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Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-10-2013 07:11 AM)Wayout Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2013 07:20 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

I saw likely knockoff Galaxy SIIIs for sale in Bangkok for 4200 baht.

I've seen watch knock offs in BKK a while back and they looked like fakes,so I wouldn't advise anyone buying fake stuff. Any girl will spot it and think you are all fake just like your fake watch. How's the fake Iphones? Do they look and work pretty good?
I saw some fake watches sold in Manila a month ago - they were the best fakes I have seen ever! The guy was asking about 150 USD for them but at the end was willing to sell them for about 35 USD. I still didn't buy as knowing you have a fake watch does nothing good to your self esteem.

I understand what you mean, but I wouldn't worry too much about rocking a fake phone in SEA unless you're trying to migrate into the upper echelons of society or something. If you were taking it home I could see it being cause for hesitance but not if you live out here permanently. It's pretty common here for people to rock the fakes, and I'd rather have a somewhat cheap knockoff phone be stolen or lost than the real deal.

Then again, I'm the guy who rocks a $10 tracfone in the states, so what do I know. I'm not much into status purchases, myself, and typically maintain a rule never to spend much money on watches, phones, or sunglasses, as I always lose or break them. Only want the smartphone for its practicality.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-03-2013 03:40 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Then somehow I ended up getting in an arm-wrestling contest with a couple bouncers. LOL First was just smashing them, even the biggest one who was obviously a lifter, but then he came back and beat me two in a row. Shit - need to start doing pushups again.

Sore arm just reminded me. I ran into this same meathead bouncer again last night and had a rematch. Beat him with both arms.

Beyond Borders rises.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-10-2013 07:19 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2013 07:11 AM)Wayout Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2013 07:20 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

I saw likely knockoff Galaxy SIIIs for sale in Bangkok for 4200 baht.

I've seen watch knock offs in BKK a while back and they looked like fakes,so I wouldn't advise anyone buying fake stuff. Any girl will spot it and think you are all fake just like your fake watch. How's the fake Iphones? Do they look and work pretty good?
I saw some fake watches sold in Manila a month ago - they were the best fakes I have seen ever! The guy was asking about 150 USD for them but at the end was willing to sell them for about 35 USD. I still didn't buy as knowing you have a fake watch does nothing good to your self esteem.

I understand what you mean, but I wouldn't worry too much about rocking a fake phone in SEA unless you're trying to migrate into the upper echelons of society or something. If you were taking it home I could see it being cause for hesitance but not if you live out here permanently. It's pretty common here for people to rock the fakes, and I'd rather have a somewhat cheap knockoff phone be stolen or lost than the real deal.

Then again, I'm the guy who rocks a $10 tracfone in the states, so what do I know. I'm not much into status purchases, myself, and typically maintain a rule never to spend much money on watches, phones, or sunglasses, as I always lose or break them. Only want the smartphone for its practicality.

It seems that getting down to practicality should be the real litmus test about whether to purchase the fake. Now, if a fake Iphone is as functional or close to as functional as the real deal, then it may the most practical option b/c who wants to lose or have stolen the real deal. It would be better to lose or have stolen the $35 fake iphone than to lose $500 (or whichever model comparison is applicable). The question, in my thinking, becomes whether the knock off works close to the same level as the real one in terms of the basic functions: texting, saving contacts, surfing the net and phone calls. IMHO, if there is major sacrifices in the functionality, then that needs to be taken into account, as well. ... Personally, if i am traveling in a third world country, or even traveling in a first world country - in a high crime area, which we certainly have these in the good ole US of A, I would not be too worried about my image in packing a fake, b/c in those instances, it would seem that a guy would not want to appear as being too well off. But to each his own.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-10-2013 09:44 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2013 03:40 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Then somehow I ended up getting in an arm-wrestling contest with a couple bouncers. LOL First was just smashing them, even the biggest one who was obviously a lifter, but then he came back and beat me two in a row. Shit - need to start doing pushups again.

Sore arm just reminded me. I ran into this same meathead bouncer again last night and had a rematch. Beat him with both arms.

Beyond Borders rises.

BB - From your avatar, i would have never pictured you as being such a brute arm wrestler.[Image: idea.gif]

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)


Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

I would be scared to buy a knockoff because they might just not run some more complex apps, who knows what you are really getting under the hood - some of the chinese knockoffs look very convincing on the outside but when they load up it's like you're holding a Game Gear...

