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Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

[Image: attachment.jpg6888]   

A real CS white knight?

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

As usual, the women doing the most complaining are the ones that have nothing to worry about. Don't worry ladies, if we want to use your couch, it will only be to check for loose change.

Have a look at the most concerned:

[Image: 12011624_l_07085cc323a9fc818413e3f25a8eb0b8.jpg]

[Image: 5778410_l_ed1f8b4e43d674e2e1f62dd0f971385c.jpg]

[Image: 3996514_l_48db9cc9937c56192c7b79e17ea50289.jpg]

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!


Roosh' writing also sounds like bragging. Who knows, in real life [b]he might come across like a real charmer. We also don't know if the ladies were not looking for the same. But using CS for dating is much more reality than is politically correct to admit.

I think what pisses them off most is that there is absolutely no defense or countermeasure to what we do. Girls will always like men they are attracted to. Even when girls know my pickup line is a lie, they will still bang me if they feel there is chemistry. Plus only a tiny percentage of CSers participate in groups.

They can delete all our CS accounts and we can easily get new ones. We're like a latent virus that can't be totally eradicated.

[Image: banana.gif]

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 09:08 AM)houston Wrote:  

How are we racist?

Because we have race preferences when it comes to dating. Since you are not attracted to Asian, white, and black women the same, you're a racist. They feel justified in saying that because even though they banged 99% white guys, the one brother they test drove shows they believe in diversity.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 09:08 AM)houston Wrote:  

How are we racist?

Probably because I hate white chicks.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

I'm thinking about making a second profile just so I can crash the discussion on some of these groups. The one guy in that forum named Ryan posting seems to have some red pill knowledge(maybe he should be invited to the forum). He drops this gem to a woman with a child-like naivete:


I really do want to avoid getting drawn further in to this discussion, but let me try to at least quickly address a couple points and I'll also try to sum up the position of the men from that site.

I would LOVE if people could be open and straightforward about wanting sex, and enjoy it openly without neuroses and bullshit and deception. But it's just not the way the world works. As I mentioned earlier, women go through the pretense for psychological and social reasons, men do it out of practical necessity.
It's very easy for women to find sex if they want it. I'm not saying it's easy for women necessarily to find everything they want- guys who are emotionally available, commitment, and ideal family life, profound and spiritual intimacy, someone attractive and charming enough that all your friends approve... all that stuff can be hard to come by. But if all you're looking for is sex, as a woman you can have as much as you want. Guys can't.
I don't like Jim Jeffries that much but he does sum this up quite succinctly:

The guys who do figure out how to have sex with lots of women, aside from those who do so in SE Asia where any idiot can, have "game." Most of them don't think of it as deception. They think of it as knowing how to talk to a woman. It's not necessarily lying... because you can take a lot of different approaches to reaching the same goal and it's fine to be honest. You just have to be very careful about what *exactly* you say and do and how you present yourself.
The thinking is this: guys want sex. Women want sex. So there's nothing wrong with making it happen. But the guys who are good at making this happen understand that for a woman... if they are actually aware that someone is trying to make it happen, this is a big turn-off. Look at this thread. They see it as "creepy," "disgusting," hell... even as rape.
Women want sex but they want it to be spontaneous and unplanned, some of them want romance, some of them want some sort of emotional intimacy or connection because they are unable to enjoy sex without feeling bad about it afterward if they don't have this. So for these reasons it's important to make it seem like the situation evolved organically.

