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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Backstory: Met this girl at a bar about 2 weeks ago. I made out with her and was leading the whole interaction very well. There was no doubt she was dtf but the problem was, logistics weren't in my favor that night. She was the driver for two of her friends that night (it was her car) and she lives at home with her parents.

I stretched out the interaction and pushed for as much as I could at her car but only ended it with some makeouts in her car while her friends were waiting outside to come in. They knew I was inside, lol.

Anyway, I just chunk this situation as a lost since I didn't get the bang that night. We all know how flaky these hos can be. Regardless, I got her number and decided to pursue it further.

Text her 2 days later and she basically says she has family over which sounded like bs to me but whatever. i dropped it for that weekend knowing i would send a restart text on monday.

I did the restart text by simply asking her, "how was your weekend?"
and here is where it starts:
(I'm YB and she's French girl).

YB: how was your weekend?
FrenchGirl: great had family over. how about yours?
YB: good, i actually went out to ______ again. (some city we both traveled too, separately)
FrenchGirl: hahah swear!! thats whats up...did u have fun?
YB: pics dont lie (i sent a pic). yeah lots we didnt even plan it we just said fu*k it and went off.
FrenchGirl: lol thats kool looks like it was packed
YB: it was on Sat. i'm thinking about going to ___ on spring break tho.
FrenchGirl: travel as much as u can! while ur young!!
YB: youre right just have fun when you can. anyway what are you up to this weekend?
FrenchGirl: mmm well its early to plan lol i really don't know
YB: damn and here i thought u were the fun outgoing type lol
FrenchGirl: i am lol i just don't party as much as i used to
YB: sure i bet u secretly got wasted this past weekend. let me find out youre an undercover badgirl
FrenchGirl: hahaha your crazy i haven't drank a beer since like 2 week ago
YB: hmm sounds to me like someone is thinking about drinking this week *points to FrenchGirl*
FrenchGirl: hahah how did you know
FrenchGirl:good job!
YB: i'm a psychic lol. i see us meeting 4 drinks in the future too
FrenchGirl: hahah well with great powers come great responsibilities
YB: calm down spiderman. but on the real we should meet up.
FrenchGirl: haha [Image: smile.gif]
FrenchGirl:yeah one of these days [Image: wink.gif]
YB: Wednesday sounds good to me
FrenchGirl Lol no it doesn't

i'm thinking about cutting this sloot off since i think she's wasting my time.


"If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more daring."- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

^Not bad, but relax a little.

The eagerness is coming through. NEVER try to setup plans for the weekend on a Monday.

In fact, I was just telling a client of mine it depends on your region. In La and Vegas, girls 21-24 are flaky as fuck and are going for the BEST option that's available ASAP.

In other words, I would not text her anymore until Friday, then text this:

You: hitting up XYZ bar/club tonite w/a buddy. Come out.

Her: blah blah blah

This gives her slut hamster plausible deniability that you WON'T bang, it's just her going out with a GF to meet you and your buddy for drinks. Completely 'innocent'.

Now deep down, she can justify sleeping with you the next day by thinking 'I just went for drinks. I don't even know what happened'.

See the difference?

Make plans 1-2 days beforehand and even the day of. That's it.

Don't contact her again until Friday. If she makes up an excuse than just delete her number.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Very sound advice, McQueen. I was thinking the same thing except I would hit her up on Thursday since I might leave out of town on Friday.

I use this whole text monday method because it's worked in the past for banging girls on Tuesday or Wednesday, which are the nights I'm free anyway. I'll give your advice a try since my method isn't currently working. I'll be sure to post a follow-up whenever I can.

