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Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Dear Senior and Seasoned Members:

Just wanted to send a note out to the membership about some recent trends in the forum that I've noticed. These have resulted in a noticeable shift of tone and increased moderator activity behind the scenes. A number of warnings (both formal and informal) have gone out, including to some seasoned, senior members. I think a note like this makes more sense than individually and punitively policing you guys like newbies, though the latter is sometimes called for.

Contrary to popular belief, senior members aren't above the rules and penalties of the forum. There's nothing wrong with seasoned members--who have put in the time and value to help make this place what it is--getting comfortable and expecting a certain amount of leeway. You've earned that. I, myself, expect that to a certain degree.

However, for this place to continue to run smoothly--especially as we continue to grow--you still need to observe best practices and show respect to the community and its members. Your contributions earn you credibility, respect, and the benefit of the doubt, but they don't earn you carte blanche or a free-to-troll pass. Lately, I've seen guys abusing their status and dancing on, or repeatedly crossing, the troll line. I'm not sure if this is a product of boredom or a sense of impunity--from being here for a while--but some guys' signal-to-noise ratio has tipped in the other direction. A good test for this is that a newbie would be banned, with no hesitation, for their behavior.

Some of the trends that I've observed:
  • Starting multiple junk or low-value troll threads
  • Crossing the line from light, playful joking with other members into personal insults, taunting, or egregious provocation
  • Boldly criticizing the forum administration
  • Ridiculing moderation penalties (and its recipients)
  • Increased aggression, negative tone, and unproductive complaining
  • Mini-meltdowns
There's nothing wrong with a joking, playful tone between members who know each other--whether in-person or virtually through the forum. I, myself, engage in this camaraderie. But know that it stops being a joke when you repeat it several times or take on an aggressive or negative stance. Also, be mindful that your behavior sets an example for the always-growing number of new members who don't know the dynamics of this place as well as you do. Your status, in other words, also comes with a set of responsibilities: keeping the signal-to-noise ratio in the positive, policing yourself to a certain degree, and using your trust and credibility responsibly.

I won't name names, but there is a group of members for whom this note is especially pertinent. Regardless of whether you think you're part of that group, take a minute to evaluate your recent posts and consider whether your next post adds value or takes it away, whether it contributes to our sense of community or dilutes it. What would happen to a newbie if they posted what you're about to post? Are you trolling? Are you being a dick? If you don't have anything to contribute at the moment, there's nothing wrong with taking a break from posting and lurking for a while.

This note note isn't intended to be a menacing threat, but know that punitive measures (suspensions and bannings) can happen to guys with thousands of posts or dozens of rep points. Ultimately, the health of the RVF is the priority. What has kept this place as the best game/manosphere/travel community on the Internet is its relatively low tolerance of trolling and other bullshit behaviors, including from senior members.

Remember your forum rules (especially 1 and 9), remember to be beta on the forum, and remember to hit the report button if see a dispute brewing or think people are crossing the line.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.


Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking lately. I think once a lot of guys contribute their specialty knowledge, they enter a sort of ennui and use the forum not to share or receive wisdom but to pass the time or get their internet drama fix. This can cause a problem when a forum is run tightly like this one is.

I know I have been a little too lenient on some members because of their past contributions, but with this warning out, that leeway will be tightened.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"


"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I know....I admit, I do troll on "Alpha vs. Beta" or "Is this Alpha or Beta" threads.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

This also goes for new members that come in and start trolling or posting nonsense threats right out of the gate...

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-20-2013 09:20 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

This also goes for new members that come in and start trolling or posting nonsense threats right out of the gate...

Yeah, but the mods are pretty damn good at weeding them out.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

You didn't have to single tendeman and mechanico out like this.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Here I thought it was just freshman hazing.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-20-2013 09:20 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

This also goes for new members that come in and start trolling or posting nonsense threats right out of the gate...

New guys are probably not going to read threads like this.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-20-2013 11:22 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

You didn't have to single tendeman and mechanico out like this.

I take it you're joking but the issue is more widespread than just a couple posters, who are dealt with on a case by case basis.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I admit to being a dick in general. One thing that I believe would be helpful is people not talking about things they have never done.

I don't type about places I've never been, or work I've never done, so if I see people doing that I'll immediately call them out. You guys can let me know if that should stop or not.

This is a broad based belief, even city guides, don't want to read a city guide on a place where the person has not been, just as I won't take skin care advice from someone who has never used the skin care product.

