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UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

As many may know (especially our European members), the UK will be having a referendum on continued membership of the EU on 23 June 2016.,_2016

This is arguably a far more important development in Western politics than the US election, since it has deep constitutional significance. A 'brexit' could see other member states falling like dominoes, and ultimately destroy the monstrosity that is the EU. I pray for it. So I'm starting this thread early.

As you'd expect, the entire establishment will be doing everything in their power to prevent it from happening. Simply google 'brexit', and the tone of all the newspaper articles is as you'd expect.

May our British members prevail in this battle.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Any more developments in the migrant crisis will only make the brexit more popular. This referendum should serve as excellent motivation for the EU to get its shit together, but i'm probably speaking too soon.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Europe's gone to hell.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Quote: (02-23-2016 12:24 PM)CostinR Wrote:  

Europe's gone to hell.

[Image: giphy.gif]

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Our Croatian media is chock-full of establishment cucks whining about UK "only enjoying EU's benefits without sharing burdens" and the "disturbing racism and xenophobia of British voters". UK, please stay strong and gather the courage to leave that fucked up union. Like America, you could also be made great again.

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UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

England should just become a state of America. Trade one "union" for another [Image: angel.gif]

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I don't have a good feeling. I'm currently predicting a narrow victory for the "In" coalition, though I just heard Boris Johnson said he's supporting "Out."

I hoped that this would be held in the fall, or in 2017, when the rapeyougee invasion really started to hit the fan over the summer.

As of now the situation is grim, but not quite the catastrophic sequence of events that the summer is sure to bring since winter has kept things bottled up as far as this being kept bottled up is even possible. The referendum is being held too early.

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UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

As always with any referendum in any country in the world, the outcome lies in 2 crucial details:

1. Current political situation in the country and its neighbors in the weeks leading up to the date when the referendum is held.
2. Exact wording of the referendum question.

More than 40 years ago, in June 1975, the UK voted in a referendum on the same exact same thing AFTER they already became an EU member.
You can read about it here:,_1975

The EU was called the "European Community" back then, and voters were asked this exact question in 1975:

Do you think that the United Kingdom should remain part of the European Community (the Common Market)?

Now think about that.
It's a lot different to ask someone if they want to stay a member of a club they are already in, then ask them if they want to join something they are not yet a part of.

That would be like I asked a random man 1 of 2 questions

Do you want to join the Roosh V Forum ?
Do you want to stay a member of the Roosh V Forum ?

These are 2 very different things.

I await to see what exactly the question on the ballot will say.
Will the ballot say:

"Do you want the UK to leave the EU ?"
or will it say
"Do you want UK to stay in the EU ?"

This is also assuming they keep the question simple.
Many referendum questions are long and complex on purpose to confuse voters.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Quote: (02-23-2016 01:20 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

I await to see what exactly the question on the ballot will say.

Apparently it's "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?".

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

The whole argument for staying in the EU is that it offers an economic benefit.

Now, I don't know if this is true or not as both sides argue in their favour, but it is beside the point.

If you're only argument to stay in the EU is an economical one, why do we need to have a political union?

At the end of the day, it's about the elites having control. If it were about economics, there would just be trade deals and maybe a few Schengen style zones between a few select countries.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I was thinking about starting a thread on this the other day. I don't watch the news anymore but it doesn't seem like that many people actually care about it unfortunately, but Phoenix is right it is extremely important.

Also it seems like the people that do know about this are distracted by all these other issues, such as worrying about big business profits, whether or not they like Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage and whether there's some divide and conquer scheme going on etc etc.

I'm thinking it doesn't need to be so complicated. All of that stuff is irrelevant.

By not voting or voting to stay in the EU on June 23rd, you're responsible for less control of your own country, more rapeugees and gimmegrants, higher crime, more underage rapegangs, more terror attacks, more soldiers killed in the street, and lower quality schools or hospitals.

I was thinking of posting something like that on Facebook, it's important and I don't care how many people it offends. I think everyone is too soft and too logical trying to reason with liberals. I think you have to go full Trump. I'm pissed off Farage and UKIP are such pussies in comparison.

Does anyone have any ideas how I could improve my argument? or maybe some humourous memes would help change people's mind?

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I really hope the UK leaves. It would really set the tone worldwide that reckless immigration/multiculturalism is a failure.

I also would like to see European counties reestablish full control over their sovereignty and culture since if the EU were to continue on, it would ultimately result in the death of many unique and fascinating cultures with rich history. The EU is a failed experiment and the quicker that is acknowledged, the quicker the healing can potentially begin.

On a side note: Roosh's recent video on multiculturalism is dead-on about this issue (immigration/multiculturalism negatives but in the US).


UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I won't wade into the argument with the immigration horse because it is useless at this point and beyond the control of normality.

I will however talk about the state of the union and the EU.

In short, no we will not vote to exit the EU. I personally would vote to get out but the majority of those voting to stay in do so out of fear and also ignorance.

We have no parliamentary power, our very own PM is powerless and ignored. Not that he is anything to shout about and his negotiation skills are incredibly lacklustre. he is a politician, not a Trump empire builder.

