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Tinder App

Tinder App

I recently reactivated from same phone and same number and I noticed a huge increase in my results. Before it used to be matches the first two days then nothing now it’s pouring in and quality matches at that.

I did put up better pics though. I don’t know what changed with the algorithm but I’m liking it.

Tinder App

I used new number and immediately got matches, which proves that all my previous accounts were shadowbanned (used same number for reset every time). Unfortunately, almost no replies and 0 dates so far. Nearest girl is 50 km away.

Tinder App

A few hacks I discovered for tinder algorithm:

-never unmatch. For some reason if you do it a few times you will stop getting new matches. I've done this 4 or 5 times over the years and its always the same.

- answer back to first messages or you will stop getting matches (even if you aren't into the woman) just make a generic response to keep your tinder rating high

- talk to your matches. Again, not sure why, but the more you talk with your messages the more you will keep getting matches. Probably because it proves you are not a bot or something

- time: swipe around 7pm to 10pm and you will get more matches. This is probably just to do with more people being online at the same time and tinder programmers want you talking to your matches.

Hope this helps.

Tinder App

A recap:

Account #1:

Remade yesterday after 3 month hiatus. Get 10 likes in queue in few hours.. Buy Tinder gold. After buying Tinder gold, only 1 like in queue in past 30-36 hours. account is officially dead/shawdowbanned/whatever. Zero engagement on it now.

Account #2: Made tonight using Google voice. Free account. No gold, plus, etc. ~15 likes in queue in past few hours.

Account 1 still has zero likes in the queue, despite having Tinder Gold, and having the same photos as Account #2.

So now I am thinking its two potential takeaways from this:

1.) Tinder loads freshly made free accounts with matches in the queue to encourage them to buy Tinder Plus/Gold. These accounts are given algorithm placement priority to get more swipes (i.e., noob boost). Once they get your cash, its fuck you and back to lower priority in the algorithm.

2.) Tinder does not do the above, and the reason account 1 went ghost is because somehow buying Tinder gold associated my account with some mechanism/trigger that caused it to be shadowbanned. This means that even if you successful reset, one wrong move can immediately make your account useless.

Luckily tonight I met a dtf girl very keen on Bumble, so I dont have to worry about Tinder's bullshit for the next few days.

Tinder App

Did you use same google play account you bought Gold last time? If that is the case, then you have triggered shadowbanning because of that.

Tinder App

No I used the web version to buy gold, so it was just credit card and email. If anything, my Tinder app, which has been used to make all of my accounts, was downloaded using the same Apple ID, so they could have tagged me that way too. I dont know what happened, but I contacted support and got a refund.

I'm not playing the guessing game anymore. Just going to use a free account until there's a 100% proven way to stop getting handicapped by the app.

Tinder App

griffinmill wrote:

[ My philosophy is that there are too many girls on Tinder to waste time on anyone who is giving you shit. This includes snark, calling your opener "cheesy", being dismissive, giving one word answers, not responding for 48 hours, being unececcarily bitchy, any attempt to put you in the provider box "what are you looking for on here?" / "I've had my fun now it's time to get serious", and just generally not treating the whole thing with fun or light-heartedness. You want a girl who is pleasant (says hahaha a lot) and is able to banter with you while at the same time asking timely, genuine questions about yourself. There are few girls like this, sure, but those are the one you should focus on.

It doesn't matter how hot she is, you're frustrating yourself with girls who are autistic and entitled. ]


Yes, very few, the only girls I dated (and banged) were having a good attitude from the start.

Once I managed to dominate a girl that was being snarky and have her qualifying herself and putting effort into her responses. The moment I tried to build comfort she ghosted. Next time I'll keep the act all the way see what happens. . .

Tinder App

I have gold and just successfully resetted. 13 new matches but they stopped roughly 12 hours after reset. I performed another reset a few minutes ago; we'll see how it goes

Tinder App

Quote: (04-22-2019 07:12 PM)Snag87 Wrote:  

I have gold and just successfully resetted. 13 new matches but they stopped roughly 12 hours after reset. I performed another reset a few minutes ago; we'll see how it goes

good luck. 70% of the girls in my queue won't even appear in my card (changing from 1 mile to 100 miles does nothing). This app is the worst.

Tinder App

I'm glad to see others coming around to my way of thinking.

Resets have been my bread and butter on tinder. I don't remember exactly what the algorithm was like over 1.5 years ago, but if I remember correctly the newbie boost used to last for around a day or two.

This is no longer the case, apparently. When I do a reset I get a burst of matches in the first few hours, then it grinds to a complete halt, as NextStop describes.

