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How can $1000-100 million help you get more, better chick?

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

I know this board has more established guys with decent income. I am just wandering how you can best utilized your spare $$$ to help you get more and better tails.

So we gonna talk about using the money specifically to help you get laid, not like investing or paying off your student loans. I would like to get some ideas from you guys.


$100 - $1000
get a gym membership and work out
buy nicer clothes

$1000 - $10,000
take a pick-up bootcamp(not a good use of money)
get an apartment in a better part of town
throw some parties???
take 3 month off and travel around the world to bang chicks
buy fancy clothes?

$10,000 - $100,000
buy a nice car(doesn't help much)
buy a boat???
throw fancier parties
take a year off and learn to pick up chicks all over the world?
Get a fancy pad?

get a small yacht
get a Ferrari
throw regular parties on your little yacht

$1,000,000 - $10,000,000
I know a guy who bought a lingerie company [Image: smile.gif]
Invest and produce cheap movies [Image: smile.gif]

$10,000,000 - I think this is when it really makes a difference
$100,000,000 - buy a modeling agency

There are probably a lot of guys here who are in the $1000-$100,000 range where they can use up that $$$ without hurting their finances permanently. I think that's the toughest range. It's good money, but not the kind of money that give you exclusive access to top shelf girls.

Any ideas welcome...

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Quote: (12-19-2012 12:10 AM)Excalibur Wrote:  

$10,000 - $100,000
buy a nice car(doesn't help much)
buy a boat???
throw fancier parties
take a year off and learn to pick up chicks all over the world?
Get a fancy pad?

Depends on where you are for those things to happen.

You are not really buying a boat, crib and nice car and throwing gigs with 100k in Southern California.

Maybe an inflatable raft. Or a canoe with a hole in it.

Unless you mean by "throw fancier parties", a 2 liter jug of Coke and some Doritos and maybe multiple cheese dips.

Maybe you can spring for the "cool Ranch", or something.


get a small yacht
get a Ferrari
throw regular parties on your little yacht

Again, at the lower end of that, you are not doing those things unless it is during your day dreams.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

No need for a yacht no matter how much money you've got.

Cue: el mechanico's boat game.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

I was thinking the same thing G a guy with 100k buying a Ferrari is buying a 1980s junker nor is in the market for a yacht. A true yacht of quality costs a million + these days alone! Buying a model agency is probably cheap. I doubt its much of a money maker. Heck you could probably due this on 10-100k if thats your desire.

I'm confused if hes talking about net worth or annual income. 10 million + is complete unnecessary if we are talking about annual income. Think about it this way with 1 million a year after taxes you can literally spend like 3k a day.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Of course one idea is to simply rent a yacht and throw a party. Let people assume the yacht is yours.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Quote: (12-19-2012 04:04 AM)se7en Wrote:  

Of course one idea is to simply rent a yacht and throw a party. Let people assume the yacht is yours.

If it flies floats or fucks...

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Top shelf is a bit vague and the most underrated piece of your post is simply leaving the country.

With $100K you can quite easily leave for 3+ years and find the right country for you to pull talent.

If you had $1M you could effectively live like a nomad forever ($50K in annual income world wide).

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

What are we talking here? 10 to 100k a year or just in the bank? Extra cash after your bills are paid? Also this has a lot to do with where you live.
If I lived in Vermont I would have a lake cabin and two killer snowmobiles not a Hatteras.

Now, I played big boat game sportfish style, sailboat, jetski and every other variation. What works here is high speed island hopper but in Miami I would have to recalibrate. Also pontoon/party boats work but they come with an isolation problem because too many people can come. At a beginner level I would choose pontoon which is dirt cheap and has advantages over the 250k Sportfisher.

Big yacht guys have two weakness. One is they drink too much and have an overflow of women they can't control. So, you approach the boat pirate style (emechs specialty) you can if you know winds and tides fake a mechanical failure and drift into them then open the girls. They WILL offer you drinks. Also the big boat will NOT be far offshore in most cases..Why? because girls like to stay where they can see other people and there's no need for the owner to take them out to far..

Second weakness...Some big boat guys don't drink and are obsessed with the boat itself. The girls will be looking for a more fun dude to hang with. Once they invite you aboard start shotgunning beers, bodyshots etc. Isolate and pirate the chick you want on to your boat (or two in some cases) haha

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Quote: (12-19-2012 12:10 AM)Excalibur Wrote:  

I know this board has more established guys with decent income. I am just wandering how you can best utilized your spare $$$ to help you get more and better tails.

So we gonna talk about using the money specifically to help you get laid, not like investing or paying off your student loans. I would like to get some ideas from you guys.


