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The Ukraine Thread II

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (09-09-2013 06:19 PM)cbstogner Wrote:  

Thanks yo, and yeah, I completely agree with you. The sex happens when everyone is completely shit faced. This is nothing but an extension of my college years.

As for someone trying to hurt me with my own photos, I could care less. I really can't image anything that could happen from a couple photos of girls, whether I'm in them or not. HELLO EVERYONE, I DATE IN UKRAINE!

You remind me of when I first joined the forum. Good posts btw. I had the same mindset though. There are a lot of lurkers that hate but as long as you keep it to just pics and no personal info you should be good for the most part. I fucked up once by actually posting the couchsurfing profile link of one chick and someone went ahead and contacted her. But that was stupid on my part. It happened around the time Roosh was getting a lot of negative publicity and made it onto some BS list for the Southern Poverty Law Center. The atmosphere on the forum was really bad around then. So I took everything down and stayed away for a while. But I think just posting pics in your situation isn't a problem. Keep up the good work and welcome to the forum.

The Ukraine Thread II

Cbstogner welcome to the forum!

Kristina is lovely and damn you make a great case for visiting Ukraine.

Our New Blog:


The Ukraine Thread II

CBS, you are maybe not impressed by the talent in Zapo ( i agree that a club s site is not the best ressource to judge) but IMHO it s higher than in Kiev. Also if you are worried about going in second or third FSU tier cities alone, I can t help. My grandmother is also scared of going to grocery store on her own.

The Ukraine Thread II

This thread is hot, sizzling hot with unprotected sex with Ukriane tang and lots of banhammer.

I'm still never going there though.

The Ukraine Thread II

^^^ why not ???

The Ukraine Thread II

I call bullshit.

I've never gotten a ONS in the Ukraine.

Isn't possible.

Good thing Prosal got banned. Now he can spend more time walking his grandma to the grocery store in his $1000 handmade shoes and $20,000 watch. Truly a refined gentlemen.

The Ukraine Thread II

CB, next time you run into her with some new actress friends, play it cool like you don't give a shit and wait for her flip out. That will work just as well. People will want to know who the fuck is this foreigner who that new actress is losing her shit over.

Plan on hitting the Ukraine again soon?

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (09-09-2013 12:05 PM)cbstogner Wrote:  

I've always have thought Odessa would be a blast in the summer - I visited almost every season but summer. Is Ibiza not any good? I've seen photos and the club itself looks like a cool place.

Your strategy -- party hard until the wee hours -- is probably what I'll be doing with my friends when I'm in Odessa later this month. I doubt there will be much day gaming since we're there primarily to catch up with each other (we live in different countries) and party. Any recommendations for Odessa? I guess later this month will mean the summer clubs in Arkadia are closed (if not already) but also all the uni students will be back in town.

The Ukraine Thread II

@cbs- good shit bro. Killing it in Ukraine!!!!

@roosh- good choice on staying. Slavs are a tough nationality (thousands of years of serfdom and being raped and pillaged insured that). There is nothing they respect more than strength and influence. That being said, amp up the alcohol consumption and things will flow smoothly w/the party chicks.

Russian, Ukrainians are big drinkers, just like Asians are big eaters. Its more than just an activity, ITS THEIR CULTURE to get fn hammered. Start the night at a cheap-spot for drinking, then move unto pricier spots when they are already tipsy/drunk. This minimizes the bar tab and maximizes the action.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

The Ukraine Thread II

[Image: jpbHnxk.png]

"My Girl"....

Things must be going well for Roosh!

The Ukraine Thread II

"Plan on hitting the Ukraine again soon?"

I'm going to try to hit it again around winter break - that is if the money situation is right.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (09-10-2013 06:33 PM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

[Image: jpbHnxk.png]

"My Girl"....

Things must be going well for Roosh!

Roosh and Anna sitting in a tree....
For Roosh a 1 week relationship is an LTR!

The Ukraine Thread II

Twitter has a 140 character limit. I couldn't fit "The girl I'm seeing." Don't read into it! [Image: lol.gif]

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (09-09-2013 10:21 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Good thing Prosal got banned. Now he can spend more time walking his grandma to the grocery store in his $1000 handmade shoes and $20,000 watch. Truly a refined gentlemen.

I thought he full of it when he was worried about publicizing a more serious oriented dating website, that I also use. The site has a lot MILF's and some younger girls too from the smaller towns, but 95% of the girls not that well educated and salaried girls who could pay their own way to stay in his apartment in Paris as he claimed or even be willing too.

The Ukraine Thread II

Can I make a suggestion? Can we have an FSU wall of shame? I can't keep up with all the banned or disgruntled members.

Please state reasons for each dismissal. Ie

Gets laid in a country where it has been confirmed impossible.

Uses natural charisma to ease himself into a pretty Slav

Uses Google translate

Fucks girls without gifting like Santa Claus



The Ukraine Thread II


I can't keep up with all the banned...

I can understand, considering you've been banned at least twice.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (09-12-2013 06:46 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I can't keep up with all the banned...

I can understand, considering you've been banned at least twice.

Hehe I made it more obvious this time [Image: smile.gif]

Ok i'm going.