"If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more daring."- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Hey guys - new here need some assistance,

Backstory: Went to a party last Saturday, met this really hot asian girl I'm a senior she is a a freshman go to school in a city. Ended up having sex with her that night, everything went great. Literally textbook situation up to this point. Now this is where I completely fuck it all up, here is the text convo from the next day

Me: Hey its (my name). Had a great time last night and totally serious about korean bbq lol (we had talked about getting korean bbq that night, she is also korean)
Her (4 hours later): heyy it was nice meeting you! yeah i do love korean bbq
Me: Cool i'm free on wednesday we can go then

This was Sunday still no response. I'm usually decent at texting but I was on a ton of adderall and clearly was way to fucking aggressive. I'm wondering if there is any way to salvage the situation because she was an awesome girl and we had a really great night. Any advice would be appreciated

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

^^ What about going for some Korean BBQ and taking a picture of the food and telling her she's missing out on some great food?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-25-2014 10:44 AM)VeniVidiVici Wrote:  

Hey guys - new here need some assistance,

Backstory: Went to a party last Saturday, met this really hot asian girl I'm a senior she is a a freshman go to school in a city. Ended up having sex with her that night, everything went great. Literally textbook situation up to this point. Now this is where I completely fuck it all up, here is the text convo from the next day

Me: Hey its (my name). Had a great time last night and totally serious about korean bbq lol (we had talked about getting korean bbq that night, she is also korean)
Her (4 hours later): heyy it was nice meeting you! yeah i do love korean bbq
Me: Cool i'm free on wednesday we can go then

This was Sunday still no response. I'm usually decent at texting but I was on a ton of adderall and clearly was way to fucking aggressive. I'm wondering if there is any way to salvage the situation because she was an awesome girl and we had a really great night. Any advice would be appreciated

Either you didn't bang her hard enough or you came across as too needy by texting her the very next day (after you banged!) on setting up plans. After the bang I usually wait for two days and by then, more than half of the girls re-initiate contact.

A friend of mines was going through this situation about a week ago. He banged a girl the same night he met her but texted her the following morning.

He never heard from her again.

You, on the other hand, did get a text back so I would suggest you chill out for a few days and hit that ho up again. Just don't get your hopes up on her.

"If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more daring."- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-25-2014 10:44 AM)VeniVidiVici Wrote:  

Hey guys - new here need some assistance,

Backstory: Went to a party last Saturday, met this really hot asian girl I'm a senior she is a a freshman go to school in a city. Ended up having sex with her that night, everything went great. Literally textbook situation up to this point. Now this is where I completely fuck it all up, here is the text convo from the next day

Me: Hey its (my name). Had a great time last night and totally serious about korean bbq lol (we had talked about getting korean bbq that night, she is also korean)
Her (4 hours later): heyy it was nice meeting you! yeah i do love korean bbq
Me: Cool i'm free on wednesday we can go then

This was Sunday still no response. I'm usually decent at texting but I was on a ton of adderall and clearly was way to fucking aggressive. I'm wondering if there is any way to salvage the situation because she was an awesome girl and we had a really great night. Any advice would be appreciated

I'd send a single question mark or just wait until she contacts you again. Your texts need to be WAY shorter and less enthusiastic. It's okay to indicate you had fun, but to say you had a "great time" and then follow up with being "serious" about wanting to get kbbq with her and adding a lol. You sound like a teenage girl. Text like a man.

Totally okay to have fun and be non-serious, the problem is not that aspect OR that you were aggressive, it's that you started sounding like a teenage girl.

Once you are dating/fucking for a while you can loosen up a bit.

You're a senior, I'm sure you have cool shit going on or have access to something that she doesn't (alcohol, your own place, cool parties, disposable income, etc...), take advantage of that disparity.

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"Failure is just practice for success"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

^^Thanks for the help guys. Android definitely hit the nail on the head with that one and I appreciate your honesty lol. Considering doing nothing and waiting till I see her again or I might text again before the weekend. I'll update when something happens

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-24-2014 10:56 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2014 10:31 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2014 07:37 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Hooked up with a new chick Saturday night. Wild sex, my oral and fingering drove her crazy. Just texted her the following:

Me: I can still taste you.

Her: That sounds terrible. I send you my regards.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

I'm not sure how much salvaging there is to do here unless she has a weird sense of humor. I would drop the thread and then re-initiate in a couple days to meet up. Really hard to tell, there's such a huge disconnect from your impression of "wild sex" and that you "drove her crazy" and her response here.

She was definitely a strange gal. Though, during the act she was screaming/moaning, and kept sucking me off enthusiastically. I was dominate and assertive with her all night (before and after sex). I suspect she may have been cheating on her bf.

