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In 2010 I got my first taste of Russia via St. Pete and Moscow...and I was absolutely blown away. But was this because this was my first time in EE or because it was that good? I really don't know. I do know that I am still blown away at the Ukraine quality. That said, I still have never experienced anything that came close to the visual perfection that was Pacha in Moscow in 2010, surrounded by literally hundreds of models aged 16-24. The # of girls lower than an 8 I could count on one hand that night.

I need to find this out. So after my great time in Ukraine this past month or so, my buddy and I decided to once and for all try to figure out what Russia has to offer, is it that great, is it worth the price, effort and time required to get out there and succeed. I studied Russian for a while so I have some abilities though not great.

We didn't want to go to Moscow and St. Pete again, so we just randomly bought a ticket to Novosibirsk. Been here one day and so far...well I hate to jump to conclusions but it's no Ukraine. Just on the streets there is nothing that really makes me really want it. Sure there are bangable girls here but not what I came for. In Kiev/Odessa I'd see a lot of quality girls - here nothing yet.

Other random thoughts after one day (I know, way too early but here they are anyway): Lots of fat girls (why??), Siberian guys are ugly but aggressive in terms of hounding women, couchsurfers here are NOT attractive, people here get hammered at night, this city is very dead for being the 3rd biggest supposedly in Russia. Yet if you look through it looks like a modeling site in this city, but where are these girls??

However I thought after my first night in Budapest it was horrible and I was very wrong about that. So I'll stick it out until at least the weekend and see what the face control clubs can do.

We have another 6 weeks left to devote to wherever we want to go. Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome. Some ideas we had:

- Novosibirsk for the 6 weeks (though that idea is quickly fading)
- Novo 2 weeks, Yekaterinaburg for 2 weeks, Moscow for 1 week, Sochi for 1 week
- Some other combo of other cities, maybe Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara

Ideally I'd like to stay in one city for the entire time, as leads take time to develop and then bang, but am not afraid to bail if there is nothing worth pursuing...


Looking forward to reports on this. Have you considered cities that border China/Mongolia? Not sure if you like asian features, but might be well worth it.


My guess is that everyone worth a damn is gone on vacation, probably to a place like Sochi. I hear it's like San Diego of Russia, ocean, mountains, and nature.


Quote: (07-17-2013 05:20 AM)slubu Wrote:  

Been here one day and so far...

One day is always too quick to make an decision about a place.

I have arrived in plenty of cities the first day and thought it sucked.

By the end of the week, I was singing a different tune.

Keep plugging away.


Go to 2. Or 3. Tier cities, arrive on Friday!!!!


Troubling first impression.


We have to temper first impressions if they are not in big cities that have constant population. The fat girl thing is disturbing...but the one guy in Novosibirsk I know (who I chat on Skype with) has a fat gf while he himself is a good looking and athletic guy. I can ask him for some intel if you want slubu.



Sorry to hear the news. I'd give it another two to three days to see if your first impressions are correct.

Then I would consider moving on if it doesn't get better. You had a plan and got new info, so no reason to try to stick around if it won't be fun.

I would be very curious about the China/Russia border. I'd be fascinated to find out if you come across many Chinese speaking Russian chicks. I'd even paypal you some cash to do that sort of research for me (not talking thousands here), but something to show my appreciation. No joking.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Quote: (07-17-2013 02:15 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

I would be very curious about the China/Russia border. I'd be fascinated to find out if you come across many Chinese speaking Russian chicks. I'd even paypal you some cash to do that sort of research for me (not talking thousands here), but something to show my appreciation. No joking.

If you make is far as Vladivostok it may be a better option. One girl I have talking for the last few months told me many of her friends into interracial relationships since the city is close to Japan and China. I have talked to quite a few girls from that city too as the seem to more open minded then the Moscow/ St. Pete girls.


Quote: (07-17-2013 05:20 AM)slubu Wrote:  

- Novosibirsk for the 6 weeks (though that idea is quickly fading)
- Novo 2 weeks, Yekaterinaburg for 2 weeks, Moscow for 1 week, Sochi for 1 week
- Some other combo of other cities, maybe Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara

Another option is to get visas for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in Novossibirsk, and roaming and lingering in Central Asia by train during six weeks. What a trip. Much less costly than spending six weeks in Russia also.


