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The Ukraine Thread II

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 02:22 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2013 01:18 PM)cbstogner Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2013 09:13 AM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2013 07:45 AM)cbstogner Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2013 01:07 AM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

You're an idiot. Trust me I have a PhD in cam girl science.

What the fuck... don't reply to me again.

That was a brotherly love comment and not intended to be offensive to you. All I'm saying is that if you met a girl actually ON a camsite, 99.999999% chance you're already eliminated from ever convincing her to meet you and that your time is much better spent pursuing elsewhere. But hey, I'd love to see you make it happen so more power to you.

Untrue, if you're loaded, and you're one of their best clients, they will definitely meet up with you. I've heard a couple stories for other men and some from the cam girls themselves (obviously talking about "another" cam girl.)

"Bro," I have no idea who you are and of course I would take you calling me an idiot offensive. Ironically, you are the one that is misinformed here, "bro."

So you're implying that you're going to have to drop big $$$ to prove you're "loaded" for price of admission, thus resulting in "best client" status.

My 'idiot' comment was taken the wrong way, so I understand your defense there, but otherwise we're just all interested in your thoughts/motivations for this.

I have dozens of cam girls phones numbers, skypes, emails. Many have offered to meet up with me. One Romanian girl seemed genuine when she offered to let me stay at her flat in Bucharest if I ever came to visit. Another girl in Ekaterinburg said she would hang out if I was there or she could come up to Moscow and visit me. Several others I've skyped with that didn't ask for money. Yet another one, Russian but living in Virginia now, wanted to fly to Atlanta on her own dime when I lived there to meet me and hang out. She calls me to chat on the phone and texts me pics regularly.

There are nice normal girls on these sites for sure. And I've spent an absolutely absurd amount of $ entertaining myself on these sites. That part I'm not necessarily proud of, but I was a top member on one of the sites for almost a year, that's how much I spend. And that's what translated into all these contacts I have.

I wasn't saying don't do it, I was saying that it takes lots of time and money (most girls are very reluctant to have a personal chat in 'free' chat to a member and thus you have to pay them to talk or exchange info. Besides, they'll want to see you as well which requires paying them to have cam2cam.

The thing is though is that in my opinion it's not a good "investment" to put any time or money into. It may take thousands or tens of thousands (some of these girls make mad cash) to accomplish the 'prove your loaded' part, then it'll take having the right girl is even open to that, then she'll have to like you, then it'll have to work out with you being in her city at the right time, and on and on. I'd much prefer to go out and meet girls in my current city, for free.

Again, I my opinion if you want to fuck around on the site for fun, go for it. I personally got pretty addicted to it and had to call it quits. But I wouldn't go in with expectations or hopes to spend a little big and meet these girls.

Also while I apologize for the "you're an idiot" comment, it still seems that you may have a problem with being defensive. Even further down this thread someone ask you about paying them and you responded defensively with "what are you getting at here?".

And what's with the "bros"...I didn't even say that. I said "brotherly love". Anyway.

You guys do know that most of these girls are prostitutes? IN real meaning of the word. Of course they will meet up with you. My very close friend worked as a cam girl, here is what she told me:

There are three outcomes for those girls, two of them are hopeful. Worst case scenario they get busted (pornography is illegal in ukraine) and go to prison. The other two are finding a relatively rich foreigner man that will fall in love with them and will be willing to play captain-save-a-hoe role. (in case you wanted to know: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.ph...%20a%20hoe)

or the third outcome she consistently has a client list for her pussy. A lot of legitimate prostitutes start out with things like those.

You guys are forgetting that pornography and prostitution (bordellos) business in Ukraine is ran by corrupt police or gangsters. Majority of girls you see on Ukie cam sites are prostitutes in real life. They might tell you otherwise and how she's making money for college, she is and she's not.

This is directly from the girl who was in this industry for a short period of time and luckily got caught before turning into a prostitute. Also those are unlikely their real names (and if you think they will come up with stripper names you're greatly mistaking - they pick normal sounding name to sound legitimate).

