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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 12:27 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

I don't want to quote your whole post, TK, because I agree with most. I just wanted to highlight a few points that I wanted to expand on.

First, when it comes to this conversation, I believe we are talking about the WSP article and he also comments about having your act together on the physical level as well.

I don't think anyone disagrees being in shape is a requirement along with style. We are also talking being able to be social. Not this game versus money stuff or guys with anti-social behavior being able to pull because they are rich. All of this plays a role.

Quote: (04-21-2015 11:59 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

By the time you are 40 you will or should have some decent amount of money. That is when most man start hitting a stride in many facets of life. Money is usually a top one.

Here is where a lot of disagreements stem from. You should be hitting your stride at that age if you didn't fuck around your whole 20's. haha

Spending 70 nights in a club leads me to believe you are fucking around your whole 20's. Spending time teaching English because you want to travel is fucking up your 20's.

Every year you don't spend building up a profitable skill set is fucking around and it will come back to bite you later.

Now, a year off isn't a big deal. Westcoast would hate me for saying that but I don't see problem getting some great travel experience for a year.

If we are talking more, than you will be playing a lot of catch up with guys who didn't screw around. Good luck competing with guys with more experience and the latest skill sets.


Anyway, for now, Distant Light, Hwuzhere, <insert really young RVFer> etc. can keep pulling their 9s and 10s using day and night game because that is what young men SHOULD be doing at their ages. That is where their prey lives. It thrives in their own environments. Later on, they can get their pulls by other means if need be. Age doesn't mean the game stops. One of my best game teachers was a 50 year old natural and he makes much less money than I do. Real players make adjustments like Peyton Manning would at the line of scrimmage. If they were intelligent enough to figure out their own inner game now at this age, they might well outpull any of us older guys, when they reach 40, by a country mile.

I bolded the comment that highlights my main point.

Young guys can typically bounce back a lot easier after a night out. Again, we are talking going out as in 70 nights out in a row going out. That is something even the young cats shouldn't be doing if they look long term.

Our time is our greatest resource and the young guys typically won't understand how crucial it is until they get older and see some of the things they wasted time on and how they would have been better off doing something else.

As for inner game, even if they figure out inner game right now, that doesn't mean things won't change and they won't have to deal with inner game issues. Lot's of guys I knew that were great with women ended up with inner game problems because they got older and [didn't stay in shape] [work in shit jobs] [insert another reason here].

The thing is, the men with the mindset that they don't give a fuck if they fuck up their twenties by travelling or going out, have exactly the type of personality that attracts the pussy. The types that are beavering away through their twenties with that future time oriented mindset don't really get the pussy wet.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:04 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

The thing is, the men with the mindset that they don't give a fuck if they fuck up their twenties by travelling or going out, have exactly the type of personality that attracts the pussy. The types that are beavering away through their twenties with that future time oriented mindset don't really get the pussy wet.

That is quite the black and white outlook. I strongly disagree. I have worked my ass off while making many sacrifices and that never stopped me from getting laid by very attractive women and two ugly ones. Then again, I don't talk to women about the shit I am working on.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 01:53 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2015 01:09 PM)realologist Wrote:  

Many people in here are not understanding this post properly. Basically it means more money will put you in a social circle and give you more access to more attractive women. Most 8+ women hang around at a private party at a millionaires mansion instead of hanging out at a local dive bar.

Manhattan alone has 2 million people, nyc metro area has about ten million.

5 million men.
5 million women

To keep the math easy..and not questioning the illogic behind the 10 scale or the mercenary mentality that WSP seems to suggest

500,000 eligible 8's, 9's, and10's

There's no way that *all* of the 8's, 9's, 10's spend their time on yachts or lounging around central park view apartments, shopping at Bergdorf Goodman's.

It's not feasible, not even realistic, especially for the 18-23 set.


I see what you are saying. I'm more saying that there is a higher concentration of 8+ women in those locations compared to where average America is at. You wouldn't have to shuffle through as many slightly above average women. The only location that beats it is major universities which is where most of the 18-23 8-10's are.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 12:27 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

I don't want to quote your whole post, TK, because I agree with most. I just wanted to highlight a few points that I wanted to expand on.

First, when it comes to this conversation, I believe we are talking about the WSP article and he also comments about having your act together on the physical level as well.

