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Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

It looks like the Philippines now offer 30-day visa-free entry instead of 21 days.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Thats awesome Northern! I read somewhere that upon entry you can straight up ask for a longer visa. Is that true? Has anyone in here actually done it? Would love to hear more about it!

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto, are you still working as an MWD?

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

@Fisto This was such an epic thread. I just found myself spending the last hour reading through a lot of this again.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Come on guys, if SEA is South East Asia, then SWA means...

[Image: b77c0047f6fffa6634093aa66c7a87b8.jpg]

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

This thread. I just finished reading every page.

To Fisto and Beyond Borders:

[Image: clap.gif]

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Truly an epic thread... To me the funniest bit was Fisto's recurring theme of picking up fat chicks:

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

There was an enormous fat girl working there with an even bigger attitude. I started chasing her around the bar and would pick her up. She would yell "NOOO" and everyone would laugh. The bar girls had to be astounded by this. Once I chased her and tackled her and my face crashed into a broom closet that opened up a cut on my brow. My girl came and looked concerned but I just laughed. THC got some good shots of me picking up her heavy ass.

Quote: (02-28-2013 01:38 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

While I was waiting on THC I said to the fat girl "I bet I can pick you up" both girls said "no you can't". I handed them my camera phone and lifted her giant ass off the ground. She was so happy to be picked up and my girl was clapping.

Quote: (06-27-2013 07:27 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Backstory first; I have been going around all of Asia hoisting fat girls and THC or someone will snap a shot of me doing it. It's been classic, egregiously sized fat girl gets seen, I run up and say "can I pick you up?" And before they can answer my arms are around them and they're coming off the ground. They ALWAYS smile because it makes then feel like a little girl.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

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