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Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto, why do you like the DR more? Higher end girls easier to access/better attitudes? Cultural? General energy/feel of DR girls vs. thais?

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Menace, It's hard to say. I was able to recognize my appeal to the dominicanas much quicker than here. Thai girls are very easily intimidated and if you're a good looking white guy they don't know how to react so their default setting is "aloof". In the DR they are aggressive and want to earn your attention while Thai girls are at a loss on how to proceed. DR girls also are much less used to seeing a white man. Here I feel like I'm hanging out in fucking Irvine California. Not to worry though, I will crack the upper tier Thai girl psychology and vanquish them. The soi cowboy girls act like dominicanas, if they are falling over themselves then the other girls are simply more reserved. I remember last night after I banged this girl she was flipping out about whether I was safe or not (good question!) but I just made a bicep flex and said "look at this, I'm as strong as a bull" she grabbed it and fluttered back like a school girl. This place has a lot of potential. These chicks are just more subtle.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Dealing with middle class and high class "Hi-so" girls are totally different than semi-pros or even non pros that hang out on soi 11 and fuck lots of farang.

They will take more time and comfort to bang. They will have a bit more attitude and generally be suspicious of your intentions. What you get in return after you bang them is worth the reward though. You will find the sweetest most feminine girl who will want nothing more than to please you. A girl who will make it her job to be your care taker in every way.

Middle class and hi-so thai girls are perfect for mini relationships and harems. It took me over a year to figure it out but I found having 3 or 4 girls who stayed the night with me once a week was perfect. Each girl knew that they had a certain night, so Mae was every monday night, Jeab was tuesday night, etc... I would explain that my work only allowed me time that one night per week to hang out with them and not to bother me any other night.

That would allow for me to have several nights a week to go out and find new prospects. Anything more than once a week and the girls attachment level will get to high. Always use work as an excuse for everything and play up how much you have to work. They can't say much too that because they don't have a fucking clue. Also try not to go and do things with them very much. It should only be "hey come over at 11pm and stay the night with me". The more shit you do with them the more they get attached. If you want to go do shit then do it with your guy friends.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

I don't always shore hookers, but when I do, they cancel on their paying customers.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

@Fisto- I think I met this girl from pattaya who works in real estate. She came with her "half-sister". She partied at levels, and I picked her up at Mixx afterhours.

She was darker but nice rack and ass. Her "half-sister" was much much lighter.

She wouldnt suck my dick for fear of "diseases". I did bang tho.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Dvy I picked up these hot girls and tried to isolate by asking them to street food but they weren't complete skanks so I asked them to 711 for milk and they were so completely baffled by my milk close that I tricked them to my room. Also the only word I know in Thai means 100 and that's how I negotiate.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-27-2013 03:18 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

I don't always shore hookers, but when I do, they cancel on their paying customers.

If I ever go to Thailand, I will be angry with myself if I don't shore 30,000 hookys my first night.

Good work Fisto. Keep it rolling.

Side note:

I have been hitting the Sledge. Thanks for the inspiration (along with CF a while back).

You ever use TRX?

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Hahah, negotiate what?

What have you gotten yourself into....

Did they tell you family buffalo died????

Quote: (02-27-2013 08:11 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Dvy I picked up these hot girls and tried to isolate by asking them to street food but they weren't complete skanks so I asked them to 711 for milk and they were so completely baffled by my milk close that I tricked them to my room. Also the only word I know in Thai means 100 and that's how I negotiate.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Was on a date with a girl that told me the craziest "only in Thailand" story I've heard so far. She works at a hotel/guest house.

A man and his 15 year old son from Denmark would sometimes stay at the hotel before they ended up living in BKK. She would talk with them to practice her English when she found out about their story later on.
One day the Dad takes his 15 year old to Nana plaza. Son apparently meets a ladyboy there and takes a liking to him/her. Next thing that happens ladyboy (25) and boy are now boyfriend/girlfriend. She even showed me on his Facebook and the profile picture is of the two of them hugging each other with status as "xxx is in a relationship with xxx." WTF.
I asked her what the ladyboy does for work and she said she works at a massage place somewhere. The parents are apparently pissed. Only in Thailand.

As per the date I bounced her to Nest which she loved (but only took about 2 sips of her drink... hmmph) and then got her to my room one floor down. "Is it far?" "About 20 steps.." She then wants to sleep at Midnight and won't even kiss me, going as far as wrapping herself up in a cocoon of blankets so I can't touch her. I tell her she isn't sleeping here and kick her out. Next day she texted me a very lovey dovey message, I think kind of realizing she fucked up. I'm only here for 4 more days I don't have time for bullshit...

Another date and the girl's English is bad. She isn't asking any questions and half the things I say she gives me a confused scrunched up face even though I am dumbing-down my English. To me, it felt worse than a bad first date. I told her I liked her but I am finding it difficult talking to her so I don't think we're a good match. I think she actually got a little teary-eyed. She hadn't ever dated a foreigner before.

