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To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

It seems I am starting to agree with cardguy on a regular basis.

I had an exceptional childhood. My parents sacrificed their lives to raise me and my sibling. They may have even gone overboard, giving up dinner parties with friends/colleagues, etc. to spend their time and energy with their children. In my mind they are/were truly saints and I could not have asked for better parents. I owe them just about everything.

Now on to the subject of having my own kids...I used to feel like it was part of my duty to do this. Continue my genes, continue the family name, and saw it as an integral part (if not the most important part) to living a "full" life.

Lately though...I have developed a desire NOT to have kids. My sibling is having kid(s), which provides my parents with grandchildren to nurture and love. I don't see myself slowing down, settling down, to pursue children.

However, as mentioned, mother nature doesn't care about what I want and anything could happen. I won't be getting a vasectomy or giving up raw dogging. Also, I acknowledge there's always a chance that I meet a woman that ultimately convinces me to have children with her.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

A decade and a half ago, I could never imagine a life with kids

A decade and a half later, I can't remember what my life was before them.

Despite all of my personal accomplishments, no matter how much paper I stack, or chicks I run through watching my daughter become an All-State track star, a multi-sport athlete, and all -around great person trumps EVERYTHING

Proudest days of my life!!!


To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Quote: (03-25-2014 06:49 AM)Onto Wrote:  

IKE, have you done research into the Family law of the Philippines and whether she can petition courts in the USA for cash?

I understand she's saying $250/month is fine, but a woman's mind changes with the weather.

The worst case scenario ALWAYS includes the US Courts getting involved and reaming you out. I have researched this to a degree and can provide free info ( disclaimer I am not a lawyer) which is best kept off a public forum, PM me for more info.

I think the odds of this are far lower if you have a child in a third world country than they are if you have a child in the USA, or in a country with which the USA has a bilateral child support enforcement agreement.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

The other key issue to remember...having kids "turns on" parts of your brain that otherwise will atrophy.

This is why women over 35 who don't have kids, are essentially crazy. I mean, really crazy. My wife says, the people she distrusts the most are childless women beyond a certain age. They cannot be trusted with kids, ever, unless MAYBE they are aunts.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Quote: (03-25-2014 10:25 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The other key issue to remember...having kids "turns on" parts of your brain that otherwise will atrophy.

This is why women over 35 who don't have kids, are essentially crazy. I mean, really crazy. My wife says, the people she distrusts the most are childless women beyond a certain age. They cannot be trusted with kids, ever, unless MAYBE they are aunts.

MrLemon, very interesting. Do you have more info?

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Quote: (03-25-2014 12:50 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

As a parent, I will sit back and relish the moment that you finally succumb, and join me in exhaustion and poverty. When parenthood has sucked every ounce of life out of you, I will watch with dark satisfaction as your dried up husk is discarded in the dumpster of life. Your children *might* remember your sacrifice, or, they might be selfish shits who leave you abandoned in the nursing home.

Have a nice day.

MrLemon, do you write greeting cards for Hallmark? [Image: biggrin.gif]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

To answer an earlier question - I have two brothers.

I am not sure if my younger brother will ever have kids. But my older brother has had one. Feels good knowing that my parents get to have grandchildren irregardless of what I do.

Another thing. I am a pretty minimalist kinda' guy. I hate having to work - and would rather do a three day week than a five day week (and so on).

Why do I mention that? Well - the costs of having a kid are such - that I would rather pocket the money and work fewer hours a week. No way a kid would be as fun as being able to do what the fuck I want twice as often as I already can.

I just turned 32. So - I am not sure if Mother Nature will ever wake up and try and troll me into having kids. I am guessing with some guys that feeling might not kick in until they are 50 - so the next couple of decades will be very interesting in that regard.

With that said - I have never actually had a girlfriend. So - I think that is pretty strong and consistent evidence that I really do value my freedom, time and and space over everything else. And as such - I am 100% sure that will not change in the future.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Quote: (03-25-2014 10:31 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2014 12:50 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

As a parent, I will sit back and relish the moment that you finally succumb, and join me in exhaustion and poverty. When parenthood has sucked every ounce of life out of you, I will watch with dark satisfaction as your dried up husk is discarded in the dumpster of life. Your children *might* remember your sacrifice, or, they might be selfish shits who leave you abandoned in the nursing home.

Have a nice day.

