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Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

The next day we all slept in until 4 pm. We were tired from the last couple days. We figured we could catch a couple hours of daylight at the beach if we got moving so we ate quickly at Burger King and headed towards the ocean.
We met three girls leaving and THC used his functional Thai. He said later he just goes through all the phrases he knows and pretends to understand when he doesn't get something.
The beach was pretty empty by this time but they still had a few tables where we sat our shit down. We started drinking a sing has one after another. Because the water was calm we waded in to take a piss. Then we started taking our beers with us. Then we just stayed in the water and only came out for more beer until we were the only ones out there besides the vendor who had the bad luck to have to stay and wait on us. The moon was bright and we were going over the previous nights, of which we had forgotten several things until then and so we plan to have a compilation post on the thread. Truly some funny shit.

For example, I had forgotten about this midget hand feeding me grub worms and this crazy old man coming up and talking to us.

Anyway we went and got our vodka and energy drinks and headed to the kids playground again and drank before going in front of out hotel to continue there. The whole time girls are calling us over and ooohing and aaahing. There's nothing but old ugly dickheads and we stood out big time. We went to this one bar owned by a dutch guy and chatted up my 2nd girl to make plans. There was an enormous fat girl working there with an even bigger attitude. I started chasing her around the bar and would pick her up. She would yell "NOOO" and everyone would laugh. The bar girls had to be astounded by this. Once I chased her and tackled her and my face crashed into a broom closet that opened up a cut on my brow. My girl came and looked concerned but I just laughed. THC got some good shots of me picking up her heavy ass. Walking back to meet some other girls, one bar girl ran up beside me and grabbed my hand. She said "only 300 baht for bar and I go with you" that was the girl with the nice ass I posted.
We went back to my room where I smashed her out. She told me she saw me the night before but that I didn't see her. She said she felt like she wanted to be with me.
I had previously made plans with the hot girl I missed out on so again, my plan was to smash this girl and then get the other one. I got a text from THC to ask when I was headed back down and I said shortly but instead passed out and didn't wake up until 3am. I was supposed to meet the other girl at 2am so I woke up my girl and smashed her a few more times. That ass was great.

That next morning we woke up around 12 and decided to stay again. Both the guys shored again and wanted to stick around. I had to almost kick my girl out so we could eat and head to the beach.
THC met some girl I didn't even see when we walked in and before I knew it he was walking her back to the hotel.
Science and I began drinking what may be a record number of beers.
THC comes back and has a beer and decides to take a piss but the water is rough so he has to use the facilities. He wanders off and 15 minutes later we see him walking another girl back to the hotel. That had to be within an hour. Respect.
Science and I chilled out and drank about 9 large sing has apiece since the pickins were pretty slim.

We made our way back home and showered before hitting up some food. This cute little waitress served us. I liked her but didn't bother to game her. It would have been pointless for the time we had.

We did our usual routine of vodka, redbull, and hitting up girls.

For me the night ended in a lame manner because as we were walking back to our hotel I saw my girl with some little Asian guy.

She looked embarrassed but stayed to talk to us while he stood by impotently. She asked Science's girl to tell him she wasn't going. She wanted to hang out with me and also told her to let me know she would be back in a half hour.

Sciences girl is so wrapped up in conversation with THC's girl that she forgets and I presume my meetup time is still 2am at Cat bar.

I wind up at cat bar as per usual and don't see her anywhere. I see a couple girls giving me the eyes and then I see my girl from the previous night hanging on my every movement.

I walk outside to this other area and I witness possibly the weakest example of manhood I've seen in a long time.

There's this good looking guy getting chewed out by this AVERAGE Thai girl and she storms off. He looks at me like "women huh" and I say. You need to be a man and not put up with that shit.

I realize this guy needs a lot more than one conversation and just nod my head at his excuses and walk away.

I can't find my girl so I just grab one of these other girls that's closest and giving me attention.

Turns out THC has banged her previously and she's really worried about what he might think. I laugh at the thought of him giving a shit and I pull her to my room and smash the hell out of her.

The next day we get an hour extension to check out and then put our bags downstairs.

We cruised over to the same bar after breakfast because I wanted to smash the girl I missed out on.

THC meets another girl on the way and wants to bang her so he get's a short term. My girl is happy to see me and the mix up get's explained.

After THC bangs his girl out I take mine over there and all of a sudden I'm supposed to pay the bar fine and something else to the hotel and I was just like "FUCK THIS"

I was a little irritated and I should have smashed her but I didn't.

