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Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

This is the only forum I've been on since I first started using the internet where I haven't seen mods going haywire and policing, warning, and banning people left right and centre. To a certain degree, the place moderates and polices itself and I've never seen a thread get too out of hand. There's been a few threads that came to mind when I was reading Tuth's post as obvious troll/attack threads and I had noticed an increase in them recently (again, by self moderation from the members pointing them out).

I guess some people don't have a lot going on at the moment. I don't for example, so I'm not contributing much to the Game forum or Lifestyle forum, most of my time on here is in this part of the forum at the moment because my state is down and hitting on loads of girls isn't my priority or in the front of my thoughts right now. Maybe it's the same for others too which is leading to the uprise in these types of threads/posts referred to.

I guess with the summer coming, things will change and I'd like to see some of the more recognisable people in this part of the forum contributing to the Game forum. I for one will be.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Yea. ISG and Wintston Wu's happier abroad, Naughty Nomad, etc...there are a ton.

Game forum is ok but you can also go to local lairs where you meet people.
Lifestyle is OK, but not too active.

Everything goes is a fun section when you have big news stories.

Roosh forum is cool, but its clearly not the way Roosh will support himself forever. He'll have to get a real job again someday.

Internet is a very competitive area. I agree that you need to keep the forum clean and organized to keep abreast of the competition.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-23-2013 12:46 PM)POHammer Wrote:  

Roosh forum is cool, but its clearly not the way Roosh will support himself forever. He'll have to get a real job again someday.

This confuses me.


Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Winston wu doesnt make enough off his forum alone and he lives in the phils where life is cheap.

As more and more travel forums appear, the market gets harder to compete in.
After all, where else can Roosh travel to?

Do you really see this website still functioning in 20 years? Its a good temp moneymaker, but eventually times will change. All the Russian bride websites are already out of business...soon travel PUA will also be a crowded market, and eventually many places become westernized.

What Im saying is you need to innovate to compete.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I'm sensing some subtle trolling the way you presented the subject.

Roosh isn't commercialized nor does he invest in elaborate marketing campaigns. He could make a lot more money but he isn't. The forum is smaller, in a good way though. Not a lot of people know our secrets nor do they know the goldmines abroad. Not to mention, being a travel PUA isn't popular just yet, but it's gaining traction with how culture has been progressing.

If anything, he'll be making more and more as long as he maintains his credibility and doesn't "fuck up".
By having an established authorship and an active forum, he's ahead of the competition.

I agree he has to innovate if he wants to gain a stronger foothold. Do more video reports, organized write ups, a better marketing campaign and a complete redesign of his blog and forum into maybe a more cohesive platform.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-23-2013 12:46 PM)POHammer Wrote:  

Yea. ISG and Wintston Wu's happier abroad, Naughty Nomad, etc...there are a ton.

Game forum is ok but you can also go to local lairs where you meet people.
Lifestyle is OK, but not too active.

Everything goes is a fun section when you have big news stories.

Roosh forum is cool, but its clearly not the way Roosh will support himself forever. He'll have to get a real job again someday.

Internet is a very competitive area. I agree that you need to keep the forum clean and organized to keep abreast of the competition.

Lol at the mention of the naughty nomad forum being in the same league as the RVF.

Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously?

RVF Fearless Coindogger Crew

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

This is literally the same reoccurring theme on the forum. Making claims with no experience, this omega has now stated he knows what will happen to RVF.

Newbies go look at gandt and jaymillz as good examples of joining the forum. Some legit questions, no outlandish bullshit based on no experience, they quickly got a few rep points for adding positivity and value.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

This is what Im talking about. Someone adds an opinion which is different from the mainstream and immediately is labelled a troll

Follow that with an fast ban.

This is why the moderation needs to take a different approach.

This isn't a real life club, its an online forum. You demmand too much strictness from people instead of allowing a free flow of information.

Moreover, I've done more travelling than 90% of this forum. Yet, only people who post positive hype get liked around these parts. Where are the realistic advice here for the average guy?

Do you wonder why datasheets are few and far between these days?

I 100% agree the moderation needs to be stricter. But stricter in preventing hype and most inportantly for preventing agressive behavior, name calling, etc. Keeping things lighthearted and fun instead of descending into bashing.

The atmosphere here is toxic at times with people too afraid to post for fear of getting banned or name called by senior members.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Your opinion is useless if it is backed by nothing.

If you had actually run a forum and what you say happened I would take you seriously.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

That's it. I'm reporting everybody on this thread.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I didnt run a forum, but I have run real life groups and I have been a member on many other forums.

I also know many members here who dislike the exact attitude you are talking about. Just because I don't agree with you, I have nothing valid to say? Report/ban/name call just because someone has a different opinion?

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Westcoast, why you tryin to AMOG POhammer?

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

You can disagree with whoever you want. I don't care if people disagree with my view (housing thread is a good example) I don't give a crap. The problem is throwing out disagreeable posts when you have no experience.

For example: if we both went to Peru and had differing experiences, I would not care if you disagreed with me. If however you never went to Peru then I don't care about your opinion.

So yes, disagreements are fine, disagreements with no experience = who cares.

My default is to believe someone when they say they have been to a place or do xyz profession. However when they state they have never done something then give an opinion it is a waste of time to read. That's all I'm saying.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Sometimes, the same information can be presented but be slightly different. And with that slight difference an idea can be accepted vs. rejected. I get the anonymous nature of the internet, language (for some English is not their native language) and, in this forum, a lot of guys who, hmmm how do I say this, one step from a fight (I am exaggerating here lol) can make it difficult for one to convey an idea as helpful vs. trolling.

