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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Yes. Agree short term tourist will be hard. But this is what a lot of people are doing and how they are going to Asia. Probably most visitors are short term, a lot of the forum members here are visiting short term. Whats your proposal for these people then? Those who just wanna party in Asia. These people don't have a solid social circle.

What I wanted to say also was that its not just about social circle. Game (as most people understood it), is not much about social circle. (Im not sure what your philosophy about game is). Social circle is great and helps a lot if you are living long term and has them. But I wouldn't limit myself on running game mainly on social circle. WIthin social circle, your competition is probably gonna be low (depending on your circle), But what if you want to bang that girl who's at the bar and she's not in your social circle? thats what i mean.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-06-2016 11:09 AM)worldtraveler3 Wrote:  

Yes. Agree short term tourist will be hard. But this is what a lot of people are doing and how they are going to Asia. Probably most visitors are short term, a lot of the forum members here are visiting short term. Whats your proposal for these people then? Those who just wanna party in Asia.

Well the problem I see is that guys are recreating the western scene abroad. They are partying with local girls who are out there and overwhelmingly catering to western men in that scene.

The ratio is still better than the west but at the end of the day it's still a set of carousel riders sampled from a larger population catering towards a niche crowd.

If competition is getting rougher in western expat/tourist social scenes with girls then that's the problem with guys who are all choosing to pack into it and compete with each other.

I admit my view is a bit different since I tend to go local much more.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

probably a good strategy. Depend on what type of girl someone likes.
The expat party crowd has its advantages in that the girls are slutty and like to party. And a lot of the expats like going out to clubs, so interests match.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-06-2016 11:29 AM)worldtraveler3 Wrote:  

probably a good strategy. Depend on what type of girl someone likes.
The expat party crowd has its advantages in that the girls are slutty and like to party. And a lot of the expats like going out to clubs, so interests match.

There are many girls DTF in non expat crowds too and a much larger pool from the standard population. If expats all disappeared overnight the clubs in asia definitely wouldn't disappear.

I think it's all perspective. I can crossover at times between western and local scenes and I overwhelmingly like local scenes more for a lot of reasons.

People can say what they want but I still find the girls in local scenes to be a lot less mercenary, venal, or have westernized personalities. By westernized this includes all the standard mental issues and problems I find completely repulsive too.

In my opinion this is all part of live and let live too. If people who show up in asia can't adapt fast enough to the scene or broaden their horizons that's their problem. If guys are always competing for the same girls in a nation of 250 million like indonesia centralized in a city like Jakarta which has 9 million people then what's wrong with this picture...

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Well. That's good if someone does what you are saying.
The expats and guys like David probably won't pose any competition to these girls either. If everyone adopts this attitude the better for all. Problem is most people are still gonna keep going to the same expat oriented clubs and do the same thing.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

The Philippines and parts of SEA may be different, but local nightlife scenes in East Asia are not exactly overly friendly to foreigners. You think local guys want tons of foreigners invading their circles and banging their girls?

Well anyway, I think Loco's advice is solid for the individual and I guess that's what matters to most of us. You can get accepted with some work and knowledge of the language - I would say you are accepted as a guest of sorts. You're never truly "in" their circle. That's East Asians for you, but you can still have fun and get laid so does anyone care that much?

The bigger picture is that, in the end, we are tribal beings. Most locals will want to stick to their own and foreigners will keep to expat circles. Yes some can be put down to lazy foreigners not learning the lingo etc but don't underestimate our natural tendencies. If loads of white guys invaded the more exclusive local places the self-labelled cool crowds would probably move somewhere else.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-05-2016 10:07 AM)Arado Wrote:  

This is simply the phenomenon of the globalization of the dating market.

Obviously Asian dudes are going to be against Asian girls dating white guys, just as labor unions oppose trade deals with countries with cheap labor.

Why the hell would Asian guys want more competition? And why the hell would they want Asian girls to become more like Western girls?