Being Ukrainian myself, I understand the importance of showing your wealth and financial stability in front of women, it's just cultural thing. However, paying for sex (or near sex = for you to jerk off on web cam with her) is down right weak ass game.

I could not believe this was actually a serious conversation. I really thought you guys were trolling the forum. Apparently not!!! O.o

I still cannot believe the seriousness to the absurdity of this topic. I am not saying you are not going to get laid this way, but why even bother, just get a regular prostitute, pay her 400 UAH ~ 50 bucks and go home happy. WTF!?

Am right?

I'm in Kharkiv, UA through summer 2014. If you want to wing, PM me. I speak fluent English and Russian.

The Ukraine Thread II

Truestory you're completely right.

I had written something but deleted it.

Waste of time topic.

And I think we need to right the ship on this Ukraine thread anyway.

"...it's the quiet cool...it's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

The Ukraine Thread II

What's the best place to daygame in Ukraine?

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 02:50 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

What's the best place to daygame in Ukraine?

^ yes let's get back on topic of getting girls not paying for sex [Image: smile.gif]

Daygame? in Kharkov near subway station University (Universitet, возле "Стекляшки") there are a lot of students there. Also go to Dafi (big ass mall near Karavan)

It's kind of cold right now and fuck standing outside trying to hit up girls.

We should organize "host" connection. Basically guys like me (or permanent residents of Ukraine) to meet and greet visitors. Not only it will help us network better, it will also allow Ukrainian guys to practice english language and Americans (or other) guys to practice their Russian.

Believe me, there are ENOUGH GIRLS FOR EVERYONE!!! I don't think any "sex tourists are taking our women" I fucking hate that misconception personally.

I am in Kharkov, if anyone is visiting within next few month, holla~

I'm in Kharkiv, UA through summer 2014. If you want to wing, PM me. I speak fluent English and Russian.

The Ukraine Thread II

^Thanks for the intel. I've written off Kharkov however due to Roosh report of low English.

That leaves Kiev, Lviv or Odessa on my list.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 03:47 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

^Thanks for the intel. I've written off Kharkov however due to Roosh report of low English.

That leaves Kiev, Lviv or Odessa on my list.

Roosh is correct. It is difficult yet it's probably the best city to game on budget (compared to Odessa) IF, and only IF you speak some Russian.

As someone pointed out, it's a student intense city.

I'm in Kharkiv, UA through summer 2014. If you want to wing, PM me. I speak fluent English and Russian.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 03:54 PM)TrueStory Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2013 03:47 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

^Thanks for the intel. I've written off Kharkov however due to Roosh report of low English.

That leaves Kiev, Lviv or Odessa on my list.

Roosh is correct. It is difficult yet it's probably the best city to game on budget (compared to Odessa) IF, and only IF you speak some Russian.

As someone pointed out, it's a student intense city.

True Story, I have a question.

Why do UA girls prefer to use Ukrainian when one uses Russian? Whenever I talk or write to a UA girl, they always reply in Ukrainian.

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

The Ukraine Thread II

So I wonder which Ukraine city has good English + lots of students?

The Ukraine Thread II

Only Lvov and Kiev have a percentage of 40% or more speaking English and decent student populations.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 02:38 PM)TrueStory Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2013 02:22 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2013 01:18 PM)cbstogner Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2013 09:13 AM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2013 07:45 AM)cbstogner Wrote:  

What the fuck... don't reply to me again.

That was a brotherly love comment and not intended to be offensive to you. All I'm saying is that if you met a girl actually ON a camsite, 99.999999% chance you're already eliminated from ever convincing her to meet you and that your time is much better spent pursuing elsewhere. But hey, I'd love to see you make it happen so more power to you.

Untrue, if you're loaded, and you're one of their best clients, they will definitely meet up with you. I've heard a couple stories for other men and some from the cam girls themselves (obviously talking about "another" cam girl.)

"Bro," I have no idea who you are and of course I would take you calling me an idiot offensive. Ironically, you are the one that is misinformed here, "bro."

