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Waking up faster in the morning?

Waking up faster in the morning?

Hey, so over the past few months I've been on the red pill kick and have been changing everything about my life, eating better, working out, and approaching. Ive been getting my school work done faster and with better results than ever.

The only thing I still really have problems with is getting out of bed in the morning. Regardless of the amount of sleep I get. I am extremely lazy to get out of bed. It usually takes me an hour or two from the time I wake up to get my bed, then like 30 minutes to get ready and shower, 30 minutes to eat and take my vyvanse, then like an hour until the vyvanse kicks in to be productive. so usually 4 hours of my day killed. Now that im in control of my life, I realize that those are 4 hours I could use to read/study/lift/game every day.

I do go to bed really late. (between 3-5am and wake up between 11-1am daily)

Any tips on how to get out of bed faster?

Waking up faster in the morning?

Set your alarm clock based on 90-minute sleep cycles. For instance, if you go to bed at 4 a.m., either sleep 'til 10 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. or whatever. I read about this a while back and implemented it into my own life - much easier to wake up when you're transitioning between cycles, than it is to wake up mid-cycle.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Jump in a cold shower, even if for 60 seconds. It will force your body to wash up quickly and get all your muscles moving.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Roll out of bed and do pushups. Warms the body up. I like doing it, especially in winter when the cold can tempt you to crawl back into bed if motivation isn't particularly high

Waking up faster in the morning?

Yeah I've lived in florida my whole life so even if it's like 60 F outside it is so much harder to get up. I will try all 3 of these tomorrow morning and give you guys an update.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Why do you go to sleep so late? If you work third shift or are out partying and gaming but if your just watching tv or playing vids maybe try redoing your whole schedule, that could be part of your problem.

As for getting up, not sure if your a coffee drinker but I've gotten into the habit of getting up earlier in order to have more time before work. it's nice getting up, getting in a quick workout, sitting and enjjoying my morning coffee, reading the paper, doing a bit of work for my business before heading in to my day job. It's nice not being rushed and having some productive but leisurely time in the morning

Waking up faster in the morning?

Honestly, I do it for the same reason you get up early in the morning. I like the having the leisurely pace at night instead of rushing to get to bed by a certain time. Usually, I wake up between 11-1 go to campus until 6-8, gym, go home shower/eat dinner, get to a coffee ship around 10 and start my work. I just really enjoy the the night and up when everyone is asleep. My roommates are morning people so they are usually getting up when I go to bed and go to bed when I get home from school. I just really enjoy the whole late night lone wolf thing and am most productive that way.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Stop going to bed at 3-5am.

Try 10 pm and see how much better you feel.

You are messing up your circadian rhythm.

Waking up faster in the morning?


I have the exact same problem. Hate getting up in the morning, and usually takes me a while to actually get going too.

And I also usually hate going to bed, because around that time I'm usually doing my most productive and inspired work and going to bed in my mind means 'conceding defeat' for the day and I feel like I haven't done enough especially if I wasted the first half of the day. Plus I just find it really boring.

Haven't figured out a solution yet after many years, even though I've tried a whole bunch of things. Weird thing is, if I do get up really early and start doing stuff, I feel great. And think that I should always to this, but after a few days I'm back to waking up in the afternoon.

Quote: (03-31-2014 07:39 PM)Cincinnatus Wrote:  

Set your alarm clock based on 90-minute sleep cycles. For instance, if you go to bed at 4 a.m., either sleep 'til 10 a.m. or 11:30 a.m.

The 90-min value is a bit of a myth as far as I know. There are cycles for sure, but they can vary considerably from person to person in duration, and can be as low as 60 minutes or less, so you can't time it for when you need to wake up. OP, one thing you can do is download an app that measures your actual sleep cycle using the phone's accelerometer, and can actually wake you up with an alarm based on when you are in your light sleep. I've tried that but haven't noticed a striking difference. There are also devices you can buy that do this more accurately than your phone app.

Quote: (03-31-2014 08:00 PM)Freedom Wrote:  

Jump in a cold shower, even if for 60 seconds. It will force your body to wash up quickly and get all your muscles moving.

Tried this too. 3 minute cold show immediately upon waking up, including jumping out of bed at the first ring of the alarm clock and bee line straight into the shower. It wakes you up yes, but it's f#cking uncomfortable and cold, and makes you question your life and masochistic ways, and I just couldn't keep it after after several days and quit.

Quote: (03-31-2014 08:48 PM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

Why do you go to sleep so late? If you work third shift or are out partying and gaming but if your just watching tv or playing vids maybe try redoing your whole schedule, that could be part of your problem.

Tried re-doing my whole schedule too, many times. Would work great for a few days but then I'd wake up later and later and a few days later, i'm saying good morning to people at 6pm.

Other things I've tried:
-using radio/music to wake up: failed
-using a gradually increasing volume alarm clock: failed
-snooze button. sometimes i'd be sleeping on regular snooze for like 3 hours, and then wake up late anyway, underslept and annoyed: failed.
-using multiple alarm clocks in different places in my room that would go after at slightly different times to each other. But i'd just get up several times and switch them all off one by one and go back to bed: failed
-trying to arrange things to do/places to be in the morning. But unless I absolutely had to be there like a meeting with a boss or a flight, I'll just end up skipping it: failed
-tried leaving motivational notes next to my alarm clock so i'd be inspired not to go back to bed: failed.
-tried taking melatonin and other sleep medicine to force myself to fall asleep at 11pm say: failed.

Probably a bunch of other stuff that I'm forgetting.
So far, same old shit.

If anyone has a solution that worked for them, would love to hear it!

Waking up faster in the morning?