Perhaps we have some ideal of that the true player will leave the girl better than he found her, but after dealing with a player from the Western world is the girl really going to be willing to go back to a local boring guy? And if not, how do you think the local guy feels? Now perhaps you can say that the local dudes should step up their game but China/Taiwan/Korea/HK is an intensely competitive society where guys don't have the opportunity to develop social skills. Some guys gifted with charisma or a large inheritance can get it done but the majority have no shot.

Perhaps some of it is xenophobia, but welcome to human nature. In any society that existed before political correctness, the local males never welcomed foreign males into their territory to fornicate with their women. That's what conquering armies do. Just look at the animal kingdom - do chimpanzees allow males of a different tribe in and allow them to mate with their women? Humans deep down are territorial and tribal - get used to it.

Now that we have the obvious truth out of the way, how do we deal with this, the simple fact that anti foreign male sentiment will doubtlessly increase in the near future in most of the love tourist friendly Asian countries. Step up your game and manners and class, call out douchebag behavior among your countrymen, get on good terms with local guys....etc

I haven't been in East Asia long enough to see if things are different now than before but I try not to holds hands in public with a local girl otherwise I get constant dagger eyes from the local men.

Good post. I'm not sure what universe some of the guys commenting on this thread are living in, but in this one, nobody likes for random dicks from overseas to come in and defile their women. It has nothing to do with an abundance mentality or being a beta loser but with being a normal, functional human being.

If you like to see your womenfolk fucked by foreigners, you just may be a cuck. There is no hypocrisy in recognizing this fact while going overseas to bang the local girls. Life is a zero sum game, and it doesn't reflect badly on you that you play to win. But by the same token, there is no reason to act butthurt and refuse to accept that the hate you get from local men for fucking their women is completely natural and logical.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Eddie, it's not exactly a question of liking. But if some foreign cuckoo dude comes here and wants to bang Portuguese women, BY ALL MEANS, I wish you every ounce of luck because you are going to need it AND it won't be worth it probably [Image: tongue.gif] If I often don't want to bang them myself why would I hate on foreigners for trying to do it? Nah, let 'em suffer if they go after them.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia


I am not bothered if an Arab or Black wants to fuck western white women; because i am not interested in fucking western white women.

If you claim to not like western white women; then you should not be bothered by Arabs fucking them.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-07-2016 07:53 PM)Dr. Kahn Wrote:  


I am not bothered if an Arab or Black wants to fuck western white women; because i am not interested in fucking western white women.

If you claim to not like western white women; then you should not be bothered by Arabs fucking them.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

The issue that TravelerKai brought up is not about fucking women. If you go through his thousands of posts, you'll see that he has offered nothing but advice and encouragement for men wanting to meet women in Asia.

The problem that he and a lot of other guys have is when Western men go to Asia and do not show any respect for the culture. Asians place a large amount of importance on honor and reputation. This is the whole reason the women there are sweet and submissive in the first place.

That means the more aggressive and confrontational attitude of Westerners, even if completely fine in your home country, is often seen as very offensive in Asia.Of course, most Asians tend to understand that Westerners do not have these same values and will usually give a little bit of leeway.

But it does not stop there. As I talked about in my last post, many Westerners actually amp up their Western personality traits. They become more blunt, more aggressive, more loud, more promiscuous.

You see the same thing with David Bond's videos. He purposely inflames situation with local men and shows himself in intimate situations with women without even blurring their faces. Case in point, the video that is posted on the very first page of this thread “Angry HK Guy Confronts Us”, where the scrawny blonde guy is telling the locals that he “fucked her in the ass” and “her mom sucked my dick”.

Is that an appropriate way to behave as a guest in someone else's country? More to my point, do you think he would've behaved the same way if confronted by three guys in an American city? How about Colombia or Poland?

I can give anecdote after anecdote highlighting this same behavior, because it happens all the time. I'm sure others here could do the same.

Most of the pickup crowd also blurs or obscures women's faces, whether it's Roosh or RSD. From the few Bond videos I watched, he puts their faces front and center. It's clear that he didn't ask permission to show their faces either, as he doesn't even blur the faces of random passerbys.