I don't think anyone disagrees being in shape is a requirement along with style. We are also talking being able to be social. Not this game versus money stuff or guys with anti-social behavior being able to pull because they are rich. All of this plays a role.

Quote: (04-21-2015 11:59 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

By the time you are 40 you will or should have some decent amount of money. That is when most man start hitting a stride in many facets of life. Money is usually a top one.

Here is where a lot of disagreements stem from. You should be hitting your stride at that age if you didn't fuck around your whole 20's. haha

Spending 70 nights in a club leads me to believe you are fucking around your whole 20's. Spending time teaching English because you want to travel is fucking up your 20's.

Every year you don't spend building up a profitable skill set is fucking around and it will come back to bite you later.

Now, a year off isn't a big deal. Westcoast would hate me for saying that but I don't see problem getting some great travel experience for a year.

If we are talking more, than you will be playing a lot of catch up with guys who didn't screw around. Good luck competing with guys with more experience and the latest skill sets.


Anyway, for now, Distant Light, Hwuzhere, <insert really young RVFer> etc. can keep pulling their 9s and 10s using day and night game because that is what young men SHOULD be doing at their ages. That is where their prey lives. It thrives in their own environments. Later on, they can get their pulls by other means if need be. Age doesn't mean the game stops. One of my best game teachers was a 50 year old natural and he makes much less money than I do. Real players make adjustments like Peyton Manning would at the line of scrimmage. If they were intelligent enough to figure out their own inner game now at this age, they might well outpull any of us older guys, when they reach 40, by a country mile.

I bolded the comment that highlights my main point.

Young guys can typically bounce back a lot easier after a night out. Again, we are talking going out as in 70 nights out in a row going out. That is something even the young cats shouldn't be doing if they look long term.

Our time is our greatest resource and the young guys typically won't understand how crucial it is until they get older and see some of the things they wasted time on and how they would have been better off doing something else.

As for inner game, even if they figure out inner game right now, that doesn't mean things won't change and they won't have to deal with inner game issues. Lot's of guys I knew that were great with women ended up with inner game problems because they got older and [didn't stay in shape] [work in shit jobs] [insert another reason here].

I actually agree with you. I never recommend traveling via English teaching contrary to what some think. I never taught in Asia. I just took time off and traveled there. I have a high value skill set. I made more money than many people I went to college with and graduated with. I spent my early 20s and mid 20's working on my skillset and got into consulting early. Unlike the others I got married in my mid 20s, so that kept me out of the clubs at that time. I started doing it again after the divorce in my late 20s, found it to not be effective, then started traveling alot instead (along with becoming red pill).

All that said, if you must do the English teacher route, always go in your 20s and not your 30s. Also, don't go and teach. Go and learn and/or segway into a international business. Made business contacts. Go to international trade expos. Build a sizable business social circle with locals. That is the difference. Guys like Suits works it from that angle, which is the correct approach, and that negates it from becoming a risk. Even if he fails, he can take his language skills and get a high paying job in the private sector in multinational businesses or go get a law degree/MBA to really have some firepower.

The point is to have a decent plan of action. Progression. Without that, it will not matter if you have a finance degree from an Ivy League school or not. By the time you hit mid 30s to 40s, things should be falling into place quite well. Teaching English in your 20s was not a waste, but an investment in your skillset. I concede that not all young men approach it like this, but some do, including a good handful or more here in RVF. Therefore it is not right to broadstroke with a brush all the guys that teach English abroad as wasting their 20s.

I will say also that going out clubbing or whatever 70 times, etc. probably should be toned down but hey if all that clubbing gets you inroads with whatever industry you work in, (Fashion, etc. ), perhaps it can work, but all things are best done in moderation. I personally have friends that were club promoters and hosts and now manage nightclubs or similar related businesses. They were working when it looked like they were playing the whole time. Never discount the mindset of a real hustler. They all hunger like the rest of us do. They just perhaps take on a slightly bigger risk.

If anything these kinds of guys should be countering on your argument, that your safe and cushy field of work is the real joke, because you may not have the balls to strike out on your own. Someone in RVF, I won't name right now, business is taking off. He took the big risk and he is getting paid like a mofo right now. Eventually he probably might end up having more money than your average Wall Street banker if he keeps this up. Funny thing is, guys like these WSP and maybe yourself may have laughed at his business idea to go abroad last year. Who is laughing now? I know that he got me fired up and I am working on my own thing right now and finished 1 meeting with a China supplier today in fact.