So you're implying that you're going to have to drop big $$$ to prove you're "loaded" for price of admission, thus resulting in "best client" status.

My 'idiot' comment was taken the wrong way, so I understand your defense there, but otherwise we're just all interested in your thoughts/motivations for this.

I have dozens of cam girls phones numbers, skypes, emails. Many have offered to meet up with me. One Romanian girl seemed genuine when she offered to let me stay at her flat in Bucharest if I ever came to visit. Another girl in Ekaterinburg said she would hang out if I was there or she could come up to Moscow and visit me. Several others I've skyped with that didn't ask for money. Yet another one, Russian but living in Virginia now, wanted to fly to Atlanta on her own dime when I lived there to meet me and hang out. She calls me to chat on the phone and texts me pics regularly.

There are nice normal girls on these sites for sure. And I've spent an absolutely absurd amount of $ entertaining myself on these sites. That part I'm not necessarily proud of, but I was a top member on one of the sites for almost a year, that's how much I spend. And that's what translated into all these contacts I have.

I wasn't saying don't do it, I was saying that it takes lots of time and money (most girls are very reluctant to have a personal chat in 'free' chat to a member and thus you have to pay them to talk or exchange info. Besides, they'll want to see you as well which requires paying them to have cam2cam.

The thing is though is that in my opinion it's not a good "investment" to put any time or money into. It may take thousands or tens of thousands (some of these girls make mad cash) to accomplish the 'prove your loaded' part, then it'll take having the right girl is even open to that, then she'll have to like you, then it'll have to work out with you being in her city at the right time, and on and on. I'd much prefer to go out and meet girls in my current city, for free.

Again, I my opinion if you want to fuck around on the site for fun, go for it. I personally got pretty addicted to it and had to call it quits. But I wouldn't go in with expectations or hopes to spend a little big and meet these girls.

Also while I apologize for the "you're an idiot" comment, it still seems that you may have a problem with being defensive. Even further down this thread someone ask you about paying them and you responded defensively with "what are you getting at here?".

And what's with the "bros"...I didn't even say that. I said "brotherly love". Anyway.

You guys do know that most of these girls are prostitutes? IN real meaning of the word. Of course they will meet up with you. My very close friend worked as a cam girl, here is what she told me:

There are three outcomes for those girls, two of them are hopeful. Worst case scenario they get busted (pornography is illegal in ukraine) and go to prison. The other two are finding a relatively rich foreigner man that will fall in love with them and will be willing to play captain-save-a-hoe role. (in case you wanted to know: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.ph...%20a%20hoe)

or the third outcome she consistently has a client list for her pussy. A lot of legitimate prostitutes start out with things like those.

You guys are forgetting that pornography and prostitution (bordellos) business in Ukraine is ran by corrupt police or gangsters. Majority of girls you see on Ukie cam sites are prostitutes in real life. They might tell you otherwise and how she's making money for college, she is and she's not.

This is directly from the girl who was in this industry for a short period of time and luckily got caught before turning into a prostitute. Also those are unlikely their real names (and if you think they will come up with stripper names you're greatly mistaking - they pick normal sounding name to sound legitimate).

Being Ukrainian myself, I understand the importance of showing your wealth and financial stability in front of women, it's just cultural thing. However, paying for sex (or near sex = for you to jerk off on web cam with her) is down right weak ass game.

I could not believe this was actually a serious conversation. I really thought you guys were trolling the forum. Apparently not!!! O.o

I still cannot believe the seriousness to the absurdity of this topic. I am not saying you are not going to get laid this way, but why even bother, just get a regular prostitute, pay her 400 UAH ~ 50 bucks and go home happy. WTF!?

Am right?

I just thought I would share, geez.. I have a hot ukrainian girl fetish and I'm sittin here board to death in the USA [Image: sad.gif]

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 03:57 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

So I wonder which Ukraine city has good English + lots of students?