$100 - $1000
get a gym membership and work out
buy nicer clothes

$1000 - $10,000
take a pick-up bootcamp(not a good use of money)
get an apartment in a better part of town
throw some parties???
take 3 month off and travel around the world to bang chicks
buy fancy clothes?

$10,000 - $100,000
buy a nice car(doesn't help much)
buy a boat???
throw fancier parties
take a year off and learn to pick up chicks all over the world?
Get a fancy pad?

get a small yacht
get a Ferrari
throw regular parties on your little yacht

$1,000,000 - $10,000,000
I know a guy who bought a lingerie company [Image: smile.gif]
Invest and produce cheap movies [Image: smile.gif]

$10,000,000 - I think this is when it really makes a difference
$100,000,000 - buy a modeling agency

There are probably a lot of guys here who are in the $1000-$100,000 range where they can use up that $$$ without hurting their finances permanently. I think that's the toughest range. It's good money, but not the kind of money that give you exclusive access to top shelf girls.

Any ideas welcome...

Where could you buy a nice apartment for $10,000?

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

The effort-to-reward ratio drops off at a certain point. If a man brings home $75,000 per year after taxes, he can live very comfortably and afford to drive a 'nice' car, live in a luxurious house or fairly upscale apartment, and afford trips and expensive clothes, nightlife, etc. He couldn't significantly upgrade the quality of women he was pulling without increasing his income drastically, to afford the yacht, mansion, supercars, and other trappings of great wealth necessary to attract top quality gold diggers, or to purchase enough fame and glitter to cause random hot women to throw themselves at him.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

I'd say there's a massive gap here.

Let's put it like this: Rent vs. Ownership

Renting would be: you put some serious work into your physique and appearance. Wardrobe, personal upkeep, etc. There's only so much you can do here. Going from a Hugo Boss to a Valentino or Brioni is not going to make a difference to 99% of women.

Same with venues. You can hit everyday bars, you can do midlevel clubs that charge a cover, or you can hit the hottest club in your city. Be dressed properly, be ready to pay a hefty cover, maybe bottle/table service, recruit a couple girls with you. If you do it smart you can still have nights like these for under $100, though it really helps to know someone.

Rent a decent place close to the action. That's another $1000-$1500 per month. Drive a decent car.

All told, anyone who makes 45k+ can do the "renter's" scenario without much of a problem. Making 100k doesn't get you that much more. You're two fish playing the same game, just the guy making 100k will have nicer clothes and not have to penny pinch as much.

Now when you get into the "Owner's" scenario things change drastically. I used to work at SBE. Sam Nazarian's net worth is at about $150 mil last I checked. Not in the realm of the billionaires club, but VASTLY more than any of us will ever see. The guy used to roll into the restaurant with a group of 5 playboy bunnies as his entourage. Some of the housekeepers confirmed he went to his suite with 3 of them. He's the ultimate "bought into being cool" douchebag, but wtf does it matter when you're banging whoever you want whenever you want? The guy owns the company that runs the hottest clubs in L.A. Any dumb slut 9 would suck him off and take it in the ass just to get into one of his clubs. No game required, but of course having women of this calibre constantly throwing themselves at him automatically GIVES him game. If there are any men amongst us who treat women as the disposable sluts they are, it's the super rich guys with an appetite for young pussy in the "owners" category. It's the ultimate injustice that the guy never had to learn game the hard way, NOR did he have to work for his money. He essentially inherited the lifestyle, took mommy and daddy's money, and started a nightlife group with almost unlimited initial capital. Of COURSE he could afford the most cutting edge design, to hire the right people, the loudest sound systems. When your net worth is $150 mil, there is no game anymore. At that point you show up to a modelling show, go to the afterparty, and have your henchmen recruit 25 eastern european models to hang out on your yacht that's parked in Ibiza for the summer. The only game that's required is deciding which one you want, and making a move. To me, this is natural. What blows me away are the dudes whose net worth is $100+ mil and AREN'T doing this. It's like they have fucking anti-game, or a serious lack of testosterone, or, I don't know what. Some serious fucking problems.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Well said the dude. And unless the OP has that kind of money, i think its a waste of time to be thinking what is he going to do with all that money (more than 100 million).

Also, i truly dont think we need all that money to be banging hot chicks consistently. You can do it on way less in south america or eastern europe.

You dont really need a yatch to be banging hot girls. Dont waste your precious life chasing all that cash for this shit. These bitches aint worth it, trust me.

Get money to be free and to live that international playboy lifestyle.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Quote: (12-19-2012 11:07 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

What are we talking here? 10 to 100k a year or just in the bank? Extra cash after your bills are paid? Also this has a lot to do with where you live.
If I lived in Vermont I would have a lake cabin and two killer snowmobiles not a Hatteras.