Now it was suggested that if guys want sex they should just come out and say it. Yeah... that doesn't work. Any idiot knows that. Close to 100% of the time that won't work. MAYBE if you have some strange angle... like inviting a girl to join a threeway for example... you might get bites 0.1% of the time. In Europe it could be more. European girls have a reputation for being more open-minded about this sort of frankness but I think all over the world, it at the very least diminishes your chances.
So why go the honesty route if you know that upwards of 90% of the time this is the EXACT WRONG thing to do?
You know that the woman you are speaking with probably enjoys sex. You know that if you end up having sex with her, there is a good chance that you will both enjoy it. And you know that if you just come out and ask for it, she will be repulsed and you will have just ruined ANY chance you EVER had of making it happen. This is why men aren't "honest" about it.
If men were truly honest about it all the time, unless they were famous, or extraordinarily attractive, or wealthy, or just incredibly charismatic and convincing... most likely they would be very sexually unfulfilled. As I pointed out... men's behavior is shaped by reward and punishment. Just like all animals. Men behave the way they do because of nature and because of the way women respond to their behavior. If women rewarded honesty with sex, men would be honest I guarantee it. But they don't.
If you go to one of those adult hook-up sites like AdultFriendFinder, you will find that the ratio of men to women is literally 10:1. If you filter out all the obviously fake profiles, inactive profiles, and profiles of girls claiming to be lesbians (usually men trying to get girls to send naked pictures), then the ratio drops to about 100:1. and then if you focus only on profiles of women whom are genuinely attractive, it drops to about 1000:1.
A man on these sites who tries messaging women will often never get a response. They can hang out in chat rooms there, but the women in the chat rooms are usually not what most men would find attractive. This is not a good option.

Now as to using CouchSurfing... as others have mentioned... men will use anything. Men who are good at meeting women have learned to never pass up any opportunity. The sensitive nice guys who do pass on opportunities end up sexually frustrated and cursing themselves daily for not taking advantage of the situation when it presents itself, angry at those guys who have more success with women because they are a little more aggressive, and often angry at the women who always say they want a sensitive nice guy but always end up sleeping with the "jerks." I know, I have been the sensitive nice guy before. I still am, to a certain extent. I can play up that aspect of my personality sometimes to make it easier for me to talk to women, in ways that I could not back when it was really more dominant than it is now.

So why CS? Really... to the men.. it's more like why not? ANY place that men and women interact with each other can be a chance to meet, and any meeting can potentially lead to sexual activity. As the guys on that site mention, CS *can* be good because of the fact that women want sex to evolve naturally and organically. If you meet a woman on a dating site, she is going to have her guard up. If you meet her somewhere else, she will be more relaxed. Though, if you read the posts there are as many guys commenting that CS is a bad place to meet women as there are those who claim it's a good place.
Ultimately, it's just the fact that there are women. Guys want to meet girls. They will take advantage of any opportunity they have to do so. Most women don't have to bother with this. They are used to men approaching them all the time, everywhere they go. Men are forced to take the initiative if they don't want to remain virgins their whole lives. They are forced to look for new and novel ways to meet women, because if too many guys have tried the same approach before, then it's not likely to work.

That's all it is. Nothing really insidious about it, IMO, just guys trying to have sex who understand the reality of male-female relationship dynamics. They're not trying to take advantage of anyone. They're trying to have sex, which could, and should, be enjoyable.

Some of these women are even dropping the "R" word. Equating what some of us are doing with RAPE!! Wow, just fucking wow...

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 11:14 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Some of these women are even dropping the "R" word. Equating what some of us are doing with RAPE!! Wow, just fucking wow...

Yes, it is very similar to rape. Almost as similar to rape as it is to pink Easter bunnies.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 10:49 AM)Menace Wrote:  

As usual, the women doing the most complaining are the ones that have nothing to worry about. Don't worry ladies, if we want to use your couch, it will only be to check for loose change.

Have a look at the most concerned:

[Image: 12011624_l_07085cc323a9fc818413e3f25a8eb0b8.jpg]

[Image: 5778410_l_ed1f8b4e43d674e2e1f62dd0f971385c.jpg]

[Image: 3996514_l_48db9cc9937c56192c7b79e17ea50289.jpg]

Yeah, funny how you never see the ones that look like this doing all the whining in the forums:

[Image: 13661287_l_258c119f612619abef7d2b29115744d2.jpg]

I guess the prettiest women know they will have guys throwing free shit their way everywhere they go and just enjoy the attention without getting bitter. I'm still waiting to encounter an angry feminist that looks like that.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Screw these people! I'm creating a CS profile right now and see if something happens.I'm going to follow Roosh's strategy.

However, I won't be surfing or hosting.I'm just going to be messaging girls in the city I'm moving to in a couple of weeks asking them to hang out for coffee and take it from there.