My girl from the 2nd night is calling me over and over and I tell her to come over. We hang out and keep drinking beers and Science has now taken his girl to THC's room and bangs her out.

My girls ass has me in the mood so when he's done I take her over.

So new move: 2 hour hotel to share between your buddies while you run bitches through it.

I think that about wraps it up.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Co-written post Science & THC

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

I think that about wraps it up.

It does wraps things up pretty good. The last week has been awesome. Fisto, Science and me went to Hua Hin and we completely destroyed that place. I think the whole town is talking about us, especially the street we were living in.

Great write out of the events that happened Fisto. We probably forgot some good stuff... I remembered some more things when I was going trough some of the pictures on my phone that we took half drunk. That one of the midget feeding you worms is hilarious.

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

I was supposed to meet the other girl at 2am so I woke up my girl and smashed her a few more times. That ass was great.

That ass was... legendary. There's worse things in life then waking up next to an ass like that [Image: wink.gif]

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

We met three girls leaving and THC used his functional Thai. He said later he just goes through all the phrases he knows and pretends to understand when he doesn't get something.

They didn't spoke three words of English so that makes it much harder. I just use all the words I know and if I don't understand their answers I just switch the subject or make one of a few jokes that Thai girls seems to appreciate.

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

We cruised over to the same bar after breakfast because I wanted to smash the girl I missed out on.

That was an awesome afternoon. I remember playing hooker snooker with Fisto and Science and all of the sudden Science was no where to be found. Apparently he had made a bet with his girl. If she won the game of pool he'd buy her a drink; if he won, she'd had to give him a blow job... Guess he won that game, so that's why the toilet of that bar was occupied for quite a while [Image: smile.gif]

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

THC meets another girl on the way and wants to bang her so he get's a short term.

So new move: 2 hour hotel to share between your buddies while you run bitches through it.

Yeah, we have to come up with a good name for that. I actually just realized that I even made money of this. It was 300 for 2h short term room rental and I payed with a 500 baht bill and she gave me back 700.

So we all got to bang our girls within those 2hours, minutes before taking the mini van back to Bangkok.

One more reason to remember that afternoon is cause I unlocked my "Full Month Cunt Hunt" achievement, as this was the 30th girl I banged within 30 days. I don't think I will ever unlock that achievement again so I'm glad I didn't strand at 29 [Image: smile.gif]

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

THC comes back and has a beer and decides to take a piss but the water is rough so he has to use the facilities. He wanders off and 15 minutes later we see him walking another girl back to the hotel. That had to be within an hour. Respect.
Science and I chilled out and drank about 9 large sing has apiece since the pickins were pretty slim.

Haha, yeah. Double daygame notch achievement unlocked. I come back to the beach after banging my second girl within the hour to join in the drinking fun and I see Science and Fisto had been hitting it pretty hard.

The small tables available were completely full with empty large Singha beer bottles and there was a very jolly atmosphere.

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

For me the night ended in a lame manner because as we were walking back to our hotel I saw my girl with some little Asian guy.

She looked embarrassed but stayed to talk to us while he stood by impotently. She asked Science's girl to tell him she wasn't going. She wanted to hang out with me and also told her to let me know she would be back in a half hour.

This is true, this girl was so into Fisto she wanted to send her PAYING customer off walking to be with him (FREE of course). She would have been in big trouble with her boss, but she was on the borderline of risking it. Too bad some language barrier messed up some of the logistics for you to meet her, she was smoking.

Quote: (02-22-2013 11:30 AM)DVY Wrote:  

As for being closer friends w/THC and science, yea man after 3-4 days w/the same wings =1-2 months of normal America hanging out time.

DVY, this is really true. It's because living life here is just so much more intense. We collect so much memories on such a short term it feels like you know each other much longer and you become good friends much faster.

To collect stories like "Remember that time a drunk midget was feeding you worms" at home, it would take a much longer time [Image: wink.gif]

I'll sum up some more random events I remember from the past days and some memorable achievements that were unlocked.

King of the world

Fisto, my girl and me riding on a motorbike to go look for her friend and her changing into a more sexy outfit. I don't even remember why we even started driving that motorbike anymore, I already had quite some drinks and shots. I'm thinking, let's be responsible and try to drive safely, when I look back to see Fisto in Leonardo Dicaprio's "I'm king of the world"-pose yelling "LETS RACE THOSE THAI GUYSSSS!!!!" lol

I had to drink a liter of water to sober up before driving back to meet up with Science again, cause I forgot whether I was playing solids or stripes half way through a game of pool. Fun story!