This is even worse in Asia, because these women are now suffering a large hit to their reputation. That one night with him will cause them to be publicly shamed. For what... a few thousand hits on Youtube?

Are we overreacting? Let's get some perspective.

Look at what's happening in the West right now. Europeans are tired of Muslims that move to their countries and don't respect the local laws and customs. Americans are tired of Latinos who move to their country and don't respect the local laws and customs.

Why wouldn't Asians get tired of white guys who go to Asia and do the same? David Bond can't even figure out why people get mad when he causes them to lose face, despite having lived there for a considerable amount of time.

But “oh, Asians are just racist”.

The American Civil Rights Movement was only 50 years ago, for crying out loud. Meaning we're not far removed from a time where black men would be hung from trees just for touching a white women.

And who cares if Asians are “racist” anyways? They SHOULD place more importance on their own people than they do some transient foreigner. If you don't like it, just go to another country.

Again, this is not an issue of having sex with women. This is not an issue of any “glass ceiling” for foreigners in Asia.

The issue is Westerners who disrespect locals and cause them to lose large amounts of face simply so they can have a good time. This is going to cause problems anywhere, but especially in Eastern cultures where “face” is so important.

You can fuck girls without publicly shaming them. You can party without instigating confrontations with local men. You can make pickup videos that blur or hide people's faces (most pickup artists do, as I already pointed out). No one is saying you have to wear a kimono and eat everything with chopsticks, just don't act like an ass and show some self-control/discretion.

And claiming none of this has an effect is crazy.

Look at how many Americans are in favor of a temporary ban on Muslim immigration based on the actions of a very small percentage of Muslims (I personally agree with the ban as well). Even Indian Sikhs often get called terrorists, simply because they look somewhat similar to Arabs.

Yet you think the large number of white guys who act like fools in Asia doesn't cause any negative perceptions in Asia?

Let's not kid ourselves here.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-08-2016 12:40 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

The issue that TravelerKai brought up is not about fucking women. If you go through his thousands of posts, you'll see that he has offered nothing but advice and encouragement for men wanting to meet women in Asia.

The problem that he and a lot of other guys have is when Western men go to Asia and do not show any respect for the culture. Asians place a large amount of importance on honor and reputation. This is the whole reason the women there are sweet and submissive in the first place.

That means the more aggressive and confrontational attitude of Westerners, even if completely fine in your home country, is often seen as very offensive in Asia.Of course, most Asians tend to understand that Westerners do not have these same values and will usually give a little bit of leeway.

But it does not stop there. As I talked about in my last post, many Westerners actually amp up their Western personality traits. They become more blunt, more aggressive, more loud, more promiscuous.

You see the same thing with David Bond's videos. He purposely inflames situation with local men and shows himself in intimate situations with women without even blurring their faces. Case in point, the video that is posted on the very first page of this thread “Angry HK Guy Confronts Us”, where the scrawny blonde guy is telling the locals that he “fucked her in the ass” and “her mom sucked my dick”.

Is that an appropriate way to behave as a guest in someone else's country? More to my point, do you think he would've behaved the same way if confronted by three guys in an American city? How about Colombia or Poland?

I can give anecdote after anecdote highlighting this same behavior, because it happens all the time. I'm sure others here could do the same.

Most of the pickup crowd also blurs or obscures women's faces, whether it's Roosh or RSD. From the few Bond videos I watched, he puts their faces front and center. It's clear that he didn't ask permission to show their faces either, as he doesn't even blur the faces of random passerbys.

This is even worse in Asia, because these women are now suffering a large hit to their reputation. That one night with him will cause them to be publicly shamed. For what... a few thousand hits on Youtube?

Are we overreacting? Let's get some perspective.

Look at what's happening in the West right now. Europeans are tired of Muslims that move to their countries and don't respect the local laws and customs. Americans are tired of Latinos who move to their country and don't respect the local laws and customs.