Any thoughts? Obviously,I'll have to work on my profile with good pics and maps and seem like a legit new couchsurfer.

My question for the guys using CS is are these women going to be down to meet with someone who isn't traveling through the city but has actually moved to the city and wants to make new friends? (My excuse to meet up of course).


Feel the fear..then do it anyway.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Here's the fun part (and I know their reading). I have a couch surfing profile, and will stay in these bishes places. I'll use their couches to fuck other women and raid the fridge afterwards, and bust nut on the coffee table. Might even tell them who I am, and surf the forum while the watch.

Can't wait to see the review:

OMG! Ali-b stayed at my place last night and it was horrible. He came in at 3 a.m. with some skank from the club. They made noise, slammed the door, ate my food, and fornicated all over the kitchen, couch, and my dog. The more I yelled at him to stop the harder he fucked his date. I went back to my bedroom and cried. Later I caught him rubbing his ass crack on every doorknob in the house. I think he should be banned from couch surfing.

It's on bishes. The was has begun!!!!!

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Oh it's pretty much a given that a Brasilian girl, specially a Carioca and even more so if she has tattoes that she gives the bunda right away. Oh and tattoes like that are a dead give away that she's or was a garota de programa (P4P)...Hey Luciana, espero q vc nao "trabalha" na Vila Mimosa hein mocinha? rsrsrs...

I'm sure she will enjoy that one...[Image: wink.gif]

Quote: (07-17-2012 07:23 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2012 03:46 PM)Icarus Wrote:  

Luciana is super fucking pissed at us (especially at me for linking to her photo) for commenting on her photo. She is quite literally hysterical.

Are you kidding me? That's fake outrage. She has to show that she is pissed. Look at this ass:

That looks like an ass that has had a lot of dick. I wouldn't be surprised if she has given anal to half the guys she has hosted from CS. She is loving the attention. She's probably wet right now reading this.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!


There's a CS group called Funny Negative References, and an Indian "nice guy" started a thread on the Danish chick who gave Roosh a neg ref:

writes books on how to bang (fuck) women

Some comments from that thread:


Although I think he is a total tool in regards to what he does via CSing and his simplistic view of alpha vs. beta (as I explained else where) is lame, I did read his blog and a lot of what he has to say about American women (vs. Eastern European women (or Asian, Indian or Middle eastern, etc.)) is totally spot on.


Did you read the website/forum of this guy, who seems to be a relatively famous male chauvinist? He's like an alpha male with a lot of fans waiting for news advices, selling books describing his sexual success around the world.


This guy seems like some sort of Danish version of Tucker Max.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 11:14 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I'm thinking about making a second profile just so I can crash the discussion on some of these groups. The one guy in that forum named Ryan posting seems to have some red pill knowledge(maybe he should be invited to the forum). He drops this gem to a woman with a child-like naivete:


I really do want to avoid getting drawn further in to this discussion, but let me try to at least quickly address a couple points and I'll also try to sum up the position of the men from that site.

I would LOVE if people could be open and straightforward about wanting sex, and enjoy it openly without neuroses and bullshit and deception. But it's just not the way the world works. As I mentioned earlier, women go through the pretense for psychological and social reasons, men do it out of practical necessity.
It's very easy for women to find sex if they want it. I'm not saying it's easy for women necessarily to find everything they want- guys who are emotionally available, commitment, and ideal family life, profound and spiritual intimacy, someone attractive and charming enough that all your friends approve... all that stuff can be hard to come by. But if all you're looking for is sex, as a woman you can have as much as you want. Guys can't.
I don't like Jim Jeffries that much but he does sum this up quite succinctly:

The guys who do figure out how to have sex with lots of women, aside from those who do so in SE Asia where any idiot can, have "game." Most of them don't think of it as deception. They think of it as knowing how to talk to a woman. It's not necessarily lying... because you can take a lot of different approaches to reaching the same goal and it's fine to be honest. You just have to be very careful about what *exactly* you say and do and how you present yourself.
The thinking is this: guys want sex. Women want sex. So there's nothing wrong with making it happen. But the guys who are good at making this happen understand that for a woman... if they are actually aware that someone is trying to make it happen, this is a big turn-off. Look at this thread. They see it as "creepy," "disgusting," hell... even as rape.
Women want sex but they want it to be spontaneous and unplanned, some of them want romance, some of them want some sort of emotional intimacy or connection because they are unable to enjoy sex without feeling bad about it afterward if they don't have this. So for these reasons it's important to make it seem like the situation evolved organically.