Rat in the bar

As we're doing shots in a random hooker snooker bar, all of the sudden some of the girls start screaming and jumping around. A rat had run into the bar and was hiding under the couch. Fisto and me lifted the couch to catch it, but made it worse as it ran out again and hid again somewhere behind the bar. Probably where they store the food and bar nuts we were eating.


Science: (registering soon)
[x] 7 days 7 lays (actually at 9 on 9 now)

[x] Full Month Cunt Hunt (30 girls in 30 days)
[x] Double up day game

Even today I'm still getting phone calls from 4 Hua Hin girls a day asking when we'll be coming back. So this is about as awesome as a trip to a "quiet Thai beach town" can get.

And we got the Spartan spear posing picture to remember it by.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

I can't believe I forgot to mention the death scooter race.

Also some great mottos "one more" "a bad idea is the beginning of a great story" and "team kickass, smashing and kicking ass minute by minute"

The death scooter was pretty funny because there were several warning signs. It was THC driving then his girl, then me. The slightest bump and we were bottoming out. THC forgets halfway through the pool game whether he is stripes or solids, then he drives us back to the bar area from his girls place where we were waiting at a nearby bar. It was easily a 15 minute trip and I was thinking of Dave Chapelle saying "lets race em!"

Also rubbing those two fat old guys noses in the fact that they pay for what we get for free and then stopping the street so we can take our pool cues and pose as Spartans really was the cap at the end.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

you guys have some libido, I can just imagine THC walking around with a 1000 condoms in his pocket.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

These stories make me so jealous, why couldnt I extend my trip a few weeks? ><

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Awsome reporting Guys ...... Keep it coming.... I think Science is the only unregistered member to have cred even before joining [Image: smile.gif]

Welcome to the band of Brothers Science

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-25-2013 08:31 AM)Lothario Wrote:  

Awsome reporting Guys ...... Keep it coming.... I think Science is the only unregistered member to have cred even before joining [Image: smile.gif]

Welcome to the band of Brothers Science

I have a rep point waiting for Science. Awesome stories guys, keep em coming!

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

2nd the "Why didn't I stay longer!!!!"


WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

epic thread. this already beats your DR thread, fisto.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Great thread, I don't know how you lot do it; when I go out drinking shagging is the last thing I want to do.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-25-2013 02:51 PM)lush1 Wrote:  

Great thread, I don't know how you lot do it; when I go out drinking shagging is the last thing I want to do.

Really? I'm the exact opposite, a few drinks in me and banging is on the top of my list.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

I got in midnight last night. Didnt know what to do. Didnt want to hit up BKK just to turn around and come back to the airport. Headed to Samoui for a few days. Anybody know about this full moon party? I thought it was friday but my boy is saying its tonight. Depends on how much i like samui as to how long i stay. I want to tear it up with you guys in BKK. Probably return friday then stay in BKK till next Sunday. Fisto and Rio ill hit you guys up when im in town.

Full moon tonight. From what i hear there are a shit load of russians, germans, and aussies. I dont know what else is out there but I am ready to grab and smash. I'll hit up the Thais when I get back to BKK. Game time.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Skip Samui and the full moon party, head straight to Koh Tao.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

i say hit it..if ur there hit it..its an experience in itself..u may love it or loathe either way you should experience it if ur there

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Already ran into some American lizards. From Minnesota. The scandinavian is strong in them. A pair that are in town for a week. I dont want an american but ill take what i can get haha.

There are some pretty hit tourist out here. Alot of couples tho. My wing isnt drinking so i got somebody who can calm me down if im trying to hit somebodys property. We leave in four hours. Drink and pregame nap.

I rented a scooter. I have a ducati but riding a scooter is almost like riding a bike in a sense that you need more balance than a full blown motorcycle. I havent ridden a bike regularly since i was eight. My balance is all fucked up. I have to stay off the beer.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Just a quick PSA at this junction in this thread: the #1 cause of death in Thailand is motorcycle accidents. A while back I was on a Thailand thread on another forum enjoying/participating in stories like those here and all was well and good til it came out that one of the guys in the thread - 22 year old American guy - crashed his bike in Phuket on the way back from a night out drinking and died.

Just not worth it to hop on those things with beers in you. Pay the $2-6 tuk tuk/taxi with your girl back to your place.

And the cheap ass helmets they give you are worthless, so don't fool yourself into thinking you're safe because your helmet is on.