Why wouldn't Asians get tired of white guys who go to Asia and do the same? David Bond can't even figure out why people get mad when he causes them to lose face, despite having lived there for a considerable amount of time.

But “oh, Asians are just racist”.

The American Civil Rights Movement was only 50 years ago, for crying out loud. Meaning we're not far removed from a time where black men would be hung from trees just for touching a white women.

And who cares if Asians are “racist” anyways? They SHOULD place more importance on their own people than they do some transient foreigner. If you don't like it, just go to another country.

Again, this is not an issue of having sex with women. This is not an issue of any “glass ceiling” for foreigners in Asia.

The issue is Westerners who disrespect locals and cause them to lose large amounts of face simply so they can have a good time. This is going to cause problems anywhere, but especially in Eastern cultures where “face” is so important.

You can fuck girls without publicly shaming them. You can party without instigating confrontations with local men. You can make pickup videos that blur or hide people's faces (most pickup artists do, as I already pointed out). No one is saying you have to wear a kimono and eat everything with chopsticks, just don't act like an ass and show some self-control/discretion.

And claiming none of this has an effect is crazy.

Look at how many Americans are in favor of a temporary ban on Muslim immigration based on the actions of a very small percentage of Muslims (I personally agree with the ban as well). Even Indian Sikhs often get called terrorists, simply because they look somewhat similar to Arabs.

Yet you think the large number of white guys who act like fools in Asia doesn't cause any negative perceptions in Asia?

Let's not kid ourselves here.

[Image: potd.gif]

When you visit another country in which you aren't a citizen, you are a guest on their turf.

If some dude comes into my house as a guest, and he goes around telling me or my male relatives "I fucked your wife in the ass" or "your mom sucked my dick", then I'm going to make sure he leaves my house sans a few front teeth.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I think some guys really buy into the mainstream narrative subconsciously when they view other nationalities not accepting foreigners much at all as being "racist."

Asians in these countries are "racist" in the same sense that Europeans were when Europeans actually viewed their ethnicity and culture as something to be respected and protected.

Asian countries are just not into multiculturalism even when it's across asian nationalities. You may be respected as a novelty in those societies or even on a personal level by individuals you meet but don't get it confused.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Exactly. The hate between Asians is often bigger among themselves. Much bigger, actually, when comparing the hate most asians I've come across have for Japan or China... Much higher than any anti-american sentiment. As for europeans, I've heard mostly good things. But still, any dislike they might have for us white devils is much smaller than the inner asian troubles...

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-08-2016 07:05 PM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

Exactly. The hate between Asians is often bigger among themselves. Much bigger, actually, when comparing the hate most asians I've come across have for Japan or China... Much higher than any anti-american sentiment. As for europeans, I've heard mostly good things. But still, any dislike they might have for us white devils is much smaller than the inner asian troubles...

A lot of people don't get how it works in asia. Some of it is based on class, a little on looks, and some of it is based on deep historical animosity.

For example in Thailand they dislike Burmese and Cambodians a lot and think of them as evil people for historical and ethnic reasons. Thais look down on them as almost subhuman but if you compare them all they aren't racially all that different. This is especially true if you compared NE rural isaan Thais with Cambodians and Laotians. Very similar. In fact there's a lot of ancestral overlap. Burmese and Thais were united at one point or another in history as well. Plenty of mixing there.

However Thais are quite neutral when it comes to Vietnamese and they ridicule Laotians but look at them as the hick cousin.

These racial/ethnic tensions are all alive and well because they live within close proximity and see each other daily. There's also constant geopolitical friction points.

If let's say a bunch of whites started coming over pissing off locals and started trying to get involved in politics, local occupations, and or mess with actual society then you bet there would be a backlash. Look at how fast and hard the Vietnamese fought against western colonialism. Even during Thailand's ongoing red/yellow political thing any western journalists or "activists" who tried to get involved even for shits and giggles got the boot stomped down on their neck real hard. That is how far novelty goes..