In response to her strange message, I figured I'd just ignore it and send her a brief text tomorrow night with concrete plans for getting together later in the week.

Going to ping her tonight. Should I banter for a message or two, or go straight to logistics? Would you advise setting the meet for Fri/Sat or before?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

^You already smashed it, so go for logistics.

No reason to make a sell on what she already bought.

A-B-C Always Be Closing.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-26-2014 07:23 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

^You already smashed it, so go for logistics.

No reason to make a sell on what she already bought.

A-B-C Always Be Closing.

Sent a terse, purely logistical text for a friday meet. She responded about 10 minutes later.

Her: I work until 1130 or 12 friday night and have to be up early saturday.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-26-2014 08:32 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2014 07:23 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

^You already smashed it, so go for logistics.

No reason to make a sell on what she already bought.

A-B-C Always Be Closing.

Sent a terse, purely logistical text for a friday meet. She responded about 10 minutes later.

Her: I work until 1130 or 12 friday night and have to be up early saturday.

If this is the chick you think might be double-dicking on her BF, than it could just be a one-time thing.

I wouldn't respond and ping her next week. If she provides an excuse again and doesn't try to reschedule than abort.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Seconded. She's saying 'no, I don't want to go out Friday' but is using girl speak.

She's throwing a test at you by trying to get you to play her game. You win by not playing. Ignore, and send restart text next week.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Hey guys! I am new to this forum, I will introduce myself in an other section if you guys appreciate.

I don't know if this topic is the right one to place my problem, but let's try.

I have a fuckbuddy/friend with benefits right now who is a kind of attached to me(she texts me via Whatsapp everyday and taggs me everyday in ''tag someone who'' pictures on facebook).

She drunktexted me via Whatsapp a few minutes ago saying she is drunk and asking my help because 'she is dying' (in a very sloppy way, a lot of typo's in her message) . I wanted some advice from you going on what to response:

1. Should I act as if I'm okay with her drunktexting and reply friendly while making jokes to show how cool I am and how liberal I am?
2. Should I act as if I'm a little bit of angry/dissapointed in her drunktexting me and not reply till tomorrowmorning after which I am going to confront her? (I can slightly remember reading a post of Roosh(don't know 100% if it were Roosh) where he told to not tollerate girls being too drunk and told to confrontate and diminish them.)

PS: This is a kind of an emergency. I really like this girl(as in I want to keep banging her). I don't want to mess up by coming over as a beta or as an asshole.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-27-2014 06:34 PM)Incognito Wrote:  

1. Should I act as if I'm okay with her drunktexting and reply friendly while making jokes to show how cool I am and how liberal I am?
2. Should I act as if I'm a little bit of angry/dissapointed in her drunktexting me and not reply till tomorrowmorning after which I am going to confront her? (I can slightly remember reading a post of Roosh(don't know 100% if it were Roosh) where he told to not tollerate girls being too drunk and told to confrontate and diminish them.)

PS: This is a kind of an emergency. I really like this girl(as in I want to keep banging her). I don't want to mess up by coming over as a beta or as an asshole.

Welcome to the forum. What are your specific goals in this situation?

As I see it, there's not really a problem. This is a fuckbuddy, not a girlfriend, you really shouldn't have a vested interest in anything she does, you're just seeing her for sex.

If you're annoyed or not horny, then ignore her messages, or blow her off with short meaningless messages; IE -"LOL" or "Is that so?" Unless you want her to bang you at that time, then reply "Come over."

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

"PS: This is a kind of an emergency. I really like this girl(as in I want to keep banging her). I don't want to mess up by coming over as a beta or as an asshole."

You've already lost. An emergency? Chill out dude.

As for responding just DON'T, if it annoys you.

I smell a troll though.

"Hey guys I have a drunk fuckbuddy texting me! What should I do!!!??? BTW I'm annoyed with her texts but it's an emergency that I respond!!!"


The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Hey CJ. I said emergency because whatsapp got this annoying "last seen" function. She can basically see if i have read it or not. I decided to ignore her and not respond at all. She kept sending me messages like "i lost my friends" and "this sucks I wanna be with you" but i basically havent responded.