One day at a time, brick by brick...

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:33 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

If anything these kinds of guys should be countering on your argument, that your safe and cushy field of work is the real joke, because you may not have the balls to strike out on your own. Someone in RVF, I won't name right now, business is taking off. He took the big risk and he is getting paid like a mofo right now. Eventually he probably might end up having more money than your average Wall Street banker if he keeps this up. Funny thing is, guys like these WSP and maybe yourself may have laughed at his business idea to go abroad last year. Who is laughing now? I know that he got me fired up and I am working on my own thing right now and finished 1 meeting with a China supplier today in fact.

One day at a time, brick by brick...

I have worked for myself for over a decade now. [Image: wink.gif] I wouldn't have been able to do so if I didn't put in a lot of time and effort. It's taken me way over a decade to be as good as I am right now.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:26 PM)realologist Wrote:  

The only location that beats it is major universities which is where most of the 18-23 8-10's are.

This myth really has to stop.

I have spent huge amounts of time on 3 separate major university campuses 20k+ students each in different areas.

There are not tons of 8-10s at universities.

The really hot chicks go to community college for a year or two and drop out or become models, or go directly into some sort of gig their rich dad or boyfriend got them much of the time.

Really hot chicks don't study. They don't have to. They're in Dubai for Christ's sake.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:52 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:15 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

There are many guys here who say money is a bad thing and gives provider vibes. Yet the same posters disregard that rule when they travel abroad to get girls and their money goes 3x as far .

Once again, WSP is owning y'all.

I hope you are not referring to me.

Not sure why you think I was referring to you specifically when I used plurals multiple times. A lot of RVFers travel abroad.

For the rest of your reply, TL;DR.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:45 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

This myth really has to stop.

I have spent huge amounts of time on 3 separate major university campuses 20k+ students each in different areas.

There are not tons of 8-10s at universities.

The really hot chicks go to community college for a year or two and drop out or become models, or go directly into some sort of gig their rich dad or boyfriend got them much of the time.

Really hot chicks don't study. They don't have to. They're in Dubai for Christ's sake.

I'm with Travesty444.

I used to go to UT Austin and been to 2 other major universities and rarely saw 8s. The last time I was at UT Austin, the girls still remain the same, as in most were 6s and 7s.

Top colleges are a land of 7s in the 18-22 range. Now 7s are still hot but they're not model caliber hot. Like Travesty444 said, really hot girls don't need to study.

9s in the 18-23 range are hanging out with Leo Dicaprio on his yacht somewhere in the South of France.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

First you get the money, then you get the power and then you get the whores.

Don't debate me.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 03:22 PM)Patrickstar Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:45 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

This myth really has to stop.

I have spent huge amounts of time on 3 separate major university campuses 20k+ students each in different areas.

There are not tons of 8-10s at universities.

The really hot chicks go to community college for a year or two and drop out or become models, or go directly into some sort of gig their rich dad or boyfriend got them much of the time.

Really hot chicks don't study. They don't have to. They're in Dubai for Christ's sake.

I'm with Travesty444.

I used to go to UT Austin and been to 2 other major universities and rarely saw 8s. The last time I was at UT Austin, the girls still remain the same, as in most were 6s and 7s.

Top colleges are a land of 7s in the 18-22 range. Now 7s are still hot but they're not model caliber hot. Like Travesty444 said, really hot girls don't need to study.

9s in the 18-23 range are hanging out with Leo Dicaprio on his yacht somewhere in the South of France.

That's not saying very much. Not all colleges have hot girls in them. I have visited UT Austin on several occasions and the talent there really sucks in my opinion. Especially considering the size of the school. Some just schools tend to have more barn burning hot girls in them than others. Same goes for HBCUs. PVAMU for example always has hotter girls than TSU or JSU, but a couple on the East coast are usually better than all of those.

With obesity getting out of control and more SJW spreading viruses, turning certain women into Tumblrtards with colored hair, comparing school's talent is a moot point for the most part. The issue is much bigger than this.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Where do you guys live where all 8s are professional models or only party in mansions?

Sounds like the worst place on Earth.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I don't want to hate on WSP, but I almost had a P4P vibe from that blog.