As it is whites are tolerated as a novelty on an individual level and allowed to run limited business enterprise. However can you name many whites who are involved in serious politics or real power in asia? Hell no.

That good natured feeling about novelty would disappear real fast and new cultural/ethnic tensions would surface if people started to play with things that really matter.

Whites are simply not considered a realistic threat like how other asian nationalities view each other in the area. It goes beyond ethnicity but geopolitics and historical stuff that's still ongoing.

However, even then the asian ethnic tensions are overplayed in the media. I've been to plenty of countries where they (publicly) dislike people who they mistakingly associate my ethnicity with but people are cool on an individual people.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-06-2016 11:29 AM)worldtraveler3 Wrote:  

probably a good strategy. Depend on what type of girl someone likes.
The expat party crowd has its advantages in that the girls are slutty and like to party. And a lot of the expats like going out to clubs, so interests match.

There are also quite a few girls who are slutty and like to fuck local men.

Its really like any country, can you really form an opinion on the women in a certain city based off tinder and a few nightlife hot spots?

Can you use a sample size of less than 10,000 to judge the millions of women in a city?

Is the Philippines really a pussy paradise? Or is it a pussy paradise for those same 10,000 girls on FC / DIA / Tinder / etc. Same for Taiwan / rest of Asia.

Does shoring a semipro in Thailand mean that all Thai girls are impressed by the WGF? Or they are all gold diggers?

How is it out of a city of millions of people rooshers are banging the same women?

In any case, being a foreigner will always put you in the novelty category, some may want to experiment for the experience, but you'll always be a novelty.

Exceptions apply if you blend in enough / speak the language.

That's why these datasheets and info posted are useful for the small NICHE within the dating market, but as the old saying goes, to really get experience you need to run day game / run social networking game and find girls who usually go out once a month / every couple of months.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia


Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

As others have said, David Bond should post datasheets here, or some concrete advices on traveling, like his (quite interesting indeed) piece of advice on AirBnB strategy (he advises to find owners who have multiple apartments, so that they won't have time to check on your place - in case you bring more guests in than initially permitted: not a bad idea, for people who like partying in apartments). As to his (teenage-prank like) videos exposing or "shaming" some Asian girls, I agree that they can increase xenophobia (against White travelers). I just hope it'll have a very marginal effect.

In any case, DavidBond, you should tell us about your travel adventures and successes, and not really talk about your videos - that are not widely appreciated here, as you have read on this thread. Give the best of yourself to the forum, not the "worst".

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (12-25-2015 09:46 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2015 09:39 PM)worldtraveler3 Wrote:  

"but in East Asia, you have to be more low key about this kind of shit than this."

really? this thing had been going on for years if not decades now. I dont think just because he's on the news it will make any difference.

Chinese people still talk about the famous movie celeb (I forgot his name) and how all his personal home videos of him fucking girls (some famous) got out. This happened several years ago.

That's my boy Edison Chen. You can combine a search of his name with any of "Cecilia Cheung", "Bobo Chan" or "Gillian Chung" for some delightfully hairy $2M/movie married pussy.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-08-2016 12:40 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

The issue that TravelerKai brought up is not about fucking women. If you go through his thousands of posts, you'll see that he has offered nothing but advice and encouragement for men wanting to meet women in Asia.

The problem that he and a lot of other guys have is when Western men go to Asia and do not show any respect for the culture. Asians place a large amount of importance on honor and reputation. This is the whole reason the women there are sweet and submissive in the first place.

That means the more aggressive and confrontational attitude of Westerners, even if completely fine in your home country, is often seen as very offensive in Asia. Of course, most Asians tend to understand that Westerners do not have these same values and will usually give a little bit of leeway.

But it does not stop there. As I talked about in my last post, many Westerners actually amp up their Western personality traits. They become more blunt, more aggressive, more loud, more promiscuous.

You see the same thing with David Bond's videos. He purposely inflames situation with local men and shows himself in intimate situations with women without even blurring their faces. Case in point, the video that is posted on the very first page of this thread “Angry HK Guy Confronts Us”, where the scrawny blonde guy is telling the locals that he “fucked her in the ass” and “her mom sucked my dick”.