Now, I played big boat game sportfish style, sailboat, jetski and every other variation. What works here is high speed island hopper but in Miami I would have to recalibrate. Also pontoon/party boats work but they come with an isolation problem because too many people can come. At a beginner level I would choose pontoon which is dirt cheap and has advantages over the 250k Sportfisher.

Big yacht guys have two weakness. One is they drink too much and have an overflow of women they can't control. So, you approach the boat pirate style (emechs specialty) you can if you know winds and tides fake a mechanical failure and drift into them then open the girls. They WILL offer you drinks. Also the big boat will NOT be far offshore in most cases..Why? because girls like to stay where they can see other people and there's no need for the owner to take them out to far..

Second weakness...Some big boat guys don't drink and are obsessed with the boat itself. The girls will be looking for a more fun dude to hang with. Once they invite you aboard start shotgunning beers, bodyshots etc. Isolate and pirate the chick you want on to your boat (or two in some cases) haha

El Mechanico innovates once again with Pirate Game.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

With my scale, I meant extra disposable income. You can extrapolate it anyway you want. Guys say $10,000 is not enough to throw fancy parties, then just extrapolate it to $100,000. You guys get the point.

I am writing this post because a lot guys don't spend their money effectively to get laid.

Example -

$1500 table at Vegas club. WTF, just go get a hooker or 2 or 3 and it's still cheaper. We all know tables sucks because you get stuck there and cannot roam around to game.

Virgin who took pick up bootcamp ~ $2000-$3000??? 2 years later they are still virgin or may have one lay. You have a better chance if you just go up to every hot girl and buy her a drink and still end up spending less money.

The obvious points on the scale are at the lowest and highest end. When you are dirt poor living in the suburbs with your parents and don't have a car, then you are at a significant disadvantage. On the extreme rich end, you got Sam Nazarian.

In the middle it's kind of an even playing field. Unless you transfer money into power, you gain very little leverage. But there are still guys who maximize their chances with the money they got. I remember guys on this board talk about investing in a bar in Florida. You can do that for $100,000. Someone mentioned that you can buy a modeling agency for $10,000 ~ $100,000. Are you sure??? How are you gonna do that, please share. Also how to use money to gain access without buying the stupid rip off bottle service.

I think getting a classy boat for $100,000 - $300,000 is not a horrible idea. The ROI is still not great, unless you live in Florida and like to sail, boat year round. It's cooler to host a small party on your boat than in an average house. In Hollywood you need at least s $4 million + house to throw a party that attracts the top of the line girl. Even then you still get mostly reef-rafs.

Money is most useful if it's translated into power or freedom. Saving up for a long trip to S. America or Eastern Europe is a great idea. You really need a lot of money to become powerful, but even with some disposable income you can do that. I think that's the area where I want to be more thoughtful and creative.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Here's another perspective:

Is Sam Nazarian running an empire to get laid? No. He's doing it for his thirst of power and influence. He most likely creates the types of nightclubs he'd want to hang out in.

Should someone buy a boat to get laid? No. They should do it because they have a passion for sailing and throwing boat parties.

Should someone open a bar to get laid? No. They should do it because they have a passion for the hospitality and nightlife industry.

Pussy is peripheral. We all hope that our occupation and/or lifestyle will get us laid, but noone should be spending large amounts of cash or changing their entire lifestyle to get laid. If you have some cool hobbies that attracts women or puts you in contact with women, and you have game, and enough cash to support that lifestyle, you shouldn't have a problem getting pussy.

You gotta understand, if you're Sam Nazarian, the stakes are high. He has a very structured company that allows him to live the good life, but I promise you when he was coming up in the entertainment and nightlife industry, the guy wasn't taking a whole lot of days off. It's a lifestyle that very few of us could actually stomach. This isn't like going to the bank or punching into your 9-to-5. You would be dealing with some very cutthroat and disgusting people on a regular basis. And many people try and fail or get blown out of the water by the big dogs that are currently running the scene.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

You could do what my friend is doing. Down-size:

200 bucks a month for a 1 bedroom apartment.
50 bucks a month for food
10 bucks a month for a 2 Mbit connection

Retire and play games for the rest of your life. His wife plays beside him...


just spend your time gaming women 24/7. Shooting fish in a barrell here in Asia...

I'm sorry guys but if you need more money then this to pick up women, you are either a loser or an american.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Quote: (12-20-2012 09:24 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  

You could do what my friend is doing. Down-size:

200 bucks a month for a 1 bedroom apartment.
50 bucks a month for food
10 bucks a month for a 2 Mbit connection

Retire and play games for the rest of your life. His wife plays beside him...


just spend your time gaming women 24/7. Shooting fish in a barrell here in Asia...