I know they're cool dudes, but I imagine that WSP game goes something like this

WSP: "Hey girl, I just made 200,000 last night. Wanna make out?"

I'm strawmanning a bit, but I was never impressed with any of their posts on game. I think their financial stuff is on point, but I usually cringe while reading their game advice.

There are just far too many 22 year old dudes who don't have much money or skills who are killing it with hot chicks domestically or abroad. No guy should be thinking, "oh man. Once I have 100,000 after taxes i'll finally be able to get that 8-10 girl!"

Money helps, but if you don't have a balance of both then you'll be paying out the nose for those "hotter dates." Just read any of Jariel's threads about simping rappers/athletes/business if you think that money alone is great game.

I think you can definitely leverage your networth into pussy, but that takes game in and of itself.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 03:22 PM)Patrickstar Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:45 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

This myth really has to stop.

I have spent huge amounts of time on 3 separate major university campuses 20k+ students each in different areas.

There are not tons of 8-10s at universities.

The really hot chicks go to community college for a year or two and drop out or become models, or go directly into some sort of gig their rich dad or boyfriend got them much of the time.

Really hot chicks don't study. They don't have to. They're in Dubai for Christ's sake.

I'm with Travesty444.

I used to go to UT Austin and been to 2 other major universities and rarely saw 8s. The last time I was at UT Austin, the girls still remain the same, as in most were 6s and 7s.

Top colleges are a land of 7s in the 18-22 range. Now 7s are still hot but they're not model caliber hot. Like Travesty444 said, really hot girls don't need to study.

9s in the 18-23 range are hanging out with Leo Dicaprio on his yacht somewhere in the South of France.

And that is the exact point where having money
gives you an overwhelming advantage.

If you're just going after 7's, cute girls
then a modest income is fine because cute girls
are literally everywhere.

But as soon as you start going after Gisele Bundchen
Victoria secret style girls, money become extremely
important because these girls are not all in the same place.

You really want to consistently meet single 9's and 10's
without loud music or other guys competing for her
Clubs/Bars certainly can't do that and day game
is so hit or miss that it's the worst way to spend your time.

And to be honest, after years of going to clubs, I'm not really
impressed by the "hottest" club girls. Usually they're just cute
7's and occasional 8 and 9's who typically have boyfriends or
are married.

Real money gives you the opportunity to bring more single, attractive
women(9's and 10's) all together in one place so you can meet
these girls easily and consistently.

That's why Leo can have a gut and still date some of the
most beautiful women you'll ever meet. His connections
and money allows him to meet these girls without ever needing
to get into a club or wasting his time running day game.

That is the player lifestyle:-)

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I read this idea from some pua blog. If you take a drug addicted, piss smelling street bum and clean him up, shave him and give him a new suit, next month he will be back to his rags. This is because there is no internal change.

Likewise if you give a beta/omega who has approach anxiety, inferiority complex, no humour and anti game a fortune he will still think like a beta. The 8s and 9s will have him for breakfast.

Don't debate me.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Let's just close the money vs. game debate.

1. A solid man is a solid brick wall. Wealth and riches are the bricks. Game and allure is the mortar that glues the brick together. You can't throw individual bricks at her and expect her not to eventually be numbed. You can pile the bricks on without mortar but it can be easily toppled. These are your SIMPs...your P4Ps...your "it ain't trickin' if you got it" boys. A brick wall with all mortar and no bricks is hollow and temporary. These are the smooth cats that roll up in a Benz and Gucci, then have to live on Ramen for the next month to pay the Benz.

2. The value between women and money are only based on efficiency of exchange. If I lived in Amsterdam, my money will go towards running a brothel. If I'm in an all homosexual male city, I'm showering in Benjamin's. It varies based on conversion-rate.

3. On to Game. Money is an allowance for MARGIN of ERROR. It differs for each country. In China/E. Europe, an expensive dinner or jewelry can bandage up for a stupid move. In the U.S., done is done. That's why we say "beta provider" game works in those poorer nations. The margin of error that money allows you is greater in poorer nation or nation in recession.

Conclusion: The RZA said it best in Wu-Tang Financial. "You gotta diversify your bonds, nigga." Always be scooping bricks, that's inner game, that's the real physical stuff. During leisure time, talk to women to thicken your mortar. Otherwise, calibrate your money/women conversion ratio based on your geographic location.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

I don't think they are saying money equals game. People shouldn't play on semantics. The same tale keeps getting reiterated and then extremes are thrown out.