Like mentioned by the Roosh, go to Kiev, Kiev has better presence of the English speaking chicks ready to roll with you.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 05:21 PM)cbstogner Wrote:  

I just thought I would share, geez.. I have a hot ukrainian girl fetish and I'm sittin here board to death in the USA [Image: sad.gif]

Hey man, you don't need a visa to go to Ukraine, if you're American. Also, all that money you're spending on web-cam hookers, you can buy a ticket ($700-1500 roundtrip). You should definitely come visit Ukraine, because, you have a fetish for eastern bloc girls and you have had limited exposure to actually real girls. You are going to like it here, and yes, you can meet up with your cam girls if you're still so inclined after hitting up nightlife here. (or just doing some day game).

Quote: (10-04-2013 01:18 AM)bulldog Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2013 03:57 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

So I wonder which Ukraine city has good English + lots of students?

Like mentioned by the Roosh, go to Kiev, Kiev has better presence of the English speaking chicks ready to roll with you.

In regards to English:
Yes, Kiev is good, Khakov not so much. Odessa is good because it's a touristy city. Never been to Lviv.

In regards to Ukrainian vs. Russian:
Majority of Ukrainian girls understand Russian. However, the further west you go the less Russia influences the country. Here in Kharkov we mostly speak Russian (we even have Russian TV dubbed in Ukrainian). If you were to learn Russian or Ukrainian learn Russian if you plan on going to Eastern Ukraine, if you want to hit up Western UA, I'd focus on Ukrainian. However, languages are very similar and you can highhandedly pickup Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, and other slovack languages once you speak one.

In regards of Girl Population:
Kiev, Odessa, and Kharkov are good. I cannot vouch for Lviv or Donetsk, but I want to point out that NO MATTER WHERE (unless you go to Lugansk, or some butt-fuck-country side like Poltava) you will always have hot sexy Ukie girls. It's inevitable. The deciding factor may be the language. Unless you're coming from city like NYC, Miami, LA, Dallas, where hot women are in abundance, any large cities will do.

What I would recommend to Americans (that do not speak Ru/Ua Language).
Go to Kiev or Odessa. Do not expect same night lay to be easy, if you don't speak the language and you're by yourself.
Get yourself as many guy/girl friends in Ukraine as possible. Large group of friends (normal guys) shows that you're normal guy too, not creepy sex tourist or slave-trader.

The biggest fear of Ukrainian girl is getting murdered by someone in the back alley or being kidnapped for organs or prostitution. So naturally they convey a level of distrust to any foreigner.

Also, I learned this from personal experience, never say "you're just visiting or traveling" instead say "you are here for work". Women will not care or ask for specifics other than what you do. Make something up. Visiting or traveling foreigner screams SEX TOURISM. Ukrainians have very low self esteem for their country as a tourist destination, especially in non-mainstream cities like Donetsk or Kharkiv. You are here for your work. Tell them you come here often and you like it. The more you compliment Ukie girl about her own country them ore she will be willing to open up.

Yapping about how things are in America (or elsewhere) does not make you appealing. Also learned that from experience. Of course they will ask ("Do you have this? or Do you do this? or that?") answer short and switch the topic back to her and what she's doing. Believe me she will have plenty of interesting things to talk about.

Show some intelligence, this turns Ukrainian bitches on, especially if you read and watch non-american books and movies. Us Ukrainians have very skewed perception of Americans: arrogant assholes that interferes with other countries. Americans are the self-righteous pricks in the eyes of Ukrainian. There is a secret fascination with American culture but they are still in the closet about it. So show some modesty. In my experience, it's appealing to women when I talk about shortcomings of United States, as in, every country has it's pros and cons. Believe me, America has a lot of issues, for example feminism. Unless you're gaming 19 year olds, 21-30 year olds will gladly share their positive opinion on traditional gender roles. They will happily tell you what constitutes men's responsibilities and what remains for women.

The most amazing thing is when you ask them "what are you looking in a man?" if she even remotely likes you she will tell you a very short definitive list that goes something like this: "Kind, treats me with respect, loves family and children, has a stable job, and loves me". Of course, we all know the never ending list of demands a typical american girl would give to this question.