I could care less about people insulting me, the issue is straight up bad or wrong information.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"


so if I see people doing that I'll immediately call them out.

It's better if you hit report. Vigilante justice derails threads and breeds animosity that almost always result in meltdowns and bans.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Go check the 401K post then, the guy basically attacked world wide traveler, myself and then another guy who mentioned bold and determined all in 3 pages when he actually has zero experience.

I can't hit report because my posts are all mobile, lmk if I am missing something.

This page and then the following page it continues. Again I don't care if people disagree with points but talking about things you've never done is a joke. None of us would take game advice from virgins.

Going forward I can shoot you guys a pm since I can't hit report if I see a guy making information up.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-21-2013 07:57 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


so if I see people doing that I'll immediately call them out.

It's better if you hit report. Vigilante justice derails threads and breeds animosity that almost always result in meltdowns and bans.

There's a non-dick way of calling a guy out. Just question what he's posted. If you ask for specifics, and he can't come through, he's exposed. G does this all the time. Asks guys to break it down and get specific.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-21-2013 11:14 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2013 07:57 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


so if I see people doing that I'll immediately call them out.

It's better if you hit report. Vigilante justice derails threads and breeds animosity that almost always result in meltdowns and bans.

There's a non-dick way of calling a guy out. Just question what he's posted. If you ask for specifics, and he can't come through, he's exposed. G does this all the time. Asks guys to break it down and get specific.

You kinda have to have been to a place to know if a report was accurate or not.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-21-2013 11:22 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2013 11:14 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2013 07:57 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


so if I see people doing that I'll immediately call them out.

It's better if you hit report. Vigilante justice derails threads and breeds animosity that almost always result in meltdowns and bans.

There's a non-dick way of calling a guy out. Just question what he's posted. If you ask for specifics, and he can't come through, he's exposed. G does this all the time. Asks guys to break it down and get specific.

You kinda have to have been to a place to know if a report was accurate or not.

...but you wouldn't have to have been there to ask for more specifics about a place.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Agree with Ali. The way you get called out is when someone else notices your bad info.

On another note a new fun forum troll is the "compliment and beta" troll where they make attacking statements but then become extremely beta and latch on to a high ranking forum member. That has been going on lately, you saw an example when someone started a thread on the legitimacy of the forum.

"You're a cunt!" Followed by "oh so sorry for being a dick feel free to ban me!!! [Image: smile.gif] [Image: smile.gif] I lovd your posts xxxx member!"...

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

I send Debauchery nasty messages on the Naught Nomad forum.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-21-2013 11:14 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2013 07:57 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


so if I see people doing that I'll immediately call them out.

It's better if you hit report. Vigilante justice derails threads and breeds animosity that almost always result in meltdowns and bans.

There's a non-dick way of calling a guy out. Just question what he's posted. If you ask for specifics, and he can't come through, he's exposed. G does this all the time. Asks guys to break it down and get specific.

Yeah, I like that technique. The upside is it brings out more information.

Or doesn't.

Either way, problem solved.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

How seriously do we take ourselves? Just about everything taken from this forum should be with a grain of salt.

It's anonymous postings on the internet, so for the most part I have faith that the cream rises to the top and the best info dropped on this forum is easily replicated.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-22-2013 01:57 AM)EisenBarde Wrote:  

How seriously do we take ourselves? Just about everything taken from this forum should be with a grain of salt.

It's anonymous postings on the internet, so for the most part I have faith that the cream rises to the top and the best info dropped on this forum is easily replicated.

Roosh has created the Linkedin of the manosphere. Take it very serious and you will gain.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

There is a balance between preventing spam posts and excessive moderation that supresses interesting information.

Ukraine, Philippines, Thailand, Brazil, China...These places are not new. They have been well discussed on other websites.

Too many people take themselves too seriously. For me, this is a place to share travel tips and some jokes or interesting stories.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

^^^ I think I'm drunk and seeing double.

Note to Senior Members: Increase in Borderline Trolling and Other "Misconduct"

Quote: (05-22-2013 10:19 AM)POHammer Wrote:  

There is a balance between preventing spam posts and excessive moderation that supresses interesting information.

Ukraine, Philippines, Thailand, Brazil, China...These places are not new. They have been well discussed on other websites.

Too many people take themselves too seriously. For me, this is a place to share travel tips and some jokes or interesting stories.

Can you name another forum comparable to this one? Many would be interested to know.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

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