Quote: (07-17-2013 02:32 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2013 02:15 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

I would be very curious about the China/Russia border. I'd be fascinated to find out if you come across many Chinese speaking Russian chicks. I'd even paypal you some cash to do that sort of research for me (not talking thousands here), but something to show my appreciation. No joking.

If you make is far as Vladivostok it may be a better option. One girl I have talking for the last few months told me many of her friends into interracial relationships since the city is close to Japan and China. I have talked to quite a few girls from that city too as the seem to more open minded then the Moscow/ St. Pete girls.

I thought this also, and asked a few people (via email - just random bloggers etc, even an airbnb guy) if Chinese was spoken much there and the answer was no. My Russian is non existent so I was hoping maybe Chinese would be a way to go.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Move to an Uralian city like Ekaterinenburg or Perm.


I've visited more than 25 cities in Russia and my opinion is that you can find the hottest girls in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. Especially Khabarovsk has potential since there is almost no foreigners there unlike Peter and Moscow. I have never visited any cities in the south yet. Not anything more south than Volgograd. But I'm going there soon. A big city like Novosibirsk should have potential though.
Tomsk has a lot of students so that would be a great place but unfortunatly they are on their summer break right now.


Quote: (07-17-2013 05:20 AM)slubu Wrote:  

In 2010 I got my first taste of Russia via St. Pete and Moscow...and I was absolutely blown away. But was this because this was my first time in EE or because it was that good? I really don't know. I do know that I am still blown away at the Ukraine quality. That said, I still have never experienced anything that came close to the visual perfection that was Pacha in Moscow in 2010, surrounded by literally hundreds of models aged 16-24. The # of girls lower than an 8 I could count on one hand that night.

I need to find this out. So after my great time in Ukraine this past month or so, my buddy and I decided to once and for all try to figure out what Russia has to offer, is it that great, is it worth the price, effort and time required to get out there and succeed. I studied Russian for a while so I have some abilities though not great.

We didn't want to go to Moscow and St. Pete again, so we just randomly bought a ticket to Novosibirsk. Been here one day and so far...well I hate to jump to conclusions but it's no Ukraine. Just on the streets there is nothing that really makes me really want it. Sure there are bangable girls here but not what I came for. In Kiev/Odessa I'd see a lot of quality girls - here nothing yet.

Other random thoughts after one day (I know, way too early but here they are anyway): Lots of fat girls (why??), Siberian guys are ugly but aggressive in terms of hounding women, couchsurfers here are NOT attractive, people here get hammered at night, this city is very dead for being the 3rd biggest supposedly in Russia. Yet if you look through it looks like a modeling site in this city, but where are these girls??

However I thought after my first night in Budapest it was horrible and I was very wrong about that. So I'll stick it out until at least the weekend and see what the face control clubs can do.

We have another 6 weeks left to devote to wherever we want to go. Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome. Some ideas we had:

- Novosibirsk for the 6 weeks (though that idea is quickly fading)
- Novo 2 weeks, Yekaterinaburg for 2 weeks, Moscow for 1 week, Sochi for 1 week
- Some other combo of other cities, maybe Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara

Ideally I'd like to stay in one city for the entire time, as leads take time to develop and then bang, but am not afraid to bail if there is nothing worth pursuing...

What did you expect? I told you that you were wasting your time in the provinces in the middle of July and August when everyone and their dog is out of the city during these months either at the dacha, village with granny or in Sochi/Turkey/Thailand, take your pick. The provinces are dead these months. You would have been better off having booked a holiday in Skegness, Brighton or Blackpool as more likely you would see more action there than in the middle of Siberia at the height of summer where all you have are the blood sucking mosquitoes and gopniks for company.