Also, be careful of buying a knockoff phones online in Phils, I've heard a lot of the stores/sales are scams (i.e. off

Currently [Home]

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-10-2013 07:09 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2013 06:37 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2013 03:40 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Then somehow I ended up getting in an arm-wrestling contest with a couple bouncers. LOL First was just smashing them, even the biggest one who was obviously a lifter, but then he came back and beat me two in a row. Shit - need to start doing pushups again.

Sore arm just reminded me. I ran into this same meathead bouncer again last night and had a rematch. Beat him with both arms.

Beyond Borders rises.

BB - From your avatar, i would have never pictured you as being such a brute arm wrestler.[Image: idea.gif]

Looks can be deceiving. haha

Actually, back when I was in shape I beat a buddy with no problem that runs a construction company. He's a lot bigger and pretty loked and seemed pretty down on himself for the loss - I've know him since high school though and we're good. But after that, I dwindled out of shape while he went on with his son to start doing national arm-wrestling championships. He placed in the top three in the nation at one point, if I understand correctly. I'm pretty whack right now but if I took care of my body could definitely clean house.

Anyways, to further the story, I went back to the same discoteque tonight and the micro-mini bouncers decided they wanted to arm-wrestle me as well...but two and then three at a time. Shit was hilarious. At first I beat two at once, twice. Then three took me down but barely.

After that they came back with another two five minutes later and they just about beat me but both ended up on the floor with their effort, thus disqualifying the match. My arm is dead right now.

The workers at these two clubs are loving me right now. Last night one of the chubby waitresses was shaking her ass in front of me every chance she got while I was on my date, and then after my date left another was running over to my table to keep finger-feeding me after the disco shut down and all the workers were gathered around for some type of indoor, late-night picnic (an all-Cambodian spot, by the way, for those furiously taking notes - not a shoring bar). [Image: smile.gif]

I cut out shortly after and didn't pursue but apparently they get a kick out of me here.

Oh, and about all the people who say the worst "farangs" reside in true. Just a few highlights from tonight after I moved on to the sleazy venue.

- Some guy calling me a "fucking idiot" as if it was normal run-of-the-mill conversation. Seriously just met him and nothing beyond standard question had transpired. He was pretending he'd only gotten here a day ago and his confession that he was joshing me subsisted of him suddenly barking out that I'm a "fucking idiot." [Image: huh.gif] I instantly called him out and he backpedaled only to do something similar about five minutes later, just to backpedal again when it didn't phase me. His Cambodian girl meanwhile apologizing for him every chance he gets - he was very drunk. Literally thought I was going to mop the floor with this derelict. I think between his sucking up I heard him mumbling under his breath that he was going to box me down, so while I was as gentlemanly as possible, I was looking quite closely at his chin and considering smashing the barstool next to me over his dome if need be. And he was quite big too. Aussie guy in horrible shape, but I don't take care of myself either - I look way more fit than I am. Still probably would have cleaned house. Certainly wouldn't be the first time I slammed a big "crazy" guy who thought he was tough.

- I ask another guy what the bartender's name is because it's clear he lives here. One of those jumpy British types. "I don't know his fucking name!" C'mon man - I already know you live here (him and his buddy had already been cold shouldering me so I figured he's just shutting me out at this point and chose to call him out). "Doesn't mean I know every fucking bloke in the whole country, does it?" Arggghhh...okay, boss. This guy was so fucking fat and strutting around with a backpack after living here for many years. Weirdo. I really had half a mind to clean house and after we parted gave him a few eyebrow raises that invited further discourse. Fortunately we did not meet again.

- Guy took my beer right out from under my nose! Some older Aussie bought me and a few other guys drinks, and I turned around for maybe 15 seconds to talk to some farang girls and when I turned back my beer was absolutely gone! Bartender claims he can't do anything and doesn't know who. I think I know which douchebag it was. Minute later he's mumbling in my face about something, whatever it was, and says, "Why aren't you at your room sleeping?"

Okay, weird question, but he's wasted.

"Uh, why aren't you at yours?" is my response.

Everything forward is completely incomprehensible. I don't know who he's arguing with, why, or what the hell he's saying. I finally hold my hand up and say, "Wait a sec, what was your original question even? Did I hear it wrong?" I knew what it was but I could tell that he didn't.