Maybe putting various alarm clocks around the place that make you get up out of bed? I know it sounds random, but if you have like 5 or 6 set at different intervals and different locations you'll just get so annoyed you'll get up?

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Waking up faster in the morning?

Change your sleep cycles. There's been so much written about this i'll just give you the cliff notes;

if you need to change your sleep cycle drastically, fast for 16 hours+ then eat breakfast at the time you want to be having breakfast, that'll reset your sleep cycle

Don't use your phone or your laptop for at least 2 hours before you want to go to sleep. the light will fuck your eyes and make you think it's day.

Exercise a lot. Take ZMA. these will help you have a deeper sleep, and help you wake up feeling more refreshed.

set your alarm somewhere that isn't in reach. Force yourself out of bed and across the room to turn it off, then 1 minute of pushups , 1 minute of dips, 1 minute of abs. Then cold shower. you'll be ready to conquer the world then

edit: something bizarre but logical

pretty sure roosh has a post on it too

or alternatively, just splash some acv on your armpits and drink some bicarb soda.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Set your alarm fifteen min early. Set glass of water and 1 or 2 caffeine pills by your bed. When alarm goes off wake up and take pills. Snooze 15 min. When alarm goes off again you'll be ready to go

Waking up faster in the morning?

lol get a good night sleep!
The sun coming through your window tells your body that its day time. Sleeping all day is always going to fuck up your sleeping pattern.
You are probably not having a real good, deep sleep.

If you need to change your sleeping schedual, take a xanax. Will give you the best sleep of your life and you will wake up refreshed. then the next night it will be a lot easier to go to bed at the same time.

But really, the only thing I can really recommend is discipline. Get some motivation to get out of bed.
If you need help getting energy in the morning. I take pre-workout before going to the gym at 5am. then I have just as much energy as I would any other time of the day.

The less fucks you give, the more fucks you get.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Quote: (04-01-2014 12:08 AM)hoops330 Wrote:  

Set your alarm fifteen min early. Set glass of water and 1 or 2 caffeine pills by your bed. When alarm goes off wake up and take pills. Snooze 15 min. When alarm goes off again you'll be ready to go

Yes, good way to start. But eventually you should try to go for no snooze and after that no caffeine pills.

Getting up immediately is more about routine than conquering a challenge. If you are used to it, you will probably keep doing it.

Also something people tend to forget: a good reason to get up. I find that if there is nothing that I either really want to do, or have to do then it is 100x more difficult to get up. If you always have difficulty, it just means there's nothing that you want to do. Find something useful and joyful to do with your time!

Waking up faster in the morning?

I find my self struggling with this more and more recently. I always wake up at 8am no alarm clock needed. However now I just roll over and go back to sleep till 9:30-11 and that's no good. I also recently moved back to my hometown for a brief stint and haven't been eating good, juicing, or working out.... All things I was doing before I moved here.

I agree with the other posters on here... You should get in a big boy sleeping pattern and not stay up all night and sleep till noon.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Waking up faster in the morning?

If you absolutely have to get up at a certain time in the morning you have to make sure you go to bed at least 8 hours before this time. Not really any other long term solution unless you are playing around with siesta's and other unconventional sleep patterns. But you need sleep. IMO if a person is not getting enough sleep for long periods of time they are kidding themselves by engaging in other healthy self improvement activities like working out. If you don't sleep properly they are mostly for naught.

Also, if you think you are one of the people who only needs 4 hours of sleep a night you are....mistaken. There are so few people like this they are statistically negligible. 99.9999% of people who claim to only need very limited amounts of sleep are deluding themselves and will crash hard soon enough.

On a more positive note, you can continue your late nights. Some people are just night people. For myself I don't really like going to bed much before 1 AM most nights. But I have a flexible schedule so I can sleep late so I always get enough sleep. Maybe you could change some of your classes to night classes?

Waking up faster in the morning?

Creatine in the evening

In the morning:

Watch porn
Write something

later cold showers

Waking up faster in the morning?

To the OP:

Are you sluggish in the morning irrespective of season? As in, do you get up better if it's summer and the sun has risen?



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Waking up faster in the morning?

Go to bed at the same time every night, and find a reason to wake up in the morning.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Drink water.

When you wake up you are dehydrated. After 7-8-9 hours of sleep you need some water. Drink it!

Waking up faster in the morning?

Yeah I drink 20 oz first thing. I also drink about 130 oz of water daily. Really helps with everything.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Thank you everyone for the advice. I will change my habits. You guys are right. Im not really a child anymore. Because I woke up at noon today I will crash around 3 and hopefully wake up at nine.

The 90 minute thing didn't work out too well. I wake up naturally at different intervals. I know that I need 8 hours every night because I do make up for lack of sleep by sleeping extra the next day, so I will try to turn this into a more constant thing.

Also I go to sleep with my phone in my hand every night. I know this is bad but will I have it have the same effect if i start reading physical books in bed instead every night? I usually read a bit, go to bed, check economic indicators/current events on my phone. That way when I wake up Im already ahead of the curve for my classes/daily interactions.

Water is good advice because I honestly like drink 8-16 oz a day at most (water fountains). Just bought a 36 oz. bottle and will force myself to finish it twice a day.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Natural light will start to wake your body up. Open the curtains then set your snooze for another 15 minutes. You should be ready to go after that 15.

I find that music instead of a beeping alarm helps a lot as well.

Waking up faster in the morning?

Never tried it, but a coffee maker set on a timer in your room sounds like it'd do the trick. It would definitely get me out of bed.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

Waking up faster in the morning?

Also one thing to note is that when people say "that's not normal!" when talking about you going to bed at stupid o' clock.
That is not them judging you....
It is actually not a normal thing to do. Of course your body is not going to work well with that!

The less fucks you give, the more fucks you get.

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