I'm sorry guys but if you need more money then this to pick up women, you are either a loser or an american.

More that $260?

I guess I am a loser and an American.

Where are you that you can mack for $260 per month.

I don't think I have ever seen you bust out a Data Sheet.

I am sure I am not the only one who is interested.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?


How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

A lot of things that will get you more girls are in the lowest of price ranges. Reading more, picking up a foreign language, etc. My problem with the OP is that it is directly correlating superficiality with getting more women. You can have a yacht but if you aren't sociable enough to approach people to invite to your yacht party then you may as well be jerking off in a kayak by yourself.

I study marketing and advertising and one of the main ploys that companies use to promote their products is suggesting that they will make you more popular/likeable. Take beer commercials, how many times have you opened up a can of beer and suddenly beautiful women are crawling over you? It doesn't happen. Obviously the pursuit of money and material things isn't a bad thing, but if your motive for doing so is just to get more girls, I think that is a seriously warped perspective and in many ways counter-productive to developing actual game. I think you could get a better girl by developing your social skills, daygame is free last time I checked. I'd even argue that you wouldn't get a 'better' chick by purchasing all those things, you would get a golddigging whore.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

You know what fellas ...I'd take a 19 year old 7 or 8 over any of the bitches you'd find hanging out on a yacht. I'll see you later. I'm heading to Taco Bell for a soft taco [Image: thumb.gif]

Team Nachos

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Whatever money you spend/invest in making your life better, more fun, or yourself better or more interesting, be it $8 buck for a haircut or $800 on clothes or $8000 on a car, has the potential to help you get laid.

But only the potential. You could have a Ferrari and a Penthouse, but still be a sexless chump.

Its not the money, its what you do with it.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

The problem with flashing money is that it gets girls into "date mode" where they just want you to take them out... But when u escalate, they're "not that kind of girl"

Make money for yourself op

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Quote: (01-16-2013 07:29 PM)flyingnimbus Wrote:  

The problem with flashing money is that it gets girls into "date mode" where they just want you to take them out... But when u escalate, they're "not that kind of girl"

Make money for yourself op

Women are born knowing how to play poker. When they smell money they'll slow roll you for the big payout.

Team Nachos

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

$10 - Pack of smokes and two tickets to a museum. Head to the museum. Day game on foot on the way. Try and convince a girl on the street to roll with you, as your friend bailed and left you with two tickets. Demonstrate your passion for art and seduce her in an exhibit. Go for the fast kiss. ( Plan B: save one ticket, find a girl in the museum, and get her to smoke break with you. Go for a walk in the park, tell her how cool your place is, isolate, and bang. Bang, saved ~$3 of ten bucks.)

$100 - Buy some new slacks, a fedora, and a cheap v neck. Go to the del-mar racetrack. Hit up a chick for betting advice, but segue into betting the rest of your money against her directly. Be cocky and funny while you wait for the race, as she will not let you go.

$1000 - Buy a digi-cam and drop an ad for 'modeling.' get a nice hotel room. Tell potential interviewees at the door, "you know this is nude, right?" if they agree, game on. Make them sign a contract that you hold rights for any and all photos they agree to. Make them pose for a sample shot topless. Tell them nonchalantly how sick and twisted your ideas are. "we will let you know" at the end, and if you really are a sick bastard, they will be thinking about your ideas for a week. Sarge sarge sarge day game with your new camera for the next week.

$10,000- Buy a used motorcycle and a netbook. Set up a couchsurfing acct. and travel around for a few months on your bike, couch to couch. Pull like mad.

$100,000- get a nice apartment close to a college campus, roll nightly. Plus if its an artist loft. Double plus if you are a passionate artist. Triple plus if you seem to be a poor artist living in nice digs.

$1,000,000 - Skys the limit.

How can 00-100 million help you get more, better chick?

Having a lot of money is a good way for women to take you for a lot of money. I TOTALLY agree with what the others here said about women "getting into date mode" (gag) or playing you for a big payout.

In fact, I found that in life the more successful I became the worse I did with women, who started to seem like 1). Golddiggers or 2). Bitches who are threatened by success and want to "compete." I ended up having this great job and not telling women what I did -- which is a comment on our society today that's really troubling, but not what we're here to address.

I know anecdotal evidence is bullshit, but I have to say the best I ever did with women was when I was a little teenage smartass who didn't give a shit, because I had a girlfriend and had had a near-death experience. Anything went! I had no money then, nor any assurance I was ever gonna make any. And yet that phone never stopped ringing. Attitude trumps money. Hell, I'll even say it trumps height because I was an elf then.

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