Thank you for your advice.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Hey Christian,

Keep in mind I am a kind of a beta. I'm used to getting beta when girls drunktexted me and I used to say things like "are you okay, do you want me to talk to you?/if you neef something. I am here for you." To girls who drunktexted me, so being alpha is something new for me.

I am no troll at all. Just a guy with not a lot of experience on how to be alpha.

Thank you all for your advice.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-28-2014 02:16 AM)Incognito Wrote:  

Hey Christian,

Keep in mind I am a kind of a beta. I'm used to getting beta when girls drunktexted me and I used to say things like "are you okay, do you want me to talk to you?/if you neef something. I am here for you." To girls who drunktexted me, so being alpha is something new for me.

I am no troll at all. Just a guy with not a lot of experience on how to be alpha.

Thank you all for your advice.

good lord, I am not one of the hard core alpha preachers on here and even I will tell you that you would be much better off never even thinking those sorts of thoughts much less typing them out and sending them to a chick.

fortunately, you seem to be seeing the error of your ways.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-28-2014 02:16 AM)Incognito Wrote:  

I used to say things like "are you okay, do you want me to talk to you?/if you neef something. I am here for you." To girls who drunktexted me, so being alpha is something new for me.
It's not hard to adapt. You should've just made it into :

"are you okay, I am here for you, come over to my place"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-28-2014 02:42 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2014 02:16 AM)Incognito Wrote:  

Hey Christian,

Keep in mind I am a kind of a beta. I'm used to getting beta when girls drunktexted me and I used to say things like "are you okay, do you want me to talk to you?/if you neef something. I am here for you." To girls who drunktexted me, so being alpha is something new for me.

I am no troll at all. Just a guy with not a lot of experience on how to be alpha.

Thank you all for your advice.

good lord, I am not one of the hard core alpha preachers on here and even I will tell you that you would be much better off never even thinking those sorts of thoughts much less typing them out and sending them to a chick.

fortunately, you seem to be seeing the error of your ways.

Luckily i realize now that doing that was beta.

Quote: (02-28-2014 04:01 AM)TimDV Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2014 02:16 AM)Incognito Wrote:  

I used to say things like "are you okay, do you want me to talk to you?/if you neef something. I am here for you." To girls who drunktexted me, so being alpha is something new for me.
It's not hard to adapt. You should've just made it into :

"are you okay, I am here for you, come over to my place"

Okay, thank you. [Image: smile.gif]

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

I am no troll at all. Just a guy with not a lot of experience on how to be alpha.

Thank you all for your advice."

All good brother just have to call it how I see it.

Listen we all can have beta moments but take a deep're gonna be alright.

Don't respond...

And in a couple days say "Crazy night?"

She'll get the message.

Now excuse me at an after party and about to do some mutherfucking damage.


The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-17-2014 08:20 AM)augen sehen Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2014 10:50 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Ok just got this from a blonde Czech 7.5 - 8 (?) I met on the tram on Friday night on the way to the club:

"Do you usually go out with people you meet on a street? [Image: smile.gif] to me it sounds kind of strange [Image: smile.gif]"

I would text back, "what are you talking about?"

It should get her trying to explain herself, and when she explains herself, she invests, and when she invests... [Image: whip.gif]

Good advice on this on Augen...since that exchange I've been texting back and forth but waiting an extended period of time to respond (sometimes a day) and making her 1) invest some time and 2) qualify herself to me a bit more.

So the saga continues with this's this week's texts for review:

Me: (Monday afternoon) hey are you still at grandma's? I'm bored...
Her: (3 hours later) Hi there I just got home but am soooo tired...why bored? Nothing to do??
Me: (next day) Heh well I found some things to do) why so tired? too much work - or fun?
Her: (20 min later) well studies combined with work is keeping me so busy!
Me: (90 min later) well its good you are busy and on the go my dear!
Her: (next day) well I'm not that sure its all that good, my dear neighbor!
Me: (next day) ha ha yeah I know too much work can suck. Beautiful day in the neighborhood today! I assume since it's so warm and sunny you r suntanning in your bikini?)
Her: (1 min later) [Image: smile.gif])) It's not that warm out dear!
Me: (2 hours later) )) we'll I am just sitting outside in a cafe enjoying the sunshine
Her: (hour later) with whom? [Image: wink.gif] ??
Me: (hour later) just a friend) my you are a bit more chatty today! So big plans for the weekend or just watching hockey with grandma again?))
Her: (10 min later) [Image: smile.gif] excuse me? [Image: smile.gif] i usually don't talk to unknown people, and when we first met I was very chatty [Image: smile.gif]
Her: (5 min later) I only see my granny once a month. and my best friend is out of town so no big plans
Her: (2 min later) U? [Image: smile.gif]
me: no big plans yet, am going skiing next week. but you said you always plan things out at least a week in advance and now...nothing?))
her: we'll that is true but I broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago and my best friend is gone so no plans. Maybe I will go to a party tomorrow. where are you going skiing? [Image: smile.gif]

Thoughts on the progression here and what to do next? I still have not responded (her last text was last night around 10pm) but this is the first she mentioned the (now former) boyfriend and as she said on the tram she "doesn't like Czech guys." It seems like it's getting better but I'm wavering on my next text here. Is the best bet to set myself up for her 'rebound bang' or will this be more 'long game'? (i.e. don't push for a meet up this week, but rather next). Her best friend is out of town though so this is a good weekend in terms of her being available. Note: I sort of want to shy away from the whole boyfriend discussion that's never a good thing or in my interest (right)? I could care less about her now ex-boyfriend but do realize her hamster is running and she could be thinking something like "it's too soon for me to bang this new guy". Thx.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)


*cracks knuckles*

Quote: (02-28-2014 10:22 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Me: (Monday afternoon) hey are you still at grandma's? I'm bored...
Her: (3 hours later) Hi there I just got home but am soooo tired...why bored? Nothing to do??
Me: (next day) Heh well I found some things to do) why so tired? too much work - or fun?

If things have been quiet for a while, always use the non-sequitur opening. My favorite? "i just built the world's smallest snowman". Because you asked a question and told her about your deadbeat life (i'm bored), you set the convo up the wrong way. It stops being about when you guys are gonna fuck, and about who's doing what. Like you give a shit what's she's doing (you don't).

besides... 3 hour response time is slow.

And avoid asking questions if you can. I know you want to keep the conversation, but avoid it if possible over text. Issue commands. You're going for compliance. That's why this exchange fails the jumbotron test. Everyone knows who's putting in the most effort here, and it's not her.

Don't wait a day to answer and then ask a question relating to yesterday's text. It's a subtle indicator that you've been pacing yourself.


Her: (20 min later) well studies combined with work is keeping me so busy!
Me: (90 min later) well its good you are busy and on the go my dear!

don't give her affirmation. write "good youre studying hard"

then a few minutes later

"ive been looking for a sugar-momma"



Her: (next day) well I'm not that sure its all that good, my dear neighbor!
Me: (next day) ha ha yeah I know too much work can suck. Beautiful day in the neighborhood today! I assume since it's so warm and sunny you r suntanning in your bikini?)


but yeah, you get the picture. 2 words for every one 3 of hers. No questions. Just teasing. Gentle push-pull


Her: (1 min later) [Image: smile.gif])) It's not that warm out dear!
Me: (2 hours later) )) we'll I am just sitting outside in a cafe enjoying the sunshine
Her: (hour later) with whom? [Image: wink.gif] ??
Me: (hour later) just a friend) my you are a bit more chatty today! So big plans for the weekend or just watching hockey with grandma again?))
Her: (10 min later) [Image: smile.gif] excuse me? [Image: smile.gif] i usually don't talk to unknown people, and when we first met I was very chatty [Image: smile.gif]
Her: (5 min later) I only see my granny once a month. and my best friend is out of town so no big plans
Her: (2 min later) U? [Image: smile.gif]
me: no big plans yet, am going skiing next week. but you said you always plan things out at least a week in advance and now...nothing?))
her: we'll that is true but I broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago and my best friend is gone so no plans. Maybe I will go to a party tomorrow. where are you going skiing? [Image: smile.gif]

yeah, so this girl is definitely into you, you have a solid attraction built up since you did your best to betafy the conversation and she's still asking questions.

to her last text, send her the birthday-cat emojicon. Just that. The double meaning should get her hamster spinning.