MrLemon, do you write greeting cards for Hallmark? [Image: biggrin.gif]

I actually tried that as a career path. For some reason they would not hire me. Go figure.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

My children are the only thing that I have ever done that's amounted to a damn thing.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

I'm late to this thread, but since Cardguy pointed it out, my thoughts are:

Positives of kids:
- experience of having a kid of your own
- they may look after you when you're old (if you're lucky)

- cost a lot of money
- take a lot of your time and effort which could be used for travel, gaming women, dining out, hitting the casino, etc.
- after 15 years of effort, may not turn out as you hoped
- may turn against you when you get divorced (I am being realistic here - if you marry, you have to expect divorce)
- I've noticed that my friends who have kids usually look five years older within a few months of the kid's birth
- friends have all dropped out of contact within six months of their kids being born

My solution: I'll mentor someone else's kid (take them under my wing) once it looks like they have some potential in life. Another option would be to find a young third-world wife to look after me when I get to around 75-80. I also plan to hire carers in my old age so that I can still get around when I'm in a wheelchair.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Quote: (03-24-2014 06:05 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

A question for those who do not want to have children. How was your upbringing/experience as a child?

I ask, because my experience looking back, was actually pretty good. I was a bit sheltered and maybe my kids won't be. But I am very grateful for my family.

Just wondering if any of you who don't want kids, is part of it just a fear of re-creating a bad childhood?

I know that being the greatest parents in the world don't guarantee good productive kids, either.

Just thinking obviously our own experience plays a big role in our desire or lack of desire to be fathers.

I think this is part of the reason for me. Had a crappy childhood, and I often thank God I never had kids as dumb@$$ 20 year old when I had was too horny, impatient, and stupid to raise a kid right. I still don't want kids now, but I often question that decision. Doesn't take me long until I snap back to the logic that got me to where I am now not having kids. I've seen so many of my friends' lives completely screwed over because their gf/wife gets a bug up her butt and leaves him and he's heartbroken and flat broke for the next 15 years. I used to have nightmares I'd get chicks pregnant - none of them I was actually dating - and HATE myself. The scared feelings I'd have in those dreams would shake me so bad I wouldn't screw for a month.

Long story short, my childhood scarred me, half of my friends are broke and miserable because of females leaving them after a kid, and this world (America especially) is not somewhere I want my kid living, it's just not fair to them IMO.

Edit: Once I asked my mom why in God's name did you have a kid? She was a 19 year old unfit mother and my dad was an alcoholic who almost beat her to death on several occasions. I asked her why she would be with him or have a kid in the first place. She said she wanted someone to love her forever. I was pretty upset when she told me that. Love my mom I really do, but that is not a reason at all to have a kid, and it's especially irresponsible to bring a kid into that kind of environment because you feel lonely. No worse feeling than being 5 years old and hearing your old man banging your moms head off the coffee table and hearing her scream bloody murder. She had several other husbands after him.

I'm never getting married or having kids.

IDK, that's my story anyway.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

At 18, I'm still a child, but so far I think in the respect of giving me a home and shelter as well as providing me with most of what I needed materially/emotionally(I still hold a couple of grudges here and there but they are for petty things that I will look back and laugh on but still feel them important right now). I personally want to have kids: not for the retirement, not for the genetic evolution, but for the fact that I'm instilling individuals with values and raising them to be proper people in today's dark age. If I can introduce one sane person to the world, then I think I will have died happy especially if it is my own progeny without the trouble I had to go through.

The one thing my parents did not do for me was mentally i.e. give me social awareness towards what was around me and to give me a thorough spiritual starting point rooted in logic(not the zealous religious attitude they currently have and I personally would not have want them atheistic to the point of them denying any soul searching or spirituality while not letting me believe/belittling me). I became jaded, spiritually lost until I found my personal beliefs, dealing with loss, and having had reality forced on me at an age where I knew nothing at all. I want to give my progeny the chances I never had, and have them enter the world better than I had with the struggle I experienced or the losses I had.

Sidenote: I think I'm an exception to samsamsam's question towards people who don't want to have kids in that some of the events in my earlier childhood actually forced me to want to have kids in comparison to not.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

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Except for the whole wife/mother of my children issue.