"Oh, I don't know what it was....Shit, what was it?"

Yeah, western expats here are out of their minds. I could go on for hours on this shit and other observations but will cut it short.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-10-2013 07:11 PM)rvlefty Wrote:  

I would be scared to buy a knockoff because they might just not run some more complex apps, who knows what you are really getting under the hood - some of the chinese knockoffs look very convincing on the outside but when they load up it's like you're holding a Game Gear...

Also, be careful of buying a knockoff phones online in Phils, I've heard a lot of the stores/sales are scams (i.e. off

I suppose there may be some utility in testing out the knock off phone in person to verify that it does what you need it to do (even then you may not be able to completely test out its various functions; however, sometimes, besides surfing, texting and making calls, you want to make sure that the knock off phone will syncronize your contacts and various kinds of functions like that - b/c in my view, the software and convenience is what makes the Iphone stand out amongst the competition...

So if you get a knock off phone for cheap; however, you lose some of the functionality and convenience, then that may be a big downside in purchasing the knock off phone. On the other hand, if you have never experience various aspects of the functionality of the iphone or used some of the built in features, you may not realize what you are missing when the knock off does not perform adequately.

Not meaning to get too far off base in this thread, but we do know that a smartphone can be very central to being able to game adequately while travelling, and now, we all know about Fisto frequently losing or misplacing his phone, which may even take more away from game, especially if he had not backed up some of the contacts .

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

What's the best way to share pics while keeping them private?

If anyone wants a look at a decent-looking Cambodian girl I'm working on, pm me and I'll share, given we use a method that keeps it private - can you do attachments via pm? If not, maybe email will work.

Not the hottest thing I've ever banged or dated - and definitely much darker than I like in an Asian girl, as I prefer the white beauties - but I give her a neutral 7 anyways.

And most importantly, she is not a freelancer or a bargirl. This is the med student I met in a Cambodian disco. I've been out with her three times (tonight I didn't have any money and she said don't worry, drug me out anyways, and paid for all my drinks - every other time we've shared), and haven't gotten further than holding hands, even though it's really clear she's into me and has already invited me to come see her in Pnom Penh.

I'm not going to send her pic to everyone who gets in touch with me, so this isn't a free-for-all for anyone interested in Cambodia as a destination. They aren't even my pics - I grabbed them off her Facebook without permission, so I really shouldn't even have them - kinda stalkerish, I know.... [Image: biggrin.gif] But I just wanted to prove a point after my drunken-morning meltdown when truedat called me out the other day.

So if Fisto and VP or a couple other long-termers with clout on the forum are curious or just happy to help blow the smoke out of the "there's not a single hot woman in the entire country of Cambodia" myth, hit me up and I'll at least prove that the country does have some potential lurking (I didn't want to post this on that exact thread because I really don't feel like reactivating that argument - so let's just make this about the girls and fuck all the drama). Feel free to be as honest as you want with your opinion.

Just remember:
Not top notch or model material (that starts at 8, IMO)
Not a hooker.
Haven't banged yet.

But I still think it makes my point that, while this isn't Thailand, there are good-looking girls worth screwing or even dating over here and that they are interested in white boys. Actually, I think the fact that I haven't banged yet makes my example stronger rather than weaker, since guys imply there are only hookers here or that chicks only like us because they're destitute.

Over and out.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

haha It just occurred to me now that I haven't seen any other foreigners in my hotel since I started staying in this room about 14 or 15 days ago. I've been sleeping a lot of days though, so I asked the girl in the lobby because I'm sitting here right now, and yep, no foreigners - only me. Appears all the other customers are Cambodian with a couple Koreans thrown in the mix.

Hilarious that it took me this long to even realize it was a local hotel. Explains a few funny moments though.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-11-2013 03:32 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

What's the best way to share pics while keeping them private?

If anyone wants a look at a decent-looking Cambodian girl I'm working on, pm me and I'll share, given we use a method that keeps it private - can you do attachments via pm? If not, maybe email will work.

Why not just create a account (5GB free, I think)? Then you can upload the pics and keep them private or share them with only the people you want. Other cloud services are available. [Image: smile.gif]

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-12-2013 07:22 AM)Acute Angle Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2013 03:32 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

What's the best way to share pics while keeping them private?