Those are my experiences, which may be different from Roosh's. All this is very subjective and personal, a guy can come to a country, run into some difficulties and chalk it off as bad place to travel to, while another person can have a completely different experience. I do like that Roosh gives every country a second chance. I think everyone should try something twice or more in order to disregard it for good.

EDIT NOTES: Jesus fucksake, talking so much Russian turns my English into garbage

I'm in Kharkiv, UA through summer 2014. If you want to wing, PM me. I speak fluent English and Russian.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-04-2013 05:38 AM)TrueStory Wrote:  

The biggest fear of Ukrainian girl is getting murdered by someone in the back alley or being kidnapped for organs or prostitution. So naturally they convey a level of distrust to any foreigner.

TrueStory thanks for all the info you have been posting up.

Not doubting anything you are saying, just a little surprised by the part I quoted. Is that common? I guess a google on ukraine and those key words might have got me something. From what I have read it seems most girls don't want to hang with foreigners because they are just temporary, passing through. Is it common to get murdered, organs, prostitution. Just curious.


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The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-04-2013 06:35 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2013 05:38 AM)TrueStory Wrote:  

The biggest fear of Ukrainian girl is getting murdered by someone in the back alley or being kidnapped for organs or prostitution. So naturally they convey a level of distrust to any foreigner.

TrueStory thanks for all the info you have been posting up.

Not doubting anything you are saying, just a little surprised by the part I quoted. Is that common? I guess a google on ukraine and those key words might have got me something. From what I have read it seems most girls don't want to hang with foreigners because they are just temporary, passing through. Is it common to get murdered, organs, prostitution. Just curious.


Statistically probably less common than in some Latin or middle-eastern countries. I don't have a Census data on that. However, it's all stirred up by media, movies, and the news. It's kind of like fear of flying. Safest way to travel (statistically) however, people are still afraid of the plane crash. Because, when something like this happens, media is all over it. It's typically the someone-heard-someone-told-that-someone-saw-on-the-news-that-somewhere-someone-got-kidnapped. It sounds scary as shit, where in reality you have higher odds of dying in a car accident or contracting fatal disease

I'm in Kharkiv, UA through summer 2014. If you want to wing, PM me. I speak fluent English and Russian.

The Ukraine Thread II

What's the best place to daygame in Kiev?

The Ukraine Thread II

The metro, Kreshatik and Globus are the classic places to daygame in Kiev.Also Mc Donalds in Kreshatik is classic.Metro would be tge best hands down if not for the many thieves.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-03-2013 02:50 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

What's the best place to daygame in Ukraine?

How can nobody mention Sunday afternoons on Khreschatyk Street on Sunday afternoons when they close the street and make it pedestrian only? I don't see it getting much better than that in terms of talent. This was over the summer at least but I imagine its similar now as it shouldn't be too cold.

Only thing is, there definitely are other dudes also running daygame there. Me and Slubu saw a dude down there who seemed to be doing pretty well with it. Some competition, but TONS of talent.

The hottest chick I saw in my 9 days in Kiev this summer was on Kreschatyk on a Sunday afternoon.

The park at the end of Kreshatyk at the river (Dont know the name but google maps easily identifies it) also had lots of cute single girls, sitting and reading, walking alone, etc. I was usually jogging through there so didn't get a chance to approach, but the chicks were there.

Good luck CB!

The Ukraine Thread II

In Ukraine is considered normal that the chicks who stroll down Kreshatik are there to be picked up so the guys appear play their tune and succeed or not.The girls stroll up and down Kreshatik waiting for the prince with the white Mercedes but this appears only in dreams.Also in Ukraine drinking on the pavements and benches is approved and encouraged by the government while in Poland you may get some Straf if you circulate with a bottle in your hand.
This strolling up and down of groups of girls in the main square and sitting on benches waiting for boys to pick them up is common in western Ukrainian cities.What we call bride bazaar in Greece(girls carry their best looking clothes guys should look like grooms but better not comment what Ukrainian guys look like despite of this they succeed).