After that, stick to 2 words at most for every 3 of hers, and no questions. Just teasing, gentle push-pull and instructions to meet you at X. She's into you, so make gentle fun of her.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (02-28-2014 10:53 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  


*cracks knuckles*

Quote: (02-28-2014 10:22 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Me: (Monday afternoon) hey are you still at grandma's? I'm bored...
Her: (3 hours later) Hi there I just got home but am soooo tired...why bored? Nothing to do??
Me: (next day) Heh well I found some things to do) why so tired? too much work - or fun?

If things have been quiet for a while, always use the non-sequitur opening. My favorite? "i just built the world's smallest snowman". Because you asked a question and told her about your deadbeat life (i'm bored), you set the convo up the wrong way. It stops being about when you guys are gonna fuck, and about who's doing what. Like you give a shit what's she's doing (you don't).

besides... 3 hour response time is slow.

And avoid asking questions if you can. I know you want to keep the conversation, but avoid it if possible over text. Issue commands. You're going for compliance. That's why this exchange fails the jumbotron test. Everyone knows who's putting in the most effort here, and it's not her.

Don't wait a day to answer and then ask a question relating to yesterday's text. It's a subtle indicator that you've been pacing yourself.


Her: (20 min later) well studies combined with work is keeping me so busy!
Me: (90 min later) well its good you are busy and on the go my dear!

don't give her affirmation. write "good youre studying hard"

then a few minutes later

"ive been looking for a sugar-momma"



Her: (next day) well I'm not that sure its all that good, my dear neighbor!
Me: (next day) ha ha yeah I know too much work can suck. Beautiful day in the neighborhood today! I assume since it's so warm and sunny you r suntanning in your bikini?)


but yeah, you get the picture. 2 words for every one 3 of hers. No questions. Just teasing. Gentle push-pull


Her: (1 min later) [Image: smile.gif])) It's not that warm out dear!
Me: (2 hours later) )) we'll I am just sitting outside in a cafe enjoying the sunshine
Her: (hour later) with whom? [Image: wink.gif] ??
Me: (hour later) just a friend) my you are a bit more chatty today! So big plans for the weekend or just watching hockey with grandma again?))
Her: (10 min later) [Image: smile.gif] excuse me? [Image: smile.gif] i usually don't talk to unknown people, and when we first met I was very chatty [Image: smile.gif]
Her: (5 min later) I only see my granny once a month. and my best friend is out of town so no big plans
Her: (2 min later) U? [Image: smile.gif]
me: no big plans yet, am going skiing next week. but you said you always plan things out at least a week in advance and now...nothing?))
her: we'll that is true but I broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago and my best friend is gone so no plans. Maybe I will go to a party tomorrow. where are you going skiing? [Image: smile.gif]

yeah, so this girl is definitely into you, you have a solid attraction built up since you did your best to betafy the conversation and she's still asking questions.

to her last text, send her the birthday-cat emojicon. Just that. The double meaning should get her hamster spinning.

After that, stick to 2 words at most for every 3 of hers, and no questions. Just teasing, gentle push-pull and instructions to meet you at X. She's into you, so make gentle fun of her.

Thanks. Points well taken on the length/timing of the responses. I haven't responded yet other than to just say where I was going skiing (2 words)).

Keep in mind that this is a Czech girl who is fairly feminine and by default giving me the benefit of the doubt in terms of masculinity and me being the 'leader.' It's not quite like it is in Russia but from what I've seen but close enough Maybe she's got something like 30% Western behaviors and 70% EE/Czec? Not quite sure yet. But being a little 'beta' isn't always a bad thing at least for Russian girls. But you always need to 'be a man' for sure.

What did you think about the boyfriend breakup thing? Legit and the reason she came off a little cold initially? Wondering if that makes her a tougher target now - or an easier one.

Thinking about texting tomorrow something standard like "I'll be at XYZ bar / lounge later on why don't you join me?" Then "would you like that" (latter is a Soup line fyi). I'm not too stressed but want to keep this on track and hold my frame (and sexualize a bit too, if I get the chance (that was why I used the bikini line earlier)).

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