If anyone wants a look at a decent-looking Cambodian girl I'm working on, pm me and I'll share, given we use a method that keeps it private - can you do attachments via pm? If not, maybe email will work.

Why not just create a account (5GB free, I think)? Then you can upload the pics and keep them private or share them with only the people you want. Other cloud services are available. [Image: smile.gif]

Sounds like a good idea. Nobody took me up on it though so no worries - I'm not huge on show and tell anyways just was feeling irked about certain insinuations. But that's neither here nor there. Will remember for the future if it comes up.

I had actually been planning on busting out more photos to honor VP's request before all that went down. Maybe still will.

By the way, discos don't allow snapping cameras here VP. Will do what I can elsewhere.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

The guys from the tuk tuk driver crew not even charging me for rides anymore. Fanning around the city with a slew of personal drivers for free. Pretty sweet!

Had a crazy moment in the club though. Having a couple beers with drivers and photo ops with a couple local cops, and then one driver took me across town to drop me off at this disco I'd never been to before. He refuses pay and then decides to come inside with me, assuring me first that I don't need to cover his beers. We go in for a while and it's dead as it's already late. I pay for the beers anyways, even against him insisting I don't, and then we hop on his bike and head off to another disco that stays open until four in the morning.

We're inside and driver buys this time - beers twice as expensive. Then, this big fat stocky bouncer I know comes to say hello at my table. I introduce him to my friend and then we get a glass and pour him a beer from our bucket. After he finishes his beer, he looks down at his glass, with this nasty grimace on his face, and then reaches into the ice to pull a cigarette butt out of his empty beer glass!

He then looks at the driver I'm with (who is smoking) and gives him this crazy glare, as if the guy put a cigarette butt in his beer to fuck with him, and then walks calmly to the bathroom to go throw up.

The driver is looking visibly shaken. He'd already told me he was iffy about this particular disco because of all the gangsters that hang out there. He keeps trying to explain and convince me that the cigarette butt wasn't his, going as far as to pull out his pack and show me how many he'd smoked, etc. I tell him I believe him. The bouncer is apparently very well-connected and we suddenly find ourselves in a bit of a pickle. He's in the bathroom forever throwing up and when he comes out we get him back over to the table to explain. He tells me no problem but won't even look at the driver or listen to anything he wants to say.

Driver is freaking out now. He says that it is not okay, that the bouncer is just saying that now but most likely when we walk outside is going to have some friends waiting for us out there - or, probably to be more precise, waiting for him. He wants to leave but at the same time is scared to. And his phone is at home.

So he has me leave to take a tuk tuk back to where all his buddies hang out so I can roust a couple to come sit outside in the beer garden and have some beers, on him, just so he can leave without incident, or at least have backup if something happens. I head across town and find these guys and tell them what is going on, and a few agree to come. We show back up and I go inside. The tuk tuk driver goes into the bathroom to take a leak and some guys talk some shit to him, telling him he's going to get it.

A couple of the other drivers come over to our table, both walking from different directions, acting like they're nonchalantley stopping by (though it seemed pretty obvious), to check in and see what's up. They start talking in hushed tones, getting the lowdown and deciding what to do. Making a big production.

At this point, I say fuck all this nonsense, I go buy a bottle of beer, leaving it unopened, and walk across the room to find the bouncer and give it to him, shaking his hand and apologizing again. Saying it's an accident, though not sure if he understood.

Then I go back to the table. I go to take a piss and when I come back out the bouncer is sitting there at the table shaking the driver's hand and turns to shake mine again, saying "No problem." Judging by the look on his face, he seems sincere.

Seems like problem is solved. We go outside to join the other guys at the table and commence with the night. First world solution to third world problem.

Got in another arm-wrestling match again too - this time in the men's room. LOL Walked in to take a piss and this Cambodian guy in a tanktop is flexing in front of the mirror. Decent-sized guy for a Cambodian but not nearly as big as the last guy - definitely a lifter though. Very cut.

I show him how flabby my arms are and challenge him to an arm-wrestling match right there on the sink - proceed to beat him like he's a 10-year-old. These guys need better steroids out here; I'm not that strong. haha He was good-natured about it - everyone in the bathroom was just laughing there ass off the whole time. Good stuff.