Is that an appropriate way to behave as a guest in someone else's country? More to my point, do you think he would've behaved the same way if confronted by three guys in an American city? How about Colombia or Poland?

OK, so now we finally have the "thirsty Americans" defined – as I said we should have if we're to get anywhere.

Of course, it's impossible to argue with anything you say. I can only add that aggressive and confrontational attitude here is also very stupid – because if people are taken aback by it it's probably not because they are impressed by your size or fury but because they can't quite believe just how rude you're being.

I've heard from expats who have been here much longer that the last thing you want to do is humiliate an Asian guy in public – they had anectodes about how the Asian dude went home, armed himself and came back looking to put the foreigner in his place. – So actually you'd be safer shouting obscenities at a 6 feet tall Polish guy – than a 5 foot 6 Asian. The Polish guy might deck you, but there's no telling what the Asian guy will do.

Also I can add that despite natural human tribalism so far I'm seeing the 'expat community' here in Cebu is quite reserved and weary of each other. Basically whites are far from automatic mates here, because you've got all kinds of calibers – some of whom you don't want to befriend or be associated with at all. So it can very much be the case that even westerners do not have a good view of westerners which would confirm a lot of what this thread is about.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-08-2016 10:13 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

As others have said, David Bond should post datasheets here, or some concrete advices on traveling, like his (quite interesting indeed) piece of advice on AirBnB strategy (he advises to find owners who have multiple apartments, so that they won't have time to check on your place - in case you bring more guests in than initially permitted: not a bad idea, for people who like partying in apartments). As to his (teenage-prank like) videos exposing or "shaming" some Asian girls, I agree that they can increase xenophobia (against White travelers). I just hope it'll have a very marginal effect.

In any case, DavidBond, you should tell us about your travel adventures and successes, and not really talk about your videos - that are not widely appreciated here, as you have read on this thread. Give the best of yourself to the forum, not the "worst".

Thanks, and its something I could do. However the vibe so far makes me feel like I'd just get banned. That and I love sharing stories with video. I'd rather SHOW what happend and what I learned, than type a big essay. That and even I wrote a big essay, I'd get banned for simply saying "i have a video of this" because that might be "promotion" - I don't feel like playing poster gymnastics.

This will be my last post.

Take care.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-05-2016 10:42 AM)Tenerife Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2016 10:09 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

You got guys who almost never approached starting thread on how to get laid in the Phil and Thailand! Some guys didn't even read Game literature before going on trips! Roosh never preached about Game being easy, and a way for his main audience, which are white males, to forgo the hard work of developing game.

After being decent, that's when you go on a trip to experience finer women! Shit in the beginning I use to Daygame until I couldn't walk anymore due to the tiredness! Some people just want it easy I guess! In retrospect, I'm glad I got rejected by a lot of these Hoes when I started! Made me who I am now. I hope guys flocking to Asia will least know some Key Game concepts. And I also hope that David includes in his teaching that being a good looking white guy + Lots of Hard work = Pounding these Hoes way more a la Fisto [Image: banana.gif]

But the question is, should a guy with no experience with women start in a hard environment, or go somewhere easier and get a lot more experience in a shorter amount of time, and feel like a king?

I think it's highly rational for a virgin dude lets say at 20 years old to go to the Philippines and bang 30 girls, than to struggle in the States and maybe get a girl after a year of approaching. All those experiences in a foreign country will help him gain confidence.

You don't need true "game" to get laid in the Philippines. This even goes for certain places in latin america too. If you're a white dude (hell you can be pretty much any ethnicity in the phils) and you're in the Philippines, it's just soooo damn easy.

I don't know what idea you have in your head of "banging like fisto" in the phils. pretty much any decent looking white dude can put up those numbers, with essentially no real game.

I think the term "game" is overhyped. If all there was to getting laid was just "game" then guys wouldn't be concerned about places getting "ruined".