Currently [Home]

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Last night was a good night. Totally makes up for the Thai SIF I just had leave. She did not pass the boner test, and I even tried.

Last night was good. Started out as per usual pre gaming activities with vodka and m 150s. More memories of things we had forgotten bubbled to the surface. Like I was doing front handsprings in the children's playground whilst drunk.
Met up with Kdog and THC at the same Qbar venue as last night where we smoked shisha and drank. Had two hiso chicks sitting across from us and we did not approach like we should have. They left before we could initiate and that was a good reminder about execution. Luckily when we went to the club downstairs I saw them again and I chatted one up briefly and gave her my number. She then started being all over me while her two cunt friends would not even look in my direction. Girls were eyefucking the hell out of me and I decided to while I was dancing to keep it pg with a few hot little things nearby because I really wanted the one girl. When I went to say goodbye she took my phone, plugged her name in and even put Qbar next to it and then pulled me to her for a peck on the lips.

THC and I decided to experiment with the entrance to insanity by going in the entrance from the adjoining restaurant V8 so we paid a tuk tuk to take us to a nearby food joint.

While there we met 3 girls. Two cute and one enourmously fat. We chatted them up since they were at the table next to us when these douchy French dudes sat down with their girls. Their girls were immediately talking to us and the French guys were saying "don't talk to them! Don't talk to them!" And because they're idiots they were saying it in French, which the chicks obviously don't speak. THC does however speak French and made these two guys look stupid by telling them that, also in French. These guys drug the girls away.

Almost the same thing happened with a Thai guy and 2 girls that were making rude comments to us and THC told them in Thai "I understand everything you're saying".


We walked in the restaurant entrance for free and hi fived our genius before scoping the place out. Again girls were all over us. I had one pro tell me that if she didn't need money very badly shed go home with me for free.

Because I'm sick of shoring I went back to the girls we met outside who were definitely NOT pros or semi pros. My girl had a cute little body and fake tits. When I tried to touch her ass or tits she admonished me angrily. I agreed and amplified and the reframed it as her being cute when she is angry. We met them outside at v8 . THC and I should be nominated for Grammy in acting. While I was waiting on THC I said to the fat girl "I bet I can pick you up" both girls said "no you can't". I handed them my camera phone and lifted her giant ass off the ground. She was so happy to be picked up and my girl was clapping. They both asked if THC was a good guy and I said "one of the best". He comes back and I'm going to have to let him tell you the monologue he let out. I actually had to turn and sip my beer a few times to keep from laughing "I'm not a farang! I'm a person just like you. I might not be Thai but I try to do things the Thai way! It hurts my feelings when I get labeled! I'm THC!"
We both had to run the "I don't want sex I just want you to be near me." Routine. I talked about wrapping her in my arms and making her feel safe. Really pouring on the visual. Once I got her home it was LMR time again. I was cave manning her and she reached up and raked her nails down both sides of my neck. I looked deep in her eyes as I'd she didn't wound my neck but my heart and then I affected the young and the restless lookaway as I slowly got off her and say at the edge of my bed. It was priceless how she threw herself on me and hugged me and apologized and then timidly let me lay her down again and bang the hell out of her.

Have plans to meet the girl I slipped a number to tomorrow afternoon.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto, you need a blog man

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Pages and pages of fun stories to read here. If you are sick of semi pros you should avoid Qbar though. It and the other Soi 11 clubs like Levels and Bedsupper club rank higher than places like Spicy and Insomnia, but not by much. The girls there usually position themselves as higher end freelancers to cater to a different market - younger farang men with some cash. They probably don't desperately need the money as much as their counterparts in Insomnia who are willing to go with fat balding British retirees, and might be after the fun itself as well as extra dough to spend on their iphones. Mostly that and throw in a few farang hunters. Make no mistake though, these places aren't where normal mainstream girls go to.

Also any of you guys have experience with Gentlemen clubs? Different vibe and I never had dough to spare, maybe some forum members can be pioneers here. There's one called st moritz conveniently in Soi 11.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-28-2013 06:18 PM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Also any of you guys have experience with Gentlemen clubs? Different vibe and I never had dough to spare, maybe some forum members can be pioneers here. There's one called st moritz conveniently in Soi 11.

Does St Moritz require something like a 30,000 baht "membership fee"? If it's the place I'm thinking of I really didn't understand their business model/pricing structure compared to a typical go-go bar.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-28-2013 06:26 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2013 06:18 PM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Also any of you guys have experience with Gentlemen clubs? Different vibe and I never had dough to spare, maybe some forum members can be pioneers here. There's one called st moritz conveniently in Soi 11.