Here's a funny one. The girls that hang out in the late night backpacker bars are so tasteless even tuk tuk drivers can't stomach them. After causing ruckus all night we were on the way back to my room and I had the two drivers I was hanging out with swing me by easy-shoring bar. We're halfway through our first beer and one whore is being obnoxious and flings some pieces of rice off her plate. Some lands on our table.

Tuk tuk drivers stand up and slam their beers and say, "Okay, we go."

That shit is funny. If a girl is so low-class even tuk tuk drivers, who are at the bottom rungs of society themselves, can't stand to be around them, the math.

Saw the most gorgeous girl I've seen here yet last night. We were at this local spot that stays open all night and she walked by our table on her way out the door, all alone, to get on a motorbike taxi. I tried to say hello to her and she flat out ignored me. Okay, okay...respect...

[Image: attachment.jpg13921]   [Image: attachment.jpg13920]   

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

BB: I like the description of your above post and all; however, I'm not sure if i get the meaning of your pictures? Are you the white guy in those two pics or is that some other random guy? hehehe

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-16-2013 12:15 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

BB: I'm not sure if i get your pictures? Are you the white guy in those two pics or is it some other random guy? hehehe

That's some dude I'm trying to bang.

haha Nah, nothing much to read into it. Just thought I'd liven up the post with a couple pics. Actually, I took out my camera to try and get some shots of the local nightlife for VP, but my camera is shit at nighttime and none of the restaurant or disco pics came out very well. I should really fork the dough out and get a new one.

Yep that's me, in case you're half-serious. First pic with the pigs and the second was when we parked the tuk tuk near my hotel at about 8:30am and polished off a couple cans. Late night.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

It's good to see you've molded into the culture by dressing like the locals.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-16-2013 01:01 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

It's good to see you've molded into the culture by dressing like the locals.

You should have seen the shitty orange flip flops I was rocking that night.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-16-2013 12:17 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (08-16-2013 12:15 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

BB: I'm not sure if i get your pictures? Are you the white guy in those two pics or is it some other random guy? hehehe

Yep that's me, in case you're half-serious. First pic with the pigs and the second was when we parked the tuk tuk near my hotel at about 8:30am and polished off a couple cans. Late night.

Yeah, I was a little curious BB about your looks - given your avatar and all... he he he, b/c i have read quite a few of your posts. No way that I can read over 2000 posts, but maybe i have read 100 of recent ones, spread across mostly the SEA threads (the ones that I saw).

Anyhow, with some of your arm wrestling situations, i see you are not like physically buff muscular, so guys are probably o.k. with arm wrestling you.. then maybe they get surprised about your arm wrestling abilities..

I know from experience that practicing in arm wrestling can help with being more successful, and sometimes a person would be able to beat someone that he usually would not beat b/c of the practicing.

Oh yeah, and regarding flip flops, I tend to get foot problems with them, and so sometimes having a comfortable set of flip flops or whatever shoes can make a pretty good difference. Might make it harder to run away though if you are in BKK getting chased by a taxi driver with a sword? (though I realize you are in Cambodia now)

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-16-2013 01:18 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (08-16-2013 12:17 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (08-16-2013 12:15 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

BB: I'm not sure if i get your pictures? Are you the white guy in those two pics or is it some other random guy? hehehe

Yep that's me, in case you're half-serious. First pic with the pigs and the second was when we parked the tuk tuk near my hotel at about 8:30am and polished off a couple cans. Late night.

Yeah, I was a little curious BB about your looks - given your avatar and all... he he he, b/c i have read quite a few of your posts. No way that I can read over 2000 posts, but maybe i have read 100 of recent ones, spread across mostly the SEA threads (the ones that I saw).

Anyhow, with some of your arm wrestling situations, i see you are not like physically buff muscular, so guys are probably o.k. with arm wrestling you.. then maybe they get surprised about your arm wrestling abilities..

I know from experience that practicing in arm wrestling can help with being more successful, and sometimes a person would be able to beat someone that he usually would not beat b/c of the practicing.

Yeah, I definitely don't have a scary look about me. Not small but pretty out of shape. Always have been a good arm wrestler though - a lot of it is definitely technique.

I'm a lot stronger than I look too. Surprises people. In America I get a lot of big guys trying me in the bars because I look somewhat easy to handle and they're blown away to say the least when I somewhat easily throw them on their domes. [Image: biggrin.gif]

The guys out here just aren't that strong either. My Thai buddies have tried to wrestle me three at a time and they're hopeless. I've met some meatheads in both countries that by all appearances should have been strong as an oxes and it just wasn't there.