Now it was suggested that if guys want sex they should just come out and say it. Yeah... that doesn't work. Any idiot knows that. Close to 100% of the time that won't work. MAYBE if you have some strange angle... like inviting a girl to join a threeway for example... you might get bites 0.1% of the time. In Europe it could be more. European girls have a reputation for being more open-minded about this sort of frankness but I think all over the world, it at the very least diminishes your chances.
So why go the honesty route if you know that upwards of 90% of the time this is the EXACT WRONG thing to do?
You know that the woman you are speaking with probably enjoys sex. You know that if you end up having sex with her, there is a good chance that you will both enjoy it. And you know that if you just come out and ask for it, she will be repulsed and you will have just ruined ANY chance you EVER had of making it happen. This is why men aren't "honest" about it.
If men were truly honest about it all the time, unless they were famous, or extraordinarily attractive, or wealthy, or just incredibly charismatic and convincing... most likely they would be very sexually unfulfilled. As I pointed out... men's behavior is shaped by reward and punishment. Just like all animals. Men behave the way they do because of nature and because of the way women respond to their behavior. If women rewarded honesty with sex, men would be honest I guarantee it. But they don't.
If you go to one of those adult hook-up sites like AdultFriendFinder, you will find that the ratio of men to women is literally 10:1. If you filter out all the obviously fake profiles, inactive profiles, and profiles of girls claiming to be lesbians (usually men trying to get girls to send naked pictures), then the ratio drops to about 100:1. and then if you focus only on profiles of women whom are genuinely attractive, it drops to about 1000:1.
A man on these sites who tries messaging women will often never get a response. They can hang out in chat rooms there, but the women in the chat rooms are usually not what most men would find attractive. This is not a good option.

Now as to using CouchSurfing... as others have mentioned... men will use anything. Men who are good at meeting women have learned to never pass up any opportunity. The sensitive nice guys who do pass on opportunities end up sexually frustrated and cursing themselves daily for not taking advantage of the situation when it presents itself, angry at those guys who have more success with women because they are a little more aggressive, and often angry at the women who always say they want a sensitive nice guy but always end up sleeping with the "jerks." I know, I have been the sensitive nice guy before. I still am, to a certain extent. I can play up that aspect of my personality sometimes to make it easier for me to talk to women, in ways that I could not back when it was really more dominant than it is now.

So why CS? Really... to the men.. it's more like why not? ANY place that men and women interact with each other can be a chance to meet, and any meeting can potentially lead to sexual activity. As the guys on that site mention, CS *can* be good because of the fact that women want sex to evolve naturally and organically. If you meet a woman on a dating site, she is going to have her guard up. If you meet her somewhere else, she will be more relaxed. Though, if you read the posts there are as many guys commenting that CS is a bad place to meet women as there are those who claim it's a good place.
Ultimately, it's just the fact that there are women. Guys want to meet girls. They will take advantage of any opportunity they have to do so. Most women don't have to bother with this. They are used to men approaching them all the time, everywhere they go. Men are forced to take the initiative if they don't want to remain virgins their whole lives. They are forced to look for new and novel ways to meet women, because if too many guys have tried the same approach before, then it's not likely to work.

That's all it is. Nothing really insidious about it, IMO, just guys trying to have sex who understand the reality of male-female relationship dynamics. They're not trying to take advantage of anyone. They're trying to have sex, which could, and should, be enjoyable.

Some of these women are even dropping the "R" word. Equating what some of us are doing with RAPE!! Wow, just fucking wow...

We need to give this CS guy a medal and invite him to the forum. he's right on some many points.

It's always the ugly girls who are complaining. The ones that don't get attention. They should except the fact that they are a failure as a woman. They are highly unattractive and bitter in life since they see that guys are not looking at them (anymore)

On the other hand, if we drive this up too much and start trolling their forums, they might have their guards so high up that not one of us is getting laid of CS anymore. That would be like throwing stones through your own windows.