The economy is sound and we're not talking about leaving the trading bloc but more or less getting rid of the rules and regulations which impede our economic conditions.

People are worried about tariffs, taxing exports to the EU or through EU waters. They're also worried about travel because they have gotten used to the idea of passport-free travel. Ludicrous.

Businesses say the EU will make it difficult as a result of red tape. Well yes, but that isn't economics talking its political backstabbing to spite the face.

Thatcher joined the EU as a trading bloc, not what it is today. The very core of the EU makes the US congress look weak in comparison.

Here you have an entity run by the corporations and bankers in collusion with politicians to ram a common currency and "one culture, one continent" down the throats of a number of countries with different cultures and people.

It is akin to throwing NYC liberal capitalists in with latinos from California and then adding deep south patriotic, I fuck my first cousin cuz she perty Americans, in a box, shaking it as you do and then demanding they get along, or else.

Three cultures are forced into the same area as each other by an entity who is beyond questioning.

You tell me why tax payers in the UK have to pay for children in another country?

Tell me why French and Spanish boats have a 5000lb fish payload limit and can come back for more once they empty the ship on the same day in British territorial waters, and British fisheries are limited to 500lbs fish, per boat, PER DAY.

These British fishermen see these foreign trawlers stealing our fish but in the eyes of the Eu it is legal and sound.

Its bullshit, its unfair and the fucking slobbering dullards in power and those voting Yes to stay in are beyond stupid. Its bordering on malice.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

If Britain leaves the EU, they won't have the Germans paying all of Britain's bills anymore.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

There is absolutely no way they would let a vote ruin their plans. They'll rig the vote count if they have to. UK will stay in the EU.

If they vote for "out", I predict a "crises" that forces them to postpone leaving.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I disagree with Roosh. The British have traditionally been very lukewarm to European integration.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I agree with above posters that they will stay in. The only exception is if things get so outrageously bad this summer with the crisis that it pushes things over the edge. But even if they were to vote "out", there would be some reason invented to hold another referendum and "get it right". We've seen that before with other EU referenda.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Quote: (02-23-2016 09:05 PM)MKDAWUSS Wrote:  

If Britain leaves the EU, they won't have the Germans paying all of Britain's bills anymore.

Given that their membership fee is around £55 million a day, I'd say the financial incentive is actually reversed.

Quote: (02-23-2016 09:28 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

I disagree with Roosh. The British have traditionally been very lukewarm to European integration.

'The British' aren't a monolithic group though. There are the British citizens, and the British political traitor class. And the later are very good at tricking the former into following their will. Roosh's suspicions are completely reasonable, I have no doubt they will stuff ballots if they can find a way to get away with it. Almost every single party is against leaving, even though the public is allegedly fairly split on this.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Quote: (02-23-2016 09:05 PM)MKDAWUSS Wrote:  

If Britain leaves the EU, they won't have the Germans paying all of Britain's bills anymore.

Do some research please.

Pay our bills? We're at a disadvantage and we give the EU 350 million GDP a week.

That is why they'd tax the fuck out of the City of London if we do leave and place trade barriers on our exports.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Good point. "Stay" has the comfort of inertia, which most people are inclined to.

I have mixed feelings about the EU. On the one hand, it brings Westerners together.
On the other, the lack of formal "Western" identity means that it can be abused by outsiders.
If the EU goes the way of the US, it may also have its own Detroit.

The lack of federated democracy doesn't really bother me so much as the un-Western, globalist outlook of its rulers.
Although the Brits have bucketloads of that without EU assistance...

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Which option affords me:
- the best access to european women
- the best quality of life by letting me freely visit / stay in EE countries

Every other argument is a lose-lose proposition, the political class will get what they want either way.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 09:54 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Which option affords me:
- the best access to european women
- the best quality of life by letting me freely visit / stay in EE countries

Every other argument is a lose-lose proposition, the political class will get what they want either way.

The "No" vote.

If you stay in the EU, and EU continues to let in tens of millions of Muzzies that rape and pillage, Eastern European countries will close their borders to everyone in fear and you'll never touch one again.

Leave the EU now, be on the good side of EE, and when EE inevitably leaves the EU due to the Muzzie invasion, Britain will be seen as one of the good guys and British citizens won't get banned from there.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I was going to start a thread on this myself.

An important development over the last couple of days is that the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has come out in favour of leaving the EU. This guy is charismatic, appeals to a broad section of society, and his patronage can only help the No campaign.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

I'm torn on this one, genuinely it'd be best to leave the eu while retaining freedom of work and travel under the eec like Iceland.

My own personal interests would prefer that the UK as a whole are divided on this vote, England voting yes and being kept in my Scotland voting no would be one of the triggers for the next Scottish independence referendum or a udi.

Torn between what's rationally politically best vs what's nationally best for Scotland.

UK Referendum on EU Membership (Brexit) Thread

To those interested in the exchange rate the pound is fucking bombing right now. In terms of GBP vs USD its the lowest it has been since 2008 (the depression), chances are it's to do with this. Forecast for the pound right now is going to be uncertain all the way up to the referendum. Protect your assets boys.

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