Oh yeah, and regarding flip flops, I tend to get foot problems with them, and so sometimes having a comfortable set of flip flops or whatever shoes can make a pretty good difference. Might make it harder to run away though if you are in BKK getting chased by a taxi driver with a sword? (though I realize you are in Cambodia now)

I definitely wouldn't rock flip flops in Bangkok - some of the clubs wouldn't even let you in like that, and they're more fashion-conscious overall. If I'm in a place that's pretty dirty like Koh Samui or Siem Reap I wear them quite a bit though. Just easier. Didn't expect to go out last night either - went down to the ATM and one thing led to another.

The shitty orange ones were just because my other ones broke, which happens a lot with the flips out here, and I just bought what I could find at the hour.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

I love these stories BB

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

As usual, great stories BB! Keep'em coming!!!

The reason I didn't take you up on your offer to send them pics of the girl you're working is that I just read this post now. I'm definitely taking you up on your offer to see that pic and many others as well man! Send it over! You have my email so shoot it!

Quote:BB Wrote:

JayJuanGee Wrote: BB: I'm not sure if i get your pictures? Are you the white guy in those two pics or is it some other random guy? hehehe

That's some dude I'm trying to bang.

That comment you made really made me laugh! After all the crazy stories from the SEA ground, you wouldn't be surprised if that were true. ahahah

Jokes aside, seems that Cambodia is treating you really nice...would you say the fun factor is as high in Cambodia as say in BKK?

The first pic of you with the 2 guys, are these your tuk tuk driver friends? or cops?

Some of you guys in SEA should create a Youtube account. You don't have to show your mug, just shoot videos of things around you both daytime and night time. It would be gold. If nobody does that, I'll do it once I return there.

A guy in the Philippines has been building a very big site on just those videos from the ground:

Check his original pages as there are quite a lot of videos of him just cruising around town in various cities in the Phils. Great videos to get a good idea of what's like there.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Cambodians are very friendly, although I got to admit I was a bit "on guard" when I was invited to go out with the guys who ran my hostel. Although they were really friendly and outgoing, I thought something was off about them, they seemed like they had real "hard knock" lives, and maybe had seen and done some shit in their day. They invited me out on my second to last night, and while I had planned to go to Angkor Wat the next and spend the whole day and didn't really want to drink I agreed to go out with them to the local night club.

Basically I was acting like a douche bag and was kind of trying to flake out on these guys I kept being vague about when I was down to head out, rolled down to "Pub St." and hung out there for a bit then rolled back to the hostel around 12:30, thinking the guys at the hostel would have just said fuck it and went out on their own. No, they were there waiting for me, all like "what the hell man, where you been, we are ready to hit the club", in their less than perfect English.

At that point I had been in Siem Reap for about 5 days and hit Pub St. almost every night, but had no knowledge of the local spots that the locals hit up. Admittedly I was kind of being a puss since I didn't know these guys and am always weary of people I barely know when I'm abroad, especially in 3rd world countries, but I said fuck it and hopped on the back of dudes motor bike and caravanned on bikes with a few of the other guys from the hostel. I never got the full story, but there were about 4-5 guys all early to late twenties that worked there, who were all either friends or relatives.

Anyhow on the way to the club, I was kind of wondering where we were going, it turned out to not be at all far away, but it was in a part of town I'd never been to or seen before. In the back on my had I was kind of thinking of worst case scenarios these guys take me to some shady spot and try to extort me of all my money or make threats and demand that I go to an ATM and get money or some shit, etc. Now these weren't thoughts that I was worrying to hard about or taking too seriously, no sketched out paranoia, or anxiety... But as it turns out I was absolutely tripping for even thinking them at all in the first place.

I believe we hit two spot that were right next to each other, an outdoor restaurant/bar, which was next to a pretty nice, dare I say even upscale-ish type club, at least by Cambodian standards. This was a spot were the local young Cambodians go to hang out and party and I think I saw one or two other white guys the entire night we were out, the guys I was with were saying one of them was an English teacher.

