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Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (02-28-2017 04:25 PM)Road_Less_Taken Wrote:  

Any ideas how much internal flights in Mexico cost? are there any low budget airlines. I was looking on Skyscanner and everything seemed fairly expensive.

Viva Aerobus

In that order of cheapness and service.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (02-26-2017 11:42 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Mexicans like direct. Just tell her you want to fuck her

That direct?

A whore ain't nothing but a trick to a pimp. (Iceberg Slim)
Beauty is in the erection of the beholder. (duedue)
Grab your life by the pussy.
A better question to ask is "What EXACTLY do I want out of life and what EXACTLY am I doing to get EXACTLY that? If you can answer that question truthfully you will be the most Alpha motherfucker you will ever need to be. (PapayaTapper)

Mexico City Data Sheet

Hey guys, I'm in condesa right now until the 5th of June, hit me up if you wanna meet up

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (04-15-2017 07:25 PM)duedue Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2017 11:42 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Mexicans like direct. Just tell her you want to fuck her

That direct?

Yes. Some of my "leftover" girls who I didnt get time to meet while there

[Image: TllECF6.jpg]
[Image: IO1B3sf.jpg]

Mexico City Data Sheet

The flakiness is taking me some time to adjust to. I get that I'm not supposed to take it personally, but I'm not sure how to play it afterwards. In the states, if a bitch flakes on me once she's completely dead to me.

I find myself having to cast a much wider net than I am used to/comfortable with. I hate having to struggle to remember what I told to which chick and the more chicks in the pipeline at once the more compounded the difficulty level becomes for me. I do have quite a few chicks in the pipeline, I'm just kinda concerned about double and triple booking for my weekends even knowing that somebody is almost certainly going to bail on me.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Thanks for all the great intel here guys - really appreciate it.

I have budgeted 5-6 weeks of time to explore Mexico starting in early August (thinking Mexico City - Guadalajara - Mazatlan - Aguascalientes - Guanajuato - Palenque for a balanced itinerary of city life / gaming and doing touristy / outdoor explorations).

Obviously DF can be a home base and players can stay / live here indefinitely, but how much time is enough to get a good feel for the city? By that I mean having enough time to see all the major sights, museums, parks, etc. but also have time to game, go out dates, close out some leads and enjoy the night life. Will be pipelining prior to arrival also. Cheers.

Datasheet: Vancouver, BC

Mexico City Data Sheet

Will be in DF 08/8/17 to 08/19/17...anyone Gonna be there??

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (06-21-2017 05:03 PM)fitness2569 Wrote:  

Will be in DF 08/8/17 to 08/19/17...anyone Gonna be there??

Yeah. PM sent.

Datasheet: Vancouver, BC

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (06-21-2017 05:03 PM)fitness2569 Wrote:  

Will be in DF 08/8/17 to 08/19/17...anyone Gonna be there??

Expect afternoon/evening downpours. City becomes uncrossable.

Mexico City Data Sheet

in mexico city - from this friday for 2 weeks.

Mexico City Data Sheet

I've been in town for about 6 days now with about 10 more and have gone out a few times. Most of the intel from previous posts are still relevant and valuable but here's a few updates from my perspective:

Pata Negra: Still relevent. Came here on a Friday around 11AM and posted up. Opened a few sets and spent about 3 hours with two single fresas who spoke good English. We danced and drank, made fun of Mexican men and I had a good time. Settled for a number which ended up flaking. When we left around 2:30AM the place was jam packed (maybe a poor 65/35 ratios with many women in social groups). The line outside was also very long by then.

Chuchito Perez and Club Social Rhodesia: Came here on a Thurs night with another RVFer. Chuchito is more of a warm up spot as everyone are seated at tables eating dinner or having drinks. Rhodesia next door sucks in my opinion. It's in a dark basement, the music is loud, and there was no talent / pretty empty up until 1AM when we left. The only saving grace is the shots bar in the back room which has cool shot mixtures for 40 pesos.

Mono: This place is dope. Went here after Rhodesia and cover was 100 pesos at 2AM - open until 6AM apparently. We missed it the first time and walked past it. It's actually on top of a big car garage / ware house type building. It's pretty big, has a large bar / dance floor with DJ that places house / techno music. I chopped it up in the smoke pit area and got into some good conversations. There's a good mix of international and English-speaking chicas here that were well turned out. The ratio seemed about 60/40, a lot of girls came with their bf's but I would come back. Didn't pull but could definitely see it happening here.

