mentally ill he can get some bangs, but not after ALOT of practice.

Growth Over Everything Else.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

He calls himself "retarded" at 2:05 of this video. This chick was unusually patient compared to the other ones.


Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Quote: (01-23-2016 02:07 AM)Phil Jackson Wrote:  

Jesus Christ, and I thought my day game was bad at first.The fundamental rule of game is to put the pussy on the pedestal. This guy write off the back is all like "I like you" and is showing WAY too much interest. It seems like he has passion, so if he is not mentally ill he can get some bangs, but not after ALOT of practice.

I saw a very recent post from him saying he has had sex with twelve girls, so if you believe that garbage about the average guy getting six notches in his life, I guess you could say he's doing pretty well. On the other hand, if the guy constantly approaches on the street and that's all he has gotten, it's pretty awful. The girls in the videos didn't immediately seem that repulsed by him, but as soon as he said a few lines, they basically headed for the hills, and rightfully so.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

This man would most likely benefit from professional help, no doubt.

He's not intimidated by these women or women in general, but he seems to be intimidated by his own sexual impulses. His prefatory exclamations about being sexually attracted to these women right off the bat isn't for them, he does it to ease his own anxiety. I think he videotapes these encounters to provide documentary evidence that he "doesn't impede any woman's progress," not because he is worried about being seen as a creep, but because he knows he is a creep.

I use the word "creep" not in a judgmental sense, but in the sense that he knows he is uncomfortable with his sexual impulses and refuses to deal with this himself. "Creep" could be defined as a man who is uncomfortable with his sexual impulses and refuses to take responsibility for this. He seems to think this confessional form of interaction with women absolves him of his tortuous sexual desires by videotaping their "consent" to his approaches. He knows what he is doing is somehow wrong -- blasting women in the face with his desire before all else -- but I don't think he fully understands why.

His stream-of-consciousness, video-taping approach seems to be the construct he has worked out to strike a balance between his base sexual impulses and the anxiety these needs trigger.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

He clearly doesn't care 'what people think about him' lol

I am sure there are guys who look like him and approach like him but blames american women in the end.

He should do fine in southeast asia though.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Quote: (01-23-2016 04:15 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

He clearly doesn't care 'what people think about him' lol

I am sure there are guys who look like him and approach like him but blames american women in the end.

He should do fine in southeast asia though.

[Image: kqiu9.gif]

I'm the King of Beijing!

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Quote: (01-23-2016 05:01 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2016 04:15 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

He clearly doesn't care 'what people think about him' lol

I am sure there are guys who look like him and approach like him but blames american women in the end.

He should do fine in southeast asia though.

[Image: kqiu9.gif]

You missed this part - should have bolded that too:


I am sure there are guys who look like him and approach like him but blames american women in the end.

Actually, even the first sentence was a reference to that other conversation. Damn, Seb. The passive aggression is thick in here.

RELEVANT (So as not to derail this thread): thread-52526...pid1199483

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Clearly is on the autism scale, and probably heavily medicated too. What he's doing doesnt come across as daygame, it just a crazy man in the street. Pretty sure most of these girls will just write him off the encounter as a random street-psycho, rather than a genuine approach.

jesus, just skipped through this:

at this point i'm assuming the guy's trolling, or is some sort of attempted character comedy.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Quote: (01-23-2016 05:15 AM)serpico Wrote:  

Clearly is on the autism scale, and probably heavily medicated too. What he's doing doesnt come across as daygame, it just a crazy man in the street. Pretty sure most of these girls will just write him off the encounter as a random street-psycho, rather than a genuine approach.

jesus, just skipped through this:

at this point i'm assuming the guy's trolling, or is some sort of attempted character comedy.

No, the guy is psychotic.

A Primer on Fast Club Sex || Speed Closing || Brisbane Datasheet

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Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Quote: (01-23-2016 05:17 AM)Prof. Ligate Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2016 05:15 AM)serpico Wrote:  

Clearly is on the autism scale, and probably heavily medicated too. What he's doing doesnt come across as daygame, it just a crazy man in the street. Pretty sure most of these girls will just write him off the encounter as a random street-psycho, rather than a genuine approach.

jesus, just skipped through this:

at this point i'm assuming the guy's trolling, or is some sort of attempted character comedy.

No, the guy is psychotic.

Having just watched a couple more, i concur. Must be a genuine concern for people round there, it wouldn't take much of a mood swing for him to turn violent. He seems to have a reasonable grasp of stature and law, am certain he's been picked up for it and maybe convicted in the past. Maybe that's why he tapes everything. Either way, genuinely quite troubling watching such a fucked up guy. What a mess.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Thats a creepy dude... I skipped through the 50 minutes video where he talks and thats messed up. Good that he posts these stuff online, maybe then somebody will keep an eye on him then and he don't kill many people.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Fuck me, he should never speak to girls again haha.


Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Felt uneasy watching his videos. Rambling, thoughts all over the place. He's manic; randomly shouting, always moving, very animated. BPD, borderline, schizo?

This guy is legit creepy.

What happens if he approaches when not on "medication" and a girl says she doesn't like him? Could turn really ugly in a heartbeat.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

I also just realized that this guy sounds like Frito Vendejo from Idiocracy


Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Ruining it for all the other dudes tryin' to commit to serious business.

Just ran his name through Google - turned up some info.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Dudes like this mess it up for us.

Puts shields up and makes women scared of being approached.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Think he ruins it for people who cant get women(i.e virgins, people with social anxiety) more.

It will reinforce the fact that all men who cant get girls (who care about the fact they cant) are all weird and creeps, and they should all be avoided. Where in my opinion, that is not the case.

There are guys who I know who have never been kissed and it kills them inside. This will damage their reputation even more, Feel bad for them to be honest

But yeh, it ruins it for everyone

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Quote: (01-23-2016 04:15 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

He clearly doesn't care 'what people think about him' lol

I am sure there are guys who look like him and approach like him but blames american women in the end.

He should do fine in southeast asia though.

[Image: aviaryattorney22.gif]

Because of course every man successful in SEA must be using minimal game.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Quote: (01-23-2016 01:53 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

If you guys need an example of what NOT to do in the field, here's a few examples:

Guy starts to talk to chick about being "off all drug like foods". He then asks her if he can get a picture of her butt.

Here's him approaching a chick by saying "I like you" and then following up with "Do you like me?" He then walks around saying "Happy new year" randomly

Another video of him asking a girl if she likes him right off the bat and then talking about how changing his diet made him more confident with talking to girls. She also asks him why he's recording this conversation

Guy looks at a flyer that's been posted around his hunting grounds with a picture of him and referring to him as a predator:

This mutherfucka looks like Tommy Lee Jones in Under Siege[Image: smile.gif], and that's ehy he's legit crazy!!

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

There are no words...

The things I saw he had going for him were a natural openness and expressiveness. He just kept going back to weird one liners though...

If he were a sane guy with game, similar levels of self-acceptance, social-awareness and self-awareness, he'd probably do fine.

He weirded me out tbh.

Carpe Noctem

You'll know the truth by how it feels.

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

Listen if all you fags don't like my Daygame videos stop watching them.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Weirdo doing day game approaches (videos)

The real danger is in lame PUA wannabe dudes, with zero to little experience in actual face to face interactions with women, watching this and thinking "oh, he has balls! He says what hes thinking and women actually RESPOND to him! I want to be like that!"

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