Extremes: I know a guy who makes 200K but he can't get laid.
Other extreme: I saw a bum who smelt like a toilet with his hand draped around a beautiful green eyed blonde.

This is my take on it.

Money gives options. Money helps with mobility, access and presentation.
With money, you have access to different venues with a different quality of lizard. You can't game the lizard if you NEVER met her. Some lizards don't do clubs. They only do exclusive venues. They think that people in clubs are common and lame. They think that clubs are full of PUA's. Okay, you can meet her in the grocery store because she has to shop. But your options are limited to that locale. The dude with money can meet her in the grocery store AND the exclusive venue.

You can NOT enter the mile high club if you only take the greyhound.

Money also boosts your social value. It's easier to sell the story of flying to Milan/Monaco via first class when you are actually doing so..especially if you meet a lizard/stewardess in the first class section. Does it hurt your game if you only need a few lyrics to lure the lizard to suck your cock 500 miles above the earth? Or must it only be done from the baggage claim.If you have on nice fitted clothes and nice shoes and smell nice, doesn't that help or does that hurt?

When you have the money and the game, you beat the person with game only because the person with game only can not go where you are going with that game only.
Game only can NOT get you to that exclusive party where you see lizards that you don't regularly see on the road.

I've said it several times that Delroy from Kingston, Jamaica, Obinna from Onitsha, Nigeria or Luis from Colombia has more game than many of us(no offense) but if he NEVER gets onto the yacht or into the exclusive location, how can he speech the lizard until the yacht has come to shore where he is standing? That means you (Mr Money AND Game) get first dibs on the fanny and he gets your leftovers.

That being said, is there a point of diminishing return on how much money one has and the impact that has on game? Yes but how much one needs depends on their age, looks and locale. To deny this, is playing oneself.


Age does matter. We encourage working out and keeping a decent body fat percentage because having a fat, slack physique is often synonymous with getting older (slower metabolism).
A lot of lizards will fcuk LL Cool J (James Todd Smith) even though he's middle aged because his body looks tight like their 22 year old age mates

One is gonna look odd at age 50 (and looking it) doing 70 straight outings or spitting game on the road ESPECIALLY if you broke like a 22 year old. Rocking those walmart brogues even if you filling out the K-mart t-shirt with a brolic chest. Not everyone got that baby face (look like 22) when they are in their 40's. With money, it helps to assuage that.

Let me recap:

Money helps with mobility, access and presentation just like having a nice, taut physique helps with piquing sexual interest. Neither are essential to getting laid. Getting laid can still happen, it just means you have to do more and your game has to be even more tighter.
Smarts is about reducing effort and maximising gains not denying leverage and changing the effort to reward ratio.
You can get lose weight eating Mcdonalds and doing a shytload of cardio but there are easier ways to do so.

When you have money, you can switch your look up. You can move seamlessly regardless of location. You can floss with the big pigs in Vegas, Miami etc or you can tone it down in Columbus, Ohio. Neither environment will throw you. You can rock the custom suit. Or you can rock the hoodie and scuffed up trainers and tone it down to the urban. But when you broke, you can't really disguise yourself like you got money. You may have to spend a little to show a lot and if they call a round (100 dollars) on you, you may balk noticeably if your bankroll isn't right.
You can't do that PURE game thing in certain locations if your pockets are shot.

Personal example:

I spoke before of the white guy I rolled with in the dot. He used to spit road game ALL the time. I invited him to a club (Jamaican friend of mine had us on the guest list). This dude didn't even have decent garms to even show up in (he used to always rock hoodies and jeans with sneakers) nor even the money to even fake it in the spot with one drink of shandy or whatever.

He lost out on access because of this and his lack of funds limited his mobility to a certain locale.

Just scale that out and one will understand what I believe the article speaks of.

One'll realise the need for money as one gets older (40+) unless the plan is to be banging nympho grannies (40+).



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

WSP is the best blog on the internet. Apart from Big Ghost's blog (

Quote: (04-20-2015 08:11 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but the WSP is run (I believe partly) by a very reputable former member of the RVF.

If you go through their archives, there is a lot (and that's an understatement) of solid information and lessons to learn from. Though on this particular case I'm a bit at odds with their claims.