Does St Moritz require something like a 30,000 baht "membership fee"? If it's the place I'm thinking of I really didn't understand their business model/pricing structure compared to a typical go-go bar.

Not familiar with it, but I'd venture the business model is to keep out the riffraff and serve a more discerning, moneyed clientele. I imagine it's very lucrative.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-28-2013 06:26 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2013 06:18 PM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Also any of you guys have experience with Gentlemen clubs? Different vibe and I never had dough to spare, maybe some forum members can be pioneers here. There's one called st moritz conveniently in Soi 11.

Does St Moritz require something like a 30,000 baht "membership fee"? If it's the place I'm thinking of I really didn't understand their business model/pricing structure compared to a typical go-go bar.

Not sure about specific places, but yes these gent clubs have 10k-30k membership fees that come with about 10 -15 bottles of Johnny Black and access to their monthly special events. However, you CAN enter as a non-member, but the drink prices will be more expensive. Their angle is to make you become a member so that it'll be cheaper for you and you keep coming back. So guys usually check a variety of clubs out and become a member of their favorite.

There are different types of girls that will entertain you, called pr, coyote, model etc. Dancers there can earn 100,000 or even higher 6 figures a month. There's a stage with a main show, and you can call girls to come sit with you and show you a good time at the lounges. There is no short time bar fine so you'll have to use "game" on them. A lot of the girls are middle class uni students looking to make an extra buck, not farmers like in Go-Go bars. The majority of these places aren't on Sukhumvit though. You'd have to go to Ratchada, Kaset Nawamin, aka out of farangland.

I used to think the guys who do the majority of their "game" in G-clubs don't have the balls to approach girls in places like Thonglor, so they compensate by throwing around cash. But hey, if time is more important than money to them and they want to sit and let the hot girls come to them, then more power to these folks.

You can find some vids of the parties inside these clubs on youtube.


Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Wow, this is getting more and more fun to read as the days go by. Yo Fisto, I totally agree that you definitely do need to have a blog with your crazy stories. Seriously man! Keep'em coming those juicy and fun stories Fisto and crew in BKK. [Image: banana.gif]
Oh and when I was living there, Q Bar had models night every Wednesday night. Do they still have those nowadays?

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-28-2013 06:18 PM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Also any of you guys have experience with Gentlemen clubs? Different vibe and I never had dough to spare, maybe some forum members can be pioneers here. There's one called st moritz conveniently in Soi 11.

I've been quite a bit. Many of my Thai buddies are members at several around town although most guys have 1-2 they frequent regularly, often calling the same girl...

Quote: (02-28-2013 08:12 PM)the_conductor Wrote:  

I used to think the guys who do the majority of their "game" in G-clubs don't have the balls to approach girls in places like Thonglor, so they compensate by throwing around cash. But hey, if time is more important than money to them and they want to sit and let the hot girls come to them, then more power to these folks.

...and this is pretty accurate. The customers are rarely under 30, and are usually poor-game career/biz oriented people. They come for a few hours of drinking and flirting, and the girls are excellent providers of that service. It's pretty rare to see any post-closing time arrangements be made, but you will see guys disappear to VIP rooms for a bit with their girl sometimes, but it's not expected to be on offer from the girls.

The girls can be hot, but the right nightspots blow them out of the water in terms of quantity of quality. Also they're expensive, you'll spend more in one night in a Gclub (paying girls to flirt..) than you would on a couple of normal nights out.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Quote: (02-28-2013 09:19 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Oh and when I was living there, Q Bar had models night every Wednesday night. Do they still have those nowadays?

Wednesday at QBar is "Ladies Night" until 12PM where girls get 2 drinks free.
It's basically become a gathering point for all the FL in the area to go to before hitting up Levels after.
Wed has the highest "creepy old man" factor than any day of the week that I've seen at QBar.

Currently [Home]

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Blackout drunk. Banged another girl. Went off the beaten path solo. No idea where. Crazy crazy night. Started out with me and THC drinking in my pool. We bought my guard and his buddies beers and started doing shots with them. Then some older ladies and their cute daughter were eating by the pool and fed us shrimp and squid and other stuff by hand. That's about all I remember as THC had to meet a girl and I hit the town.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Also talked with THC at length, we're going to collaborate on a few things but I think I am going to start a blog. Seems like the next step in this crazy thing.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Banged another girl today. Kicked her out after drama. Guys I don't know when I'll have time for details. All I know is I was somehow able to train after shots of some disgusting Thai whiskey and now I'm with THC and his rich gf. Probably gonna double up.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

I'm amazed howyou several times now manage to stair up drama right AFTER sex. If anything that's just the time when women are at their most docile.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

the drama starts after sex because they want money

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

That's not drama, that's a business negotiation haha.

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Think I am headed to Leapfrog tonight for some salsa dancing. Have you guys been?

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

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