Here's a bit of advice for you, get your arse on a plane to Sochi and do a datasheet from there as no one else on here has done so. The best times to visit provincial Russia are from September to mid December as the students and general population are back and late January to the end of June. That is your window of opportunity, use it. The Russian provinces are nowhere near to the bright lights of Kiev. Its a massive change and you will have to adapt accordingly. First off I would keep a low profile so not to attract some of the local toughs and second, the women are more conservative yet not as hard nosed as their sisters in Kiev.

Welcome to the real Russia. It's a sobering wakeup call, isn't it.


Quote: (07-17-2013 03:14 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Move to an Uralian city like Ekaterinenburg or Perm.

Exactly but at the right time of the year.


Kazan, mainly because I'd like to hear from someone on the ground there. I've met some girls from there, very hot. I don't know if it is more difficult to get it in with the Muslim culture and all but it would definitely be interesting. Tatar girls have an exotic look.


Quote: (07-17-2013 07:14 PM)Blunt Wrote:  

Kazan, mainly because I'd like to hear from someone on the ground there. I've met some girls from there, very hot. I don't know if it is more difficult to get it in with the Muslim culture and all but it would definitely be interesting. Tatar girls have an exotic look.

As Chaos said Khabarovsk is where it's at. Check this video out. Also, have a chick at my job here in DC who is from Khabarovsk and she has mentioned how there is a shortage of decent guys there. Would love for you to do a data sheet on it.

See this thread on Siberia and specifically episode 3 on Khabarovsk:

See this video on Khabarovsk, perhaps you should message pdrop for intel:



When I first got to Novosibirsk I wondered where all the hot girls were too... I would say it is one of the more tricky places to crack, it doesn't look that big on the surface, and remember, most people are used to staying inside most of the year.

Also, a moscow dj told me that the best parties were in Samara and Novosibirsk. So I guess it is really a matter of going deeper, getting local knowledge and all that. I would suggest after this weekend you will understand more and see the local talent.

Novosibirsk is the biggest capital in Siberia and Siberian girls are to my mind, the nicest and most beautiful girls in Russia!


Well my second night turned out to be a's an update:

First to address some of the suggestions here about heading east and/or going to Uzbekistan, etc. those are not my type of girls. Even though I realize how hot a partially Asian Russian girl may be, I like the whiteness factor. The true slavic look.

Anyway, last night went on a date from Badoo, it was just ok. The girl was nice but a bit busted in the face though a great body, and she ordered a $22 glass of wine. I'm done with the badoo shit, didn't work in Kiev and not so good here.

I did some more research yesterday before going out online and found a ladies' night. My buddy and I go there and god bless these countries, they really know how to do a ladies' night. It was not very packed, but it was about 40 girls and 3 guys in there. Face Control in effect so most of the girls are very dressed up, though it's not like a tier 1 club or anything. Still not bad for a Wednesday night. First they try to rip us off at the door, charging my CC 1000 rubles for entry instead of 400. We try to ask these girls for help and they just brush us off and say they don't speak English. After that mess and trying to get that resolved, we finally go in and try to order drinks at the bar and the bartender says we can't. Not understanding what the hell was going on, we asked two cute girls sitting at the bar if they could help us and if they speak english. They disregarded our request for help and immediately asked us where we were from...

We told them LA and they lost it. First time this trip we get what I like to call the FSU's version of the White God Factor, where a girl goes nuts just based on where I am from. At one point the girl I was working on asked me where in LA, I said Hollywood, she grabbed her head, shook her hair around and started squealing. It was absolutely awesome. Needless to say we spent the entire night at the club with these girls, flirting, making out, etc. I was rubbing mine on the tits with no objection, biting her ear, pushing my thigh into her vag to the point my jeans got damp. My buddy's was the standard slavic girl, super thin, heels, dress; mine was more curvy, tall, heels/dress, big breasts and nice butt. I'd rate these girls a 7-7.5 depending on your tastes. At the end of the night my girl agrees to come home (I think), but the other one while into my friend didn't want to come back the same night. So we put them in a cab and got their numbers. Much much better than the first night, I will tell you that.