Let's beat them with reason not foul language.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Just saw another thread on that CS Independent woman forum:


Generally when I write requests, I send 3 to men and 3 to women. I make each one personal. I have been CSing for the last four months straight and overwhelmingly I have gotten only positive replies from men. This is fine, I like men. But I would like to stay with more women too. Is there something in my profile that is turning off women? I generally don't even get replies from them-- just silence. It is somewhat hurtful, frankly. But maybe it's just chance, I guess. Lots of bad luck that looks like a pattern. I have been hosted by a few women and they have been fantastic but not as many as I'd like.

Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas as to why this might be?

So this woman is complaining that women never respond to her couch requests. The other women in the thread echo the same experience requesting couches from women. This is something I hear from female couchsurfers ALL THE TIME. That the women on CS are flakey as hell and rarely respond EVEN TO OTHER WOMEN.

It's all hilarious to me. Women complain that too many men on the site are "creepers" looking for sex. So it would seem the solution is for more women to step up and start hosting other women, right? Well women don't want to be bothered with it. They just want to be able to surf on other people's couches when it's their time to travel the world for free. They take, but don't want to give anything back.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 01:13 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Let's beat them with reason not foul language.

Neil, we're talking about women here. Reason will not work. If they were not convinced by that guy, who was spot on and presumably a friendly source to them, you think some kind of logical argument from us is going to do it? Look at how one of them totally twisted his words around, so that even he pretty much gave up. For them to listen to reason is to question their very identify and value, which they will never do except under penalty of torture (maybe).

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Speak, does the girl who wrote that look butch? Pic?

I remember meeting up with two sisters in Greece on an island and all three of us were looking for a place to stay. I found an entire house with an ocean view for about 80 dollars a night. They went crazy over that kind of cash and searched all day for a better deal. Speakeasy nailed it. If some dude isn't paying for it the next choice is to crash at some dudes house they don't know for free. If it wasn't for the element of some pussy get tossed around couch surfing wouldn't even exist.

If the site was all dudes it would only be gay and the same if it's all chicks. I'll tell you. No way I'm letting some pain in the ass cheapskate girl crash at my place unless ass is involved. So you want to learn about my culture you say? My culture is getting laid. Let me show you how that works here.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 01:42 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Speak, does the girl who wrote that look butch? Pic?

She looks normal:

[Image: 12011086_l_22c0407f39e089e654124731e43b459e.jpg]

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

So this woman is complaining that women never respond to her couch requests. This is something I hear from female couchsurfers ALL THE TIME. That the women on CS are flakey as hell and rarely respond EVEN TO OTHER WOMEN.

It's all hilarious to me. Women complain that men on the site are looking for sex. So it would seem the solution is for more women to start hosting women, right? Well women don't want to be bothered hosting. They just want to be able to surf on other people's couches when it's their time to travel the world for free. They take, but don't want to give anything back.

There's another possible answer. Maybe the women are not responding to her because they are actually hoping to meet some guys off the site? GASP. That can't be true. We know that all the women on CS are avowed virgins or only have sex within marriage.. lol

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 01:48 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

There's another possible answer. Maybe the women are not responding to her because they are actually hoping to meet some guys off the site? GASP. That can't be true. We know that all the women on CS are avowed virgins or only have sex within marriage.. lol

This. Let's be real here. Guys are going to want hot foreign chicks to come stay at their apartment, and girls are going to want handsome foreign men to come stay at theirs. It's human nature, not rape lol.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 01:42 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Speak, does the girl who wrote that look butch? Pic?

I remember meeting up with two sisters in Greece on an island and all three of us were looking for a place to stay. I found an entire house with an ocean view for about 80 dollars a night. They went crazy over that kind of cash and searched all day for a better deal. Speakeasy nailed it. If some dude isn't paying for it the next choice is to crash at some dudes house they don't know for free. If it wasn't for the element of some pussy get tossed around couch surfing wouldn't even exist.

If the site was all dudes it would only be gay and the same if it's all chicks. I'll tell you. No way I'm letting some pain in the ass cheapskate girl crash at my place unless ass is involved. So you want to learn about my culture you say? My culture is getting laid. Let me show you how that works here.