Any how it was a fun night and I ended up drinking and staying out much later than expected. These guys from the hostel I was with were obviously not too wealthy, but were ordering food and beer like the world was going to end. We ended up snacking on a bunch of different food while downing copious amount of ice cold beer out of buckets, all types of Cambodian food I can't remember except the frog legs, which I probably wouldn't normally eat, although they were pretty tasty.

In the club we got our own booth and continued pounding beers. The Cambodian guys like to cheers almost everytime they took a drink off the beer, and they would pound down a fat swig, after each cheers. Seemed kind of overkill, but it definitely made the drinking experience more social with an all in group dynamic. At the club the guys kind of felt VIP for the night, I'm guessing because they had a white American dude rolling with them, and apparently that isn't always the norm there. The people really do seem to love Americans there which is cool, after sometimes not getting the best vibes from peeps in other countries for being from the U.S.

I think the guys were kind of hoping that my American status would help reel in the honeys and there were some cute ones there no doubt, but in a lot of ways I felt like a fish out of water. I chilled danced a little bit, shot some glaces, etc., but didn't really do many approaches in there. The music was loud and there were a lot of mixed groups, it was kind of hard to tell who was with who, and I've heard that higher class Cambodians can be dangerous if you piss them off, so I decided to not push my luck and accidentally hit on the "wrong girl".

Anyhow it turned out to be a fun night and I'm glad I went. There was that moment when the bill came and I felt like "oh shit, these guys are going to fuck me and stick me with the bill!" The thought was racing through my head, I had been worried that they were going to fuck me earlier in the night, and here it was right there, we ordered mad food, and bucket upon buckets of beer, but I never once asked how much any of it cost or for the check. Finally, I thought I don't want to get fucked and pay for this, but the other side of my brain said, people in Cambodia live off like 5 dollars a day average or some shit, so don't be a tight wad and cover most of the bill. When it came down to it I basically paid for half of it (for 4 or 5 guys), which amounted to $50 a pretty decent sized hit to my wallet for the night out, and fortunately the oldest guy from the group, who probably ran the hostel or was the son of the owner or some shit, paid for the other half.

Didn't get home till like 5:30 AM that morning, was hung over and bed ridden all day, didn't get up till like 6 PM for dinner, never met up with the chill Belgian couple to bike to Angkor and smoke weed at the ruins, fortunately I got to see them a few days prior, so all is well that ends well.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (08-16-2013 05:18 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Cambodians are very friendly, although I got to admit I was a bit "on guard" when I was invited to go out with the guys who ran my hostel. Although they were really friendly and outgoing, I thought something was off about them, they seemed like they had real "hard knock" lives, and maybe had seen and done some shit in their day. They invited me out on my second to last night, and while I had planned to go to Angkor Wat the next and spend the whole day and didn't really want to drink I agreed to go out with them to the local night club.

Definitely some hard knocks going out this way. I tend to get along with those kind of people - just have to be on your toes a little in the beginning.


Anyhow on the way to the club, I was kind of wondering where we were going, it turned out to not be at all far away, but it was in a part of town I'd never been to or seen before.


I believe we hit two spot that were right next to each other, an outdoor restaurant/bar, which was next to a pretty nice, dare I say even upscale-ish type club, at least by Cambodian standards.This was a spot were the local young Cambodians go to hang out and party and I think I saw one or two other white guys the entire night we were out, the guys I was with were saying one of them was an English teacher.

Nice, OG - my best guess is you hit up Hip Hop Club or Hip Hop Classic. They're right next door to each other and both have an outside beer garden - classic tends to be a little more "clean" while the other has more prostitutes and a few tourists wandering through.

One of them used to be called Martini, apparently. Planning to drop a data sheet when I leave with some names of places to check out, etc.

I love how much more they're into dancing here, though it's not really my thing anymore. Good energy.


In the club we got our own booth and continued pounding beers. The Cambodian guys like to cheers almost everytime they took a drink off the beer, and they would pound down a fat swig, after each cheers. Seemed kind of overkill, but it definitely made the drinking experience more social with an all in group dynamic. At the club the guys kind of felt VIP for the night, I'm guessing because they had a white American dude rolling with them, and apparently that isn't always the norm there. The people really do seem to love Americans there which is cool, after sometimes not getting the best vibes from peeps in other countries for being from the U.S.