So now it's about 5am or something, we go to get doner kabobs down the street. Inside as we try to order two girls walk in, they are cute hipster looking girls, but not glam girls. One is so thin with boxgap I just can't stop staring. We get to talking and they find out we are American, and somehow it's decided that they are going to take us to their home and cook us okroshko. But...they live 4 fucking kilometers away which we didn't know. So here we are at about 6am walking through god knows where in Novosibirsk for over an hour. We eventually get somewhere that looks like what you imagine Siberia looking like, and as we are walking into their entrance the girls mention something about their parents being home. We look at one patio and there is this beast of a man washing himself with a rag while smoking a cigarette! Now we know we are in Siberia.

We go in finally and thank god it's not that apartment with the beastly Siberian man. No parents home, but the boxgap girl goes right to bed (fuck), and the other is some sort of singer/guitar player. So she starts playing us songs and singing for us, and honestly she is amazing. She starts singing "listen to your heart" and both my friend and I are just stunned in silence, we are watching the Siberian Kelly Clarkson. Eventually I pass out, woke up a few hours ago and she had already made us the Okroshko. She woke up at like 8am, went to the market to buy all the ingredients, and made it while we were sleeping. She was so tired, but kept saying if a girl says she will make you food she cannot back out of that promise. We eat it, have some tea and she calls us a taxi and now we are back.

Going to see how the weekend plays out here. I really did enjoy the reaction to my being from LA, but maybe that was an isolated incident. The quality was there, but it is nowhere near Kiev/ least so far. To be determined.


Quote: (07-18-2013 03:43 AM)slubu Wrote:  

Anyway, last night went on a date from Badoo, it was just ok. The girl was nice but a bit busted in the face though a great body, and she ordered a $22 glass of wine. I'm done with the badoo shit, didn't work in Kiev and not so good here.

Slubu a word of advice, don't let these Russian chicks you are meeting online order their own drink. Sit down at the table, get the menu, see a cheap wine and say "two of those". Don't even give the girl a menu to look at. It will save you hundreds in the long run.

If you look at your map you will see that south from you in the Altai Republic is Lake Teletskoye. It's a mini Baikal and attracts a lot of domestic tourists. If you want to head to a resort town ( I use that word loosely ) where there may be lots of girls on holiday and see some great nature then maybe check it out. Certainly nearer than the Black Sea coast and other resorts.

Good thread though, I'll be following with interest.


Good report slubu. I wouldnt just base myself in Novo. Do as Vorkuta said and check out Lake Teletskoye. I still think that in order to maximise the potential of the provinces, you need to hit there first week of September.

Tip: hit a club on a Friday night.


anybody has suggestions on where to stay in Moscow? I want to try to be close near to where clubs are. It looks like Basmany District has some clubs, any ideas?


Quote: (07-18-2013 06:17 AM)thesinner Wrote:  

anybody has suggestions on where to stay in Moscow? I want to try to be close near to where clubs are. It looks like Basmany District has some clubs, any ideas?

forget most hotels they charge a fortune esp near the center

not really all that familiar with Basmanny street, but moscow clubs are all over the city really, not in some centralized clubland area (unless you count the island across from the Kremlin where a couple are).

2015 RVF fantasy football champion


Quote: (07-18-2013 06:44 AM)Akula Wrote:  

not really all that familiar with Basmanny street, but moscow clubs are all over the city really, not in some centralized clubland area (unless you count the island across from the Kremlin where a couple are).

Kuznetsky Most Ulitsa (the street where Coyote Ugy is located) and the street just behind have a handfull of good and "in" venues mixing fashionable (but relaxed) restaurant and DJ cocktail bar under one roof, most filled with well-heeled young women.It seems to be an interesting area. Don't really remember all the names, but Barry Bar was really good the two or three times I went there. Cocktails were humanly priced for Moscow, around 250/300 rubles if my memory serves.


thanks guys, forgot to say I ll stay about 10 days, not long. So hotel is fine I saw some hotels in center near 100$ range. Good to know that clubs are all around.

I was thinking bouncing girls to far hotel is always problematic. How about Izmaylovskaya? Also any club suggestion? Prosal what about typical cover charges?

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