The current approach is as follows:

1. Reset your account like before, upload pics...etc

2. Leave the account on the free version (make sure not to click in to the blurred out likes box, this will restore purchases)

3. Let the noob boost run it's course, and check perdiodically to make sure likes are coming in (3+, 10+, 25+...etc)

4. When you reach an increment you're happy with, restore your purchase and proceed as normal.

Sometimes a fresh account will not get a noob boost, for some unkown reason. This method will prevent losing your restores on a dead account. If you're sitting at only 3+ matches after a few hours then delete the account and try again.

Do this every day, deleting and resetting as needed and you'll be getting a lot of matches. This will require you to pay for gold x2 per month but it's still cheap.

Tinder App

Quote: (04-23-2019 05:30 AM)The King Wrote:  

This will require you to pay for gold x2 per month but it's still cheap.

I don't get this. Why 2x a month? And why would you buy gold to begin with?

Tinder App

Quote: (04-10-2019 04:15 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

Some of these chicks really do melt my head. Was in contact with a chick I banged and stayed with for a few days the last time I was in Poland. She asked recently if I'd be returning and I said sure. I texted her at the beginning of the week to let her know I was back in town. We texted back and forth. Here's what happened toward the end of the conversation.

Her: "How long will you be here for?"
Me: "Two weeks."
Her: "Great then maybe we can meet?"
Me: "Sure. How's Wednesday evening around 7?"

She never said yes. She never said no. In fact she didn't say anything at all. She ghosted, never to be heard from again.


Roosh described our society best: "putting your penis inside a girl is not even close to a guarantee you’ll see her again".
It's a really fucked up time to be alive for relationships and only now am I starting to realize this blackpill.

Tinder App

Quote: (04-23-2019 05:30 AM)The King Wrote:  

I'm glad to see others coming around to my way of thinking.

Resets have been my bread and butter on tinder. I don't remember exactly what the algorithm was like over 1.5 years ago, but if I remember correctly the newbie boost used to last for around a day or two.

This is no longer the case, apparently. When I do a reset I get a burst of matches in the first few hours, then it grinds to a complete halt, as NextStop describes.

The current approach is as follows:

1. Reset your account like before, upload pics...etc

2. Leave the account on the free version (make sure not to click in to the blurred out likes box, this will restore purchases)

3. Let the noob boost run it's course, and check perdiodically to make sure likes are coming in (3+, 10+, 25+...etc)

4. When you reach an increment you're happy with, restore your purchase and proceed as normal.

Sometimes a fresh account will not get a noob boost, for some unkown reason. This method will prevent losing your restores on a dead account. If you're sitting at only 3+ matches after a few hours then delete the account and try again.

Do this every day, deleting and resetting as needed and you'll be getting a lot of matches. This will require you to pay for gold x2 per month but it's still cheap.

I did not think of this. It sounds like a very good idea. Keep rolling a gold membership forward by resetting and deleting.

Reset. Wait until the likes accumulate. Restore to gold. Match and number close ASAP. Account dries up. Delete account. Make new account, wait until likes accumulate. Restore gold. ... match... repeat.

Tinder App

@The King

Do you use a new number everytime you reset?

Tinder App

I use a new number every 2-3 weeks when I do a complete refresh (new Google Play account + tinder gold subscription)

Keep using the same number until you run out of restores. You can restore your purchase around 15-20 times per account.

The day to day reset is simply a new email + facebook account. Takes less that 10 minutes to do the whole process.

Realistically speaking, you can probably just reset every other day or even 2-3 times per week and still do ok. This would allow you to use the same number for over a month.

Tinder App

Quote: (04-23-2019 03:06 PM)The King Wrote:  

I use a new number every 2-3 weeks when I do a complete refresh (new Google Play account + tinder gold subscription)

Keep using the same number until you run out of restores. You can restore your purchase around 15-20 times per account.

The day to day reset is simply a new email + facebook account. Takes less that 10 minutes to do the whole process.

Realistically speaking, you can probably just reset every other day or even 2-3 times per week and still do ok. This would allow you to use the same number for over a month.

But if you use the same number you are not really "resetting", the only thing you are doing is "restarting" your swipes but your elo stays the same and that's a sure way to get shadowbanned.

Tinder App

So I'm completely new to game, I haven't had the confidence yet to cold approach during the day. I have also read about half of bang. This app seems to be doing alright for me, im 5 9, well built and I'd say I'm about a 7 minimum facially. Seems quite easy to bang from the app, met 4 women in the last month. 1 tried sneaking me back to her mums home the first night, fail bang. 2) met her and banged her in about 3 hours, solid 6.5 shes a plate atm. 3) met a girl for some drinks, she was complimenting me and touching me, made out with her in her car for about 30 mins before leaving. guess that killed all the sexual tension and haven't heard back. 4) Monday night, solid 7. pretty, small frame nice bum. Went for drinks, good vibe and ended up back at hers the same evening, meeting her again tomorrow.