Carry on.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-26-2013 04:46 AM)trey Wrote:  

Just a quick PSA at this junction in this thread: the #1 cause of death in Thailand is motorcycle accidents. A while back I was on a Thailand thread on another forum enjoying/participating in stories like those here and all was well and good til it came out that one of the guys in the thread - 22 year old American guy - crashed his bike in Phuket on the way back from a night out drinking and died.

Just not worth it to hop on those things with beers in you. Pay the $2-6 tuk tuk/taxi with your girl back to your place.

And the cheap ass helmets they give you are worthless, so don't fool yourself into thinking you're safe because your helmet is on.


Carry on.

While I'm a scooter junkie, this is very wise advice. If you can at least avoid the bikes when you're wasted, please do.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Smashed a hot gal just now. Had to run some tight game. Lay report soon.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-25-2013 08:39 PM)TexasMade Wrote:  

Full moon tonight. From what i hear there are a shit load of russians, germans, and aussies. I dont know what else is out there but I am ready to grab and smash. I'll hit up the Thais when I get back to BKK. Game time.

Hey Guys,

If you are going to full moon when staying at Koh Samui, make sure you book a room in advance to stay at on the island for the night, those place tend to book out fast when FM parties are on, esp the cheap ones and you will need somewhere to bang your pickups and rest.

You do NOT want to be coming back from the island the party is on to Samui in the dark on a leaky boat , avoid this at all costs as its not safe.

Also watch out for the locals at the parties as large numbers come out to scam tourists in various ways, they love it.

Hope this helps.


Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Damn it sounds like all you guys have to do to get laid is show up and get them back to your place. Sounds like a poosy paradise.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

I'll be hitting up Bangkok later this year hopefully for about 4 weeks. This thread has definitely helped get me even more psyched.

Will you be heading North to Chiang Mai at all? Can I get a bit of advice as to whether or not I should spare a week or so up there from anyone?

Loving the updates

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-27-2013 12:03 AM)loki Wrote:  

Quote: (02-25-2013 08:39 PM)TexasMade Wrote:  

Full moon tonight. From what i hear there are a shit load of russians, germans, and aussies. I dont know what else is out there but I am ready to grab and smash. I'll hit up the Thais when I get back to BKK. Game time.

Hey Guys,

If you are going to full moon when staying at Koh Samui, make sure you book a room in advance to stay at on the island for the night, those place tend to book out fast when FM parties are on, esp the cheap ones and you will need somewhere to bang your pickups and rest.

You do NOT want to be coming back from the island the party is on to Samui in the dark on a leaky boat , avoid this at all costs as its not safe.

Also watch out for the locals at the parties as large numbers come out to scam tourists in various ways, they love it.

Hope this helps.


Im preppin a report right now. Dont know if i should put it in the game or travel. Overall the shit was cool. Great tip on the logistics side. Thats exactly what i will put on my report. The boats were all safe or at least the ones i saw. Didnt notice any Thais tryin to scam.

Shit was tough out there. Wasnt prepared at all. I wont let this happen to my forum brothers. Knowledge will be dropped.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-27-2013 01:57 AM)big poppa Wrote:  

I'll be hitting up Bangkok later this year hopefully for about 4 weeks. This thread has definitely helped get me even more psyched.

Will you be heading North to Chiang Mai at all? Can I get a bit of advice as to whether or not I should spare a week or so up there from anyone?

Loving the updates

I spent about three weeks up in Chiang Mai and its decent, but you could fully experience it in about 4-7 days. Although the night life isn't great, there's lots to do up there: train Muay Thai, zip lines, trekking, kayaking, fishing, cooking school, yoga/detox retreats, etc. The Chiang Mai night bazaar is really good and the city itself is quite nice and pleasant, for night life tips, do a forum search for Rionomad's Chiang Mai data sheet.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Went to K Village the other day to have some lunch. It's an upscale shopping development. I saw a cute little thing having wine at a nearby table. After a few shared smiles I approached and introduced myself and gave her my number. She texted me 15 minutes later asking me to join her and her sister doing something but I told her I was busy until later. Met up with Asaxon, Kdog, Science and THC at Asaxons hotel pool. We had some beers and then dinner and I got a text from her saying she was at a bar down the street. The boys wanted to go to khao San road for shisha and I had no interest so I went to meet the girl. I get there and she's with a cute friend. Both have tattoos on there shoulders, but are paying for their own drinks.i am skeptical of semiproness and am tired of that. I message another forum member in the area named Unique and he makes his way over. The girls want to go across the street to Levels which is filled with semi pros and pros and outnumbered by betas and p4p dbags. At this point I'm convinced my girl is in town visiting and doing some semi pro stuff on the side. I flat out ask her and she says no, she works in real estate in pattaya. Unique says more than likely she used to be a pro or semi pro and some dumbass fell in love with her and gave her a job. We are vibing hard and she is grinding and grabbing my dick and really all over me but then disappears for 10 mins at a time. I can't stand the place and while unique is doing a good job at being charming he is not doing a good job at helping me seperate these two. I am at the end of my patience and just say, "look in leaving, are you coming?" She looks up and is in conflict but says "no I have to stay with my friend, but we can see each other tomorrow". I look at her and say "I don't think so" and walk away. I'm irritated at wasting my time and buying 200 baht beers. Night ends.