The Ukraine Thread II

I think we underestimate how much a Ukrainian girl holds back when she knows you won't live in the country permanently. They seem to be extra guarded and sensitive to suffering than other nationalities.

You will not get the best of what Ukrainian girl has to offer unless she thinks there is a future with you. But if she does think there is a future, the floodgates can really open.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (09-17-2013 03:05 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I think we underestimate how much a Ukrainian girl holds back when she knows you won't live in the country permanently. They seem to be extra guarded and sensitive to suffering than other nationalities.

You will not get the best of what Ukrainian girl has to offer unless she thinks there is a future with you. But if she does think there is a future, the floodgates can really open.

contrast that with girls from southeast asia who want to marry you on the first meet. In SEA, backstories are pretty trivial. It got tiring in Poland and Ukraine, where being a complete liar is rewarded. It really matters that you will be there for a long time.

If eastern europe had triple the girls and half the sex tourists it might be different.

The Ukraine Thread II

^^^Good point Roosh( I'm backkkkk)

Actually IMHO to get it fast though I think the line one is going but coming back soon works the best .I think i gave Slubu that idea(not sure if he ever mentioned it to gals).
My ex wing...who seemed to get them like no other had a unique situation. He would come for a month and leave and be back there every other month. Telling girls that seemed to work.. they saw him as a potential investment(extraction material?) but knew they had to be intimate before he returns to USA or they had no chance to hear from him again. So they gave it up! often right before he was leaving.
It was a way to avoid the slow courting period but not be looked at as meaninglessly being used.
He also attracted the gals who had bf's,etc since he was leaving.It was the best of both worlds.
He never got the same flat twice so he wouldn't get stalkers.
He also was technically a business man and told them he had a business in USA and making opportunities locally.(had photos of fast car and nice home).
They seem to respect BUSINESSMEN. Being a teacher, Lawyer, volunteer don't impress them BUT business man....(panties wet).

The Ukraine Thread II

A Ukrainian girl interviewed on life,money,and sex....
with an inevitable ending...he must know these girls inside out by now.God knows how many interviews he's done!
The psychology is interesting!


The Ukraine Thread II

Yo, just found this lovely thread.

I live in Miami, FL but visit Kharkiv, Ukraine often. I saw someone bitching on here how it's hard to get ONS in Ukraine... well it's not, but if you don't speak the language it might be challenging. I found that younger girls (in younger crowd club) are easier to pull. Most local guys chode-out when you approach their girls. Also consider going after older women, for ONS. I've seen high rate of infidelity with 25-30 year olds. My anecdotal experience might not be the same for everyone, but I am Ukrainian born and lived in the country until I was 13...maybe I understand Ukrainians culture better than tourists. The appearance of financial success is definitely a game changer. This should not be difficult for Americans considering exchange rates.

I know Roosh was disapproval of Kharkiv. One of his reasons was it's spread out (there isn't a central party location) and not too many people speak English. I agree, it's a bitch to hop cabs from club to club. But it's not expensive. Most cab rides are under 40 UAH ~ $10.
Language-wise, yes if you don't speak Russian you are not going to have a good time. But if you do, it's actually amazing. But not having too many girls speaking English is a good thing, you have less of obnoxious bro-chodes polluting the city for sex tourism.

For everyone thinking about coming to Kharkiv, the problem with most of you is that you've been brainwashed by american feminist movement. I was catching myself being indecisive, allowing women to lead, and not taking up on my masculine duties to be more aggressive. I observed this behavior with many Americans that travel here to "look for wife" or for sex tourism. Unfortunately, these guys are being played by women here, once the newly weds move to US, and bitch secures her green card, she immediately leaves the poor chode. I don't know statistics but anecdotal evidence are common.

Anywho, if anyone in Kharkov right now, hit me up via PM. I speak both Russian and English fluently and I can do Ukrainian as well.

I'm in Kharkiv, UA through summer 2014. If you want to wing, PM me. I speak fluent English and Russian.

The Ukraine Thread II


[Image: 20130921_EUC236.png]

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

The Ukraine Thread II

Dude, even you speak Russian and Ukrainian, know literature, it can still be hard.

The Ukraine Thread II

Quote: (09-25-2013 05:51 PM)avantgarde Wrote:  

Dude, even you speak Russian and Ukrainian, know literature, it can still be hard.

I wouldn't say "hard". It's different. It's funny how most night clubs in Ukraine is full of HOT girls and ratio is favorable.

What can be challenging is day approach. I walk around the city and girls stare at me, when I open them, it takes some additional effort to break through the initial social apprehension.

If you think it's "hard" it will be hard; part of it is placebo effect. There are way harder places in United States compared to Ukraine. And by hard I mean, places difficult to get in, unrealistic ratio of men-to-women (in plain words - sausage fest), obnoxious amount of high status males, and intimidating staff. I do a lot of night approaches, so all my comparison is based on nightclubs and bars.

Where in Ukraine (speaking English, Russian, and Ukrainian) do you approach? Which city? Also, I noticed a lot of local guys have a bad frame of mind that all girls are after status and money. Без бабок нет телок. Whether it's true or not, I honestly don't care. I just know that it's not difficult to get them to sleep with you for fun.

I'm in Kharkiv, UA through summer 2014. If you want to wing, PM me. I speak fluent English and Russian.

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