I think Roosh said the forum needs to be beta.

So maybe if you said, I get this is unsolicited advice, but it seems like there are a lot of competitors in this space. Do you think you may need to look into other ways to source income? Just speculating here, but it is hard to imagine that this forum can be as strong as it is now in 20 years. Here is why I think this (give 1 or 2 examples), just curious.

That may have come off better, it may have come off as trying to help. At one point, I had written something more critical. But I always try (not always successfully) ask myself "does this move the conversation along in a positive way." And it didn't.

Your heart might be in the right place POHammer. And sure you can say you don't "sugarcoat" in real life or whatever. But I think we are just trying to help and learn from one another and presentation of comments matter. I am still working on this myself.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-23-2013 12:46 PM)POHammer Wrote:  

Roosh forum is cool, but its clearly not the way Roosh will support himself forever. He'll have to get a real job again someday.

Who says this forum is how Roosh supports himself?

This place is more valuable for the information and community than the money it brings. If Roosh was all about the money he wouldn't have this forum at all, this place is more for lifestyle and travel tips (which save hundreds of hours of trial and error).

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

OK samsam. Thats a good point. Perhaps I may have come off in a negative way about the way things are heading. What I was trying to argue for is a more relaxed approach for people. The reason why so much bashing happens is people start getting personally insulted when you say something negative or different about a forum or about a commonly accepted piece of game advice.

You get a lot of hype and overly positive sounding things.

What I meant to say is there should be a more objective way of looking at things.
Sure its good to be invested in something, but you also need to take a step back and argue about ideas without arguing against the person.

Thats exactly what I said, travel and lifestyle tips. But some people starting saying that its much more serious than that and the only place of its kind. I mean exactly that, a good travel and lifestyle advice spot.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-23-2013 02:20 PM)POHammer Wrote:  

Thats exactly what I said, travel and lifestyle tips. But some people starting saying that its much more serious than that and the only place of its kind. I mean exactly that, a good travel and lifestyle advice spot.

Well you are wrong about this place having no long-term value. The bonds it creates between men are real and many men on this forum have found ways to parlay that into real world business deals.

This forum is basically a large online fraternity. Do most people get money out of their fraternity? No. But do the people who take the time to make friends and contribute value receive value in return? Yes.

As a result of having a high rep on this forum, I personally have made many friends, and get to have a large influence on other men. I have pulled some hustles off (such as one guy who was willing to pay $75 an hour to learn game from me - never did it though).

That said, the most valuable thing I've gotten from this forum is tighter game. Tight game has given me jobs, hustles galore, and much pussy. Basically game has built my life.

The number one reason I think this forum will be around in the future is because there are many future successes currently residing on here, and successful men will attract more successful men.

The only way this inertia can stop is if the people in charge fuck things up. So far they've done an outstanding job, and the moderating on this board is better than nearly any other forum I've been to.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

^^^^Well said.

I see the forum as a fraternity of sorts as well, complete with mild hazing lol.

You get out what you put in. The forum helped screw my head on straight after the hell of a BPD relationship (how I discovered it actually: searching for a meaning to BPD cunts), so I'm grateful for its existence and try to provide as much quality info as I can, albeit with a touch of dick sometimes.

Read it, Appreciate it and Contribute.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

POHammer got banned? Will we ever know if he actually acquired his zebra for a fair price?

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

The main problem is that many people these days believe everything they see on the Internet.

Most of us newer guys can really get confused. Especially when we see a member with xx rep points approving something that is not at all accurate. The latter which can lead to more problems than good. Trolling is not tolerate on my part.

"We always question things we know about already, but we never question what was unknown."

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-20-2013 05:37 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking lately. I think once a lot of guys contribute their specialty knowledge, they enter a sort of ennui and use the forum not to share or receive wisdom but to pass the time or get their internet drama fix. This can cause a problem when a forum is run tightly like this one is.

I know I have been a little too lenient on some members because of their past contributions, but with this warning out, that leeway will be tightened.

Unfortunately, as much as I like the forum, I feel I hit a certain point in which I was just "pass the time." Thus, a major reason I post less, is I now prefer to devote more time to making money and gaming girls. I do like to pop-in when I can to try and help noobies, or in the case I feel I have something of value to share.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-23-2013 03:47 PM)2Wycked Wrote:  

POHammer got banned? Will we ever know if he actually acquired his zebra for a fair price?

I just can't help but think it:

[Image: attachment.jpg12319]   

Quote: (05-24-2013 03:54 AM)Doulos2Game Wrote:  

Most of us newer guys can really get confused. Especially when we see a member with xx rep points approving something that is not at all accurate.


Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-24-2013 08:01 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2013 03:47 PM)2Wycked Wrote:  

POHammer got banned? Will we ever know if he actually acquired his zebra for a fair price?

I just can't help but think it:

Quote: (05-24-2013 03:54 AM)Doulos2Game Wrote:  

Most of us newer guys can really get confused. Especially when we see a member with xx rep points approving something that is not at all accurate.


They know who they are.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-25-2013 06:33 PM)Doulos2Game Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2013 08:01 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2013 03:47 PM)2Wycked Wrote:  

POHammer got banned? Will we ever know if he actually acquired his zebra for a fair price?

I just can't help but think it:

Quote: (05-24-2013 03:54 AM)Doulos2Game Wrote:  

Most of us newer guys can really get confused. Especially when we see a member with xx rep points approving something that is not at all accurate.


They know who they are.

But we need to know who they are.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

For the record I wasn't trolling when I started the eulogy to banned members thread, I thought the utility would be humor. I hate being misunderstood.

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