Don't get me wrong, being willing to approach, hold a decent conversation, isolate, escalate MATTERS, and if that's game then fine. But when we're talking about the "attraction" part of game, if you're a decent looking white dude, you've got that mostly covered and you don't need negs, false time constraints, and all that other bullshit. You go up say hi, if she's interested, it's pretty much locked. Also you can just use tinder and dating websites and not even have to approach if that's your style.

The fact is, if you pick the right city, the right place for yourself, game IS easy. It can be literally 100 times easier than a different city/country.

Your reply just caught my attention. I understand your reasoning about why struggle when you can simply go to an environment that's "easy" and succeed. The way I see it is to practice in an environment that's familiar to you, and while you learn the ropes and fail, you're not too destabilized about those failures.

I've never been in the Phil, but imagine a guy reading about how easy it is... and then not even coming close to getting laid! That man might flip out and restart a new PUAHATE and all!! And what you said about approaching and saying Hi and all... that's game! The way you say hi, and the body language that you adapt and the tonality that you use... it counts!

I don't necessarily believe in the term easy, because as soon as another man is in the picture, then it might not be easy anymore. And also a virgin man will not have the experience to deal with those terrorist, umm sorry about that, I mean those women might smell the $$$ and Beta out of him and treat him like a Punk

And speaking of punk, I was just at a Wal-Mart McDonald today to get my usual McCoffee, and I saw a couple sitting that were waiting for their order at a near table. The Bitch had her feet extended taking near the entire seat, and the guy was sitting WITH HIS ASS HANGING IN MID AIR HOLDING HER IN HIS ARMS, ALMOST FALLING MANY TIME, AND FOR NEARLY 10 MINUTES!!! WTF is this foolishness Toronto wake up DAMN I need to move the Hell out!!!RANT/ Being a punk like that kid while being abroad sounds like risky risky business to me.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-10-2016 11:01 PM)DavidBond Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2016 10:13 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

As others have said, David Bond should post datasheets here, or some concrete advices on traveling, like his (quite interesting indeed) piece of advice on AirBnB strategy (he advises to find owners who have multiple apartments, so that they won't have time to check on your place - in case you bring more guests in than initially permitted: not a bad idea, for people who like partying in apartments). As to his (teenage-prank like) videos exposing or "shaming" some Asian girls, I agree that they can increase xenophobia (against White travelers). I just hope it'll have a very marginal effect.

In any case, DavidBond, you should tell us about your travel adventures and successes, and not really talk about your videos - that are not widely appreciated here, as you have read on this thread. Give the best of yourself to the forum, not the "worst".

Thanks, and its something I could do. However the vibe so far makes me feel like I'd just get banned. That and I love sharing stories with video. I'd rather SHOW what happend and what I learned, than type a big essay. That and even I wrote a big essay, I'd get banned for simply saying "i have a video of this" because that might be "promotion" - I don't feel like playing poster gymnastics.

Translation: I don't respect the fact that the RVF is a unique and exclusive community with it's own values, set practices and traditions. I want the RVF to serve my purposes without any concern to what the needs of the greater community are. I have absolutely no interest in making any effort to understand what this community is and why things are done the way that they are here.


This will be my last post.

Good riddance.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-10-2016 11:58 PM)Suits Wrote:  

(01-11-2016, 04:01 AM)DavidBond Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

This will be my last post.

Good riddance.

Further analysis and input through google translate: "This will be my last post" = This will be my last attempt to scam the RVF community, since I am a low level scammer incapable of learning, creating value, giving back, and unable to achieve any form of relationship building with other men of value, without the need to lie, mislead, manipulate and cheat other forum members for the main purpose of turning a monetary profit for personal gains only.

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
– Bruce Lee

One must give value, but one must profit from it too, life is about balance

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I spoke about this on my latest podcast with Moma and Rudebwoy. I'll post the link when Moma releases it here. I will also post more thoughts on some of the posts exchanged on this thread. I wanted to see what would come out before saying too much and that paid off. There is plenty to break down in here.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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