Gmanifesto? His tweets sound like the exact same stuff WSP are saying with regards to cost per notch

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:45 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2015 02:26 PM)realologist Wrote:  

The only location that beats it is major universities which is where most of the 18-23 8-10's are.

This myth really has to stop.

I have spent huge amounts of time on 3 separate major university campuses 20k+ students each in different areas.

There are not tons of 8-10s at universities.

check the humanities and social science buildings.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Last derail post: I went to the #1 party school rated in Princeton Review that year (lots of trustfund daughters going to school out of state). I was in a psychology undergrad course that had 300 students. Majority women so let's say 200. I remember 3 - 8's out of those 200 women. It may be a smidge better at a few universities I have gone to, story doesn't change. There are truckloads of low 7's though.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-21-2015 03:18 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:52 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 07:15 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

There are many guys here who say money is a bad thing and gives provider vibes. Yet the same posters disregard that rule when they travel abroad to get girls and their money goes 3x as far .

Once again, WSP is owning y'all.

I hope you are not referring to me.

Not sure why you think I was referring to you specifically when I used plurals multiple times. A lot of RVFers travel abroad.

For the rest of your reply, TL;DR.

When you say many guys without specifically giving any examples that could mean almost anyone in the travel subforum. That's a serious assertion to make about the members here without anything to back that up. I think I can count on one hand the number of dudes I have seen posting that they p4p and are honest about it. Unless you have proof others are going abroad to p4p or sponsor hoes, you should not say stuff like that.

You are basically taking shots at guys who travel, as using their money exclusively to get pussy. You got dudes staying in hostels traveling light like backpackers dropping datasheets and intel on dates, bangs, or perhaps grey area stuff like shoring. You must not read enough travel reports. Many guys here hate the ROI on game effort of the US or West, want something more exotic, want to date feminine women, explore fish and hike, want alot of bangs or notches, or want traditional wife material.

Again, the last two dudes shamelessly doing the opposite are no longer posters here. You cannot call people out like that, call them fools, and seriously expect no one to jerk your chain on it. You do not need to read my posts, that's for those that might need another excuse to put yours on the ignore list.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-22-2015 02:47 AM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Last derail post: I went to the #1 party school rated in Princeton Review that year (lots of trustfund daughters going to school out of state). I was in a psychology undergrad course that had 300 students. Majority women so let's say 200. I remember 3 - 8's out of those 200 women. It may be a smidge better at a few universities I have gone to, story doesn't change. There are truckloads of low 7's though.

Travesty, you know I love you like a brother, but you are the lowest score giver in RVF. At least out of repped posters. I have seen you give women I score 8 a 5 or 6 in other threads. You have the highest standards almost to the point it's crazy and I wonder how do you even get laid. I used to think you would do that to troll everyone including Tuth, but I know better now. You be dead serious about your standards too. Correct me if I am wrong, but you also do not believe 10s exist right? 9s and below only right?

Nothing wrong with that if that is how you roll, but you always manage to hook dudes hard that have forgotten it is you in every thread.

[Image: 1383002183827.png]

[Image: lol.gif]

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-22-2015 07:34 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2015 02:47 AM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Last derail post: I went to the #1 party school rated in Princeton Review that year (lots of trustfund daughters going to school out of state). I was in a psychology undergrad course that had 300 students. Majority women so let's say 200. I remember 3 - 8's out of those 200 women. It may be a smidge better at a few universities I have gone to, story doesn't change. There are truckloads of low 7's though.

Travesty, you know I love you like a brother, but you are the lowest score giver in RVF. At least out of repped posters. I have seen you give women I score 8 a 5 or 6 in other threads. You have the highest standards almost to the point it's crazy and I wonder how do you even get laid. I used to think you would do that to troll everyone including Tuth, but I know better now. You be dead serious about your standards too. Correct me if I am wrong, but you also do not believe 10s exist right? 9s and below only right?

Nothing wrong with that if that is how you roll, but you always manage to hook dudes hard that have forgotten it is you in every thread.

[Image: lol.gif]

[Image: IFWT_DAMN.jpg]

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-22-2015 07:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

You are basically taking shots at guys who travel, as using their money exclusively to get pussy. You got dudes staying in hostels traveling light like backpackers dropping datasheets and intel on dates, bangs, or perhaps grey area stuff like shoring. You must not read enough travel reports. Many guys here hate the ROI on game effort of the US or West, want something more exotic, want to date feminine women, explore fish and hike, want alot of bangs or notches, or want traditional wife material.