Walther: Permanently closed. Wanted to go after reading previous posts but was disappointed to find via google maps it's out of business.

Ragga Room in Antara: Permanently closed. Went here on a Saturday night ready to roll solo dolo and it was no longer in business.

Joy Room in Antara: Still open and looks really exclusive. Again, tried to get in on a Saturday by rolling alone and despite showing up early, the doormen said I needed a reservation. With further inquiry, he revealed that you need to "have a connection" / "know el capitan" to get in, and is not as simply as signing up for a guest list / on Facebook. Saw a lot of high end fresas start to roll in with their friends / bf's around 2 AM and everyone was really dressed up. Not sure if it's only because I came on a super exclusive event night or that I am Asian and don't look Latino at all thereby not getting in. The doormen who was friendly suggested I go to the karaoke place next door but I declined and bounced.

Phoenix in Roma: An amiga of mine says she hangs out here sometimes. There's no cover / long line and the drinks are reasonably priced. Came here after trying the above two places and was pleasantly surprised. It is more of a smaller, cosy bar than a club but the ambiance is nice and you can have good conversations.

There is good talent here but most are in social groups at standing or seated tables. I still managed to get a pretty solid number here by posting up at the bar and engaging a chica when she came to buy drinks for her group. She then introduced me to her friends celebrating a bday and I got the in.

Lastly, I second the day game in the big streets from Condesa leading to Reforma 222 and inside. The monuments along the way also make for easy opens if you play the lost gringo / looking for a store / Starbucks angle. I tried both direct and indirect day game - both work equally well but direct will require more Spanish abilities for teasing, challenging and building rapport.

Datasheet: Vancouver, BC

Mexico City Data Sheet

^^Ragga Room is reopening as a club called Apollo on Masaryk I believe. I know a lot of the promoters.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexico city is underrated, mostly because of the amount of culture, history, color it offers.
It blows most American cities (Except NYC) in most aspects.

Mexico City Data Sheet

In Mexico City for a short stay. Anyone want to hang out Friday and/or Saturday 9/1-9/2?

Mexico City Data Sheet

Just had a nasty earthquake here in DF. It reminded me of the earthquake ride at Universal Studios. Ok no flames or streets completely splitting but it was enough to actually scare me and I've been through earthquakes. Usually when people run out of the building I'm the chilliest one.

This time I actually got freaked out as the walls in my condo, a newer building, started to split. Shit was falling everywhere. Usually the come and stop quickly but this one got harder and lasted longer. It was a pretty gnarly experience to go through.

I went outside and my buildings foundation had actually separated from the sidewalk. Talked to some German tourists outside and they said they've never felt an earthquake before.

We had one about 10 days ago that was pretty bad.

If you're planning on visiting DF, I'd say wait a few weeks or months until the plates and fault lines settle.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

Mexico City Data Sheet

I went thru the earthquake it was the most bizarre experience as my building barely experienced damages, but 2 buildings on my street fell, and many more are uninhabitable, just on my street.

[Image: 21909315_216309718904014_5043915708732276736_n.jpg]

The black checkbox is general area where I live, and the Dark red dots are buildings that have fallen, orange is heavy damage. As you can see at least 3 buildings fell on my street within 2 blocks and there are another few that are condemned even if they haven’t fallen. My neighborhood of La Roma got hit really hard but the worst hit was Condesa just a few blocks away.

Its been a bizarre few days but I doubt i’ll ever experience an earthquake that strong again. Luckily my apartment building was on the 1st floor and didn’t sustain any damage other then just about anything glass or mirror being broken. Some friends apartments were totaled and are staying with me, but mainly it was people living in higher apartments.

La Roma and Condesa where all the foreigners live got hit particularly hard.

Just for any of you fellas thinking about making a trip down here, life is sorta back to normal. BUT be aware that the core of nightlife in Condesa and a lot in La Roma too is totally shut down right now. The earthquake hit Condesa, and particularly the nightlife district in Condesa harder then pretty much any other place in the city. Almost all venues near the main strip off Ave Amsterdam and Nuevo Leon streets got hit REALLY hard. The whole area has been converted into a rescue operations center and is blocked off.

The 8 story building that houses a huge concert venue along with the infamous Pata Negra bar is currently condemned and at risk of falling. You can't even get to that general area as its blocked off by the military. Walking my dog today even a week later there are still volunteers in hard hats running around everywhere.

Seems like girls are really edgy. I just got back from the beach this week and virtually every girl cancelled our planned dates for the week, it seems they've been volunteering day in day out. (not surprising as since schools and many businesses are still closed guess they don't have much else to do)

Even a week later things haven't totally returned back to normal here in La Roma. Many stores are still closed, my gym is still closed.