The Ukraine Thread II

As per Google Maps, Khreschatyk Street looks like a hellhole.

What about a place near the university? Maybe a green spot where students stroll, congregate, sit outside...

I'm finding the city of Wroclaw a candy store during the day because of this type of setup.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-04-2013 11:42 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

As per Google Maps, Khreschatyk Street looks like a hellhole.

Massive street, closed to vehicles on Sunday, tons of people strolling and girls dressed up. Hellhole indeed.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-04-2013 11:42 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

As per Google Maps, Khreschatyk Street looks like a hellhole.

Kreschatyk street is totally worth checking out to see the women and maybe doing a little daygame (though I had more success elsewhere)...nothing like it. After you check that off the list though, I would strongly recommend ripping yourself away from this street and the usual spots/clubs that are always talked about on the forum as soon as possible to meet regular girls, if that's your aim. I'll write more about my experiences there a little later, as soon as I can determine which Ukraine thread to post to.

The Ukraine Thread II

Suggest sb to avoid Kreshatik?And what street do you advise to visit?Kreshatik and Deribayovskaya are the most infamous Ukraimian streets with Prospect Nezavisimosti in Minsk as an equivalent.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-05-2013 10:35 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Suggest sb to avoid Kreshatik?And what street do you advise to visit?Kreshatik and Deribayovskaya are the most infamous Ukraimian streets with Prospect Nezavisimosti in Minsk as an equivalent.

I'm not saying to avoid it...its definitely the main street, but just not to spend all of your time there. The street has definitely had its share of tourist, both sex and otherwise, and it shows. I found that people were just a little bit less guarded with regard to that the further I ventured out...sorry I don't have any streets for you in particular right now, its just a general vibe I got.

The Ukraine Thread II

Maybe to be avoided if you are not comfortable opening Tier I HBs with moderate to low bitch shield. Not the place to find hipster chicks or poor student girls. For sure there is a whole army of foreigners gaming to the extent you can spot several if you just walk the whole length of the street. I don't consider myself a day gamer but 50% or better of my openers there clicked with Kiev 8s or better. 1/4 were down to go clubbing but i ditched a couple because i could see where it was going...buy drinks all night then if we are both still standing maybe... I hit McDonald's everyday but not much talent there. Judging from Courage's reports, i would bet 50% or better chance of SNL with HB9 or better diring a week stay. But then nobody here will believe it.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (10-05-2013 12:11 PM)JohnQPublic Wrote:  

Maybe to be avoided if you are not comfortable opening Tier I HBs with moderate to low bitch shield. Not the place to find hipster chicks or poor student girls. For sure there is a whole army of foreigners gaming to the extent you can spot several if you just walk the whole length of the street. I don't consider myself a day gamer but 50% or better of my openers there clicked with Kiev 8s or better. 1/4 were down to go clubbing but i ditched a couple because i could see where it was going...buy drinks all night then if we are both still standing maybe... I hit McDonald's everyday but not much talent there. Judging from Courage's reports, i would bet 50% or better chance of SNL with HB9 or better diring a week stay. But then nobody here will believe it.

I agree with everything you said actually. I'm just saying to meet a regular Ukrainian girl (go to the first post of this thread), consider venturing off a little to some places off the beaten path. And yes, I had success [Image: wink.gif] on Kreschatyk myself. Oh, and though not inundated and always visible, there are a couple of hipster spots on the street (Art 44 and Duvanns). I checked out some live music and jazz at both, and met some cool people and women at both joints.

A word about the McDonald's thing: I used it a couple of times as a meet up point with some dates because it was so easy logistically, and the place while I'm sure is great for daygaming, was one of the most depressing places I've seen as far as talent. More "not much talent" here than all of the rest of Kiev combined. Truly depressing, and not a good sign if this is where its going. Maybe a lot of that was tourists...but damn. But like I said earlier, I ventured out a bit...i.e. passed a drive-thru McDonalds out around Ocean Plaza Mall, and there was a line of cars wrapped around the building in the drive-thru line...sigh, not good.

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