Last night:

THC and I are having beers by my pool trying to decide what to do. He calls a girl he hasn't seen in months who is a normal girl and asks her what she's up to. She says she wants us to meet her at a place called Q bar which is a higher class crowd. We both want shisha so we hit 711 for our vodka and M150 mixers and drink on the steps next to some massage girls. We pick up some Valium and Xanax on our way to the bar and then order some shisha. The stuff is great. Qbar is definitely a higher class joint. Girls keep turning in their chairs to look at us. Those are big ioi's here. Our girls show up and mine is light skinned and looking hot. She is also acting like a complete frigid bitch. I try to get her to crack a smile to no avail. She doesn't mind smoking the shisha for more than her turn and ordering drinks and pushing the bill towards me. My hackles are rising since its 520 for both drinks. The shisha is 500, and while its great I'm now not having a hard time showing my displeasure at her attitude. I turn around and the girl 5 inches away at another table turns around and looks right at me. We exchange smiles and I slip her my number behind me. She texts me telling me I look very handsome but my phone is out of credit. I whatsapp THC and tell him to tell her ill text her soon. THC thinks I'm talking about the girl at my table but texts the number I send him saying so. My girl finally accuses me of being married or having a gf and is floored when I tell her I don't. She then says I'm lying. "I don't need to lie. I'm better than that." The mood shifts and she starts opening up a little. But the bitches order 2 more drinks and I join THC in the bathroom to reaccess the situation. I decide to go for it. While we are in the bathroom we also realize that THC has mistaken the other girls identity. in a moment of comical miscalculation he also sent the other girl a picture of the girl i'm currently with posing together. we laugh and agree it will make a funny obstacle to overcome but for now, eye on the prize and we go back out.I'm touching my girl now and whispering gibberish in her ear. She lets out an involuntary moan. We pay for their drinks and she is now giving me sips from her straw. We decide to go downstairs to the club area and its dead so we walk out.

In a moment of textbook isolation (pay attention Unique) THC just comes up and says, "I'm taking her with me, we will catch up with you later". My girl is standing there speechless and I say "don't worry lets go" we keep walking down soi 11 in the other direction and she wants to go into Bash. I temporarily lose my frame and walk in, 600 baht for us to walk in. I say "no" but now I look cheap and she is on her phone acting like she's looking to go home. I grab her hand and say "come in" and I take her across the street to asaxon's hotel. We walk in and I even get the attendant to use his key card to access the elevator to the pool. There is no one there and we start making out heavily. She is moaning and pulling away and I know I'm making her feel like a woman but she will not let me near the pussy.

This gives me an awful flashback.

I realize she has fake tits.

I realize ladyboys have fake tits.

I am now petrified that I'm making out with a ladyboy.

"Are you a ladyboy??"

She pauses. Yes.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! What???

I get up and start walking towards the elevator. She runs up and shows me her ID "miss".

A wave of relief washes over me but I act pissed that she tricked me. I use this as a way to take her home. She is calling her friend and her friend actually starts winging me because she wants to be with THC.

I get her back to my place for more last hour resistance before raw dogging the fuck out of her.

Most satisfying bang yet.

All facets of game were employed. Wingmanship, jealousy ploys, venue changes, agree and amplify, pictures, caveman, leading, ,constant reframing, the list goes on.

Another note, Thailand is not a poosey paradise when it comes to normal to high class girls. You can bang skanks all day or 6s on Thai friendly but the top tier girls have just as much attitude as western girls. Maybe more in some ways. Right now I am still more of a fan of the DR but I've only been here 2 weeks and need to infiltrate more.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

haha Close call Fisto, glad you didnt choke an adams apple again [Image: biggrin.gif] good job

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

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