Yup. If they changed the site so that men could only host other men and women only only women, the majority of guys on there would move on to some other site and couchsurfing would go belly up.

So let them lament the creepers all they want, but the lure of getting laid is the reason these women can take round the world trips while paying nothing for it. So they should be careful what they ask for. Because their fellow CS sisters sure as hell wouldn't be stepping in to take up slack if the men disappeared.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 10:49 AM)Menace Wrote:  

As usual, the women doing the most complaining are the ones that have nothing to worry about. Don't worry ladies, if we want to use your couch, it will only be to check for loose change.

Have a look at the most concerned:

[Image: 12011624_l_07085cc323a9fc818413e3f25a8eb0b8.jpg]

[Image: 5778410_l_ed1f8b4e43d674e2e1f62dd0f971385c.jpg]

[Image: 3996514_l_48db9cc9937c56192c7b79e17ea50289.jpg]

I'd smash the first one but the other two are mutts.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Judging by this picture, Luciana looks to have had a fun time with Roosh and other friends.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Packin some azz as well.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Just saw another thread on that CS Independent woman forum:


Generally when I write requests, I send 3 to men and 3 to women. I make each one personal. I have been CSing for the last four months straight and overwhelmingly I have gotten only positive replies from men. This is fine, I like men. But I would like to stay with more women too. Is there something in my profile that is turning off women? I generally don't even get replies from them-- just silence. It is somewhat hurtful, frankly. But maybe it's just chance, I guess. Lots of bad luck that looks like a pattern. I have been hosted by a few women and they have been fantastic but not as many as I'd like.

Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas as to why this might be?

So this woman is complaining that women never respond to her couch requests. The other women in the thread echo the same experience requesting couches from women. This is something I hear from female couchsurfers ALL THE TIME. That the women on CS are flakey as hell and rarely respond EVEN TO OTHER WOMEN.

It's all hilarious to me. Women complain that too many men on the site are "creepers" looking for sex. So it would seem the solution is for more women to step up and start hosting other women, right? Well women don't want to be bothered with it. They just want to be able to surf on other people's couches when it's their time to travel the world for free. They take, but don't want to give anything back.

Wow... pretty much nails it. The only reason CS exists is because of sexual incentives. Fascinating.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Couchsurfing red alert!!!!!

Quote: (07-18-2012 02:42 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-18-2012 01:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Just saw another thread on that CS Independent woman forum:


Generally when I write requests, I send 3 to men and 3 to women. I make each one personal. I have been CSing for the last four months straight and overwhelmingly I have gotten only positive replies from men. This is fine, I like men. But I would like to stay with more women too. Is there something in my profile that is turning off women? I generally don't even get replies from them-- just silence. It is somewhat hurtful, frankly. But maybe it's just chance, I guess. Lots of bad luck that looks like a pattern. I have been hosted by a few women and they have been fantastic but not as many as I'd like.

Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas as to why this might be?

So this woman is complaining that women never respond to her couch requests. The other women in the thread echo the same experience requesting couches from women. This is something I hear from female couchsurfers ALL THE TIME. That the women on CS are flakey as hell and rarely respond EVEN TO OTHER WOMEN.

It's all hilarious to me. Women complain that too many men on the site are "creepers" looking for sex. So it would seem the solution is for more women to step up and start hosting other women, right? Well women don't want to be bothered with it. They just want to be able to surf on other people's couches when it's their time to travel the world for free. They take, but don't want to give anything back.

Wow... pretty much nails it. The only reason CS exists is because of sexual incentives. Fascinating.
Funny isn't it. The couchsurf girls tried to bring it here and as it turns out they're the ones generating what they say is the problem..
[Image: womanhamster.gif]
Then add in the factor that the girl profiles I've looked at are exactly identical to dating site profiles. I'm not online dating! Oh wait....
[Image: womanhamster.gif]
And they have local meet-ups. Wait again. Dating sites have those too.
[Image: womanhamster.gif]
Why do you have 50 pictures of YOURSELVES and none of your couches or accommodations?
[Image: womanhamster.gif]

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