Again, the last two dudes shamelessly doing the opposite are no longer posters here. You cannot call people out like that, call them fools, and seriously expect no one to jerk your chain on it. You do not need to read my posts, that's for those that might need another excuse to put yours on the ignore list.

I think what the WSP referred to was the fact that if you are a traveler in say Colombia or Philippines in some remote second-tier city, then you are going to spend more than the average male local. Also your very fact of being Western (regardless of race), being able to travel to those countries makes you by default a bit higher value. For some women that is a kind of silver digging. I have seen it with my own bare dick in Poland where I can pass for an expat-local with my Polish or a foreigner. With some girls I did better as a foreigner - it probably was not even so much gold-digging, but I fulfilled this fantasy of hers of fucking a handsome well-off stranger (who knows - they probably thought I was God knows how rich because I had discount rates at good hotels). But compared to a local guy I did spent a lot.

Now is that using money deliberately? No - but the fact is that even the lowliest of menial workers in the US traveling to a developing country will be perceived automatically higher value materially than the average local. There is simply no denying it. Even if all that value is only in a woman's brain and you spend jack shit on her.

Simple sales tactic: What sounds better? A car that belonged to Jon Voigt in the 1980s (old decrepit Ford) or do you buy a an old decrepit Ford that belonged to an accountant for 20 years?

Female hamsters create sometimes instant stories with guys they meet - masculine mysterious American World Traveler sounds always better than the broke student traveling for Spring Break to get some pussy.

TL[Image: biggrin.gif]R - Part of the "money" aspect is following you around wherever you go and it is intrinsic to yourself - Westerner, well-dressed, good teeth, well-groomed - for many women in poorer countries this will automatically mean higher value. Even if you never spend a dime on her, then partly your "money" is doing the pulling. Nothing wrong with that - we work with what we've got and we take the pussy that comes our way with gratitude and a "blessed" hashtag:

I am stealing this from Linux bangs Colombia thread:

[nsfw image]

I hope no one religious is offended - besides pussy is a divine gift just as well as anything in life.

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (04-22-2015 07:59 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

I think what the WSP referred to was the fact that if you are a traveler in say Colombia or Philippines in some remote second-tier city, then you are going to spend more than the average male local.

Not a single person in this thread has said money does not play a factor in getting laid.

What the blog post claimed -- and what people are disagreeing with -- is that you need to meet a certain income requirement to date a certain level of girl.

This is simply not accurate, no matter how you want to stretch it. It gets harder as you get older, sure, but that's not what the post says. Yes, money helps at any age, but you are not filling out a W2 just to get some ass.

There are tons of bartenders, bouncers, band members, models, etc. who completely shatter this entire theory. Everyone knows at least one guy who is a bum yet consistently hits above his weight class.

And not only is the Tweet not even relevant since no one has said those things, it's comparing apples to oranges.

The people in these countries, where a Westerner is instantly making 3x the median income just by showing up, are poor as shit.

A squatter area in the Philippines makes the grimiest hoods in the US look like fucking Beverly Hills. And that's not hyperbole, it's a fact. People here would literally kill to live in section 8 housing and collect food stamps.

The girls who are interested in your money are doing so as a basic means of survival.

And even many of the higher end condos don't have things that are considered standard in the US, like a dishwasher, central heating and air, hot water in the kitchen, etc.

Meanwhile, in the US, the government will pay a woman's rent, buy her food, take care of her kids, send her to school, etc. She will NEVER EVER EVER be as poor as a woman in South America, Russia, or China.

On the flip side of the coin, making 3x the median wage is really not shit in many of these countries. It just means you're not poor.

You think a girl from a middle class family is impressed that you make 3x as much as factory worker? Joe Blow English teacher or internet marketer doesn't go to Thailand and transform into an investment banker with a Manhattan apartment. He's just a guy who's not poor. She has a dad and local suitors around the block who make just as much if not more and probably have higher status simply because they're natives.

The only girls who's eyes light up when they see the "rich foreigners" are poor, and probably aren't even 7s or 8s to begin with. If you're having trouble finding 8s on major US college campuses, good luck doing that shit in some South American slum.

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