To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

VP - I understand where you are coming from, it is an age thing. I am sure most of the young guys will change there tune once they reach 35 - 40.
I agree it is not easy in the western world but somehow I don't feel Asia or Latin America is the answer. I have cousins that live well in the Caribbean, their mindset is different and some things they do or say amazes me.
Places like the Philippines are last resort, no offence to IKE or anyone else.
Maybe I am naive, but I feel if you are a strong role model father then no bitch can turn your kids.
I also feel for kids to grow up in a Western country gives them a much better start in life, we have some good examples of rag to riches on this forum.

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To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

I vote no.

As I get older, yeah, I do sometimes feel that I'm missing out on have a kid. But, when I think of family and friends that have been put through the fucking Hell on Earth, a.k.a. Family and Probate Court, I lose that missing out feeling at a rapid rate.

I know myself; I wouldn't react very well to having some feminist cunt or beta-wannabe "male" judge making me a state mandated ATM for an ex-wife/baby mama.

I'll pass. Hopefully I won't smell too bad when my decomposing corpse is found.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Yes for me. Hopefully in the next couple years.

I'm lucky to be engaged to a woman who, by modern accounts, is fairly traditional. She works in health care which is great for part time work once we have children. She believes in traditional gender roles and believes in the family unit.

Me, I like to work. I have a couple hobbies but I actually prefer spending my time working. The thought of working hard to provide for a family makes me happy.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

I plan on doing it after my life is completely settled, and I have already traveled the world, had a plethora of experiences, and am incredibly rich and successful. Also, my wife has to be beautiful and intelligent and genetically healthy.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

I want to do my part outbreeding the liberals and become the patriarch of a large traditional family. Mitt Romney is living my dream:

[Image: n3lfna1.jpg]

What an absolute boss! [Image: banana.gif]

(As opposed to the liberal Clinton family and Chelsea's barren 34 year old womb.)

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

anyone here have kids after 45 or 50?

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Having kids in the right conditions is a must in every man's life. When you are married to a traditional wife, have sufficient finances, and genuinely believe that you can provide a good life to your offspring, then go for it.

Not having kids means throwing away all your legacy. Everything your ancestors did to make your family stronger and richer is gone as there is nobody to pursue what you've started. I will have kids in my late 20s and will make sure to have plenty of them to pursue my legacy.

Now, the problem is that families who should not have kids, such as Syrian immigrants, single moms re-giving birth with a different dad, etc. are breeding like stray dogs. Kids must be born in the right conditions, and be from a family that actually bring something to the country, rather than taking something away. People on welfare, political islamic refugees, etc. take rather than giving and should not have a legacy.

So it all boils down to how much you value the work of your ancestors and how good of a life you can provide to your kids.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Dogs are more loyal and will never turn against you.

Don't debate me.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

I am having urges to try and get married women pregnant. (Rick Flair WOOO)

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

My dilemma is complex.

I absolutely loathe my patriarchal ancestors. I consider them stupid and weak. There is enough animosity where I would change my last name to hide their legacy. Part of me wants to stick it to them and kill the remnants of their DNA.

My ideal goal is FU money along with a harem. Multiple women, a few children with each.

If I were to have a kid in the U.S, it would be without a legal contract. Most likely living separate from the mother is joint custody.

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

Quote: (06-11-2016 03:42 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

Having kids in the right conditions is a must in every man's life. When you are married to a traditional wife, have sufficient finances, and genuinely believe that you can provide a good life to your offspring, then go for it.

Not having kids means throwing away all your legacy. Everything your ancestors did to make your family stronger and richer is gone as there is nobody to pursue what you've started. I will have kids in my late 20s and will make sure to have plenty of them to pursue my legacy.

Now, the problem is that families who should not have kids, such as Syrian immigrants, single moms re-giving birth with a different dad, etc. are breeding like stray dogs. Kids must be born in the right conditions, and be from a family that actually bring something to the country, rather than taking something away. People on welfare, political islamic refugees, etc. take rather than giving and should not have a legacy.

So it all boils down to how much you value the work of your ancestors and how good of a life you can provide to your kids.
very nice

For me, having a children is joined with desire to build something. I´ve grown up without father, so for me it´s not about continuing family tree, but building my own.. something to be proud of. Anyway I value my ancestors and nation, so it´s also commitment to continue.

"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people."

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

I found this link on Drudge to be a little bit disturbing.

I am curious as to the demographics of the people actually participating in this. Plus, which one pushed this... the husband or the wife?

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