You do have to filter through a lot of shit people, women who respond once or twice then stop, cat fishing fatties, ugly women etc but it seems like you can still pull from the app. I don't know what it was like before because I've been using it only for about 2 months properly. Hinge is shite, pof isnt much better so for a free app I wouldnt say ive found a better one

Tinder App

@Tinder Scientist

Any time you delete your account and put it back up (different facebook), you're resetting. That's why I make the distinction between a basic reset and a full reset (completely new account).

The terms don't matter, only the results. If you can get 40-50 likes within a few hours of a basic reset, then you should be doing that.

My ELO could literally be the lowest in the world, and I'd still get laid due to the exposure alone. This approach will allow your profile to be seen by a lot of girls, including girls who swiped left to you before (I've fucked some)

Feel free to ask me any questions for more clarification, but my current approach is as follows:

1. Do either a basic or full reset

2. Make a new email + facebook and put your account back up

3. Leave the account on the free version and allow likes to accumulate (3+, 10+, 25+...etc)

4. When you're ready to start swiping, restore your purchase and start messaging girl, get numbers...etc.

5. Delete your account and repeat the process the next day.

This method works. I have plans to meet up with girls for every night until next week. I'll try share some screenshots later.

Tinder App


I don't know how to make the images fit, I'll post some as soon as I figure it out.

Tinder App

If I were you I would swipe too instead of collecting likes, that keeps you "active" and ups your visibility.

Weird, I have mantained about 8 accounts in total and I never had to give them email/facebook. Just using the number was enough. I haven't used tinder in more than a month though, I'm trying to go 90 days without it as a challenge and to focus on other aspects of game.

I never tried a basic reset, for me it's not really worth it and seems like Tinder really looks down on this for some reason now. Might as well keep the account as it is unless I were in a small area with fewer profiles and I swiped on everyone already.

I suspect Tinder is going to release the basic "resetting" as a paid feature and that's why they began to crack down on it.

Tinder App

That may very well be true, Tinder Scientist. In the past (including my most successful times) I used to just swipe as normal and never use the gold box. If what you're saying is true then I may adapt my approach a little.

I'm using tinder from my phone so the email + facebook seems mandatory, but I'll do some digging. I'd feel like a fool if all I had to do was use the phone number, but I'll find out.

Also, what's this about maintaining 8 accounts? Is that simultaneously?

Tinder App

Quote: (04-23-2019 06:41 PM)The King Wrote:  

That may very well be true, Tinder Scientist. In the past (including my most successful times) I used to just swipe as normal and never use the gold box. If what you're saying is true then I may adapt my approach a little.

I'm using tinder from my phone so the email + facebook seems mandatory, but I'll do some digging. I'd feel like a fool if all I had to do was use the phone number, but I'll find out.

Also, what's this about maintaining 8 accounts? Is that simultaneously?

Not simultaneously but I'm experienced enough I could do it.
I mantained over 4 accounts at the same time just to have them on different locations, but I had too much free time back then.

What I used to do is keep one account in my phone (normal location) and one of each of the others in a different browser (chrome, firefox, safari) with fake gps extensions.

A lot of girls won't go past 2-3 miles for their search range so you could potentially use multiple accounts to place yourself in multiple locations throughout your city (If you live in a big enough city) thus gaining access to profiles that would not see you otherwise. (Distance filter doesn't work both ways, if you set your range to say 10 miles you can see everyone in a 10 mile radius but they will only see your card if you are inside their predetermined area)

I realize how autistic this all sounds and for most people I think one good account is enough and perhaps 2 in some cases. For example let's say you want to have a profile aimed at younger women and another one aimed at older women, you could separate these profiles with the age filter and there is no risk of anyone running into 2 profiles of you as long as your age settings don't overlap.

I used to do this since I had way more success with 18-22 women over older women (I'm young) and I felt like the older women swiping left on me were bringing down my elo but I didn't want to miss on the few good older girls I matched with so I just created an extra profile to swipe on girls over 23.

Tinder App

I've never had more than 1 account up at the same time. Does tinder not ban you for doing this with the same pics?

If not, I may experiment with having multiple, paid accounts running at once in the same area. The only potential issue is the same girl matching to both of your profiles but that's not a big deal.

Tinder App

Quote: (04-23-2019 07:31 PM)The King Wrote:  

I've never had more than 1 account up at the same time. Does tinder not ban you for doing this with the same pics?

If not, I may experiment with having multiple, paid accounts running at once in the same area. The only potential issue is the same girl matching to both of your profiles but that's not a big deal.

I never paid for more than one account at the same time so I wouldn't know. As far as I know you should be fine, it would still be a good idea to sign up with a different ip each time.

The only time I have been shadowbanned is for changing location too frequently.

Tinder does not have the ability to track pictures, they use recognition software to identify what "type" of picture it is (for those top picks "adventurer" etc lines) but they don't actually track your pictures in the way you are imagining.

Tinder App

The only way to have multiple active accounts now is to have multiple phone numbers.

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