Lol at the cheers before every drink. Definitely how they roll here and can be obnoxious. I've noticed that it slows them down drinking though as they tend to wait for the others to be ready. They don't constantly drink their beer like I do. Well, not all of them anyways...


I think the guys were kind of hoping that my American status would help reel in the honeys and there were some cute ones there no doubt, but in a lot of ways I felt like a fish out of water.

Probably. [Image: biggrin.gif]


I chilled danced a little bit, shot some glaces, etc., but didn't really do many approaches in there. The music was loud and there were a lot of mixed groups, it was kind of hard to tell who was with who, and I've heard that higher class Cambodians can be dangerous if you piss them off, so I decided to not push my luck and accidentally hit on the "wrong girl".

I've been breaking into a lot of these mixed groups. You definitely want to connect with the guys first in these situations. From there, it usually becomes pretty clear if any of the girls are available and/or interested. Either way they're usually pretty welcoming - the English far worse than I perceived on my first couple days though. But usually one or two who has decent fluency.


Anyhow it turned out to be a fun night and I'm glad I went.

Sounds like you got a glimpse into local life, Man. Good times.

I really do like the people here. You've got to watch them at first but they're really generous. There were two times I was walking down the street with no loot (once when I didn't withdraw fast enough and another when I just spent too much at the bar) and when tuk tuks and bikes stopped by to holler at me I kept saying "no money, Man" with a big grin.

Nearly every time, the guy offered to drive me for free anyways. I didn't take him up on it but still pretty cool coming from a dude who has nothing.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Went to the little family store next to my hotel earlier, and I guess I have a nickname here now. The people in the neighborhood are apparently calling me this word that means "son in law" - or maybe her son in law. Not really sure.

Quote: (08-16-2013 02:57 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

As usual, great stories BB! Keep'em coming!!!

The reason I didn't take you up on your offer to send them pics of the girl you're working is that I just read this post now. I'm definitely taking you up on your offer to see that pic and many others as well man! Send it over! You have my email so shoot it!

Will hit you up in a bit.


Quote:BB Wrote:

JayJuanGee Wrote: BB: I'm not sure if i get your pictures? Are you the white guy in those two pics or is it some other random guy? hehehe

That's some dude I'm trying to bang.

That comment you made really made me laugh! After all the crazy stories from the SEA ground, you wouldn't be surprised if that were true. ahahah

[Image: biggrin.gif]


Jokes aside, seems that Cambodia is treating you really nice...would you say the fun factor is as high in Cambodia as say in BKK?

Absolutely not. Bkk is, well, Bkk. The two places will never compare even for a second. If you know how to entertain yourself and have fun hanging out with local folks, though, it can definitely be fun here. There's shit to do - it's just not up in your face. Just have to get out there and takes a bit of an adventurous nature, I'd say. If you're the type of guy who has driven his share of tuk tuks and longtail boats in Thailand you'll have fun. [Image: biggrin.gif] The locals are very receptive.

Or, as you mentioned before, the ideal here would be to come focus on work and maybe go out a night or two a week. If you need a ton of variety in your nightlife it'll probably wear you down after a while, but if you explore enough and are seldom going out, I'd say it would take you a while. Everyone's different and has different needs - I'd say a lot of guys would go stir crazy here and wish they were in a metro area. Siem Reap is a pretty small city.

Steady girlfriend would be key out here too as the easy ones can be risky and the regular girls are pretty conservative.

Oh yeah, spotted KFC and Pizza Company on my walk today. Maybe this place is just growing.

Definitely seems to be a growing middle class. I think there will be a lot of biz opportunities in the future if someone is looking for a frontier-type place.


The first pic of you with the 2 guys, are these your tuk tuk driver friends? or cops?



Some of you guys in SEA should create a Youtube account. You don't have to show your mug, just shoot videos of things around you both daytime and night time. It would be gold. If nobody does that, I'll do it once I return there.

Thinking about it!


A guy in the Philippines has been building a very big site on just those videos from the ground:

Check his original pages as there are quite a lot of videos of him just cruising around town in various cities in the Phils. Great videos to get a good idea of what's like there.

I'll check it out. Thanks. Maybe some good inspiration.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Got a question for any of you guys who are or where recently in Manila...

When you go to clubs in the Fort or Makati and buy a bottle do you have to finish it that night? Or is it like BKK where you can turn it in and they will hold it for you for up to a month and you can get the same bottle again.

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