Not sure whats going on with nightlife in Polanco, but the general mood in the city is a bit somber right now. Kind of reminds me of when I was in Thailand last year after the King died.

Anyways, things are lets say 70% back to normal, but i'd say things probably won't be 100% back to normal for another few weeks, maybe more if nightlife in Condesa is your thing.

If you have a trip planned come out. All services like electricity and internet are restored. The airport is running just fine. But be aware of whats going on here.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Damn that's scary. I'd heard Condesa was hit hard but that map really drives the point home. Anybody who has spent any time in DF will know they've been around (and possibly inside) many of the buildings around there. I know I've stayed in an apartment right across from Pata Negra, and have some fond memories of keeping the neighbors up all night [Image: angel.gif] I wonder how it is now . . .

Mexico City Data Sheet

The mood is indeed somber here. I have not been to see the collapsed building on Nuevo Leon in Condesa. Too depressing. No damage to my building, fortunately. As LatinoHeat said, life is mostly, but not entirely, back to normal. Some blocks of Condesa are closed and damaged buildings are cordoned off. The neighborhood supermarket was closed the last time I checked.

In general, damage is less in other parts of the city due to geological differences, but an upscale shopping mall on the south end of the city sustained major damage. The economic impact of this will be felt for a very long time. Many buildings will be condemned and will have to be torn down and rebuilt.

It's great to see Mexicans coming together to help those affected. Many businesses have opened their doors to rescue workers, including volunteers, letting them eat for free, use the bathroom, internet, etc. (Rescue worker game?) Citizens have donated basic supplies, medicine, food -- again showing the inadequate readiness of the government for dealing with a disaster on this scale.

It remains to be seen whether this atypical civic response will have a lasting impact on society. Sadly, it probably won't. But the inert response of the government shows how poorly they are prepared (exception: the marines and their canine patrol). When buildings collapse, there's always talk of corruption, of permits that were illegally approved for architecturally unsound constructions. An elementary school in a nearby neighborhood -- many kids died -- is coming under fire for this right now.

Mexicans are known for their black humor in the face of human tragedy, but this time seems to be different. Memes and social media attention whoring have been kept to a minimum. The memory of the 1985 quake on the same date that killed 10,000 is also on the mind.

Mexico City Data Sheet

I was there for the earthquake and helped out as a bike courier delivering insulin.

Still havnt processed it trough, currently back at Monterrey on family business. My building wasnt damaged, a friends apartment is damaged, but not at risk (at much, some replastered walls) and an ex had to move out and cant use her office, both where in the same block in Condesa. Cant feel bad for her though because she just had to rent a new place.

If you are still there, women are going to be considerably hornier for a while due to stress and anxiety. Do nightgame if you can and try to pull back to your place as soon as possible. Ill be back in 10 days to try to catch the tail of it, but for you there, good fishing.

Mexico City Data Sheet

What's best for pipelining in Mexico City? Tinder, badoo, etc?

Mexico City Data Sheet


Mexico City Data Sheet

Weird question, is it normal to have two girls holding hands walking down the street holding hands in Mexico City? Just got the number of one of them who was attractive..not sure if they were lesbians or not though.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (10-04-2017 10:22 AM)Road_Less_Taken Wrote:  

Weird question, is it normal to have two girls holding hands walking down the street holding hands in Mexico City? Just got the number of one of them who was attractive..not sure if they were lesbians or not though.

They could be just friends (or relatives). That's common. Or they could be lesbians.

In smaller town in other parts of the country, young men/boys sometimes walk around with their arms slung around each other's shoulders. It doesn't mean they're in a gay relationship. In Mexico City, however, the default interpretation is that they're a gay couple.

Mexico City Data Sheet

In the wild, some species might adapt to emulate the appearance or behaviour of other native toxic species to fend off predators.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (05-27-2017 12:16 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2017 07:25 PM)duedue Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2017 11:42 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Mexicans like direct. Just tell her you want to fuck her

That direct?

Yes. Some of my "leftover" girls who I didnt get time to meet while there

[Image: TllECF6.jpg]
[Image: IO1B3sf.jpg]

[Image: highfive.gif]

Hell yeah! Mexican girls are the best. Here's a convo of one I've been messing with down there. For those of you who know Spanish.

[Image: zfrtc49.png]

[Image: iTULEjh.png]

[Image: bVGfax9.png]

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